Eswi Unit-1
Eswi Unit-1
Eswi Unit-1
A computer can be defined as an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from
the user. It uses a set of instructions (called program) to process the data and give the result
(output). The result can be used immediately or saved for future use.
I. Input devices
Input device enables the user to send data, information, or control signals to a
computer. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer receives the input and processes
it to produce the output.
III. The CPU(Cabinet)
The computer cabinet is nothing but an enclosure that allows other computer parts to
be installed inside them; such parts are Motherboard, Computer hard disk drive, SMPS,
RAM, Optical Drives, Processor, etc.
The cabinet also possesses connecting ports and buttons. They are used to connect the
keyboard, mouse, printers to the motherboard.
The cabinet’s main advantages are that it protects all the sensitive and essential parts of the
computer system from water, dust, and physical damage, as the parts are safely assembled
inside the computer cabinet.
The computer motherboard is designed and developed on PCB, which stands for the printed
circuit board. The motherboard is the essential part of any computer system responsible for
holding or connecting different electronic components like RAM slots, CPU, SATA, PATA
slots, expansion slots, bios chips, capacitor, coil, and resistors.
The heart of the computer system is the processor unit. It consists of the Arithmetic and
Logic Unit (ALU) which executes most computer operations (arithmetic and logical) and the
Control Unit which acts as the nerve centre that sends control signal to all other units.
The control unit and ALU are usually many times faster than other devices connected to a
computer system. This enables a single processor to control a number of external devices
such as video terminals, magnetic tapes, disk memories, sensors, displays and mechanical
controllers, since they are much slower than the processor.
There are two categories of memory:
Primary Memory is very fast as data and programs must be in the primary memory for
execution. Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) are both
primary memories.
Random Access Memory refers to memory that can be selected and used
randomly. The information stored here disappears the very moment the machine is
turned off. It is also referred to as volatile memory.
Read Only Memory is permanently built into the computer at the time of
production. The information from this memory can only be read and it is not
possible to write fresh information into it. It permanently stores a set of
instructions which instructs the computer how to work. After we switch on the
computer, it uses instructions stored here to carry out a series of tasks
automatically, before we can actually use the computer.
Definitio RAM stands for Random ROM stands for Read Only
n Access Memory. Memory.
Usage RAM is used to store data that ROM is used to store data that in
4 CPU needs for current needed to bootstrap the computer.
instruction processing.
5 Speed RAM speed is quite high. ROM speed is slower than RAM.
CPU CPU can access data stored Data to be copied from ROM to
6 Access on RAM. RAM so that CPU can access its
The software of a computer system is the combination of programs written to make
the computer a multipurpose machine. It is divided into two different types: system software
and application software.
System software consists of the set of programs that serve the computer itself; that is, its
primary purpose is to support the computer. It generally consists of an operating system and a
set of support programs, such as disk copy, that provide general functionality.
Application software consists of programs that are written to solve users' problems. They
can range from everyday word processors to a specialized application that supports the
operation of a dental office.
The operating system is a special category of system software that manages all operating
facets of the computer; it gives the computer its heart and character. UNIX is an operating
system. As such, it is different from other common operating systems such as DOS,
Windows, and the Mac OS. Because it makes the computer what it is, an operating system is
the most important part of a system's software.
The CLI, or terminal mode window, provides a text-based interface where users rely on the
traditional keyboard to enter specific commands, parameters and arguments related to
specific tasks.
The GUI, or desktop, provides a visual interface based on icons and symbols where users rely
on gestures delivered by human interface devices, such as touchpads, touchscreens and
mouse devices.The GUI is most frequently used by casual or end users that are primarily
interested in manipulating files and applications, such as double-clicking a file icon to open
the file in its default application.
Keeps a record of which part of primary memory is used by whom and how
When more than one process runs on the system the OS decides how and when a process will
use the CPU. Hence, the name is also CPU Scheduling. The OS:
Proper utilization of CPU. Since the proper utilization of the CPU is necessary.
