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SCP Report Puneeth Final

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Social Concern Project at E-Cure

A Social Concern Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of


Puneeth Mahendra


Under the Guidance of

Prof. Sonia Mathew

January 2022
Social Concern Project at E-Cure

A Social Concern Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of


Puneeth Mahendra


Under the Guidance of

Prof. Sonia Mathew

January 2022


I, Puneeth M (Register Number - 2127729), hereby declare that I have undertaken the
NGO Internship Project as part of my Masters of Business Administration degree studies.
I have completed this study under the guidance of Prof. Sonia Mathew, Department of
Finance, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. I also declare that this work has not
been submitted for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship or fellowship, or any
other title in this University or any other University.

Date: 14.01.22

Puneeth Mahendra

Register Number- 2127729

Place: Bengaluru


I am indebted to many people who helped me accomplish this social concern project

First, I thank the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Fr Abraham V M, CHRIST (Deemed to be

University), for giving me the opportunity to do my project.

I thank Dr. Jain Mathew, Dean, Dr. Georgy Kurien, Associate Dean, Prof. Sirish,
Head of the Department, and Dr. Sathiyaseelan, Head- Human Resource, School of Business
and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) for their kind support.

I thank Prof. Sonia Mathew for his support and guidance during the course of my
social concern project. I remember him with much gratitude for his patience and motivation,
but for which I could not have submitted this work.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my organization mentor, Mr David SR from E-

Cure, Bengaluru, for giving me this opportunity to work under his guidance and successfully
complete my project.

Puneeth Mahendra

Register no: 2127729

Table of Contents

Chapter No. Table of contents Page no

1 Abstract 6

2 Introduction 7

3 Brief about E-Cure 9

4 Project Objectives and Methodology 13

5 Detailed Description of the project 15

6 Recommendation and Outcome of the Study 17

7 Certificates 18


In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in all forms of
pollution such as air, water, soil, etc. The exhaustion from all the natural resources and the
human waste led to this situation. In order to tackle this, awareness needs to be spread to the
general public on their contribution to pollution.

Being a part of this project from E-Cure Charitable Trust under the guidance of
David SR gave me the opportunity to have a contribution to this noble cause. E-Cure is an
organization that focuses on mother nature by spreading awareness among the people of
society. They educate them on the impacts of pollution, the importance of waste segregation,
the effects of usage of use and throw plastic, and the necessity to switch to reusable bags.

With the increase in the air pollution in Bangalore due to various reasons like
overpopulation and the rise in the number of vehicles, we took the initiative to contribute to
society by planting trees across the city and also spread awareness among people about the
importance of planting more trees for a greener tomorrow.


NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation is a term used for organizations that

aren’t part of the government or any governmental body or a for-profit business. NGOs are an
organization that is usually set up by individuals backed by the government, businesses,
foundations, or any person. NGOs are independent of the government and are sometimes
called civil societies, are organized on a community level, national and international level to
serve any social goals and address causes such as humanitarian or environmental.

International non-governmental organizations can be dated back to the 18th

century, it was estimated in 1914 that there were 1,083 NGOs functioning in the world. At
that point, NGOs played a very important role in the fight against anti-slavery and women’s
suffrage movements. When the United Nations was formed in 1945 the term NGO became
very popular. Article 71 in Chapter X of its charter stipulated consultative status for
organizations that are neither government nor member states. An international NGO was first
defined in resolution 288 (X) of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
on February 27, 1950, as "any international organization that is not founded by an
international treaty". The role of NGOs and other "major groups" in sustainable
development was recognized in Chapter 27 of Agenda 21. The rise and fall of international
NGOs match contemporary events, waxing in periods of growth and waning in times of
crisis. The United Nations gave non-governmental organizations observer status at its
assemblies and some meetings. According to the UN, an NGO is a private, not-for-profit
organization that is independent of government control and is not merely an
opposition political party.

20th-century globalization has increased the importance of NGOs by establishing

international treaties and organizations, Ex: World Trade Organization. NGOs have
emphasized humanitarian issues, development aid, and sustainable development.

