7 The Design and Construction

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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: A

Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering

Volume 16 Issue 3 Version 1.0 Year 2016
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4596 Print ISSN: 0975-5861

The Design and Construction of a Step Grate Incinerator

By Olisa, Y. P., Amos, A. E. & Kotingo, K.
Niger Delta University
Abstract- This paper presents the design and fabrication of an incinerator meant to thermally treat
(i.e. combust) domestic waste for the purpose of reducing its volume and destroying hazardous
substances or pathogens present in the waste. A step grate package incinerator with a capacity
of 100 kg/day was designed and constructed to combust domestic solid waste which otherwise
cannot be economically recycled. The mass balance of the equipment was done to determine
the amount of combustion air needed to completely burn the waste; likewise the heat balance
was done to determine if an auxiliary burner would be needed. The performance test carried out
on the waste – plastic, paper, rubber, leather, textile, wood and garbage – reveal a percentage
decrease in volume between 78% – 95%.
Keywords: combustion, waste management, incineration, solid waste, mass and heat balance.

GJRE-A Classification : FOR Code: 091399


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The Design and Construction of a Step Grate
Olisa, Y. P. α, Amos, A. E. σ & Kotingo, K. ρ

Abstact- This paper presents the design and fabrication of an authorities. Common problems for Municipal Solid
incinerator meant to thermally treat (i.e. combust) domestic Waste (MSW) management in the cities include
waste for the purpose of reducing its volume and destroying institutional deficiencies, inadequate legislation and
hazardous substances or pathogens present in the waste. A resource constraints (Magrinhoet al, 2006). Long and
step grate package incinerator with a capacity of 100 kg/day
short term plans are inadequate due to capital and

was designed and constructed to combust domestic solid
waste which otherwise cannot be economically recycled. The
human resource limitations. There is a need to practice

mass balance of the equipment was done to determine the integrated solid waste management approach such as:
amount of combustion air needed to completely burn the Incorporation of more environmental and economic
waste; likewise the heat balance was done to determine if an friendly concepts of source separation; recovery of 51
auxiliary burner would be needed. The performance test waste; legitimization of the informal systems; partial

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVI Issue III Version I

carried out on the waste – plastic, paper, rubber, leather, privatization and public participation (Kreith, 1994).
textile, wood and garbage – reveal a percentage decrease in Although some governments have formulated policies
volume between 78% – 95%. for environmental protection, they were only
Keywords: combustion, waste management, incine- implemented in the national capital cities. In rural areas,
ration, solid waste, mass and heat balance. open dumping is still considered the most popular
method of solid waste disposal (Oyelolaet al, 2011).
I. Introduction
The challenges of urban solid waste

he efficient management of solid waste is very management can be addressed by building an
important to public health and well-being of urban incinerator to thermally treat the solid waste as a part of
residents(Ernst, 2008). In most cities in the the integrated waste management method. The
developing world, several tons of municipal solid waste incineration of solid waste reduces the waste to about
is left uncollected on the streets each day, interfering 10% to 15% of its original volume, destroys all the
with the free flow of drainage, creating feeding ground harmful substances contained in the waste, and so it is
for pests that spread diseases and creating an very ideal in big cities where the availability of land is
enormous health and infrastructural problems. Municipal very scarce(Knox,2005). The equipment can also be
solid waste management is an important part of the incorporated with a heat recovery device to produce
urban infrastructure that ensures the protection of steam for process industries and power plants. The
environment and human health (Sandna, 1982). process of incineration involves taking into consideration
The degradation of the environment caused by the temperature the combusting gases reach, the length
inefficient disposal of waste can be expressed by the of time the gases remain at elevated temperatures, how
contamination of soil, surface and ground water through well the air and the gases are mixed and whether there
leachate; the spreading of diseases by different vectors is adequate oxygen to permit complete combustion
like birds, insects and rodents. There is also the (Niessen, 2014). The incineration of solid waste is
uncontrolled release of methane by anaerobic imperative in a situation whereby the waste is so
decomposition of waste and air pollution by open degraded to such extent that recycling is no longer cost
burning of waste. The sustainability of the land filling effective. The aim of this work is to design and construct
system has become a global challenge due to a step grate incineration for burning MSW especially
increased environmental concerns. Growing public those with high moisture content like garbage (70%) and
opposition together with unavailability of land is one of pathological waste (85%).
the reasons why obtaining sites for new landfill is
becoming increasingly difficult. Locating a landfill far II. Methodology
away from the urban area or far away from the source of The detail design of the incinerator was done to
waste generation increases transfer costs and additional calculate the mass and heat balance of the system,
investments for the infrastructure of roads, hence these were used to determine the size of the blower and
intensifying the financial problems of the responsible also determine if an auxiliary burner is needed. The
construction of the equipment was done with mild steel
Author α σ ρ: Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State,
e-mail: yemi.olisa@yahoo.com
and refractory bricks.

