Elec Report (Draft)
Elec Report (Draft)
Elec Report (Draft)
Electrical design
concept -
IEC-International Electro-Technical Commission
SBC -Saudi Building Code
The metering shall be provided at the MV
switchgear of each distributer for measuring the
1.Introduction - SEC -Saudi electricity company specifications total power consumed by the project, and at the
The electrical Schematic design report has been - MODON-Building guide and requirements same time KWH meters shall be provided by SEC
prepared to outline and discuss the various
• All electrical products specified for this project shall at the low voltage supply entrance for each
electrical systems of the project. be as listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. (UL) consumer to measure his consumed power and
2.Applicable Codes Standards or other approved agencies and shall conform to
2.1.General be charged by SEC.
applicable standards of the following:
The following Regulations, Codes, and Standards - Outdoor package substation – transformer dry
- SASO-Saudi Arabia Standard Organization.
will be followed in the design of the Electrical type, 1000 KVA rating, 13.8KV/400-230V shall be
Installations: - NEMA-National Electrical Manufacturer’s
Association. used in distributing the power to all residential &
· Regulations for electrical installations IEE wiring commercial buildings. 500KVA Outdoor package
regulations, 16th Edition issued by the Institution - ANSI-American National Standards Institute.
transformers can be used “if needed at special
of Electrical Engineers where not in contradiction - IPCEA-nIsulated Power Cables Engineering
with the local codes. Association.
· IEC Standards, issued by the International Electro- - IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. - The outdoor package substation transformers
technical Commission. include separate RMU, the transformer & the
• Lighting System Shall be as per:
· NFPA National Fire Protection Association edition low voltage main distribution panel combined in
(2002) shall be used throughout the project, - IES-Illuminating Engineering Society 9th Edition 2000 one unit.
particularly for Fire Alarm System and any for Reference/Application.
electrical materials subject to fire hazard and - MV feeders should not exceed 7.5 Km for 13.8 kV
3- Medium Voltage Network
national electrical code, to prevent hazard to life in length up to the normal open point.
and property, to minimize damage to the system - Medium voltage cables shall run from the MV 3.1 Supply voltages
and its components and to limit the extent and switchgear to connect the transformers along the site
For each Tenant selected according to the total
duration of service interruption whenever in a loop configuration with maximum capacity of
connected load.
abnormalities occur on any part of the system. (7.6) MVA (demand load) per loop.
i. More than 7 MVA: 33kV.
2.2 Generally design shall be in accordance with: - The loop configuration has the advantage of providing
- SPARK Design Guidelines –King Salman power supply to each transformer from two ii. More than 1 MVA, Up to 7 MVA: 13.8kV.
Industrial City (Spark)
directions through the ring main units connected to iii. Up to 1 MVA: 400/230V.
- SPARK_HSE Manual- King Salman Industrial City each transformer so that in case of power failure from
(Spark) • Each 13.8kV loop will be fed by two breakers
one direction, the transformers can take its supply
connected to two separate buses. Package
- NEC-The National Electrical Code - 2008. from the other direction.
substations (PKSS) will be located along the
and with other utilities such as water pipes, same source + [Sum of the MDLs of the
remaining consumers / D.F for the remaining
sewage pipes…etc at the same time.
number of Customers].
- Arrangement of the utilities network shall be as
• The electrical load is calculated based on built-
per SEC & MOMRA standards & regulations
up area (BUA) for each land use type The
7. Load Estimation. determination
Preliminary Load estimation is provided above of the load densities (VA/m2) and demand factors
and the following is the basis followed. applied at the plots (up to the plot
a.Work out the covered area of the building taking
transformer)are based o SEC “Distribution
into account the allowable construction area in
the scheme. Planning Standard,DPS-01-Rev.02,dated
September 2015”
b.Calculate the total load (KVA) according to the
covered area (sq. meter) as given in the attached
Table-3 & Table-4 & Table-5 & Table-6.
B. Occupancy Sensors.
· Occupancy sensors will be used in the corridors, D. Lighting Control
Stairs and outdoor lighting in outdoor parking under Lighting controls include the use of remote sensors,
building and where occupants are not likely to turn automatic controls, and management
off lights. systems that control the use of lighting in interior or
EXIT SIGN · Ceiling mounted occupancy sensor rang 10m x 10m exterior environments. Control of lighting
(360°) suitable for required mounting height. fixtures can save energy and reduce peak demand. At
· Wall mounted occupancy sensor range 12m (90°) the same time these provide user
suitable for required mounting height. convenience while maintaining appropriate lighting
levels or improving the lighting
environment in many cases.
EM LIGHTING SERVICE MOUNTED 14.6.Dimming Control System
- Dimming system shall be used on the development
for control over all the places where the dimming is
The Dimmer control system should comprise dimmer
CEILING OCCUPANCY SENSOR cabinets, dimming modules and control units .
- Dimmer cabinets will be located within air-
C. Day light Sensors. conditioned electrical rooms.
· Daylight sensors will be used for outdoor lighting in - Dimmer modules are designed to operate with a
outdoor parking under building and public areas different light sources.
14.5.Lighting Controls where natural lighting is available - Control units (C.U) are locally installed to control
· Lighting control systems shall be provided : the lighting circuits however switched or dimmed
A. Local Switches:- · Daylight sensors monitor the levels of natural light
to switch on/off or dim lighting depending on the with a different scenes, as per the lighting designer
· Locally installed on-off switches shall control the requirements.
lighting for all rooms by means of direct level of daylight artificial lighting will be automatically
connection/disconnection of lighting circuits. and to turned off in areas where daylight sensors register
sufficient natural light . 14.7.Stand alone Dimming System.
be used in all mechanical and electrical spaces in Stand alone dimming systems will be determined by
addition to all functions unless mentioned here . Ceiling mounted daylight sensors rang 10m x 10m
(360°) suitable for required mounting height. interior designer/client.