F.sc.I Math Question Bank CH# 3

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1ST Year


EXERCISE 3.1 + 3.2


(1) ______ developed the theory of matrics and used them in the liner transformations:
(a) Arthur Cayley (b) Seki Kowa
(C) G.Cramer (d) James Sylvester
(2) Which one is generally not true is A,B,C are matrices?
(a) A+ B=B+A (b) AB=BA
(C ) A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C (d)A(BC)=(AB)C

(3) If adj A =
[ ]
d −b
c −a , then A=?

[ ]
−a b
−c d (b)
[ ]
a d
−c b

(C )
[ ]a b
c d
The determinant of the matrix[-3] is:
[−ca −db ]
(a) 3 (b) -3
(C ) ± 3 (d) None possible
(5) The multiplication of two square matrices a and B is not commutative if:
(a) A or B is null matrix (b) A=B
(C )A and B are inverse of each other (d) A≠B and both of them are non zero

(6) [5] is ….matrix.

(a) Square (b) Diagonal
(C ) Scalar (d) Identity
(7) If n is +ve integer, tehn A+A+A+…. To n terms=?
(a) A (b) nA
(C ) An (d) A+n
(8) If order of matrix A is mxn and order of matrix B is n xp then order of BA is :
(a) m x P (b) n x n
(C) P x m (d) Multiplication
(9) Whixch of the following matrix has determinant 10?

[ ]
1 0
0 1 (b)
[ ]
−1 −5
3 4

(C )
[40 −1−2 ] (d)
[−13 −42 ]
(10) Which of the following matrix is not singular?

[ ]
4 (b)
[ ]

(C )
[ ]
1 (d)
[ ]
(11) Total number of elements in the matrix AB, where A=[aij]3x2,B=[bij]2x4 are :
(a) 6 (b) 8
(C ) 12 (d) 18
(12) A matrix whose order is m x 1, is known as:
(a) Rectangular matrix (b) Row matrix
(C ) Column vector (d)Null matrix

(13) If A’=
[m3 24 ] and |A| = 2, then m=?
(a) 1 (b) 2
7 11
(C ) 4 (d) 4
(14) If A and Bare singular matrices of same order then which of the following result is not true?

(a) (At)t=A (b) (A+B)t=At+Bt
(C ) (AB)t= BtAt (d)(AB)-1=A-1B-1
(15) (AB)-1=
(b) A-1B-1 (b) B-1 A
(C ) AB-1 (d)B-1A-1

(1) Define identity matrix.

(2) Find x and y if

[ ] [ ][ ]
20 x
1 y3 +2
1x y
0 2 −1 =
4 −2 3
1 6 1 .

(3) If
[1a −1b ] and
[01 01 ] , find the values of a and b.

[ ] [ ]
1 −1 2 2 3 0
(4) If A= 0 3 1 and 1 2 −1 , then show that ( A +B )t = At B t

(5) Find the inverse of

[+i2i −ii ] .
x1 + 2 x2 ¿ 4
(6) Solve the system of liner equations x 1 + 4 x 2 ¿ 12

(7) If A and B square matrices of the same order, then explain why in general ( A +B ) ( A−B )≠ A 2−B2 .
(8) Define scalar martrix with examples.
A= [ aij ]3 x4 I 3 A= A .
(9) If then show that

[ ] [ ]
2 3 −2 2 −3 1
A= B=
(10) Solve the matrix equation 3X – 2A = B for x if −1 1 5 and 5 4 −1 .

(11) Find matrix X if

[−25 21 ]=[−112 53 ] .

(12) If
[ ]
A= aij 3 x3
, show that
( λ+μ ) A=λA+μA .
(13) Define determinant.

(14) If
A= [1i −i0 ] , then show that
A 4 =I 2
A−1 =
(1) For a non-singular matrix A, prove that |A| .

[ ] [ ]
5 −1 3 −7
0 0 A= 0 0
(2) Find the matrix A, if 3 1 7 2 .

[ ][ ]
rncosθ 0 −sin θ cosθ 0 sin θ
0 r 0 0 1 0 =rI 3
(3) Show that r sin θ 0 cosθ −r sin θ 0 r cosθ .

