Assertion Reasoning Questions
Assertion Reasoning Questions
Assertion Reasoning Questions
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct
explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct
explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Q.1. Assertion : If the distance between parallel plates of a capacitor is halved and dielectric
constant is three times, then the capacitance becomes 6 times.
Reason : Capacity of the capacitor does not depend upon the nature of the material.
Answer C
Q.2. Assertion : A parallel plate capacitor is connected across battery through a key. A
dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is introduced between the plates. The energy which is
stored becomes K times.
Reason : The surface density of charge on the plate remains constant or unchanged.
Answer C
Q.3. Assertion : The total charge stored in a capacitor is zero.
Reason : The field just outside the capacitor is σ/ε0 . (σ is the charge density).
Answer C
Q.4. Assertion : The electrostatic force between the plates of a charged isolated capacitor
decreases when dielectric fills whole space between plates.
Reason : The electric field between the plates of a charged isolated capacitance increases
when dielectric fills whole space between plates.
Answer D
Q.5. Assertion : Two concentric charged shells are given. The potential difference between
the shells depends on charge of inner shell.
Reason : Potential due to charge of outer shell remains same at every point inside the sphere.
Answer A
Q.6. Assertion : Two equipotential surfaces cannot cut each other.
Reason : Two equipotential surfaces are parallel to each other.
Answer C
Q.7. Assertion: The potential difference between any two points in an electric field depends
only on initial and final position.
Reason: Electric field is a conservative field so the work done per unit positive charge does
not depend on path followed.
Answer A
Q.8. Assertion : Electric field inside a conductor is zero.
Reason: The potential at all the points inside a conductor is same.
Answer B
Q.9. Assertion : Electric field is discontinuous across the surface of a spherical charged
Reason : Electric potential is continuous across the surface of a spherical charged shell.
Answer B
Q.10. Assertion : Work done in moving a charge between any two points in an electric field
is independent of the path followed by the charge, between these points.
Reason: Electrostatic force is a non conservative force.
Answer C
Q.11. Assertion : Two adjacent conductors of unequal dimensions, carrying the same
positive charge have a potential difference between them.
Reason : The potential of a conductor depends upon the charge given to it.
Answer B
Q.12. Assertion : Electric potential and electric potential energy are different quantities.
Reason : For a system of positive test charge and point charge electric potential energy =
electric potential.
Answer C
Q.13. Assertion : For a non-uniformly charged thin circular ring with net charge is zero, the
electric field at any point on axis of the ring is zero.
Reason : For a non-uniformly charged thin circular ring with net charge zero, the electric
potential at each point on axis of the ring is zero.
Answer D
Q.14. Assertion : For a charged particle moving from point P to point Q, the net work done
by an electrostatic field on the particle is independent of the path connecting point P to point
Reason : The net work done by a conservative force on an object moving along a closed loop
is zero.
Answer A
Q.15. Assertion : Polar molecules have permanent dipole moment.
Reason : In polar molecules, the centres of positive and negative charges coincide even when
there is no external field.
Answer C
Q.16. Assertion : Dielectric polarisation means formation of positive and negative charges
inside the dielectric.
Reason: Free electrons are formed in this process.
Answer C
Q.17. Assertion : In the absence of an external electric field, the dipole moment per unit
volume of a polar dielectric is zero.
Reason : The dipoles of a polar dielectric are randomly oriented.
Answer A
Q.18. Assertion : For a point charge, concentric spheres centered at a location of the charge
are equipotential surfaces.
Reason : An equipotential surface is a surface over which potential has zero value.
Answer C
Q.19. Assertion : Electric energy resides out of the spherical isolated conductor.
Reason : The electric field at any point inside the conductor is zero.
Answer A
Q.20. Assertion : Two equipotential surfaces cannot cut each other.
Reason : Two equipotential surfaces are parallel to each other.
Answer C
Q.21. Assertion: Two equipotential surfaces can be orthogonal.
Reason: Electric field lines are normal to the equipotential surface.
Answer D
Q.22. Assertion: The equatorial plane of a dipole is an equipotential surface.
Reason: The electric potential at any point on equatorial plane is zero.
Answer B
Q.23. Assertion: The electric potential at any point on the equatorial plane of a dipole is
Reason: The work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to a point in
equatorial plane is equal for the two charges of the dipole.
