A Guide To Herbalism - Earth Herbs

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Some of the key takeaways are that herbs can be used both spiritually and medically, and the book outlines a classification system to categorize herbs based on their effects and the deities they represent.

Herbs are classified based on the deities they represent, the effects they have both spiritually and medically, and their elemental associations. Gods like Odin, Eira, Thor, Loki, Freya represent different categories.

Vervain can be worn as a crown for protection from spirits or carried as an amulet for protection. It can also be made into an infusion, cream or ointment for medical uses like treating fevers, ulcers and more.

A Walk with our Ancestors

A Guide to Herbalism

By Benjamin R. Long Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

When it comes to practicing our spiritual beliefs there are many things that we can do to help further our beliefs. One of those things is to use aides to assist us in times of need when we have to heal ourselves, or when we must explore the world. Herbalism is one of those aides that we use to help us explore the world around us and understand certain truths about the world of Yggdrasil. Many of the subjects that I will be covering in this book are subjects that are medicinal. That is, they connect us to the healing aspect of nature. In addition, there are many things that I will be covering in this book that will be spiritual in nature, thus I will cover the spiritual uses of the herb in this book. The medicinal topics will be from the conventional sources of medical uses for the herb, with some home recipes on how to use the herb in a practical manner. There are many ways of implementing the herbs for use in the real world world. Many of the uses simulate commercial methods for extraction and are just a little weaker than the commercial versions of the chemicals that they are substituted for. Nonetheless, whether they are used from commercially produced sources or they are homemade they have roughly the same effect. Most of these herbs are scarce in regions and have to be bought though a gardening supply, or nutritional store. However, some people can pick them in their backyards because they grow like weeds. Whatever the situation is 99% of these herbs are available if a person really needs them. About the only ones that a person would have difficulty getting would be European Mandrake because of the scarcity of it. The spiritual aspects of these herbs will be covered too, there are many folk myths associated with the herbs that have

been given to certain legends about the herbs that give them certain properties as they pertain to the spirit. These properties lead one to understand that there are certain powers behind the herbs that lead them to certain types. I have devised a classification system behind the herbs that classify them based on the nature of their effects both medicinally and spiritually. Each herb embodies a god behind it that takes on its properties. Like a plant heave in tropanes like the Atropa Belladonna plant would take on the properties of Loki because of the delirium that it causes. As an element it is a water plant because of its healing nature. This is a way of classifying the plant so that it is easier to understand. The chapters in this text are going to be outlined in several sections. The main grouping is meant to illustrate the nature of the deities that represent the plants. That means that if I select the mandrake plant it would be listed under the god Loki. Not all poisonous plants would be listed under the same god. Digitalis for example would not be listed under Loki because it does not induce a delirium. Instead it would be listed under Eira because it is a cardiovascular herb that effects the body. There are many Gods and each herb is listed under a particular Good, however one must take into consideration that the herbs take on a particular avatar of a God. Herbs that affect memory and thought would be listed under Odin, Herbs that affect health and wellbeing would be listed under Eira, strength would be Thor, Illusions would be Loki, sex and reproduction would be Freya, and so on. There are particular elements that an herb also takes on that would classify it as well. These classifications denote the nature and form of the herb. As said before Belladonna is a water herb because of its form and nature of use. It has fleshy fruits and flowers that give it the watery nature that it desires. Earth forms would be tubers like

potatoes and such herbs that cause it to be part of the earth. A lot can be said for the form that an herb takes. Many herbs that are in the same family likewise take on the same element. Belladonna and tomatoes are both water herbs because they are of the same family. They may have drastically different properties, but nonetheless they are the same element.

Earth Elements
Earth element herbs are listed here as the smallest of the elemental rulers. The other elements have vastly more amounts of herbs on them but the earth herbs are a good introduction to the herbs.

