Fundamentals of Physics Textbook Pages 283 294

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Learning Objectives
After reading this module, you should be able to . . .
10.01 Identify that if all parts of a body rotate around a fixed 10.08 Given a graph of angular position versus time, deter-
axis locked together, the body is a rigid body. (This chapter mine the instantaneous angular velocity at a particular time
is about the motion of such bodies.) and the average angular velocity between any two particu-
10.02 Identify that the angular position of a rotating rigid body lar times.
is the angle that an internal reference line makes with a 10.09 Identify instantaneous angular speed as the magnitude
fixed, external reference line. of the instantaneous angular velocity.
10.03 Apply the relationship between angular displacement 10.10 Given angular velocity as a function of time, calculate
and the initial and final angular positions. the instantaneous angular acceleration at any particular
10.04 Apply the relationship between average angular veloc- time and the average angular acceleration between any
ity, angular displacement, and the time interval for that dis- two particular times.
placement. 10.11 Given a graph of angular velocity versus time, deter-
10.05 Apply the relationship between average angular accel- mine the instantaneous angular acceleration at any partic-
eration, change in angular velocity, and the time interval for ular time and the average angular acceleration between
that change. any two particular times.
10.06 Identify that counterclockwise motion is in the positive 10.12 Calculate a body’s change in angular velocity by
direction and clockwise motion is in the negative direction. integrating its angular acceleration function with respect
10.07 Given angular position as a function of time, calculate the to time.
instantaneous angular velocity at any particular time and the 10.13 Calculate a body’s change in angular position by inte-
average angular velocity between any two particular times. grating its angular velocity function with respect to time.

Key Ideas
● To describe the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis, "u
called the rotation axis, we assume a reference line is fixed in vavg ! .
the body, perpendicular to that axis and rotating with the
The (instantaneous) angular velocity v of the body is
body. We measure the angular position u of this line
relative to a fixed direction. When u is measured in radians, v! .
s dt
u! (radian measure),
Both vavg and v are vectors, with directions given by a
where s is the arc length of a circular path of radius r and right-hand rule. They are positive for counterclockwise rota-
angle u. tion and negative for clockwise rotation. The magnitude of the
● Radian measure is related to angle measure in revolutions body’s angular velocity is the angular speed.
and degrees by ● If the angular velocity of a body changes from v1 to v2 in a
1 rev ! 360# ! 2p rad. time interval "t ! t2 % t1, the average angular acceleration
● A body that rotates about a rotation axis, changing its angu-
aavg of the body is
lar position from u1 to u2, undergoes an angular displacement v 2 % v1 "v
aavg ! ! .
"u ! u2 % u1, t2 % t1 "t
where "u is positive for counterclockwise rotation and nega- The (instantaneous) angular acceleration a of the body is
tive for clockwise rotation. dv
a! .
● If a body rotates through an angular displacement "u in a dt
time interval "t, its average angular velocity vavg is Both aavg and a are vectors.


What Is Physics?
As we have discussed, one focus of physics is motion. However, so far we
have examined only the motion of translation, in which an object moves along
a straight or curved line, as in Fig. 10-1a. We now turn to the motion of rotation,
in which an object turns about an axis, as in Fig. 10-1b.
You see rotation in nearly every machine, you use it every time you open a
beverage can with a pull tab, and you pay to experience it every time you go to an
amusement park. Rotation is the key to many fun activities, such as hitting a long
drive in golf (the ball needs to rotate in order for the air to keep it aloft longer)
and throwing a curveball in baseball (the ball needs to rotate in order for the air
to push it left or right). Rotation is also the key to more serious matters, such as
metal failure in aging airplanes.
We begin our discussion of rotation by defining the variables for the
motion, just as we did for translation in Chapter 2. As we shall see, the vari-
ables for rotation are analogous to those for one-dimensional motion and, as
in Chapter 2, an important special situation is where the acceleration (here the
rotational acceleration) is constant. We shall also see that Newton’s second
law can be written for rotational motion, but we must use a new quantity
called torque instead of just force. Work and the work–kinetic energy
theorem can also be applied to rotational motion, but we must use a new quan-
tity called rotational inertia instead of just mass. In short, much of what we
have discussed so far can be applied to rotational motion with, perhaps, a few
Caution: In spite of this repetition of physics ideas, many students find this
and the next chapter very challenging. Instructors have a variety of reasons as
to why, but two reasons stand out: (1) There are a lot of symbols (with Greek
Mike Segar/Reuters/Landov LLC

Elsa/Getty Images, Inc.

