Estilo - Student Reading Interests and Habits Questionnaire
Estilo - Student Reading Interests and Habits Questionnaire
Estilo - Student Reading Interests and Habits Questionnaire
Age: 16
Which statements describe you as a reader? (You can tick more than one).
How often do you read, view or use the following…? (Indicate your answer by ticking
the appropriate box)
What do you enjoy reading? (You can tick more than one)
__Science Fiction
__Real life
__Books in series
How do you choose what to read? (You can tick more than one)
How often do you use a computer, laptop, mobile phone or Ipad (etc.) for …?
Aside from reading school books, I don’t read other books except fiction ebooks
which I read from my phone. I read to learn how to write and describe things around me
using the right words.