Alfalfa (Medicago Saliva)

Alfalfa is regarded as a grazing herb. In addition, an earth herb has power in the earth. An Herb provides nourishment to all living creatures, when farmers feed their livestock. Sometimes as a treat, they give their herd some alfalfa as a treat. It is considered much more nutritious than regular grass although not as fulfilling to the cattle as corn. This is a feminine herb and representative of Freya. It is kept to ward against hunger and poverty, lending itself to the rune Feoh. This herb is a symbol of wealth and power bestowing those that keep it good fortune and is the same thing as using the rune Feoh. As a medical herb this herb can be consumed in large quantities. There is a general soothing and tonic property behind the herb that leads people onto good health; since it is a culinary herb as well it can lead to delicious treats on the table and an additive spice to any meal. It can be consumed in tincture form, infusion, decoction, oil, or cream. Just follow the steps for creating the elixir in the appropriate chapters of the book where they are listed. According to most sources, this is a tonic that has soothing properties on the body as well as restoring minerals that are leeched from other herb consumption. Opiates and other narcotic herbs can leach

minerals from the body leaving the person short of electrolytes and they can replace the minerals creating a dependence on the narcotic that they are using. In short, the alfalfa solutions restore important minerals that would otherwise be ravaged by opiate use. Cultivating Alfalfa is relatively easy. One would simply take an acre field or portion of land that they want to grow the alfalfa in and grow it as one would grow hay. Walk up and down the field with the seed spreader and distribute the seed across the field evenly and then in half a season the alfalfa should be ready for the first harvest. One can grow this herb in a smaller field they just need to stick to basic gardening principles for the herb and know how much to grow in the field or plot. Alfalfa likes open sunny fields to grow in and grows rather poorly in shady soil. As a spiritual herb, this herb can be burned in recels to fumigate the room. This would bestow good fortune on those that would inhale the fumes. Being an herb of Freya this would bestow her grace onto people that are in the area. Good fortune as illustrated by the rune Feoh, it is blessing whenever this herb is burned and happy is it to those that feel its warmth.

Asphodel (Asphodelus Ramosus)

In Scott Cunninghams book Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs he lists Asphodel as being a folk name for the daffodil. However, this is not the case. The asphodel is an independent species to the daffodil. The daffodil is of the Narcissus genus whereas the asphodel is appropriately the Asphodelus genus instead. The distinction is also that the daffodil is grown from a bulb, where the asphodel is seeded. These distinctions make

the two flowers distinct from each other as Cunningham had erroneously classed them. In addition, he had classed them in a weird way that made the elemental masters seem confusing. Under his rules since he considered the Daffodil and the asphodel as one and the same. He listed the Asphodel as an Earth plant and the daffodil as a water plant. How could this be since he alleged them to be the same? Anyways the Asphodel is an Earth plant that grows in the middle of Europe. It has plenty of medicinal qualities to it that make it an important medical plant. The root is used as a potent diuretic that can release the bladder. It also causes the body to lose water through urination as well as reducing bloating. The main ingredient that is used is the root. It is dried then ground up and extracted in an infusion or tincture form and is ingested. It was common in the middle ages as food for the dead. People would place them on tombstones and around graves so that the dead would have something to eat. This is a common graveyard flower and is associated with the dead. The diety that is associated with the asphodel is Hela. She rules over the dead and the dead are the ones that receive her gifts. It is an appropriate link a well because death and dying are in the realm of Hel; the flower is a flower of the dead, as it feeds the dead.

Barley (Hordeum spp. Vulgare)

Barley is a field herb that is used in both a spiritual way and a medical way. In a spiritual way it is used to protect, heal in create love. This would mean that this herb is governed by the Goddess Freya. It is her blessing by which we have barley, there is an old folk remedy for toothaches where a

person would wrap their barley straw around a stone and wish their pain away. This is a connection with the healing aspects of this herb to divine the pain way in a spiritual sense. This is illustrated in Cunnighams book. There is also a way to banish the excessive manifestations of ond with the barley by scattering the barley on the ground where the ond settles and it will disperse the type of ond that is present. As a medical herb, barley has some uses. It is used in the treatment of respiratory and urinary stressors. It is effective in helping bladder problems and possibly even asthma. The typical method by which one would prepare this herb is by decoction. Again, follow the methods in the end of this book to find out how to prepare herbs for consumption.