(a) (b)

Figure 10-1 Figure skater Sasha Cohen in motion of (a) pure translation in a fixed
direction and (b) pure rotation about a vertical axis.

Rotation Body This reference line is part of the body

axis and perpendicular to the rotation axis.
We use it to measure the rotation of the
body relative to a fixed direction.
Reference line


Figure 10-2 A rigid body of arbitrary shape in pure rotation about the z axis of a coordinate
system. The position of the reference line with respect to the rigid body is arbitrary, but it is
perpendicular to the rotation axis. It is fixed in the body and rotates with the body.

letters) to sort out. (2) Although you are very familiar with linear motion (you
can get across the room and down the road just fine), you are probably very
unfamiliar with rotation (and that is one reason why you are willing to pay so
much for amusement park rides). If a homework problem looks like a foreign
language to you, see if translating it into the one-dimensional linear motion of
Chapter 2 helps. For example, if you are to find, say, an angular distance, tem-
porarily delete the word angular and see if you can work the problem with the
Chapter 2 notation and ideas.

Rotational Variables
We wish to examine the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis. A rigid body is
a body that can rotate with all its parts locked together and without any change in
its shape. A fixed axis means that the rotation occurs about an axis that does not
move. Thus, we shall not examine an object like the Sun, because the parts of the
Sun (a ball of gas) are not locked together. We also shall not examine an object
like a bowling ball rolling along a lane, because the ball rotates about a moving
axis (the ball’s motion is a mixture of rotation and translation).
The body has rotated
Figure 10-2 shows a rigid body of arbitrary shape in rotation about a fixed
axis, called the axis of rotation or the rotation axis. In pure rotation (angular y by angle θ . This is the
motion), every point of the body moves in a circle whose center lies on the axis of
positive direction.
rotation, and every point moves through the same angle during a particular time
interval. In pure translation (linear motion), every point of the body moves in a nc
f e re
straight line, and every point moves through the same linear distance during a Re lin
particular time interval.
We deal now — one at a time — with the angular equivalents of the linear s
quantities position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. r
Angular Position Rotation
Figure 10-2 shows a reference line, fixed in the body, perpendicular to the rotation axis
axis and rotating with the body. The angular position of this line is the angle of This dot means that
the line relative to a fixed direction, which we take as the zero angular position. the rotation axis is
In Fig. 10-3, the angular position u is measured relative to the positive direction of out toward you.
the x axis. From geometry, we know that u is given by
Figure 10-3 The rotating rigid body of
Fig. 10-2 in cross section, viewed from
s above. The plane of the cross section is
u! (radian measure). (10-1)
r perpendicular to the rotation axis, which
now extends out of the page, toward you.
Here s is the length of a circular arc that extends from the x axis (the zero angular In this position of the body, the reference
position) to the reference line, and r is the radius of the circle. line makes an angle u with the x axis.

An angle defined in this way is measured in radians (rad) rather than in

revolutions (rev) or degrees. The radian, being the ratio of two lengths, is a
pure number and thus has no dimension. Because the circumference of a circle of
radius r is 2pr, there are 2p radians in a complete circle:

1 rev ! 360# ! ! 2p rad, (10-2)

and thus 1 rad ! 57.3# ! 0.159 rev. (10-3)

We do not reset u to zero with each complete rotation of the reference line about
the rotation axis. If the reference line completes two revolutions from the zero
angular position, then the angular position u of the line is u ! 4p rad.
For pure translation along an x axis, we can know all there is to know
about a moving body if we know x(t), its position as a function of time.
Similarly, for pure rotation, we can know all there is to know about a rotating
body if we know u(t), the angular position of the body’s reference line as a
function of time.