NGOs are typically funded by donations and are run by volunteers. NGOs have
charitable status and are at times tax-exempt for their social purposes, political, religious, and
other interests. After World War II, NGOs have a higher role in international roles of
humanitarian and poverty.

NGOs have a legal status according to the following laws.

1. Society Registration Act, 1860It is a central act for registering not-for-profit

organizations. Any seven-person who subscribe to the Memorandum of Association
and register themselves for non-profit motive and mutually agree to serve the society
can register a society. EXAMPLE: Bal Vikas Dhara –New Delhi

2. Public Charitable Trust Act (enacted individually by states)It does not contain any
centralized act, but states enact Public Charitable Trust Act for establishing an NGO
under the public trust. Different states have different rules for such trusts that are
following the particular state and other prevailing rules. Such NGOs can only be formed
by enacting the act. An NGO can register itself in a particular state and can operate its
functioning in different states.

3. Indian Trust Act, 1882 (for private trusts) - This act is formulated for private trusts. It
is a centralized act for the country. The NGOs formed under such private trusts do not
get any tax benefit or subsidy from the government.

4. Companies Act, 2013Under section: 8 of the new Companies’ Act- 2013 provides
provisions for establishing an NGO. The NGO neither gets a tax benefit nor any
subsidy, not only that it has to fulfill many requirements and provisions mentioned in
the act.

5. Co-operative Credit Societies Act, 1904The NGO formed under this act is an
instrument to mobilize and aggregate community effort to eliminate layers of
intermediaries in any supply chain. As the word itself suggests, it is a group of people
gathered with co-operation and understanding to serve the society and its credit. Thus
a brief about whom an NGO works in India, its legal status and goals, the purpose of
its establishment, and the act under which it is established.


E-Cure is an independent non profit organization founded in 2011 by David SR in

Bangalore. They aim to protect and conserve the environment. E-Cure is motivated by the
green initiatives and pursue ideas that have a positive environmental change and enforce
strategies that conserve elements of nature.

E-Cure has a huge number of volunteers to help with the drive to see a change in
the current process. They encourage individuals, students, corporations, and any
environmentally concerned person to volunteer and help them in the fight against all
environmental problems such as global warming, climate change, deforestation, and polluted
water bodies and take measures for sustainable development.

E-CURE spearheads a variety of initiatives including Tree Plantation, Street

Transformation, Plastic Bag eradication, Terrace farming and awareness programmes and
advocacy around the importance of environmental preservation and tree plantation. They pro-
actively engage in identifying potential areas for plantation, keeping in mind the biodiversity
and ecological factors of the local area. E-Cure thrives to ensure that the local communities
reap multi fold benefits, besides restoring the green cover, the trees also provide them with
fruits, flowers, leaves etc. commonly used in the community life.

From last 10 years, E-Cure have been working untiringly with individuals and
corporate teams alike to create a better environment. Their long-term plan entails taking tree
plantation drives to more number of cities and inducting many more tree enthusiasts, to be
able to amplify both scale and impact of our efforts.

Some of the activities undertaken by E-Cure are:

➢ Garbage Segregation: -

The adverse effects of unorganised disposal of wastes from households are hardly
disposed accordingly. Single-use items like disposable masks, polythene bags, and non-
degradable waste make way for cross-contamination thereby harming land animal along with
the lives of the ocean world.

With waste management as a challenge at global level, high-speed urbanization is the

major contributor towards it. E-cure encourages and educate people about the need for right
waste segregation and management and how their contribution can help in reducing landfills
from dry waste, and improve manure composting from wet waste, leading to better
environmental health.

➢ Awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags and paper bags donation: -

The role of Plastics in the destruction of nature across the globe is unsurpassed,
Countries worldwide may have imposed plastic bans everywhere, yet there is an alarming
need to adopt environment friendly measures to reduce plastic usage.

With an initiative to educate people about the effects a plastic bag has on the
environment, we introduced paper bags as an alternative for plastics, at ground level.