Beet (Beta Vulgaris)

The beet is an herb of Freya. A love herb causes the people that bite from the same beet to fall in love with each other. Since this is a love herb, it is representative of Freya. There is a sacredness in the bond of love and people turn towards Freya when they want to fall in love. It can also represents the Norns because there is a chance of love forming. This is an herb of perthro where the chance for love blossoming is prevalent. This herb also has specific medical uses as well not to mention that it is a popular culinary herb as well as vegetable. The beet grows wild on the coasts of Europe and is a popular vegetable for consumption. Almost every garden everywhere includes a beet in its collection. This i a popular crop amongst farmers and people everywhere enjoy pickled beets as a meal of course.

Medically, the beet opens up obstructions of the liver and the spleen. This can be good for people with liver problems where they are running into cirrhosis of the liver or general liver inflammations. The beet does not detoxify as in the nature of golden seal root. It moreover clears obstructions and treats the nature of the liver where there is an obstruction of proper function. As in the case of hepatitis where the liver is interfered with by the action of the virus. Beets also affect the spleen in the same manner as they affect the liver. They clear the obstructions that interfere with normal function, thus promoting better health by restoring normal function to the bodys organs.

Bistort (Polygonum Bistorta)

Bistort is a flower and herb that is governed by the Goddess Frigg. She is the mother god and the caretaker of our children. It is said that carrying some bistort on ones person is useful if they desire to conceive. This is an herb of motherhood. If a woman desires to have children and she is barren then it is advantageous for her to carry some bistort on her person if she wants to conceive because bistort is a direct representation of the Goddess Frigg who is the great mother that watches over our children. Sometimes an infusion combined with bistort would be sufficient to drive ghosts away. It can also be used to rectify the ond in a place to relieve the balance between the dissolutive and the evolutive ond that manifests itself in a place. Medically bistort is used to treat diarrhea and cholera as it is an astringent. Possibly one of the strongest astringents in the vegetable kingdom, it grows wildly in Europe and is useful for said dysfunctions. To prepare it one would prepare about an

ounce of the root and make an infusion or decoction out of it with a pint of water. For another remedy one would prepare a teaspoon full of the powdered root and mix it with water and it may be drunk.

Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.)

Buckwheat is an herb that keeps evil at bay. One can grind up the leaves of the buckwheat plant and sprinkle them along pathways and such to keep evil at bay. Buckwheat is a herb of Freya. She has the magical power to keep dark forces away from you and this is her herb. There is a certain level of love and generosity in the herb that is akin to Freya. No one loves things any deeper than Freya, she is the most compassionate of the gods and has a great care for the things that rove Earth. Perhaps that is why the buckwheat plant dispels evil because Freyas compassion will prevent evil from manifesting. It is like the story of Ottar and Hyndla. Ottar was Freyas favored warrior and Hyndla was Jealous of this. So in spite Hyndla threatened to poison Ottar to get back at Freya. Freya saw this and said that no poison would effect Ottar while he was blessed by her. Hyndla pressed on with the venom and Freya threatened Hyndla with fire if she continued on with her attack. Perhaps the thing that Freya blessed Ottar with was Buckwheat to keep Hyndlas evil away from him. Again, this herb is a safeguard against evil and it protects all in its presence. As far as a medicinal action goes it is not very useful in medicine. However, it is useful in beer making and many wonderful beer recipes are made from buckwheat. It is an acrid and about the only thing that it can be used to treat is erysipelas. Other than that buckwheat is not a useful medicine.

However, its spiritual properties more than make up for its lack of medicinal use. A sachet of buckwheat can also be used to guard against poverty if it is carried on the person.

Corn (Zea Mays)

Corn is a classic herb and vegetable that is grown in the Midwest and fed to people all across the world. It is an herb of Freya and is used in luck and divination. Thus, indicating that it is an herb of magic and Seidr. One can burn corn in recels while conducting a divination to enhance the properties of the divination. It is an herb of magic and when consumed will get a person in contact with the ond that flows through the universe. Corn is also a tasty treat when it is used in cuisine. It is a starchy food and is appetizing to say the least. All versions of corn have the same properties and can be used the same way, one can use it in a satchet to bring and enhanced magical potency to their hamingja or one can plain eat it to get in touch with the divine. One can also make a poppet of corn to make a magical representation of the self or someone else that will have a better magical potency. As a medicine, it is used as a diuretic and can be used to ease rheumatic pains. To be consumed one can make an infusion of corn or they can consume the corn whole. It is also an effective stimulant. Not as powerful as caffeine, yet it is still a stimulant nonetheless and can be used to pick a person up in the morning. There is only one distinct species of corn. All the variations like blue corn, wild corn, and sweet corn come from

different soils and climates. Zea Mays is where the term Maize comes from and there are a number of uses for corn.

