Base Paper Tam
Base Paper Tam
Base Paper Tam
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
UDK 004.738.5:621.395.721.5:339
Preliminary communication
Abstract Sažetak
Purpose – This paper aims to explain the intention to Svrha – Radom se nastoji objasniti namjera korištenja
use mobile phones for shopping based on the technol- mobilnih telefona za kupovinu temeljem modela TAM
ogy acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of i UTAUT2 u okviru zemlje u razvoju za koju su karakte-
acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model in a ristične visoke stope rasta mobilnih kanala. Istraživački
developing country context, characterized by the mo- model analizira percipiranu korisnost, lakoću korištenja,
bile channel’s high growth rates. The research model društveni utjecaj, uvjete i hedonističku motivaciju na-
analyzes perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, mjere korištenja mobilne trgovine.
social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic Metodološki pristup – Podatci su prikupljeni anketira-
motivation on m-commerce usage intention. njem korisnika mobilne trgovine u Ekvadoru. Model je
Design/Methodology/Approach – Data for the re- testiran modeliranjem strukturnih jednadžbi metodom
search were collected through a survey among mo- parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS-SEM).
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
bile commerce users in Ecuador. We tested the model Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati su pokazali da su
through partial least squares structural equations mod- društveni utjecaj, uvjeti i hedonistička motivacija zna-
eling (PLS-SEM). čajne odrednice namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine
Findings and implications – The results showed that u okviru tržišta u razvoju, a percipirana korisnost i per
social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic mo- cipirana lakoća korištenja nisu. Glavni doprinos rada
tivation are significant determinants of the intention to jest pokazati da kada se TAM model proširi uključiva-
use mobile commerce in a developing market context, njem varijabli modela UTAUT2 koji se preciznije odnose
while perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use na mobilno okruženje, utjecaj varijabli jednostavnosti
Luis Edwin Chimborazo, Marta Frasquet, Alejandro Mollá
are not. This paper’s main contribution consists in show- uporabe i korisnosti nije značajan. Menadžeri bi mogli
ing that, when the TAM model is expanded by including razviti mobilna sučelja koja su ugodna i poticajna, a ne
variables of the UTAUT2 model relating more specifically utilita
ristička, jer je hedonistička motivacija varijabla
to the mobile technology, the influence of the ease-of- koja najviše utječe na namjeru m-trgovine i ističe njezin
use and usefulness variables is not significant. Compa- društveni aspekt.
nies could develop mobile interfaces that are pleasant Ograničenja – U uzorak su uključeni ispitanici iz samo
and stimulating, rather than utilitarian, since hedonic jedne zemlje s jednog sveučilišta.
motivation is the variable with the greatest influence on
Doprinos – Autori proučavaju korištenje m-trgovine u
m-commerce intention, and the one that emphasizes
latinoameričkoj zemlji na temelju kombiniranog TAM-
the social aspect of m-commerce.
UTAUT2 modela koji uključuje varijable koje obuhvaćaju
Limitations – The sample included individuals from a tehnološke i društvene aspekte m-trgovine.
single country who were recruited from a university.
Ključne riječi – TAM model, UTAUT2 model, mobilna tr-
Originality – The study focuses on m-commerce us- govina, tržište u razvoju
age in a Latin American country, based on a combined
TAM-UTAUT2 model that includes variables capturing
the technological and social aspects of m-commerce.
Keywords – TAM model, UTAUT2 model, mobile com-
merce, developing market
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
Explaining Mobile Commerce Usage Intention Based on Technology Acceptance Models in a Developing Market Context UDK 004.738.5:621.395.721.5:339
Rizley, Holland & Morrissey, 2016). Numerous tance (TAM) and the unified theory of accep-
studies have predicted the intentions of con- tance and use of technology (UTAUT2) (Davis,
sumers to make purchases through mobile de- 1989; Venkatesh, Thong & Xu, 2012) in Ecuador.
vices. However, there is insufficient knowledge Our research proposal includes the key TAM
of the factors affecting m-commerce usage in variables of perceived usefulness and perceived
developing countries. Developing countries ease of use, and three variables proposed by
show surging rates of smartphone penetration the UTAUT2, namely, social influence, facilitating
conditions, and hedonic motivation, in line with tutes a new marketing channel that allows con-
the recommendation of Lu (2014) to expand the sumers a new way of interacting with retailers,
TAM by taking into consideration the specific brands, and other consumers at any time and
context of m-commerce through smartphones. in any place (Andrews, Goehring, Hui, Pancras &
Thus, we aim to empirically identify the factors Thornswood, 2016; Shankar, Venkatesh, Hofack-
influencing the intention to use m-commerce in er & Naik, 2010).
