Stastics BSC

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Program Name: B. Sc.

(Hons) Statistics
Program Specific Outcomes
PSO1 Student will develop good understanding of the fundamental concepts of Statistics.
PSO2 Student will acquire skills of using various statistical tools and techniques of basic and
intermediate level.
PSO3 Student will be able to formulate real world problems from statistical perspective and apply the
skills acquired by him/her for solving the problems.
PSO4 Student will acquire fundamental understanding of the academic field of Statistics and its
different learning areas and applications.
PSO5 Student will be able to effectively use computer software for carrying out data analysis and
present the results of the analysis.
PSO6 Student will recognize the importance of statistical modeling, computing, and the role of
approximation and mathematical approaches to analyze the real problems using various
statistical tools.
PSO7 Student will be able to plan and execute Statistical experiments or investigations, analyze data
and interpret the analysis results.
PSO8 Student will be able to explore different texts and reference materials to acquire knowledge in
the areas related to statistics and its applications.
PSO9 Student will develop competencies such as
(i) problem-solving skills
(ii) investigative skills
(iii) communication skills
(iv) analytical skills
(v) ICT skills
(vi) personal skil
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year I STA1102C02/ STA1105S02 Elements of Probability Theory Credits 03
Semester I Year of Introduction: Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 understanding of the basic concept of probability and the approach of its theoretical development
CO2 ability to distinguish between random and non-random experiments
CO3 fundamental understanding of concept of probability as a tool for modelling data
CO4 understanding of the notion of conditional probability including the concept of Bayes’ Theorem
CO5 ability to distinguish between independent & dependent event
CO6 gain the knowledge related to concept of discrete and continuous random variables
CO7 ability to identify random variables from real life, and develop the understanding of the probability distribution of random variables
CO8 ability to establish the joint, marginal and conditional probability distribution of random variables
CO9 fundamental understanding of relating probability theory with descriptive statistics and inference

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Meaning of probability, various approaches for 25 40 CO1 PSO1 SD L ES
defining a probability, Statistical definition (frequency CO2 PSO2 ENT N HV
approach), Classical definition, axiomatic definition: CO3 PSO3 R PE
Algebra of sets, Probability on finite sample spaces; PSO5 G
properties of probability measures, equally likely
probability measures, counting techniques. Probability
as a description of population under investigation,
probability as a tool for modelling data.
2 Conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, 10 30 CO4 PSO4 SD L
Independence of events, Mutual Independence and CO5 PSO5 N ES
pairwise independence. PSO6 R HV
3 Random variables on finite sample spaces, probability 10 30 CO6 PSO4 SD L
distribution of random variables, distribution CO7 PSO5 ENT R ES
functions, Expectation of a random variables, CO8 PSO6 G HV
moments. Joint probability distributions, marginal CO9 PSO7 PE
distributions, Conditional distributions, Independence PSO8
of random variables, moments, correlation coefficient,
transformations of random variables. Relating
probability theory to descriptive statistics and
1. Hogg, Tanis, Zimmerman (2015): Probability and Statistical Inference, 9e, Pearson
2. Feller : An introduction to probability theory and its applications, vol-I – Asia Publishing house
3. Gangoolli and Ylvisaker : Discrete Probability – Harcourt Brace Jovanorich Inc
4. Rohatgi V.K. (2001): An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics. – A wiley inter science publications.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year I STA1101CT/STA1101PT-Reasoning with data Credits 03

Semester I Year of Introduction: 2019-20 Maximum 100

Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
After the completion of the course students will

C01: understand the subject statistics.

C02 : learn how to reason with data.

C03: be able to think statistically the real world problems through relevant data.

C04: acquire knowledge on various types of data.

C05: be able to visualize the data graphically.

C06: be able to analyze and interpret the univariate data through measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and moments.

C07: be exposed to Bivariate data.

C08: be able to analyse and interpret Bivariate data.

C09: understand the difference between correlation and association of attributes.

C10: be able to analyze categorical type of data.

C11: be able to understand the difference between correlation and regression tool.

C12: be able to use regression analysis to analyze the data.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Introduction to Data and its importance, the discipline of 18 40 1 C01 PS01 SD G PE
Statistics and data science, understanding population and 2 PS02
3 C02 PS03
sample, collection/ capturing and storage of data. numerous
types of data – numerical, categorical, structured, 4 PS09
unstructured, text, audio, video, graph, etc; data at rest vs
streaming data; Data types from analytical perspective – C04
Qualitative, and quantitative; discrete and continuous;
scales of measurement, Importance of data quality.
Exploration of univariate data: Describing data – tabular,
visual, summary statistics
Tabular description: frequency distribution – with and
without classification, discrete and continuous classification,
selecting number of classes and class limits; idea of frequency
Data Visualization: pie, bar, Pareto, dot plot, stem-and leaf
plot, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curve, ogive
curve, time plot.Characteristics of frequency distributions viz
central tendency, dispersion, Shape - skewness and kurtosis;
measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion/
diversity, positional measures, moments, measures of
skewness and kurtosis. Sheppard's correction for moments.
Properties of these measures; box-plots for visualizing
2 Exploration of bivariate data: 15 35 2 C07 PS01 SD G PE
3 PS02
Bivariate frequency table, contingency table/ cross C08
4 PS03
tabulation Visualizing Bivariate data – stacked/ PS08
clustered bar chart, multiple box plots, multiple dot C09
plots, multiple histograms, scatter diagram C10
Measuring association between numeric variables -
Covariance, Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation,
Rank correlation: Spearman's and Kendall's rank
correlation coefficients; correlation ratio; properties of
these measures Measuring association between
categorical variables: contingency tables, Yule’s
coefficient, Coefficient of Colligation, Chi-square based
measures – Phi, Contingency coefficient, Cramer’s V

3 Describing relationship between variables, use of 12 25 2 C11 PS01 SD G PE

scatter diagram, the regression problem, principle of 3 PS02
4 C12 PS03
least squares, linear regression analysis, modeling
non-linear relationship using transformation, the PS08
coefficient of determination. PS09

1 Nolan and Speed (2000): Stat Labs – Mathematical Statistics through Applications, Springer
2 Gould et al (2017): Essential Statistics – Exploring the world through data, 2e, Pearson.
3 Starnes et al. (2011): Statistics Through Applications, 2e, Freeman
4 Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta: Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. 1 (2005), The world press Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year I STA1201CT/STA1201PT-Statistical Methods Credits 03

Semester II Year of Introduction: 2019 Maximum 100

Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will
C01: be exposed to the concept of statistical inference.
C02: be able to understand the difference between point estimation and interval estimation.
C03: aquire knowledge of method of moments to estimate the parameters.
C04: understand various concept of hypothesis testing.
C05: learn to test about independence of attributes for large as well as small samples.
C06: learn to test goodness of fit for various discrete probability distributions.
C07: learn to analyse trivariate data.
C08: will be able to use all the above tools for real life data.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Introduction to Statistical inference, revisiting the concept of 25 40 C01 PS01 SD G PE
population and sample, approaches for inference – frequentist PS02
and Bayesian approaches, parametric and non-parametric C02 PS03
approaches. The problem of estimation, point estimation -
C03 PS09
method of moments; idea of interval estimation.
The problem of hypothesis testing, general approach for C04
hypothesis testing, type-I and type-II errors, level of C05
significance; concept of sampling distribution, Chi-square test
for independence of attributes, exact test of independence C08
based on hypergeometric distribution.