Angular Displacement
If the body of Fig. 10-3 rotates about the rotation axis as in Fig. 10-4, changing the
angular position of the reference line from u1 to u2, the body undergoes an
angular displacement "u given by

"u ! u2 % u1. (10-4)

This definition of angular displacement holds not only for the rigid body as a
whole but also for every particle within that body.
Clocks Are Negative. If a body is in translational motion along an x axis, its
displacement "x is either positive or negative, depending on whether the body is
moving in the positive or negative direction of the axis. Similarly, the angular dis-
placement "u of a rotating body is either positive or negative, according to the
following rule:

An angular displacement in the counterclockwise direction is positive, and one in

the clockwise direction is negative.

The phrase “clocks are negative” can help you remember this rule (they certainly
are negative when their alarms sound off early in the morning).

Checkpoint 1
A disk can rotate about its central axis like a merry-go-round. Which of the following
pairs of values for its initial and final angular positions, respectively, give a negative
angular displacement: (a) %3 rad, &5 rad, (b) %3 rad, %7 rad, (c) 7 rad, %3 rad?

Angular Velocity
Suppose that our rotating body is at angular position u1 at time t1 and at
angular position u2 at time t2 as in Fig. 10-4. We define the average angular velocity
of the body in the time interval "t from t 1 to t 2 to be

u2 % u1 "u
vavg ! ! , (10-5)
t 2 % t1 "t
where "u is the angular displacement during "t (v is the lowercase omega).

Reference line
This change in the angle of the reference line
At t2
(which is part of the body) is equal to the angular
displacement of the body itself during this
∆θ At t1 time interval.

θ1 θ2
O Rotation axis

Figure 10-4 The reference line of the rigid body of Figs. 10-2 and 10-3 is at angular position
u1 at time t1 and at angular position u2 at a later time t2. The quantity "u (! u2 % u1) is the
angular displacement that occurs during the interval "t (! t2 % t1). The body itself is not

The (instantaneous) angular velocity v, with which we shall be most con-

cerned, is the limit of the ratio in Eq. 10-5 as "t approaches zero. Thus,

"u du
v ! lim ! . (10-6)
"t:0 "t dt

If we know u(t), we can find the angular velocity v by differentiation.

Equations 10-5 and 10-6 hold not only for the rotating rigid body as a whole
but also for every particle of that body because the particles are all locked
together. The unit of angular velocity is commonly the radian per second (rad/s)
or the revolution per second (rev/s). Another measure of angular velocity was
used during at least the first three decades of rock: Music was produced by vinyl
(phonograph) records that were played on turntables at “3313 rpm” or “45 rpm,”
meaning at 3313 rev/min or 45 rev/min.
If a particle moves in translation along an x axis, its linear velocity v is either
positive or negative, depending on its direction along the axis. Similarly, the angu-
lar velocity v of a rotating rigid body is either positive or negative, depending on
whether the body is rotating counterclockwise (positive) or clockwise (negative).
(“Clocks are negative” still works.) The magnitude of an angular velocity is called
the angular speed, which is also represented with v.

Angular Acceleration
If the angular velocity of a rotating body is not constant, then the body has an an-
gular acceleration. Let v 2 and v 1 be its angular velocities at times t 2 and t 1,
respectively. The average angular acceleration of the rotating body in the interval
from t1 to t2 is defined as
v2 % v1 "v
aavg ! ! , (10-7)
t2 % t1 "t
in which "v is the change in the angular velocity that occurs during the time
interval "t. The (instantaneous) angular acceleration a, with which we shall be
most concerned, is the limit of this quantity as "t approaches zero. Thus,

"v dv
a ! lim ! . (10-8)
"t:0 "t dt

As the name suggests, this is the angular acceleration of the body at a given in-
stant. Equations 10-7 and 10-8 also hold for every particle of that body. The unit of
angular acceleration is commonly the radian per second-squared (rad/s2) or the
revolution per second-squared (rev/s2).

