Chpater 2 Clinical Nutrtion
Chpater 2 Clinical Nutrtion
Chpater 2 Clinical Nutrtion
The specialised area of nutrition which deals with nutrition during
illness is ‘Clinical Nutrition’. also called Medical Nutrition Therapy.
Dietetics: is the science of how food and nutrition affects human health.
Dietician: uses nutrition and food science to help people improve their health.
Health :
According to WHO health is the state of complete physical , intellectual, social and
spiritual well being and not merely an absence of a diseases or ill health .
Nutrition is the science of food, nutrients and other substances as well as their
digestion, absorption and utilization by the body. Nutrition is also concerned with the
social, psychological and economic aspects of food and eating.
i. obesity
ii. cancer of the colon,
iii. diabetes,
iv. hypertension.
Less case of heart attack seen in people who consume fish once
( longevity )
3. Nutrition Intervention: the root cause of the problem is then dealt with by
suggesting the suitable nutrition For example suggest foods rich in iron , folic acid
such as green leafy vegetables, beetroot etc.)
4. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation: in the final step the nutritional care
outcomes /progress is monitored and evaluated For example , meals are supervised
and hemoglobin is checked after few days )
Nutritional assessment is required to obtain information on the patient’s nutritional
(i) Obtaining detailed information on health, diet, personal & medication histories.
(iii) Relating the information on laboratory and physical measurements with the
(iv) Interpreting all of the above to identify potential nutritional deficiencies and risk
of future deficiencies.
• patient cannot eat or swallow and has poor digestion and metabolism
• One damaged function of the body may affect the other body
functions in the long run
• Results in nutrient imbalances
The professional clinical nutritionist/dietitian
1. Prescribes diets to
Patients and Pre and post surgery patients .
healthy individuals from the womb to the tomb (at different stages of the
life cycle, i.e., pregnancy/ fetus , infancy and childhood , adolescents , adults
and old age)
Besides this the dietician has to consider the following factors while
modifying diets :
1. Effect of illness on food acceptance – may not want to eat food /loss of
appetite )
Types of diets
There are two of diets
Standard or regular diet is one that includes all food groups and meets the
needs of healthy individuals ( balanced diet ).
1 Change in consistency of foods such as liquid diet, clear liquid and soft
diet. This modification is done in case of problem of chewing ,
swallowing digestion , ulcers or post operative conditions
a)Liquid diet
In this, foods are served in liquid form and served at room
temperature. Liquid diet is given when a person is unable to
chew or swallow
Nutrients get easily absorbed if gastro intestinal tract is
functioning normally.
Examples are – Coconut water , fruit juice , soup, milk , buttermilk ,
milk shakes
b)Clear liquid diet is thinner than liquid diet. Given just after
surgery for 1-2 days
Limitations not easy to meet the nutritional requirements of the
patient .
Examples are – Clear soups, strained juices , light tea
c) soft diet is soft in consistency and includes simple digestible
foods with no harsh fibre, no fat and no spices . Food should
minimize risk of indigestion, abdominal distention, nausea,
cramping, or any other gastrointestinal problems.
Examples are : Khichri , sago kheer , custard , boiled eggs. etc.
Mechanical soft diets are soft foods which does not require
much chewing.include soft, mashed and pureed foods . these are
planned for elderly who cannot chew .
Examples are blanched vegetables , mashed potatoes , scrambled eggs, ice
cream, minced meat , cottage cheese , stewed fruit, etc
WAYS TO FEED A PATIENT /Feeding Routes: patients are fed by the following
ways :
1. Orally or by mouth
- Patients are fed by mouth when they are conscious and able to
eat. Mostly liquid or soft diets are given to the patients.
Tube feeding
Intravenous feeding
Desirable professional qualities of a clinical nutritionist or dietitian?
nutritionist or dietitian must have following qualities
1 knowledge of :
Skills of
1. Dietitian.
2. Diet counsellor ( prescribe diets )
3. Clinical nutritionist
4. Weight Loss Consultant.
5. Sports Nutritionist
6. Researcher ( research on nutrients )
7. Production of medical foods / nutraceuticals , tube feeds , functional foods
8. Corporate consultant
9. Teacher in school – BSC/ M Sc/ B. Ed
10. Professor/ researcher in colleges and universities (after clearing ( UGC)
national or state eligibility test and doing Ph.D )
post graduate
Postgraduate M.Sc. in Food
Diploma in Science and Registered
Life Sciences, Nutrition or dietetician
Biochemistry Dietetics