Champion - Essay Competition

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Santa Maria Bulacan Campus

“Seeking the Truth: The Disinformation Adversity of our Time”

We all are aware that our generation lives in an era when modern technology has

advanced. This is where our work, education, and even enterprises use technology for

communication and convey their learning, purposes, and advertisements through various internet

platforms. Furthermore, the mass media and social networks play a significant role in informing

the people about reports from around the world, either if it is state, city, or local news,

throughout entertainment, sports, food, and adventures. Along with dominant updates such as

weather, politics, and public health. What do you think the most popular online platforms are that

about 60% of the population uses? What advantages do you believe these social media networks

provide? What are the assurances and certainty that these platforms serve the public? Are they

delivering facts or fake news?

We can see that nine out of ten people nowadays spend their time lowering their eyes on

their respective devices. Apart from using these gadgets for work and school purposes, they

might also use social media platforms that are highly addictive; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

YouTube, and the most famous contemporaneous application, TikTok. Every second of the day,

we can check our social media accounts for updates, so everything you want and need to know is

now accessible all over the internet. However, not everything you see online is apt and legit.

As we go through our social media accounts, we may feel a range of emotions and

sentiments as we watch or read different postings. We may be entertained by amusing videos and

memes. We may become gloomy if we come across sad or emotional posts to which we may

relate. We may also feel disgusted, irritated, fascinated, insulted, disappointed, proud, obnoxious,

frightened, and other emotions while scrolling through our social media accounts.

However, since we have multiple emotions when exploring the internet to obtain

socialization, we may classify ourselves as consumers. Do you have any idea who the producers

are? Of course, there are social media influencers, artists, and vloggers, along with their profile

accounts on various social media platforms. We believe they use the internet to keep us

entertained and stay updated on their lives. As a response, they are the ones who are followed by

their viewers and fans, which means they are held in high regard and mimicked, giving them the

ability to convince and manipulate the thoughts of their subscribers. We cannot claim that all of

them are, but certain individuals' social media profiles or even business accounts are taking

advantage of their ability to propagate disinformation.

Lately, a lot of events have happened, including some incidents, politics, sports, and

especially, Covid-19 updates. News spreads rapidly through various media, particularly on

television, newspapers, radios, and, most significantly, the internet. Everyone is using their own

devices to keep up with the latest news about our country's issues and is focused on waiting for

updates and developments on these occurrences.

We also know that spending too much time on social media leaves us unsure of what is

true and what is not. We believe that individuals nowadays are effortlessly misled by most of

what they see online, specifically if the posts are created or authored by verified social media

accounts. The motive for disinformation is simple. These people construct false narratives in

terms of attracting internet users. Consumers that visit this website to read the entire content are

swamped with pop-up and banner advertisements. Each of them generates income for the

website's administrator. In a sense, they are doing it for money. But it is just one of the factors

for why disinformation exists.

In more ways, disinformation may affect the public's potential to discuss topics and make

decisions. Moreover, these provide people with incorrect information, which is often combined

with inaccurate analysis, leading people to make judgments that are contrary to what they

genuinely prefer or are in their best interests. This is extremely relevant during the current

campaign season. There are several misleading stories spread by individuals that have deceived

lots of other people, particularly those who are unable to distinguish between legitimate and fake

news and are unable to do fact-checking. Disinformation is also managed by so-called "trolls,"

who spout misinformation, engage in negative campaigning, and showed excessive devotion to

their presidentiables, which manipulated and provoked other netizens.

Furthermore, the role of modern media networks in the management of health-related

information has always been important. People have been searching for more information

concerning coronavirus infection throughout the current epidemic. In many cases, citizens have

been overloaded with headlines including misleading reports and disinformation, which can be

complicated to understand for those lacking the necessary skills.

Every individual in our communities does have the capability and role to prevent the

spread of disinformation that might have an influence on our elections and other significant

issues in our country. Take the time to analyze the news you read, including recognizing the

website or institution that is providing the information, and ensure that the data is timely and

reliable. Keep an eye out for photos and videos that have been edited or processed to give a

misleading viewpoint. Instead of spreading false information, share real news and facts from

reliable sources. This limits the circulation of inaccuracies and helps to drown out the noise of

disinformation with much more concrete information. Given information of all types is so easily

generated and accessible in the internet world, it is our common responsibility to verify that the

information we are using and sharing online is true and authentic. Remember how much

influence we have as an individual to bring change, as well as how much power we have as a

community. Share these disinformation-fighting practices, and any resource we consider

important, with loved ones and community members who might benefit from these. Because

when we decrease the potency of disinformation, we increase our strength.

By Faith Ashley Espera.

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