2 Probability models for describing data, Frequency 10 30 C06 PS01 SD G PE

distribution vs probability distribution, modeling discrete PS02
data using discrete probability models - Graphical C08 PS03
techniques: comparing shape of theoretical distribution
with empirical distribution, Chi-square tests for
goodness of fit: Fitting Binomial, geometric, Negative
Binomial, Poisson, and discrete uniform distributions.

3 Multivariate data, visualizing multi variate data – scatter 10 30 C07 PS01 SD G PE

matrix, bubble plot; Multiple regression, Multiple PS02
correlation, partial correlation (Discussion restricted to C08 PS03
only tri-variate case); Their definitions and meanings.
Case of more than two attributes, multiple association
and partial association, Association and causal
(Derivation of formulae is not intended in this unit)

1 Alan Agresti (2017): Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 4e, Pearson
2 Nolan and Speed (2000): Stat Labs – Mathematical Statistics through Applications, Springer
3 Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta (2015): Fundamentals of statistics, Vol. 1, The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year I STA1202CT/STA1202PT Probability Distributions Credits 03
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2019 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 basic understanding of the properties and applications of discrete probability distribution based on finite sample space
CO2 knowledge of discrete probability distributions such as Discrete uniform, Binomial, and Hyper-geometric
CO3 fundamental understanding of the theory of probability suitable for countable sample spaces
CO4 knowledge of discrete probability distributions such as Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial
CO5 ability to develop the skill to apply suitable probability distribution for solving different real life problems
CO6 ability to develop the skill to use mathematical tools such as generating function in probability theory
CO7 knowledge of various concepts of probability distribution as outlined above through practical assignments to understand real life situations

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Probability distributions: Discrete uniform distribution, 15 40 1,2,3,5 CO1 SD L ES
Bernoulli distribution, Binomial distribution, Hypergeometric CO2 ENT N HV
distributions. R PE
2 Probability measures and random variables on countable 15 30 1,2,3,5 CO3 SD L ES
sample spaces, Poisson distribution, negative binomial CO4 EMP N HV
distribution, geometric distribution. CO5 R PE
3 Generating functions: Probability generating functions: its 15 30 1,2,5 CO6 SD L ES
properties, convolutions; Moment generating functions and CO7 ENT N HV
its properties. Additive properties of above mentioned R PE
distributions using pgf/mgf. G

1. Gangoolli and Ylvisaker: Discrete Probability – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc.
2. Feller: An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Vol-I – Asia Publishing House.
3. Rohatgi V.K.: an introduction to probability theory and math. Statistics (2001) A wiley – inter science publications.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons) Regular Programme

Year II Credits 02
Foundation Course
STA1001FT Introduction to Population Science
Semester I/II Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 Understanding of the basic concepts of Population Science
CO2 Understanding of different types of demographic data and corresponding data sources
CO3 Understanding of Population Processes and related measures
CO4 Understanding of Age-Sex composition and can analyze Age-Sex structure
CO5 Basic idea of the socioeconomic implications of Age-Sex structure
CO6 Knowledge of population distribution and its consequences, specifically in the Indian context
CO7 Basic idea of the impact of population on environment, economy, and public health
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Demography – Scientific study of human populations, 15 50 1, 2, CO1
Nature and scope of demography; Basic concepts of 4, 5
C02 PS03
demography, the demographic equation, Age and Sex PS04
composition, Population distribution. PS09
Types of demographic data, Different sources of data:
Population census - details of different data items in
Indian census, Vital registration system, Sample
registration system (SRS), survey on causes of death,
NSSO surveys, Nationwide sample surveys – NFHS,
DLHS; Strengths and weaknesses of various data sets.
Population Processes – Fertility, mortality, and
migration; Concepts and measurements of fertility:
CBR, GFR, ASFR, TFR, GRR, NRR; Determinants of
fertility, trends of fertility; Concepts and measures of
mortality: CDR, ASDRs, IMR, MMR; Life table, causes of
death, mortality trends; Concepts and measures of
migration: IMR, OMR, NMR, GMR, MER; internal and
international migration, migration trends.
2 Age and sex composition: Definitions of Age and Sex, 15 50 2, 4, 5 C04
Sex ratio, sex ratio at birth, Age specific sex ratio, C05 PS03
Classification of age group and their importance, PS04
Analyzing Age-Sex structure – Population pyramid, PS09
Measures of age structure - Percent distribution, C07
Median age, dependency ratio and parent support
ratio, population aging; Factors affecting age and sex
structure, Importance of age-sex structure in
Demography, Brief overview of Socioeconomic
implications of age and sex structure, Demographic
Population distribution, Global variation in population
size and growth, Urbanization, Consequences of
population distribution (in brief); Trends and growth of
India’s population, Concerns of population growth,
Demographic profiles of India and states.
Brief overview of the impact of population on
environment, economy, and public health.

1. Weeks (2015): Population - An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 12th edition, Thomson
2. Poston and Bouvier (2010): Population and Society – An introduction to Demography, Cambridge University Press.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme (Foundation)

Year I STA1002FT-Lean, Green, and Clean Sciences Credits 02
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 understanding of the basic concept of probability and the approach of its theoretical development
CO2 ability to distinguish between random and non-random experiments
CO3 fundamental understanding of concept of probability as a tool for modelling data
CO4 understanding of the notion of conditional probability including the concept of Bayes’ Theorem
CO5 ability to distinguish between independent & dependent event
CO6 gain the knowledge related to concept of discrete and continuous random variables
CO7 ability to identify random variables from real life, and develop the understanding of the probability distribution of random variables
CO8 ability to establish the joint, marginal and conditional probability distribution of random variables
CO9 fundamental understanding of relating probability theory with descriptive statistics and inference
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 What is lean? Lean and Quality, Quality definitions and 05 20 CO1 PSO4 SD L
dimensions, Lean Principles, 3P’s (People, Process and CO2 PSO5 ENT N ES
product) of Lean, Types of wastes, Lean and Green CO3 PSO6 EMP R HV
supply chain. PSO7 G PE
2 Principles and examples of green Sciences, Renewable 10 30 CO4 PSO4 SD L
and sustainable sources of energy, Green Science CO5 PSO5 ENT N ES
legislation, carbon footprint, carbon credit and Carbon PSO6 EMP R HV
audit. Green and Clean Biodiversity, Impact of lean in PSO7 G PE
Biodiversity, Green wastes and environmental impact, PSO8
Climate change issues.