Preaching and practicing for a 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' concept, a large number of
vendors have switched to use paper bags and we continue to go for more owing to the risks
involved with plastic usage like the time to biodegrade, reusability, and harm to animal and
water kingdom.

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➢ Awareness on keeping our surroundings clean: -

Leaderships have toppled, cities have grown, but keeping our streets and surroundings
clean is a duty of every individual. Somehow everyone fails to do their part leading to an
adverse effect on the environment. There is a widespread ignorance towards the untidy
surroundings and filthy streets, resulting in an unhygienic environment and increased

E-cure prompts people belonging to different groups to adopt a street and take
responsibility to keep it clean. We emphasize on an ecological solution to unhygienic
surroundings while encouraging locals to contribute in whatever way they can towards a
tidier and healthier planet.

➢ Efforts towards Swatch Bharat Abhiyan: -

Achieving a clean, beautiful and green India is critical to mitigate the ill effects on nature
and to create an environmentally sustainable society. Hence, every Indian has been actively
speaking and dreaming about Swatch Bharat in recent years.

E-Cure fosters this dream by acting on the thought. Through this initiative, E-Cure
inspires and support students, corporates, and like-minded nature-loving individuals to
congregate and undertake cleaning activities and awareness movements to achieve the clean
India we all wish for.

Redeeming the lost beauty of India is all in our hands, helping the climate change reverse
and saving the planet is in all our hands. Therefore there is a need of joint contribution from
each and every citizen towards this cause.

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➢ Tree Plantation: -

The changes in the global climatic conditions are quite evident now more than ever. There is
an increase in CO2, pollution, destructive weather patterns and nobody to be blamed for this
but us. People and institutions across the globe are striving to protect trees from needless
falling and therefore E-Cure always tries to take active measures for this contribution.

E-Cure also has been encouraging the plantation of saplings by offering free
saplings to groups, layouts, and institutions that wish and strive for greener surroundings. We
aim at planting 2 crore saplings this year.

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Project Objective and Methodology

Problem Statement – There has been a considerable increase in the pollution

levels in India of all forms and Bangalore being one of the major contributor towards it. As
we know with the sudden increase in population in Bangalore, there has been a great increase
in the pollutants which is therefore creating a catastrophic effect on the environment.

Lack of awareness and knowledge of people about the ill-effects of these

pollutants is one of the major problem. Waste management and waste segregation has not
only become an important aspect in the recent times but has also become a need for the hour.
There has been tonne’s of all sorts of wastes getting generated every day and proper
segregation of these wastes becomes of utmost importance.

Along with the lack of awareness on waste management, there is a lack of

knowledge as well among people predominantly of the rural sector with respect to the ill
effects of plastic bags. Plastic bags being a cheap and common source of carrying rises its
consumption in the market without them knowing about its adverse effects on the
environment as a whole.

With the rise in temperature as global warming, people should be aware about
the importance of tree plantation in their locality and should take effort towards the
conservation of these natural resources.

Objective – Our main objective was to spread awareness to the local people in
and around Bangalore (predominantly of the rural segment) about the adverse effects of
pollution and how their little efforts can contribute towards the betterment of the society by
uplifting the socio-economic quality, enhancing environmental sustainability and thereby
improving the quality of life of Bangalore.

List of the activities –

➢ Spreading awareness about the ill effects of plastic bags and letting
know about its alternatives.
➢ Distribute cloth bags among people in and around Bangalore.

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➢ Creating Posters and spreading it across places to spread awareness.
➢ Plantation of tree saplings.
➢ Spreading awareness about waste management and the importance of
waste segregation.

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Detailed Description of the Project

Day 1-5 – Sharing awareness about the ill effects of plastic bags and the importance of
cloth bags

We started our project by targeting the markets or the areas where we would be
implementing our project. We created various interactive and creative posters in English and
in various local languages with the intension to spread the message to maximum number of

Hence on the subsequent we went to various local markets and shops to educate
them with respect to adverse effects of plastic bags and the importance of adoption of cloth
bags. We stuck our posters at various places and since it being in local languages, a large
number of people were able to get and read the message.