Answer D
Q.24. Assertion : A parallel plate capacitor is connected across battery through a key. A
dielectric slab of dielectric constant k is introduced between the plates. The energy stored
becomes k times.
Reason : The surface density of charge on the plate remains constant.
Answer C
Q.25. Assertion : Two metal plates having charges Q, –Q face each other at some separation
and are dipped into an oil tank. If the oil is pumped out, the electric field between the plates
Reason : Electric field between the plates, Emed = Eair/K
Answer C
Q.26. Assertion : When a dielectric slab is gradually inserted between the plates of an
isolated parallel-plate capacitor, the energy of the system decreases.
Reason : The force between the plates decreases.
Answer C
Q.27. Assertion : A dielectric is inserted between the plates of a battery connected capacitor.
The energy of the capacitor increases.
Reason : Energy of the capacitor, U=CV2/2
Answer A
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Q.1. Assertion: Electron move away from a region of lower potential to a region of higher
Reason: An electron has a negative charge.
Answer A
Q.2. Assertion : A metallic shield in form of a hollow shell may be built to block an electric
Reason : In a hollow spherical shield, the electric field inside it is zero at every point.
Answer A
Q.3. Assertion : Electric lines of force never cross each other.
Reason : Electric field at a point superimpose to give one resultant electric field.
Answer A
Q.4. Assertion : The Coulomb force is the dominating force in the universe.
Reason : The Coulomb force is weaker than the gravitational force.
Answer D
Q.5. Assertion : In a cavity within a conductor, the electric field is zero.
Reason : Charges in a conductor reside only at its surface.
Answer A
Q.6. Assertion : When bodies are charged through friction, there is a transfer of electric
charge from one body to another, but no creation or destruction of charge.
Reason : This follows from conservation of electric charges.
Answer C
Q.7. Assertion : The tyres of aircraft are slightly conducting.
Reason : If a conductor is connected to ground, the extra charge induced on conductor will
flow to ground.
Answer B
Q.8. Assertion : Some charge is put at the centre of a conducting sphere. It will move to the
surface of the sphere.
Reason : Conducting sphere has no free electrons at the centre.
Answer A
Q.9. Assertion : Coulomb force and gravitational force follow the same inverse-square law.
Reason : Both laws are same in all aspects.
Answer C
Q.10. Assertion : The coulomb force is the dominating force in the universe.
Reason : The coulomb force is weaker than the gravitational force.
Answer D
Q.11. Assertion : If there exists coulomb attraction between two bodies, both of them may
not be charged.
Reason : In coulomb attraction two bodies are oppositely charged.
Answer B
Q.12. Assertion : A deuteron and an �-particle are placed in an electric field. If F1 and F2
be the forces acting on them and a1 and a2 be their accelerations respectively then, a1 = a2.
Reason : Forces will be same in electric field.
Answer C
Q.13. Assertion : The property that the force with which two charges attract or repel each
other are not affected by the presence of a third charge.
Reason : Force on any charge due to a number of other charge is the vector sum of all the
forces on that charge due to other charges, taken one at a time.
Answer B
Q.14. Assertion : A metallic shield in form of a hollow shell may be built to block an electric
Reason : In a hollow spherical shield, the electric field inside it is zero at every point.
Answer A
Q.15. Assertion : A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point
will increase or decrease, depending on the nature of charge.
Reason : The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
Answer C
Q.16. Assertion : Consider two identical charges placed distance 2d apart, along x-axis.
The equilibrium of a positive test charge placed at the point O midway between them is stable
for displacements along the x-axis.
Reason: Force on test charge is zero.
Answer B
Q.17. Assertion : When a conductor is placed in an external electrostatic field, the net
electric field inside the conductor becomes zero after a small instant of time.
Reason : It is not possible to set up an electric field inside a conductor.
Answer C
Q.18. Assertion : A uniformly charged disc has a pin hole at its centre. The electric field at
the centre of the disc is zero.
Reason : Disc can be supposed to be made up of many rings. Also electric field at the centre
of uniformly charged ring is zero.
Answer A
Q.19. Assertion : Electric lines of field cross each other.
Reason : Electric field at a point superimpose to give one resultant electric field.
Answer(d) Two field lines never intersect.
Q.20. Assertion : On bringing a positively charged rod near the uncharged conductor, the
conductor gets attracted towards the rod.
