Desi Intro
Desi Intro
Desi Intro
Historiographical Challenges
The continuing and broad public interest in Swiss graphic design
3 Robert Lzicar and Davide Fornari, was reflected in the approximately 30,000 visitors to the exhibition,
“Writing Graphic Design History in 100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design, at the Museum für Gestaltung
Switzerland,” in Mapping Graphic Design Zürich in 2012.5 One daily newspaper reported on the exhibition as
History in Switzerland, eds. Robert
“a search for and discovery of a unique Swiss design identity,” and
Lzicar and Davide Fornari (Zürich: Triest
Verlag, 2016), 8. it proved to be an event of national and international relevance.6
4 Karin Gimmi, “Introduction,” in 100 Years Part of this exhibition was a “continuous frieze of posters docu-
of Swiss Graphic Design, ed. Museum menting the 100-year period of the show (which goes along with)
für Gestaltung Zürich: et al. (Zürich: Lars the thirteen crucial moments of Swiss graphic design.”7 Yet, unlike
Müller Publishers, 2014), 9.
these moments derived from traditional graphic design historiog-
5 The exhibition, 100 Jahre Schweizer
Grafik, took place at the Museum für raphy, the frieze “does not select posters because of their aesthetic
Gestaltung Zürich from February 10, quality or the ideological similarities between them, but instead
2012, to June 3, 2012 and was curated applies criteria such as politics, zeitgeist, gender, geography, nos-
by Barbara Junod and Karin Gimmi. talgia, and national identity to [their] selection and sequence.”
6 Katrin Schregenberger, “Die Schweizer
This curatorial move was “buil[t] on the existing canon of Swiss
Grafik von Weltformat,” in Schaffhauser
Nachrichten, February 8, 2012: 29. In the graphic design” but also “open[ed] up the discussion to historical
original German, “Die Ausstellung 100 issues beyond graphic design.”8 That this curatorial approach was
Jahre Schweizer Grafik fühlt sich an wie considered innovative is not surprising. After all, the conventional
eine Identitätssuche und -findung einer historiography of Swiss graphic design had been on a different
ureigenen Schweizer Gestaltungsweise.”
course, entailing 50 years of objectification, personification, and
7 Davide Fornari, “Triennale Design
Museum 5. Grafica Italiana vs 100 Years
glorification. Revising this outdated perspective was important in
of Swiss Graphic Design” [Triennale itself and also seemed necessary for another reason:
Design Museum 5. Italian Graphic Design If design historians are to present themselves as valuable
vs 100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design], contributors to such collective historical research, they
Progetto Grafico [Graphic Design], 21
have to make a persuasive case for the relevance of their
(Summer 2012): 63.
8 Robert Lzicar and Amanda Unger,
knowledge to fora outside of their field. This is the
“Designed Histories: Visual Historiogra- challenge I put to the design history community. …
phy and Canonization in Swiss Graphic Design historians have to broaden the understanding
Design History,” in Mapping Graphic of design they communicate to their students, and they
Design History in Switzerland, eds.
Robert Lzicar and Davide Fornari (Zürich:
Triest Verlag, 2016), 267.