Therefore, the OS makes sure that the CPU should be as busy as possible.
Since every device should get a chance to use the processor. Hence, the OS makes
sure that the devices get fair processor time.
3. Device Management
An operating system regulates device connection using drivers. The processes may require
devices for their use. This management is done by the OS. The OS:
Decides which process can use which device for how much time.
4. File Management
The operating system manages resource allocation and de-allocation. It specifies which process
receives the file and for how long. It also keeps track of information, location, uses, status, and
so on. These groupings of resources are referred to as file systems. The files on a system are
stored in different directories. The OS:
Assists businesses in storing more data on existing hardware, speeding up the data
retrieval process, preventing data loss, meeting data retention regulations, and
lowering IT costs
Job Accounting – As the operating system keeps track of all the functions of a
computer system. Hence, it makes a record of all the activities taking place on the
system. It has an account of all the information about the memory, resources,
errors, etc. Therefore, this information can be used as and when required.
Coordination between other software and users – The operating system (OS)
allows hardware components to be coordinated and directs and allocates
assemblers, interpreters, compilers, and other software to different users of
the computer system.
The Unix operating system is a set of programs that act as a link between the
computer and the user.
The computer programs that allocate the system resources and coordinate all the details of the
computer's internals is called the operating system or the kernel.
Users communicate with the kernel through a program known as the shell. The shell is a
command line interpreter; it translates commands entered by the user and converts them into
a language that is understood by the kernel.
Unix was originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees Ken
Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, at Bell Labs.
There are various Unix variants available in the market. Solaris Unix, AIX, HP
Unix and BSD are a few examples. Linux is also a flavour of Unix which is
freely available.
Several people can use a Unix computer at the same time; hence Unix is called
a multiuser system.
A user can also run multiple programs at the same time; hence Unix is a
multitasking environment.
Multi-user: UNIX operating system supports more than one user to access computer
resources like main memory, hard disk, tape drives, etc. Multiple users can log on to the
system from different terminals and run different jobs that share the resources of a command
terminal. It deals with the principle of time-sharing. Time-sharing is done by a scheduler that
divides the CPU time into several segments also called a time slice, and each segment is
assigned to each user on a scheduled basis. This time slice is tiny. When this time is expired,
it passes control to the following user on the system. Each user executes their set of
instructions within their time slice.
UNIX Tools and Utilities: UNIX system provides various types of tools and utilities
facilities such as UNIX grep, sed and awk, etc. Some of the general-purpose tools are
compilers, interpreters, network applications, etc. It also includes various server programs
which provide remote and administration services.
Unix Architecture:
UNIX consists of four major components: the kernel, the shell ,the standard set of
utilities and application programs.
The kernel
The kernel is the heart of the UNIX system. It contains the two most basic parts of the
operating system: process control and resource management. All other components of the
system call on the kernel to perform these services for them.
The Shell
The shell is the part of UNIX that is most visible to the user. It receives and interprets the
commands entered by the user. In many respects, this makes it the most important component
of the UNIX structure. It is certainly the part that we, as users, get to know the most. To do
anything in the system, we must give the shell a command. If the command requires a utility,
the shell requests that the kernel execute the utility. If the command requires an application
program, the shell requests that it be run.
There are two major parts of a shell. The first is the interpreter. The interpreter reads your
commands and works with the kernel to execute them. The second part of the shell is a
programming capability that allows you to write a shell (command) script. A shell script is a
file that contains shell commands that perform a useful function. It is also known as a shell
There are three standard shells used in UNIX today.
The Bourne shell, developed by Steve Bourne at the AT&T Labs, is the oldest.
Because it is the oldest and the most primitive, it is not used on many systems today.
An enhanced version of the Bourne. shell, called Bash (Bourne again shell), is used in
The C shell, developed in Berkeley by Bill Joy, received its name from the fact that its
commands were supposed to look like C statements. A compatible version of the C
shell, tcsh, is used in Linux.