Reason : The electric field lines of the charged rod are perpendicular to the surface of
Answer B
Q.21. Assertion : Four point charges q1, q2, q3 and q4 are as shown in figure. The flux over
the shown Gaussian surface depends only on charges q1 and q2.
Reason : Electric field at all points on Gaussian surface depends only on charges q1 and q2.
Answer D
Q.22. Assertion : On disturbing an electric dipole in stable equilibrium in an electric field, it
returns back to its stable equilibrium orientation.
Reason : A restoring torque acts on the dipole on being disturbed from its stable equilibrium.
Answer A
Q.23. Assertion : On going away from a point charge or a small electric dipole, electric field
decreases at the same rate in both the cases.
Reason : Electric field is inversely proportional to square of distance from the charge or an
electric dipole. Answer D
Q.24. Assertion : The electric flux of the electric field ∮ E.dA is zero. The electric field is
zero everywhere on the surface.
Reason : The charge inside the surface is zero. Answer D
Q.25. Assertion : On moving a distance two times the initial distance away from an infinitely
long straight uniformly charged wire the electric field reduces to one third of the initial value.
Reason : The electric field is inversely proportional to the distance from an infinitely long
straight uniformly charged wire.
Answer A
Q.26. Assertion (A): No two electric lines of force can intersect each other.
Reason (R) : Tangent at any point of electric line of force gives the direction of electric field.
Answer A
Q.27. Assertion (A): Electric force acting on a proton and an electron, moving in a uniform
electric field is same, where as acceleration of electron is 1836 times that of a proton.
Reason (R): Electron is lighter than proton.
Answer A
Q.28. Assertion (A): As force is a vector quantity, hence electric field intensity is also a
vector quantity
Reason (R): The unit of electric field intensity is newton per coulomb.
Answer B
Q.29. Assertion (A) : Sharper is the curvature of spot on a charged body lesser will be the
surface charge density at that point
Reason (R): Electric field is non-zero inside a charged conductor.
Answer D
Q.30. Assertion (A): The surface densities of two spherical conductors of different radii are
equal. Then the
electric field intensities near their surface are also equal.
Reason (R) : Surface density is equal to charge per unit area.
Answer B
Q.31. Assertion (A): Three equal charges are situated on a circle of radius r such that they
form on equilateral triangle, then the electric field intensity at the centre is zero.
Reason (R): The force on unit positive charge at the centre, due to the three equal charges are
represented by the three sides of a triangle taken in the same order. Therefore, electric field
intensity at centre is zero.
Answer A
Q.32. Assertion (A): The electric lines of forces diverges from a positive charge and
converge at a negative charge.
Reason (A): A charged particle free to move in an electric field always moves along an
electric line of force.
Answer C
Q.33. Assertion (A): Charging is due to transfer of electrons.
Reason (R): Mass of a body decreases slightly when it is negatively charged.
Answer C
Q.34. Assertion (A): Range of Coulomb force is infinite.
Reason (R): Coulomb force acts between two charged particles.
Answer B
Q.35. Assertion (A): A small metal ball is suspended in a uniform electric field with an
insulated thread. If high energy X-ray beam falls on the ball, the ball will be deflected in the
electric field.
Reason (R): X-rays emits photoelectron and metal becomes negatively charged.
Answer C
Q.36. Assertion (A): If a point charge be rotated in a circle around a charge, the work done
will be zero.
Reason (R): Work done is equal to dot product of force and distance
Answer A
Q.1. Assertion : In a simple battery circuit, the point of the lowest potential is positive
terminal of the battery.
Reason : The current flows towards the point of the higher potential, as it does in such a
circuit from the negative to the positive terminal.
Answer D
Q.2. Assertion : A larger dry cell has higher emf.
Reason : The emf of a dry cell is proportional to its size.
Answer D
Q.3. Assertion : A current continues to flow in superconducting coil even after switch is off.
Reason : Superconducting coils show Meissner effect.
Answer B
Q.6. Assertion : An electric bulb becomes dim, when the electric heater in parallel circuit is
switched on.
Reason : Dimness decreases after sometime.
Answer B
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Q.1. Assertion : Cyclotron is a device which is used to accelerate the positive ion.
Reason : Cyclotron frequency depends upon the velocity.
