Reviewer in HELE V 1st Exam

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Reviewer in HELE V

Name :________________________________________________________________________
Vegetable Gardening
A. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer inside the box.
fertilizer light soil heavy soil plungent indoor gardening
aglycone green roofs wall gardening succulent community gardening
harvesting marketing plant diseases intercropping biointensive gardening
organic fertilizer commercial fertilizer guerilla gardening
urban gardening container gardening composting

1. _________________________have strong taste or smell.

2. ________________________________is an organic compound combined with the sugar portion of a
3. ________________________________ have thick, heavy leaves or stems that store water.
4. _____________________________________is growing plants of all kinds and varieties in an urban
5. ______________________________________can be done when no patios, decks, yards, or balconies
6. ______________________________________used a variety of containers like buckets, old tires,
raised beds, window boxes, kiddie pools etc. to grow all manner of plants for food or beauty.
7. _______________________________________refers to the method of cultivating gardens using
outdoor public or private spaces for food or pleasure as a group.
8. _______________________________________is a way of adding plants to public spaces that is not
owned by the gardener such as a vacant lot, median, beside a highway or in little strips of dirt.
9. _______________________________is designed with a growing medium for the purpose of
cultivating plants. Can be used to grow food, trees and many other types of plants.
10. In ____________________________________, plants are attached to the wall. This is also common in
places with a small space for planting.
11. _______________________________________is enhancing and maintaining the quality of the soil to
save space for gardening.
12. ______________________________is a kind of soil that is easy to cultivate.
13. _____________________________is a kind of soil that is hard to cultivate as it is sticky to the hand
and garden tools.
14. ______________________________is anything added to the soil that will increase the yield of the
15. ________________________________are fertilizers that derived from decaying plant and animal
16. ___________________________________are fertilizer that can be bought from the local market.
17. _________________________________is gathering of crops upon maturity.
18. ____________________________________is the method of selling and buying products, or the
transfer of products from the one who produces to the one who uses the products.
19. ___________________________________is the growing of two or more crops together in proximity
on the same land.
20. _____________________________ are caused chiefly by fungi within the tissue of the host plant.
21. ______________________________is the process of changing plants and animal waste into the
simplest form of organic material.

B. Enumerate the following.
Leafy vegetables
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
Legumes Root Crops
1. 1. 4.
2. 2. 5.
3. 3. 6.
Factors to consider in planning a vegetable garden
1. 3.
2. 4.
Examples of Organic fertilizer
C. “Common tools used in gardening”

________________________1. It is used for disintegrating the soil surrounding the plant.

________________________2. It is used for shallow digging, transferring, or planting small plants.
________________________3. It is used for cutting big branches of trees.
________________________4. It is used for digging big holes.
________________________5. It is used for removing soil and weeds and transferring the soil or fertilizer
from one place to another.
________________________6. It is used for watering plants
________________________7.It is used for removing soil or trash.
________________________8. It is a tool used for digging loamy, sandy or loose oil.
________________________9.It is used for digging up roots, stumps, and others.
________________________10. It is used for hauling or transporting plants, sand, or stones, and fertilizer, as
well as the other tools and materials
________________________11.It is large, heavy, single-edged knife used for cutting woods, trees, and grasses
________________________12. It is a long-handled tool wit a row of projecting teeth at its head and is used
especially to gather leaves and pulverize soil.
________________________13. It is used for digging hard top soil and for digging canal or ditches.
________________________14. It is used for loosening, lifting, and turning over soil in gardening and farming

D. Identify the methods of applying inorganic fertilizer.

____________________________________1. In this method the fertilizer is dissolved in water and applied as

a spray.
____________________________________2. The fertilizer is scattered uniformly on the soil by hand or
____________________________________3. This is the term used when the fertilizer is broadcast over
growing crops.
____________________________________4. A method of applying fertilizer close to the seed or around the
growing plant.

E. Identify the following
_______________________________________1. The plants of the plants commonly the stems are cut and
planted directly into the soil.
_______________________________________2. The seeds are planted first in seedbeds or seed boxes.
_______________________________________ 3. The seeds are planted directly into the field.
_______________________________________ 4. Types of weeds that only produce by seeds and complete
their growth in one season.
_______________________________________5. These weeds live more than two years. They require two
or more seasons to produce both seeds and roots or underground stems.
_______________________________________6. These weeds need two seasons to complete their life
_______________________________________7. It refers to tillage operation on the soil around rows or
plots of planted crops.
_______________________________________8. Is a term given to a number of different methods of
supplying water to the soil.
________________________________________9. It is a system in which a second crop is planted into an
existing crop when it has flowered but before harvesting.
________________________________________10. Types of intercropping that is the growing of two or more
crops planted in rows.
________________________________________11. Types of intercropping that is the growing of two or more
crops together in strips wide enough to allow separate production of crops using mechanical implements.
________________________________________12. Types of intercropping that is the growing of two or more
crops at the same time with no distinct row arrangement.

