Alenljung 2008 Chapter 4

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4 Decision Support Systems

In this chapter, a brief introduction of decision support systems (DSS) is provided. To be able to support decision-makers, we not only need to understand decisionmaking, but also the potential support that can be afforded by a DSS. In this chapter, the potential support is described through definitions and characteristics of DSS, the different types of DSS and its components, ways of supporting decision-making and the benefits and limitations of DSS.

4.1 Definitions
There is no consensus concerning what a DSS is and how it should be defined. Some definitions focus on what a DSS does, and others focus on how to accomplish the DSSs objectives. Definitions that are categorised as having a what focus consist mostly of concepts such as: the purpose of DSS, the people using them, and the type of problem that can be supported. An example of a definition that has a what focus is Keen and Scott Mortons (1978, p 1): Decision support implies the use of computers to: (1) Assist managers in their decision processes in semi structured tasks. (2) Support, rather than replace, managerial judgment. (3) Improve the effectiveness of decision making rather than its efficiency. The definitions categorised as having a how focus consist of concepts such as system components and development process. Bonczek et al. (1981, p 69), for example, have a distinct how focused definition. They define DSS as having three principal components: a language system (LS), a knowledge system (KS), and a problem-processing system (PPS). There are definitions that include both what concepts and how concepts. One example is Turbans (1990, p 109) definition: A DSS is an interactive, flexible, and adaptable CBIS [Computer-Based Information System] that utilizes decision rules, models, and model bases coupled with a comprehensive database and the decision makers own insights, leading to specific, implementable decisions in solving problems that would not be amenable to management science optimisation models per se. Thus, a DSS supports complex decision making and increases its effectiveness. It is surprising that many DSS definitions contain system components (see e.g. Holsapple & Whinston, 1996; Sprague & Watson, 1979; Power, 2002), because components may differ between systems. In our view, the most important parts of a DSS definition are system objectives and problem type. These parts indicate what we are aiming at, i.e. to support decision-makers so they can make more effective decisions when dealing with semi-structured and unstructured problems. The others can differ over time and between systems, hence definitions containing such parts may be out of date. Therefore, the working definition of this thesis reads: A DSS is a 79

computer-based information system that supports either a single decision-maker or a group of decision-makers when dealing with unstructured or semi-structured problems in order to make more effective decisions. The DSS supports one or more decision-making activities carried out in a decision process. When we convert this general definition of a DSS to a requirements engineering decision support system (REDSS) it reads: An REDSS is a computer-based information system that supports either a single RE decision-maker or a group of RE decision-makers when dealing with unstructured or semi-structured RE problems in order to make more effective decisions. The REDSS supports one or more RE decision-making activities carried out in an RE decision process. A definition gives us a starting point for painting a picture of what a DSS can be. The next step is to outline the characteristics a DSS can have.

4.2 Characteristics
Since there is no consensus concerning what DSS is, there is no consensus on standard characteristics (Turban et al., 2007). Instead, there are a number of characteristics, where some are more commonly agreed on, and others more rarely mentioned in the literature. All the characteristics are not included in every DSS (Mallach, 1994). A DSS is a computer-based, interactive information system, i.e. it inherits the qualities about information systems in general. The term interactive implies that there is an exchange between the system and the user. A DSS primarily supports managerial activities at various levels. The purpose of a DSS is focused on improving the effectiveness of the decision-making process, rather than its efficiency. The effectiveness of decision-making concerns timeliness, accuracy, and quality, while efficiency is the cost of making the decision, e.g., cost of the decision-makers working hours (Alter, 1980; Bidgoli, 1989; Keen & Scott Morton, 1978; Mallach 1994; Marakas, 1999; Sprague, 1989; Turban et al., 2007). DSS provides support for decision-makers when they deal with semi-structured and unstructured problems. Support is provided in all four phases of the decision-making process, i.e. intelligence, design, choice, and implementation. Thus, focus can be both on decision-making as well as implementation of decisions. A DSS may provide support for both interdependent and multiple independent decisions (Bidgoli, 1989; Mallach, 1994; Marakas, 1999; Turban et al., 2007). Decision-makers use a DSS actively, which means that the user initiates every instance of use, and should be in complete control of the decision process. Furthermore, the DSS should support, not replace the decision-maker. A DSS can support learning, so that the decision-maker can be trained to perform better in future decision situations (Alter, 1980; Bidgoli, 1989; Keen & Scott Morton, 1978; Mallach, 1994; Marakas, 1999; Turban, 1990; Turban & Aronson, 1998).