We also communicated the message to various shoppers as well who were

using plastic bags and provided them with cloth bags and therefore explained them the
importance of using cloth bags rather than plastic bags.

Day 6-10 - Plantation of Saplings in and around places

With an increase in global warming and rise in temperature in Bangalore,

there is an utmost importance of plantation of trees to combat the rise in global warming
levels. Therefore, we bought saplings of certain trees as mentioned by our mentor which
includes Amla, Pongame etc.

We planted our saplings at Tavarekere park with the intension that they would
be taken enough care of there by the local authorities along with we spread the awareness of
importance of tree plantation to people who were walking there in the park.

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Day 11-15 – Spreading awareness about waste management

We interviewed various people in various areas across Bangalore to get

insights from people on how much are they aware of waste management and the importance
of waste disposal. We found that people among the rural segment were less educated with
respect to waste management and we tried to share our knowledge regarding waste
management and waste segregation.

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Outcome and Recommendation of the Study

➢ As we were working in a team, we were able to reach enough people to spread our
message about the catastrophic effect of plastic bags on the environment. We were
successfully able to gather enough people and let them know the importance of using cloth
bags and why they should switch to cloth bags rather than plastic bags.

➢ The posters created a positive impact among the people as we communicated our
message not only in English but also in all local languages which helped us to deliver our
message to a large number of people.

➢ People were not aware enough about waste and its ill effects on the environment. As
we roamed around the City, we found that there is a lack of use of garbage bins and also not
segregated properly. We ensured to spread our message to as many people as possible about
the importance of waste management and also the importance of waste segregation not only
within their houses but also in and around and City.

➢ We went to local government educational institutions to spread the importance of

waste management and the ill-effects of pollution and also shared books and stationery for
their development.

➢ We planted enough trees in and around Bangalore for a more-brighter and Greener
Bangalore for tomorrow.

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Annexure 1 – Front Page

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Annexure 2 – Weekly Report

Name of the Student: Puneeth M

Register No: 2127729

Name of Organization: E-Cure Charitable Trust

Place: Bangalore

From To (Date) Week Project Particulars Service-learning impact

29.12.21 01.01.22 1 Sharing awareness Learned the ill effects of plastic
about the ill effects of bags on the environment and
plastic bags by society. By educating the
educating street vendors, we learned why plastic
vendors. bags are still in use.

02.01.22 05.01.22 1&2 Distribution of cloth After learning that they still use
bags among the street plastic bags, we had approached
vendors. a cloth bag manufacturer to give
their products at cost to these
vendors so that they may stop
using plastic bags. We initially
made a purchase of some cloth
bags and distributed it among
the vendors to initiate the

06.01.22 08.01.22 2 Plantation of Tree Learned the importance and the

Saplings across need for trees in the
Bangalore. sustainability of urban life.

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09.01.22 12.01.22 2&3 Spreading awareness In order to educate and spread
and educating people awareness on waste
on waste management we had to learn
management. various waste management

Signature of the Student:

Name of Faculty Mentor and Signature:

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Annexure 3 - Certificate

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1. Name of the Student: Puneeth Mahendra Register No: 2127729

2. Specialization: Lean Operations and Systems

3. Name of Organization: E-Cure Charitable Trust Place: Bangalore

4. Project Start Date: 29.12.21 End Date: 12.01.22

Brief of work done:

Spreading awareness about the social issues related to our environment which are of a great
concern by planting trees at places for greener world for later generation and encouraging use of
cloth bags and helping in waste segregation.

Ideas Suggested Ideas accepted Ideas Expected Measurement

implemented Impact of of Impact done
ideas (if any)
Cloth Bag Cloth Bag Cloth Bag Reduction of
Distribution Distribution Distribution plastic bag
Cloth Bag Cloth Bag Cloth Bag Supply usage.
Supply Supply
Water Filter Education on Education on Better waste
Distribution waste waste management
management management in Bangalore
Education on Tree sapling Tree sapling Increased
Waste plantation plantation greenery in
Management Urban
Tree sapling

Signature of the Student:

Name of Faculty Mentor and Signature:

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