Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Present Perfect
You Read 1. Do you use the Internet a lot? Why?
2. What search engine do you usually use?
Read the following Web article. Pay special attention to the present
CD 3, TR 12 perfect tense.
280 Lesson 9*
To index means to sort, organize, and categorize information.
Rivals are competitors.
The past participle of many irregular verbs is the same as the past form.
Base Past Past We have a new car now.
Form Form Participle We had an old car, but we sold it.
We have had our new car for two months.
have had had
buy bought bought
The past participle of some irregular verbs is different from the past form.
Base Past Past I write a composition once a week.
Form Form Participle I wrote a composition yesterday.
I have written five compositions this
go went gone semester.
write wrote written
282 Lesson 9
For the following verbs, the base form, past form, and past participle
are all different.
Base Past Past Base Past Past
Form Form Participle Form Form Participle
become became become arise arose arisen
come came come bite bit bitten
run ran run drive drove driven
ride rode ridden
blow blew blown
rise rose risen
draw drew drawn
write wrote written
fly flew flown
grow grew grown be was/were been
know knew known eat ate eaten
throw threw thrown fall fell fallen
forgive forgave forgiven
swear swore sworn
give gave given
tear tore torn
mistake mistook mistaken
wear wore worn
see saw seen
break broke broken shake shook shaken
choose chose chosen take took taken
freeze froze frozen
do did done
speak spoke spoken
forget forgot forgotten
steal stole stolen
get got gotten
begin began begun go went gone
drink drank drunk lie lay lain
ring rang rung prove proved proven
sing sang sung (or proved)
sink sank sunk show showed shown
swim swam swum (or showed)
EXERCISE Fill in the blanks to form the present perfect. Use a contraction.
EXAMPLE You ’ve bought a new computer.
284 Lesson 9
9.4 Adding an Adverb
Subject has/ Adverb Past Complement Explanation
have Participle
Page and have never finished their degrees. You can put an
Brin adverb between
the auxiliary
They have already* made a lot of money.
verb (have/has)
They have even become billionaires. and the past
Larry Page has always been interested in computers.
You have probably used a search engine.
Language Note: *Already frequently comes at the end of the verb phrase.
They have made a lot of money already.
4. Sergey has been in the U.S. for many years. (how long)
5. Larry and Sergey have hired many people to work for Google.
(how many)
6. We have used the computer lab several times this semester. (how
many times)
286 Lesson 9
7. The memory and speed of computers have increased. (why)
Larry Page has always lived in the U.S. We use the present perfect with always to
He has always been interested in computers. show that an action began in the past and
continues to the present.
My grandmother has never used a computer. We use the present perfect with never to show
Google has never put advertising on its that something has not occurred from the
opening page. past to the present.
EXERCISE 7 ABOUT YOU Write true statements using the present perfect
with the words given and for, since, always, or never. Share your
sentences with the class.
EXAMPLES know My parents have known each other for over 40 years.
have I’ve had my cell phone since March.
want I’ve always wanted to learn English.
1. have
2. be
3. want
4. know
288 Lesson 9
3. Name something you’ve always wanted to do.
4. Name something you’ve always wanted to have.
5. Name something you’ve always been interested in.
EXERCISE 10 ABOUT YOU Write four sentences telling about things you’ve
always done (or been). Share your sentences with the class.
EXAMPLES I’ve always cooked the meals in my family.
I’ve always been lazy.
EXERCISE 11 ABOUT YOU Write four sentences telling about things you’ve never
done (or been) but would like to. Share your sentences with the
EXAMPLES I’ve never studied photography, but I’d like to.
I’ve never acted in a play, but I’d like to.
EXERCISE 12 Read each statement about your teacher. Then ask the teacher a
question beginning with the words given. Include always in your
question. Your teacher will answer.
EXAMPLE You’re a teacher. Have you always been a teacher ?
No. I was an accountant before I became a teacher. I’ve only been a teacher
for five years.
290 Lesson 9
EXERCISE Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Two students meet by chance in the computer lab.
CD 3, TR 13
A: Have you been in the U.S. for long?
(example) (example)
B: No, I .
A: How you been in the U.S.?
(2) (3)
B: I here for about a year.
(4) (5)
A: Where do you come from?
B: Burundi.
B: Yes, it is.
EXERCISE Fill in the blanks with the simple past or the present perfect of the
verb in parentheses ( ).