Elec Report (Draft)

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JANUARY 2022 - REV.00

Electrical Design Concept


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Building guide and requirements

Electrical design
concept -
IEC-International Electro-Technical Commission
SBC -Saudi Building Code
The metering shall be provided at the MV
switchgear of each distributer for measuring the
1.Introduction - SEC -Saudi electricity company specifications total power consumed by the project, and at the
The electrical Schematic design report has been - MODON-Building guide and requirements same time KWH meters shall be provided by SEC
prepared to outline and discuss the various
• All electrical products specified for this project shall at the low voltage supply entrance for each
electrical systems of the project. be as listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. (UL) consumer to measure his consumed power and
2.Applicable Codes Standards or other approved agencies and shall conform to
2.1.General be charged by SEC.
applicable standards of the following:
The following Regulations, Codes, and Standards - Outdoor package substation – transformer dry
- SASO-Saudi Arabia Standard Organization.
will be followed in the design of the Electrical type, 1000 KVA rating, 13.8KV/400-230V shall be
Installations: - NEMA-National Electrical Manufacturer’s
Association. used in distributing the power to all residential &
· Regulations for electrical installations IEE wiring commercial buildings. 500KVA Outdoor package
regulations, 16th Edition issued by the Institution - ANSI-American National Standards Institute.
transformers can be used “if needed at special
of Electrical Engineers where not in contradiction - IPCEA-nIsulated Power Cables Engineering
with the local codes. Association.
· IEC Standards, issued by the International Electro- - IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. - The outdoor package substation transformers
technical Commission. include separate RMU, the transformer & the
• Lighting System Shall be as per:
· NFPA National Fire Protection Association edition low voltage main distribution panel combined in
(2002) shall be used throughout the project, - IES-Illuminating Engineering Society 9th Edition 2000 one unit.
particularly for Fire Alarm System and any for Reference/Application.
electrical materials subject to fire hazard and - MV feeders should not exceed 7.5 Km for 13.8 kV
3- Medium Voltage Network
national electrical code, to prevent hazard to life in length up to the normal open point.
and property, to minimize damage to the system - Medium voltage cables shall run from the MV 3.1 Supply voltages
and its components and to limit the extent and switchgear to connect the transformers along the site
For each Tenant selected according to the total
duration of service interruption whenever in a loop configuration with maximum capacity of
connected load.
abnormalities occur on any part of the system. (7.6) MVA (demand load) per loop.
i. More than 7 MVA: 33kV.
2.2 Generally design shall be in accordance with: - The loop configuration has the advantage of providing
- SPARK Design Guidelines –King Salman power supply to each transformer from two ii. More than 1 MVA, Up to 7 MVA: 13.8kV.
Industrial City (Spark)
directions through the ring main units connected to iii. Up to 1 MVA: 400/230V.
- SPARK_HSE Manual- King Salman Industrial City each transformer so that in case of power failure from
(Spark) • Each 13.8kV loop will be fed by two breakers
one direction, the transformers can take its supply
connected to two separate buses. Package
- NEC-The National Electrical Code - 2008. from the other direction.
substations (PKSS) will be located along the


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Distribution transformer firm capacity table (1) -- 500 KVA can be used “if needed at special cases”
with Built in Panel has removable copper links and Cables Firm Capacity table (2)
4x400A outgoing MCCB.
- Outgoing cables from Distribution Substations
(Low voltage panel) shall be 4x300 mm2 (Al).
Wherever suitable the Distribution Cabinets shall
be employed. The outgoing cables from the
• Package substations will consist of a 13.8kV ring Distribution Cabinet shall be of sizes 4x185 mm2
main unit (RMU) for MV switching, a 13.8/0.4kV
or 4x70 mm2 (Al). The Distribution Cabinets and
transformer, and a LV cabinet containing branch
feeder breakers Transformers shall generally be located at the load
3.2 The loading of the Distribution Transformers
Maximum allowable length from the substation to
The loading of the Distribution Transformers
the customer is 420 meters for 400/230 Volts
Shall not exceed 80% of full load rated capacity
(KVA) Table 1 system.