3 Lean and Green technologies in Business, Green 05 20 CO6 PSO4 SD L

Statistics: Qualitative and Quantitative assessment, CO7 PSO5 ENT N ES
Green quality guidelines. Reverse logistics. CO8 PSO6 EMP R HV
4 Continuous improvement: 5S (Sort, Set-in-order, 10 30 C05 PSO4 SD L
Shine, Standardize, Sustain), Kaizen (continuous CO6 PSO5 ENT N ES
improvement), Poka-Yoke (mistake proofing), and CO7 PSO6 EMP R HV
KANBAN (work place management). Other quality CO8 PSO7 G PE
improvement programs. CO9 PSO8

1. Muralidharan, K. (2015). Six Sigma for Organizational Excellence: A Statistical Approach, Springer Nature, India.
2. Feigenbaum, A. (1991). Total Quality Control, 3rd ed. revised, McGraw-Hill, New York.
3. Kubiak, T. M. and Benbow, D. W. (2010). The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook, 2nd ed., Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
4. Pande, P. S. Newuman, R. P. And Cavanagh, R.R. (2003). The Six Sigma way. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Crosby, P. (1979). Quality is Free, McGraw-Hill, New York.
6. Montegomory, D. C. (2003). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley India.
7. Juran, J. M., and F. M. Gryna, Jr. (1980). Quality planning and analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons) Regular Programme

Year II Credits 02
Foundation Course
STA1003FTIntroduction to Probability Theory
Semester I/II Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will know
CO1 The basic concepts of probability theory
CO2 how to compute probability for simple scenarios, and will be able to make and interpret probability statements
CO3 the Bayes’ theorem and its importance
CO4 the concept of random variable and its probability distribution
CO5 the concept of independence of random variables
CO6 the concept of joint probability distributions and conditional probability distributions

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
Meaning of probability, various approaches for SD L ES
1 20 60 1, 2, C01,
defining a probability, Statistical definition ENT N HV
3, 4, 5 C02,
(frequency approach), Classical definition, C03
axiomatic definition: Algebra of sets, Probability
on finite sample spaces; properties of probability
measures, equally likely probability measures,
counting techniques. Conditional probability,
Bayes' theorem, Independence of events, Mutual
Independence and pair wise independence.
2 Random variables on finite sample spaces, 10 40 2, 4, 5 C04,
probability distribution of random variables, C05,
joint probability distributions. Conditional C06
probability distributions, Independence of
random variables. Moments.
1. Gangoolli and Ylvisaker : Discrete Probability – Harcourt Brace Jovanorich Inc
2. Feller : An introduction to probability theory and its applications, vol-I – Asia Publishing house
3. Rohatgi V.K.(2001) : An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics. – A Wiley inter science publications.
4. C. L. Chiang: An introduction to stochastic processes and their applications.
5. Goon, Gupta, Dasgupta : Outline of Statistical theory Vol – I (1970), The world press Pvt. Ltd.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons)Regular Programme

Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 02
STA1314ET/STA1412ET Data Analysis using R
Semester I / II Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes of STAXXXX
After studying this course, the students will
CO1 get a familiarity with R language and its environment
CO2 be able to understand various data types in R and creating the objects of these types
CO3 be able to understand the difference between the built-in functions and user defined functions
CO4 be able to use built-in R functions for data exploration through plots and graphs
CO5 be able to use built-in R functions for exploring data through descriptive statistics
CO6 be able to carry out various tests of hypothesis using built-in R functions
CO7 be able to carry out correlation and regression analysis using built-in R functions
CO8 be able to use built-in R functions for studying the probability distributions
CO9 able to create cross-tabulation data, cross-classify the subset of data and interpret such tables

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1. Introduction to R- A programming language and
environment for data analysis and graphics. Syntax of R
expressions: names and assignments, Operators and
their precedence, subscripting, Data classes, modes and CO1
Data objects: Basic data objects- raw data, data in 1,2, 3, CO2
15 40
tabular form, lists, factors and ordered factors; Built-in- 6 CO3
Functions- Elementary functions and summary
functions, applying functions to subsets of data. Data CO4
frames: The benefits of data frames, creating data
frames, combining data frames. Reading data with scan
2. Performing data analysis tasks: computing descriptive
statistics, Exploring data using graphical tools,
interactively adding information of plot; One sample CO5
tests, two sample tests, Goodness of fit tests.
Exploring relationships between data: plotting scatter CO6
diagrams, correlation coefficient and testing its
2,3, 4, CO7
significance, regression analysis- Fitting the model. 15 60
Mathematical computing in R: probability and random 5, 6 CO8
Cross tabulating data, cross classifying subsets of data
frames, manipulating and analyzing cross classified

Reference Books:
1. Peter Dalgaard (2008): Introductory Statistics with R

2. Tilman M. Davies (2016): The Book of R: A first course in programming and Statistics, William Pollock.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons) Regular Programme

Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 04
STA1302ET/STA1405ET Optimization Techniques

Semester III or IV Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 100

Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will
C01: develop understanding for constrained and unconstrained optimization techniques
C02: will develop understanding for various methods of constrained and unconstrained optimization techniques
C03: will understand the concept of LPP
C04: will be able to formulate and solve the LPP problem .
C05: will understand the concept of allocation models
C06: will be able to solve the transportation problem and assignment problem.
C07: will understand the concept of integer programming problem
C08: will be able to solve the integer programming problem
C09: will be able to apply integer programming problem technique to various other problems
C10: be able to apply above techniques for real life data.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values
Ethics (PE)
1 Unconstrained optimization – univariate functions, 10 20 2 C01 PS01 Emp,SD G PE
multivariate functions, gradient based PS02
3 C02 PS03
methods, Newton’s method, steepest PS04
descent method, stochastic gradient 4 C10
method. PS06
Constrained Optimization – Formulation,
Lagrange’s multipliers, Slack variables,
Generalized Reduced GradientMethod,
Kuhn–Tucker conditions, PenaltyMethod.

2 Elements of linear programming problem (LPP): 20 30 2 C03 PS01 Emp,SD G PE

Canonical and standard forms, formulation of LPP, 3 C04 PS03
graphical method to solve two variable LPP, Simplex PS04
4 C10
procedure, use of artificial variables, generation of PS09
extreme point solutions, principle of duality in LPP, PS06
statement and proof of duality theorem, simple
problems based on duality theorem.
3 15 25 2 C05 PS01 Emp,SD G PE
Allocation Models: Transportation problem (T.P.), PS02
different methods of finding initial feasible 3 C06 PS03
solution of a T.P., UV method of finding 4 C10
optimal solution of a T.P., solution of PS09
5 PS06
assignment problem using Hungarian
4 15 25 2 C07 PS01 Emp,SD G PE
Integer Programming – Integer linear PS02
programming, Branch and bound method, 3 C08 PS03
Mixed integer programming, Applications 4 C09
to transportation problem, product PS09
5 C10 PS06
portfolio, Scheduling, Knapsack problem,
Travelling salesman problem,
1. Yang (2018): Optimization Techniques and Applications with Examples, Wiley.
2. Gass, S. I. (2010). Linear Programming, Methods and Applications, 5th Ed., DoverBooks.
3. Hadley, G. (2002). Linear programming. Narosa.
4. McKinsey, J.C.C. (2003). Introduction to the Theory and Games. Dover Books.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons) Regular Programme

Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 04
STA1303ET/STA1406ET Principles of Actuarial Science
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
This course will acquaint the students with
CO1 Basic concepts of actuarial Science
CO2 Probability models for Life, Life table and its applications
CO3 Probability models for individual and aggregate claims
CO4 Computations various types of Insurance payables.
CO5 Different types of life annuities and their computation
CO6 Net premiums and Net premium reserves.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
Section I – Probability Models and Life Tables
1 Utility theory, insurance and utility theory, models for Emp, SD N, R, G G, ES
individual claims and their sums, survival function,
curtate future lifetime, force of mortality. Life table and
its relation with survival function, examples,
1, 2,
assumptions for fractional ages, some analytical laws of 15 25 1, 2
3, 4,5
mortality, select and ultimate tables. Multiple life
functions, joint life and last survivor status, insurance
and annuity benefits through multiple life functions
evaluation for special mortality laws.
2 Multiple decrement models, deterministic and random Emp, SD N, R G, ES
survivorship groups, associated single decrement tables,
central rates of multiple decrement, net single
2, 3 ,
premiums and their numerical evaluations. Distribution 15 25 1, 3
4, 5
of aggregate claims, compound Poisson distribution and
its applications. Distribution of aggregate claims,
compound Poisson distribution and its applications.
Section II – Insurance and Annuities
3 Principles of compound interest: Nominal and effective Emp, SD G
rates of interest and discount, force of interest and
discount, compound interest, accumulation factor,
continuous compounding.

