Reviewer 2
Reviewer 2
Reviewer 2
civilization to posterity.
anytime and anywhere, also known as the education for all seasons.
• The two theories concerning the exact ORIGIN OF EDUCATION are:
primitive man began his quest to find ways and means to feed,
clothe, shelter and protect himself, and compete with other animals
for survival.
• Protagoras was the most famous sophist who stated that man is the
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle.
and advanced the idea that man is a social animal and must use his
highest/supreme Good.
1. Parable,
2. Conversational Method,
3. Proverbial or Gnomic Method.
• Christian Education became part of the mainstream society in Rome
1. Monasticism,
2. Scholasticism,
3. The Medieval University,
4. Chivalry,
5. The Guild System.
using logic.
• St. Thomas of Aquinas was one of the foremost proponents of the Scholastic movement.
• A page is an attendant to the noble courts at the age of 7 years old.
women and the poor, defend the church and the state, attack the
wicked, and shed blood for the sake of his country and his
fellow countrymen.
• The Guild System provided education for the middle class that
of the East, the invention of the printing press and other events.
institutions like the church and the state to enable him to fully
should be concerned with the actualities of life and prepare for its
concrete duties.
1. John Milton,
2. Francois Rubelais,
3. Michael de Montaigne,
4. John Amos Comenius,
5. Francis Bacon,
6. Richard Mulcaster
8. WolgangRatke.
• John Milton believed that boys should study formal grammar and
of finishing schools.
with the nature of the child and its aim is to secure the expression
on discipline.
• John Locke is an advocate of Disciplinism and believed that when
blank tablet and experiences will be the ones to write on that tablet.
and societal influences make man evil, and that the stronger the
body, the more it obeys and the weaker the body the more it
• The Psychological Movement in Education calls for the application
souls” and the teacher must feel respect and sympathy for the
children he teaches.
• Johan Friedrich Herbart was known for the Herbatian Method of
development of an individual.
• A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and
the promotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles,
only reality.
• In the Education Act of 1982, Section 2this act shall apply to and
10, 1917 made the recognition and inspection of private schools and
in the country.
• EO No. 189 issued on June 10, 1987, placed all public secondary school
the curricula of all schools, both public and private, from elementary
schools to the universities, the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal
• RA No. 4670 known as the “Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”
approved on June 18, 1966 to promote and improve the social and
all levels.
• RA6728 known as the “Act Providing Government Assistance to
10, 1989 and provided for tuition fee supplement for students in
into law on July 5, 1991 to provide for the promotion and protection
order to strengthen the law for the protection of the Filipino Children
from abuse exploitation and for the elimination of the worst forms
of child labor.
• RA 7731 passed on June 2, 1994 stated that those who failed the
Authority or TESDA.
• RA 7797 was passed on August 18, 1994, and provided for the
not more than two hundred twenty (220) days beginning in the
signed into law on February 14, 1995, provided that all forms of sexual
are unlawful.
• RA 7880 known as the “Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act”,
which states that the “State shall provide for the development of its
quality education.”
Flag, hoisting and display of the National Flag, conduct of flag raising
ceremony, Pledge to the Flag, the National Anthem, and the National
of the personal and social experiences that can help them in solving
or socially efficient.
what works is not only for himself but also for the entire community.
her students.
morality, which guides their behavior and dealing with moral issues.
• A theory of philosophy that defines views about learner, the teachers
• The ten countries that belong to the ASEAN are Philippines, Brunei,
and Singapore.
together with a market of 600 million people with the goal of free
qualification outcomes.
⭐Which type of visual shows the actual object under study? – 👉Realistic ⭐Which perspective views
the learner as actively creating meaning? – 👉 Constructivism ⭐Why is it important for teachers to
understand learning theory? - 👉 Theory informjs practice ⭐The evaluation activity in a lesson plan
should answer the following question: 👉How will you determine if students have achieved the learning
objectives? ⭐What is the main principle of the discovery method? - 👉Students learn best by doing
⭐The purpose of a motivation activity in a lesson plan is to: 👉gain and maintain students' attention
⭐Which perspective says that learning should take place in an environment that resembles the real
world with all its complexities? – 👉Constructivism ⭐ISTE standards are 👉technology standards for
students and teachers ⭐Which of the following is an acceptable verb to use in objectives? – 👉describe
⭐This theory believes that learning is largely determined by the external environment – 👉behav
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION TEST DRILL DIRECTIONS: Prepare scratch paper before answering. Try
answering this drill and check your answers with the key answers below. 1. Which is a teaching
approach for kindergarten that makes real-world experiences of the child the focal point of educational
stimulation? a. Montessori approach b. Traditional approach c. Eclectic approach d. Situational approach
2. The use of mnemonics helps a pupils ___________ information. a. analyze b. understand c. apply d.
remember 3. Which program was adopted to provide universal access to basic education to eradicate
illiteracy? a. “Paaralan sa Bawat Barangay” b. Education for All c. Values Education Framework d. Science
and Education Development Plan 4. Teacher Z instructs her class to refer to the dictionary in correcting
their spelled words. Which particle is exemplified? a. Curriculum indigenization b. Computer assisted
instruction c. Multi level instruction d. Self evaluation 5. In research, which is t
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