© 2016 Global Journals Inc. (US)

The D esign and Construction of a Step Grate Incinerator

a) Selection of the Force Draft Fan (blower) of treating or disposing of waste as long as the emission
The selection of the draft fan was done based produced is not harmful and within the range
on the calculation of the mass balance to determine the permissible by federal and state regulations. In order to
size of the blower needed to introduce combustion air avoid black smoke coming out of the chimney which is a
into the system. Table 1 shows the combustion equation sign of incomplete combustion or inadequate supply of
of the various waste types and the stoichiometric air, it is important that an appropriate excess air ratio be
airrequirement to completely burn the waste. used to ensure effective burnout of the combustibles in
b) Selection of the Auxiliary burner the chamber, suppressing the formation and emission
The heat balance was done to determine if an of pollutants. Furthermore, the heat produced from the
auxiliary burner will be needed to sustain the process can be captured by a heat recovery device
combustion process at a temperature of 600oC.The heat (boiler) to produce steam for process industries or
balance in the combustion chamber of the incinerator is thermal power station. Also the incineration of solid
shown in the diagram of Figure 1while Table 2 shows waste reduces harmful substances to ash which can be

the heat balance for the incinerator. safely landfilled or used as construction material.

c) Performance Test References Références Referencias

The performance test of the incinerator was
52 1. Ernst, M. (2008) The World Bank Technical Report:
carriedout to estimate the combustion efficiency of the
Municipal Solid Waste Incineration,Washington DC,
equipment given by the formula in equation 1. The test
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVI Issue III Version I

The World Bank.

was done using different types of waste and taking into
2. Cyril, V., Ajeet C., Kavindra, C. (2016) The design
consideration the amount of combustion air required
and Development of a Portable Incinerator, Journal
and the volume reduction of the waste after the
of Advance Research,Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.14-18
incineration process as shown in Table 3.
3. Knox, A. (2005) An Overview of Incineration and
η= × 100% (1) EFW Technology as Applied to the Management of
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). Retrieved from
III. Results and Discussions http://www.durh aenvironmentwatch.org/Incinerator
(last accessed on 18/11/2015).
Table 1 shows the combustion equation of the 4. Kreith, F. (1994) Hand Book of Municipal Solid
various solid wastes and the amount of stoichiometric Waste Management, New York, McGraw Hill Inc.
air needed to completely burn the waste. However, in 5. Magrinho, A., Didelet, F. and Semiao, V. (2006)
the course of introducing air into the combustion Municipal Solid Waste Disposal in Portugal,Journal
chamber, a considerable amount of the air passes of Waste Management, Vol. 26, Pp. 1477-1489.
through without reacting with the waste, either because 6. Niessen, W. R. (2014) Combustion and Incineration
of the high speed with which it is introduced or the Processes, 3rd edition, New York, Marcel Dekker.
compactness of the waste which impede the proper 7. Oyelola, O. Babatunde, A. and Abiodun, A. (2011)
diffusion of air into the waste. Therefore, an excess Appraisal of Municipal Solid Waste Management
amount of air (30%) was supplied to compensate for the inLagos Metropolis, Continental Journal of
fugitive air that passes through the system without environmental science, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.4-8.
reacting with the waste. The calculation of the heat 8. Sandna J. C. (1982) Environmental Management of
balance in Table 2 shows that 61,541kJ/h of heat energy Urban Solid Waste in Developing Countries,
(contained in the flue gas) exits the incinerator into the Washington, D.C., The World Bank.
atmosphere. This heat energy can be used to dry a high
moisture waste like pathological waste (85% moisture
content) or garbage (70%) placed in the drying grate of
the incinerator. The performance test in Table 3 reveals
volume reduction of waste between the ranges of 78% -
95%. The ash produced after the combustion process
can be safely land filled or used as construction material
in the civil engineering industry. The combustion
efficiency of the system is 86.5%, this is slightly higher
than the 85.2% efficiency result obtained by Cyril et al
(2016) from the design and development of a portable