Life insurance: Insurance payable at the moment’s of

death and at the end of the year of death-level benefit
insurance, endowment insurance, differed insurance 15 25 2, 3, 5 4, 5
and varying benefit insurance, recursions, commutation

Life annuities: Single payment, continuous life annuities,

discrete life annuities, life annuities with monthly
payments, commutation functions, varying annuities,
recursions, complete annuities-immediate and
apportion able annuities-due.
4 Net Premiums: Continuous and discrete premiums, true Emp, SD G
monthly payment premiums, apportionable premiums,
commutation functions, accumulation type benefits.

Payment premiums, apportionable premiums,

commutation functions accumulation type benefits.

Net premium reserves: Continuous and discrete net

premium reserve, reserves on a semi continuous basis,
reserves based on true monthly premiums, reserves on 2, 3,
15 25 6
an apportion able or discounted continuous basis, 5, 6
reserves at fractional durations, allocations of loss to
policy years, recursive formulas and differential
equations for reserves, commutation functions.
Some practical considerations: Premiums that include
expenses-general expenses types of expenses, per policy

Claim amount distributions, approximating the

individual model, stop-loss insurance
Reference Books
1. Shailaja R Deshmukh (2009). Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction using R. University Press Pvt.Ltd Hyderabad(Text Book)

N. L. Bowers, H. U. Gerber, J. C. Hickman, D. A. Jones and C. J. Nesbitt, (1986), Actuarial Mathematics’, Society of Actuaries, Itasca, IIIinois, U. S. A.
2. Second Edition (1997)

3. Spurgeon E. T. (1972), Life Contingencies, Cambridge University Press

4. Neill, A. (1977). Life Contingencies, Heinemann
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons) Regular Programme

Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 04
STA1301ET/STA1401ET-Probability Models and Sampling distribution
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
This course will acquaint the students with
CO1 understanding the concept of probability & probability distribution discrete as well as continuous.
CO2 understanding the concept of computeing joint distribution, marginal distribution.
CO3 understanding the concept of moments and moment generating function.
CO4 knowledge of normal distribution with properties & applications.
CO5 knowledge of Weak law of large numbers and central limit theorem.
CO6 knowledge of Bivariate normal distribution
C07 knowledge of continuous distribution with properties & applications.
C08 knowledge of sampling distributions.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability to Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National Environment
Entrepreneurs (N)/ and
hip (Ent)/ Skill Regional(R)/ Sustainability
Development Global (G) (ES), Human
(SD) developmen Values (HV)
tal needs and
Ethics (PE)
1 Probability and probability distribution. The class of
events. Idea of a general probability space, probabilities
on subsets of the real line, distribution functions, discrete
and absolutely continuous distributions, probability
distribution on two and n-dimensional spaces, The 15 25 1,2 CO2
discrete and the absolutely continuous cases for
multivariate distributions, Random variable on a general
probability space, Distribution of a random variable, Joint
distribution of several random variables.

2 Expectations, Moments , Moment generating functions,

Covariance, Uncorrelatedness and independence,
Schwartz's inequality, Multinomial distribution and its 1, 2, CO3
properties. 12 20
3, 4 C04
The normal distribution, its moment generating function
and additive property, The normal approximation to the
binomial and the hypergeometric distributions.
3 Bivariate normal distribution.
The Week law of large numbers for i . i. d random CO5
1, 2,
variables with finite variance. The statement of the central 15 20
3, 4 C06
limit theorem for independent and identically distributed
random variables.

4 Gamma distribution , Exponential distribution, Beta-I and

II, Relation between Beta and Gamma distribution. CO7
Weibull distribution. 1, 2,
18 35 CO8
3, 4
The chisquare distribution and its relation to the normal
distribution, The t and F distributions.

Reference Books:-
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
2. Modern Probability Theory and its applications (1972) by E.Parzen – Wiley eastern Pvt. Ltd.
3. Advanced Probability theory by J.Galambos
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics
BSc. (Hons) Regular Programme
Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 03
STA1308ET/STA1408ET- Sampling and Design of Experiments
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: Marks
Mode of Lectures
Course Outcomes (CO)
Students will learn and understand
CO1 Basic knowledge of complete enumeration and sample, sampling frame, sampling distribution, sampling and non-sampling errors, principal steps in sample
surveys, limitations of sampling etc.,
CO2 Various statistical sampling schemes such as simple random sampling and stratified random sampling
CO3 Carry out one way and two way Analysis of Variance
CO4 Understand the basic terms used in design of experiments
CO5 Use appropriate experimental designs to analyze the experimental data

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Analysis of variance: One-way classification, Two-way PS01 Emp, SD G PE
classification with one observation per cell, the expected
values of various mean squares and heuristic justification of F CO3 PSO3
10 22.22 2,3,4 CO4
test. PSO2
2 Design of Experiments: Terminology of experimental designs, PSO2 Emp, SD G PE
`principles of design, completely randomized design,
randomized block design. CO3 PS03
10 22.22 2,3,4 CO4

3 Sampling Theory : Sampling from finite population, simple Emp, SD G PE

random sampling procedure for selecting simple random
sample, Properties of estimates, Unbiasedness and PS02
consistency, Sampling. Variance, S.E. and M.S.E, Expected
value of sample mean, Sampling variance of the mean, PS03
Confidence limits, Size of sample for specified precision, 25 55.56 2, 3,4
CO2 PS06
Stratified random sampling : Estimate of population mean and
its variance, choice of sample size in different strata, PS07
Proportional Allocation, Neyman Allocation, Comparison of
stratified sampling with simple random sampling, Practical PS09
difficulties in adopting Neyman allocation.

Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Statistics, Volume I (2005) by A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta and Dasgupta – The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata.
2. Fundamentals of Statistics Vol. II (2005) by A.M. Goon, M.K.Gupta and B. Dasgupta – The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics
BSc. (Hons) Regular Programme
Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 03
STA1310ET/STA1410ET- Statistical Inference
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO) STA XXXXXXX
Students will learn and understand
CO1 Techniques of estimation and testing of hypotheses for mean, variance, proportions, correlation coefficient, association and goodness of fit.
CO2 Confidence intervals for the parameters of a normal distribution (one and two sample problems)
CO3 Test of significance for correlation coefficient, Fisher’s z –transformation
CO4 Tests of proportions, tests of association and goodness-of-fit using Chi-square test, Yates’ correction
CO5 Non-parametric tests such as Sign test for median and symmetry, Wilcoxon twosample test
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Basic principles of statistical Inference, Point Estimation of
parameters, Unbiasedness and minimum variance, CO1
16 35.55 2,3 PSO3 PSO2 PSO4 PSO3
consistency and efficiency, Interval estimation of parameter, CO2
Confidence interval and coefficient.