Sample Problem 10.01 Angular velocity derived from angular position

The disk in Fig. 10-5a is rotating about its central axis like a Calculations: To sketch the disk and its reference line at a
merry-go-round. The angular position u(t) of a reference particular time, we need to determine u for that time. To do
line on the disk is given by so, we substitute the time into Eq. 10-9. For t ! %2.0 s, we get
u ! %1.00 % 0.600t & 0.250t 2, (10-9) u ! %1.00 % (0.600)(%2.0) & (0.250)(%2.0)2
with t in seconds, u in radians, and the zero angular position 360#
as indicated in the figure. (If you like, you can translate all ! 1.2 rad ! 1.2 rad ! 69#.
20 rad
this into Chapter 2 notation by momentarily dropping the
word “angular” from “angular position” and replacing the This means that at t ! %2.0 s the reference line on the disk
symbol u with the symbol x. What you then have is an equa- is rotated counterclockwise from the zero position by angle
tion that gives the position as a function of time, for the one- 1.2 rad ! 69# (counterclockwise because u is positive). Sketch
dimensional motion of Chapter 2.) 1 in Fig. 10-5b shows this position of the reference line.
Similarly, for t ! 0, we find u ! %1.00 rad ! %57#,
(a) Graph the angular position of the disk versus time which means that the reference line is rotated clockwise
from t ! %3.0 s to t ! 5.4 s. Sketch the disk and its angular from the zero angular position by 1.0 rad, or 57#, as shown
position reference line at t ! %2.0 s, 0 s, and 4.0 s, and in sketch 3. For t ! 4.0 s, we find u ! 0.60 rad ! 34#
when the curve crosses the t axis. (sketch 5). Drawing sketches for when the curve crosses
the t axis is easy, because then u ! 0 and the reference line
KEY IDEA is momentarily aligned with the zero angular position
(sketches 2 and 4).
The angular position of the disk is the angular position
u(t) of its reference line, which is given by Eq. 10-9 as a function (b) At what time tmin does u(t) reach the minimum
of time t. So we graph Eq. 10-9; the result is shown in Fig. 10-5b. value shown in Fig. 10-5b? What is that minimum value?

This is a plot of the angle
θ (rad) of the disk versus time.
Rotation axis
line 2

position 0 t (s)

The angular position

of the disk is the angle
between these two lines. –2 0 2 4 6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

At t = −2 s, the disk Now, the disk is Now, it is at a It has reversed Now, it is

is at a positive at a zero angle. negative (clockwise) its rotation and back at a
(counterclockwise) angle. So, a negative is again at a positive
angle. So, a positive θ value is plotted. zero angle. angle.
θ value is plotted.
Figure 10-5 (a) A rotating disk. (b) A plot of the disk’s angular position u(t). Five sketches indicate the angular position of the refer-
ence line on the disk for five points on the curve. (c) A plot of the disk’s angular velocity v(t). Positive values of v correspond to
counterclockwise rotation, and negative values to clockwise rotation.

KEY IDEA t ! %3.0 s to t ! 6.0 s. Sketch the disk and indicate the direc-
tion of turning and the sign of v at t ! %2.0 s, 4.0 s, and tmin.
To find the extreme value (here the minimum) of a function,
we take the first derivative of the function and set the result
to zero.

Calculations: The first derivative of u(t) is From Eq. 10-6, the angular velocity v is equal to du/dt as
given in Eq. 10-10. So, we have
! %0.600 & 0.500t. (10-10) v ! %0.600 & 0.500t. (10-11)
The graph of this function v(t) is shown in Fig. 10-5c.
Setting this to zero and solving for t give us the time at
Because the function is linear, the plot is a straight line. The
which u(t) is minimum:
slope is 0.500 rad/s 2 and the intercept with the vertical axis
tmin ! 1.20 s. (Answer) (not shown) is %0.600 rad/s.
To get the minimum value of u, we next substitute tmin into
Eq. 10-9, finding Calculations: To sketch the disk at t ! %2.0 s, we substitute
that value into Eq. 10-11, obtaining
u ! %1.36 rad % %77.9#. (Answer)
This minimum of u(t) (the bottom of the curve in Fig. 10-5b) v ! %1.6 rad/s. (Answer)
corresponds to the maximum clockwise rotation of the disk The minus sign here tells us that at t ! %2.0 s, the disk is
from the zero angular position, somewhat more than is turning clockwise (as indicated by the left-hand sketch in
shown in sketch 3. Fig. 10-5c).
(c) Graph the angular velocity v of the disk versus time from Substituting t ! 4.0 s into Eq. 10-11 gives us
v ! 1.4 rad/s. (Answer)
The implied plus sign tells us that now the disk is turning
counterclockwise (the right-hand sketch in Fig. 10-5c).
For tmin, we already know that du/dt ! 0. So, we must
also have v ! 0. That is, the disk momentarily stops when
the reference line reaches the minimum value of u in
This is a plot of the angular
Fig. 10-5b, as suggested by the center sketch in Fig. 10-5c. On
ω (rad/s) velocity of the disk versus time.
the graph of v versus t in Fig. 10-5c, this momentary stop is
the zero point where the plot changes from the negative
2 clockwise motion to the positive counterclockwise motion.
(d) Use the results in parts (a) through (c) to describe the
0 t (s) motion of the disk from t ! %3.0 s to t ! 6.0 s.