The Korn shell, developed by David Korn, also of the AT&T Labs, is the newest and
most powerful. Because it was developed at the AT&T Labs, it is compatible with the
Bourne shell. We use the Korn shell for our examples in the first part of this text. We
discuss the other shells when we discuss script programming.
There are literally hundreds of UNIX utilities. A utility is a standard UNIX program that
provides a support process for users. Three common utilities are text editors, search
programs, and sort programs.
Applications are programs that are not a standard part of UNIX. Written by systems
administrators, professional programmers, or users, they provide an extended capability to the
system. In fact, many of the standard utilities started out as applications years ago and proved
so useful that they are now part of the system. We dis cuss writing applications when we
cover shell script writing in the second half of the text.
Syntax of Command:
Commands are entered at the shell prompt. You must see the prompt, such as the Korn
shell $ prompt, before you can enter a command. Every command must have a verb and may
also have options and arguments. The command format is:
The brackets indicate that the options and arguments are optional. We use this when we
describe individual commands. If an option or argument is in brackets, it is optional. If it is
not in brackets, it is required.
The verb is the command name. The command indicates what action is to be taken. This
action concept gives us the name verb for action. The option modifies how the action is
applied. For example, when we display the date, we can use an option to specify if we want
the time in Greenwich Mean Time or local time. Options are usually one character preceded
by a minus sign or a plus sign. Many commands, however, have multiple options available.
Finally, the argument provides additional information to the command. For exam ple, when
displaying the contents of a file, an argument can be used to specify the name of the file.
Some commands have no arguments, some accept only one argument, and some accept
multiple arguments. You must know, for each command you use, what are the options and
what are the arguments.
The general format or syntax of a command appears in below figure
Command Modifier
Usually one character
preceded by +/-
Arguments can be
1.More information
2.Object Identifiers
3.Name of files
Simple Commands:
Date(date) Command
The date command displays the system date and the time. If the system is local-that is,
one in your own area-it is the current time. If the system is remote, such as across the country
somewhere, the reply will contain the time where the system is physically located.
$date [OPTION]... [+FORMAT]
Date format:
FORMAT is a sequence of characters which specifies how output appears. It comprises some
combination of the following sequences:
%C The current century; like %Y, except omit last two digits (e.g., 20).
%d Day of month (e.g., 01).
%Y Year.
By default, date pads numeric fields with zeroes. The following optional flags may
follow '%':
-1, --one
Display single month output. (This is the default.)
-3, --three
Display three months spanning the date.
-n , --months number
Display number of months, starting from the month containing the
-S, --span
Display months spanning the date.
-s, --sunday
Display Sunday as the first day of the week.
-m, --monday
Display Monday as the first day of the week.
who Command:
The who command is used to get information about currently logged in user on to
$who [OPTION]... [ FILE | ARG1 ARG2 ]
Syntax :
$ passwd
In general, good passwords:
1. are significantly different from previous passwords
2. have at least six characters
3. are not common words found in a dictionary
4. are not your name, user id, or a combination of them
5. contain special characters or digits when required by the
system administrator
Documentation(man) Command:
One of the most important UNIX commands is man. The man command displays
online documentation. When you can't remember exactly what the options are for a
command, you can quickly check the online manual and look up the answer. There is even a
manual explanation for the man command itself.
$ man [-options] CommandName
-C file, --config-file=file
Use this user configuration file rather than the default of ~/.manpath.
-d, --debug
Print debugging information.
-D, --default
This option is normally issued as the very first option and resets man's be‐
haviour to its default.
-f, --whatis
Equivalent to whatis. Display a short description from the manual page,
-m, --machine
print the machine hardware name
-p, --processor
print the processor type (non-portable)
-i, --hardware-platform
print the hardware platform (non-portable)
Calculator(bc) Command:
The be command is one of the most interesting commands in UNIX. It turns UNIX
into a calculator. However, it is much more than just a calculator. In many respects, it is
actually a language, similar to C, with a powerful math library ready at your finger- tips.