2 Tests of hypothesis, Neyman and Pearson's theory of testing PSO2

of hypothesis, Tests and confidence intervals for a univariate PS04 PSO3
12 26.67 2,3 CO1 PSO3
normal distribution, comparison of two univariate normal
3 Z-transformation of sample correlation, 2 test for
independence, Chisquare test for goodness of fit, CO3
Nonparametric tests for randomness, Linear estimation,
Gauss- Markov linear model (for uncorrelated r. v.'s with 17 38.78 2, 3 CO4 PSO3 PSO2
common variance). Estimable functions , linear functions PSO4 PSO3
belonging to error and BLUES. Least square estimators and CO5
normal equations.

Reference Books
1. Introduction to Mathematical statistics (3rd edition) by Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig – American publishing Pvt Ltd.
2. Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol . II (2005) by Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta – The world press Pvt. Ltd. Kol.kata.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. (Hons) Regular Programme

Year II Generic Elective Course Credits 04
STA1312ET- Statistical Methods 03 Th + 1 Lab
Semester I / II Year of Introduction: 202021 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes of STAXXXX
After studying this course, the students will
CO1 be able to understand the different types of data
CO2 be able to represent the data using appropriate diagrams and graphs
CO3 be able to explore of data through various measures of average and dispersion
CO4 be able to understand basics of probability theory and randomness
CO5 be able to understand the concept of random variables and probability distributions
CO6 get familiar to some standard discrete and continuous probability distributions
CO7 be able to understand the basics of statistical inference, estimation theory and testing of hypothesis
CO8 get familiarity with one and more than one sample parametric test procedures for comparing means and variances of populations
CO9 get familiarity with one and more than sample nonparametric test procedures for comparing locations of populations
CO10 get idea of bivariate data and studying the relationship between the variables in such data through correlation and regression

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)

1. PS01 Emp,SD G PE
Data types, Tabulation of data – one dimensional, two- PS02
dimensional, relative frequency; Graphical presentation PS03
of Data- pie chart, bar chart, strip chart, Histogram, Box CO1 PS04
plot; Summary statistics – Measures of central tendency PS06
– Mean, median; Positional measures – Quartiles, CO2
16 30 1,2, 6
Deciles, Percentiles; Measures of dispersion – Standard CO3
deviation, variance, IQR.
Concepts of randomness and probability, statistical and
classical definition of probability, counting techniques

2. PS01 Emp,SD G PE
Random variables – discrete and continuous, probability PS02
distribution of a random variable, Specification of PS07
probability distributions using pmf/ pdf/ cdf, computing PS08
probabilities. PS09
Discrete distributions – binomial, geometric, Poisson.
Continuous distributions – Uniform distribution, normal 17 35 1,2,3
distribution CO7

Introduction to statistical Inference – Estimation: point

estimation, interval estimation; sampling distribution,
standard error; Testing of hypothesis - null hypothesis,
significance level, p-value

3. CO8 PS01 Emp,SD G PE

Tests of significance: one sample/ two sample t – test, Welch’s PS02
procedure, paired t-test; Non-parametric tests: Sign test, 2, 3, CO9 PS03
12 35
Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon 4, 5 PS08
test, Matched pair Wilcoxon test; PS09
F-test for comparing variances.
Comparison of several means, analysis of variance, F
test, Kruskal–Wallis test.
Bivariate data, scatter diagram, correlation and
regression, linear regression, R2 statistic, analysis
of variance, F – test, making predictions

Reference Books:
1. Sheldon M Ross (2010): Introductory Statistics

2. Peter Dalgaard (2008): Introductory Statistics with R

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science Year
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 04
STA1301PT Applications of Matrices and Numerical methods
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes of STA13XXXX
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 understanding of the basic properties of vectors, vector spaces and matrices.
CO2 knowledge of the quadratic forms and their classification ,nature and properties.
CO3 ability to obtain characteristic roots and vector sand knowledge of theira pplications.
CO4 ability to obtain g-inverse using various algorithms .
CO5 ability to solve system of linear equations.
CO6 ability to apply all above results in statistics.
CO7 knowledge of different numerical methods, essential for providing mathematical support to the Statisticians
CO8 ability to apply various difference, interpolation formulae
CO9 ability to apply various interpolation formulae
CO10 ability to find solutions to equations using Bisection, Newton Raphson and Regula Falsi Methods

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurs Regional(R)/ and
hip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1. Brief review of matrices and basic results. Brief Review of PSO1 SD N PE
vectors and vector spaces. Quadratic forms, their
classification. congruence relationship for symmetric
matrices. characterisation of quadratic forms in terms of rank
and index. characterisation of positive definiteness and semi- CO1
definiteness in terms of principle subdeterminants
Characteristic roots and characteristic vectors of a square 18 30 1,2 CO2
matrix, algebraic and geometric multiplicities, inner products,
orthogonality, orthogonal matrices, orthonormal basis, Calay
Hemiltant theorem Cochran’s theorem. (Both theorems
without proof), Orthogonal compliment of subspace.

2. Generalised inverse, algorithms to derive generalized inverse, PSO2 SD N PE

solutions to system of linear equations. PSO3
Applications of the above theory in statistics-correlation
12 20 1,2,3 CO5
matrices, S.S. & S.P. matrices, vector valued function,
function of vectors, derivative w.r.t. vectors. CO6

3. Numerical Analysis: Operators- Shift operator, forward PSO1 SD N PE

difference, backward difference, central difference, average, PSO6
differential and interrelations between them. Finite differences 2, 3, CO7
15 25
of order n, divided differences of order n. 4, 5 CO8

4. Newton’s forward, backward and divided difference PSO1 SD N PE

interpolation formulae with error term. CO7 PSO6
Idea of interpolation and extrapolation, Lagrange’s 2, 3,
interpolation formula. Central difference formulae: Gauss and 15 25 CO9
4, 5
Stirling’s formulae.
Reference Books:

1. Sam Perlis(1958) The Theory of Matrices , Wesley Publishing Co.Inc.

2. Serale S. R. (1982) Matrix Algebra useful for Statistics, John Wiley & Sons

3. Hohn (1964) Elementary Matrix Algebra, Amerind Publishing company Pvt. Ltd.

4. Jain, M.K., Iyengar, S.R. K. and Jain, R.K. (2007). Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, Second Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

5. Sastry, S.S. (2000). Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

6. Saxena, H.C. (2005). Finite Differences and Numerical Analysis, 15th Revised Edn. (Reprint). S. Chand & Co.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 03

STA1302PT Real Analysis-I

Semester III Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100

Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students
C01: will understand the concept of field, sigma field and borel sigma field.

C02: will understand the concept of set, functions, sequences series etc.

C03: understands the idea of convergence of sequence of sets and understands the results analogous to those for sequence & series of numbers.

C04: understands the basic concepts of calculus.

C05: understands differential calculus for multivariate function.

C06: will be able to apply the concepts of real analysis to understand probability

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Field, ordered field and their properties; Real field. 10 20 2 C01 PS01 SD G PE
Sets, field of sets, σ-field, Borel σ-field, functions, image and C02
inverse image, countability of a set.