–2 Description: When we first observe the disk at t ! %3.0 s, it

–2 0 2 4 6 has a positive angular position and is turning clockwise but
slowing. It stops at angular position u ! %1.36 rad and then
begins to turn counterclockwise, with its angular position
negative ω zero ω positive ω
eventually becoming positive again.

The angular velocity is

initially negative and slowing,
then momentarily zero during
reversal, and then positive and Additional examples, video, and
increasing. practice available at WileyPLUS

Sample Problem 10.02 Angular velocity derived from angular acceleration

A child’s top is spun with angular acceleration To evaluate the constant of integration C, we note that v !
a ! 5t % 4t, 5 rad/s at t ! 0. Substituting these values in our expression
for v yields
with t in seconds and a in radians per second-squared. At 5 rad/s ! 0 % 0 & C ,
t ! 0, the top has angular velocity 5 rad/s, and a reference
line on it is at angular position u ! 2 rad. so C ! 5 rad/s. Then

(a) Obtain an expression for the angular velocity v(t) of the v ! 54 t 4 % 2t 2 & 5. (Answer)
top.That is, find an expression that explicitly indicates how the (b) Obtain an expression for the angular position u(t) of the
angular velocity depends on time. (We can tell that there is top.
such a dependence because the top is undergoing an angular
acceleration, which means that its angular velocity is changing.) KEY IDEA

KEY IDEA By definition, v(t) is the derivative of u(t) with respect to

time. Therefore, we can find u(t) by integrating v(t) with
By definition, a(t) is the derivative of v(t) with respect to time. respect to time.
Thus, we can find v(t) by integrating a(t) with respect to time.
Calculations: Since Eq. 10-6 tells us that
Calculations: Equation 10-8 tells us
du ! v dt,
dv ! a dt, we can write

so " dv ! "
a dt. u! " v dt ! " (54 t 4 % 2t 2 & 5) dt

From this we find ! 14 t 5 % 23 t 3 & 5t & C/

v! " 3
(5t % 4t) dt ! 5 4
4t % 4 2
2t & C.
! 14 t 5 % 23 t 3 & 5t & 2, (Answer)
where C/ has been evaluated by noting that u ! 2 rad at t ! 0.

Additional examples, video, and practice available at WileyPLUS

Are Angular Quantities Vectors?

We can describe the position, velocity, and acceleration of a single particle by
means of vectors. If the particle is confined to a straight line, however, we do not
really need vector notation. Such a particle has only two directions available to it,
and we can indicate these directions with plus and minus signs.
In the same way, a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis can rotate only
clockwise or counterclockwise as seen along the axis, and again we can select
between the two directions by means of plus and minus signs. The question arises:
“Can we treat the angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a rotating
body as vectors?” The answer is a qualified “yes” (see the caution below, in con-
nection with angular displacements).
Angular Velocities. Consider the angular velocity. Figure 10-6a shows a
vinyl record rotating on a turntable. The record has a constant angular speed
v (! 3313 rev/min) in the clockwise direction. We can represent its angular ve-
locity as a vector v
pointing along the axis of rotation, as in Fig. 10-6b. Here’s
how: We choose the length of this vector according to some convenient scale,
for example, with 1 cm corresponding to 10 rev/min. Then we establish a direc-
tion for the vector v:
by using a right-hand rule, as Fig. 10-6c shows: Curl your
right hand about the rotating record, your fingers pointing in the direction of
rotation. Your extended thumb will then point in the direction of the angular
velocity vector. If the record were to rotate in the opposite sense, the right-