$bc [options] [arguments]
To start the calculator, we simply key the bc command. To terminate it, we key end of
Keyboard Shortcuts:
File Systems:
In UNIX, a file is any source from which data can be read or any destination to which
data can be written. Therefore, the keyboard, a source of input, is a file; the monitor, a
destination for output.
There are very few restrictions on how you make up filenames in UNIX. Some
implementations limit the length of a filename to 14 characters. Others have names as long as
255 characters.
A filename can be any sequence of ASCII characters. However, we recommend that you not
use some characters in a filename. For example, the greater than (>) and less than (<)
characters cannot be used in a filename because they are used for file redirection.
To make your names as meaningful as possible, we recommend that you use the following
simple rules:
Each filename must be unique. At the same time, we often need work with a group of
files. For example, we may want to copy or list all files belonging to a project. We can group
files together using wildcards that identify portions of filenames that are different. A wildcard
is a token that specifies that one or more different characters can be used to satisfy a specific
request. In other words, wildcards are like blanks that can be filled in by any character.
There are three wildcards in UNIX: the single character (?) wildcard, the set ([...]) wildcard,
and the multiple character (*) wildcard.
File Types:
In Unix operating system, all data is organized into files. Each file is organized into
directories, and these directories are organized in a tree-like structure called a file system.
1. Ordinary Files
2. Directories
3. Special Files
4. Pipes
5. Sockets
6. Symbolic Links
1. Ordinary Files
Ordinary files are the files in Unix, which includes program instructions, text, and data.
2. Directory
Directory store both special as well as ordinary files. For the users who are familiar with
Mac or Windows operating systems, Unix directories are equivalent to the folders. A
directory file includes an entry file for each file and a subdirectory which it houses. If there
are 5 files in a directory, then there will be 5 entries in the directory. Every entry comprises of
2 components.
II. An inode number, which is a unique identification number for the file or directory.
In the long-format output of ls -l, we used the "d" symbol in order to specify this kind of file.
3. Special Files
We use special files to represent the real physical device like terminal, tape drive, and
printer. and also used for Input/Output(I/O) operations. Special files or devices are used
for Input/Output(I/O) on Linux and Unix systems. They look as similar to the ordinary
file or directory in a file system.
Mainly two kinds of special files for every device in the Unix system are there such as
block special files and character special files.
o If we use the block special file for the device input/output (I/O), the data is moved to
the higher fixed-size blocks. This kind of access is known as block device access.
This is one character at a time for the terminal devices. However, for disk devices, raw access
means reading or writing across an entire section of data-blocks that are native to our disk.
o In the long-format output of ls -l, using the "c" symbol character distinct, files are
o In the long-format output of ls -l, using the "b" symbol block, distinct files are
4. Pipes
In Unix, with the help of pipes, we can link command together. Pipes is like a
temporary file that only exists to hold the data from one command till it is read by
another. A one-way flow of data is provided by the Unix pipe. The first command's
output sequence is used like an input to the next command sequence. In order to create a
pipe, the vertical bar (|) has to be placed on the command line between 2 commands. Such
as who | wc -l
In the long-format output of ls -l, known as pipes, are marked using the symbol "p."
5. Sockets
Unix sockets are a type of file that enables for advanced inter-process
communication. It is also known as inter-process communication socket. In the
framework of the client-server application, a Unix Socket is used. It is essentially a
data stream, same as the network stream and network socket, except each transaction
is local to the file system.
In the long-format output of ls -l, using the "s" symbol, Unix sockets are marked.
6. Symbolic Link
The symbolic link is used to reference another file in the file system. In order
to reference another file of the file system, we use the symbolic link. It involves a text
representation of the path to the file it refers to. To an end-user, a symbolic link will
seem to have its own name, yet when we need writing or reading data to this file, it
will rather reference these tasks to the file it focuses to. When we delete the soft link
itself, then the data file would, in any case, be there. The symbolic file will not
function if the source file is deleted or moved to the different location.