(4) Solve the matrix equation

[ ] [
4 3
2 2
2 3 −1 −4
−1 −2 3 6 for A. ][ ]


[ ]
1 −2 3
−2 3 1
(1) If A = 4 −3 2 , then A12 and M12respectively are:
(a) 16, -18 (b) -8, 8
(c) 8, -8 (d) -16,8
(2) If A is a square matrix of orders 3, such that |A|=-2, then |3A| =?
(a) -6 (b) 6
(c) -56 (d)56

[ ]
a11 a12 a13
= a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33
(3) If A , then |A|=?
(a) a11A11 + a12 A12+ a13 A13 (b) a11A11 + a21 A21+ a13 A13

) a21A21 + a22 A22+ a32 A30 (d) a11A11 + a22 A22+ a33 A33

[ ]
1 2 3
0 1 4
0 1 6
The value of determinant if A= is:
(a) -6 (b) 6
(c) 0 (d) 18
(5) If a matrix is in triangular form, then the value of determinant is the product of the cntries on
its __________:
(a) First Row (b) First Column
(c) Main diagonal (d) Secondary diagonal

[ ]
−1 2

(6) If A=
[ ]
1 3
−2 1 and B-=
−1 , then which of the following statement is/are correct?
(a) ( AB )−1 = A−1 B−1 (b) AB=AB
(c) (A+B)t =At+Bt (d) (AB)t= At Bt
(7) If A and B are non-singular square matrices of the same order then shich of the following
statement is incorrect:
(a) (AB)-1= B-1 A-1 (b) (B-1) =B
-1 -1
) (A ) = A (d) A-1B-1= B-1A-1

[ ]
a β+ y 2
β y+a 2
y a+β 2
If A = then |A| =?

(a) a+β + y (b) 2 ( a+β + y )

(c) 2 (d) 0
mn I I 2 1 I 2 I3
| nI m m2 | |1 m2 n3 |
2 2 3
(9) If Im n n =K 1 n n , then k =?
(a) -1 (b) 1
)0 (d) 2
(10) If AB=BA =I, then B is called the:
(a) Multiplicative inverse of A (b) Additive inverse of A
(c) Multiplicative identity of A (d) Conjugate of A
(11) If in a square matrix A, two rows or two columns are interchanged, the determinant of the
resulting matrix is:
(a)|-A| (b) |At|
(c) -|A| (d) 0

[ ]
3 1 x
−9 3 4
(12) Value of x=? if x 1 0 =0
(a) 3 (b) -3
)0 (d) 8
(13) If A is a square matrix of order 3 then which of the following is true?
(a)|A| =|At| (b) |A| >|At|
(c) | A| <|A | (d) |A-t| =|A|t

[ ] [ ]
1 5 0 2 5 0
2 9 2 4 9 2
(14) If |A|= 3 7 3 ,then 6 7 3 =?
(a) |A| (b) |2A|
) 2|A| (d) 23|A|
7 2 7 7 2 −1
| 6 3 5 |+| 6 3 −3|=
(15) −3 5 −3 −3 5 4
7 2 6 14 4 6
|6 3 2| |12 6 2 |
(a) 3 5 1 (b) −6 10 1
7 2 −7
| 6 3 −15|
(c) −3 5 −12 (d) Cannot be Added.

5 −2 −4
| 3 −1 −3 |
(1) Evalute the determinant −2 1 2 .
1 ( 1 ) (1 )
| ( 1 ) ( 1 )2 1 |
(2) Without expansion verify the ( 1 ) 1 ( 1 ) =0
1 2 1
|2 x 2 |
(3) Find the value of x if 3 6 x =0
−1 a
b 0|
(4) Show that 1
a b =a3 +b3.
3 0 2 1 0
9 6|=9|1 1 2|
(5) Show that 0
15 1 2 5 1 .
1 2 −3
| 0 −2 0 |
A ,A ,A
If A= −2 −2 1 ,then find 12 22 32 .
(7) If A is a square matrix of order 3, then show that|KA|=K 3|A|.
4 λ 3
|7 3 6|
(8) Find the value of if A is singular, where if A= 2 3 1
1 1
|1 −1 2|, B=|3 2 |
(9) Verify that (AB)t = Bt At if A = 0 −1