Decision-makers should be able to confront changing conditions. Therefore, a DSS has to be adaptive and flexible in order to meet the needs of decision-makers. There is an emphasis on ad hoc utilisation. A DSS should be easy to use. Support is provided to individuals and groups, and a DSS can be tailored to support different decisionmaking processes and decision styles, in order to fit the individual decision-maker (Alter, 1980; Bidgoli, 1989; Marakas, 1999; Sprague, 1989; Turban et al., 2007). End-users should be able to construct and modify a simple DSS themselves. In order to support the judgment of decision-makers, analytical techniques should be provided by the DSS. A DSS also incorporates models that enable experimenting with shifting conditions and data from a variety of sources, formats and types (Bidgoli, 1989; Keen & Scott Morton, 1978; Mallach 1994; Marakas, 1999; Sprague, 1989; Turban et al., 2007). These general characteristics of a DSS can be inherited by an REDSS. They can inspire us in the creation of empirically based domain-specific characteristics of an REDSS. As mentioned above, not all of these characteristics are present in every DSS. The same is true for our REDSS characteristics. However, they show the possible scope of an REDSS. A reason why not all characteristics are present in every DSS is that there are several different types of DSS. Each type focuses on supporting decision-making in a certain way. Depending on the type of DSS some characteristics are more present than others, and different types of benefits can be gained.

4.3 Types of DSS

There are different types of DSS and one way to categorise decision support systems is provided by Power (2002). He introduces a framework, in which the term driven is used, that points at the dominant functionality of the DSS. Powers (2002) categories are: Data-driven DSS Model-driven DSS Knowledge-driven DSS Document-driven DSS Communication-driven and group DSS.

Data-driven DSS provide access to large amounts of data and support analysis. They enable display and manipulation of data sets. Data-driven DSS can be divided into the subcategories: data warehouses, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems, executive information systems (EIS), and spatial DSS (Power, 2002; Turban et al., 2007). A data warehouse is defined as a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of managements decisions (Inmon & Hackathorn, 1994, p 2). It is concerned with the major subjects of an organisation, and provides a base for integration of a separate system. The data can have a historical perspective, and the non-volatility characteristic means that data is loaded into the 81

warehouse and is accessed there, but once the snapshot of data is made, the data in the warehouse does not change (Inmon & Hackathorn, 1994, p 10). Through data mining a decision-maker can obtain answers from a data warehouse. Data mining is defined as the set of activities used to find new, hidden, or unexpected patterns in data (Marakas, 1999, p 356). On-line analytical processing (OLAP) is software technology that carries out multidimensional analysis of data (Marakas, 1999). An EIS is a computer-based system intended to facilitate and support the information and decision-making needs of senior executives by providing easy access to both internal and external information relevant to meeting the stated goals of the organization (Marakas, 1999, p 185). Spatial DSS are described by Seffino et al. (1999, p 105) as decision support systems where the spatial properties of the data to be analysed play a major role in decision making. Model-driven DSS mainly provide support through models, e.g., financial or optimisation models (Power, 2002; Turban et al., 2007). According to Shim et al. (2002), a model-based decision support includes three stages: a) formulation, i.e. generation of an acceptable model, b) solution, i.e. the algorithmic solution of the model, and c) analysis, i.e. the what-if analysis and interpretation of the model solutions. Model-driven DSS can be compared with spreadsheet-oriented DSS (Holsapple & Whinston, 1996). Spreadsheets can be used to create models and do what-if analysis, and are often used in end-user developed DSS (Turban & Aronson, 1998). Knowledge-driven DSS consist of knowledge, understanding of problems, and problem solving skills within a specific domain (Power, 2002; Turban et al., 2007). Knowledge-driven DSS are related to, e.g., rule-based DSS and intelligent DSS (Power, 2002). Techniques from artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems are used in knowledge-based DSS. With the help of these techniques an intelligent DSS behaves in a better (more intelligent) manner (Turban & Aronson, 1998). A rulebased system is a system in which knowledge is represented completely in terms of rules (for example, a system based on production rules) (Turban & Aronson, 1998, p 867). Document-driven DSS focus on gathering, retrieving, classifying, and managing unstructured documents, and where a search engine can be a useful tool. Such a system can deal with, for example, policies, procedures, and product specifications (Power, 2002; Turban et al., 2007). There are materials that decisions can be based on, which are not ordinary data and therefore cannot be put in a database, e.g., letters from customers, written reports, and news items. This information also needs to be handled in a DSS, and therefore information retrieval is important (Federowicz, 1989). Document-driven DSS can be compared to text-oriented DSS (Holsapple & Whinston, 1996), which keep track of textually represented information. Hypertext is a technique that can be used in text-based DSS (Holsapple & Whinston, 1996; Marakas, 1999). Communication-driven and group DSS, where communication-driven DSS focus on supporting collaboration, communication, and coordination, while group DSS 82