In the case of the long-format output of ls -l, using the "l" symbol, the symbolic link is
Super Block
Data Block
A Disk File Format
Boot Block
When an operating system is started, a small program known as the boot programs
used to load the kernel into memory. The boot program, when present, is found at the
beginning of a disk in the boot block.
Super Block
The next block on the disk, the super block, contains information about the file
system. Stored here are such items as the total size of the disk, how many blocks are empty,
and the location of bad blocks on the disk.
Inode Block
Following the super block is the inode (information node) block, which contains
information about each file in the data block. The file information is stored in records known
as inodes. There is one inode for each file on the disk. They contain information about the
file, most notably the owner of the file, its file type, permissions, and address.
Data Blocks
The data block contains several types of files. First and foremost, from the user's point
of view, it contains all of the user files; it is where data are stored. It also contains the special
files that are related to user data: regular files, directory files, symbolic link files, and FIFO
files. Finally, it contains the character special, block special. And socket system files.
Like other operating systems, UNIX has a provision for organizing files by grouping
them into directories. A directory performs the same function as a folder in filing a cabinet. It
organizes related files and subdirectories in one place.
Special Directories
Root Directory (/)
The root directory is the highest level in the hierarchy. It is the root of the whole file
structure; therefore, it does not have a parent directory. In a UNIX environment, the root
directory always has several levels of subdirectories. The root directory belongs to the system
administrator and can be changed by only the system administrator.
Home Directory (~)
We use the home directory when we first log into the system. It contains any files we
create while in it and may contain personal system files such as our profile file and the
command history. Our home directory is also the beginning of our personal
directory structure.
Each user has a home directory. The name of the home directory is the user login id or the
user id.
The abbreviation of a user's home directory is the tilde (~). When we use the tilde, the shell
uses the home directory pathname set for us by the system. When we need to refer to our own
home directory, we can just use the tilde.
$cd ~
Working Directory(.)
The working, or current, directory is the one that we are in at any point in a session.
When we start, the working directory is our home directory. If we have subdirectories, we
will most likely move from our home directory to one or more subdirectories as needed
during a session. When we change directory, our working directory changes automatically.
The parent directory is immediately above the working directory.
The abbreviation for the working directory is a dot (.). While it may seem strange that
we need an abbreviation for the current directory, some UNIX commands (such as find, page
108) require that the pathname for a start directory be specified even when it is the
current directory.
Parent Directory(..)
home directory, its parent is one of the system directories. When we move from our
home directory to a subdirectory, our home directory becomes the parent directory.
The parent of any directory is the directory immediately above it in the directory path
from the root. This means that every directory, except the root directory, has a parent.
$cd ..
It is a copy of the original file that serves It is a short pointer file that links a filename to a
as a pointer to the same file, allowing it pathname. It's nothing more than a shortcut to
to be accessed even if the original file is the original file, much like the Windows OS's
deleted or relocated. shortcut option.
It cannot be established outside the file It may be established in the file system.
It is faster. It is slower.
The "ln" command is used to make a The "ln -s" command is used to make a soft link
hard link in Linux. in Linux.
It has an additional name for the original It is different from the original file and is an
file that references to the target file alternative for it, but it does not use inode.
through inode.
Syntax: $pwd
$ls -a : Hidden files are normally not displayed in a file list. That’s why they are called as
“hidden files”. To display all files including hidden files use option -a. The files are starting
with dot(.) are the hidden files.
$ls -p: on a short list to identify which files are directories and which are ordinary. The -p
option appends each directory name with a slash(/).
Make Directory(mkdir) Command
To create a new directory you use the make directory (mkdir) command. It has two
Syntax: $mkdir [options] [dirname]
Example $mkdir dir1 It will create a directory.
$mkdir -p dir3/dir33/dir333
The second make directory option, parent (-p), creates a parent directory in the path specified
by the directory name. For example, if we need to create a dir33 directory for the dir3 project,
and within dir33 we want to create a dir333 directory.
