Facaulty of management
Subject- Economics
Submitted by:
Preeti sinha
Faculty of management
As a part of the MBA curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of
Management, we are required to make a project on product differentiation.
In this project report I've included Introduction, a project on product differentiation, competitive Advatange,
product qulity differentiation strategy, and organizational performance.
Doing this project report helped us to enhance our knowledge regarding the work into the
product qulity differentiation strategy, and organizational performance.
I want to sincerely thank Dr. Sunil Kakkar, Head of the Department of Management Studies,
and pragya kasana, Faculty Member, of the Poddar Management & Technical Campus for
their assistance in helping me finish my study on the consequences of delegation of authority.
I would especially like to thank our HOD Dr. Sunil Kakkar for the time and work he put in
during the project. Your wise advice and suggestions were really helpful to me as I finished the
task. You have my eternal gratitude for this
I'd want to note that I completed this project entirely on my own, without help from anybody
This study aimed to analyze the strategy of product differentiation and its implications on position advantage
on customer retailer’s purchase decision either partially or simultaneously. The research method used
quantitative method with linear regression analysis three variables measured were: product differentiation
strategy and advantage position as independent variable and purchase decision as a dependent variable.
The object of this research was the customer retailer as the unit of analysis. Technique of Data collection
used saturated random sampling with 400 respondents of retailer customers in Bandung. The statistical
analysis used Classical Assumption Test and hypothesis testing test of Z, T and F with significant level (α) 5%
and calculated by statistical analysis test. The result indicated significant influence to the product
differentiation strategy, position advantage, and purchase decision. The variable of product differentiation
strategy and position's advantage influenced the purchase decision either partially or simultaneously
In today‘s rapidly changing economic and business environments, organizations compete for
customers, revenue, market share with products and services that meet customer’s needs.
Global competition has brought about technological changes whereby customers are
demanding for superior quality products/services with lower prices. More so, this increased
rate of global competition has brought about reduction in product life cycle. This has led
to much emphasis being placed on organizational competencies and creation of competitive
advantage which is believed would give them an edge over other competitors. Though there
are many objectives an organization would want to achieve these days, the two major ones
are: (i). to achieve a competitive advantage position and (ii). enhance their organization’s
performance in relation to that of their competitors (Raduan Jegak, Haslinda, and Alimin
2009). It is therefore, necessary for business organizations to understand the relationship
between the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the potential effects
on their organization’s competitive advantage and performance. It is also necessary that the
organization makes a choice about the type of competitive advantage it seeks to attain and
the scope within which it will attain it.
The generic strategies as developed by Porte (1980; 1985) for achieving a competitive
advantage position by an organization are: product differentiation and cost leadership.
Product differentiation being the most commonly used one of these two strategic typologies
(Spencer, Joiner, and Salmon, 2009). A differentiation strategy involves the firm creating a
product/service, which is considered unique in some aspect that the customer values because
the customer’s needs are satisfied. On the other hand, cost leadership emphasizes low cost
relative to that of the competitors (Porter, 1980; 1985). He argued that cost leadership and
differentiation strategies are mutually exclusive. Recent literatures and research studies have
notwithstanding, questioned this idea recognizing the fact that organizations may pursue
elements of both types of strategy (Chenhall and Langfield- Smith, 1998b). Nevertheless,
past researches have shown that a number of the manufacturing organizations view the
differentiation strategy as a more important and distinct means to achieve competitive
advantage in constrict to a low cost strategy (Kotha and Orne, 1989; Baines and Langfield-
Smith, 2003).
A variety of definitions and views on competitive advantage have been
expounded by various scholars. Porter (1980) says “competitive advantage is
at the heart of a firm’s performance in competitive markets” thus
“competitive advantage grows fundamentally out of value a firm is able to
create for its buyers that exceeds the firm’s cost of creating it.” Barney (2002)
says that “a firm experiences competitive advantages when its actions in an
industry or market create economic value and when few competing firms are
engaging in similar actions.”
Besanko, Dranove, and Shanley (2000) say “when a firm earns a higher rate of economic
profit than the average rate of economic profit of other firms competing within the same
market, the firm has a competitive advantage in that market.” Saloner, Shepard and Podolny
(2001) say that “most forms of competitive advantage mean either that a firm can produce
some service or product that its customers value than those produced by competitors or
that it can produce its service or product at a lower cost than its competitors.” Dierickx and
Cool (1989) have echoed Barney (1986]) in arguing that competitive advantage is not
obtainable from freely tradeable assets.
The issues of product quality have been studied by many scholars (Ertekin and Aydin,
2010; Baker, 1995; Sumutka and Neve, 2011; Flynn, Schroeder, and Sakakibara, 1994; Hitt and
Hoskisson, 1997). In the 1970s and early 1980s, one of the major features of an industrial
economy was the increased emphasis been placed on internal quality of execution, rather
than price, as a major competitive tool. ‘Quality’ was viewed as a key market differentiator,
resulting in many organizations defining and improving processes, adopting and
implementing total quality management systems, and attaining quality standard
accreditation. Recently however, interest has been growing in the application of advanced
process monitoring and control strategies to improve manufacturing operations. Quality, as a
competitive advantage tool is seen as one of the fundamental ways in which individual
businesses can successfully compete in the global marketplace. The choice of what product
to purchase in most consumer markets is not majorly determined by the lowest price, a
product’s quality could be a determining factor (Matsa, 2009). Product quality can have large
effects on demand and consumer welfare. Not only has product quality been recognized as a
strategic organizational priority, it is also an important element of competition in a wide
range of markets and industries. Strategic focus on quality has been widely considered as a
fundamental aspect of manufacturing strategy in many firms. This is likely to result in
improvements in product demand thereby facilitating the building and maintenance of a
competitive position (Daniel and Reitsperger 1991).
