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Activity Started in The Past and Continues To The Present

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Oleh Ahmad Saifi Athoillah, S.Hum.,M.M

Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau
situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu atau
masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Seperti gambar 1

Activity started in the past

\and continues to the present

Past Present Future

Penggunaan Contoh
a. Menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang dimulai pada masa  We have lived in New York for three years.
lampau (past) dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.  She has studied in Melbourne since two years ago.
b. Menjelaskan kejadian yang dimulai dan berakhir di  I have tasted the cake.
masa lampau dan efeknya masih berlanjut sampai  Danis has lied to all of us.
c. Menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi berulang  Alex has called you five times.
kali di masa lampau.  I have read the book several times.
d. Mengungkapkan kejadian yang baru saja terjadi atau  My father has just gone to the office.
dilakukan.  They have just announced the winner.


Present perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb have atau has, dan past participle sbb:
Bentuk Rumus Contoh
(+) S+Have/Has+V3 I have written a romantic novel.
(-) S+Have/Has+Not+V3 I have not written a romantic novel.
(?) Have/Has+S+V3 Have I written romantic novel?

 Penggunaan Have/has
I/you/they/we = Have
He/She/It = has


Subject Have Past Participle Complement Explanation

I have been in the U.S. for three years. Use have with I, you, we,
You have used your computer a lot. they, and plural nouns.
We have written a job resume.
They have bought a new computer.
Computers have changed the world.
Subject Has Past Participle Complement Explanation
My sister has gotten her degree. Use has with he, she, it,
She has found a job as a programmer. and singular nouns.
My father has helped me.
The computer has changed a lot over the years.
There has/have been Complement Explanation
There has Been a problem with my computer. After there, we use has or
There have Been many changes with personal have, depending on the
computers. noun that follows. Use has
with a singular noun. Use
have with a plural noun.

 Already
 just
 not …yet
 for
 since

Read the following Web article. Pay special attention to the present perfect tense!

Since its start in 1998, Google has become one of the

most popular search engines. It has grown from a research
project in the dormitory room of two college students to a
business that now employs approximately 20,000 people.
Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, met
in 1995 when they were in their twenties and graduate
students in computer science at Stanford University in
California. They realized that Internet search was a very
important field and began working together to make searching easier. Both Page and Brin left their studies
at Stanford to work on their project. Interestingly, they have never returned to finish their degrees.
Brin was born in Russia, but he has lived in the U.S. since he was five years old. His father was a
mathematician in Russia. Page, whose parents were computer experts, has been interested in computers
since he was six years old. When Google started in 1998, it did 10,000 searches a day. Today it does 235
million searches a day in 40 languages. It indexes2 1 trillion Web pages.
How is Google different from other search engines? Have you ever noticed how many ads and
banners there are on other search engines? News, sports scores, stock prices, links for shopping, mortgage
rates, and more fill other search engines. Brin and Page wanted a clean home page. They believed that
people come to the Internet to search for specific information, not to be hit with a lot of unwanted data. The
success of Google over its rivals3 has proved that this is true.
Over the years, Google has added new features to its Web site: Google Images, where you can type
in a word and get thousands of pictures; Google News, which takes you to today’s news; Google Maps; and
more. But one thing hasn’t changed: the clean opening page that Google offers its users. In 2009,
Forbes.com listed Page and Brin as having net worths of $12 billion each, at 36 and 35 years old.
 Underline the present perfect tense in each sentence. Then tell if the sentence is true or false.
Example: Google has become a very popular search engine. (T)
1. Google has grown over the years.
2. Sergey Brin has lived in the U.S. all his life.
3. Larry Page and Sergey Brin have known each other since they were children.
4. Larry Page has been interested in computers since he was a child.
5. Brin and Page have returned to college to finish their degrees.
6. Brin and Page have become rich.
7. The noun “Google” has become a verb.
Fill in the blanks to form the present perfect.
Example: You have bought a new computer.
1. I learned a lot about computers.
2. We read the story about Google.
3. Larry known Sergey since they were at Stanford University.
4. They (not) known each other since they were children.
5. It been easy for me to learn about computers.
6. You used the Internet many times.
7. Larry and Sergey (not) finished their degrees.

Add the word in parentheses ( ) to the sentence.
 You have gotten an e-mail account. (probably)
 You have probably go en an e-mail account.

1. The teacher has given a test on Lesson 8. (already)

2. We have heard of Page and Brin. (never)
3. They have been interested in search technology. (always)
4. You have used Google. (probably)
5. Brin hasn’t finished his degree. (even)
6. Brin and Page have become billionaires. (already)

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