Media and Information Literacy Test Questionaire Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region


School Year 2022-2023

Media and Information Literacy

Directions: C. modality
Read and understand each question D. ways of transmitting
carefully. Then write the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet. 5. Technology literacy is applying
newfound knowledge from digital
1. It is a process by which information environments, participating in
is exchanged between individuals digital media, organizing, and
through a common system, sign, or evaluating information, also, it is the
behavior. ability to effectively use technology
A. communication to access, evaluate, integrate,
B. information create, and communicate
C. media information. Based on the concept
D. messages above, what is the BEST idea of why
it is necessary for a student like you
2. Verbal and non-verbal are the basic to be technology literate?
types of communication. The A. for students to enhance their
examples given below are non-verbal learning process through
communication features, EXCEPT problem-solving and critical
A. facial expression thinking
B. gestures B. for students to learn how to
C. oral evaluate the quality, credibility,
D. symbols validity of websites, and give
proper credit from effective
3. What refers to the ability to search strategies to evaluation
recognize when information is techniques
needed and to locate, evaluate, C. to empower students by
effectively use, and communicate providing them with the
information in its various formats? competencies (knowledge and
A. Computer literacy skills) necessary to engage with
B. Information literacy traditional media and new
C. Media literacy technologies
D. Technology literacy D. To build an understanding of the
role of media in society as well as
4. The media modality refers to the essential skills of inquiry and
nature of the message, whether it is self-expression needed for
relayed using text, audio, video, students.
graphics, animation, or a
combination of any of these. Which
category of media where TV, print,
radio, internet, and mobile belong
A. format
B. mass media
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(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

a vital skill as producers and

consumers of information. What is
the main idea of critical thinking?
6. New media is a mass A. It means understanding the
communication using digital process of information.
technologies such as the internet B. It is the ability to understand
and traditional media is any form of and appreciate messages.
communication available before the C. It means you are expected to be
advent of digital media. Below are intellectually critical in
some of the characteristics of new interpreting things that you see.
media, EXCEPT D. It means being capable of
A. The media experience is limited. judging the merit of something
B. The audience are more involved. based on certain standards or
C. The media experience is more parameters.
D. It integrates all the aspects of the 10. There are two factors that can
traditional media. influence us to become media and
information-literate individuals. One
7. According to McQuial, the new is clarifying our goals and
media has four (4) categories. These motivations for seeking information
are Interpersonal communication and second is acquiring more media
media, Interactive play media, savvy and better acquainted with
Collective participatory media, and information sources. What would be
Information search media. Which the result if we are media and
category of new media where you information literate?
can access the Internet and the A. We can develop effective and
World Wide Web? responsible production skills.
A. Collective participatory media B. We are expected to understand
B. Information Search Media the ethical and moral obligations
C. Interactive Play Media of media practitioners.
D. Interpersonal communication C. We are intellectually critical in
media interpreting the things we see
and experience around us and
8. Marriam wants to have her email, we can decode and have a deeper
phone and other personal understanding of how things
information private, which category work.
of new media does it belong? D. We are in control of our media
A. Collective participatory media experiences because we
B. Information Search Media understand the basic
C. Interactive Play Media conventions of various media
D. Interpersonal communication and enjoy their uses in a
media deliberately conscious manner.