Create File
The most common tool to create a text file is a text editor such as vi other utilities,
such as cat, nano, gedit that are useful to create small files. Binary files are created by
application programs written for a specific application and utilities such as the C compiler.
Edit File
UNIX provides several utilities to edit text files. The most common is a basic text
editor such as vi. In addition, there are others such as sed, that provide powerful search and
edit tools. All of the basic edit utilities can create a file, but only some can edit one.
The most basic use of more uses no options. In this basic form, more starts at the beginning
of the file. If the file is small (that is, less than one screen's worth of lines), it prints all of the
data and an "end" message. To return to the command line, key enter.
Optio Explanation
-c Clears screen before displaying
-d Displays error messages.
-f Does not screen wrap long lines.
-l Ignores form feed characters.
-r Displays control characters in format ^C.
-s Squeezes multiple blank lines (leaving only one blank line in output).
-u Suppresses text underlining.
-w Waits at end of output for user to enter any key to continue.
-lines Sets the number of lines in a screen (default is screen size-2).
+nmbr Starts output at the indicated line number (nmbr).
After the text has been displayed, we must enter a command to get more going again. The
two most common commands are space to display the next screen of output and return to
display one more line. If we are done and don't need to see any more output, we enter the
quit (q) command.
Print File
The most common print utility is line printer (lpr). The line printer utility prints the
comments of the specified files to either the default printer or to a specified printer. Multiple
files can be printed with the same command. If no file is specified, the input comes from the
standard input, which is usually a keyboard unless it has been redirected.
Copy(cp) Command
The copy (cp) utility creates a duplicate of a file, a set of files, or a directory. If the
source is a file, the new file contains an exact copy of the data in the source file. If the source
is a directory, all of the files in the directory are copied to the destination, which must be a
directory. If the destination file already exists, its contents are replaced by the source file
contents. The cp command copies both text and binary files.
The source must exist. Otherwise, UNIX prints the following error message:
<source>- No such file or directory
If no destination path is specified. UNIX assumes the destination is the current
If the destination file does not exist, it is created; if it does exist, it is replaced.
If the source is multiple files or a directory, the destination must be a directory.
If the destination is the same directory as the source, the destination filename must be
different. To prevent an automatic replacement of the destination file, use the
interactive(-i) option. When interactive is specified, UNIX issues a warning message
and waits for a reply. Any reply other than yes will cancel the copy of the specific
file. Note, however, that if the file/destination directory is write protected, you cannot
use this option to write to the directory.
To preserve the modification times and file access permissions, use the preserve
option (-p). In the absence of the preserve options, the time will be the time the file
was copied, and the file access permissions will be the defaults.
1.Copy one file in the working directory to the same directory
2.To copy a file in one directory to another directory from home directory.
cp Command Options
The copy command has three options: preserve attributes, interactive, and recursion.
Wildcard copies:
Wildcards can be used to copy files as long as the destination is another directory.
You cannot use wildcards if you are copying to and from the same directory.
Move(mv) Command
The move (mv) command is used to move either an individual file, a list of files, or a
directory After a move, the old file name is gone and the new file name is found at the
destination. This is the difference between a move and a copy. After a copy, the file is
physically duplicated; it exists in two places.
The first argument is the name of the file to be moved. The second argument is its destination
or, in the case of a rename, its new name.
Link(ln) Command
The link command receives either a file or directory as input ,and its output is an updated
Syntax: $ln [options] sources destination
Options: -s : symbolic
-i: interactive
-f: force
Hard Links
To create a hard link to a file, we specify the source file and the destination file. If the
destination file doesn't exist, it is created. If it exists, it is fin removed and then re-created
as a linked file.
Symbolic Link
When the link (ln) command is executed with no options, the result is a hard link. If we
try to create a hard link to a different file system, however, it is rejected because hard links
must be made within the current directory structure. To link to a different file system,
therefore, we must use symbolic links. We must also use symbolic links when we are
linking to directories.
