Co1 Sy 22-23

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Lesson Plan in English VI

I - Objectives
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of the forms and conventions of print, non-
print, and digital materials to understand various viewing texts
B. Performance Standard applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, non-
print, and digital materials to appropriately comprehend print, non-
film and moving texts
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. analyze the characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials
Objectives (Age and gender, Race and nationality, Attitude and behavior)
EN6VC-Ii3.3.1 EN6VC-Ii3.3.2 EN6VC-Ii3.3.3
a. identify the sources of information, print, non-print and digital
b. tell the importance and the proper usage of the print, non-print and
digital materials as the sources of information;
c. construct a Venn diagram in comparing and contrasting the print,
non-print and digital materials.

II - Content The Sources of Information: Print, Non-Print and Digital Material

III- Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide CG p. 130
2. Textbook Joy in Learning English VI , p. 107
3. Other Learning Resources
B. Instructional Materials TV, Power point presentation, pictures, meta cards, charts, video clip
C. Method 5 E’s
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
IV- Procedures
Let’s start our lesson with a dance. (Pupils will do as told.)

Good morning children. Good morning too ma’am.

How are you today? We are fine ma’am.
I am glad to see you today. We’re glad to see you too ma’am.

4. Establish safe and Today we will be learning a new lesson in

secure learning English.
environments to
But let us be reminded of our classroom rules.
enhance learning
through the consistent Please select 2 representatives from your
implementation of group.(Daily routine Group)
policies, guidelines and
procedures. Let me call you by group, starting from
group 1 Do not talk while the teacher is
Listen to our teacher and set properly.
group 2 Raise your right hand when you want
to recite and have questions.
Respect the ideas of our classmates.

Do not go out when the class has

group 3 started.
Cooperate with your group.

Be honest in answering the test.

group 4 Do your best always.

Thank you very much children.

( The teacher will regroup the pupils into 3 then

present a group activity rubric.)

Each group will select a leader, a secretary and

a reporter.
Group Activity Activity Activity Activity Total
1 2 3 4

6 - Good
- Very Good
- Outstanding

1. Engagement:
( Literacy skills)

Drill: Let us Read and pronounce the words

with the [a] and [ā] sound. at - ate, eight hat - hate
back - bake jack - jake
Group Activity 1
Bat - bait Lad - laid
Can - cane Nap - nape
at - ate, eight hat - hate
Cap - cape Mad - made
back - bake jack - jake
Fad - fade Mat - mate
Bat - bait Lad - laid
Fat – fate, faith Pan - pain
Can - cane Nap - nape
Glad - glade Pal – pail, pale
Cap - cape Mad - made
Grass - grade Past – paste
Fad - fade Mat - mate
Lamb - lame Ran - rain
Fat – fate, faith Pan - pain
Glad - glade Pal – pail, pale
2. Display proficient Grass - grade Past – paste
use of Mother Lamb - lame Ran - rain
Tongue, Filipino
and English to Wow! You’re doing great children.
facilitate teaching Keep up the good work!
and learning
Review: The Elements of the Story
Group Activity 2 (Group leaders will approach & get
( Each Group will be given an illustration the materials.)
board and answer the question as fast as
they could. The group to answer correctly The elements of the story are: setting,
will be the winner. Timer will be provided) characters, plot, conflict and theme.
Leaders, kindly get the materials.
Character is important in the story
What are the elements of a story? because it gives life to the story. It is
the one involve in the story. ( varied
5.Maintain learning
environments that
promote fairness, How important is the character in the
respect and care to story?
encourage learning

Very Good!

( The teacher will present a picture then
asks questions about it.

1. It is all about the doctor and a nurse

who are taking care of the sick.
2. The characters are the woman, man
and the old man.
3. The woman is about 35 years old,
the man is 40 years old, and the
patient is 75 years old.

7. Apply a range of 4. The attitude of the nurses or

successful Ask: doctors are caring and hospitable.

strategies that 1. What is the picture all about? 5. We can usually see this scene in the
maintain learning hospital, urban places.
environments that
motivate learners 2. What can you say about the characters
to work in the picture? Yes, Ma’am.
productively by
responsibility for 3. How old do you think are they?
their own learning

4. What can you say about their attitude

towards their work?

5. Where can you usually see this scene?

Urban or rural?
(The pupils do as told)
Very Good!
Do you want to know where I got this

2. Exploration:
Print material
Before discussing further to our lesson for
today, please answer the following
questions first.

Group Activity 3
Non-print material
Leaders please come for the materials.