z z z
Axis Axis Axis


ω ω

This right-hand rule

establishes the
direction of the (a) (b) (c)
angular velocity

Figure 10-6 (a) A record rotating about a vertical axis that coincides with the axis of the
spindle. (b) The angular velocity of the rotating record can be represented by the vector
v , lying along the axis and pointing down, as shown. (c) We establish the direction of the
angular velocity vector as downward by using a right-hand rule. When the fingers of the
right hand curl around the record and point the way it is moving, the extended thumb
points in the direction of v:

hand rule would tell you that the angular velocity vector then points in the op-
posite direction.
It is not easy to get used to representing angular quantities as vectors. We in-
stinctively expect that something should be moving along the direction of a vec-
y y
tor. That is not the case here. Instead, something (the rigid body) is rotating
around the direction of the vector. In the world of pure rotation, a vector defines
an axis of rotation, not a direction in which something moves. Nonetheless, the

x x

vector also defines the motion. Furthermore, it obeys all the rules for vector
manipulation discussed in Chapter 3. The angular acceleration a :
is another
vector, and it too obeys those rules. z z The order of the
In this chapter we consider only rotations that are about a fixed axis. For such rotations makes
situations, we need not consider vectors — we can represent angular velocity with a big difference
y y
v and angular acceleration with a, and we can indicate direction with an implied in the result.
plus sign for counterclockwise or an explicit minus sign for clockwise. PHYSICS
Angular Displacements. Now for the caution: Angular displacements

x x
(unless they are very small) cannot be treated as vectors. Why not? We can cer-
tainly give them both magnitude and direction, as we did for the angular veloc-
z z
ity vector in Fig. 10-6. However, to be represented as a vector, a quantity must
also obey the rules of vector addition, one of which says that if you add two
vectors, the order in which you add them does not matter. Angular displace- y y
ments fail this test.

Figure 10-7 gives an example. An initially horizontal book is given two



90# angular displacements, first in the order of Fig. 10-7a and then in the order x x
of Fig. 10-7b. Although the two angular displacements are identical, their order
is not, and the book ends up with different orientations. Here’s another exam- z z
ple. Hold your right arm downward, palm toward your thigh. Keeping your (a) (b)
wrist rigid, (1) lift the arm forward until it is horizontal, (2) move it horizon- Figure 10-7 (a) From its initial position, at
tally until it points toward the right, and (3) then bring it down to your side. the top, the book is given two successive
Your palm faces forward. If you start over, but reverse the steps, which way 90# rotations, first about the (horizontal)
does your palm end up facing? From either example, we must conclude that x axis and then about the (vertical) y axis.
the addition of two angular displacements depends on their order and they (b) The book is given the same rotations,
cannot be vectors. but in the reverse order.


Learning Objective
After reading this module, you should be able to . . .
10.14 For constant angular acceleration, apply the relation- angular velocity, angular acceleration, and elapsed time
ships between angular position, angular displacement, (Table 10-1).

Key Idea
● Constant angular acceleration (a ! constant) is an important special case of rotational motion. The appropriate kinematic
equations are
v ! v0 & at,
u % u0 ! v0t & 12 at 2,
v2 ! v 20 & 2a(u % u0),
u % u0 ! 12 (v0 & v)t,
u % u0 ! vt % 12 at 2.

Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration

In pure translation, motion with a constant linear acceleration (for example, that
of a falling body) is an important special case. In Table 2-1, we displayed a series
of equations that hold for such motion.
In pure rotation, the case of constant angular acceleration is also important,
and a parallel set of equations holds for this case also. We shall not derive them
here, but simply write them from the corresponding linear equations, substituting
equivalent angular quantities for the linear ones. This is done in Table 10-1, which
lists both sets of equations (Eqs. 2-11 and 2-15 to 2-18; 10-12 to 10-16).
Recall that Eqs. 2-11 and 2-15 are basic equations for constant linear
acceleration — the other equations in the Linear list can be derived from them.
Similarly, Eqs. 10-12 and 10-13 are the basic equations for constant angular
acceleration, and the other equations in the Angular list can be derived from
them. To solve a simple problem involving constant angular acceleration, you can
usually use an equation from the Angular list (if you have the list). Choose
an equation for which the only unknown variable will be the variable requested
in the problem. A better plan is to remember only Eqs. 10-12 and 10-13, and then
solve them as simultaneous equations whenever needed.

Checkpoint 2
In four situations, a rotating body has angular position u(t) given by (a) u ! 3t % 4,
(b) u ! %5t 3 & 4t 2 & 6, (c) u ! 2/t 2 % 4/t, and (d) u ! 5t 2 % 3. To which situations do
the angular equations of Table 10-1 apply?

Table 10-1 Equations of Motion for Constant Linear Acceleration and for Constant Angular Acceleration
Equation Linear Missing Angular Equation
Number Equation Variable Equation Number

(2-11) v ! v0 & at x % x0 u % u0 v ! v0 & at (10-12)

(2-15) x % x0 ! v0 t & 12 at 2 v v u % u0 ! v0t & 12 at 2 (10-13)
(2-16) v2 ! v20 & 2a(x % x0) t t v2 ! v20 & 2a(u % u0) (10-14)
(2-17) x % x0 ! 12(v0 & v)t a a u % u0 ! 12(v0 & v)t (10-15)
(2-18) x % x0 ! vt % 12 at 2 v0 v0 u % u0 ! vt % 12at 2 (10-16)

Sample Problem 10.03 Constant angular acceleration, grindstone

A grindstone (Fig. 10-8) rotates at constant angular acceler- (We converted 5.0 rev to 10p rad to keep the units consis-
ation a ! 0.35 rad/s2. At time t ! 0, it has an angular velocity tent.) Solving this quadratic equation for t, we find
of v0 ! %4.6 rad/s and a reference line on it is horizontal, at
t ! 32 s. (Answer)
the angular position u0 ! 0.
Now notice something a bit strange. We first see the wheel
(a) At what time after t ! 0 is the reference line at the when it is rotating in the negative direction and through the
angular position u ! 5.0 rev? u ! 0 orientation. Yet, we just found out that 32 s later it is at
the positive orientation of u ! 5.0 rev. What happened in
KEY IDEA that time interval so that it could be at a positive orientation?
The angular acceleration is constant, so we can use the rota- (b) Describe the grindstone’s rotation between t ! 0 and
tion equations of Table 10-1. We choose Eq. 10-13, t ! 32 s.
u % u0 ! v0 t & 12 at 2, Description: The wheel is initially rotating in the negative
because the only unknown variable it contains is the desired (clockwise) direction with angular velocity v0 ! %4.6 rad/s,
time t. but its angular acceleration a is positive. This initial opposi-
tion of the signs of angular velocity and angular accelera-
Calculations: Substituting known values and setting u0 ! 0 tion means that the wheel slows in its rotation in the nega-
and u ! 5.0 rev ! 10p rad give us tive direction, stops, and then reverses to rotate in the
10p rad ! (%4.6 rad/s)t & 12 (0.35 rad/s2)t 2. positive direction. After the reference line comes back
through its initial orientation of u ! 0, the wheel turns an
We measure rotation by using additional 5.0 rev by time t ! 32 s.
this reference line.
(c) At what time t does the grindstone momentarily stop?
Clockwise = negative
Counterclockwise = positive Calculation: We again go to the table of equations for con-
Axis stant angular acceleration, and again we need an equation
Zero angular that contains only the desired unknown variable t. However,
now the equation must also contain the variable v, so that we
can set it to 0 and then solve for the corresponding time t. We
Reference choose Eq. 10-12, which yields
Figure 10-8 A grindstone. At t ! 0 the reference line (which we v % v0 0 % (%4.6 rad/s)
t! ! ! 13 s. (Answer)
imagine to be marked on the stone) is horizontal. a 0.35 rad/s2