9. Critical thinking skill is the ability

to evaluate the kind of information
you can access and share which is

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

but not for sale. How can you

differentiate the Public library from
11. Print media is also known as the Academic library?
“press”, this type of media refers to A. Public library serves colleges and
the materials that are written and universities while Academic
physically distributed. Below are the library serves Kinder – Grade 12.
examples of print media, EXCEPT B. Public library serves cities and
A. Books towns of all types, while
B. Magazines Academic library serves colleges
C. Newspapers and universities.
D. Newscast on the television C. Public library provides services
to students from Kinder to Grade
12. The internet or New Media is one of 12 while Academic library serves
the newest sources of media. What cities and towns.
are its advantages compared to D. Public library serves Specialized
other sources of media? environments such as hospitals,
A. It is faster and more accessible. corporations, etc. while
B. It contains features or human- Academic library serves colleges
interest articles. and universities.
C. It is accessible through
television and radio. 15. One thing to consider in evaluating
D. We can read all kinds of news on information is its reliability. How
it and enjoy listening to music. would you determine the reliability
of an information?
13. Indigenous media can be defined as A. by looking for facts
forms of media expression B. by cross-referencing with other
conceptualized, produced and sources for consistency
circulated by indigenous peoples C. by determining the reasons for
around the globe as vehicles for writing and publishing the
communication. How would you information
elaborate the word “indigenous”? D. by checking the author, date of
A. It is an oral tradition of publication or update, and by
communication. checking the domain or the
B. Information is contained within owner of the website or page
the border of the community.
C. It is unique to a special culture 16. There are three types of Media Codes
or society, and most often it is namely: Symbolic codes, Technical
not written down. Codes and Written Codes. Below are
D. It is native, local, originating and examples of written codes, EXCEPT
produced naturally in a A. captions
particular region and locality. B. colors
C. headlines/titles
14. Library is the place in which literary, D. slogans/taglines
musical, artistic or reference
materials (such as books,
manuscripts, etc.) are kept for use

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(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

17. Media languages are codes, 20. Jess noticed the shots he took a
conventions, formats, symbols and while ago were too dark and the
narrative structures that indicate subject could not be captured
the meaning of media messages to clearly. What advice can you give
an audience. How would you define Jess to make her shots clear
codes? without taking another shot?
A. They are iconic symbols that are A. add audio
easily understood. B. buy a new camera
B. They show what are beneath the C. adjust the camera
surface of what we see. D. edit and adjust camera
C. These are known as system or
collection of signs that create 21. What do you call the protection of
meaning when put together. one’s expressions which only
D. They are formats and symbols becomes tangible concepts when
that indicate meaning of media objects are created as a
messages for understanding. manifestation of these expressions
and it could be a variety of
18. Camera shot framing is the art of protection provided by the law to
science of placing subjects in your the authors of “original works of
shots. What camera shot do you authorship,” together with literary,
think shows your subject from dramatic, musical, artistic, and
behind the shoulder of another bound different intellectual works?
character? A. Copyright
A. Point-of-view-shot B. Infringement
B. Over-the-shoulder shot C. Plagiarism
C. Single shot D. Stealing
D. Two single shot
22. What is meant by the word
19. Why is it important to know the “plagiarism”?
types of camera shot framing A. This means that registration or
especially for filmmakers and any other formality is not
videographers? required.
A. because framing the subject is B. It is copying or closely imitating
the major consideration the work of another author,
B. because it is based on how you composer, etc., while no
plan to position your subject permission and intention of
C. because of their personal passing the results of as original.
relationship with each other and C. It is the protection of one’s
the camera expressions that only becomes
D. because in framing the subject tangible concepts when objects
we feature in our shots their are created as a manifestation of
physical relationships with each these expressions.

