Stastics BSC
Stastics BSC
Stastics BSC
(Hons) Statistics
Program Specific Outcomes
PSO1 Student will develop good understanding of the fundamental concepts of Statistics.
PSO2 Student will acquire skills of using various statistical tools and techniques of basic and
intermediate level.
PSO3 Student will be able to formulate real world problems from statistical perspective and apply the
skills acquired by him/her for solving the problems.
PSO4 Student will acquire fundamental understanding of the academic field of Statistics and its
different learning areas and applications.
PSO5 Student will be able to effectively use computer software for carrying out data analysis and
present the results of the analysis.
PSO6 Student will recognize the importance of statistical modeling, computing, and the role of
approximation and mathematical approaches to analyze the real problems using various
statistical tools.
PSO7 Student will be able to plan and execute Statistical experiments or investigations, analyze data
and interpret the analysis results.
PSO8 Student will be able to explore different texts and reference materials to acquire knowledge in
the areas related to statistics and its applications.
PSO9 Student will develop competencies such as
(i) problem-solving skills
(ii) investigative skills
(iii) communication skills
(iv) analytical skills
(v) ICT skills
(vi) personal skil
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics
C03: be able to think statistically the real world problems through relevant data.
C06: be able to analyze and interpret the univariate data through measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and moments.
C11: be able to understand the difference between correlation and regression tool.
1 Nolan and Speed (2000): Stat Labs – Mathematical Statistics through Applications, Springer
2 Gould et al (2017): Essential Statistics – Exploring the world through data, 2e, Pearson.
3 Starnes et al. (2011): Statistics Through Applications, 2e, Freeman
4 Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta: Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. 1 (2005), The world press Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics
1 Alan Agresti (2017): Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 4e, Pearson
2 Nolan and Speed (2000): Stat Labs – Mathematical Statistics through Applications, Springer
3 Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta (2015): Fundamentals of statistics, Vol. 1, The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics
1. Gangoolli and Ylvisaker: Discrete Probability – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc.
2. Feller: An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Vol-I – Asia Publishing House.
3. Rohatgi V.K.: an introduction to probability theory and math. Statistics (2001) A wiley – inter science publications.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
1. Weeks (2015): Population - An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 12th edition, Thomson
2. Poston and Bouvier (2010): Population and Society – An introduction to Demography, Cambridge University Press.
1. Muralidharan, K. (2015). Six Sigma for Organizational Excellence: A Statistical Approach, Springer Nature, India.
2. Feigenbaum, A. (1991). Total Quality Control, 3rd ed. revised, McGraw-Hill, New York.
3. Kubiak, T. M. and Benbow, D. W. (2010). The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook, 2nd ed., Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
4. Pande, P. S. Newuman, R. P. And Cavanagh, R.R. (2003). The Six Sigma way. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Crosby, P. (1979). Quality is Free, McGraw-Hill, New York.
6. Montegomory, D. C. (2003). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley India.
7. Juran, J. M., and F. M. Gryna, Jr. (1980). Quality planning and analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
Reference Books:
1. Peter Dalgaard (2008): Introductory Statistics with R
2. Tilman M. Davies (2016): The Book of R: A first course in programming and Statistics, William Pollock.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics
N. L. Bowers, H. U. Gerber, J. C. Hickman, D. A. Jones and C. J. Nesbitt, (1986), Actuarial Mathematics’, Society of Actuaries, Itasca, IIIinois, U. S. A.
2. Second Edition (1997)
Reference Books:-
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
2. Modern Probability Theory and its applications (1972) by E.Parzen – Wiley eastern Pvt. Ltd.
3. Advanced Probability theory by J.Galambos
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics
BSc. (Hons) Regular Programme
Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 03
STA1308ET/STA1408ET- Sampling and Design of Experiments
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: Marks
Mode of Lectures
Course Outcomes (CO)
Students will learn and understand
CO1 Basic knowledge of complete enumeration and sample, sampling frame, sampling distribution, sampling and non-sampling errors, principal steps in sample
surveys, limitations of sampling etc.,
CO2 Various statistical sampling schemes such as simple random sampling and stratified random sampling
CO3 Carry out one way and two way Analysis of Variance
CO4 Understand the basic terms used in design of experiments
CO5 Use appropriate experimental designs to analyze the experimental data
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Statistics, Volume I (2005) by A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta and Dasgupta – The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata.
2. Fundamentals of Statistics Vol. II (2005) by A.M. Goon, M.K.Gupta and B. Dasgupta – The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics
BSc. (Hons) Regular Programme
Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 03
STA1310ET/STA1410ET- Statistical Inference
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO) STA XXXXXXX
Students will learn and understand
CO1 Techniques of estimation and testing of hypotheses for mean, variance, proportions, correlation coefficient, association and goodness of fit.