Ecuador, where the mobile channel shows high
Research on the adoption or use of m-com-
growth potential. This paper contributes to the
merce by consumers continues to arouse great
literature by analyzing m-commerce usage in
interest with a view to clarifying the factors that
developing countries with high growth rates,
prompt consumers to shop or not to shop using
and does so through a model which includes
their smartphones. In this regard, special men-
the variables of technology adoption models
tion should be made of the studies that have
that are more relevant in the context of smart-
applied technology acceptance theories or
phone usage.
models, such as TAM (Davis, 1989), UTAUT (Ven-
This paper is structured as follows: The intro- katesh, Morris, Davis & Davis, 2003), or innovation
duction is followed by a literature review of the diffusion theory (IDT) (Rogers, 1983). A summa-
literature. Then, the research hypotheses are jus- ry of the studies applying TAMs to explain the
tified, and the research model of m-commerce adoption or use of m-commerce by consumers
usage intention is presented. The methodolo- is presented in Table 1.
gy used to collect and analyze the data is de-
scribed, followed by an analysis of the results. TABLE 1: Synthesis of empirical m-commerce
Finally, the main conclusions of the study are studies based on TAMs
presented, highlighting the implications and Under-
limitations of the research and identifying lines Author(s) Variables
lying Context
(year) employed
for future research. theories
perceived usefulness
Bhatti TAM, TPB, ease of use
2. LITERATURE REVIEW (2007) TRA, DOI personal
effort expectancy
the same time, the use of mobile devices offers perceived usefulness
companies advantages such as cost reductions, perceived ease of use
real-time tracking of customers’ activities and innovativeness
Zhang et perceived cost Meta-
the ability to influence people through contex- al. (2012)
attitude analysis
tual offers adapted to their mobile devices (La- trust
rivière, Joosten, Malthouse, van Birgelen, Aksoy, perceived risk
Kunz & Huang, 2013). Thus, m-commerce consti- perceived enjoyment
Explaining Mobile Commerce Usage Intention Based on Technology Acceptance Models in a Developing Market Context UDK 004.738.5:621.395.721.5:339
Under- Under-
Author(s) Variables Author(s) Variables
lying Context lying Context
(year) employed (year) employed
theories theories
perceived usefulness hedonic motivation
perceived ease of use perceived critical
Chong et social influence mass
TAM, DOI and Madan
al. (2012) trust perceived risk
Malaysia and Yadav UTAUT India
cost facilitating conditions
variety of services perceived regulatory
perceived usefulness support
perceived ease of use cost
Chong performance
TAM perceived enjoyment China
(2013) expectancy
cost effort expectancy
social influence
Thakur perceived usefulness Verkijika Camer-
UTAUT2 facilitating conditions
and perceived ease of use (2018) oon
TAM, TAR India hedonic motivation
Srivastava social influence
price value
(2013) facilitating conditions
perceived risk
facilitating conditions perceived trust
perceived value
performance social influence
Yang and Shaw and
expectancy facilitating conditions
Forney UTAUT USA Sergueeva UTAUT2 Canada
hedonic hedonic motivation
(2013) (2019)
performance habit
expectancy effort expectancy
social influence
perceived usefulness Note: TAM=technology acceptance model; TRA=theory of
reasoned action; TPB=theory of planned behavior; DOI=in-
Lu (2014) TAM perceived ease of use USA
novation diffusion theory; TAR=technology adoption read-
social influence iness; IDT=innovation diffusion theory; UTAUT=unified the-
Faqih and perceived usefulness ory of acceptance and use of technology.