Cotton (Gossypium Barbadense)

Cotton is a plant that grows in the south. We make our clothes from cotton and other products that we use in society. Many fabrics are cotton hybrids or pure cotton. It is an important cash crop as well and many plantations owe their existence to the production of cotton. The herb itself is property of Freya, as in the aspect of Seidr. It is a plant that keeps evil at bay and drives ghosts away. It lives true to the adage in the Edda where it says that if night hags fly aloft in the sky, I say a charm and it drives them away heedless of their haunts. Cotton is a sacred plant that does all manner of good in people. It is a minor pain reliever in the fact that if one has a toothache it can be used to relieve the ache. Also medicinally, it is used to alleviate the contractions in expectant mothers. Cotton may be burned in recels or it may be chewed on in its whole form to benefit from the effect of the herb. There is oil that can be made from the seeds which is known as cottonseed oil. This oil is just as effective if not more effective as the cotton itself. The oil from the cottonseed may be used topically like clove oil to relieve the tooth aches. To prepare an infusion of cotton, take four ounces of the root of the plant and boil it in one quart of water. One can also make a concentrated tincture of cotton by taking the root and soaking it in alcohol for two weeks. The oil may be prepared by pressing the oil out of the seeds. This may require a seed oil press and may require a lot of seeds to get a small quantity of oil. There should be oils prepared at stores that specialize in herbs. Unless one grows large quantities of oil it

may not be feesable to press oil from the seed unless there is a lot of stock available. The oil is something much more advanced than what one can produce in a home garden or greenhouse.

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Cypress is an evergreen tree that is legendary among the Hellenists. Cypress is a symbol of death. Even in ancient times the wood from the tree was used to construct coffins by the Egyptians. It was also used as a tool of divination by the Minoans in Greece. In heathenry the cypress tree is ruled by the god Odin. This is because the wood of the tree should be used in a crises revolving death. As in the death of a loved one. If you leave a sprig of cypress in the coffin you will remember the memory of the person that has passed on. This is symbolic of the raven that accompanies Odin. The ravens search the earth endlessly for news of deeds. This translates to them telling the deeds of the person that passed on to Odin. The sprig of cypress is the memory by which we remember those deeds. This news that they inform Odin of also involves crises on the earth. When there is a crisis on the earth the sprig of the cypress may heal that crisis and bring a tranquil calm to those involved. Cypress is also a symbol of immortality. That is people would wear sachets of cypress to extend their lives. This symbolism has its lore in the apples that grant immortality. The cypress is something that can possibly make someone live a bit longer and extend their lifespan. Not quite as powerful as the apple, but nonetheless it is something that people can do to have more time in this world.

As far as medicine goes, there is no real medicinal use for this plant. It is not listed in the herbal indexes and there have been no studies as far as the cypress being used to treat anything. This herb is to be used in a strictly spiritual capacity since there are no medicinal uses for this plant.

Fern (Dryopteris Felix-mas)

The fern is a popular garden plant. It is also used for decoration as well. There are many varieties of Fern but the one included here is the male fern as it has the most potent medical quality. As far as spiritualism goes all of the ferns have the same properties when it comes to spiritualism. It is also worthy to note that not all forms of the fern are edible and some are poisonous. Lady fern may be substituted for male fern, as they are similar. However, it is important to note that the medical actions of the lady fern are significantly weaker than that of the male fern. Spiritually the fern is a protective plant. It may be placed in or about the home for protection and at the doorstep so that bad things dont happen. It is a plant that belongs to Heimdall, the guardian of the gods. It is something that guards and keeps a watch over people. It is very useful when safeguarding against ond or spirits that may not be so benevolent. When it is worn, it has the power to guide people to treasures or things that the person may consider treasure. This is if you carry it in a sachet on your person. Medically the fern can repel worms as it is a vermifuge. It is exceptional at removing tape worms and other worms that infest the body. It is used in various anti worm medicines that are specifically aimed at removing worms from the body. This is

