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Written by:
Dinda Ayu Maharani 102122120042
Elsita Ismayanti 102122120020
Ghina Badriyah 102122120033
Shafira Imelia Putri 102122120001
Yumna Salma Fadhilah 101122120016
Yohanes Adinata Siahaan 121122120069
Muhamad Satria Muryono 512122120006


In the name of Allah SWT, the beneficent and merciful. All praise is merely to
The Mightiest Allah SWT, the lord of the worlds, for the gracious mercy and
tremendous blessing that enable us to accomplish this assignment. This
assignment entitled "Comparison Education Systems between Indonesia and
America", is submitted to fulfil one of the Final Exams, University of Indonesia

First of all, the writers would like to express their sincere gratitude and respect to
our lecture Ridma Meltareza, Ph.D., who has contributed and given their valuable
evaluations, and suggestions during the completion of this assignment.

Hopefully this paper can provide benefits and knowledge, especially in the field
of education

Bandung, 19th 2023

The Writers

EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDONESIA......................................................................................................
CURRICULUM IN THE UNITED STATES...................................................................................................
ADVANTAGES OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES.....................................................
ADVANTAGES OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDONESIA.................................................................
SHORTCOMINGS OF INDONESIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM.....................................................................
DIFFERENCES IN INDONESIAN AND AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEMS...............................................


The National Education System is organized centrally, where educational

goals, materials and learning methods, educational staff up to promotion
requirements are regulated by the central government and apply nationally
(Munirah, 2015). Even though it is said that the community acts as a partner of the
government in organize education, in practice it is still determined by the
government. For example namely in tertiary institutions, students in Indonesia are
given strict guidelines per semester as well as the courses. This is inversely
proportional to universities in Germany which more demanding of students to
determine everything themselves, with the meaning of students in Germany is
given enormous freedom to determine its future

National Education still adheres to the old paradigm that knowledge is

obtained by giving or being taught by more people clever or teacher to student.
The teacher knows-student doesn't know-teacher pattern giving-students
receiving-active teachers-passive students, still being practiced. There is no
criticism or correction of the teacher's opinion, which is requested explanation
then accept and follow it. The paradigm has clearly lost its place in the modern
context where science it is sought. The pattern has changed to: the teacher
motivates, encourages, facilitates, accompanies students to seek knowledge
together. Student who seek knowledge and decide. Unless it's the paradigm of the
era this reform, science is not in a position to be owned, but in the process of
being, in where the seeker of knowledge is continuously in the process of making
himself a scientist or scholars who do not stop. In the global era, schools. may be
finished, but learning is never finished. The weight of knowledge is not located on
the end result or final product, but on the methodological process or method look
for it. In other words, the new learning method focuses on researching and not
receiving finished goods. The only question that always arises from students,
people parents, and society, is how to study well, get grades who are high, pass
quickly, and reach the highest level of learning: doctorate and also the highest
academic title, professor. There's nothing wrong with directions learning model
that prioritizes liability, namely hard work, full responsibility, honesty, and
discipline as well as straight as mentioned above. Seeing the many deficiencies of
an education system makes many countries that take steps to improve education
by adopting or improving its education system. However, there are still many

challenges accompanied by dilemmas the times, therefore the government must
change the learning strategy and teaching to achieve educational goals
The idea of educational decentralization is not a deconstruction of power solely
from the central government to the autonomous regions. That means, education is
a process of developing social capital and intellectual capacity of a nation. Even
further, education is the right and property of the people born and developed in a
concrete society. By Therefore, the implementation of education should also be
included Public. The reason is, the community is the first stakeholder and main
part of the educational process. This means the process of education, goals
education, and educational facilities, including the quality of education is is part
of society's responsibility.

