Wireless HV Power Transfer Through Water Pipes

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Wireless HV Power Transfer Through Water Pipes

Mahesh Kunnurkar1, Shubham Ashtekar 2
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
KLS’s Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka, India

Abstract:- Major problems faced by the Underground & Installation of these pipes are pretty simple and similar to
Overhead transmission lines such as Damage to insulator, the overhead transmission system and underground
Conductor Corrosion, Vibration Damage, Arcing damage transmission system process.
of conductor, Atmospheric lightning, ionization, Corona,
Detection of fault location, Tree branches getting in If we look at our traditional power transmission system
contact with the power lines, birds in contact with the specifically overhead power transmission system, tower A,
power lines affects the distribution of electricity. Including tower B, Tower C and tower D are carrying conductor with
all the above mentioned problems, there are some transmissible voltage and power is flowing from tower A to
instances happened due to the breakage of the power tower D. In case of any fault like tree branch falling on the
conductor and it falling on the surface of the earth or on conductor CD for instance, then electric power does not reach
the person in technical terms called as Step Potential & tower D as current carrying conductor CD has been cut off at
Touch Potential. This severe problem can be minimized if tower D due to tree branch falling on it and hence conductors
we replace the underground & overhead cable from tower D will not receive any power. However, the power
transmission system with the salt water. If we compare the will still be flowing from tower A to tower C and the conductor
conducting materials like copper, steel & aluminium with CD that is now laying on earth’s surface is still conducting as
salt water the weight of the salt water is much less though it is on ground and as we know ground is the best absorber of
there is much amount of difference in electrical electricity so the electrical energy is spread on the ground at
conductivity but with much less resistivity. Sea water equal radius say 8 meters. Now when any person or living
covers the major part of the earth surface and is also a being is present at the point where the live conductor has fallen
good conductor of electricity. And it is practically proven and is within that radius then there are high chances that the
that the transfer of high voltage AC current through salt living being will get electrocuted resulting in the death of that
water is possible. We proposed an alternate power transfer living being. Technically this is categorized into step potential
system which replaces Aluminium and Copper conductors and touch potential, every year there are such accidents where
in transmission with the salt water and transfer of farmers, cattle and wild animals lose their life because of step
electrical power through salt water. We are stepping up potential. This can be avoided by replacing the metallic
the generated (11KV) power to higher voltage levels (220 conductors with insulating pipes filled with salt water, if we
KV, 440 KV etc.) and then transferring the generated consider that the pipes be in discrete pattern that is for example
electric power through salt water filled in pipes to different conductor AB is separate from conductor BC and conductor
distribution stations and sub-stations. BC is separate from conductor CD that is the pipe AB is
connected to BC and pipe BC is connected to CD and so on.
Keywords:- Salt Water, Transmission Lines, Step Potential, Now considering there is a breakdown of transmission pipe
Pipes, Underground and Overhead Transmission. BC and the pipe has fallen on the earth’s surface and pipe end
C is touching the earth’s surface now due to the impact of the
I. INTRODUCTION tree branch the pipe is damaged and all the water in that pipe
is drained out so now the pipe becomes empty and now there
Our proposed system is basically a replacement for the is no current flowing in the pipe resulting in no damage.
steel reinforced aluminum conductor, as the above-mentioned
problems in abstract like conductor breakage, tree branches Though the conductivity of salt water is much less as
falling on the overhead power transmission conductors gives compared to the other conducting materials used in
rise to some of the serious accident like touch potential and transmission of electricity the heat bearing capacity of salt
step potential, RYB phase in contact with each other thus water tends to be more than any other metals that is used in
causing short circuit in the transmission system and forcing the transmission and also the power loss in salt water is negligible.
system to shut down temporarily for a longer period of time.

All the problems caused by the metallic conducting

cables can be avoided by replacing the conductors with non-
metallic insulating pipes filled with salt water (ocean water as
it is naturally salty and available abundantly).

IJISRT23JAN077 www.ijisrt.com 361

Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 4: A CFL tube placed beside the end of the pipe which is
not connected or not in the direct contact with the copper
Fig. 1: Experimental setup of conduction of electricity
through pipes containing salt water.

Fig. 5: After turning ON the supply from the Tesla coil we

can see that the CFL tube placed beside the Copper capping
Fig. 2: End part of the transmission system showing a valve
starts conducting wirelessly.
controlling the flow of water, the flow of electricity and
copper capping provided on the edges of pipes.

Fig. 6: We can see the conduction of electricity through pipes

Fig. 3: A CFL bulb placed beside the end of the pipe which is and the CFL bulb in contact with the copper capping of the
not connected or not in the direct contact with the copper pipe glows.

IJISRT23JAN077 www.ijisrt.com 362

Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. COMPARISION OF DIFFERENT  Water can take any shape, filling water in any water pipe
PARAMETERS OF CONDUCTING of required diameter and using it as a conductor is easy,
MATERIALS WITH SALT WATER thus installation is very easy and can consume less time.
 When using solid conductors, it is required that material in
use should be in their purest form, but this is not the case
in water/salt water.
 Water can handle greater amount of temperature.
 High voltage high current bearing capacity.
 In case if there is crack in the pipe, water leaks out not
completely but only where the crack is present and this will
help to prevent line to ground fault. (Disadvantage is
supply is interrupted).
 Extracting raw material like aluminium, steel and copper
requires time and cost whereas sea water is freely available
and can be transported using equipment.
 Apart from this sea water is lighter in weight as compared
to the traditional conducting materials.

Table. 1: Weight comparison of different conducting V. DISADVATNTAGE

materials with salt water.
 Proper protection and care need to be taken on the system


Wireless HV Power Transfer through Water Pipes is

having several advantages over the conventional Underground
& Overhead Transmission of electric power as it provides high
voltage and current withstanding capabilities, it is very easy
and cheap in comparison and it can be one of the effective
means to improve the electric power transmission system.
Since there are so many factors which affects the current
Underground and Overhead transmission of the electricity due
to which there is reduction in the efficiency and breakage of
Table. 2: Resistivity comparison of different conducting conductors resulting in the interruption in the system. In future
materials with salt water. the proposed system of transmission of electric power through
salt-water or sea water may be one of the best alternative for
the current methods or the conventional methods which are in
use. And due the use of the proposed system we can eliminate
so many unwanted incidents or accidents that occur due to the
faults which are taking place in the underground and overhead
transmission system of electric power.


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IJISRT23JAN077 www.ijisrt.com 363

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