The document provides a schedule for a Mobile Legends tournament taking place on August 14, 2021. It details the six matches that will be played between 12:30-16:55, each lasting 40 minutes with 5 minutes between matches for breaks. It also includes times for registration, opening prayers, and a post-match point calculation session.
The document provides a schedule for a Mobile Legends tournament taking place on August 14, 2021. It details the six matches that will be played between 12:30-16:55, each lasting 40 minutes with 5 minutes between matches for breaks. It also includes times for registration, opening prayers, and a post-match point calculation session.
The document provides a schedule for a Mobile Legends tournament taking place on August 14, 2021. It details the six matches that will be played between 12:30-16:55, each lasting 40 minutes with 5 minutes between matches for breaks. It also includes times for registration, opening prayers, and a post-match point calculation session.
The document provides a schedule for a Mobile Legends tournament taking place on August 14, 2021. It details the six matches that will be played between 12:30-16:55, each lasting 40 minutes with 5 minutes between matches for breaks. It also includes times for registration, opening prayers, and a post-match point calculation session.
11.30 - 12.00 30' Registrasi masuk zoom 12.00 - 12.20 20' Doa pembuka + kata sambutan 12.20 - 12.30 10' Masuk room ML 12.30 - 13.10 40' Match 1 (Misdinar vs Anak Kobong) K 13.10 - 13.15 5' Istirahat dan persiapan Match 2 13.15 - 13.55 40' Match 2 (Jokes Squad vs Solo Squad 1) L 13.55 - 14.00 5' Istirahat dan persiapan Match 3 Sabtu, 14/08/2021 14.00 - 14.40 40' Match 3 (Solo Squad 2 vs Winner K ) 14.40 - 14.45 5' Istirahat dan persiapan Match 4 14.45 - 15.25 40' Match 4 (Gragas vs Yosphi Team) 15.25 - 15.30 5' Istirahat dan persiapan Match 5 15.30 - 16.10 40' Match 5 (Amers vs Winner L) 16.10 - 16.15 5' Istirahat dan persiapan Match 5 16.15 - 16.55 40' Match 6 (Venom vs Stavior) 16.55 - 17.10 15' Kalkulasi poin