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

D. It is the limitation and the D. A disorder in which the

prerogative granted by copyright individual turns to the internet
law to the author of an ingenious or plays computer games to
work of which samples of use change moods, overcome
embrace statement, search anxiety, deal with depression,
engines, criticism, news reduce isolation or loneliness, or
coverage, research, teaching, distract themselves from
library archiving and overwhelming problems.
26. James reported to his parents
23. What basic role in netiquette that about the bullying that happened in
you should avoid when sharing the the school in which he is involved.
information without checking the Which factor is considered as
original sender first. bullying?
A. respect people’s privacy A. Bully by telling them a lie or fake
B. don’t “friend” then “unfriend” information.
people B. Bully by telling other students to
C. if you wouldn’t show it in public, be friends with someone.
don’t share it online C. Bully by leaving someone out on
D. don’t overload system resources purpose when you know they
with enormous files will be hurt by your actions.
D. Bully by using power - such as
24. What would be your first step when physical strength, access to
you are planning to repost a message? embarrassing information, or
A. Verify facts before reposting. popularity—to control or harm
B. Respect other people’s privacy. others.
C. Check messages and respond
promptly. 27. Intellectual property is the creation
D. Think about it before adding of the mind, such as inventions,
them or accepting their literary and artistic works, designs
invitation. and symbols, names and images
used in commerce. The following
25. What is bullying? are intellectual property rights,
A. It is a physical action inflicted on EXCEPT
a child by other than accidental A. Domain Name
means. B. Industrial Design
B. It is an unwanted, aggressive C. Inventions
behavior among school-aged D. Tangible Property – Computer
children that involves a real or Monitor
perceived power imbalance.
C. It could be a term that refers to
the gap between demographics
and regions that have access to
trendy info and technology, and
people that do not or have
restricted access.

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(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

28. Dina has intellectual property of 30. What would you suggest your
books, music, and paintings. What classmates to avoid plagiarism
type of Intellectual Properties does she especially in doing some research?
have? A. by presenting someone else's
A. Copyright work or ideas as your own
B. Industrial Design B. by keeping track of the sources,
C. Patent you consult in your research
D. Trademark C. by copying material from several
writers and rearranging it with
29. Under the Philippine copyright, citations
both original works and derivative D. by copying another writer's work
works are protected. But some with no attempt to acknowledge
works are not covered by copyright that the material was found in
due to insufficient authorship or an external source
due to the work being of
importance to public interest. What 31. Netiquette is a set of rules for
do you think are the works not behaving properly online. It represents
covered by copyrights? the importance of correct manners and
A. dramatic or dramatic-musical behavior online. What would you
compositions; choreographic recommend to your classmates when
works or entertainment in you see them starting a “flame war”?
dumb show A. exclude people or talk behind
B. lectures, sermons, addresses, their backs
dissertations prepared for oral B. post private or embarrassing
delivery, whether reduced in images or comments
writing or other material forms C. don't flame others, and if you are
C. any idea, production, system, flamed, don't respond
method or operation, concept, D. don’t skip to reply when
principle, discovery or mere someone starts a flame war
data as such, even if they are
expressed, explained, 32. Media and Information improve
illustrated or embodied in a the quality of life we have, and
mark there is no denying the extent of
D. audiovisual works and which the media and information
cinematographic works and age have drastically improved our
materials produced by a lives, in what ways do you think
process analogous to that it can make our lives easy
cinematography or any process and improve its quality?
of making audio-visual A. Learning is teacher – centered.
recordings B. Learning is found only in
C. Conducting research has
become more limited.
D. Communication has been
made easier and information
has become widely accessible.

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

A. easily access faster and free

33. According to Time Berners-Lee, communication and information
“It’s time to recognize the internet as B. easy access for job hiring
a basic human right.” What is C. freedom of expression
meant by this line? D. access to fake news
A. This means guaranteeing us to
use Facebook. 36. Media and Information has
B. This means we can access the opportunities, challenges, and
World Wide Web. power. A challenge is something
C. This means guaranteeing us new and difficult which requires
the freedom to speech press, great effort and determination.
petition and assembly. What do you think is the common
D. This means guaranteeing challenge that media and
affordable access for all, information are facing today?
ensuring internet packets are A. influence
delivered. B. fake news
C. reliable sources
34. Tim Berners-Lee changed the world D. distribution of information
when he invented the World Wide
Web. He then gave the web to all of 37. Media as one of the fastest means
us for free – a move that sparked a of educating people continues to
global wave of creativity, flourish and innovate. What do you
collaboration and innovation never call an online course that offers
seen before. What do you think is open access via the internet for free
the primary use of the World Wide or at a low cost?
Web? A. Massive Open Online Course
A. It connected the world in a way B. Massive Online Offering Course
that made it much easier for C. Media Online Open Course
people to get information, D. Media Online Information
share, and communicate. Course
B. It connected the world through
phone calls and text messages. 38.Massive Open Online Course
C. It makes it easy for us to take respects certain technical
photos and videos. specifications and characteristics,
D. It connected us with our friends below are examples of it, EXCEPT
through mailing. A. assessing knowledge
B. collaborative learning
35. Our society is a network society; C. not using web formats
that is, a society constructed D. time limits
around personal and
organizational networks powered
by digital networks and
communicated by the internet.
What would be the BEST
opportunities for you as students
given these social networks?