(GDSS) focus on supporting groups of decision-makers in analysing problem situations and performing group decision-making tasks (Power, 2002; Turban et al., 2007). Examples of tools that support communication between decision-makers include web conferencing, interactive whiteboards, screen sharing, and online workspaces (Turban et al., 2007). Electronic Brainstorming that generates stimulating questions to the assembled participants (Power, 2002) is an example of a GDSS. Several types can be of use for an REDSS. For example, requirements and their related information can be stored in a database, which points out a data-driven DSS. Moreover, several different types of documents are produced in RE and even more are used in it. This indicates that a document-driven DSS can be useful. Furthermore, there are several stakeholders in RE decisions, which imply that a communicationdriven or a group DSS can be beneficial. Thus, there are multiple ways of supporting decision-making.

4.4 Supporting decision-making

There are various approaches to support decision-making using a DSS, and there are two different main kinds of support for decision-makers. The first is to support the decision performance in a specific decision situation, and the other is to train decisionmakers so they can perform better in the future (Zachary & Ryder, 1997). An example of supporting decision performance is presented by Benbasat and Lim (2000), which aims to reduce availability bias (see section 3.3.4) in group judgement. They found that an electronic brainstorming tool increases the number of generated ideas and decreases the availability bias. An example of decision support through training decision-makers is provided by McGrath and More (2001), who describe the Greta system. This system is primarily a pedagogical aid, based on a power-political model of organisational decision-making. In the Greta system, the users are faced with the task of successfully implementing a customer support system, where each simulation cycle begins with a number of tactics from which the user chooses. Another way of presenting approaches for decision support is provided by Silver (1991), who claims that substantive decision support addresses one or more of the following parts: Decision-making process Decision-making needs Decision-making environment

Each of these three can be viewed as supporting either decision performance or decision training. However, it can be assumed that Silver (1991) considers them to be focused on decision performance. When the decision-making process is in focus, the support of a DSS is directed to reducing effects of human decision-making weaknesses or cognitive limitations in general (Silver, 1991). Holsapple and Whinston (1996) provide two ways of supporting this: a) facilitating or extending the users ability to process information, 83