education system in Indonesia between desires and the reality above it can be
concluded that the education system in Indonesia Today there appears to be a gap
between desire and reality. kindly
macro can be seen in the aspect of management, the role of government and
community, curriculum or teaching materials, approaches and methodologies
learning, human resources, campus or school environment, funding, and
accreditation. The gap in the education system is caused due to political,
economic, socio-cultural and so on factors which are always change according to
the changes and developments of the times
Development of the Education System in Indonesia
1. Colonial Age
As we all know, Indonesia experienced a colonial period of 3.5 centuries
by the Dutch and Japanese for 3.5 years. At this time, the education in Indonesia
began with the presence People's School which was intended for Indonesian
people with special qualifications, namely having a social position.
2. Post-Independence
During the colonial era, only certain students could attend school. So after
independence, it became the right of all citizens to go to school. During the
administrations of President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta, the education
system in Indonesia began to enter into a secular education system.
The most prominent is religious education in which Islam is a very prominent
foundation. This is driven by religious organizations which play a very large role
in the daily live of Indonesian people.
In addition to the presence of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, many private
schools are also starting to exist and are starting to be accessed by the public
regardless of social status. Unfortunately, at that time, school was not free or free
of charge.

3. The New Order Era
During President Soeharto's era, known as the New Order era, the
education system in Indonesia in its curriculum focused on building student
character with the obligation of upgrading P4 for students, normalizing campus
life, fostering students through student councils, enhantoced Indonesian spelling
or EYD, real work lectures (KKN) for students to start development schools.
4. Post-Reformation
At this time, the education system in Indonesia experienced changes in
terms of regulations or policies. Apart from that, at this time there was also great
attention to the quality of teachers as an important part of the education in
Indonesia. method is through teacher certification, while students prioritize
character education and administer the National Examination (UN).
5. Education System in Indonesia Today
Starting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the education
system in Indonesia has set a standard that all children in Indonesia have the right
to equal education. So, a School Operational Assistance (BOS) program and
scholarships for students who could not afford it were organized, known as Bidik
Changing the era of President Joko Widodo who focused on the quality of human
resources (HR) in order to compete in global market. The education system in
Indonesia then focuses on research, technology development and the development
of pure science.


Based on The American Heritage Dictionary in 1982 stated that the education
curriculum in America is a set of subjects at school or the academy or general and
special lessons at school. Roger's thesaurus in 1963 stated that the American
educational curriculum is a list that contains material and learning as well as a
syllabus. However, all these definitions cannot thoroughly explain the curriculum
in education in America.
Curriculum planning and development is a work that requires an in-depth and
comprehensive study to meet eligibility requirements. The dynamics of the
development of the nation demand that curriculum development needs concern to
developments that exist in the world today.
The main characteristic of the education system is the decentralization. The
central government gives the widest possible autonomy to the state and regional
(district). Education in the United States began when the country was not been
formed. This country had not even declared the independence when the colleges
as the foundation of American education were established by the colonial

government. In the early days, people throughout the colonies realized that the
foundation of American education and culture was more important for the future.
The United States, which has been hundreds of years since independence,
certainly has a lot of experience in finding suitable educational formats. How and
what kind of education policy in the United States can be a discourse for
observers of educational issues. The developed country certainly also has a good
of education systemAccording to Schroeder (2000: 26), the education system in
US reflects the characteristics of the government system there, namely federal
with decentralization through the government of the states (states). The primary
responsibility for the education system there is the federal government's education
department in Washington (DC). But the daily activities are fully delegated to the
governments of each state which delegate again to the Public School District,
college and agencies university.
Types of American Education Curriculum
1. Formal and Informal Curriculum
The students in the school get both formal and informal curricula. The formal
curriculum is more often use than the informal curriculum. However, the informal
curriculum is also important to implement. An example of a formal curriculum
applied in education in the United States is in textbooks. Meanwhile the example
of the informal curriculum is about educating students to have behaviour.

2. Hidden Curriculum
The hidden curriculum was developed by Philip Jackson in 1968 through a book
that he wrote, namely Life in Classroom. He mentioned that the curriculum is the
culture and prominent values of students and teachers at school.

3. Zero Curriculum
The principle of the null curriculum is closely related to the hidden curriculum.
This curriculum refers to lessons that given incidentally. As mentioned by Eisner
in 1985 that the zero curriculum has two parts. First, cognitive processes and
subject matter are preferred to be taught, whether in formal or informal
curriculum. For example, to educate kindergarten children to memorize the
alphabet, the teacher can use memorization or repeat material in front of the class.