Tell if the material referring to is
Print, Non-print, or Digital Material. Paste
the corresponding answers beside the
given definitions. Digital material

It refers to any publication, document,

or record including, but not limited to, the
following: newspapers, magazines, books,
photographs, drawings, maps,
almanac, dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia,
yearbook, magazine, etc.

- Manage It refers to formats with special

classroom structure characteristics whose information content
to engage learners, can only be accessed through the use of
individually or in machines / digital equipment such as e-
groups, in book, e-journals, electronic images, audio-
meaningful visual materials, tape recording, etc.
exploration, What is it?
discovery and
handson activities These are the electronic records and
within a range of other content (MS Office files, PDFs,
physical learning image, audio, or video files, etc.) that were
environment originally created and/or stored in a digital
environment (such as web servers, desktop
computers, digital cameras, digital video
recorders, etc.)

Thank you very much for your honest

answers children.

3. Explanation:

In analyzing the characters and setting of a

picture, we need to know first what sources of
material where we can get information. There
are different materials or resources where we
can get information. These are print, non-
print, and digital materials.

Print materials refer to any publication, Print materials refer to any

document, or record including, but not limited publication, document, or record
to, the following: newspapers, magazines, including, but not limited to, the
books, photographs, drawings, maps, almanac, following: newspapers, magazines,
dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia, yearbook, books, photographs, drawings, maps,
magazine, etc. almanac, dictionary, atlas,
encyclopedia, yearbook, magazine,

Examples of Print materials are

magazines, newspapers, books,
encyclopedia etc.
1. Apply knowledge
of content within

and across
curriculum teaching

What are Print materials?

Who can give me examples of printed


Thank you dear children for giving me the

correct answers.

Non-print materials refer to formats with

special characteristics whose information
content can only be accessed through the use
of machines / digital equipment such as e-book,
e-journals, electronic images, audio-visual Non-print materials refer to formats
with special
materials, tape recording, of the lessons or characteristics whose information
topics etc. content can only be accessed
through the use of machines / digital
equipment such as e-book, e-journals,
electronic images, audio-visual
materials, tape recording, files in the
computers, power point presentation
of the lessons or topics.

I will listen to the radio.

Power point presentation.

It is a non-print material.

What are non-print material?

If I will ask you to listen a news on a local radio

broadcast, what kind of technology or gadget
you will be listening to?

What am I using right now in presenting you a Examples of digital materials are
lesson? Video clips, personal profile of
What kind of source of information is the power people on facebook, etc.
point presentation?

Very Good! They are considered as digital

Let us clap our hands for you are doing great. materials because they are electronic
records and were originally created
Digital Materials refer to the electronic and/or stored in a digital environment.
records and other content (MS Office files,
PDFs, image, audio, or video files, etc.) that
were originally created and/or stored in a digital
environment (such as web servers, desktop
computers, digital cameras, digital video
recorders, etc.)
The pupils do as told.
(Analyzing /Checking and observing)
1. Print 2. Non-print 3. Digital

Non- print material

3. Use effective
verbal and non-
verbal classroom
strategies to
support learner
participation, Please give me an examples of information that
engagement and you can get from the Digital materials.

Why are they considered as Digital materials?

Excellent ideas!

Supplementary information

Let’s watch this short video clip

(Source: You Based _ Enabling
Competency) with Teacher Calai) v=eCc8hDGou4A

Checking the 3rd Activity

Now let us go back to the 3rd activity we did a

while ago and let us check if you got it right.

Let’s go back to the picture I showed to you a

while ago, what source of information did I use
to have this picture?

*Basically, characters and setting can be

analyzed in print, non-print, and digital
materials. Characters used in print, non-print,
and digital materials can be analyzed.
*Characters used in print, non-print, and digital
materials can be analyzed in terms of: (The pupils will form into groups and
*age and gender will do as told.)
*race and nationality
- Ensure the *attitude and behavior
positive use of ICT *On the other hand, setting used in print, non-
to facilitate the print, and digital materials can be analyzed
teaching and in terms of:
learning process *urban or rural

4. Elaboration:

( The teacher will group the pupils into three

Group Activity 4

Discuss your task with your group. Remember

to always respect and appreciate the ideas of
the members in your group and cooperate so
that your group can create meaningful outputs.

Group Cooperation & Correctness/ Neatness Total
unity followed Of output
0-10 instructions in
0 -10

1 - 4 – Good
5 – 7 – Very Good
8 – 10 - Outstanding

Group 1
Analyze the pictures and identify the kind of
sources of information if it is print, Non-Print or
Digital materials.