i.e. acquiring, transforming, and exploring information, and b) stimulating the perception, imagination, and creative insights of the decision-maker. An example of the first way is the exploratory cognitive DSS for strategic decision-making developed by Chen and Lee (2003). The purpose of this DSS is to reduce particular cognitive biases in decision-making, such as availability and reason by analogy, with the help of a case memory, cognitive mapping, and scenario building. An example of the second way is the creativity enhancing decision-making support system developed by Forgionne and Newman (2007). They describe that the system is used by the decision-maker to organise the problem knowledge, structure ideas and concepts into problem elements and relationships, and simulate conceptual problem solutions. If the prime concern is to support the decision-making needs, then the DSS is aimed to support the identified needs of a decision-maker in a certain decision situation. These needs are identified by the decision-maker or an analyst. Examples of needs can be lack of necessary information or problems in generating alternatives (Silver, 1991). Four ways of support in this approach are: a) a decision-making opportunity and challenge is alerted to the decision-maker, b) recognising problems that need to be solved in a decision-making process, c) problem solving, and d) the decision-maker is offered advice, expectations, evaluations, facts, analyses, and designs (Holsapple & Whinston, 1996). Two examples of DSS developed to support in a certain decision situation are the Performance-Net (Ioannou & Mavri, 2007) and a decision support system for housing evaluation (Natividade-Jesus et al., 2007). The purpose of the Performance-Net is to support the management of a bank in establishing measurable branch goals as well as evaluating performance and planning for new branch locations (Ioannou & Mavri, 2007). The purpose of the multi-criteria DSS for housing evaluation is to assist persons in the housing market make better-founded decisions (Natividade-Jesus et al., 2007). A DSS that considers the decision-making environment goes beyond the individual decision-maker and also includes implications of the context. This can embrace, for instance, organisational or group settings. A way of doing this is to coordinate and facilitate relations between multiple decision-makers (Holsapple & Whinston, 1996). Two examples of this are decision conferencing and computer-mediated communication. Mustajoki et al. (2007) describe an interactive computer support for decision conferencing in off-site nuclear emergency management. A decision conference is a moderated decision analysis workshop. Pisarra and Jesuino (2007) present idea generation through computer-mediated communication. For an RE decision-maker, it can be beneficial to be supported in all these ways. It can be valuable to reduce the weaknesses of human decision-making, for example, by reducing the cognitive load of RE decision-makers. Furthermore, it can be useful to have tailored decision support for specific RE decision-making tasks, such as prioritising requirements. In addition, it can be helpful to include contextual support, for instance, facilitate communication with stakeholders of RE decisions. Thus, depending on the current type of support various benefits can be gained.


4.5 Benefits and limitations

There are many benefits from using a DSS, such as creating advantages over competing organisations (Marakas, 2003). However, every DSS does not provide all possible benefits. DSS also have limitations, such as that the knowledge and skills of a DSS are constrained and it cannot perform creativity and imagination (Marakas, 2003). The benefit categories are (Alter, 1980; Power, 2002): Improve individual productivity Improve decision quality and problem solving Facilitate interpersonal communication Improve decision-making skills Increase organisational control

By improving individual productivity, it is possible to save time associated with tasks connected to decision-making (Alter, 1980; Keen, 1989; Marakas, 2003; Turban et al., 2007). This means the tasks should be accomplished in less time, be carried out more thoroughly in the same amount of time, or more appropriate tasks should be executed with less effort. This can be done by increasing the number of alternatives examined. For example, solutions imagined by the user, can be tested or simulated. With a proper DSS tool it should also be possible to make better use of data resources (Keen, 1989). The ability of decision-makers to process information and knowledge can be extended (Marakas, 2003). In order to improve decision quality and support the overall problem solving, the ability of decision-makers to tackle large-scale, time-consuming, complex problems can be extended (Marakas, 2003). The DSS makes it possible to give fast responses to unexpected situations and to do ad hoc analyses. In addition, the quality of problem solving can also be enhanced. Through a better understanding of the business, e.g., improved abilities to see relationships between variables, and through increased depth and sophistication of analysis, improved decisions can be made (Keen, 1989). This can also be done by revealing new approaches of dealing with the problem (Marakas, 2003). A DSS can facilitate interpersonal communication (Alter, 1980; Keen, 1989; Turban et al., 2007), by providing communication support in at least two ways. It provides decision-makers with tools for persuasion and facilitates communication across organisational boundaries (Alter, 1980). The individual decision-maker can obtain substantiated arguments, which can be particularly useful when implementing decisions. As claimed by Marakas (2003), a DSS provides enhanced possibilities for generating new evidence in confirming existing assumptions and reliability of outcome. It is not clear what Marakas (2003) means by reliability of outcome, but it can be interpreted as enhancing the possibilities of evaluating possible consequences, for example, with the help of simulation. Alter (1980) claims that communication between organisational units can be made through standardising the mechanics and vocabulary of negotiation and by providing a common conceptual basis. Groupware


