A Guide To Herbalism - Earth Herbs
A Guide To Herbalism - Earth Herbs
A Guide To Herbalism - Earth Herbs
A Guide to Herbalism
When it comes to practicing our spiritual beliefs there are many things that we can do to help further our beliefs. One of those things is to use aides to assist us in times of need when we have to heal ourselves, or when we must explore the world. Herbalism is one of those aides that we use to help us explore the world around us and understand certain truths about the world of Yggdrasil. Many of the subjects that I will be covering in this book are subjects that are medicinal. That is, they connect us to the healing aspect of nature. In addition, there are many things that I will be covering in this book that will be spiritual in nature, thus I will cover the spiritual uses of the herb in this book. The medicinal topics will be from the conventional sources of medical uses for the herb, with some home recipes on how to use the herb in a practical manner. There are many ways of implementing the herbs for use in the real world world. Many of the uses simulate commercial methods for extraction and are just a little weaker than the commercial versions of the chemicals that they are substituted for. Nonetheless, whether they are used from commercially produced sources or they are homemade they have roughly the same effect. Most of these herbs are scarce in regions and have to be bought though a gardening supply, or nutritional store. However, some people can pick them in their backyards because they grow like weeds. Whatever the situation is 99% of these herbs are available if a person really needs them. About the only ones that a person would have difficulty getting would be European Mandrake because of the scarcity of it. The spiritual aspects of these herbs will be covered too, there are many folk myths associated with the herbs that have
been given to certain legends about the herbs that give them certain properties as they pertain to the spirit. These properties lead one to understand that there are certain powers behind the herbs that lead them to certain types. I have devised a classification system behind the herbs that classify them based on the nature of their effects both medicinally and spiritually. Each herb embodies a god behind it that takes on its properties. Like a plant heave in tropanes like the Atropa Belladonna plant would take on the properties of Loki because of the delirium that it causes. As an element it is a water plant because of its healing nature. This is a way of classifying the plant so that it is easier to understand. The chapters in this text are going to be outlined in several sections. The main grouping is meant to illustrate the nature of the deities that represent the plants. That means that if I select the mandrake plant it would be listed under the god Loki. Not all poisonous plants would be listed under the same god. Digitalis for example would not be listed under Loki because it does not induce a delirium. Instead it would be listed under Eira because it is a cardiovascular herb that effects the body. There are many Gods and each herb is listed under a particular Good, however one must take into consideration that the herbs take on a particular avatar of a God. Herbs that affect memory and thought would be listed under Odin, Herbs that affect health and wellbeing would be listed under Eira, strength would be Thor, Illusions would be Loki, sex and reproduction would be Freya, and so on. There are particular elements that an herb also takes on that would classify it as well. These classifications denote the nature and form of the herb. As said before Belladonna is a water herb because of its form and nature of use. It has fleshy fruits and flowers that give it the watery nature that it desires. Earth forms would be tubers like
potatoes and such herbs that cause it to be part of the earth. A lot can be said for the form that an herb takes. Many herbs that are in the same family likewise take on the same element. Belladonna and tomatoes are both water herbs because they are of the same family. They may have drastically different properties, but nonetheless they are the same element.
Earth Elements
Earth element herbs are listed here as the smallest of the elemental rulers. The other elements have vastly more amounts of herbs on them but the earth herbs are a good introduction to the herbs.
minerals from the body leaving the person short of electrolytes and they can replace the minerals creating a dependence on the narcotic that they are using. In short, the alfalfa solutions restore important minerals that would otherwise be ravaged by opiate use. Cultivating Alfalfa is relatively easy. One would simply take an acre field or portion of land that they want to grow the alfalfa in and grow it as one would grow hay. Walk up and down the field with the seed spreader and distribute the seed across the field evenly and then in half a season the alfalfa should be ready for the first harvest. One can grow this herb in a smaller field they just need to stick to basic gardening principles for the herb and know how much to grow in the field or plot. Alfalfa likes open sunny fields to grow in and grows rather poorly in shady soil. As a spiritual herb, this herb can be burned in recels to fumigate the room. This would bestow good fortune on those that would inhale the fumes. Being an herb of Freya this would bestow her grace onto people that are in the area. Good fortune as illustrated by the rune Feoh, it is blessing whenever this herb is burned and happy is it to those that feel its warmth.
the two flowers distinct from each other as Cunningham had erroneously classed them. In addition, he had classed them in a weird way that made the elemental masters seem confusing. Under his rules since he considered the Daffodil and the asphodel as one and the same. He listed the Asphodel as an Earth plant and the daffodil as a water plant. How could this be since he alleged them to be the same? Anyways the Asphodel is an Earth plant that grows in the middle of Europe. It has plenty of medicinal qualities to it that make it an important medical plant. The root is used as a potent diuretic that can release the bladder. It also causes the body to lose water through urination as well as reducing bloating. The main ingredient that is used is the root. It is dried then ground up and extracted in an infusion or tincture form and is ingested. It was common in the middle ages as food for the dead. People would place them on tombstones and around graves so that the dead would have something to eat. This is a common graveyard flower and is associated with the dead. The diety that is associated with the asphodel is Hela. She rules over the dead and the dead are the ones that receive her gifts. It is an appropriate link a well because death and dying are in the realm of Hel; the flower is a flower of the dead, as it feeds the dead.