-Low Voltage cable should not cross any road 36

3.3 KWH Meter meters wide.
Every energy metering point with customer local - Maximum Voltage Drop must not exceed + 5% of
above 1 MVA shall be equipped with 13.8kv declared Voltage.
Meter Ring Main Units (MRMU) with a 400A 5. Cables
circuit breaker inside room as per SEC - Medium voltage cables shall be 15 KV aluminum
cables with XLPE/DSTA/PVC insulation for direct
specifications and Spark design guidelines.
buried installation and shall be encased in
4- Low Voltage Network reinforcement concrete duct banks at road
- Low voltage network shall be provided from the crossings.
transformers direct to the large consumers such
-Low voltage cables shall be 600/1000V aluminum
as the apartment buildings, mall, schools, .etc.
cables with XLPE/PVC insulation for direct buried
- 1000 KVA MV/LV unit substation to be used with installation and shall be encased in reinforcement
Built in Low voltage panel has removable copper concrete duct banks at road crossings.
links and 8x400A outgoing MCCB.
- Cables shall be selected based on the Demand
- No substation can be loaded with more than 80% Load estimation and from the cable ratings given
of its rated KVA capacity, i.e the maximum load of in Table (2) below:
1000 KVA substation is 800 KVA. MV Trench Configuration
The cables shall not be loaded more than 80% of
its rated capacity


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a.Maximum Demand Load (MDL) shall be • Coincident Factors are based on SEC “General
calculated as : Guidelines for Design of Distribution Network of
• MDL =Connected Load x Demand Factor (Dem. F) Private Schemes “ DPS-1-Rev.02 dated September
• Where the Demand Factor (Dem. F) shall be Load 2015”
• (DL) of a group of customers being fed from
selected from the table (3) given below;
• Demand the same source is calculated as:
• Demand Load = Sum of (MDL) of individual
Customers / Diversity
• Factor
• Where Diversity Factor (D.F) = 1.25 / [0.67 +
(0.33/ √N)]
• And Co-incident Factor = 1/D.F
N = Number of consumers (energy meters) and is
LV Trench Configuration always greater than 1. For N=1, D.F=1
6- Exterior Raceways If the individual Consumers are of different loads,
then the Demand
-Raceways for medium voltage network, low
voltage network and telecommunication network Load (DL) is estimated as :
shall be coordinated in conjunction with each • Demand Load=MDL of the largest consumer on
other the

and with other utilities such as water pipes, same source + [Sum of the MDLs of the
remaining consumers / D.F for the remaining
sewage pipes…etc at the same time.
number of Customers].
- Arrangement of the utilities network shall be as
• The electrical load is calculated based on built-
per SEC & MOMRA standards & regulations
up area (BUA) for each land use type The
7. Load Estimation. determination
Preliminary Load estimation is provided above of the load densities (VA/m2) and demand factors
and the following is the basis followed. applied at the plots (up to the plot
a.Work out the covered area of the building taking
transformer)are based o SEC “Distribution
into account the allowable construction area in
the scheme. Planning Standard,DPS-01-Rev.02,dated
September 2015”
b.Calculate the total load (KVA) according to the
covered area (sq. meter) as given in the attached
Table-3 & Table-4 & Table-5 & Table-6.


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Demand Factors For All Facilities Types Table (3) The Co-incident Factor table no. (4)


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8.Voltage Drop Calculations -Outdoor lighting panels for street lighting control Facility Category ( C1 ) : Loads Of Residential
are provided at suitable locations these locations Buildings - 230/400 V table no. (5)
• Voltage Drop over a length of cable shall be
are selected either to be near the transformer
calculated as:
location or at location so that to minimize the
Voltage Drop (%) = (KVA x Length of LV Feeder) / cable runs to the lighting circuits & hence
K Where K is determined minimize the voltage drop.
-Lighting circuits shall be three phase cables, direct
buried with XLPE/SWA/PVC insulation, As per the
municipality specs three sizes of cables "only" to
be used "16,25&35mm2" with grading in
accordance to gradient of the load.
-Lighting circuits shall be enclosed in UPVC
conduits encased in concrete duct bank at road
-The lighting panels shall be standard 250A with 8
branches equipped with photo cell and timer
control for automatic operation of the road
9.Exterior Lighting System lighting.
-Site illumination levels shall be in accordance with -Grounding Rod pit to be provided for each Lighting
the recommended levels of the illumination pole beside and connected, accordingly no
engineering society (IES) for the various types of grounding wire to be run enclosed with the circuit
road ways and areas. cables.
-Lighting poles height shall meet with Riyadh
municipality standard and to be provided in all 9.1The used software for electric calculations
roads, parking,--etc. inside the project.
-Dialux software shall be applied for the lighting
-Lighting poles used shall be single arm or double calculation.
arms as needed in the site and as per MOMRA
-Excel sheet of voltage drop to be applied for
lighting circuits/ cable size and voltage drop
-Lighting fixtures with LED fixtures in accordance to calculation.
municipality specs shall be used in all places, No
conventional lighting is allowed.
-Lighting for parking areas shall be provided
through the use of lighting poles height and LED
lighting fixtures to provide the required lux level
required with the most economic solution.


