The Potential of Using Vegetable Oil Fuels As Fuel For Diesel Engines
The Potential of Using Vegetable Oil Fuels As Fuel For Diesel Engines
The Potential of Using Vegetable Oil Fuels As Fuel For Diesel Engines
The potential of using vegetable oil fuels as fuel for diesel engines
Recep Altn a, Selim Cetinkaya b,*, Hseyin Serdar Ycesu c u u
Projects Coordination Unit, Ministry of Education, Ankara 06500, Turkey b Technical Education Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara 06500, Turkey Karabk Technical Education Faculty, Karaelmas University, Karabk 78100, Turkey u u Received 9 December 1999; accepted 24 August 2000
Abstract Vegetable oils are produced from numerous oil seed crops. While all vegetable oils have high energy content, most require some processing to assure safe use in internal combustion engines. Some of these oils already have been evaluated as substitutes for diesel fuels. The eects of vegetable oil fuels and their methyl esters (raw sunower oil, raw cottonseed oil, raw soybean oil and their methyl esters, rened corn oil, distilled opium poppy oil and rened rapeseed oil) on a direct injected, four stroke, single cylinder diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions was investigated in this paper. The results show that from the performance viewpoint, both vegetable oils and their esters are promising alternatives as fuel for diesel engines. Because of their high viscosity, drying with time and thickening in cold conditions, vegetable oil fuels still have problems, such as ow, atomization and heavy particulate emissions. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Vegetable oil fuels; Alternative fuels; Biodiesel
1. Introduction Recent petroleum crises, rapidly increasing prices and uncertainties concerning petroleum availability let the scientists work on alternative fuel sources, so vegetable fuel studies become current among various investigations. The idea of using vegetable oils as fuel for diesel engines is not new. Rudolph diesel used peanut oil to fuel one of his engines at the Paris Exposition of 1900.
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Blumberg and Ford [1], made short and long term (200 h) engine performance and emission tests using eight dierent fuel samples: 2D diesel fuel; 30% cottonseed oil, 70% 2D diesel fuel (by volume); 50% cottonseed oil, 50% 2D diesel fuel; 65% cottonseed oil, 35% 2D diesel fuel; 80% cottonseed oil, 20% 2D diesel fuel; 50% cottonseed oil, 50% transesteried cottonseed oil; 50% transesteried cottonseed oil; 50% 2D diesel fuel; and 100% cottonseed methyl ester. They reported that short term results have been more desirable than long term results. Long term tests showed carbon deposits, ash and wear in the combustion chamber and sticky gum content in fuel line elements [1]. Schinstock et al. [2] made 200 h engine performance tests using 25/75 blends (volumetric) of soybean and sunower oil fuel with diesel fuel. They reported that engine torque values with mixtures have been greater than with pure diesel operation [2]. Hemmerlein et al. [3] reported on rapeseed oil as a fuel and concluded that the physical and chemical properties of rapeseed oil as a fuel are very similar to those of diesel fuel, and in a long term basis, it can be used in diesel engines. They also reported comparative test results of six dierent engines fueled with rapeseed oil and diesel fuel. With rapeseed oil fuel torque, power and NOx emissions of 5 engines out of 6 were better; HC emissions of 5 engines out of 6 were worse; CO emission values were worse in all engines; two of the engines showed better endurance test results.
Energy consumption values of all the engines were about the same for both fuels [3]. Schumacher [4] reported on soybean methyl ester as a fuel in a Dodge truck and concluded that it can be used in diesel engines with little or no diculty. He also reported that when using 1020 304050% (volumetric) soybean methyl esterdiesel fuel mixtures, as the soybean methyl ester ratio in the mixture increased, the power, smoke intensity, CO and HC emissions decreased, NOx emissions and fuel consumption increased [4]. In general, it has been reported by most researchers that if raw vegetable oils are used as diesel engine fuel, engine performance decreases, CO and HC emissions increase and NOx emissions also decrease accordingly [59]. Results show that vegetable oil fuels have the potential of supplying some of the energy needed by agricultural areas. The most important advantage of vegetable oils is that they are renewable energy sources compared to the limited resources of petroleum. Vegetable oils show promise of providing all the liquid fuel needed on a typical farm by diverting 10% or less of the total acreage to fuel production [10]. The extraction and procession of vegetable oils are simple low energy processes that make use of equipment not unlike that with which farmers are already familiar. Among the vegetable oil seeds that can be grown as domestic eld crops, cottonseed and sunower seed are the major productions of Turkey (Table 1) [11]. However, as seen from the table, crop productions are inconsistent according to harvest area, climatic conditions, etc. Turkey is one of the major sunower producers of the world. By the end of 1988, it had 6.18% of the total world production areas [10]. Rened sunower oil and rened cottonseed oil productions in 1997 were 514 635 tons and 20 546 tons, respectively [11]. The objectives of this study were to evaluate comparatively the performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine using 100% rened vegetable oil and their methyl esters. Because of its high viscosity, vegetable oils were heated before the fuel pump and before the injectors to minimize its resistance to ow.