Product Design and Development
The survey research was adopted for this research work because of the nature of the
respondents. This entailed the administering of questionnaires to the chosen sample. The
population of the respondents was rather large, made up of all customers/consumers of the
products of Unilever Nigeria Plc located in Ota, Ogun State. Since everyone in the
population cannot be given questionnaire to fill, therefore, a sample of the population was
used as respondents for the study. This study adopted a survey research design, whereby it
focused on the customers of Unilever Nigeria Plc, manufacturers of household/personal care
products. Since product quality is a major determinant variable in the differentiation of
products, it was therefore important to test the significance of product quality as it relates to
the customers/consumers of the products. The customers that bought or use the product
remain a key factor in determining a product’s quality and differentiating features. They can
judge and measure its quality and effectiveness by comparing it with the competitor’s
Data for this study was collected from a sample of customers/consumers of Unilever
Nigeria Plc to determine the relationship between product differentiation and organizational
performance. Items relevant under the research design are; study population, sample and
sampling technique, data collection instrument. All these items representing the research
design provides a clear view of how the data required for the study are collected and collated,
and how the analysis was performed so as to yield a significantly reliable and valid result.
The study population included all customers of Unilever Nigeria Plc, located in Ota,
Ogun state. The study population had to meet the following criteria:
1. They must be 18 years and above as at the time of conducting
this survey
2. They must be able to read and write English, so as to be able
them to answer the questionnaire.
3. They must have purchased/consumed any Unilever products
within the last 3 months preceding the period of this study.
The study population was taken majorly from schools, banks, shopping malls and
markets located within Ota, Ogun State. The sample size used in this study was 323
respondents were selected based on the simple random sampling technique, so as to enable
every element of the sampling frame have equal chances of participating in the study.
It should be noted however, that although all these variables exist in literatures, this study
adopts the following variables to measure product differentiation: higher product quality,
product design, unique product features and new product innovation. Organizational
performance was considered along the dimensions of sales growth and customer satisfaction.
As such data analysis was designed to answer the following research questions which
ultimately were used to determine the impact product differentiation as a tool of competitive
advantage on the organizational performance of Unilever Nigeria Plc. The following research
questions and hypothesis were formulated:
All hypotheses were tested and analyzed using simple linear regression analysis.
H01 – There is no relationship between higher product quality of an organization and its
sales growth.
Hypothesis one shows how much of the variance in the dependent variable (sales
growth) is explained by the model, which is higher product quality. The values 0.21 and 0.39
in the R squared column are expressed in percentage. This means that the model (higher
product quality) explains between 21% and 39% variations in the dependent variable (sales
growth). With an F value of 6.623 and a significance level 0.02, there is a significant
relationship between higher product quality and the sales growth of an organization,
therefore, the null hypothesis (H01) rejected.
H02 - There is no relationship between new product innovation of an organization and
its customer satisfaction.
This research study was designed to examine the influence of product differentiation
as a tool of competitive advantage on the organizational performance of manufacturing
companies, using Unilever Nigeria Plc as a case study. To investigate this relationship, 323
customers/consumers of the organization were surveyed. For clear analysis, the study centers
on two broad variables; the dependent variable and the independent variable. The
dependent variable is taken as organizational performance which was further broken into
sub-variables to include customer satisfaction and sales growth. The independent variable
was product differentiation which was operationalized in terms of higher product quality, new
product innovation, product design and unique product features.
The hypotheses were tested using the Regression Analysis with interpretation
provided. The result of the Regression analysis indicated that product differentiation as a tool
of competitive advantage has a positive and significant influence organizational performance
of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The result supports some previous research results
(for example, Mosakowski 1993; Allen and Helms 2002), which indicated a positive and
significant relationship between product differentiation strategy and organizational
First, in response to the dynamic nature of the business environment and the ever changing
needs of customers, it is safe to suggest that executive management needs to make sure that
they provide adequate satisfaction to their customers. In other words, executive management
should pay more attention to customer satisfaction, since their survival in this dynamic
environment is highly dependent on their ability to retain a larger customer base compared
to their competitors. In addition, executive management should put additional emphasis and
pay more attention to product differentiation as it is an important instrument for
achieving competitive advantage which leads to greater organizational performance.
Furthermore, product differentiation appears as a critical driver for organizational
performance, which could perform the role of a bridge that links the positive influence of
customer satisfaction to organizational performance.
Therefore, executive management ought to focus and invest more on product
differentiation as it could be used as a major competitive advantage tool against competitors
in the industry and it is capable of guaranteeing the long term survival of the organization
In conclusion, from the research study, it can be established that however little the
significance product differentiation holds in relation with organizational performance, the fact
remains that there is a positive relationship between the variables. This means that
manufacturing organizations must pay greater attention to the products the manufacture in
terms of quality design, innovations and unique features.
Finally, firms in the manufacturing sector face domestic and international competition
in addition to rapid shifts in customer demands whereby many manufacturing firms have
come to realize that to remain viable, a strategy of product differentiation may be a more
viable option than strategies based on efficiency and price (Spencer, Joiner and Salmon 2009).
This research study further demonstrates that product differentiation could be used as a tool
for achieving competitive advantage and enhancing greater organizational performance.
Abu Aliqah, K. M. (2012). Differentiation and Organizational Performance:
Empirical Evidence from Jordanian Companies.