Jaradat TAM perceived ease of use Jordan
(2015) subjective norm
Yadav, perceived usefulness One of the theoretical frameworks used in
Sharma, perceived ease of use e-commerce research is the TAM model, pro-
social influence India posed by Davis (1989) to better understand the
Tarhini perceived cost adoption and continued use of a technology.
(2016) perceived trust
TAM builds on the theory of reasoned action
perceived usefulness
social influence (TRA) by supposing that perceived usefulness
Marin and perceived ease of use are significant determi-
kovic and
TAM mobility Serbia nants of the use of a specific system or technolo-
perceived gy (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989). The findings
based on TAM to predict the intention to use a
social influence
mobile phone for shopping support the impor-
facilitating conditions tance of TAM’s core variables, namely perceived
Blaise et al.
UTAUT performance USA usefulness and perceived ease of use. However,
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
expectancy most studies include additional variables, togeth-
effort expectancy
er with the two original ones. Usefulness and
perceived usefulness
ease of use are primary determinants, according
ease of use
Choi service ubiquity to the results obtained by Choi (2018), who also
TAM Korea
(2018) location-based found that the ubiquity of location-based ser-
service vices and user control contributed to a greater
user control use of mobile phones for shopping. Marinkovic
and Kalinic (2017) found that usefulness and ease As a conclusion of the literature review on con-
of use are essential factors in the intention to use sumer adoption or use of e-commerce, it can
m-commerce in Serbia, together with social in- be observed that models based on extensions
fluence, trust, mobility, perceived enjoyment, and of the TAM are popular both in developed and
the moderating variable of customization. Other developing markets. A smaller number of papers
researchers reported that variables such as social have adopted the UTAUT and UTAUT2 models,
influence, trust, perceived cost, and connectivity and only Verkijika (2018) has applied UTUAT2 to
exert a positive influence on the use of m-com- a developing market context. To the best of our
merce in China (Chong et al., 2012; Wei et al., knowledge, no study has modeled m-commerce
2009). Therefore, to achieve a better understand- adoption or use integrating the TAM and UTAUT2
ing, it is necessary to expand the TAM, explicitly variables that are most suitable for the mobile
considering the context of smartphone-based shopping context in a developing market.
m-commerce (Lu, 2014). At this point, it is worth-
while considering the UTAUT model, which
includes the following variables: performance 3. HYPOTHESES AND
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, RESEARCH MODEL
and facilitating conditions. The authors of this
model showed its superiority to the TAM and The TAM model provided the initial frame-
other user acceptance models (Venkatesh et al., work for our research model with its two key
2003). Several studies in the m-commerce con- variables: perceived usefulness and perceived
text have opted for the UTAUT model, validating ease of use. Additionally, the extended UTAUT2
the strength of its explanatory variables in the model based on the original UTAUT model was
intention to use m-commerce (Blaise, Halloran & considered with its social influence, facilitating
Muchnick, 2018). For instance, Yang and Forney conditions, and hedonic motivation variables,
(2013) concluded that facilitating conditions in- which seem to be particularly suited to the mo-
clude the main driver motivating consumers to bile environment. The individual variables and
conduct mobile shopping. the proposed logic underpinning each research
hypothesis are defined below.