Syntax: $ln -s sources destination
Remove(rm) Command
The remove (rm) utility deletes an entry from a directory by destroying its link to the
file. Remember, however, that there can be multiple links to a physical file. This means that a
remove does not always physically delete a file. The file is deleted only if, after the remove,
there are no more links to it.
The recursive removal (-r) removes all files and empty directories in the path from the source
directory. Files are deleted first, then the directory, so a directory can have files before the
remove command. A directory is considered empty if all files are deleted.
Criteria Matches..
-name file File name
-perm nnn permissions to nnn, nnn must be an octal number.
-perm-nnn permissions to bit mask, nnn. If bit mask contains 1. permission matches if
it is on.
-type c file type. Valid file types are: block (b), character (c), directory (d), link
-link n pipe (p). file (f), socket (s)
-user uname number of links for a file
-nouser user name. Numeric user id can also be used.
-group no name in the /etc/passwd file
gname group name
-nogroup no group name in the /etc/group file
Security Levels
There are three levels of security in UNIX: system, directory, and file. The
system is controlled by the system administrator, a superuser. The directory and file securities
controlled by the users who own them.
System Security
System security controls who is allowed to access the system. It begins
with your login id and password. When the system administrator opens an
account for you, he or she creates an entry in the system password file.
Permission Codes
Both the directory and file security levels use a set of permission codes to
determine who can access and manipulate a directory or file. The permission codes are
divided into three sets of codes. The first set contains the permissions of the owner of the
directory or file. The second set contains the group permissions for members in a group as
identified by the group id. The third set contains the permissions for everyone else that is,
the general public.
The code for each set is a triplet representing read (r), write (w), and
execute (x). Read indicates that a person in that category may read a file or directory.
Likewise, write permission indicates that the user can change the file or directory. The last p
mission, execute, has different meanings for directories and files. For a file, it indicates that
the file is a program or script that can be executed. When it is a directory execute permission
allows access to directory.
File Level Read or Copy files Change or delete files Run executable files
in directory
Changing Permissions
When a directory or a file is created, the system automatically assigns
default permissions. The owner of the directory or file can change them. To change the
permissions, we use the chmod.
Symbolic Codes
There are three sets of operators. To assign absolute permissions to a set, we use the
assignment operator (=). In this case, the current permissions for a set are replaced by the new
permissions. To change only one or two of the permissions in a set and leave the others as
they are currently set, we use a plus sign (+) to add per- missions. To remove one or two
permissions and leave the others alone, we use a minus sign (-).
The use of symbolic code in the chmod command allows user to set, add, or remove
individual permissions
Octal Codes
A faster way to enter permissions is to use the octal equivalent of the codes. You must
realize, however, that when using the octal codes, all the permission codes are changed. It is
not like the symbolic modes where you need to specify only what you Want to change. With
octal codes, you must completely represent all of the user codes each time.
In an octal digit, there are three-bit positions. The three different permissions for each
set of codes correspond to the three different bit positions in an octal digit. The first bit
represents the read permission, the second bit represents the write permission, and the third
bit represents the execute permission.
2-------- write
The use of octal code in the chmod command requires that all permissions be
completely reset: a user can not set, add, or remove individual permissions
Changing Owners and Groups: While creating an account on Unix, it assigns a owner ID
and a group ID to each user. All the permissions mentioned above are also assigned based on
Owner and Groups. Two commands are available to change the owner and the group of files:
1. chown: The chown command stands for "change owner" and is used to change the
owner of a file.
2. chgrp: The chgrp command stands for "change group" and is used to change the
group of a file.
Changing Ownership: The chown command changes the ownership of a file. The basic
syntax is as follows: $ chown user file list The value of user can be either the name of a user
on the system or the user id (uid) of a user on the system.
Following example: $ chown amrood testfile
Changing Group Ownership: The chrgp command changes the group ownership of a file.