F. (Methods of Selling Farm Products) Match Column A with Column B. write the letter of your answer on
the line.
Column A Column B
1. A method of selling directly to the A. selling in the farm
consumers by bringing the products
to the local or nearby or public market. B. selling through the internet
2. A method of selling the products to
wholesalers or middlemen who
come to the farm.
3. Sales are negotiated by sellers D. selling through a contracting company
face- to- face and on cash – and – carry basis.
4. This method brings the producer into
contract with a company who E. selling to middlemen or wholesalers
usually specifies what farm crops the
farmer will raise.
5. The seller can directly sell the products F. retailing directly to consumers
Poultry Raising
A. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer below.
plumage broody breed housing galvanize
wattle Poultry brooding broiler chicken ration
litter-floor type slatted-floor type cage system chicken starter mash
pullet developer mash laying mash viral disease bacterial disease
bacterial disease

1. ______________________________ means to produce or give birth to or hatch.

2. _______________________________means being in a state of readiness to brood or lay and sit on eggs.
3. _______________________________is a gallinaceous domesticated fowl bred and raised specifically for
meat production.
4. _______________________________is one of the basic needs in poultry raising.

5. _______________________________refers both to the layer of feathers that cover a bird and the pattern,
color and arrangement of those feathers.
6. ________________________________means to cover steal or iron with a layer of zinc to prevent it from
7. ________________________________means a fleshy caruncle hanging from various parts of the head or
neck in several groups of birds and mammals.
8. The term _________________________ is applied to chickens, quails, pigeons, ducks and geese.
9. ________________________is the care given to baby chicks until they can stand by themselves.
10. ____________________________________is an entire house or unit divided, elevated and slatted into
11. ___________________________________is a whole house unit or a house divided into pens where the
floor is the ground or concrete, covered with litter material.
12. _________________________________is for some chickens which are housed in an individual cage,
particularly those intended for ornamental purposes.
13. A ____________________________ is the amount of feeds consumed by an individual chicken within a
14. _______________________________________are the feeds given throughout the laying period.
15. _____________________________________are the feeds given throughout the laying period.
16. ______________________________________are the feeds given from 6 weeks old up to 12 weeks of age.
17. The body of an animal in _________________________is affected not by the bacteria themselves but by
the toxins they produce.
18. ________________________________comes from a virus.
19. _____________________________________is caused by parasites that attach themselves to the body.

B. Identify the popular breeds of poultry that can be raised in the backyard.

________________________________1. These layers are most productive in their first year of laying.

________________________________2. It is an egg breeds that is small, stylish, active and alert breed.

________________________________3. It is a breed of fowl developed in Japan. It has a fairly large body

similar in form to the leghorn.

________________________________4. It is one of the heaviest in the egg breeds. The bird has a full, closely
feathered body and a large comb and wattle.

________________________________5. The breeds that belong to this group are good ehh layers and have
tasty and juicy meat.

________________________________6. In this breed, the chickens are of good size, have compact build, and
are noted for their quality and quantity of flesh.

C. Characteristics of Good Layers : Choose your answer below.

Abdomen span comb,wattle and earlobes pubic bones vent

____________________________1. This is the exit for the digestive and reproductive systems.

____________________________2. This part is the area between the pubic bones and the tip of the breast

( keel) bone.

____________________________3. This is the distance between the pubic bones and the tip of the keel.

____________________________4. These are two small bones located below the tail and extending along
the sides of the vent.

____________________________5. Single-combed white leghorn is by far, the best egg-type chicken.

D. Fixtures and Equipments for Poultry : Choose your answer below.

dropping board nests feeding trough

drinking trough feeding crate perches

___________________________________1. These are the places where hens lay their eggs.

___________________________________2. These are horizontal poles where birds sit and rest.

___________________________________3. This is a long shallow container from which the chickens eat.

___________________________________4. This is used for transporting chicken or poultry.

___________________________________5. It is used for collecting manure which is rich in nitrogen and used
as fertilizer.

___________________________________6. This is a shallow container for drinking and is made up of

bamboo joints or any earthen metal and galvanized open vessels.

E. Brooding : Choose your answer below.

natural brooding heating sources artificial brooding infrared bulb

gas brooder reflectors brooder guard

charcoal stove electric brooder

__________________________________1. In the absence of broody hen, a large number of baby chicks

are reared through this.

__________________________________2. It is done with the help of broody hens, up to 3-4 weeks of


__________________________________3. It may be electrical; gases like natural gas, LPG, and methane.

__________________________________4. It is a thermostatically controlled heating syatem that spreads

the required amount of heat uniformly above a large area.

_________________________________5. It is a self-reflecting bulb.

_________________________________6. This is connected to a heating element which is hung 3-5 feet

above the chick to provide heat.

_________________________________7. Where electricity is not available, ordinary charcoal or

kerosene stoves are used to provide supplementary heat to chicks.

_________________________________8. These are called hovers.

_________________________________9. It is used to prevent chicks from straying too far away from

heat supply until they learn the source of heat.

