OTIEC Lesson Plan - Materials Handling - v.05.18.15
OTIEC Lesson Plan - Materials Handling - v.05.18.15
OTIEC Lesson Plan - Materials Handling - v.05.18.15
TOPIC TITLE: ___Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal________________________
MINIMUM TIME: ___30 minutes__________________________________________________
Terminal Objective:
Given best practices and current OSHA and industry information regarding worksite illnesses,
injuries, and/or fatalities, the student will be able to recognize how to protect themselves from
hazards associated with material handling.
Enabling Objectives:
1. Identify types of material handling equipment.
2. Describe hazards associated with material handling activities (e.g., storage, use, and
3. Identify methods to prevent hazards associated with material handling equipment.
4. Recognize employer requirements to protect workers from material handling hazards.
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
Fact Sheet
Knowledge Check: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
Handling and storing materials involves operations such as hoisting PPT slides #1 – #3
steel with a crane, driving a truck loaded with concrete blocks,
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
A. Conveyors
B. Cranes
C. Slings
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
B. Hazards
1. Improper operation of equipment, such as forklifts,
cranes, and work trucks
2. Accumulated materials or clutter that present
tripping hazards, fire/explosion hazards, or hazards
associated with the harboring of rats and other pests
3. Unsafe conditions of materials or containers, such as
protruding nails, dry rot, or deteriorated containers
4. Flammability or toxicity of some materials
5. Weight of materials in excess of capabilities of lifting
equipment, floors, or storage shelves
6. Improperly cutting of binding ties or other devices
that secure bundles or bound materials
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
A. Cranes
1. Handling and storing materials often involves
operations such as hoisting tons of material, steel,
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
B. Slings
1. A sling commonly connects a crane hook to a load
and is an important rigging tool.
2. To eliminate or reduce hazards, slings need to be:
a. Inspected every day before they are used and
whenever service conditions change that could
warrant another inspection;
b. Removed from service if they are found damaged
or defective in any way; and,
c. Lubricated in the field to lengthen its useful
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
C. Forklifts
1. The four main causes of injuries involving forklifts
a. Forklift overturns
b. Forklift striking workers on foot
c. Persons crushed by forklifts
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
is moving.
vii. Maintain safe distance approximately three
truck lengths from the truck ahead.
b. Elevating workers
i. Don’t use a forklift to elevate workers who are
standing on the forks.
ii. Only lift personnel with approved lift platform.
iii. Elevate a worker on an approved lift platform
only when the vehicle is directly below the
work area.
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
D. Earth-Moving Equipment
1. Includes heavy equipment such as cranes, scrapers,
loaders, crawlers, bulldozers, off-highway trucks,
graders, and tractors.
2. Must be equipped with seatbelts. Anyone sitting in
the equipment must wear the seatbelts.
PPT slides #35 – #36
3. Any equipment with an obstructed view to the rear
cannot be used in reverse gear unless that piece of
equipment has a back-up signal alarm or an
employee signals that it is safe to do so.
4. Operator must be properly trained.
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
handling, including
1. Training requirements
2. Inspection requirements
Application (How students apply what they learn) __ Estimated Time: ?? hours
Key Points Methods
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
Identify hazards in worksite photos and discuss possible solutions. PPT slides #37 – #39
Using small items (little boxes, small blocks of wood, little bags of
beans, or similar items) have students practice placing
materials in tiers using an acceptable method to prevent
sliding, falling, or collapse
(i.e., stacked, racked, blocked, interlocked, or otherwise
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
Knowledge Check: Materials Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal. PPT slides #40 – #43
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
OSHA Standard:
1926 Subpart H – Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal
1926.250 – General requirements for storage
1926.251 – Rigging equipment for material handling
1926.252 – Disposal of waste materials
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
OSHA Publications:
OSHA References/Resources:
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15
10-hour Construction Outreach
Materials Handling and Storage (1996), Construction Safety and Health Outreach Program,
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Lesson Plan: Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Revised by OTIEC Outreach Workgroup v.05.18.15