The UTAUT2 model is an extension of the UTAUT
model incorporating the hedonic motivation Perceived usefulness
variable (Venkatesh et al., 2012). The UTAUT2
model postulates that an element of enjoyment Perceived usefulness was defined by Davis
related to m-commerce is associated with great- (1989, p. 320) as the “degree to which a person
er use of it (Shaw & Sergueeva, 2019). Users make believes that using a particular system would
emotional decisions when deciding whether or enhance his or her job performance.” Perceived
not to use their mobile devices [for shopping] usefulness has been found to significantly affect
(Marinkovic & Kalinic, 2017). Thus, hedonic mo- both the attitude towards technology and the
tivation was revealed as a determining element intention to use (Davis et al., 1989; Venkatesh et
in m-commerce usage intention (Yang, 2010). al., 2003). Perceived usefulness in the adoption
Using the UTAUT2 model, Shaw and Sergueeva of mobile Internet focuses on the achievement
(2019) identified hedonic motivation and per- of tasks and reflects an individual’s desire to par-
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
ceived value as the predominant variables in ticipate in an activity due to external rewards
the intention to use m-commerce. Yang (2010) (Kim, Chan & Gupta, 2007). Likewise, the review
reported that social influence, facilitating con- of the literature on mobile shopping (see Ta-
ditions, effort expectancy, attitude, utilitarian ble 1) revealed that perceived usefulness is one
performance expectancy, and hedonic perfor- of the variables more frequently considered by
mance are significant predictors in the m-com- researchers to explain the adoption or use of
merce usage intention. m-commerce (Marinkovic & Kalinic, 2017). The
Explaining Mobile Commerce Usage Intention Based on Technology Acceptance Models in a Developing Market Context UDK 004.738.5:621.395.721.5:339
main advantage of m-commerce over e-com- ceived usefulness because consumers are able to
merce via PC and cable connection is its abil- interact easily on m-commerce sites if they can
ity to offer the service ubiquitously. Thus, as understand their potential value better (Choi,
argued by Chong (2013), consumers will only 2018; Chong et al., 2012). Following this line of
use m-commerce if they find it more useful argument, the following hypothesis is proposed:
than e-commerce. Therefore, perceived useful-
H3: Perceived ease of use has a positive effect
ness is considered an important determinant
on the perceived usefulness of m-commerce.
of the intention to use m-commerce (Chong,
2013). Based on the above arguments, the first Social influence
research hypothesis is proposed:
Social influence is defined as the degree to
H1: Perceived usefulness positively influences which the beliefs and opinions of others affect
m-commerce usage intention. an individual’s decision to adopt a new tech-
Perceived ease of use nological system (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Social
influence is generated by different factors, such
Perceived ease of use refers to the lack of effort as informal influence, maintenance of social
required to use a technological system (Davis, image, and critical mass (Wang & Wang, 2010).
1989). Perceived ease of use is related to the For young consumers, image plays an import-
innate characteristics of information technolo- ant role in the decision to use a new device. To
gy, and its effect varies depending on whether strengthen participation among group mem-
the context is goal-oriented or hedonic (Davis, bers, the user tends to adapt to the expecta-
1989; van der Heijden, 2004). Research revealed tions of others (Bhatti, 2007).
that perceived ease of use is not just an essen-
tial element in the adoption of technology; Social influence in the context of m-commerce
rather, it also affects the use of mobile devices has been identified as a key variable for predict-
for shopping (Choi, 2018). As argued by Assarut ing m-commerce intention (Chong et al., 2012;
and Eiamkanchanalai (2015) and Wei and others Wei et al., 2009). Mobile devices are highly sensi-
(2009), consumers need to gain confidence and tive to social influence, since they are present in
perceive the mobile channel as being easy to use interactions in social environments with friends
before they are ready to use it for shopping. Thus, and family, which can influence the intention
perceived ease of use is likely to have a positive to use and adopt mobile technology (Blaise et
influence on the consumers’ intention to adopt al., 2018). In the m-commerce context, users are
m-commerce (Chong et al., 2012). Consequently, easily swayed by social influence and set new
the following hypothesis was proposed: trends in m-commerce (Yadav et al., 2016). There-
fore, we formulated the following hypothesis:
H2: Perceived ease of use positively influences
m-commerce usage intention. H4: Social influence positively influences m-com-
merce usage intention.
Relationship between ease of use and perceived
usefulness Facilitating conditions
According to the TAM, perceived ease of use is In the use of a technological system, factors
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
tating conditions provide the external resources systems (Venkatesh et al., 2012). A direct impact
required to achieve the performance of a par- of hedonic motivation on the intention to use
ticular behavior easily (Ajzen, 1991). Likewise, technology has also been demonstrated (Ven-
facilitating conditions coupled with behavioral katesh et al., 2012). Hedonic motivation also acts
intention are the factors influencing user behav- as a motivation for creativity and innovativeness
ior, according to the UTAUT model (Venkatesh in the context of mobile channels, stimulating
et al., 2003). Therefore, facilitating conditions their use (Assarut & Eiamkanchanalai, 2015; van
enable decisions to be taken in the behavioral der Heijden, 2004). Applying the UTAUT2 model
roles of persons in information systems (Dwive- to the m-commerce context, Madan and Yadav
di, Rana, Chen & Williams, 2011). (2018) and Shaw and Sergueeva (2019) conclud-
ed that hedonic motivation has a significant
The mobile phone itself could be considered a
impact on the intention to adopt m-commerce.
