Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
How will the Philippines people face different types of health hazards
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The plastic pollution crisis is considered transnational as it affects different countries and
an estimated 9% of all plastic ever produced is recycled, of which 79% ends up in landfills or,
worse, into the environment. . (Allegado, 2020). Developing countries like the Philippines play a
pivotal role in the global plastic pollution crisis. According to a 2015 report by Marine
Conservation Charities and the McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, the Philippines
is her third largest source of marine plastic pollution, producing 2.7 million tons of plastic waste
each year (Jambeck , 2022). The report also revealed that the Philippines accounts for 36% of the
plastic waste that ends up in the world's oceans (Manahan, 2021). The reason for these alarming
statistics is that plastic waste in the Philippines comes from individual packages. These
to recyclers who can recycle it and make a profit. All plastic in the ocean goes to poor lowland
This paper will discuss all the factors due to which the Philippines people face different types of
health hazards due to the impact of plastic waste on oceans by highlighting the three main types
Not only does plastic look unsightly in the environment, it can also pose serious dangers
to animals and humans. These hazards may include hazards to human health such as suffocation,
marine life ingests and entangles various plastic debris found in the ocean. These can cause
trauma and internal injury, cause gastrointestinal and airway obstruction, and ultimately lead to
death and sometimes disease (Jambeck, 2022). When these marine animals come into contact
with humans in some way, the toxins they contain are broken down in the
body.So when humans eat seafood, they eat it too. Some of these plastic toxins, such as
microplastics, are associated with hormonal abnormalities and developmental problems such as
Giardia and Cryptosporidium (Crypto), both of which can cause stomach problems
how ingesting plastic from fish and shellfish affects human health. Research reveals that there
are three main types of plastics; macroplastics, microplastics, and nano plastics. Macroplastics
are a major source of microplastics and nano plastics. While they can lead to many forms of
amputation in wildlife, for example, marine species can suffocate and die from ingesting plastic.
Microplastics and nano plastics are a threat to all living things, including the smallest species
them and accumulate plastics and these pathogens in their bodies. Previous analyzes have shown
that microplastics do not necessarily pose a risk to human health. increase. it has been. to
win. But there are still many things we don't know. One concern is that plastics in the ocean will
eventually break down into nanoplastics. Nanoplastics are so small that they can enter human
cells when eaten (Maquart, 2022). However, in 2019, experts called for more research into the
impact of microplastics and nanoplastics on human health (Bryce, 2022). So arguably the most
important impact consumers can have is to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics, which
are a major contributor to plastic pollution in our oceans. That's why it's important to recycle as
much plastic as possible. Volunteer groups and several organizations are cleaning rivers and
beaches to reduce the amount of free plastic that ends up in the ocean. Supporting campaigns and
end, the Philippines has three major organizations working to tackle plastic pollution, support
Foundation (MEF), Plastic Free, GAGI. These organizations help educate and educate Filipinos
Another point to support the thesis is “the versatility and durability of plastic” that allowed it to
be more infectious and difficult to handle on a large scale in the second half of the 20th century.
The Philippines is one of the countries with the most serious marine plastic pollution in the
world, with 0.28 to 750,000 tons of plastic entering the ocean from the coastal areas of Manila
Bay each year. About 60 billion bags are used in this country every year. Economic growth
and increased production and consumption, has resulted in more waste in the Philippines (SEA
circular, 2020). When all of this waste enters the ocean, it causes several problems which raises
the question of plastic degradability. In Actual, plastics are difficult to degrade, and because
nature (Maquart, 2022). As a result, poor plastic management can permanently pollute the
plastic spilled into the ocean is initially collected but escapes from open landfills located near
vulnerable waterways (Schachter and Karasik, 2017). This can have serious health consequences
for Filipinos, such as phlegm, respiratory irritation, cough, obesity, cancer, dyspnea,
cardiovascular disease, decreased lung capacity, and asthma(Manahan, 2021; Schachter &
Karasik, 2017). It has also been hypothesized that MNPs may contribute to inflammation,
fish. Exposure to microplastics can lead to intestinal inflammation and destruction of intestinal
the gut, indicating that the environment can be destabilizing (Schachter & Karasik, 2017;
Morrison, 2022).
The versatility of microplastics is large enough, however, some studies have pointed to the
global health impacts of microplastic and nano plastic pollution, macroplastics pay little attention
to the spread and spread of infectious diseases and their impact on human and livestock health
macroplastics and their effects on long-lived organisms, suggesting that plastic affects all
nutrient levels, This includes microorganisms that form the basis of marine food webs (Llacuna
that can influence the burden of disease. To do. These microbes can form biofilms on top
of plastic waste and colonize new bodies of water.It demonstrates the need for an
Due to these microbes, different type of local vector and water borne organisms appears that can
cause diseases in humans. The most obvious examples are Aedes aegypti and Aedes
arboviruses. As observed in the Philippines, both species are highly hominid and develop in
plastic containers, tires, buckets, plastic teacups, and plastic bottles, and are often found close to
Furthermore, many studies exploring the effects of plastics and marine food plastic additives on
human health have focused on the effects of Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates. BPA can cause
reproductive impairment in shellfish and crustaceans, as BPA and phthalates are known
endocrine disruptors, both of which inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-
reproduction. In men, this may manifest as decreased fertility or an increased risk of testicular
and prostate cancer, while in women, endometriosis, reproductive cancers, decreased ovarian
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can cause diseases of the testis, prostate, kidney, and
immune system, leading to tumors (Basak et al., 2020). There is also evidence that the effects of
plastic on human health cannot be easily reversed, as exposure to plastic additives can persist
even after the plastic has been removed from the environment. For example, despite the
introduction of BPA regulations over time, BPA was detected in 23 of 29 urine samples from
hazardous waste incinerator workers (González et al. 2019). Furthermore, intervention studies in
which all plastic sources were removed from the home did not result in significant reductions in
urinary phthalate metabolites in all household members at 2 months (Hutter et al., 2016). It has
also been shown that in office spaces where materials or sources containing phthalates have been
Additionally, it has been noticed that plastic pollution has contributed to the climate-induced
decline of agriculture and fisheries, which are major economic activities in some societies. For
example, about 10% of the world's population depends heavily on the marine environment for
food and livelihoods, the majority (95%) of whom are from developing countries (Morrison,
2022). Low-lying Pacific islands with limited arable land are bearing the brunt of the plastic
crisis. For example, Tuvalu adheres to a “blue economy” policy that relies on the development of
marine resources to sustain its economy and population (International Organization for
Migration and its ILO, 2021). These conditions make the Philippines one of the countries with
The Philippines currently aims to promote 60% plastic recovery and recycling by 2030,
creating more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic packaging for
In conclusion, There is growing evidence that plastics can affect multiple layers of biological
tissue, from molecular and cellular to organismal and population levels. These effects are far-
neurological function, behavior, reproduction and development, and the microbiome. These
effects are mediated by the physical effects of ingested or absorbed plastic particles, as well as
the chemicals and microbes present in or on the plastic. Despite a growing body of research
around the world on the effects of plastic on human, animal, plant and ecosystem health, many
questions remain unanswered. On the one hand, more systematic and comprehensive studies are
needed to explain the large differences in polymer types, plastic particle sizes, and additive
blends. Furthermore, studies that integrate the effects of plastic pollution at the cellular,
plastics and additives over time at these biological levels is likely to increase. It is suggested that
there are Little is known about this. Moreover, the pace of global policy responses and the
adoption of plastic reduction technologies lags far behind the pace of plastic consumption and
production. OneHealth's approach aims to contain and address the global plastic pollution crisis.
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