The Education System in the United States

Elementary and secondary school is compulsory for all students in the United
States, but the age range of students varies from state to state. Students in the
United States start their education from the kindergarten level (age 5 to 6 years) to
complete secondary education in grade 12 (18 years old). There are 14,000
schools in the United States, and every year the United States government

allocates $500 trillion in education funds to be used for primary and secondary

Basic education
Basic education in the United States is graded from kindergarten to fifth grade,
but sometimes levels up to fourth grade, sixth grade, or Eighth grade depend on
the curriculum system in the school district. The learning curriculum selected by
the school district refers to the learning standards in that state. Learning standards
are goals that must be achieved by the school district that must refer to the AYP
(Adequate yearly program).
The atmosphere of learning in elementary schools in the United States is different
from learning in schools in Indonesia. One class consists of twenty to thirty
students. Elementary school teachers in the United States are provided further
education regarding cognitive development and psychological development.
Teachers in the United States have completed Bachelor's or Master's degrees in
Early Childhood and Elementary Education.

Middle Education
There are two stages of secondary education in the United States (middle
school/junior high). Start at the 6 - 9 grades. The level of education at middle
school/junior high (grade/class) is determined by demographic factors such as the
number of middle school students. It is intended to have a stable student
population in the school. At this level, students were given the freedom to choose
the subjects they want, and use a moving class system. Senior High (grades 9 -
12) is the next level after middle school/junior high. It should be noted that there
is a difference between middle school/Junior high and Senior high in every state,
according to the age demographic of students in that state.
Secondary education has a different curriculum structure than in Indonesia. At this
level, students must take several compulsory courses and choose elective courses.
Compulsory subjects (mandatory subjects) include:
 Science (natural sciences) includes Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
 Mathematics (Mathematics) includes algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, and
 English (English lessons) includes literature, humanities, composing, and
verbal (practice)
 Physical education (Sports)

Elective subjects include:

 Athletics
 Career and Technical Education

 Computer word processing
 Foreign languages
 Performing Arts/Visual Publishing includes Journalism/student newspapers,
yearbooks, and student magazines.


Before we get into the discussion of the advantages of the education system in
America, let's take a look at the implementation of the education system there.
The United States government imposes compulsory education for its citizens
starting from the age of 5 to 6 years in elementary school. After that, to pursue
education or secondary school in the age range of 12 to 18 years. quoting from
one source, in Uncle Sam's country it is calculated that every year, the US
government often allocates education funds in the range of $ 500 trillion to be
used for primary and secondary school needs. The learning system that runs in
schools in the United States tends to prioritize field of study concerns, which
focus more on specific and more targeted fields of study for students. such as art,
science, technology, engineering, etc. Well, then what are the advantages of the
education system in America itself compared to the system in Indonesia?
Each country must have a different education system, there are advantages and
disadvantages. for the United States itself has advantages in the education system
as follows. Starting with the study system in the United States itself is sufficient.
yes! the government has facilitated students with modern and sophisticated
facilities, with the hope of making it easier for students and teachers during the
learning period. in the United States itself has launched the Blackboard
application, a useful model for sharing study notes, homework, announcements
from teachers, and various other important facilities that are deliberately provided
for students. the American government itself has a goal of making the quality of
education recognized and the best in the world. this is evidenced by the existence
of universities in America dominating in research on the 500 best universities in
the world, it is said that more than 4,500 institutions that are accredited superior
make the education system in The United States is better than any other country.
Deficiencies in the Education System in the United States

The United States is predicted to have a good advantage in its education system,
but it turns out that most Americans say they are dissatisfied with the education
system in a country nicknamed "Uncle Sam". They also don't have much hope
that the public school system in the US will be repaired any time soon.

This unpleasant picture emerges from a public opinion study conducted in 2019. It
is known that John Della Volpe is the leader of the study conducted by the agency
RealClear Politics. The study participants were asked for their opinions and
expectations about the education system from first-grade elementary to third high
school, which in America is called K-12.

Volpe said many Americans expressed grave concern about the quality of
education in grades K-12 and would raise their concerns with government
officials at all levels. It was explained that the majority of poll participants rated
the education system in the US as being between "adequate" and "poor". Only
about 8% of those polled said the education system was "very good".

Every country certainly has deficiencies in the education system that are
experienced, in the United States itself there are, six deficiencies in the education

1. Gaps in the Education System

Inequality hurts the American education system. The American education system
is one of the most unfair or equal among other developed countries. Most United
States students obtain learning opportunities based on social status and class.