Answer C
Q.3. Assertion : In electric circuits, wires carrying currents in opposite directions are often
twisted together
Reason : If the wires are not twisted together, the combination of the wires forms a current
loop, the magnetic field generated by the loop might affect adjacent circuits or components.
Answer A
Q.4. Assertion : The magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid is independent
of its length and cross-sectional area.
Reason : The magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform.
Answer B
Q.5. Assertion : A charge, whether stationary or in motion produces a magnetic field around
Reason : Moving charges produce only electric field in the surrounding space.
Answer D
Q.6. Assertion : A proton and an alpha particle having the same kinetic energy are moving in
circular paths in a uniform magnetic field. The radii of their circular paths will be equal.
Reason : Any two charged particles having equal kinetic energies and entering a region of
uniform magnetic field B in a direction perpendicular to B, will describe circular trajectories
of equal radii.
Answer C
Q.7. Assertion : If the current in a solenoid is reversed in direction while keeping the same
magnitude, the magnetic field energy stored in the solenoid remains unchanged.
Reason : Magnetic field energy density is proportional to the magnetic field.
Answer C
Q.8. Assertion : The magnetic field at the centre of the circular coil in the following figure
due to
the currents I1 and I2 is zero.
Reason : I1 = I2 implies that the fields due to the current I1 and I2 will be balanced.
Answer D
Q.9. Assertion : If the current in a solenoid is reversed in direction while keeping the same
magnitude, the magnetic field energy stored in the solenoid decreases.
Reason : Magnetic field energy density is proportional to square of current.
Answer D
Q.10. Assertion : Free electrons always keep on moving in a conductor even then no
magnetic force act on them in magnetic field unless a current is passed through it.
Reason : The average velocity of free electron is zero.
Answer B
Q.1. Assertion : We cannot think of a magnetic field configuration with three poles
Reason : A bar magnet does exert a torque on itself due to its own field.
Answer D
Q.2. Assertion : In high latitudes one sees colourful curtains of light hanging down from
high altitudes
Reason : The high energy charged particles from the sun are deflected to polar regions by the
magnetic field of the earth.
Answer A
Q.3. Assertion : The true geographic north direction is found by using a compass needle.
Reason : The magnetic meridian of the earth is along the axis of rotation of the earth.
Answer D
Q.4. Assertion : A disc-shaped magnet is deviated above a superconducting material that has
been cooled by liquid nitrogen.
Reason : Superconductors repel a magnet.
Answer A
Q.5. Assertion : Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a useful diagnostic tool for roducing
images of various parts of human body.
Reason : Protons of various tissues of the human body play a role in MRI.
Answer A
Q.6. Assertion : Diamagnetic materials can exhibit magnetism.
Reason : Diamagnetic materials have permanent magnetic dipole moment.
Answer C
Q.8. Assertion : If a compass needle be kept at magnetic north pole of the earth the compass
needle may stay in any direction.
Reason : Dip needle will stay vertical at the north pole of earth
Answer B
Q.9. Assertion : The ferromagnetic substance do not obey Curie’s law.
Reason : At Curie point a ferromagnetic substance start behaving as a paramagnetic
Answer B
Q.11. Assertion : A paramagnetic sample display greater magnetisation (for the same
magnetic field) when cooled.
Reason : The magnetisation does not depend on temperature.
Answer D
Q.14. Assertion : The poles of magnet can not be separated by breaking into two pieces.
Reason : The magnetic moment will be reduced to half when a magnet is broken into two
equal pieces.
Answer B
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Q.1. Assertion : Induced emf will always occur whenever there is change in magnetic flux.
Reason : Current always induces whenever there is change in magnetic flux.
Answer C
Q.3. Assertion : Only a change in magnetic flux will maintain an induced current in the coil.
Reason : The presence of large magnetic flux through a coil maintain a current in the coil of
the circuit is continuous.
Answer C
Q.4. Assertion : Lenz’s law violates the principle of conservation of energy.
Reason : Induced emf always opposes the change in magnetic flux responsible for its
Answer A
Q.5. Assertion : An induced current has a direction such that the magnetic field due to the
current opposes the change in the magnetic flux that induces the current.
Reason : Above statement is in accordance with conservation of energy.
Answer B
Q.7. Assertion : Figure shows a horizontal solenoid connected to a battery and a switch. A
copper ring is placed on a smooth surface, the axis of the ring being horizontal. As the switch
is closed, the ring will move away from the solenoid.