facilitating factor, since m-commerce is a volun-
In this regard, in a study seeking to explain mo-
tary activity performed to obtain specific bene-
bile user engagement, Kim, Kim, and Wachter
fits or services. A smartphone and a wireless net-
(2013) found that the hedonic motivation of
work would allow this objective to be achieved
consumers, namely the “fun and excitement”
easily when it comes to making purchases
aspect, positively influences satisfaction with
(Venkatesh et al., 2012). Indeed, it has been re-
and engagement in the use of the smartphone.
ported that facilitating conditions significantly
Extending this argument, it could be concluded
influence the intention to use m-commerce
that a consumer who enjoys using a mobile de-
and mobile applications (Blaise et al., 2018; Thak-
vice for shopping will be more engaged in the
ur & Srivastava, 2013). Facilitating conditions also
activity and, therefore, more likely to use their
directly influence behavioral intention where
device for shopping. Thus, hedonic motivation
consumers have a mobile phone with the In-
ternet connection, a direct interface to explore in the context of m-commerce is expected to
mobile sites, and adequate knowledge to make be a strong determinant; when users perceive
purchases (Yang & Forney, 2013). Therefore, the entertainment in the functions of mobile shop-
following hypothesis has been proposed: ping, they are more prone to adopt and use
mobile shopping (Madan & Yadav, 2018; Yang &
H5: Facilitating conditions positively influence Forney, 2013). Hence, it follows that:
m-commerce usage intention.
H6: Hedonic motivation positively influences
Hedonic motivation m-commerce usage intention.
Hedonic motivation is an intrinsic motivation In conclusion, the proposed research model
that referring to the enjoyment a consumer (see Figure 1) suggests that the intention to use
derives from using a technology (Venkatesh et a mobile device for shopping depends on per-
al., 2012). Theoretically, hedonic motivation has ceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social
been described as an influential variable in the influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic
intention to adopt technology in information motivation.
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
Explaining Mobile Commerce Usage Intention Based on Technology Acceptance Models in a Developing Market Context UDK 004.738.5:621.395.721.5:339
perceived usefulness H1
social influence
(SI) m-commerce usage intention
facilitating conditions
hedonic motivation
sidered to be of interest for the purposes of this between 18 and 24 years old, 27.2% between
study because university students are one of 25 and 34 years old, 16.6% between 35 and 44
the most important markets for m-commerce years old, and 3% over 45 years old. In terms of
(Choi, Hwang & McMillan, 2008; Jurisic & Aze income, 63.3% of respondents had between
vedo, 2011). Moreover, in Ecuador, the highest USD 394 and USD 500 in monthly income, 16%
rate of smartphone possession is found among between USD 501 and USD 700, 8.9% between
persons aged between 16 and 24 years (63.2%) USD 701 and USD 900, and 11.8% over USD 900.
The socio-demographic profile shows a higher Following Henseler, Ringle and Sarstedt (2015),
percentage of older respondents than the aver- we evaluated discriminant validity according to
age student profile because the questionnaire the heterotrait and monotrait (HTMT) correla-
was answered not only by undergraduate stu- tions, which are more sensitive than the For-
dents, but also by executives taking post-gradu- nell-Larcker criterion. Therefore, we calculated
ate programs as part-time students. the HTMT ratio for the correlations and cross-cor-
relations between constructs (see Table 3). We
The partial least squares structural equation
took 5,000 sub-samples and observed the con-
modeling (PLS-SEM) method was used to evalu-
fidence intervals. Since 0.85% of the HTMT ratio
ate the model using the SmartPLS software. PLS
was not exceeded, discriminant validity was con-
is a particularly suitable approach in marketing
firmed (Hair, Ringle & Sarstedt, 2011).