Usually lower status or minority students are disadvantaged or marginalized in

terms of access to quality education, quality education infrastructure, curriculum,
resources, quality teachers, opportunities, distribution of funds, etc.. Blacks in the
United States, for example, are often treated unfairly in the education system.

2. Overcrowded
American schools often become overcrowded as student numbers increase,
teachers are scarce, and funding decreases.

According to a National Center for Educational Statistics study, 14% of US

schools are overburdened. Thus, it makes learning and teaching difficult for both
students and teachers.

3. Decrease in School Financing

About 47% of school revenue comes from public resources, 43% from the state,
and the remaining 10% from the federal government. Funding for schools in the
United States is limited because public funding has declined over the years.

According to a 2020 study published by The Century Foundation (TCF), K-12
public schools (Kindergarten to 12th grade) in the United States are underfunded
by nearly $150 billion annually, leaving more than 30 million students without
adequate educational resources to enable them to succeed in the classroom.

4. Unequal Funding of Public Schools

While school funding has declined in the United States, what little funding is
available to schools is unevenly distributed; because funds are awarded based on
your school zone.

As a result, schools in poorer areas are often overlooked and do not meet quality
standards compared to schools in cities and wealthy areas.

5. School Violence and Bullying

Another big problem in the American school system is bullying. Bullying is
simply harassing someone, specifically repeated coercion, and refers to persistent
behavior intended to make someone's life uncomfortable, which is unfortunately
common in public schools in the United States. it is good. Furthermore, her
mental health and self-esteem were severe, if not completely, compromised.
Children can also harm the body. As a result, the child dropped out of school.

The education system and schools in the United States lack initiatives to combat
or reduce bullying in schools through bullying awareness programs and programs
that teach students and teachers how to deal with bullying and its consequences.

6. Nepotism
The neighborhood is another big issue in the American education system,
especially at universities. The very meaning of sponsorship is to support or
prioritize people, friends, family, or relatives by allowing them to enroll in
schools or hire employees.

Based on a study conducted by SFFA (Students for Fair Admission),

approximately 45% of white students who qualify for Harvard University are
included in the list of seniors, juniors, or deans.

While there are also many issues of nepotism in employee institutions, one of the
most interesting is the 2016 scandal at the University of California. Dean Linda
Katechi was forced to resign over sponsorship allegations.


1. Affordable Cost
Compared to other countries, education in Indonesia is quite affordable. Learners
can attend school at a low cost. There are also various scholarships/assistance that
students can get.
In the education system in Indonesia, the government implements a 12-year
compulsory education system, starting from elementary, junior high, and high
school/equivalent. Students in the country do not have to spend a budget to pay
for educational facilities and infrastructure, because the state pays for the facilities
and infrastructure.
According to the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, the State Budget
allocated for education is as much as 20 percent. This number is a form of the
government's efforts in realizing the country's vision, namely "Educating the Life
of the Nation".
This includes School Operating Costs which prohibits educational institutions
from asking for donations to parents or guardians of students. If the government's
budget is not sufficient, only the school committee can ask the parents of the
students for budget adequacy.
2. Transparent Education System
The process of Teaching and Learning Activities in Indonesia looks very
transparent. Students and parents are granted freedom of access. This means that
parents or guardians of students can directly supervise their child's learning
process clearly and easily. In general, this only applies to kindergarten and
elementary school levels. While at the advanced level, they are only allowed to
monitor remotely. Not infrequently in the education system in schools, parents are
also involved in order to be able to develop the intelligence and skills of their
children. Teachers and students have the right to know their learning outcomes
and also to know information related to learning.
3. The curriculum is compiled by experts and experienced people
In the past, the curriculum was only compiled by experts. They continue to make
observations either directly or indirectly to identify subsequent developments.
However, since the existence of the 2013 curriculum, teachers as practitioners can
also be involved in the preparation of the curriculum. This is certainly an
improvement from the previous curriculum preparation. In addition, another
reason to involve teachers is that teachers are people who go directly into the field
in the actual field of education. It is hoped that the role of the teacher in its
preparation is so that the curriculum can present the materials needed and at the
same time be able to explore the talents of students.
4. Easier admissions considerations