person would wrap their barley straw around a stone and wish their pain away. This is a connection with the healing aspects of this herb to divine the pain way in a spiritual sense. This is illustrated in Cunnighams book. There is also a way to banish the excessive manifestations of ond with the barley by scattering the barley on the ground where the ond settles and it will disperse the type of ond that is present. As a medical herb, barley has some uses. It is used in the treatment of respiratory and urinary stressors. It is effective in helping bladder problems and possibly even asthma. The typical method by which one would prepare this herb is by decoction. Again, follow the methods in the end of this book to find out how to prepare herbs for consumption.
Medically, the beet opens up obstructions of the liver and the spleen. This can be good for people with liver problems where they are running into cirrhosis of the liver or general liver inflammations. The beet does not detoxify as in the nature of golden seal root. It moreover clears obstructions and treats the nature of the liver where there is an obstruction of proper function. As in the case of hepatitis where the liver is interfered with by the action of the virus. Beets also affect the spleen in the same manner as they affect the liver. They clear the obstructions that interfere with normal function, thus promoting better health by restoring normal function to the bodys organs.
ounce of the root and make an infusion or decoction out of it with a pint of water. For another remedy one would prepare a teaspoon full of the powdered root and mix it with water and it may be drunk.
However, its spiritual properties more than make up for its lack of medicinal use. A sachet of buckwheat can also be used to guard against poverty if it is carried on the person.
different soils and climates. Zea Mays is where the term Maize comes from and there are a number of uses for corn.
may not be feesable to press oil from the seed unless there is a lot of stock available. The oil is something much more advanced than what one can produce in a home garden or greenhouse.
As far as medicine goes, there is no real medicinal use for this plant. It is not listed in the herbal indexes and there have been no studies as far as the cypress being used to treat anything. This herb is to be used in a strictly spiritual capacity since there are no medicinal uses for this plant.
true of the male fern and the lady fern. These two ferns have strong anti-worm properties and are an effective remedy to parasitic worm infestations. Preparations of the medicine can be refined by decoction, infusion or tincture. It is possible to eat the root whole although this may cause a purging that may render the medicine ineffective. The best way to take the medicine is by the tincture or infusion method. As said before the lady fern does the same thing as the male fern although more lady fern must be consumed to achieve the same result.
mostly as a diuretic, relieving people when they are bloated or water retentive.
horsetail and attract a feast to them. After all the saying goes a snake is a steak. The medicinal effect of horsetail is that it is effective in treating dyspepsia. It is also a mild diuretic, and highly effective in treating bladder and kidney disorders.
named Loose Strife because it puts to an end the strife that occurs in everyday life. This herb also has some medicinal properties as well. It is a potent anti-diarrheal agent as well as a treatment for dysentery. It is also used to treat eye disorders and is even more effective than eyebright in the treatment of most eye disorders. One can make an ointment out of this herb as well for the treatment of ulcers and eruptions of the skin.
As a medical plant, the oleander virtually serves no purpose. It is a virulent poison and the effects of the plant are too severe to be used in a clinical setting.
Freya is happy to bring wealth to those that care about her and the pea is a fruit of Freya.
to attract love and inspire love wherever they went. Burning recels of Primrose can inspire love in the people in the area and cause people to become more sedated, as is one of its medical properties. The primrose is a flower that belongs to Freya. It inspires love wherever people go and is a good herb to bring out the passions that lie dormant in others. It is also symbolic of Feoh and brings the wealth of love to those who need it. As a medical plant, the primrose is an effective sedative and an effective treatment against hysterical disorders. It has a calming effect on the body and can be made in infusion, decoction, or tincture form.
rhubarb is used for protection and fedility. It is an herb of Freya and it ensures that there is loyalty in the relationship. A person that carries Rhubarb on them will always be faithful to their partner as they keep in mind what rhubarb represents. As a medicine, the powdered root is used for purgative properties and is an effective treatment for constipation.
There is no practical use as a medicine for sage. This is not the same plant as the Common sage which is a different genus as the sagebrush.
The medical action of vervain has many uses it is said to be useful in intermittent fevers, ulcers, ophthalmia, pleurisy, etc., and to be a good galactogogue. It is still used as a febrifuge in autumn fevers. To use vervain one can make and infusion for internal uses of the herb and then one can take the herb as a cream or ointment as a external use of the herb. It can also be extracted to eye drops and a dose of can be applied to the eyes.
It is necessary for Freya to bless this herb and the people that carry it with her love. This herb is the wealth of conception and keeping this herb as a sachet will increase ones chance to conceive as well as increase the fertility of someone who carries wheat on them.