CO2 Confidence intervals for the parameters of a normal distribution (one and two sample problems)
CO3 Test of significance for correlation coefficient, Fisher’s z –transformation
CO4 Tests of proportions, tests of association and goodness-of-fit using Chi-square test, Yates’ correction
CO5 Non-parametric tests such as Sign test for median and symmetry, Wilcoxon twosample test
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Basic principles of statistical Inference, Point Estimation of
parameters, Unbiasedness and minimum variance, CO1
16 35.55 2,3 PSO3 PSO2 PSO4 PSO3
consistency and efficiency, Interval estimation of parameter, CO2
Confidence interval and coefficient.
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Mathematical statistics (3rd edition) by Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig – American publishing Pvt Ltd.
2. Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol . II (2005) by Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta – The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kol.kata.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
1. PS01 Emp,SD G PE
Data types, Tabulation of data – one dimensional, two- PS02
dimensional, relative frequency; Graphical presentation PS03
of Data- pie chart, bar chart, strip chart, Histogram, Box CO1 PS04
plot; Summary statistics – Measures of central tendency PS06
– Mean, median; Positional measures – Quartiles, CO2
16 30 1,2, 6
Deciles, Percentiles; Measures of dispersion – Standard CO3
deviation, variance, IQR.
Concepts of randomness and probability, statistical and
classical definition of probability, counting techniques
2. PS01 Emp,SD G PE
Random variables – discrete and continuous, probability PS02
distribution of a random variable, Specification of PS07
probability distributions using pmf/ pdf/ cdf, computing PS08
probabilities. PS09
Discrete distributions – binomial, geometric, Poisson.
Continuous distributions – Uniform distribution, normal 17 35 1,2,3
distribution CO7
Reference Books:
1. Sheldon M Ross (2010): Introductory Statistics
2. Serale S. R. (1982) Matrix Algebra useful for Statistics, John Wiley & Sons
3. Hohn (1964) Elementary Matrix Algebra, Amerind Publishing company Pvt. Ltd.
4. Jain, M.K., Iyengar, S.R. K. and Jain, R.K. (2007). Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, Second Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
5. Sastry, S.S. (2000). Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Saxena, H.C. (2005). Finite Differences and Numerical Analysis, 15th Revised Edn. (Reprint). S. Chand & Co.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics
C02: will understand the concept of set, functions, sequences series etc.
C03: understands the idea of convergence of sequence of sets and understands the results analogous to those for sequence & series of numbers.
C06: will be able to apply the concepts of real analysis to understand probability
1 Methods of Real Analysis by R.R.Goldberg (1970) – Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
2 Callculus, Vol.II by Tom. Apostal
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
Books Recommended
1. Sampling Theory and methods (1977) by M.N.Murthy – Statistical Publishing Society.
2. Theory and methods of survey sampling (2005) by Parimal Mukhopadhyay prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics
Reference Books
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
Modern Probability Theory and its applications (1972) by E.Parzen – Wiley eastern Pvt. Ltd.
Advanced Probability theory by J.Galambos
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics
C03: understand the concepts of continuity in more general setup of metric spaces
2 Metric spaces, open and closed sets, connected sets, 20 40 2 C02 PS01 SD G PE
compact sets. PS02
3 C03 PS03
Continuity of function, continuity and compactness, PS09
5 C06
continuity and connectedness, uniform continuity ,
1 Methods of Real Analysis by R.R.Goldberg (1970) – Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
Unit- 15 50 1, 2, C03 SD G PE
II Result based on transformations of random 3, 4 C04
variables based on the distributions discussed
in unit-1 and related exercises, order statistics:
defination and importance, distributions of
minimum, maximum, rth order statistics, joint
distribution of two order statistics, joint
distribution of k out of n order statistics, joint
distribution of all order statistics, distribution of
range,related examples
Reference Books:-
1. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics By V.K Rohatgi- A wiley- inter science publications.
2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3rd edition) By Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig – American publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
Mode of
CO2 learn how to obtain moments of various probability distribution using characteristic functions
CO3 understand Inversion formula and uniqueness theorem along with their applications
CO6 understand DeMoivre-Laplace local limit theorem and Integral limit theorem for approximation of binomial probabilities
Reference Books
Modern Probability Theory By Parzen(1972) - Wiley eastern ltd.