The government is currently implementing a reduction in inequality between
regions. There will no longer be the term "remote area". Government institutions
will provide facilities and infrastructure to educational institutions. The
emergence of a new zoning system could create equitable obligations and rights.
There will be no more so-called "favorite schools".
In the past, students were crowded - crowded to apply to schools - schools that
were considered superior in society. However, with the zoning system only
implemented in recent years, student admissions only consider region and age.
Students are also not given the minimum requirement to pass the Kindergarten -
With this education system, all students who register can study close to their
respective domiciles.
5. Diverse Educational Pathways
Students can choose to continue their education at any track or type of level they
prefer. The path or type of level in question is whether formal, non-formal, or
Formal education is an educational process organized in public schools. Because
it is for public schools, the level of education is clear, whether it is elementary
education such as elementary and junior high schools, secondary education
including high schools and vocational schools, and higher education such as
Meanwhile, non-formal education mostly occurs at an early age or basic education
such as the Qur'an Education Park in every mosque or Sunday School in the
church. This may also include courses and tutoring. For informal education, it is a
family and environmental education path in the form of independent learning
activities that must be carried out with full awareness and responsibility.


Education is a must in today's world. People who do not have a high school
education cannot find a job in any field. two aspects that influence the quality of
education, exclusively in Indonesia are:- Internal factors, including the ranks of
the world of learning, be it the Ministry of National Learning, the regional
Education Office, as well as schools located at the forefront.- External factors,
which our society in general. Where the community is an icon of education and
the purpose of learning is the object of education. There are several problems
related to the education system in Indonesia, and it is important to recognize these
1. Education Problems in Macro Scope

a. A . Education is still uneven
Lack of equitable access to education also leads to differences in the quality of
education between regions. Students who attend schools in areas with good access
to education tend to have a higher quality of education compared to students who
attend schools in areas with poor access to education. This leads to inequality in
the opportunities given to students to pursue careers and success in life. The
problems of inequality and equity in education are (1) Differences in the
socioeconomic level of the community; (2) Differences in educational facilities;
(3) Uneven distribution of schools; (4) High standard entrance scores; (5)
Rayonization. (Idrus, 2016) Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to go to high
school, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Many students from low-income
areas do not get a proper education. In some areas, students do not even have
access to desks or school textbooks.
b. A significant gap in access to education
Huge gap in educational opportunity The main problem with the Indonesian
education system is the urban-rural gap. Low-income urban areas attract most
students as they have the lowest graduation rates among rural and urban areas. In
some cases, fewer than 60 percent of students in low socioeconomic districts
graduate. This means that only half of the total students graduate from high school
There are also many issues with how children from rural areas are treated by
teachers in higher education institutions. Students from lower socioeconomic
levels come from rural environments where academics are not a top priority.
Teachers in higher education institutions also tend to be less willing to help rural
students, which adds to the problems caused by low levels of socioeconomic
inequality in both urban and rural areas. This treatment is unfair as many rural
students are far behind their peers who grew up in urban areas due to the lack of
resources in their home areas.

c. The Low Quality of Teachers in Indonesia

There are also teacher duties for Law Number 20 of 2003, namely teachers are
tasked with organizing and compiling learning, continuing education, calculating
the results of education, guiding, training, studying, and serving the community.
By carrying out their duties as a teacher, teachers are expected to educate and
guide their students as human beings who are following the objectives of national
Teacher quality is an issue that must be considered in every country. In countries
with lower education standards, teachers play an important role in determining the
future of the nation. Teachers play an important role in the development of a
child's mind and character. Not all children have the luxury of having excellent

teachers to aid their development. Therefore, it is important to look at the factors
that affect the quality of teachers in developing countries.
Teachers are underpaid and often lack sufficient materials to run a classroom
effectively. Even when schools have sufficient supplies, poor quality materials
and poor planning can lead to failure for students from lower socioeconomic
levels. Underpaid teachers in low-income areas lower the performance of every
student in their district. Low-income areas also affect how well students perform
in the classroom.

d. Limited English language proficiency

English is not widely spoken in Indonesia, and there is a lack of emphasis on
teaching English in schools. Teachers from low-income areas tend to lack
knowledge when it comes to teaching English or math. They also don't have
enough time to prepare lessons for their students. Students from low-income areas
pick up these habits and learn very slowly. This low level of learning makes it
difficult for districts with low socioeconomic levels to improve their academic
status. Even after fixing the location problem, teachers still need to improve their
English and math skills if they are to teach in low socioeconomic areas well.