IV. Conclusion
The thermal method of solid waste
management (incineration) is one of the best methods
© 2016 Global Journals Inc. (US)
The D esign and Construction of a Step Grate Incinerator

Table 1 : The combustion equation and the stoichiometric air requirement

Waste Stoichiometric air

Combustion equation requirement
(1.0 kg)
(perkg waste)
Paper C6H10O5 + 6O2 6CO2 + 5H2O 5.16
Rubber C5H8 + 7O2 5CO2 + 4H2O 14.32
Plastic C2H4 + 3O2 2CO2 + 2H2O 14.9
Wood 4C10H15O7 + 41O2 40CO2 + 30H2O 5.74
Leather C5H8O0.75N0.71S0.013+[4.64O2+ 4.64(79/21)N2] 5CO2 + 7.05
4H2O + 0.013SO2 + 17.8N2
Textile C4.6H6.6O2N2.9S0.004 7 + [5.25O2+ 5.25(79/21)N2] 4.6CO2 7.76

+ 3.3H2O + 0.0047SO2 +21.2N2

Garbage C6H9.6O3.5N0.28S0.2 + [6.4O2+ 6.4(79/21)N2] 3.29
6CO2 + 4.8H2O + 0.2SO2 +24.22N2
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 (at 30% excess air) = % 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 × 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠ℎ. 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎) + 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠ℎ. 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVI Issue III Version I

mair = (0.3 × 58.22) + 58.22
= 75.69 kg

Table 2 : Heat balance for the incinerator

Heat input Heat output

(kJ/kg) (kJ/h)
Paper 14,085 Radiation loss = 5% of total heat available= 5% × 132,100 6,605
Plastic 33,712 Heat to ash =mCP(Tg – TC) 167.23
= 0.35 × 0.831 × (600 – 25)
Rubber 22,197 Heat to dry combustion product= mCPdT 61,541
= 98.6 × 1.086 × (600 – 25)

Textile 17,476 Heat to moisture = (mCPdT) + (mHV) 30,173

Wood 16,580 = [7.92 × 2.347 × (600 – 25)] + [7.92 × 2460]
Leather 19,050
Garbage 9,000
Total 132,100 94,486.23
Net Balance = Q0 – Q1
= 132,100 – 94,486
= 33,613.8kJ/h(heat required to maintain the incinerator at 600oC)

Table 3 : Performance test of the incinerator

Type of waste Stoichiometric air Volume
(10 kg) requirement reduction
(perkg waste) (%)
Paper 51.6 95
Textile 77.6 92
Wood 57.4 96
Rubber 143.2 80
Leather 70.5 81
Plastic 149.0 78
Garbage 32.9 85

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The D esign and Construction of a Step Grate Incinerator


Qm Combustion Chamber

Qb Qum

Figure 1 : Heat balance of the incinerator

Qm: Heat energy of the waste material
Qum: Heat energy retained in the unburned waste
Qfg: Heat energy of the flue gas

Ql: Heat loss to the surrounding


Qb: Heat supplied by the auxiliary burner

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVI Issue III Version I


4 5

Figure 2 : The pictorial and isometric view of the incinerator
1. Chimney
2. Hopper
3. Refractory bricks
4. Drying grate
5. Feed ram
6. Combustion air piping
7. Combustion grate

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The D esign and Construction of a Step Grate Incinerator

8. Ash tray
9. Blower
10. Burner
m Mass, kg
Cp Specific heat capacity, kJ/kgoC
Tg Temperature of flue gas, oC
Tc AmbientTemperature, oC
dt Temperaturedifference, oC
Hv Latent heat of vapourization,kJ/kg
Qo Heat input, kJ
Q1 exit heat, kJ

η Combustion efficiency, %


Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVI Issue III Version I

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