2.3.4 C04
4 One-way classification viewed on a regression 10 20 C05 02,04, Emp, SD N, R, G PE
problem. 06
Partial/ Multiple correlation, obtaining various
formulae in terms of covariance matrix/
correlation matrix, in terms of lower order
correlations, regression in multivariate normal
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics
Unit- 15 50 1, 2, C03 SD G PE
II Result based on transformations of random 3, 4 C04
variables based on the distributions discussed
in unit-1 and related exercises, order statistics:
defination and importance, distributions of
minimum, maximum, rth order statistics, joint
distribution of two order statistics, joint
distribution of k out of n order statistics, joint
distribution of all order statistics, distribution of
range,related examples
Reference Books:-
1. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics By V.K Rohatgi- A wiley- inter science publications.
2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3rd edition) By Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig – American publishing Pvt. Ltd.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics
Reference Books
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
2. B.W.Lindgren: Statistical Theory (IIIrd edition) – Macmillan Publishing house..
3. Statistical inference (2nd edition) by G. Casella and R l Berger
4 Nonparametric Statistical methods by D bhattacharya and S Roychowdhury, Medtech poblications.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics
3 Control chart for variables, control charts for X and R, 12 30 1,2,3,5 CO4 PSO2 Emp G PE
statistical basis of chart, development and use of chart, CO5 PSO3 SD
control limits, specification limits, natural tolerance limits,
rational subgroups, design of control chart, probability limits
on X and R, chart the effect of nonnormality on X and R
charts, the OC function of the X and S chart, the S2control
chart, choice between attributes and variable control chart.
4 Lot-by-lot acceptance sampling for attributes, advantages 12 30 1,2,3,5 CO6 PSO2 Emp G PE
and disadvantages of acceptance sampling, single sampling CO7 PSO3 SD
plan for attributes, designing single sampling plan with CO8 PSO4
specified OC curve, rectifying inspection. ATI and AOQ PSO7
functions, double sampling plan, the OC curve, rectifying PSO8
inspection with ATI and AOQ functions, multiple sampling
plan. Acceptance sampling by variables, advantages and
disadvantages of variable sampling plan to control lot
fraction nonconforming, procedure 1(k-method) and
procedure 2 (M-method) for designing variable sampling plan
with specified OC curve.
1. Dougals C.Montgomery: Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (4th Edition) (2001) John wiley & Sons
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
Syllabus of Courses
Reference Books
1. Design and Analysis of experiments (1979) by Das and Giri Wiley eastern Ltd.
2. Design of Experiments by Oscar Kempthorn
3. Design of Experiments by D. C. Montgomery
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
CO5 the knowledge of probability models fitted to the given time series data
Unit Index numbers: problems in construction of Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. index numbers, errors in index numbers, chain Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
1 index number cost of living index number, (Emp)/ National l Environment
10 15 3,4,5 C01 Entrepreneursh (N)/ and
index number of wholesale price. 01,02, ip (Ent)/ Skill Regional(R)/ Sustainability
l 04 Development Global (G) (ES), Human
(SD) development Values (HV)
Ent, SD al needs and
R, G Professional
Ethics (PE)
2 Introduction to time series, objectives of time 10 25 2,3,4, C02 01,02, Ent, SD L, N, G HV, PE
series analysis, various approaches to time 5 04
series analysis. Descriptive techniques: Types
of variations (trend, seasonal effect, cyclic
changes, irregular changes), analyzing series
which contain a trend, measuring a seasonal
Books Recommended
1. Sampling Theory and methods (1977) by M.N.Murthy – Statistical Publishing Society.
2. Theory and methods of survey sampling (2005) by Parimal Mukhopadhyay prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics
Reference Books
1. Basic Econometrics: Damodar Gujarati,Dawn C.Porter and Sangeeta Gunasekar.Mc Graw Hill Education,5th edition
2. Goldberger,A.S., Topics in Econometrics,Mcmilan,New York,1968
3. Maddala.G.S. Introduction to Econometrics,3rd Edition,John Wiley & Sons,New York2001
4 Draper,N.R. and H.Smith,Applied Regression Analysis 3rd Edition,John Wiley & Sons,New York 1998.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation
Mode of
CO2 identify and apply appropriate probability distributions associated with specific kind of categorical data
CO4 the use of Binomial, Poisson and multinomial distributions in analysis of categorical data
CO5 two-way contingency tables, measuring association and carrying out tests of significance based on contingency tables
CO9 simple logistic regression – model fitting, estimation and inference of model parameters
CO10 multiple logistic regression
Reference Books
1. Alan Agresti (2013): Categorical Data Analysis, 3e, Wiley
3. Bilder and Loughin (2014): Analysis of Categorical Data with R, CRC Press