(10) If
[ ]
A= 2 −1 −1 t t −t
3 1 , verify that ( A ) =( A ) .
(11) If A and b are non-singular matrices, then show that ( A−1 ) =A .
(12) Write any two properties of determinats.
(13) Define cofactor and minor of an element of a matrix.
b+c a a
|c+a b b2 |=( a+b+c )( a−b )( c−a )
(1) Show that a+b c c .
2a 2b 2c
|a+b 2b b+c |=0.
(2) Without expansion verify that a+c a+c 2c

|A A| [ ]
3 2 −1
t .
(3) Find if
2 1 3

[ ]
2 1 0
A= 1 1 0
(4) Find A-1 where
2 −3 5

(5) Verify that

−1 −1 −1
( AB ) =B A if
[ ] [
A= 1 2 ,B= −3 1
−1 0 4 −1 ]
3 4 2 7
|2 5 0 3|
1 2 −3 5
(6) Evaluate the determinant: 4 1 −2 6 .
x 1 1 1
1 x 1 1
| |=( x+3 ) ( x−1 )3
1 1 x 1
(7) Show that 1 1 1 x .
(8) If A and B are no-singular matrices then prove that ( AB ) =B−1 A−1 .


(1) If a matrix b is obtained by applying finite number of row operation on matrix A, then both
matrices are _______:
(a) Inverse of each other (b) Equal
(c) Singular (d)Equivalent

x+ y+2z ¿ 1
2 x− y+8z ¿ 12
(2) The augment matrix of the system of linear equations 3 x+5 y+4 z ¿ −3 is

(a) ¿¿ (b) ¿¿
(c) ¿¿ (d) ¿¿
(3) In the matrix ¿¿ , by adding -2 times the first row to second row we get:

(a) ¿¿ (b) ¿¿
(c) ¿¿
Which one of the following is not a row operation?
(a)Interchanging two rows
(d) ¿¿
(b) Adding a multiple of one row to another row
(c)Multiplying a row byzero (d) All of these
(5) In a square matrix A=[aij], if aij =0 for all i<j then it is called:
(a) Scalar matrix (b) Lower triangular matrix
(c) Upper triangular matrix (d) Symmetric matrix
(6) Which one of the following is a symmetric matrix?

[ ] [ ]
1 3 −2 1 2 −2
3 5 4 3 5 4
(a) −2 4 9 (b) −5 4 9

[ ] [ ]
0 3 −1 0 3 −5
1 0 7 4 5 4
(c) 2 4 0 (d) −1 4 9
(7) A square matrix A =[aij]nxnn with complex enteries , is called hermitian matrix if:
' t
(a) ( A ) =A (b) ( A ) =−A
(c) A=At (d) A=-At
(8) Which one of the following matrices in Echelon form?

(a) ¿¿ (b) ¿¿
(c) ¿¿ (d) ¿¿
The number of non-zero rows in reduces echelon form of a non-zero matrix A is called:
(a) (b) Inverse of matrix
Determinant of matrix
(c) Row Rank of matrix (d) Adjoint of matrix
(10) If A is a symmetric or skew-symmetric matrix , then A2 is:
(a) Symmetric (b) Skew-Symmetric
(c) Hermition (d)Skew-Hermition

(11) If A=
[1i 1+i−i ]
then A-( A )t is ______ matrix.
(a)Symmetric (b)Hermitian
(c) skew-symmetric (d) Skew-Hermition
(12) Yhe system of linear equations involving same variables, are equivalent if they have_____:
(a) same solution (b)same coefficients
(c) No solution (d) Equal number of solutions
(13) The notation used in column operations for interchanging two columns is:
Ci →C j (b)
Ci ↔ Ci
KC i →C C ↔C
(c) i (d) i i
(14) Which of the following is not considered to be both upper triangular and lower triangular matrix?
(a) Diagonal matrix (b)Same coefficients
(c)Identity (d)Matrix in reduced Echelon form

[ ]
1 0 0
0 t 1
(15) For what values of ’s’ and ‘t’ the matrix s 0 0 will be in reduced echelon form?
(a) S=0, t=0 (b) S-0,t=1
(c)S=1,t=0 (d) S=1,t=1

(1) Define skew-symmetric Matrix.