provides additional communication paths, which may improve the communication (Mallach, 1994) and obtain more effective teamwork (Keen, 1989). A DSS can improve decision-making skills (Power, 2002). A DSS can promote both organisational and individual learning, for instance, by making it possible for decision-makers to obtain a better understanding of the business. An example is a decision-making team in a company that used a strategic planning system. The decision-makers claimed that through using this system they obtained a better understanding of the strengths of the business, the constraints under which it operates, and what manoeuvring room was available (Alter, 1980). Marakas (2003) confirms this view and suggests that a DSS can lead to new insights and learning, which can encourage decision-makers to explore. A DSS can increase organisational control (Alter, 1980; Power, 2002). Organisational norms and requirements can constrain the individual decision-maker and ensure consistency across organisational units which can be made clear to the decisionmakers (Mallach, 1994). Summary data can be provided by a data-driven DSS and can be used by managers for organisational control purposes (Power, 2002). There are, as described, a number of benefits. It is also important to measure the success of an implemented DSS, which can be done using some DSS success measures, summarised by Hung et al. (2007). There are two main categories of DSS success measures; process-oriented and outcome-oriented. Process-oriented measures include frequency or length of system usage. Efficiency is an example generally measured by decision speed or the number of alternatives that are considered. Outcome-oriented measured include decision performance and user satisfaction. For example, effectiveness is measures by decision outcome, e.g., user satisfaction and quality or accuracy of decision (Hung et al., 2007). Some of these success measures are probably not unique for DSS, but are to some extent the same for information systems in general. There are also limitations to DSS use, not the least of which is that a good DSS cannot compensate for a bad decision-maker (Marakas, 2003). Marakas (2003) and Power (2002) list some limitations: A DSS cannot have human decision-making abilities, such as creativity, imagination, or intuition. A DSS is limited by its stored knowledge, data and models as well as by the operating computer system. The user interfaces are not sophisticated enough for full interaction between the user and the system in natural language. It is difficult to design a general DSS that is applicable in multiple contexts, but instead they often have a narrow scope of application. Often, a DSS needs to be integrated into decision processes. A DSS can only be supportive if a decision-maker chooses to use the system and integrates the analyses into off line thinking and analysis.


DSS is a type of behavioural engineering, and many managers refuse to accept such intrusions.

There can also be a problem, for instance, with trust or responsibility problems. The decision-maker must trust the DSS in order to really use it in decision-making. In addition, there can be disagreements about who is responsible for the decision. Is it always the decision-maker or can the persons behind the DSS be blamed for a bad decision? All these generic benefits of DSS are also attractive in RE. Thus, REDSS can be a way to gain these benefits. Unfortunately, the generic limitations of DSS can also be transferred to REDSS and thus need to be considered when developing and implementing such a system.

4.6 Chapter summary and reflections

In this chapter, we introduce the fundamentals of decision support systems (DSS). A DSS is a computer-based information system that supports either a single decisionmaker or a group of decision-makers when dealing with unstructured or semistructured problems in making more effective decisions. The DSS supports one or more activities in a decision process. A DSS can be data-driven, model-driven, knowledge-driven, document-driven, communication-driven or a group DSS depending on the dominant functionality. Furthermore, a DSS can either support the decision-maker in an on-going decision situation or it can prepare the decisionmaker to perform better in the future through decision training. The benefits of using a DSS are that it can improve individual productivity, improve decision quality and problem solving, as well as facilitate interpersonal communication. It can also improve decision-making skills and increase organisational control. A major issue in this thesis is to suggest a visionary requirements engineering DSS (REDSS). Therefore, the field of DSS can provide us with information that can be utilised in this work. The DSS domain has the potential of affording, for example: Foundations for elaborating how an REDSS can be characterised and what it can consist of Suggestions for how decision support can be provided Ideas for how to evaluate REDSS success

This concludes the presentation of the theoretical foundations of this thesis. Next, we describe and discuss our methodological considerations and our research process.


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