DigitalOcean Currents - Dec 2022
DigitalOcean Currents - Dec 2022
DigitalOcean Currents - Dec 2022
Cloud migration..................................................................... 12
In our latest edition of Currents, DigitalOcean’s regular research report, we examined how startups
and SMBs are faring today. With an impending recession and regular news of layoffs and spending cuts
throughout the technology industry, we wanted to find out how startup founders and small business
executives are really feeling. How negatively is the economy impacting them, and what are their
priorities going into 2023? What opportunities do they see for the future, and how are they planning to
future-proof their businesses?
We examined these topics, along with other areas that are top-of-mind for businesses today, including
security threats, cost of technology, funding concerns, and cloud migration. To get a pulse on
these items, we surveyed a targeted group of founders, CEOs, and executives at startups and small
businesses across several industries, with a focus on those building digital solutions. The below results
are based on completed responses from 554 respondents, 70% of whom identify as CEO, founder,
or owners, and 23% who identify as CTOs.
Here’s what we found:
While it’s clear that small businesses are not immune to the wider economic trends today, founders and
CEOs remain cautiously optimistic about the future of their businesses. They understand that technology
can help them streamline operations and future-proof their organizations — and they’re willing to
make the investments necessary to make that happen. They are looking for cost-effective technology
solutions that will meet their needs, while also increasing efficiencies within their business.
Economic outlook and biggest challenges
While economic uncertainty has been a large headline over the past few months and small businesses
are feeling the impacts of that, they also have optimism over the future. Just 20% say that ‘economic
uncertainty’ is their top challenge today, with an additional 16% citing meeting revenue targets as their
top challenge. Eleven percent cited ensuring technology solutions meet the needs of customers was
their top challenge, and 9% said hiring was their biggest challenge. When asked specifically about how
the economy has impacted their business, 46% say ‘somewhat negatively’, but 31% say there has been
‘no impact’, and 15% say the economic situation has actually been positive for them.
Very positively
Very negatively
No impact
In addition, a third (31%) say that their business is performing about the same as this time last year,
while 35% say it’s performing somewhat better and 13% say it’s performing much better, with only
4% and 16% saying their business is performing much worse or somewhat worse, respectively.
Looking at specific revenue impacts, while 44% say they have seen revenue growth slow in 2022,
the majority (51%) have only seen growth slow by 20% or less.
When comparing business performance in the past year by organization size, we found that sole
proprietor businesses were most hard hit – 28% of these businesses said they were performing
‘somewhat worse’, and they were also less likely to say they were performing somewhat better (25%)
How much has your revenue growth
or much better (7%) than larger businesses.
How much in
your revenue growth slowed in 2022?
4% 3% 2% 3% 5%
23% 28% 16% 9% 7%
1-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-40% 41-50% 51-60% 61-70% 71-80% 81-90% 91-100%
Of the businesses cutting spending, we found that the top areas of spend cut back include technology
spend (53%), marketing (46%), and cloud spend (42%).
40% 39%
Marketing Sales Events Product Technology Cloud spend Other
development spend
While these findings demonstrate the need for small businesses to optimize their technology, marketing,
and cloud spend, we also see that startups and small businesses across industries look to technologies
to future-proof their businesses and increase efficiencies.
Eighty-four percent believe that investing in the right technology helps future-proof their business. The
technologies small businesses are looking to invest in include automation/self-service technology
solutions (53%), public cloud services (41%), and managed services or managed hosting (32%).
Businesses of all sizes are in agreement that technology is vital to future-proofing their businesses
– there were no statistically significant differences seen by company size.
What kinds of technology are you investing in/do you plan to invest in to
future-proof your business?
30% 28%
10% 8%
Automation/ AI/ML SaaS Managed Cloud Website FaaS/ Edge Other
self-service solutions service/ computing builders serverless solutions
managed solutions
In addition, of the 43% who say technology has positively impacted their revenue or costs in the past
year, 67% cite increased efficiency, 47% say technology has saved them money, 39% say it’s enabled
them to grow more quickly, and 23% say they have been able to hire fewer employees.
How has
How has investment
investment in technology
in technology positively
positively impacted your business’s
impacted your business’s
revenue and/or costs? revenue and/or costs?
70% 67%
50% 47%
40% 39%
Enabled us Increased efficiency Enabled us to grow Saved us money Other
to hire fewer more quickly
Somewhat negative
positive 11%
When asked to cite specific opportunity areas for their businesses in the next year, many cited product
improvements, market possibilities, new customer acquisition, and leveraging technology to improve
their business:
There has been speculation around the funding landscape for startups in recent months, and many have
been advised to delay new funding. Overall, 23% are planning to raise funds in the next 6 months,
and 29% have delayed raising new funds. Of those who have delayed fundraising, 42% believe they will
only delay fundraising for 12 months or less, and an additional 27% believe they will delay fundraising for
12-24 months.
Security continues to be top concern
With reports of phishing and cyber-attacks on the rise, we also wanted to understand how startups and
small businesses are thinking about security risks and priorities as they move into 2023. We found that
lack of time to manage security is the number one concern amongst small-to-medium sized businesses,
cited by a quarter of respondents. Data loss events/data theft was the second most cited concern,
at 23%, followed by a lack of budget to manage security.