Q.9. Assertion : Figure shows a metallic conductor moving in magnetic field. The induced
emf across its ends is zero.
Reason : The induced emf across the ends of a conductor is given by e = Bvℓ sinθ.
Answer A
Q.10. Assertion : Eddy currents are produced in any metallic conductor when magnetic flux
is changed around it.
Reason : Electric potential determines the flow of charge.
Answer B
Q.11. Assertion : An induced emf appears in any coil in which the current is changing.
Reason : Self induction phenomenon obeys Faraday’s law of induction.
Answer B
A, if both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the
• B, if both assertion and reason are true but reason is not correct explanation of the
• C, if assertion is true, but reason is false.
• D, if both assertion and reason are false.
• E. if assertion is false, but reason is true.
1) Assertion : Faraday’s law are consequence of conservation of energy.
Reason :In a purely resistive ac circuit, the current lags behind the e.m.f. in phase. C
2) Assertion :Eddy currents is produced in any metallic conductor when magnetic flux is
changed around it.
Reason :Electric potential determines the flow of charge. B
3) Assertion : A change in magnetic flux will maintain an induced current in the coil.
Reason :The presence of large magnetic flux through a coil maintains a current in the coil if
the circuit is continuous. C
4) Assertion : When a bar magnet falls freely along the axis of a solenoid held vertically, its
acceleration is less than the acceleration due to gravity
Reason : The falling magnet induces current in the solenoid and according to lenz’s law,
induced current opposes the falling motion of the magnet. A
5) Assertion : In the phenomenon of mutual induction, self-induction of each of the coils
Reason :Self-induction arises when strength of current in same coil changes. In mutual
induction, current is changing in both the individual coils. B
6) Assertion : A metal piece and a non-metal (stone) piece are dropped from the same height
near earth’s surface. Both will reach the earth’s surface simultaneously.
Reason :There is no effect of earth’s magnetic field on freely falling body. D
7) Assertion : Lenz’s law violates the principle of conservation of energy.
Reason : Induced e.m.f., opposes always the change in magnetic flux responsible for its
production. E
8) Assertion: When a coil is moved out of a magnetic field acting normally to its plane,
induced e.m.f is produced in it.
Reason : The induced e.m.f is produced in the coil, when it is placed inside the magnetic
field . C
9) Assertion : The possibility of an electric bulb fusing is higher at the time of switching ON
and OFF.
Reason : Inductive effects produce a surge at the time of switch OFF and ON A
10) Assertion :Inductance coil are made of copper.
Reason :Induced current is more in wire having less resistance. A
11) Assertion : A capacitor blocks d.c.
Reason : The capacitive reactance is given by Xc = 1/ wc and for d.c, f=0 A
12) Assertion : At resonance, the inductive reactance is equal and opposite to the capacitive
Reason : In series LCR circuit, the inductive reactance is equal and opposite to the capacitive
reactance. C
13) Assertion :The alternating current lags behind the e.m.f. by a phase angle of π/2,when ac
flows through an inductor.
Reason :The inductive reactance increases as the frequency of ac source decreases. C
14) Assertion : Transformers are used only with an a.c source and not with d.c source.
Reason : Only a.c can be stepped up or stepped down by means of transformers. A
15) Assertion :If the frequency of alternating current in an ac circuit consisting of an
inductance coil is increased then current gets decreased.
Reason :The current is inversely proportional to frequency of alternating current. A
16) Assertion :Average value of ac over a complete cycle is always zero.
Reason :Average value of ac is always defined over half cycle. B
17) Assertion : When ac circuit contain resistor only, its power is minimum.
Reason: Power of a circuit is independent of phase angle. D
18) Assertion: We use a thick wire in the secondary of a step down transformer to
reduce the production heat.
Reason :When the plane of the armature is parallel to the line of force of magnetic
field, the magnitude of induced e.m.f. is maximum. B
19) Assertion : A transformer can be used to increase/decrease both voltage and the current.
Reasons : In a transformer, ep Ip = es Is and accordingly, if gain in voltage, we lose in
current and vice-versa A
20) Assertion : In series LCR - circuit , the resonance occurs at one frequency only.
Reason : At resonance, the inductive reactance is equal and opposite to the capacitive
reactance. A