true of the male fern and the lady fern. These two ferns have strong anti-worm properties and are an effective remedy to parasitic worm infestations. Preparations of the medicine can be refined by decoction, infusion or tincture. It is possible to eat the root whole although this may cause a purging that may render the medicine ineffective. The best way to take the medicine is by the tincture or infusion method. As said before the lady fern does the same thing as the male fern although more lady fern must be consumed to achieve the same result.

Fumitory (Fumaria Officianlis)

Fumitory is an herb that is found in the United States and Europe. It is a useful herb in drawing luck to a person a dispelling spirits. The fumitory is typically burned in recels and is made into incense when it is combined with other herbs. When made into an infusion the herb can draw money to a person when sprinkled on the shoe. The herb itself is an herb of Odin; it is used in magic to drive away spirits and ond. Odin is the master of magic and the herb has a powerful exorcismal effect when it is burned. Where there is the smoke of the fumitory, evil spirits cannot reside. It is used in rituals that involve exorcising people that have spiritual intrusions and the spirit needs to be removed. The medicinal effect of fumitory is that it is a tonic and a diaphoretic. It is used to treat skin conditions like leprosy and other blemishes of the skin. There is even a doctor that noted a condition, which caused the freckling of the face in which the fumitory herb could reduce the freckling of the face. Typically, the constituents of the herb were the leaves which where dried and made into a decoction.

Honesty (Lunaria spp.)

Honesty is purely a magical herb with no known medical properties. It is used to scatter monsters when it is scattered about the place. It lives true to the passage in the Eddas where it says if night hags fly about in the sky I know a spell to send them away heedless of their haunts. This preventative herb can be used in casting circles to prevent monsters from crossing into the circle and harming the vitki. This herb can also be used to protect people while they are projecting out of their bodies. This herb frightens monsters and is a representative of Thor who combats monsters on their own terms. Being an herb of Thor it is an herb that combats monsters and evil wights to protect the person. The seedpods resemble silver coins and can be used in money spells or to draw fortune to the vitki.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium)

The honeysuckle plant is a useful fortune plant. It draws luck to it where ever people use it. One can take a green candle and use honeysuckle flowers to ring it to enhance luck and fortune to the vitki. It can also be burned in recels to increase fortune for those that are in the area. Simply placing them in a vase has the same effect. This plant is a symbol of Freya and is represented by the rune Feoh. It brings wealth and fortune to everyone around it and is advantageous to people that want to enhance their own personal hamingja with good fortune. There are some medical uses for the honeysuckle plant. It is a potent antispasmodic and diuretic. It can be prepared in decoctions to deliver these properties to the person. It works

mostly as a diuretic, relieving people when they are bloated or water retentive.

Horehound (Marrubium vulgare)

Horehound is a potent exorcism herb. It is used to be scattered around an area to repel spirits and ond flow. It is an herb of Balder. Being of Balder it is an herb of the sun that shines down upon the people relieving them from negativity and evil. It has a profound psychic effect on the body when drunk in infusion form. The medicinal effect of horehound is that it is potent in relieving coughs. A decoction of horehound will relieve most coughs and put a person at ease when they are having coughing fits. It can also be a mild purgative when used in large doses. It is especially potent when used with kids because it has a great taste and is easy to digest. It is more effective than the store bought cough syrups and one can make syrup out of horehound. To mix the remedy one would take an ounce of herb and boil it with a pint of water and then they would drink the infusion from there. It is said that horehound has a rather pleasant taste.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

Horestail is an herb of musicians and bards. When a person plays a whistle made from the stem of the horsetail it would call snakes to the musician. This would be symbolic of the god Bragi. The god of poets, the music played from the stems of the horsetail is pleasing to the snakes and will attract them no matter where they are. If a person is in the woods looking for something to eat they can play a whistle made of

horsetail and attract a feast to them. After all the saying goes a snake is a steak. The medicinal effect of horsetail is that it is effective in treating dyspepsia. It is also a mild diuretic, and highly effective in treating bladder and kidney disorders.

Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare)

This herb is typical used for psychological ailments where a person has to bind emotions or other thoughts that they dont want. This is an herb of Eira and is generally governed by the goddess of health. Being a herb of health it is effective in all sorts of psychological disorders where a person must bind a part of who they are. This can be taken in infusion form or it can simply be worn as a satchet on the persons body. Eira heals everyone that would listen to her and her herb is highly potent in the mental aspects of healing. The medicinal effects of this herb are rather potent too. It is effective in treating diarrhea and related effects. It is also an effective diuretic and is good in balancing out peoples bowels so that they can have a normal purging.

Loose Strife (Lythrum salicaria)

Loose Strife is an herb that is used to settle arguments with people. It is an herb of Tyr that declares justice be set upon the conflict. It represents the sacrifice that Tyr made to bind the Fenris Wolf and bring justice to the cosmos. If the is a discrepancy, a sachet of Loose strife will put an end to the argument relatively quickly and effectively. Perhaps this is why the herb is

named Loose Strife because it puts to an end the strife that occurs in everyday life. This herb also has some medicinal properties as well. It is a potent anti-diarrheal agent as well as a treatment for dysentery. It is also used to treat eye disorders and is even more effective than eyebright in the treatment of most eye disorders. One can make an ointment out of this herb as well for the treatment of ulcers and eruptions of the skin.

Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris)

Mugwort is an herb of astral and psychic phenomenon. To gain its power one must drink it in an infusion to gain access to the psychic powers of the herb. Being an herb of the psyche, it is an herb of Odin. It taps into the magical blanket of the ond that permeates throughout all of nature. It is especially useful in scrying rituals and can be burned as incense to enhance the potency of the ond in the area. If you stuff a pillow with mugwort one may have prophetic dreams as well as having visions when inhaled. An infusion of mugwort can also wash scrying tools and crystals used to divine or scry. It is also said that when carrying mugwort in a sachet one would be immune to beasts, poisons and other things that would want to harm you. In some places mugwort is placed over a door to prevent evil spirits from entering. The medicinal effects of mugwort are that it is a stimulant and a tonic. It is used in cases of palsy and other fits to calm people down. It can also be used as a substitute for wormwood in most cases, as in absinthe where the thujone content of the wormwood would be too high.

Oats (Avena Sativa)

Oats are a popular breakfast and culinary item that millions of people eat daily. Spiritually it is used in prosperity and is an herb of Thor. Thor is the god of fertility that brings the rains to our crops. Being that it is an herb of Thor we can reasonably see that it logical to say that these herbs serve a unique function in the hierarchy of things. It is prosperity to have a sachet of oats because they are something that symbolizes Thor. Carrying the oats on you will enhance your prosperity because you are guarded by Thor when in possession of the herb. As a medical plant, this herb functions as a stimulant and a nervine agent. It is made into gruel, which is one ounce of oats to three pats water. Then it can be flavored with a number of spices and agents. It is very effective in the treatment of digestive disorders and such like diverticulitis and Crones disease.

Oleander (Nerium Oleander)

This is a plant that has long been associated with death. It is an ornamental plant but it is also one of the deadliest plants on the earth. The Italians said that this plant brings sickness and misfortune into whatever home it is kept in. This plant has notorious history for poisoning animals and anyone else who is careless enough to eat its leaves. This is a plant of Hela and the only thing that the plant perpetuates is death, one can say that it is a plant of death and represents the final days for everything that lives.

As a medical plant, the oleander virtually serves no purpose. It is a virulent poison and the effects of the plant are too severe to be used in a clinical setting.

Patchouly (Pogostemon cablin)

Patchouly has been sprinkled onto purses and wallets to increase money and fortune on people. It is an herb of Freya and it enhances the wealth of people when it is sprinkled or carried as a sachet. It also symbolizes Feoh as in it brings in wealth to the people that hold it. Being a herb of fertility and of the earth it is also used in love sachets to attract love to people. As a medical herb it is useful in curing hunger as it causes a decrease in appetite. It is effective in eating disorders where people have to eat too much and can be an effective treatment for over eating since it reduces appetite. It can also be an effective substitute for diet pills that contain ephedra since it is not as strong as ephedra nor does it have the side effects that ephedra has.