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Facility Category ( C1 ) : Loads Of Residential Facility Category ( C2 ) : Loads Of Commercial Facility Category ( C2 ) : Loads Of Commercial
Buildings - 230/400 V table no. (5) Buildings - 230/400 V table no. (6) Buildings - 230/400 V table no. (6)


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Connected Load Estimation (VA/m2) table (7)
5.Preliminary Electrical Load Estimation :
The electrical load has been estimated to include
the following items:
- Lighting loads for indoor.
- HVAC loads.
- Fire pumps.
- Domestic water booster pumps.
- Central water Heater.
- Elevators.
- General power outlets.
- External Landscape Lighting.
- Low current systems loads (FA, Security, IT,...etc.).
Total approximate preliminary load is calculated as


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Calculation Load Estimation


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
10.Main Distribution Board and Distribution
The Utilization Voltage for the hospital building will
be 400/230 Volt , 3-phase, 5 Wires and 60 Hz.
The main distribution board feeding residential
building will be as following:
·No. (1) MDB that receive power from one
transformer or substation refer to block diagram.
Each main distribution board (MDB) will feed four
sub main distribution board (SMDB) with four
cables for every floor.
Apartment distribution board (DB) that receive
Zones of the building
power from sub main distribution board.
- Main distribution board will be totally enclosed, 11.Back-up Facility For Power Supply
dust proof, front and rear accessible, indoor type. The reliability of power supply shall be high due to
the importance of the project. And since
Circuit breakers will be as follows:
interruptions in the normal supply cannot be ruled
- MCCB with adjustable solid-state trip unit and
out, the following systems shall be considered:
thermal & magnetic or electronic release will be
11.1.Diesel Generator Set
used. The emergency electrical power supply will be
- Circuit breakers in panel boards shall be molded provided in case of the main power supply failure.
case or miniature type equipped with thermal and Diesel generator set shall be provided to support the
magnetic trip elements according to the rating and following essential, Life safety, Equipment system and
short circuit capacity. critical loads:
- 100% from emergency lighting distribution of stairs
Distribution panel boards will be located at
and exit signage
each specific area installed inside electrical rooms
- Elevators
/ closets to provide the power supply to that area. - Security system equipment
The branch circuits from these distribution panel - Fire alarm system equipment
boards to the equipment located at that area will - Fire jockey pump
be provided based on area furniture layout given - UPS system
by the architect / medical consultant for electrical Block Diagram
rooms’ required areas & locations.


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Emergency supply has been proposed in this dedicated UPS will be provided for main medical 13.Automatic Transfer Switch
preliminary stage as follows: equipment by equipment supplier and dedicated Automatic transfer switch complete with manual
- Four diesel generators total approximate UPS will be provided for operation rooms Bypass - Isolation switches
preliminary load for each one (100 KVA). The system shall consist of a rectifier, charger, Will be provided.
- Diesel generator set connected to generator inverter, static by-pass switch and Sealed lead
The bypass and isolation features allow the
panel, this panel will feed ATSs each ATS will acid (Maintenance Free) batteries of adequate
primary automatic transfer switch to be inspected
capacity to provide approximately 30 minutes of
feed one of the emergency LV panels, in case of ,tested and maintained without any interruption of
backup time.
power failure at any one of the emergency LV power to the load. They also provide redundant
- The UPS system shall be configured as a true
panel. on-line system whereby the inverter section of power transfer in the event the ATS is disabled or
the UPS is the main source of AC power to the removed from service. The Automatic transfer
critical load and the by-pass AC source is switch will be provided with heavy duty
utilized as the standby source in case of an mechanical interlocks to prevent undesirable
extreme overload or inverter failure. Transfer to operation.
the AC source shall be automatic and without

Outdoor Diesel generator

12.Uninterruptible Power Supply

U.P.S units connected in parallel on-line
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system for
life supporting life safety equipment, critical
loads, required areas and functions as indicated
Uninterruptible Power Supply Automatic Transferee Switch
NEC 517.33 and as applicable, other important
system, security systems and any additional
requirements for IT. Adequate size shall be
provided to supply regulated power for
designated electrical and electronic equipment
when the incoming utility power is interrupted.