2 Sequences of real numbers, properties of convergent 17 40 2 C02 PS01 SD G PE

sequences, bounded sequence, monotone sequence, 3 PS02
C03 PS09
subsequences, Cauchy sequence,; limit superior and limit
inferior. C06
Set functions, Sequences of sets and their convergence.

3 Convergence of series of real numbers, properties of 8 20 2 C04 PS01 SD G PE

convergent series, various tests of convergence, absolute 3 PS02
C06 PS09
convergence, power series.

4 Limit of a function, continuity and differentiability of 10 20 2 C05 PS01 SD G PE

functions and related results. 3 PS02
C06 PS09
Discontinuities of first and second kind.

1 Methods of Real Analysis by R.R.Goldberg (1970) – Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
2 Callculus, Vol.II by Tom. Apostal
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 03
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 knowledge of the need of Statistical information, type of data, concept of sampling and complete enumeration and various definitions.
CO2 knowledge of sampling and non sampling error,,unbiased estimators,simple random sampling with and without replacement,
CO3 knowledge of estimation of population mean, population total, proportion, variance of these estimators, their confidence interval , determination of sample size.
CO4 knowledge of need for stratification and its principle, estimation of population mean, its variance, allocation of sample size by proportional and optimum
CO5 knowledge of Comparison of unstratified random sampling with stratified random sampling using different allocations namely Proportional and Neyman
CO6 knowledge of the linear and non linear systematic sampling, comparision with simple random sampling
C07 knowledge of Study cluster sampling and its application to real data, knowledge of concept of two stage sampling

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
Unit- 15 35 SD G PE
1 Need for Statistical Information, type of data, 1, 2, CO1 PS04
complete enumeration, survey; need for 3, 4
sampling errors, cost aspect, non-aspect,
sampling and complete enumeration. CO3
Concepts, Definitions and Notations : Units
and population, parameters, sampling units,
sampling frames, random samples, unbiased
estimator, measures of error, stages of
randomization, efficiency, confidence intervals
and cost functions. Simple random sampling
with and without replacement: estimation of
population mean, population total, proportion,
variance of these estimators, their estimates
confidence interval. Sample selection and
sample size: procedures of selection,
Determination of sample size.

Unit- Stratified sampling: Need for stratification and its 12 25 2, 3, 4 CO4 G

2 principle, Design of stratification variables, CO5 PS04 SD PE
estimation of population mean, its variance and
estimates of this variance in case of stratified
SRSWOR & SRSWR gain due to stratification, its
estimates, allocation of sample sizes of strata,
estimation of proportion, its variance and its

Unit- Systematic sampling: Sampling procedure : Linear 18 40 2, 3, 4 CO6

3 and circular systematic sampling, sampling CO7 PS04 SD G PE
variance of estimator of population mean, its
estimator, comparison with SRS.
Cluster sampling : Need, sampling with equal
cluster. Estimation of population mean, its
variance, estimation of the variance, efficiency of
cluster sampling as compared to SRS
determination of optimum cluster size for given
cost, estimation of proportion, its variance and
estimate of this variance. Idea of two stage

Books Recommended
1. Sampling Theory and methods (1977) by M.N.Murthy – Statistical Publishing Society.

2. Theory and methods of survey sampling (2005) by Parimal Mukhopadhyay prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 04
STA1401PT- Probability Theory - I
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
This course will acquaint the students with
CO1 understanding of the concept of uncountable sample spaces and probability measure and R.
CO2 understanding of the concept of distribution function and its properties.
CO3 ability to derive moments, handle transformed random variables and derive associated distributions.
CO4 knowledge of standard univariate distributions like Uniform, Gamma, Normal, Beta etc., their properties and their relation with other distributions.
CO5 ability to handle bivariate random variablse, their distributions and bivariate transformations .
CO6 knowledge of Bivariate normal and truncated distributions.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Uncountable sample spaces, class of events, R as PSO1 SD N PE
a sample space, probability measure on PSO2
uncountable sample spaces -specifically on R.
Random variables on a general probability space, CO1
probability distributions of random variables, 15 25 1,2 CO2
specification of probability distributions in terms of
(i) probability mass function (ii) probability density
function and (iii) distribution function.

2 Expectation, moments, Chebyshev’s inequality, PSO1 SD N PE

Transformation of random variables. PSO2
8 13 1,2 CO3

3 Univariate continuous distributions: Uniform PSO1 SD N PE

distribution, exponential distribution, Normal 1,2, 3,
distribution, Gamma distribution, Beta distribution, 22 37 CO4 PSO6
Cauchy distribution.

4 Joint probability distributions: Multivariate uniform PSO1 SD N PE

distribution (Geomatric probability), Bivariate PSO2
normal distribution; marginal probability PSO6
distribution, conditional probability distribution. CO5
Independence of random variables, Truncated 1, 2,
15 25 CO6
distributions (Binomial, Poisson, Normal). 3,4.

Transformation of random variables in a Bivariate

set-up. Inter-relationship between
probability distributions discussed earlier.

Reference Books
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
Modern Probability Theory and its applications (1972) by E.Parzen – Wiley eastern Pvt. Ltd.
Advanced Probability theory by J.Galambos
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Program

Year II Core Course Credits 04

STA1402PT- Real Analysis-II

Semester iv Year of Introduction: 2020 Maximum 100

Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will
C01: understands the basic concepts of calculus.

C02: understand the concept of metric space, and basic topology

C03: understand the concepts of continuity in more general setup of metric spaces

C04: aquire knowledge of sequence & series of functions.

C05: understand integration & differentiation of sequence & series of function.

C06: be able to apply the concepts of real analysis to understand proabaility.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Riemann and Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, related results; 15 20 2 C01 PS01 SD G PE
Multivariate functions, continuity and differentiability and 3 C06 PS03
integrability of multivariate functions. (only ideas) PS09

2 Metric spaces, open and closed sets, connected sets, 20 40 2 C02 PS01 SD G PE
compact sets. PS02
3 C03 PS03
Continuity of function, continuity and compactness, PS09
5 C06
continuity and connectedness, uniform continuity ,

3 Sequences and series of functions, point-wise converge and 10 20 2 C04 PS01 SD G PE

uniform convergence PS02
3 PS03

4 Integration and differentiation of series of functions, function 15 20 2 C05 PS01 SD G PE

expressible as a power series. PS02
3 C06 PS03


1 Methods of Real Analysis by R.R.Goldberg (1970) – Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 02
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2020-21 Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 the knowledge of sampling distribution. Some commonly used sampling distribution such as t, chi square, F distribution
C02 the knowledge of applications of t-distribution, F-distribution.
CO3 the knowledge of relationship between some standard probability distribution, transformation of random variables.
CO4 the knowledge of order statistics and related results.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
Unit- 15 50 1, 2, C01 SD G PE
I Random sampling, Sample characteristics and 3, 4 C02
their distributions: empirical distribution
function, quantile function, Glivenko-Cantelli
theorem (Only statement), moments of sample
mean, moments of sample variance, m.g.f and
characteristic function of sample mean,
sampling distribution (t, F and chi square) of
sample mean, sample variance, sample
proportion, difference between two sample
means, ratio of two sample variances,
difference between two sample prorortions,
non central t, F and chi-square