Pea (Pisum Sativum)

The pea is a popular culinary dish in this country and around the world. People grow it everywhere in the states and it is consumed by millions of people each day. There is no specific medical use for the pea but there is high nutritional value for the pea. The pea is an herb of Freya and representative of the rune Feoh. It brings wealth and money to those who carry sachets of peas on their person. Being that it is a symbol of wealth it can also bring good fortune to those that need it.

Freya is happy to bring wealth to those that care about her and the pea is a fruit of Freya.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

The potato is related to the nightshade family plants in its genus solanum. It also shares the narcotic properties of the nightshade plants in its leaves and vegetation. However, the root and tuber is perfectly fit to eat, and many people dine on the tubers all around the world. Spiritually the potato is used as a poppet. That is a device spiritually to represent someone. This is used in healing practices and all sorts of practices all over the world. One would make a poppet of a person, transfer the spirit of the person into the poppet, and then work their magic on the poppet to fix the spirit of the subject. Poppets can be used in many ways, however, the traditional ways of using a poppet are to stick pins into it or seal it with wax to release or trap the ond appropriately. Medically the leaves of the potato are used to have the same effects of henbane and belladonna. They can be a narcotic to relieve nervous pain such as neurapthia, or they can be used as eye medicine to treat disorders of the eyes. They can also be used to induce visions in the person as a mild hallucinogen as the potatos vegetation contains mild tropane alkaloids. Carrying a potato in the pocket may also treat rheumatism, which has a scientific basis in proving the treatment. In addition, this treatment may treat gout and toothaches as well.

Primrose (Primula Vulgaris)

The primrose is a flower used to attract love to women. Women would carry a sachet of primrose on them

to attract love and inspire love wherever they went. Burning recels of Primrose can inspire love in the people in the area and cause people to become more sedated, as is one of its medical properties. The primrose is a flower that belongs to Freya. It inspires love wherever people go and is a good herb to bring out the passions that lie dormant in others. It is also symbolic of Feoh and brings the wealth of love to those who need it. As a medical plant, the primrose is an effective sedative and an effective treatment against hysterical disorders. It has a calming effect on the body and can be made in infusion, decoction, or tincture form.

Quince (Cydonia speciosa)

Quince is a small flowering plant that has an apple like fruit that comes from it. The seeds are used in ritual practice where the seeds are carried on ones self to protect from evil spirits or dissolutive ond. This is a plant of Freya regarding her in her shaman aspect where she protects her people from the ravages of the natural elements. Quince was also used to ensure fidelity between couples. This is what makes it an herb of Freya is the fidelity aspect. Quince was used as an addition to syrups to aid in curing sickness. It is also used in treatments of the loosening of the bowels. It is very effective on digestive disorders and can be used for diarrhea and other disorders of the bowels.

Rhubarb (Rheum officinale)

The rhubarb is a popular garden herb that people like to make rhubarb pie out of. There are other recipes for rhubarb too but those can be found in most cookbooks. The

rhubarb is used for protection and fedility. It is an herb of Freya and it ensures that there is loyalty in the relationship. A person that carries Rhubarb on them will always be faithful to their partner as they keep in mind what rhubarb represents. As a medicine, the powdered root is used for purgative properties and is an effective treatment for constipation.

Rye (Secale spp)

Rye bread and grass is a popular harvest for the baking industry. Thousands of pounds of rye bread are processed into bread every year. Rye bread is one of the most popular breads around. It has no specific medical purposes other than the fungus that grows on rye known as ergot that can be a major hallucinogen if a person is infected with ergot. Medically the ergot is 100 times more potent than LSD and stay with the person permanently until they seek medical attention. Rye is an herb of Freya as it is used in love spells and protection of sorts. One can burn it in recels to gain its effect.

Sagebrush (Artemisa Apiana)

Sagebrush is also known as white sage. Native Americans used it in exorcisms to purify areas and people to drive away-unwanted spirits. It is an herb of Odin and has magical properties in the arts of magic especially Galdr. It is used in recels to burn away any negativity and purify the area. It can be used prior to ritual to purify the ond in an area so that there is a neutral balance of ond. Burning sagebrush drives away all evil spirits and is useful when bathed in to purify the self.