research for the study of causal models with
constructs that have multiple indicators and
dimensions (Hair, Hult, Ringle & Sarstedt, 2016). TABLE 3: HTMT ratio of correlations
PEOU 0.718
SmartPLS software was used, firstly, to esti-
SI 0.150 0.262
mate the measurement model and evaluate
FC 0.599 0.807 0.310
the reliability and validity of the measurement
HM 0.442 0.587 0.275 0.669
constructs (see Table 2). All item loadings in the
UI 0.467 0.493 0.369 0.658 0.706
corresponding constructs were greater than 0.7
(Henseler, Ringle & Sinkovics, 2009). Cronbach’s
alpha value for all the constructs exceeded the Table 4 contains the results of the structural
cut-off level of 0.70 (Nunnally, 1978), or, in the model test, in which the path coefficients, the
case of the social influence variable, was very t-test, the R2 value, and predictive relevance
close to reaching it (0.68). Composite reliability Q2 were examined. The hypotheses were con-
was higher than 0.8 and average variance ex- trasted by verifying the level of significance of
tracted (AVE) exceeded 0.6 for every construct the path coefficients (p) between the latent
(Henseler et al., 2009). variables and the dependent variables. Social
influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic
TABLE 2: Construct reliability and validity motivation accounted for 51.9% of the intention
to use a mobile phone to purchase products
Com- Average and services. Of the six relationships analyzed,
posite variance four were found to be significant for p <0.05.
Construct bach’s
reli- extract- Perceived ease of use was significantly and posi-
ability ed (AVE)
tively related to perceived usefulness (β = 0.645,
Perceived p = 0.000). Therefore, H3 was accepted. Similarly,
0.864 0.907 0.710
usefulness (PU) social influence was positively related to usage
Perceived ease of intention (β = 0.141, p = 0.009), hence H4 was
0.849 0.898 0.689
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
Explaining Mobile Commerce Usage Intention Based on Technology Acceptance Models in a Developing Market Context UDK 004.738.5:621.395.721.5:339
However, no significant relationship was ob- ceived usefulness and usage intention signifi-
served between perceived ease of use and the cant for p <0.01 (β = 0.156, p = 0.065), although
intention to use a mobile phone for shopping it was likely to be significant for p <0.1 (H2).
(H1), nor was the relationship between per-
Hypo T statistic Signifi-
Path sample P-value
thesis (O/STER R) cance
H1 perceived usefulness -> usage intention 0.156 1.843 0.065
H2 perceived ease of use -> usage intention -0.131 1.103 0.270
H3 perceived ease of use -> perceived usefulness 0.645 10.979 0.000 ***
H4 social influence -> usage intention 0.141 2.606 0.009 **
H5 facilitating conditions -> usage intention 0.312 3.358 0.001 ***
H6 hedonic motivation -> usage intention 0.438 5.697 0.000 ***
R2 (usage intention) = 0.519; R2 (perceived usefulness) = 0.417
Q2 (usage intention) = 0.327; Q2 (perceived usefulness) = 0.269
*** p <0.01; ** p <0.05
lated with the intention to use m-commerce. This finding is consistent with the results pub-
This finding does not confirm the TAM postu- lished in previous studies and highlights the
lates accepted in previous m-commerce stud- strong influence of family and groups of friends
ies (Choi, 2018; Faqih & Jaradat, 2015; Venkatesh on the adoption of m-commerce in developing
et al., 2003). However, findings concerning the markets (Verkijika, 2018; Wei et al., 2009; Yadav et
impact of usefulness have been mixed; some al., 2016). Our results showed that young peo-
authors found that the relationship between ple are likely to be influenced by their social
circle when it comes to a preference for m-com- The results also showed that social influence
merce. Facilitating conditions also had a signifi- is positively related to the intention to use a
cant influence on the use of m-commerce. This smartphone for online shopping. Online sellers
confirms the limited evidence of the influence should be aware that the social groups their
of this variable in developing markets (Madan & consumers are interacting with exert a certain
Yadav, 2018; Verkijika, 2018). Thus, m-commerce amount of social pressure for those consumers
should expand as Internet access conditions im- to behave in a particular way. Companies could
prove and individuals acquire the necessary re- use images reflecting social interaction in their
sources and support. Finally, the results revealed communications, as well as encourage m-com-
that the factor with the strongest positive im- merce recommendation actions through, for
pact on m-commerce usage intention is hedon- example, promotions or discounts. Online sell-
ic motivation, as reported in the small number ers could leverage their customers’ social media
of studies that have tested this variable in devel- usage, encouraging them to share their experi-
oping markets (Madan & Yadav, 2018; Verkijika, ences and post product reviews.
