Template Sapienza 2021 v2 ENG

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Disponível: DOI:
______________________________________________________________________________________ 1

Title: subtitle (if any)

Title: subtitle (if any) in Portuguese/Spanish

Author's full name - e-mail

Full name of affiliation institution - Country

Author's full name - e-mail

Full name of affiliation institution - Country

[Note: Include the names of the authors only in the final version of the article, after approval by the referees.]


The abstract must be written in English, be a synthetic text that includes the main ideas of the work, that is: the
objectives, the methodology, the results and the conclusions, allowing a succinct vision of the whole, mainly of the
most important questions and the conclusions reached. It should be written in a single paragraph and have a minimum
of 150 and a maximum of 250 words. Followed, just below, by the keywords and / or descriptors.
Keywords: Keywords. Keywords. Keywords. Keywords. Keywords.


Abstract in Portuguese or Spanish (mandatory). It follows the same indications as the abstract in English and must
include the keywords.
Palavras-chave: Keywords. Keywords. Keywords. Keywords. Keywords.


The introduction is the opening section of the article. It should include the delimitation of
the subject, the research problem, the objectives, the justification (relevance of the study) and the
hypotheses. Also, a summary of each section developed in the paper (article) must be briefly
presented. Times New Roman 11 font is recommended, indentation in the first line at 1.25 cm.
Spacing between single lines, spacing before 6pt and after 6pt.


Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | Vol. x | n. x | xxx-xxx | 202x | e-ISSN: 2675-9780
Disponível: DOI:
______________________________________________________________________________________ 2

In this section, it is essential to carry out a bibliographic search using works that address
similar subjects to the researched one. It is important that the author makes the appropriate direct
and / or indirect citations according to the ABNT or APA Standard. The author must cite the works
that served as a basis to build his theoretical basis.

2.1 Subsection title / section subtitle

It is possible to insert subsections to intertwine the ideas and subdivide the topics covered.


Methodological procedures are the research techniques, as well as the materials and methods
used to put the proposed objectives into practice. Quantitative, qualitative, documentary,
exploratory and field research are examples of research techniques / methodologies that can be
addressed in this section; that is, it will depend on the nature and procedures of the research..

3.1 Subsection title / section subtitle

It is possible to insert subsections to explain the methodological procedures in detail.


Present textual and / or visual (illustrations and / or tables) search results. Making a critical
analysis of the research results based on the studies discussed in the Theoretical Foundation section,

Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | Vol. x | n. x | xxx-xxx | 202x | e-ISSN: 2675-9780
Disponível: DOI:
______________________________________________________________________________________ 3

as well as through other similar works are examples that contemplate this section. That is, the
results of your research confirm the theory and hypotheses raised, complement or refute it, etc.

4.1 Subsection title / section subtitle

It is possible to insert subsections to discuss specific results, thus facilitating the

organization and presentation.


Briefly summarize the objective of the article and how it was achieved, highlight the main
results obtained, as well as suggest future research and comment on the limitations of the study are
examples to build this section. In other words, the conclusion (or final considerations) is the final
part of the text, where conclusions or final considerations are presented corresponding to the
proposed objectives or hypotheses. It is a process of synthesis of the main results, with the
criticisms of the author and the contributions of the work done. Therefore, at the conclusion, it
becomes necessary to respond to the objectives and hypotheses of the work.


The list of references must be presented at the end of the work, in alphabetical order by surname,
using simple spacing and left alignment. Each type of material (book, book chapter, printed
magazine article, online magazine article, website reporting, conclusion papers, dissertations,
theses, conference proceedings, among others) responds to specific formats according to the ABNT
standard or APA.

Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | Vol. x | n. x | xxx-xxx | 202x | e-ISSN: 2675-9780

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