There is no practical use as a medicine for sage. This is not the same plant as the Common sage which is a different genus as the sagebrush.

Sorrel Wood (Oxalis Acetosella)

Sorrel wood is a delicate plant that needs much care in order to survive. It can be easily harmed and should be plucked fresh. Tradition has it that if the leaves are carried in a sachet it would prevent against heart disease. Sachets are placed around ones room to protect against sickness and other ailments. This is an herb of Eira as she is the goddess of health and healing. The medical action of Sorrel wood is that it is given in times of high fevers or any kind of fever. It is effective at reducing fevers and bringing people down to a normal temperature. It has a rather pleasant but acidic taste and the best way to serve it is in a decoction.

Tulip (Tulipa spp.)

The tulip is a popular garden flower that is used in landscaping everywhere. An attractive flower is grown from bulbs. It has very few medical properties, as it can be poisonous if it is consumed. However, there are many spiritual properties for this flower. Tulip means turban in Arabic and the flower is often seen as a decoration on Arab turbans as a means of protection for the wearer. The flower belongs to Freya who governs over love, which is one of the properties of this flower. It is said that when a tulip is plucked then that person will fall in love.

Turnip (Brassica rapa)

The turnip is a vegetable that is seen on the table every day. You can buy it from the local grocery store and people include it in their salads and soups. This herb is an herb is an herb of Hela; it represents something that dispels negativity and is used when telling someone to go away. If you are dissolving a relationship and the person wont go away then leave a plate of turnips at their door. Turnips are used for protection and ending relationships. There is no known medical use for the turnip other than it is a vegetable and thus, good for you. It is good in salads, soups and other things that involve vegetable stock.

Vervain (Verbena Officinalis)

A common ingredient in love spells and protection charms this is an herb of Thor. It contains the love that Thor has for mankind and promulgates that love in the love for the things that people pursue. Vervain when worn as a crown protects the wearer from spirits thus promulgating the essence of Thor in the fact that it protects. The plant may be carried as a personal amulet, as in the sachet can be tied around the neck to be worn as an amulet. Vervain is a very powerful protective herb. An infusion of the liquid when sprinkled around the premises can prevent evil spirits from entering or negative ond from gaining force. The tried herb can bring peace to people and is an effective peace maker around the house. Also when drank as an infusion there may be the chance that no dreams will haunt you when you take Vervain.

The medical action of vervain has many uses it is said to be useful in intermittent fevers, ulcers, ophthalmia, pleurisy, etc., and to be a good galactogogue. It is still used as a febrifuge in autumn fevers. To use vervain one can make and infusion for internal uses of the herb and then one can take the herb as a cream or ointment as a external use of the herb. It can also be extracted to eye drops and a dose of can be applied to the eyes.

Vetivert (Andropogon zizanioides)

This herb is used to break curses and hexes. It is an herb of Thor and is used heavily to remove evil spells from affecting you. When it can reasonably be understood that one is operating under an evil spell, one can burn the root of this plant to dispel any negative spells that may have been placed on you. If someone has put you under a spell then the vertivert plant can reverse it by burning it in a recel. Thor is the one that protects us from evil and this herb is a reflection of Thor, it breaks all the ill will that people would work against you and gives you a chance to be free of the evils that others would place you in. It is representative of the rune Gebo. Where the rune breaks curses as we can see in the sigdrifusmal when the Valkyrie Sigdrifa tells us to carve the on the root of the tree the rune and the curse will be heaped back upon the caster.

Wheat (Triticum spp.)

Wheat is a very important ingredient for bread. All over America there are wheat fields for the express concern of growing grain for bread. Wheat is an expressive herb for the Goddess Freya. It illustrates the love and fidelity that Freya gives to mankind and the warmth of her embrace. Grains are carried in sachets to induce conception and fertility.

It is necessary for Freya to bless this herb and the people that carry it with her love. This herb is the wealth of conception and keeping this herb as a sachet will increase ones chance to conceive as well as increase the fertility of someone who carries wheat on them.

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