R. Altn et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 529538 Table 1 Production levels of some oil seeds of Turkey [11] Crops Sunower Rapeseed Cottonseed Soybean Sesame Opium seed Production (ton) 1990 860 000 2100 1 047 360 162 000 39 000 5153 1995 900 000 9 1 262 583 75 000 30 000 28 249 1997 900 000 10 1 193 286 40 000 28 000 10 948
2. Experiment and test procedure Tests were conducted at the Technical Education Faculty, Automotive Laboratory of Gazi University. A single cylinder, four stroke, direct injected diesel engine was selected for the tests. Technical specications of the test engine are summarized in Table 2. Tests were held on a laboratory test bench which consisted of an electrical dynamometer, a cooling tower, an exhaust gas aspiration system and engine mounting elements, as shown in Fig. 1. The engine fuel system was modied by adding two fuel meters and one 3 way, hand operated control valve which allowed rapid switching between the standard diesel fuel and the test fuel. The fuel return line of the engine was connected to the fuel meter. Air consumption was measured with a Go-Power M-5000 ow meter, and an exhaust emission values were measured with a GacoSn gas analyzer and an Okuda Koki smoke meter. The aim of the study was to investigate the eect of vegetable based oils on compression engine performance and emissions. Diesel fuel and nine dierent vegetable oil fuels (raw sunower oil, raw cottonseed oil, raw soybean oil and their methyl esters, rened corn oil, distilled opium poppy oil and rened rapeseed oil) were selected and used as test fuels. The raw oil fuels were purchased from oil plants, rened oil fuel was purchased from the commercial market and methyl esters were
Table 2 Technical specications of the test engine [12] Type Year Number of cylinders Compression ratio Cylinder diameter Stroke Clearance volume Maximum speed Power Type of cooling Injection timing Starting Injector opening pressure Superstar, 7710 1980 1 17:1 98 mm 100 mm 770 cm3 2000 1/min 78 HP at 1500 1/min Water 27 BTDC By hand 175 kg/cm2
produced in the laboratory environment. Physical and chemical specications of the vegetable oil fuels used are summarized in Table 3. Because of their higher viscosity, raw vegetable oils were heated before the fuel pump and before the injectors to minimize their resistance to ow. Two thermostatically controlled electrical heaters were used for this purpose, and the temperatures were about 80C for both regions. The parameters were obtained from full load and variable speed performance tests. The engine was operated on diesel fuel rst and then on vegetable oil and methyl esters. After the raw vegetable oil tests, the engine was run about 20 min at idle speed to replace the test fuel in the system
Table 3 Physical and chemical specications of the vegetable oil fuels used Fuel type Diesel fuel Raw sunower oil Sunower methyl ester Raw cottonseed oil Cottonseed methyl ester Raw soybean oil Soybean methyl ester Corn oil Opium poppy oila Rapeseed oilb
a b
Caloric value (kJ/kg) 43 350 39 525 40 579 39 648 40 580 39 623 39 760 37 825 38 920 37 620
Density (g/dm3 ) 815 918 878 912 874 914 872 915 921 914
Viscosity (mm2 /s) 27C 4.3 58 10 50 11 65 11 46 56 39.5 75C 1.5 15 7.5 16 7.2 9 4.3 10.5 13 10.5
Cetane number 47a 37.1a 4552 48.1a 4552 37.9a 37 37.6a 37.6a
Chemical formula C16 H34 C57 H103 O6 C55 H105 O6 C55 H102 O6 C54 H101 O6 C56 H102 O6 C53 H101 O6 C56 H103 O6 C57 H103 O6 C57 H105 O6
Values for opium poppy oil were taken from Doysan Ltd. [13]. Values for rapeseed oil were taken from Paksoy Ltd. [14].
with diesel fuel. The test matrix consisted of 10 speeds ranging from 900 to 1800 1/min with 100 1/min steps for each fuel operation. All engine performance data were corrected to the standard atmospheric conditions given below. The power correction factor used was (according to Turkish Standards, TS 1231) [15]: Kd fafm Y where fa 99 Pa Ta 298 0X7 Y
fm 0X036qc 1X14Y qc qarX Ta is ambient temperature (K), Pa is ambient pressure (kPa), q is fuel delivery rate (mg/cycle) and r is compressor pressure ratio (for naturally aspirated engines, r 1). 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Performance The variations of maximum engine torque values in relation with the fuel types are shown in Fig. 2. The maximum torque with diesel fuel operation was 43.1 Nm at 1300 1/min. For ease of comparison, this torque was assumed 100% as the reference. The observed maximum torque values of the vegetable oil fuel operations were also at about 1300 1/min but less than the diesel fuel value for each fuel. The maximum torque dierences between the reference value and the peak values of the vegetable oil fuels were about 10% obtained with raw sunower oil, raw soybean oil
Fig. 2. The variation of engine torque in relation with the fuel types.