F. Ducks : Choose your answer below.

Indian runner meat type native ducks

culling dual – purpose type ducks

1. __________________, like chickens, can be a profitable agri- business.they provide meat and eggs.
2. _______________________________are mainly raised for balut, penoy and itlog na maalat.
3. _______________________________is originated from England and termed as the “ Leghorn” of
the duck family.
4. ______________________________is the type of ducks which originated from Brazil purposely
bred and raised for their highly – quality meat.
5. _____________________________________is the type of ducks that is an excellent egg layer and
has palatable, soft and tender meat.
6. _______________________is removing undesirable ducks in the flock.

G. Parasites : Choose your answer below.

Lice mite roundworms tapeworms internal parasites

Pinworms scaly leg mite feather mite red mite external parasites

______________________________________1. Includes lice and mite.

______________________________________2. This includes intestinal worms.

______________________________________3. These are flat, segmented, ribbon – like worms found

among poultry species.

______________________________________4. These worms are segmented with elongated rounded

bodies pointed at both ends.

______________________________________5. These are small, thread – like parasites found in the

small intestines of ducks and other poultry species.

_____________________________________6. It includes red mite, feather mite and scary leg mite.

_____________________________________7. These are the most common parasites of poultry

especially ducks.

_____________________________________8. This mite lives under the scales on the shanks and feet

of the affected duck.

_____________________________________9. This kind of mite stays on the body of the ducks but it

does not cause serious damage as that of the red mite.

_____________________________________10. It sucks blood at night. It lives and lays its egg in the

cracks and crecive of the poultry house.

H. Diseases: Choose your answer below.

Buto- buto Tanga duck plague viral hepatitis avian pest

Fowl cholera dapa tuyo infectious coryza duck plague

1. ________________________________ is characterized by harsh breathing, coughing, sneezing,

followed by nervous manifestation.

2. _______________________________ is acquired through feeds or water contamination from

Droppings and discharge of infected birds.

3. ________________________________is the most acute form of the disease.

4. ____________________________________is characterized by egg –laying posture with head and

neck in stooping position.

5. ____________________________________is the chronic form of dapa characterized by progressive

emancipations and dehydration, weakness, poor appetite and ruffled lusterless feathers.

6. ________________________________is another chronic form of duck cholera characterized by hard

selling of the leg joints.

7. ________________________________is a chronic disease characterized by swelling of face and

watery discharge from the nose and eyes.

8. ________________________________________is deadly disease of ducklings caused by Salmonella

Anatum and Salmonella Typhimurium.

9. ________________________________is an acute, contagious disease of ducks of all ages.

10. _________________________________is acute, highly contagious viral disease affects ducklings

below four weeks old.

I. Quail : Choose your answer below.

Silver Quail Japanese Seattle native tuxedo

Brown Cross No. 1 Brown Cross No. 2 Japanese Taiwan negro

________________________________1. It is locally known as pugo, belongs to the family of Phasianidae.

________________________________2. It is an American breed that is similar to the Japanese-Taiwan.

________________________________3. It is black with a white spot on the breast.

________________________________4. It is white with black eyes. Its breed came from the Canaan Valley,

________________________________5. It is popularly known as pugo which are found in the fields and

________________________________6. It is popularly known as “ Chinese quail.” It has dark brown feathers

mixed with white and gray.

________________________________7. It is black or grayish black in color.

________________________________8. It is a combination of Japanese Seattle and Negro quail.

________________________________9. Its parent stocks are Negro and Japanese – Taiwan quails.

________________________________10. Diseases that is caused by a protozoan organism which thrives best

in moist and dirty litter.

________________________________11. It affects the respiratory – nervous system.

_________________________________12. These are pests and diseases that affect quails just like other

How to Raise Tilapia in Tanks or drums

A. Identify the following. Choose your answer below.

Culture algae fledgling plankton tilapia
________________________________1. Simple nonflowering plants occurring in fresh or salt water and moist
________________________________2. Means to grow or raise something that is starting in a new activity.
________________________________3. It is something that is starting in a new activity.
________________________________4. It is the passively floating or weakly swimming usually minute and
plant life of a body of water.
________________________________5. These are one of the widely cultured and most cultivated fish in the
Philippines and around the world.
B. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if not.
__________________1. It is easy to raised tilapias compared to most fish raised for food.
__________________2. Tilapias eat algae or “lumot.”
__________________3. Feeding and harvesting require less work in tanks or drums too since the space is
__________________4. Tilapias cannot die of poisoning by their own waste.
__________________5. Tilapias really need a big space to live and grow.
__________________6. Tilapia can survive in tap water or water that has chlorine.
__________________7. Harvest tilapia using bare hands.
__________________8. Planktons, algae and other aquatic plants that grow in a tank or drum can serve as a
free source of supplemental feed for tilapias.
__________________9. Tilapias are harvested after three to four months.
__________________10. It cause more to use drums than ponds when raising tilapias.

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