Specifications are subject to change without notice. Detroit Diesel Corporation is registered to ISO 9001:
2001. Copyright © Detroit Diesel Corporation. All rights reserved. Detroit Diesel is a Daimler company.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
I. FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................... 3
II. HOW TO READ THIS GUIDE ......................................................................................................... 4
1. DT12 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 5
2. ACTIVE DRIVELINE PROTECTION ............................................................................................... 7
3. CREEP MODE ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1. CREEP-OFF ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. CREEP-ROLL ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.3. INTERACTION WITH OTHER FEATURES ................................................................................ 8
4. DRIVIING MODES ........................................................................................................................... 8
5. eCOAST FEATURE....................................................................................................................... 10
5.1. INTERACTION WITH OTHER FEATURES .............................................................................. 11
6. ENGINE BRAKE CONTROLS ...................................................................................................... 12
6.1. CRUISE CONTROL BAND SWITCHES ................................................................................... 12
6.2. ENGINE BRAKES WITH CRUISE CONTROL ......................................................................... 13
7. HILL START AID ........................................................................................................................... 14
7.1. BRAKE SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITY ........................................................................................ 14
7.2. KICK-DOWN MODE.................................................................................................................. 15
9. SPEC PRO – TIPS AND TRICKS ................................................................................................. 19
III. TABLE OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... 20
IV. TABLE OF PARAMETER TABLES .............................................................................................. 20
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Detroit Diesel has developed this Detroit Transmission Reference Guide to assist you with specifying
the correct engine parameters for your GHG17 Detroit Engine equipped with a Detroit DT12
Section One introduces the Transmission Control Module (TCM), and explains its basic functionalities.
Sections Two through Seven explain the six (6) most important features Detroit Diesel recommends be
specified when ordering the Detroit Transmission. The sections contain a detailed explanation of each
feature and its parameters, as well as guidance on how to spec and modify it.
Please feel free to contact the Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center or your local sales representative
if you have any questions. Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center’s phone number is 1-800-445-1980.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Parameters are broken down into three change levels and illustrated by the icons below. The icons
indicate the level of possible changes and will help you better identify the parameters that can be
changed either at your facility, your Detroit Diesel Distributor/Dealer or directly at the factory when you
first order the truck and engine.
The P-Group shown in tables is helpful when dealing with DiagnosticLink software. It designates the
group in which a certain parameter is listed.
The Data Code is helpful when ordering the truck and engine in SpecPro. Each programmable parameter
has a designated Data Code.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
The Detroit Diesel Transmission (TCM) represents the latest generation of transmission technology that
increases efficiency and enhances performance. This 12-speed Automated Transmission, along with
GHG17 electronics, combines a traditional clutch-actuated manual gearbox with a computer-controlled
pneumatic shifting mechanism. The new Powertrain automatically and seamlessly controls the clutch
actuator and shift patterns for ultimate fuel economy and engine power. The two-pedal system has the
operational ease of an automatic, with the efficiency of a manual transmission.
GHG17 is a system that monitors and determines all values required for the operation of the engine,
transmission and aftertreatment system. A diagnostic interface is provided to connect to an external
diagnosis tester. The GHG17 system includes engine/transmission related sensors, Transmission
Control Module (TCM), Motor Control Module (MCM21T), Common Powertrain Controller 04T (CPC04T)
and an Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM21T).
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
The engine-mounted Motor Control Module (MCM21T) includes control logic to provide overall engine
management. It supports additional sensors and actuators required to meet GHG17 emissions standards
and has an anti-tamper device incorporated in its back cover.
The Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM21T) includes control logic to provide overall aftertreatment
management. It supports additional sensors and meets GHG17 emissions standards.
The cab-mounted Common Powertrain Controller (CPC04T) is the interface between the MCM21T,
ACM21T and the vehicle / equipment for engine control and manages other vehicle and equipment
functions. It controls all engine-related vital vehicle functions like Idle Shutdown, Cruise Control and PTO.
The CPC04T contains fleet management information and customer programmable parameters.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
The “Active Driveline Protection” feature is accomplished by the TCM calculating torque wind-up in the
driveline and compensating with engine torque control to reduce or eliminate cab jerking, resulting in the
smooth reapplication and/or removal of driveline torque during shift control.
The Active Driveline Protection feature is the only direct control of the engine (via MCM) that is permitted
by the transmission TCM. Active Driveline Protection also depends on the proper setting of the driveline
stiffness parameters, as well as other driveline information, such as axle ratios, and tire properties.
The Creep Mode feature allows for precise, controlled low speed maneuverability, trailer-interconnect and
docking operations. The feature exists wholly in the TCM and is managed by the Clutch Control Logic. If
more than a limited amount of engine torque is required to either hold the vehicle stationary (positive road
grades) or achieve forward motion (slight positive, level, and negative road grades), then the feature will
deactivate after a period of time, to prevent overheating and excess wear on the clutch.
The feature will attempt to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards on an uphill grade and utilizes
system information to determine how much force is required by the brakes to hold the vehicle still, thereby
compensating for this force with clutch application, when the brakes are released. If the vehicle is
equipped with a Hill Start Aid feature, Creep Mode will work in conjunction with the feature to prevent roll
The Creep Mode Feature emulates the Torque Converter of an automatic transmission if it is enabled.
The feature accomplishes this by utilizing two modes of operation --- Creep-Off and Creep-Roll.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Creep-Off partially engages the clutch while the vehicle is at standstill and no foundation brake request is
received from the operator. Therefore, forward vehicle motion is achieved at slow vehicle speeds on the
engine’s low-idle governor. The Creep feature allows creep-up into limited gears.