[ ]
1 2 0
A= 3 2 −1
(2) If −1 3 2 , then show that A-At is Skew-symmetric.
(3) If the matrices A and B are symmetric and AB=BA, show that AB is symmetric.

(4) If
[1i 1+i−i ] t
, then show that A+ ( A ) is hermition.
(5) If A is symmetric or skew-symmetric, show that A2 is symmetric.

(1) Show that AAt and AtA are symmetric for any matrix of order 2x3.

(2) If i , find A (A) .

[ ]
1 2 −1
0 −1 3
(3) Find the inverse of 1 0 2 by using row operations.

(4) Find the rank of ¿¿ .



x+ y+z ¿ 0
2 x+ y+ λz ¿ 0
(1) The value of λ for which the system of equations x+2 y−2 z ¿ 0 has non-trivial solution is:
(a) -5 (b) 1
(C) 4 (d) 5
(2) If Rank of the coefficient matrix = Rank of Augmented matrix< no. of variables in the system,
then system has.
(a) Trivial solution (b) Unique solution
(C ) Non-trivial solution (d)Infinite many solution
(3) Which one of the following is non-homogenous linear equation?
(b) –y+z=-x (b) 2x+4y=3z
(C) 2x+y-3z=7 (d)x+y+z=0
(4) In system of homogenous linear equations, if|A| =0, then solution is:
(a) Trivial (b) Unique
(C ) Infinite (d) None-trivial
(5) For a non-trivial solution, we have:
(a) |A| =0 (b) |A|≠0
(C )|A|<0 (d) |A|>0

3x+ y−z ¿ −4
x+ y−2 z ¿ −4
(6) −x+2 y−z ¿ 1
Which of the following is a solution of the system of equations ?
(b) X—1, y=1,z=2 (b) x=1, y=-1, z=-2
(C ) x=1,y=2,z=1 (d) x=2,y=1,z=-1

2 x− y+z ¿ 5
4 x+2 y+3z ¿ 8
(7) In system of equations 3 x−4 y−z ¿ 3 value of x is.
2 −1 1
5 −1 1
|8 2 3 |
|4 2 3|
3 −4 −1 3 −4 −1
(a) 29 (b) 29
2 −1 8 2 −1 1
|4 2 5 | |4 2 3|
3 −4 3 3 −4 −1
(C ) 29 (d) 28
(8) Which one of the following is trivial solution in homogenous linear equations?
(b) (0,0,0) (b) (0,1,0)
(C) (1,0,0) (d) (1,1,1)
(9) If system of linear equations has no solution, then system is called:
(a) Inconsistent (b) Consistent
(C ) trivial (d) Non-trivial
(10) If in matrix form, a X =B, then A-1(AX) = …:
(a) A-1B (b) BA-1
(C ) A-1 (d) B
(1) Define Consistent and Inconsistent system.

(2) Define homogenous and non-homogenous equations.

(3) Write the echelon form of th augmented matrix .

x 1 +4 x 2 + λx3 ¿ 2
2 x 1 +x 2 −2 x 3 ¿ 11

Find the value of λ for which the system

3 x 1 +2 x 2 −2 x 3 ¿ 16
(4) does not posses a unique solution.


x+ y ¿ 2
2 x−z ¿ 1
(1) Use matrices to solve 2 y−3z ¿ −1 .

x 1 −2 x 2 −2 x 3 ¿ −1
2 x 1 +3 x 2 +x 3 ¿ 1
5 x 1 −4 x2 −3 x 3 ¿ 1
(2) Solve the system , by reducing their augumented matrix to the reduce echelon form.

x+2 y−2z ¿ 0
2 x+ y+5 z ¿ 0
(3) Solve the system of given homogeneous linear equation 5x +4 y+8 z ¿ 0 .

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