Fig. 3. The variation of engine power in relation with the fuel types.
and opium poppy oil fuels. The minimum torque dierence was about 3% between the reference value and the peak values of rened corn oil and rapeseed oil fuels. These results may be due to the higher viscosity and lower heating values of vegetable oils. The variations of maximum engine power values in relation with the fuel types are shown in Fig. 3. The maximum power with diesel fuel operation was 7.45 kW at 1700 1/min. As before, this power was assumed 100% as the reference. Observed maximum power values of the vegetable oil fuel operations were also at about 1700 1/min but less than the diesel fuel value for each fuel. The maximum power dierences between the reference value and the peak values of the vegetable oil fuels were about 18%, obtained with raw cottonseed oil and raw soybean oil fuels. The minimum power dierence was about 3% between the reference value and the maximum value of rapeseed oil fuels. These results may also be due to the higher viscosity and lower heating values of vegetable oils. Specic fuel consumption is one of the important parameters of an engine and is dened as the consumption per unit of power in a unit of time. Test results showed that the obtained minimum specic fuel consumption values were in the vicinity of the maximum torque area. As shown in Fig. 4, the minimum specic fuel consumption values were 245 g/kW h with diesel fuel, 290 g/kW h with raw sunower oil and 289 g/kW h with opium poppy oil at 1300 1/min. Specic fuel consumption values of the methyl esters were generally less than those of the raw oil fuels. The higher specic fuel consumption values in the case of vegetable oils are due to their lower energy content. 3.2. Exhaust emissions The variations of CO emissions in relation with the fuel types are shown in Fig. 5. The minimum CO emission was about 2225 ppm with diesel fuel. On the other hand, maximum CO emissions were about 4000 ppm with rapeseed oil fuel, 3850 ppm with raw sunower oil and 3800 ppm with corn oil fuel. Comparing raw and rened vegetable oils, relatively lower CO emissions were obtained with the esters. This is an expected result of better spraying qualities and more uniform mixture preparation of these fuels in this working range.
Fig. 4. The variation of minimum specic fuel consumption in relation with the fuel types.
The variations of CO2 emissions in relation with the fuel types are shown in Fig. 6. Maximum CO2 emissions were about 10.5% with diesel fuel, 10.25% with raw sunower oil, 10.4% with sunower methyl ester and 10.2% with raw soybean oil fuel. This is again an expected result of relatively better spraying qualities and more uniform mixture preparation of these fuels in this working range. NOx emissions are usually a result in the higher combustion temperatures. The variations of NO2 emissions in relation with the fuel used during 35 Nm torque load at 1300 1/min are shown in Fig. 7. Maximum NO2 emission was 2100 mg/m3 with diesel fuel. As seen in the graphics, NO2 emissions with vegetable oil fuels were lower than those with diesel fuel, and the NO2 values of the
Fig. 6. The variation of CO2 emissions in relation with the engine speed.
Fig. 7. The variation of NO2 emissions in relation with the fuel types.
methyl esters were higher than those of the raw oil fuels. The most signicant factor that causes NO2 formation is the maximum combustion temperatures. Since injection particles of the vegetable oils were greater than those of diesel fuel, the combustion eciency and maximum combustion temperatures with each of the vegetable oils were lower and NO2 emissions were less.
Fig. 8. The variation of particulate emissions in relation with the fuel types.
The variations of exhaust smoke opacity in percent in relation with the fuels used during 35 Nm torque load at 1300 1/min are shown in Fig. 8. Smoke opacity percentages during each of the vegetable oil operations were greater than that of diesel fuel. The minimum smoke opacity was 29.3% with diesel fuel, and the maximum smoke opacity values were 49% with soybean oil fuel and rapeseed oil fuel and 51% with corn oil fuel. The opacity values of the methyl esters were between those of diesel fuel and raw oil fuels. The greater smoke opacity percentages of vegetable oil fuels are mainly due to the heavier molecules of hydrocarbons. 4. Conclusions In this study, it was concluded that (i) Compared to diesel fuel, a little amount of power loss happened with vegetable oil fuel operations. (ii) Particulate emissions of vegetable oil fuels were higher than that of diesel fuel, but on the other hand, NO2 emissions were less. (iii) Vegetable oil methyl esters gave performance and emission characteristics closer to the diesel fuel. So, they seem to be more acceptable substitutes for diesel fuel. (iv) Raw vegetable oils can be used as fuel in diesel engines with some modications. Before starting wide application, there are some improvements that should be done, such as (i) Fuel systems should be optimized for vegetable oil operation. (ii) Vegetable oils are mainly consumed on the food market. Therefore, it has some unfavorable properties as fuel, such as high density, drying with time and gumming, lower cetane number,
heavier exhaust smoke etc. Fuel characteristics of vegetable oils should be improved. (iii) At present, vegetable oils are more expensive than diesel fuel, and their annual harvesting values are not stable. As vegetable oil fuel consumption increases, production yield can be increased relatively, and the cost can be decreased by more mechanized farming.
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