2018). Together with the reference to social in-
fluence, this result confirms that mobile shop- This study is not without limitations. The data
ping is associated with leisure and enjoyment were collected in Ecuador, a country in which
rather than with usefulness. Therefore, the main mobile shopping is in its initial stage. Although
contribution of this paper is in showing empir- the interest in the data reported stems partly from
ically that, in a developing market, when the the fact that these were obtained in a developing
TAM model is expanded by including variables country with a high potential for m-commerce,
of the UTAUT2 model relating more specifically future research could focus on the respondents
to the mobile technology, the influence of the in other developing and emerging countries. Our
ease-of-use and usefulness variables is not sig- sample was recruited among undergraduate and
nificant, while social influence, facilitating condi- postgraduate university students. The results of
tions, and hedonic motivation are revelant. this study should be interpreted bearing in mind
The results of this paper present interesting that smartphone usage is more common among
management implications. Since hedonic moti- younger and more educated adults in develop-
vation is the variable with the most substantial ing countries (INEC, 2018).
influence on the intention to use m-commerce, The fact that the study’s expectations regarding
online marketers should focus their efforts on the influence of perceived ease of use and per-
developing interfaces that convey pleasant ceived usefulness variables on mobile shopping
and stimulating sensations rather than those intention were not fulfilled opens up opportu-
suggesting routine or obligation. Humor and nities for further research to corroborate the sig-
games could even be used to engage more nificance of the key variables of the TAM model
directly with that enjoyment-driven motivation by using a model to explore m-commerce in
when using a mobile phone for shopping. Thus, developing markets with high growth rates. An-
companies could benefit from communicating other possible line of research is to investigate
the fun aspects associated with using their mo- the influence of other variables such as trust or
bile solutions. However, online sellers should
perceived risk in m-commerce usage in devel-
not forget that mobile shopping also requires
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
oping markets.
facilitating conditions. Companies should focus
on developing user-friendly interfaces that allow Acknowledgment
for easy text reading, a clear view of products,
and fast loading of photographs. As outlined by This work was supported by the Spanish Min-
Madan and Yadav (2016), older consumers may istry of Science, Innovation and Universities,
need additional assistance and support to facili- Spanish State Research Agency under Grant
tate the use of the mobile channel for shopping. ECO 2017-83051-R.
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Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
Appendix: Measurement scales
Constructs/items Authors
Perceived usefulness
Using the mobile phone to make purchases would be beneficial for me.
Choi (2018)
The advantages of using the mobile phone to make purchases outweigh
Venkatesh, Morris,
its disadvantages.
Davis & Davis (2003)
In general, making purchases through the mobile phone is advantageous.
Using the mobile phone would allow me to make my purchases faster.
Perceived ease of use
The way to use the mobile phone for purchases is clear and
Using the mobile phone for purchases does not require much mental Choi (2018)
It seems to me that it is easy to trade through the mobile phone.
One can easily make purchases using the mobile phone.
Social influence
My family and friends influence my decision to use my mobile phone to
make purchases.
Marinkovic & Kalinic
The media (television, radio, newspapers) influence my decision to use my
mobile phone for purchases.
I think I would be more prepared to make purchases through the mobile
phone if people from my social circle did.
Facilitating conditions
My mobile phone allows me to easily access shopping websites.
Given the resources, opportunities, and knowledge necessary for
Yang (2010)
purchases through the mobile phone, it would be easy for me to use such
a system.
I have the knowledge necessary for purchases through the mobile phone.
Hedonic motivation
Using the mobile phone for purchases is fun. Venkatesh, Thong &
I enjoy using the mobile phone when I have to buy something. Xu (2012)
Using the mobile phone to make a purchase is very entertaining.
Usage intention
I believe that, in the future, my use of the mobile phone for purchases will
I intend to use the mobile phone to buy things in the future. Shaw & Sergueeva
I would recommend using the mobile phone for buying to my family or (2019)
Whenever possible, I will try to use the mobile phone to make purchases.
I intend to frequently use the mobile phone to make purchases.
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-40
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