Creep-Roll prevents a coasting downshift into Neutral until the service brake is applied, by keeping the
clutch closed and forcing the engine to operate on the low idle governor. The Creep-Roll feature allows
creep-up into limited gears and also works in conjunction with Hill Start Aid.
If the vehicle is equipped with a Hill Start Aid feature, Creep mode will work in conjunction with Creep
Mode to prevent vehicle roll back.
A “Driving Mode” (Shift Program) defines a set of Calibratable conditions which the CPC module uses to
determine the type of vehicle behaviors with respect to certain functionalities such as gear selection,
cruise control ECoast, vehicle speed limit, etc. Driving Modes are divided in to Normal Mode and Special
Mode. Both these modes can be customer tailored toward a specific driving behavior. Such as:
• Aeconomy mode: Can be configured with an enabled soft cruise control and always enabled
ECoast, Road Speed Limit, and Fuel Economy Optimized Shifting pattern.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
• Aperformance (optional): Can be configured to use performance-based shift table offsets, with
standard cruise control enabled, ECoast disabled, and the following characteristics:
Automatically switch back into Aeconomy when the system determines the current terrain does not
require performance shifting.
• Manual
Auto Mode
The Automatic Gear (AG) Selection is a model-based software module that resides in the CPC04T and
permits the automatic selection of the appropriate transmission gear based on the current driver inputs
and vehicle operating conditions. The logic in this principle is flexible to a variety of applications, and is
made application-specific using parameterization that exists within the CPC04T.
Manual Mode
While operating in the “Manual Mode”, the system allows either short or long depresses of the shift stalk
lever to indicate a request from the operator to initiate a gear shift and each gear is selected manually.
The Kick-Down feature allows for improved vehicle acceleration ability and is typically achieved by an
offset in shift points and/or the transmission performing a downshift.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
The eCoast Feature neutralizes the driveline and idles the engine to maintain or increase vehicle velocity
while conserving overall fuel consumption. The feature functions in either accelerator pedal or cruise
control mode. It is deactivated when the driver depresses the service brake pedal, the accelerator pedal,
and/or any other critical events in the powertrain controls transpire.
eCoast Parameters
Enables or disables eCoast.
0 – Disable
1 – Enable
Default 1 – Enable
Access Level DL-S/DL-P/VEPS
Data Code (SpecPro) 342
Table 5: Enable eCoast Parameter
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
The customer can specify whether or not the eCoast feature is desired at the time of vehicle order entry,
and also after the fact via ECU parameterization. eCoast feature availability can also be specified with a
Driving Mode Selection (see Driving Modes / Shift Programs section).
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
If the vehicle is equipped with the optional Cruise Control band switch, three speed hysteresis thresholds
can be defined. The driver also has the option of controlling vehicle speed when going down a grade,
which utilized engine braking only (no fueling). Deactivation of Cruise Control can be done by any of the
following conditions: Cruise Master Switch Off, Transmission in Neutral, or the Cruise Pause Switch is
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Hill Start Aide (HSA) is an assist feature during transition from vehicle standstill to vehicle launch, thus
reducing or eliminating vehicle rollback during vehicle launching on grades.
HSA is a feature implemented in the Brake System – ECU. It holds the brake pressure, previously
applied after releasing the brake pedal, in order to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards. The
mechanical action of holding the brake pressure is accomplished on the front and rear axles by trapping
brake pressure. The HSA feature then releases the brakes by releasing the pressure to the brake
Once the brake pedal is released, HSA shall remain active until sufficient torque is transmitted across the
Powertrain in order to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards. This torque can either be achieved by
depressing the throttle pedal or by engaging the Creeping function.
Vehicle must be stopped, no brake system fault relevant to HSA, and pressure has to be applied to the
brake pedal to HSA being active, HSA switch has to be inactive.
HSA is deactivated when Powertrain has sufficient torque to launch vehicle, or HSA is disabled via the
switch, or Brake pedal is released for >3 seconds.
The HSA disable switch is a momentary switch for deactivation below 5 mph and is wired to the Brake
System – ECU. Once the vehicle exceeds 5 mph, the HSA feature is re-enabled.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
The Kick-down feature allows for improved vehicle acceleration ability and is typically achieved by an
offset in shift points and/or the transmission performing a downshift.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Please refer to the GHG17 Reference Guide for Configuring Parameters for the DT12 TCM.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
Spec Manager is a powerful software utility for specifying and comparing commercial vehicles and
predicting their performance. Creating a new configuration is a simple step-by-step process. When
completed, Spec Manager provides advisory notes warning of possible problems and conflicts that might
arise from the settings you have chosen. Individual hints are available to help solve specific issues. Once
a specification has been produced, a wide range of predicted fuel economy and performance
characteristics can be viewed. The program also allows the analysis of the vehicle’s performance by route
Please refer to the GHG17 Reference Guide for further documentation on using the Spec Manager tool.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features
SpecPro is used by Freightliner, Sterling, and Western Star dealers to create specifications for a truck
that can be built based on option compatibility. Once a truck is spec’d out, a customer proposal and sales
order can be created. Please refer to Detroit Diesel’s Spec Manager for detailed engine performance
Please refer to the GHG17 Reference Guide for further documentation on using the Spec Pro tool.
Detroit Transmission Reference Guide – Most Frequently Used Features