Interestingly, businesses with more employees were more likely to cite that ‘lack of time to manage
security’ was their top concern, while those with fewer employees were more likely to mention budget as
a concern, indicating that businesses with more employees may also have more competing priorities that
cut into their time dedicated to security.
Looking ahead to 2023, what is your
biggest concern
Looking ahead related
to 2023, what to security?
is your biggest concern related to security?
10% 9%
Ransomware Phishing DDOS attacks Data loss/ Lack of time Lack of budget Other
attacks attacks data theft to manage to manage
security security
Lack of budget
to manage
Compared to this time a year ago, a majority (54%) say they are more concerned about cyber security
now, though only 8% reported experiencing a security breach in the past year.
Technology challenges and cloud usage
Economic uncertainty has meant that small businesses are prioritizing cost savings throughout their
technology stack, and we found that cost of services was the largest challenge related to technology
businesses facing businesses today, as mentioned by 20% of respondents. Finding the tools to meet
their needs and the time needed to maintain services were also common challenges, each mentioned
by 16% of respondents. While challenges were fairly evenly spread across company size,
unsurprisingly we found that companies with more employees were more likely to state that hiring was
the biggest challenges facing them today.
For most businesses, spend on both cloud infrastructure and technology solutions in general has gone
up in the past year: 47% say their cloud spend has somewhat increased and 14% say it has
significantly increased, while 53% and 9% respectively say their overall technology spend has
somewhat or significantly increased.
Larger businesses have found that their technology and cloud spend has increased more than smaller
companies, likely due to larger overall technology spend–while just 7% of sole proprietor businesses
say their cloud spend has significantly increased, 14% of businesses with 2-9 employees, 15% of those
with 10-24 employees, and 23% of those with 25-49 employees say the same.
Reliance on cloud solutions has also increased in the past year, with 57% saying their usage of cloud
solutions has gone up in the past year, and just 3% saying their usage has decreased. This finding
demonstrates continued reliance on cloud solutions, as our last Currents report found that 65% of
respondents had increased their reliance on cloud since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Multi-cloud usage also continues to be popular amongst respondents – 49% say they use a
multi-cloud setup, compared to 46% of cloud-native businesses who reported using multiple clouds in
our 2021 survey. Most multi-cloud users are leveraging two (38%) or three (40%) different cloud
providers in their setups. Multi-cloud use is common even for very small businesses – about half
(48%) of sole proprietors are using a multi-cloud model.
Cloud migration
With cloud and technology spend going up for most businesses, migrating cloud providers is one area
that startups and small businesses may look to in order to reduce costs. However, cloud migration
itself can be a time-consuming task, especially for small businesses who may need outsourced help to
migrate. We found that half of respondents have migrated their cloud infrastructure in the past, with 37%
saying the experience was somewhat difficult and 12% stating it was very difficult.
While 77% of those who haven’t migrated are satisfied with their current cloud provider, 9% say they do
not have the time to migrate, and 4% don’t have the resources to migrate. Eighty-five percent say that
they might consider migrating if the process was easier, and this was true for companies of all sizes.
Cost savings is the top driver for cloud migration for both those who have migrated in the past (70%),
and those who have not migrated (65%). Other drivers for migrating cloud providers are additional
products/features, and solutions tailored to their business needs.
70% Has switched Has not switched
65% cloud providers cloud providers
50% 48%
40% 38%
18% 18%
20% 17%
10% 7%
Cost savings Increased Additional Better support Better Solutions Other
team products/ offerings documentation tailored to my
efficiency features business needs
While economic uncertainty is likely to continue for the coming months, in this edition of Currents we
found that startups and SMBs are feeling optimistic about the future. As large technology companies
conduct layoffs, smaller businesses are looking to technology to optimize their costs, and some even
see opportunities related to the current environment. Those businesses that can stay nimble and invest
in the right technologies for them will experience streamlined operations and cost efficiencies that will
stay with them even as they scale.
This survey was conducted through an online survey link from October 18th to November 7th, 2022,
and garnered 554 completed responses. The link was distributed to various sample sources, including
DigitalOcean email lists, Cloudways email lists, and tech founder groups. Seventy percent of the
respondents were CEO/founder/owners, 23% were CTOs, and the remainder were C-Level or
VP-level executives.
Respondents represent 76 countries, with 27% being in the United States, 8% in the UK, 5% in India,
5% in Germany, and 5% in Canada. The questionnaire was developed by DigitalOcean and was distributed
via link through email and social media channels to both DigitalOcean customers and non-customers.
Respondents came from a range of digital industries, with 37% being in the software/Software as
a Service, 19% technology consulting, 6% marketing/advertising, 4% eCommerce, and 6% other
technology industries.
The gender breakdown was 90% male, 4% female, 1% non-binary, 1% who self-describe, and 4% who
preferred not to say their gender. Respondents represent a range of ages: 3% were aged 18-24, 24%
were aged 25-34, 36% were 35-44, 22% aged 45-54, 10% aged 55-64, and 4% 65 and older.
About DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean simplifies cloud computing so developers and businesses
can spend more time building software that changes the world. With its
mission-critical infrastructure and fully managed offering, DigitalOcean helps
developers, startups, and small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) rapidly
build, deploy, and scale applications to accelerate innovation and increase
productivity and agility. DigitalOcean combines the power of simplicity,
community, open source, and customer support so customers can spend
less time managing their infrastructure and more time building innovative
applications that drive business growth.