Unit- 15 50 1, 2, C03 SD G PE
II Result based on transformations of random 3, 4 C04
variables based on the distributions discussed
in unit-1 and related exercises, order statistics:
defination and importance, distributions of
minimum, maximum, rth order statistics, joint
distribution of two order statistics, joint
distribution of k out of n order statistics, joint
distribution of all order statistics, distribution of
range,related examples
Reference Books:-
1. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics By V.K Rohatgi- A wiley- inter science publications.
2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3rd edition) By Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig – American publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Core Course Credits /
Year III Hours per 03
STA1502C14 - Probability II week

Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum

Semester I Marks / 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2018 Grade

Mode of

Course Outcome (CO) STA1502C14

This course will enable students to
CO1 understand the idea of characteristic function and its properties

CO2 learn how to obtain moments of various probability distribution using characteristic functions

CO3 understand Inversion formula and uniqueness theorem along with their applications

CO4 understand of sequence of independent repeated trials

CO5 understand derivation of binomial and multinomial probability laws

CO6 understand DeMoivre-Laplace local limit theorem and Integral limit theorem for approximation of binomial probabilities

CO7 understand derivation of Poisson probability law

CO8 develop understanding of sequence of random variables

CO9 study various modes of convergence of sequence of random variables

CO10 understand the Laws of large numbers for i.i.d. random variables

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Leve Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
l (Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Characteristic function, The problem of addition of
independent random variables: Moment generating functions CO1, 1, 3, SD N PE
and their properties, Moment problem. 2, 3, 4
14 30 CO2,

2 Demoivre-Laplace theorem(the integral limit theorem and

local limit theorem), Poisson theorem CO4, 1, 3, SD N PE
2, 3, CO5, 4
14 35
4, 5 CO6,

3 Sequences of random variables and various approaches to

their convergence, viz. Convergence in distribution, 1, 3, SD N PE
convergence in Probability and almost sure convergence. The 4
weak law of large numbers (Chebyshev’s form), special cases
of Bernoulli’s and Poisson. CO8,
2, 3,
WLLN (Khinchin’s theorem), SLLN for i.i.d. r.v.s. (only 17 35 CO9,
4, 5
statement), the central limit theorem for iid random variables CO10
with finite mean and variance, Lyapunov’s theorem (only

Reference Books
Modern Probability Theory By Parzen(1972) - Wiley eastern ltd.

2. Statistical Theory By B.W.Lindgren (3rd edition) – Macmillan Publishing house.

3. The Theory Of Probability By B.V. Gnedenko (1969) - Mir Publishers.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 04
STA1503C15 : Theory of estimation
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
This course will acquaint the students with
CO1 understanding of the concept of sufficiency and minimal sufficiency.
CO2 understanding of the concept of unbiasedness, UMVUE and bound estimators.
CO3 Understand the concept of interval estimation
CO4 knowledge of various properties of estimators.
CO5 ability to use various methods of estimations.
CO6 knowledge of theory of linear estimation.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Sufficiency: Definition of sufficiency through i) PSO1 SD N PE
partition of sample space, ii) conditional distribution PSO2
and iii) through factorization, proof of equivalence
of these definition in discrete case, Idea of minimal
sufficient statistic, Use of factorization theorem to CO1
16 27 1,2,3
obtain sufficient statistic, method of finding
minimal sufficient statistic, use of factorization
theorem to obtain sufficient statistics for sample
from standard distribution (both regular and non-
regular cases ).
2 Point estimation, Unbiasedness, concept of PSO1 SD N PE
UMVUE, the Cramer-Rao inequality and Bound PSO2
estimator, simple examples to show that the C-R CO2
14 23 1,2
bound may not be attained Interval estimation: CO3
confidence level, Shortest length confidence
3 Concept of efficiency of estimator consistent PSO1 SD N PE
estimate, Optimum linear combination of unbiased
estimates of the same parameter, Proof that
sample mean is the BLUE of population mean. The
1,2, 3, CO4
methods of point estimation: The method of 16 27
moments, the method of maximum likelihood , 4. CO5
Iterative method to find M.L.E. , properties of
M.L.E, method of minimum chi-square.

4 Theory of linear estimation: Gauss-Markoff set up PSO1 SD N PE

(Y, X , 2 I) Normal equations and L.S.estimator, PSO2
1, 2, CO6
variance and covariance of L.S.estimators , 14 23
estimate of 2.
Reference Books
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
2. B.W.Lindgren: Statistical Theory (IIIrd edition) – Macmillan Publishing house..
3. Statistical inference (2nd edition) by G. Casella and R l Berger
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 03
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 the concept of analysis of variance & its use while developing a regression model.
CO2 the development of regression theory using matrix notations.
CO3 the knowledge of fitting of a straight line ,Inverse regression, extra sum of squares and general linear hypothesis
CO4 concept of residuals, examinations of residuals, multiple regression with two variables
CO5 able to analyze the residuals for validating and improving the regression models
C06 learn the skills of developing regression models using various approaches
Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. The need for statistical analysis, Fitting a Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
straight line, Analysis of variance, Estimation (Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
1 and hypothesis testing, Correlation and Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
regression, Inverse regression (straight line Development development (ES), Human
case). 17 35 2,3,4, C01 (SD) al needs Values (HV)
The linear regression with more than one l C02 01,04, and
regressors (Analysis using matrix notations), 06 SD N, R, G Professional
the extra sum of squares principle, orthogonal Ethics (PE)
columns in x matrix, F tests, testing a general
linear hypothesis.

The examination of residuals, overall plot, time 13 15 2,3 C04 Emp, SD N, R, G PE

2 sequence plot, plot against Y plot against the 01,02,
predictor variables. Multiple regression with 04
two predictors as a sequence of straight-line

Models involving transformed variables (Use of

scatter plots), the use of dummy variables in 20 30 3.4.5. C05 01,06 Emp, SD, Ent R, G HV, PE
multiple regression, polynomial models and 6 C06
use of orthogonal polynomials, selecting the
best regression equation: All possible
regressions, ‘best subset’ regression,
Backward elimination procedure, the stepwise
regression procedure.

2.3.4 C04
4 One-way classification viewed on a regression 10 20 C05 02,04, Emp, SD N, R, G PE
problem. 06
Partial/ Multiple correlation, obtaining various
formulae in terms of covariance matrix/
correlation matrix, in terms of lower order
correlations, regression in multivariate normal
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year III Credits 02
STA1509F01 Indian official Statistics
Semester V Year of Introduction: Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will understand
CO1 The working of Indian and international statistical systems
CO2 The role and responsibilities of related govt. organizations including ministries in India
CO3 The need and importance of population census
CO4 The approaches for evaluating various govt. programs and schemes
CO5 The methodology for collecting important data on various aspects of national/international level.
CO6 The necessity of Statistics in Social Science studies

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Introduction to Indian and International statistical 10 40 1,2,3,5 CO1 EMP L ES
systems.role, function and activitiesof central and state CO2 ENT N HV
statistical organizations, organization of large scale sample CO3 SD R PE
surveys, role of national sample survey organization general G
and special data dissemination systems.
2 Population growth in developed and developing countries, 10 30 1,2,3,5 CO3 EMP L ES
evaluation and performance of family welfare programmes, CO4 ENT N HV
projections of labour force and manpower, scope and CO5 SD R PE
content of population census of India. G

3 System of collection of agricultural statistics, crop 10 30 1,2,5 CO5 EMP L ES

forecasting and estimation, productivity, fragmentation of CO6 ENT N HV
holdings, support prices, buffer stocks, impact of irrigation SD R PE
projects. G


1. Basic Statistics Relating to the Indian Economy (CSO), 1990.

2. Guide to Official Statistics (CSO) 1999.
3. Statistical System in India (CSO), 1995.
4. Principles and accommodation of National Population Censuses, UNESCO.
5. Panse, V.G.: Estimation of Crop Yields (FAO).
6. Family Welfare Yearbook, Annual Publication of D/o Family Welfare.
7. Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade in India, DGCIS, Calcutta and other Govt. Publications.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 02
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2018 Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 the knowledge of sampling distribution. Some commonly used sampling distribution such as t, chi square, F distribution
C02 the knowledge of applications of t-distribution, F-distribution.
CO3 the knowledge of relationship between some standard probability distribution, transformation of random variables.
CO4 the knowledge of order statistics and related results.

