The document contains a schedule for a sports tournament listing the matchups between teams on different days. It includes details like start and end times for matches, preparation periods, and events like an opening ceremony and breaking fast together.
The document contains a schedule for a sports tournament listing the matchups between teams on different days. It includes details like start and end times for matches, preparation periods, and events like an opening ceremony and breaking fast together.
The document contains a schedule for a sports tournament listing the matchups between teams on different days. It includes details like start and end times for matches, preparation periods, and events like an opening ceremony and breaking fast together.
The document contains a schedule for a sports tournament listing the matchups between teams on different days. It includes details like start and end times for matches, preparation periods, and events like an opening ceremony and breaking fast together.
15:00:00 Durasi Persiapan Kedatangan 15:00:00 s/d 15:30:00 00:30:00 Menit 1 Team A vs Team B 15:30:00 s/d 15:45:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 2 Team C vs Team D 15:45:00 s/d 16:00:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 3 Team E vs Team F 16:00:00 s/d 16:15:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 4 Team G vs Team H 16:15:00 s/d 16:30:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 5 Team I vs Menang P1 Putra 16:30:00 s/d 16:45:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 6 Team Z vs Team Y 16:45:00 s/d 17:00:00 00:15:00 Menit Putri 7 Menang P1 Putri vs Team Q 17:00:00 s/d 17:15:00 00:15:00 Menit Putri 8 Team R vs Team S 17:15:00 s/d 17:30:00 00:15:00 Menit Putri 9 Team X vs Menang P2 Putri 17:30:00 s/d 17:45:00 00:15:00 Menit Putri 16 Persiapan Buka Puasa 17:45:00 s/d 18:15:00 00:30:00 Menit Tribun 17 Buka Puasa Bersama 18:15:00 s/d 18:45:00 00:30:00 Menit Tribun 18 Penutup 18:45:00 s/d 19:15:00 00:30:00 Menit Tribun 19 Waktu No Nama Team POOL 14:30:00 Durasi Persiapan Kedatangan 14:30:00 s/d 15:00:00 00:30:00 Menit 1 SF P2 Putra vs SF P3 Putra 15:00:00 s/d 15:20:00 00:20:00 Menit Putra 2 SF P4 Putra vs SF P5 Putra 15:20:00 s/d 15:40:00 00:20:00 Menit Putra 3 SF P6 Putri vs SF P7 Putri 15:40:00 s/d 16:00:00 00:20:00 Menit Putra 4 SF P8 Putri vs SF P9 Putri 16:00:00 s/d 16:20:00 00:20:00 Menit Putri 5 FINAL P10 vs FINAL P11 16:20:00 s/d 16:50:00 00:30:00 Menit Putri 6 FINAL P1 vs FINAL P2 16:50:00 s/d 17:20:00 00:30:00 Menit Putra 7 Persiapan Buka Puasa 17:20:00 s/d 17:35:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 8 Kumpul Bareng dan Sambutan 17:35:00 s/d 17:50:00 00:15:00 Menit Putra 9 Buka Puasa Bersama 17:50:00 s/d 18:05:00 00:15:00 Menit Putri 16 Penutup 18:05:00 s/d 18:25:00 00:20:00 Menit Tribun 17