Lesson Plan in Mathematics - Numeral 7
Lesson Plan in Mathematics - Numeral 7
Lesson Plan in Mathematics - Numeral 7
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III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Good morning everyone! I will be your teacher for Good morning teacher Hanney.
today and I am Teacher Hanney.
2. Review
3. Motivation
Today we will have a mission. We are going to help
a boy named Lucky who lost his way home. He
lived in the 7th street but he seems to forget what
street to take. For him to be able to take the right
way to his home, he needs our help and cooperation.
Are you in for this mission?
Okay let’s start.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Setting of Standards Yes teacher Hanney!
Before starting our mission, what must a good pupil
do when teacher is discussing and giving
3. Analysis
Very good everyone. Thank you so much for your
cooperation. Lucky is now able to remember which
street to take for him to get home.
C. Concluding Activities
1. Abstraction
Now I’m going to ask a question to see if all of you
listen the discussion well.
If I have a box and I only have 6 objects in it but I
want to make it to be seven, how many objects Seven teacher.
should I add to make it seven?
2. Application
Okay, I will post pictures of boxes on the screen and
you will choose if which box contains seven
objects. All you have to do is to choose and say We will add 1 object teacher.
‘Box 1’ or ‘Box 2’.
Is the instruction clear?
3. Valuing
Kids, from our activities, did you enjoy answering
together with your classmates?
IV. Evaluation
Open your modules and answer the following.
Direction: Practice some more on writing the numeral 7 and color seven objects in the box.