SMART GRID Seminar Report
SMART GRID Seminar Report
SMART GRID Seminar Report
for the BRP referred to as imbalance costs. This business case scenario focuses on the
balancing actions by a BRP in the near-real time (i.e. at the actual moment of delivery).
Traditionally, these real-time balancing actions are performed by power plants within the
BRP portfolio. The key idea of this function is the utilization ofreal-time flexibility of
end-user customers to balance the BRP portfolio
4)Offering (secondary) Reserve Capacity to the TSO
Taking the previous function one step further, the BRP uses these VPPs to, additionally,
bid actively into the reserve capacity markets.
6. Green :Slowing the advance of global climate change and offering a genuine path
towards significant environmental improvement
1.Integrated communications
Some communications are up to date, but are not uniform because they have been
developed in an incremental fashion and not fully integrated. In most cases, data is being
collected via modem rather than direct network connection. Areas for improvement
include: substation automation, demand response, distribution automation, supervisory
control and data acquisition(SCADA), energy management systems, wireless mesh
networks and other technologies, power- line carrier communication s and fiber optics.
Integrated communication will allow for real time control, information and data
exchange to optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and security.
3.Smart meters
A smart grid replaces analog mechanical meters with digital meters that record usage in
real time. Smart meters are similar to Advanced Metering Infrastructure meters and
provide a communication path extending from generation plants to electrical outlets
(smart socket) and other smart gridenabled devices. By customer option, such devices
can shut down during times of peak demand.
4.Advanced components
Innovations in superconductivity, fault tolerance, storage, power electronics, and
diagnostics components are changing fundamental abilities and characteristics of grids.
Technologies within these broad R&D categories include: flexible alternating current
transmission system devices, high voltage direct current, first and second generation
superconducting wire ,high temperature superconducting cable,
distributed energy generation and storage devices ,composite conductors, and intelligent
´ appliances.
1) Transformer
2) Transmission line
3) Distribution line
TRANSFORMER LOSSES :-there is two type of losses in transformer losses
a) IRON LOSSES:-The loss of power consumed to sustain the magnetic field in
transformer steel core. It is also known as iron losses.
Magnetic losses = hysteresis loss + eddy current loss
b) COPPER LOSSES: The total power loss taking place in the winding of
transformer is called as copper (Cu) loss or electrical losses
.Cu losses =I12R1+ I22R2Now,
Transmission losses can be reduced as follows:-
Losses are directly proportional to I2r in conductor. So, if we reduce ur’s from this
surely the losses will be reduced. For this we can use stranded or bundled conductors or
ACSR conductors. And even this method is been adopted and also successful.
A smart meter generally refers to a type of advanced meters that identifies
consumption in more detail than a conventional meter and communicates that
information back to the local utility for monitoring and billing, a process
known as telemetering.
In the new future, will not be any vast development.
Risky because of financial developments and regulations.
In the long run, attitudes will change, wide spread usage of the smart grid
from every business to every home just like the internet.
Renewable resources, while supplementing the generation capability of the grid and
addressing some environmental concerns, aggravate the reliability due to their
volatility. Demand response and electric storage resources are necessary for addressing
economics of the grid and are perceived to support grid reliability through mitigating
peak demand and load variability. Electric transportation
resources are deemed helpful to meeting environmental targets and can be used to
mitigate load variability. Balancing the diversity of the characteristics of these resource
types presents challenges in maintaining grid reliability Reliability has always been in
the forefront of power grid design and operation due to the cost of outages to
customers. In the US, the annual cost of outages in 2002 is estimated to be in the order
of $79B [5] which equals to about a third of the total electricity retail revenue of $249B
[6]. A similar estimate based on 2008 retail revenue would be of the order of $109B.
Much higher estimates have been reported by others. The reliability issues in modern
power grids are becoming increasingly more challenging. Factors contributing to the
challenges include: Aggravated grid congestion, driven by uncertainty, diversity and
distribution of energy supplies due to environmental and sustainability concerns. The
power flow patterns in real-time can be significantly different from those considered in
the design or off-line analyses.More numerous, larger transfers over longer distances
increasing volatilityand reducing reliability margins. This phenomenon is aggravated
by energymarkets.
The grid being operated at its edge´ in more locations and more often because of:
Insufficient investment and limited rights of way
Increasing energy consumption and peak demand creating contention for
limited transfer capability
Aging infrastructure
Maximizing asset utilization driven by modern tools for monitoring, analyzing and
control Consolidation of operating entities giving rise to a larger ³foot print´ with more
complex problems and requiring smaller error margins and shorter decision times. This
problem may be aggravated by depletion of experienced personnel due to retirement,
3)The Service Restoration Function:After locating the fault, this function finds
all the plans allowing powerrestoration to lost customers of the non-faulted
section of the feeder whileconsidering technical constraints. Each plan
consists of a series of actions,(opening/closing of switching devices) leading
to power restoration.
With the increasing world population, thereby increasing
demand, and depleting resources the need to be μsmart and
efficient in our energy usage has become an imperative.
Implementation of Smart Grid concept would go a long way in
solving many of the present energy issues and problems. The
whole network needs to be upgraded to meet the requirements
i.e. at transmission as well as distribution level.Researches are
going on to find the optimal solution and new technology to
make all the desired characteristics possible. Smart Meters,
Smart Homes, Smart City and so on would constitute the Smart
Grid. As the new technologies would be invented and existing
ones boosted up to meet the desired specifications the Smart
Grid would become a reality and change the whole energy
pattern throughout the world.
Resources of information
Energy Conservation Through Energy Management
- by Prof. S. P. Rath (IEEMA magazine, January 2008)
WIRELESS Transmission Of Electric Power
- by Syed Khadeerullah (Electrical India magazine, January
Magazine of ³Electrical India 2010´