e. Quality and Relevance of Education in Indonesia

In most countries, education is considered the basis for future development.
Education provides knowledge that helps daily life and contributes to the
country's culture. In addition, students learn how to behave and take part in
society. Therefore, low quality of education can have devastating consequences
for a country.
The low quality of education is also caused by the low quality of the teaching
force. Although many schools are currently operating, there are still many schools
that are not functioning due to teacher shortages. Furthermore, there is an
increasing number of private schools that cater more to high-income families than
low-income families. This not only limits access to education for
underrepresented groups but also leads to high teacher turnover rates that make
learning difficult.
Even worse, inferior teacher training leads to lower student achievement as well
as lower wages for graduates from low-income districts.

2. Education Problems in Micro Scope

a. Monotonous learning methods
This monotonous learning approach means that there are no changes and
innovations, meaning that this approach only makes a difference in the delivery of
material. The learning methods used have a big influence on student learning

outcomes. This is because the learning process is an educational activity in which
there is teacher-student interaction. Interaction in learning activities has
educational value because students are guided towards certain learning objectives
that have been prepared in advance with the hope that students can understand and
understand the material presented.
b. Inadequate facilities and infrastructure
As a developing country, Indonesia certainly still has a lot to build and improve.
This includes improving educational facilities and infrastructure. Now, there are
still many schools in several regions whose facilities are inadequate or even non-
existent. The low quality of educational facilities and infrastructure can be caused
by various factors such as the allocation of funds that are hampered, misuse of
school funds, maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, etc. Poor infrastructure,
supervision by school officials, and lack of supervision by school officials.
Poor infrastructure, supervision by school officials who are indifferent to facilities
and infrastructure, and other factors. As a result, many students are unable to use
school facilities properly.
c. Low student achievement
The essence of education is the learning process itself. The learning process
certainly has a big impact on student achievement. The learning process is carried
out to develop and discover student potential and produce expected student
achievement. Unfortunately, low student achievement remains a major challenge
in meeting the expectations of education in Indonesia. Many factors cause the low
quality of student achievement. Broadly speaking, two factors cause poor student
performance, namely: 1) Physical factors: careless diet, physical illness; 2)
Psychological factors: lack of motivation, both from oneself and from others; 3)
fatigue. In addition, there are external factors as follows: 1) low teacher quality, 2)
inadequate facilities and infrastructure, And 3) family factors, such as conflicts in
the family.




1. SCOPE The state does not have Same
a monopoly on school
There are more private Same
schools than state

Most of the central Same
government's budget is
given to public schools
Support from state Support from provincial
budgets varies. There and municipal
are even states that government budgets for
don't provide any their respective regions.
budgetary support to
private schools at all There is a special
program: school
operational assistance.
The source of the
budget is partly from
the center.
2. INSTRUMENTS Decentralization. Gives Decentralization. Give
broad powers and broad authority and
autonomy to district autonomy to regional
governments with the and city governments
support of state with the support of the
governments. provincial government
Consequently there are Same
many different
variations of decisions
In order for the Same
variation to be positive
and remain
constructive, the central
government establishes
bodies that coordinate
the education sector
At the national levelAt the national level
there is the federal there is the Ministry of
department of
National Education and
education. At the
at the regional level and
regional and local
at the local level there
levels there is a board
are provincial education
of education offices and city
education offices.
3. DISTRIBUTION The state or central Same
government pays

attention to the high
appreciation of the
community for sending
their children to
primary and secondary
Creating a higher (there is a selection in
quality of students student recruitment)
entering college
Universities are Same
expected to be able to
give birth to qualified
workforce and be able
to compete universally.
Multi-mission Same
education policy:
political, social,
economic, cultural, and
national dignity
4. REISTRAINTS By decentralizing Same
AND education policy, many
INNOVATION problems can be solved
more quickly and in
more detail with results
that are in line with the
spirit of
decentralization and
regional autonomy.
Public involvement is The same. Even with
given very large access the policy of
in participating in decentralization of
designing, monitoring education, public
and evaluating the access and public
results of the involvement are given
implementation of wide opportunities,
educational policies. namely by holding
institutions such as
education councils and

school committees.