6. Maintain
environments that

nurture and inspire

learners to 3.
cooperate and
collaborate in
continued learning

- Manage
classroom structure

to engage learners, 4.
individually or in
groups, in
discovery and
handson activities
within a range of
physical learning

environment 5.

( Each group will present their


Yes, Ma’am.

They are very important and useful

Group II because it gives us information about
Compare and give the common characteristics the different topics we wanted to get
of the materials using the Venn diagram. and learn.
( varied ideas )

No, because there are instances that

information on the social media or
digital materials are or not true or
( varied answers)

We should be cautious, investigate the

real information personally, or do not
Group III believe everything posted on internet.
Name the sources of material where you (varied answers)
want to know the information of the following
subjects/topics & activities
- Published definition of words
- The movie “Wonder Woman”
- Hear your favorite songs.
- Lesson of your teacher in the power
point presentation
- Reading a magazine.

Group Reporting

It is now time for you to report your

outputs, remember class, we need to respect and
appreciate each other’s ideas.

(Checking of Outputs with the pupils)

Congratulations children for the job well-

Value Formation and Integration to Health,
Are the sources of information important and
useful to us?

Why are they important and useful?

Yes, you’re correct.

Is it a good idea to always depend on the

gadgets or digital information? Why? Why not?


How will we avoid such kind of information?

Very good.

Aside from our textbooks in Health class we

have lots of printed, non-printed and digital
materials which could be of great source of
information on how to improve our health. Yes, Ma’am.
Examples of these are:

Me Ma’am.

(Some pupils raises their hands)

1. Apply knowledge
of content within
and across
curriculum teaching

5 / 23 = .22
.22 x 100 = 22

The three kinds of sources of

Information are print, non-print and
Class look at this picture: digital materials.


This is a book published by Subanen writers

around Zamboanga Peninsula. It is a book of
Subanen poems, fables, riddles and short
stories, written in Subanen language. It was
translated into English and Tagalog. C

Would you like to be writers in the future?

(Numeracy Integration)

Who among you here wants to be a writer?

Raise your hand.
(The teacher will count the pupils who have
raised hands)

There are 5 of you who wanted to become a

writer. (he number may vary)

We have started discussing percentage, rate B

and base in our Mathematics subject. Let us try
to find out how many percent is 5 out of 23.

To solve it, we need to divide 5 by 23. (the

teacher will encourage a pupil to solve it and
encode it in the computer.)
5/23 =
Multiply the answer with 100 to get the
percentage rate.

Thus, 22% in grade 6 SSES pupils wanted to

become a writer. A.

What are the Three Kinds of Sources of

5. Evaluation:
9. Adapt and use I – Read and analyze the following questions.
culturally Choose and encircle the letter of your answer.
teaching strategies 1. It is an informative material where you can
to address the read the documented and published data or
needs of learners information on a particular topic or subject.
from indigenous A. Digital material C, Non Printed
groups material
B. Printed material D. Internet

2. The following are examples of Non-printed C

material, except one;
A. powerpoint presentation
B. data collected stored in the computer B
C. personal interview
D. E-book
3. If you will be assigned to watch and evaluate
the movie, “Harry Potter” on Youtube channel,
what kind of source of material you will be
referring to? C
A. Digital material
B. Non-printed material
C. printed material
D. both A & B

4. Why are google, facebook & Ms Excell

considered as digital source of information?
A. It needs internet to use it.
B. It generates, stores and processes data.
2. Display proficient C. It is a trending electronic technology in the
use of Mother new generation.
Tongue, Filipino D. It is because the information taken from it
and English to will be printed right away .
facilitate teaching
and learning 5. If you are provided with the high tech
-Ensure the gadgets, how will you use it?
positive use of ICT A. Use it wisely and get the exact
to facilitate the information only.
teaching and B. Play games on my gadgets regularly.
learning process C. Posts bullying words on facebook.
D. All of the above.

II- Directions: Read the situation and analyze it.

Tell the source of information if it is a print,
non-print or digital then choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answers on the space

A. Print material B. Non-print material

C. Digital material

___1. Jodie and Ben are watching a video from

Youtube channel.
___2. I love reading books written by Edgar
Allan Poe.
___3. We learned a lesson from the power point
presentation presented to us by our teacher.
___4. I heard from Radio Agong that
ZAMSURICO extends to December 31, the
grace period for payment for electricity bill.
___5. You mother does not allow you to play
Mobile Legends on your cell phone.

Direction: Create a video clip showing what
have you learned from our lesson about print,
non-print and digital materials.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Other Concerns

Prepared by Checked :
Teacher III MT - I

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