The basic syntax is as follows:
$ chgrp group filelist
It is the process by which we specify that a file is to be used in place of
one of the standard files. With input files, we call it input redirection; with output
files, we call it as output redirection; and with error file, we call it as error
Redirecting Input: we can redirect the standard input from the keyboard
to any text file. The input redirection operator is the less than character (<). Think
of it as an arrow pointing to a command, meaning that the command is to get its
input from the designated file. There are two ways to redirect the input as shown
The first method explicitly specifies that the redirection is applied to standard
input by coding the 0 descriptor. The second method omits the descriptor. Because
there is only-one standard input, we can omit it. Also note that there is no space
between the descriptor and the redirection symbol.
Redirecting Output:
When we redirect standard output, the commands output is copied to a file
rather than displayed on the monitor. The concept of redirected output appears as
There are two basic redirection operators for standard output. Both start
with the greater than character (>). Think of the greater than character as an arrow
pointing away from the command and to the file that is to receive the output.
Which of the operators you use depends on how you want to output the file
handled. If you want the file to contain only the output from this execution of the
command, you use one greater than token (>). In this case when you redirect the
output to a file that does not exist, UNIX creates it and writes the output.
If the file already exists the action depends on the setting of a UNIX option
known as noclobber. When the noclobber option is turned on, it prevents
redirected output from destroying an existing file. In this case you get an error
message which is as given in below example.
ksh: whoOct2: file already exists
If you want to override the option and replace the current file’s contents with
new output, you must use the redirection override operator, greater than bar (>|). In
this case, UNIX first empties the file and then writes the new output to the file. The
redirection override output is as shown in the below example:
Redirecting errors:
One of the difficulties with the standard error stream is that it is, by default,
combined with the standard output stream on the monitor. In the following example
we use the long list(ls) command to display the permissions of two files. If both are
valid, one displays after the other. If only one is valid, it is displayed but ls display an
error message for the other one on the same monitor.
$ ls –l file1 noFile
Cannot access noFile: No such file or directory
-rw-r- - r- - 1 gilberg staff 1234 Oct 2 18:16 file1
We can redirect the standard output to a file and leave the standard error
file assigned to the monitor.
If we use redirection override operator, the output file contains only the
results of the last command output which is as given below:
To write all output to the same file, we must tell UNIX that the second file
is really the same as the first. We do this with another operator called and operator
(&). An example of the substitution operator is shown as follows:
In general a job is a user task run on the computer. Editing, sorting and
reading mail are all examples of jobs. However UNIX has a specific definition of a
job. A job is a command or set of commands entered on one command line. For
$ ls
$ ls | lpr
A foreground job is any job run under the active supervision of the user. It
is started by the user and may interact with the user through standard input and
output. While it is running, no other jobs may be started. To start a foreground job,
we simply enter a command and key Return. Keying Return at the end of the
command starts it in the foreground.
Suspending a foreground job While a foreground job is running it can be suspended.
For example, while you are running a long sort in the foreground, you get a notice that
you have mail.
To read and respond to your mail, you must suspend the job. After you are through
the mail you can then restart the sort. To suspend the foreground job, key ctrl+z. To resume
it, use the foreground command (fg)
Terminating a foreground job If for any reason we want to terminate (kill) a running
foreground job, we use the cancel meta-character, ctrl+c. After the job is terminated, we key
Return to activate the command line prompt. If the job has been suspended, it must first be
resumed using the foreground command.
When we know a job will take a long time, we may want to run it in the background. Jobs
run in the background free the keyboard and monitor so that we may use them for other tasks
like editing files and sending mail.
Note: Foreground and Background jobs share the keyboard and monitor.
Any messages send to the monitor by the background job will therefore be
mingled with the messages from foreground job.
$ longjob.scr&
[1] 1795841
$ stop %1
[1] + 1795841 stopped (SIGSTOP) longjob.scr&
$ bg %1
[1] longjob.scr&
$ kill %1
[1] + Terminated longjob.scr&