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
14.Lighting Installations - All public area and interior decorative lighting
14.1.General designs are to be provided by the architect/interior
· The internal lighting installation will be designed in designers to reflect the level of prestige.
according with the current (IES) code for lighting and - All functional areas such as back of house and
associated Lighting Guides, with respect to technical rooms will be prepared by electrical
maintained levels of illumination, uniformity and designers.
luminaire types. - In general, LED luminaries will be used in all over the
· Lighting design will also provide good general building.
ambient level of lighting and specific tasks lighting - Lighting fixtures used in each type of space will be
· The lighting solution will comprise of energy saving determined based on the functional requirements LED SPOTLIGHT
LED luminaries for all areas. of the space as well as the architectural
· Lighting levels shall be as recommended in (IES) code consideration
for lighting. - Lighting fixtures will be standard products of
14.2.Lux Levels reputable manufacturers
The Lux. Levels of the functional areas as per (IES) - The driver for the luminaire equipped with LED
standard will be as follows: lamps will be high frequency Solid state, high power
Commercial factor.
- Administration/ Office/ Open Workstations 500Lux - The protection class of all lighting fixtures will be LED PROFILE LIGHT
- Reception 300 Lux specified in accordance with the location where
- Conference & meeting room 500 Lux they are installed.
- Control room 500 Lux - rooms Luminaries of hygienic /clean type will be
- Electric room 200 Lux installed in operation similar areas.
- Mechanical/ Elect. Plant Rooms 200 Lux - Task lighting will be provided in operation rooms to
Residences maintain the required lighting levels above
- Kitchen 300 Lux operation table.
- Storage 200 Lux - Lighting for mechanical and service areas, pump area
- Reading 300 Lux and other similar areas with lower ceiling heights LED STRIP LIGHT
- Toilets 100 Lux shall be illuminated with waterproof luminaires
- Corridors, day 200 Lux equipped with LED lamps. B-Emergency Lighting system : -
- Corridors, night 50 Lux Emergency lighting system will be connected to
14.4.Types of Lighting Systems
Outdoor Parking normal supply (Transformer mains), while in case of
- outdoor main plant parking 20 Lux A-Normal Lighting System :- normal power failure , all emergency lighting
- outdoor secondary plant parking 10 Lux Normal lighting system shall be connected to fixtures will be supplied by backup battery with 3hr
14.3.Lighting Fixtures normal power supply (transformer mains). with automatic battery charger for battery-powered
- The lighting design and LED lamp selection will be lighting units
based on achieving recommended illumination and fed from stand-by diesel generator sets.
levels taking into consideration proper color
rendering, and temperatures for each task Exit signs shall be provided in all places all over the
minimum and glare as per IES recommendation.


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
project to safety evacuate personal in case of power under. Switches shall be 10A 250V, A.C. inductive load
failure, the location and the specification advised by rated to their full rated capacity.
the architectural consultant. · Switches installed in mechanical rooms and wet
The emergency lighting system shall be as required areas, shall be weather proof type. The switches shall
by NFPA 101 not less than an average of (10.8 lux) comply to the degree of protection IP44 ”as
and at least (108 lux) in staircase. a minimum”, Switch cover plates shall be installed
with earthing terminal lugs. CEILING DAY LIGHT SENSOR