Selection of educational institutions

If Indonesians are faced with the question of whether to choose a public
educational institution or a private educational institution, surely they will
immediately answer "clearly choose the state one!". In Indonesia, private schools
are generally not very well-known, unless they have a big name like Bali
International School or the like who have a high level of achievement. In general,
Indonesians prefer public schools because the costs are lower. So are the
Americans. State or public school schools there are indeed fully funded by the
state government concerned. However, when it comes to quality, generally private
schools in Indonesia have little to no problem with quality. The perception that
private schools are of less quality than public schools has caused public schools to
be flooded with enthusiasts. It's different in America. Even though the cost is
more expensive, private schools are eyed by people who can afford them because
they are private or private schools schools generally have a bourgeois and elite
image . Regarding quality, there may be a slight difference, but not too

Prioritize practice over theory

The education system in Indonesia places too much emphasis on theory.
Everything is based on theory. Indeed, the school has facilitated a laboratory, but
it is rarely used. Elementary students are taught material that far exceeds their
reasoning ability. Academically, this can be categorized as good. However, once
told to do practice , they are at a loss.
Like a scene from an Indian film entitled "3 Idiots ", in this film it is told that only
Rancho practices salt water as an electrolyte by shocking his seniors who are
urinating in front of his door with a spoon. Everyone knows that salt water is an
electrolyte, but not everyone can practice using it.
Unlike the Americans. Americans tend to have a high curiosity and scientific
attitude. Education system based on learning by doing or "learning by doing". If
you visit an American school, usually in science class, the laboratory is sure to be
crowded. In addition, in some schools, there is a charity work obligation. It trains
soft student skills to live in society. In comparison, the American curriculum does
not recognize "Religious Education" or "Ethics" or "Anti-Corruption Education".

But does that mean they have no morals and morals? Not!. In Indonesia, we only
study the theory of morals, for its implementation in everyday life it is still very
rare to find, although in fact there are, but the number is still small, while
Americans have learned ethics from society since childhood.

Choice not only one

The Indonesian education system has a distinctive feature, namely a majoring
system since high school, namely Science and Social Sciences and is currently
experiencing the addition of several majors such as language and engineering
majors. And unfortunately, the prestige of science majors is usually better known
than IPS. This makes it seem as if the way of life is divided into 2, namely
between wanting to be someone who focuses on science or social studies majors.
But still, the Indonesian education system does not respect the students
themselves because of this system. Student is a wildcard , a Novice who has not
obtained a Job and allocated Skills Point . With majors, the school kills students'
rights to choose what they like . In America, students are given the freedom to
choose whatever subjects they like. Besides being fun, the system made it quicker
to recognize his own abilities.

Asking would be better

Indonesian students tend to be more embarrassed to ask their teachers when they
encounter difficulties in class. Therefore, the teacher must prepare more teaching
materials. Actually, this trait is common in Indonesia. Indonesian people have
quite high self-esteem. And they don't want their self-esteem to drop just because
they ask the teacher when their friend already understands everything. They are
afraid of being labeled “stupid, slow, stupid” by their friends, even if not
explicitly. For this reason, most Indonesian students are reluctant to ask their
teachers during lessons. They prefer to meet the teacher outside class hours alone.
In contrast to Indonesian students, American students are far more active than
Indonesian students. In his lessons, the teacher always takes a question and
answer session after explaining the material. And students always ask anything
they don't understand. This is good because it increases communication between
teachers and students, increases their knowledge, and trains students' self-
confidence and activeness. The difference that is clearly seen here is the
difference in student curiosity. Indonesian students tend to feel satisfied when
they have mastered the contents of a chapter well. Beyond that, it won't be useful,
because it won't come out in the National Examination. So, he felt it was enough
just to know what was in the book. American students, on the other hand, are very
curious about things. This pushes him to explore further than in the book. To

satisfy their curiosity, they diligently visit the library and often ask their teacher.
This is sati factor why America is one of the developed countries.


Idrus, M. (2016). Mutu Pendidikan Dan Pemerataan Pendidikan Di Daerah.

PSIKOPEDAGOGIA Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 1(2).


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