Sample Problem 10.04 Constant angular acceleration, riding a Rotor

While you are operating a Rotor (a large, vertical, rotating rad/s, the angular displacement is u % u0 ! 20.0 rev, and the
cylinder found in amusement parks), you spot a passenger in angular velocity at the end of that displacement is v ! 2.00
acute distress and decrease the angular velocity of the cylin- rad/s. In addition to the angular acceleration a that we want,
der from 3.40 rad/s to 2.00 rad/s in 20.0 rev, at constant angu- both basic equations also contain time t, which we do not
lar acceleration. (The passenger is obviously more of a “trans- necessarily want.
lation person” than a “rotation person.”) To eliminate the unknown t, we use Eq. 10-12 to write
v % v0
(a) What is the constant angular acceleration during this t! ,
decrease in angular speed? a
which we then substitute into Eq. 10-13 to write

# v %a v $ & a# v %a v $ .
KEY IDEA 0 1 0
u % u0 ! v0 2
Because the cylinder’s angular acceleration is constant, we
Solving for a, substituting known data, and converting
can relate it to the angular velocity and angular displacement
20 rev to 125.7 rad, we find
via the basic equations for constant angular acceleration
(Eqs. 10-12 and 10-13). v 2 % v 20 (2.00 rad/s)2 % (3.40 rad/s)2
a! !
2(u % u0) 2(125.7 rad)
Calculations: Let’s first do a quick check to see if we can solve
the basic equations. The initial angular velocity is v0 ! 3.40 ! %0.0301 rad/s2. (Answer)

(b) How much time did the speed decrease take? v % v0 2.00 rad/s % 3.40 rad/s
t! !
Calculation: Now that we know a, we can use Eq. 10-12 to a %0.0301 rad/s2
solve for t: ! 46.5 s. (Answer)

Additional examples, video, and practice available at WileyPLUS


Learning Objectives
After reading this module, you should be able to . . .
10.15 For a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis, relate the angular 10.16 Distinguish between tangential acceleration and radial
variables of the body (angular position, angular velocity, and an- acceleration, and draw a vector for each in a sketch of a
gular acceleration) and the linear variables of a particle on the particle on a body rotating about an axis, for both an in-
body (position, velocity, and acceleration) at any given radius. crease in angular speed and a decrease.

Key Ideas
● A point in a rigid rotating body, at a perpendicular distance ● The linear acceleration a
of the point has both tangential

r from the rotation axis, moves in a circle with radius r. If the and radial components. The tangential component is
body rotates through an angle u, the point moves along an at ! ar (radian measure),
arc with length s given by where a is the magnitude of the angular acceleration (in radi-
s ! ur (radian measure), ans per second-squared) of the body. The radial component
where u is in radians. of :
a is
● The linear velocity v of the point is tangent to the circle; the
: ar ! ! v2r (radian measure).
point’s linear speed v is given by ● If the point moves in uniform circular motion, the period T of
v ! vr (radian measure), the motion for the point and the body is
where v is the angular speed (in radians per second) of the body, 2pr 2p
T! ! (radian measure).
and thus also the point. v v

Relating the Linear and Angular Variables

In Module 4-5, we discussed uniform circular motion, in which a particle travels at con-
stant linear speed v along a circle and around an axis of rotation. When a rigid body,
such as a merry-go-round, rotates around an axis, each particle in the body moves in its
own circle around that axis. Since the body is rigid, all the particles make one revolu-
tion in the same amount of time; that is, they all have the same angular speed v.
However, the farther a particle is from the axis, the greater the circumference
of its circle is, and so the faster its linear speed v must be. You can notice this on a
merry-go-round. You turn with the same angular speed v regardless of your dis-
tance from the center, but your linear speed v increases noticeably if you move to
the outside edge of the merry-go-round.
We often need to relate the linear variables s, v, and a for a particular point in
a rotating body to the angular variables u, v, and a for that body. The two sets of
variables are related by r, the perpendicular distance of the point from the
rotation axis. This perpendicular distance is the distance between the point and
the rotation axis, measured along a perpendicular to the axis. It is also the radius r
of the circle traveled by the point around the axis of rotation.

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