Oral Comm Di Ko Alam
Oral Comm Di Ko Alam
Oral Comm Di Ko Alam
• Who?
• What?
• Where?
• Why?
• When?
• How?
2. Also you can refine your ideas by considering the S.O.C.R.A.P.R
model. You can further narrow down your topic to something you can
easily write.
• S - Similarities
• O - Opposites
• C - Contrasts
• R - Relationship
• A - Anthropomorphisms
• P - Personifications
• R - Repetition
It is a no-fail option, and when nothing comes to your mind at all, you
can rely on the S.O.C.R.A.P.R model.
A more specific topic is much more easier to research than a broad
topic. Your topic should be narrow enough to discuss in a few pages.
Writing Pattern
- writing pattern is a specific way of organizing ideas to convey a
certain type of argument. Writing pattern are also sometimes referred to
as patterns of organization, rhetorical modes, or rhetorical styles.
These are the several writing styles from which you can choose the one
that most closely matches your topic.
1. Biographical
-dealing with a particular person's life.
-most used part
2. Categorical/Topical
-create categories of information that go together to help support your
original specific purpose.
3. Causal
-relating to or acting as a cause.
4. Chronological
-relating to the establishment of date and time sequences.
5. Comparison/Contrast
-comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar, while
contrast in writing discusses elements that are different.
6. Problem-solution
-is an essay that describes a problem and discusses possible solutions
to the problem.