B. Occupancy Sensors.
· Occupancy sensors will be used in the corridors, D. Lighting Control
Stairs and outdoor lighting in outdoor parking under Lighting controls include the use of remote sensors,
building and where occupants are not likely to turn automatic controls, and management
off lights. systems that control the use of lighting in interior or
EXIT SIGN · Ceiling mounted occupancy sensor rang 10m x 10m exterior environments. Control of lighting
(360°) suitable for required mounting height. fixtures can save energy and reduce peak demand. At
· Wall mounted occupancy sensor range 12m (90°) the same time these provide user
suitable for required mounting height. convenience while maintaining appropriate lighting
levels or improving the lighting
environment in many cases.
EM LIGHTING SERVICE MOUNTED 14.6.Dimming Control System
- Dimming system shall be used on the development
for control over all the places where the dimming is
The Dimmer control system should comprise dimmer
CEILING OCCUPANCY SENSOR cabinets, dimming modules and control units .
- Dimmer cabinets will be located within air-
C. Day light Sensors. conditioned electrical rooms.
· Daylight sensors will be used for outdoor lighting in - Dimmer modules are designed to operate with a
outdoor parking under building and public areas different light sources.
14.5.Lighting Controls where natural lighting is available - Control units (C.U) are locally installed to control
· Lighting control systems shall be provided : the lighting circuits however switched or dimmed
A. Local Switches:- · Daylight sensors monitor the levels of natural light
to switch on/off or dim lighting depending on the with a different scenes, as per the lighting designer
· Locally installed on-off switches shall control the requirements.
lighting for all rooms by means of direct level of daylight artificial lighting will be automatically
connection/disconnection of lighting circuits. and to turned off in areas where daylight sensors register
sufficient natural light . 14.7.Stand alone Dimming System.
be used in all mechanical and electrical spaces in Stand alone dimming systems will be determined by
addition to all functions unless mentioned here . Ceiling mounted daylight sensors rang 10m x 10m
(360°) suitable for required mounting height. interior designer/client.


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
15.External Lighting and Solar Energy Ring main unit room, Medium Voltage Switchgear
15.1 Street Lighting. room, voltage regulator room, Transformers room,
Low tension room and Diesel Generator room.
- Type expected is LED for the outdoor light fittings. · Copper Ground Bus will be connected to the
All external lighting shall be controlled by ingress exterior earth loop via two separate insulated earth
protection IP 55 or more. conductor.
A-Led Solar Street Lighting System :- · The Ground Bus will be connected to Main
Distribution Boards earth bar with insulated
During day time
conductors, MDB ’s earth bar will be linked to the
- Solar cell absorb solar energy during the day ,the
neutral bar at ground bus and the protective earth
solar cells then convert and stored in battery Fence Lighting conductor will be run separately from the MDB’s
-During night time
earth bar to all distribution boards earth bar.
- If there is motion near the solar street light as
detected by motion sensor all led will glow with 16.Earthing System
100% brightness - The earthing system will be TN-S type.
- If there is no motion then 67% led will go off and - A complete equipment earthing system will be
33% led will glow resulting in higher backup and provided such that all metallic structures
energy savings ,enclosures, raceways, junction boxes, outlet boxes
machine frames and all other electrical equipment
such as Ring main unit voltage regulator, Medium
Voltage Switch gear ,Transformers ,Diesel Generator
Sets and lighting fixtures.
- Power earthing system resistance will be two(2) Earthing Bars
ohms or less .
- Separate earthing system (clean earth) will be
provided for some medical equipment's and low
current systems and shall be bonded to main
Led Solar Street Light earthing system .the earthing resistance for clean
earth will not exceed one(0.5)ohm Earthing system
15.2 Solar energy for Building. will be as follows:
We will tray do the best solution after coordinate · A number of Bare copper earthing loops with
with HVAC department and study the feasibility of adequate size will be installed at 0.8 m. below grade
implementing the system or not in the next stage. around the perimeter of the building.
15.3 Fence Lighting. · Copper clad earth rods ( 3 m length ) complete with
According to Spark guideline will use lighting on concrete inspection pit will be installed and
the main pole locations with headlamp lighting of connected to this earth loops.
100 (Watt) globes max · Wall mounted Copper Ground Bus will be located at
0.6m. Above finished floor level will be provided for

EarthRod Inspection Earthing Pit


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
17.Lightning Protection System
- The project will be protected against lightning by a
complete protection system consist of roof mounted
early streamer air terminations connected down by
using insulated copper conductor to earthing
electrodes and exothermic bonded.
- The earthing resistance associated with lightning
protection system will not exceed Five (10) ohms.


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
MV Infrastructure Network


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
LV Infrastructure Network
JANUARY 2022 - REV.00
Thank you


JANUARY 2022 - REV.00

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