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

39. The manager of the company plans 42. Text information can be written in
to have an environment where script using the Roman alphabet or a
communication is done electronically different script that is appropriate to
and all forms of printed the language of the reader. What do
communication have become obsolete, you call someone who writes books,
like letters to e-mails, newspapers to stories, or articles on different kinds of
news web pages, books to e-books, and topics?
so on. What can be inferred from the A. Author
manager’s plan? B. Contributor
A. a paperless environment C. Columnist
B. a media literacy environment D. Writer
C. a traditional environment
D. an information literate 43. If a columnist is someone who
environment writes and shares his opinions,
insights, and commentaries about
40. What do you call a person who can social or political issues, what is
decode, evaluate, analyze, and the role of the editor?
produce both print and electronic A. Someone who writes personal
media or an individual that cannot opinions on topics or issues
only use media platforms but can that interest them.
analyze and evaluate information B. Someone who spends time
that was taken from it? writing articles about topics
A. Computer literate person that are of particular interest.
B. Internet literate Person C. Someone who is associated
C. Media literate person with writing literary works like
D. Technology literate person poems and short stories.
D. Someone who coordinates with
41. Media and Information Literacy the author or writer in
(MIL) has a great impact in our planning, reviewing, and
lives, and we like to have a greater revising content for
political participation. Below are publication.
the impacts of MIL in political
participation, EXCEPT 44. Jia wrote stories as a product of her
A. doing research has become very imaginations, like fairy tales,
convenient mythologies, and legends. What
B. encourage the public to take an classification of text information
active role in the government did Jia write?
C. informing the public of the A. Caricature
political affairs in the country B. Fiction
D. media serve the people by C. Non-fiction
informing public about D. Parody
subjects they need or want

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region

45. Text information is produced 48. Harmony in visual information

through the several steps. Which do brings together a composition with
you think is the first step in producing similar units. What do you think is
a text information? the result if the design visual
A. The writer does a thorough information lacks harmony?
gathering of information about A. The design visual information
the topic. has no unity.
B. The writer constructs an outline B. The design visual information
of the topic and composes the has no consistency.
draft. C. The design visual information
C. The writer goes back to the draft has no balance.
and develops it into a full text. D. The design visual information
D. The writer selects a topic or an has no contrast.
issue worth writing about.
49. Motion media is visual media that
46. Visual media and information gives the appearance of movement.
refers to materials, programs, It can be a collection of graphics,
applications and the like that footage and videos. How many
teachers and students use to frames per second does it take a
formulate new information to aid smooth animation?
learning through the use of A. 44
analysis, evaluation, and B. 53
production of visual images. Which C. 24
of the following is NOT example of D. 23
visual media?
A. Infographics 50. Motion media has advantages.
B. Photography Which of the following statements
C. Synthesized speech below is NOT an advantage of a motion
D. Video media?
A. It enables learning with
47. One of the visual design principles emotions.
is that it attracts attention in a B. It captures motion in a manner
composition. This area is more that can be viewed repeatedly.
important when compared to the C. It can show processes in detail
other objects or elements in a and in sequence.
composition. Based on the D. It cannot cut across different
statement above, what visual cultures and groups.
design principles is described?
A. Balance
B. Center of interest
C. Consistency
D. Harmony

Balilahan, Mabua, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

(086) 211-3225
First and Second Quarter SHS Mock Exam

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