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
Unit- 15 50 1, 2, C01 SD G PE
I Random sampling, Sample characteristics and 3, 4 C02
their distributions: empirical distribution
function, quantile function, Glivenko-Cantelli
theorem (Only statement), moments of sample
mean, moments of sample variance, m.g.f and
characteristic function of sample mean,
sampling distribution (t, F and chi square) of
sample mean, sample variance, sample
proportion, difference between two sample
means, ratio of two sample variances,
difference between two sample prorortions,
non central t, F and chi-square

Unit- 15 50 1, 2, C03 SD G PE
II Result based on transformations of random 3, 4 C04
variables based on the distributions discussed
in unit-1 and related exercises, order statistics:
defination and importance, distributions of
minimum, maximum, rth order statistics, joint
distribution of two order statistics, joint
distribution of k out of n order statistics, joint
distribution of all order statistics, distribution of
range,related examples
Reference Books:-
1. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics By V.K Rohatgi- A wiley- inter science publications.
2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3rd edition) By Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig – American publishing Pvt. Ltd.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 04
STA1601C19 : Hypothesis Testing
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
This course will acquaint the students with
CO1 understanding of the basic concepts of Testing of Hypothesis.
CO2 solving exercises based on above concepts.
CO3 Understanding NP lemma and it’s use to derive MP, UMP tests.
CO4 knowledge of likelihood ratio tests and their applications.
CO5 Knowledge of various non-parametric tests.
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Testing of Hypothesis:Null hypothesis, Alternative PSO1 SD N PE
hypothesis, simple and composite hypothesis, CO1 PSO2
setting up of null hypothesis, types of error, Critical 11 24 1,2,3 CO2
region, level of significance, power with examples.
2 The Neyman-Pearson lemma, the most powerful PSO1 SD N PE
test of a simple hypothesis against a simple PSO2
alternative, UMP tests (obtainable using N-P
lemma, relation between Acceptance region and 12 27 1,2,3 CO3
interval estimation, shortest length confidence
interval through a Pivot.

3 Heuristic justification (using likelihood ratio test PSO1 SD N PE

procedure) of the t-test and the F-test as applied PSO2
to the normal populations, the 2-test for goodness CO4 PSO6
1,2, 3,
of fit, the 2-test for independence in contingency 12 27
tables, the Fisher-Irwin test for a 2x2 table,

4 Non parametric tests-the sign test, the sign-rank PSO1 SD N PE

test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test,test for PSO2
1, 2, CO5 PSO6
randomness (Run test), Kolgomorov-smirnov one 10 22
sample test. 3,4.

Reference Books
1. An introduction to probability and Statistics (2nd edition) by V K Rohatgi and A K Md Ehsanes Saleh
2. B.W.Lindgren: Statistical Theory (IIIrd edition) – Macmillan Publishing house..
3. Statistical inference (2nd edition) by G. Casella and R l Berger
4 Nonparametric Statistical methods by D bhattacharya and S Roychowdhury, Medtech poblications.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year III Core Course Credits 03
STA1602C20 Statistical Quality Control
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 understanding of the concepts of chance and assignable causes of quality variation
CO2 knowledge of the use of control charts to detect assignable causes
CO3 basic understanding of the need and importance of control charts for attributes
CO4 basic understanding of the concepts of control charts for variables
CO5 ability to develop the skill to choice between attributes and variable control charts
CO6 understanding of the need of sampling plan for attributes
CO7 understanding of the need of sampling plan for variables
CO8 gain knowledge of real data implementation of various concepts through practical assignments
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Chance and assignable causes of quality variation, statistical 10 20 1,2 CO1 PSO1 Emp G PE
basis of control charts, choice of control limits, sample sizes CO2 PSO2 SD
and sampling frequency, rational subgroups, analysis of PSO3
pattern on control chart. PSO4
2 Control charts for attributes: Control chart for fraction 11 20 1,2,3,5 CO3 Emp G PE
nonconforming, development and operation of chart, np- PSO2 SD
control chart, variable sample size, control chart for PSO3
nonconformities, U-chart. PSO4

3 Control chart for variables, control charts for X and R, 12 30 1,2,3,5 CO4 PSO2 Emp G PE
statistical basis of chart, development and use of chart, CO5 PSO3 SD
control limits, specification limits, natural tolerance limits,
rational subgroups, design of control chart, probability limits
on X and R, chart the effect of nonnormality on X and R
charts, the OC function of the X and S chart, the S2control
chart, choice between attributes and variable control chart.

4 Lot-by-lot acceptance sampling for attributes, advantages 12 30 1,2,3,5 CO6 PSO2 Emp G PE
and disadvantages of acceptance sampling, single sampling CO7 PSO3 SD
plan for attributes, designing single sampling plan with CO8 PSO4
specified OC curve, rectifying inspection. ATI and AOQ PSO7
functions, double sampling plan, the OC curve, rectifying PSO8
inspection with ATI and AOQ functions, multiple sampling
plan. Acceptance sampling by variables, advantages and
disadvantages of variable sampling plan to control lot
fraction nonconforming, procedure 1(k-method) and
procedure 2 (M-method) for designing variable sampling plan
with specified OC curve.

1. Dougals C.Montgomery: Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (4th Edition) (2001) John wiley & Sons
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Statistics
B.Sc. Statistics Regular Programme
STA1603C21 Design of Experiments
Core Course
Year I Credits / Hours per week 03

Year of Introduction: 2012

Semester VI Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision:
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO)
CO1 carry out one way and two-way Analysis of Variance
CO2 understand the basic terms used in design of experiments
CO3 use appropriate experimental designs to analyse the experimental data,
CO4 analyse 22 and 23 factorial experiment

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Element Relevan Relation

No. Hours (%) Level s of ce to to
Employa Local Gender
bility (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ National Environ
Entrepre (N)/ ment and
neurship Regional Sustaina
(Ent)/ (R)/Glob bility
Skill al (G) (ES),
Develop develop Human
ment mental Values
(SD) needs (HV)and
1 Concepts of experimentation: Design and analysis. Three
principles of experimentation’s, contrasts techniques, using this PS01
technique for comparison of treatment contrast, statistical 12 26.67 1,2 CO2
models for experimental data, concept of fixed, random and PS03
mixed effect models, models and analysis of variance. PS09

2 Completely randomized design, randomized block design, PS01

missing observation in above design and their analysis 12 26.67 1,2,3,4 CO1 PS07
3 Latin squares and Latin square design, missing observations in PS02
above design and their analysis. 06 13.34 1,2, 3, 4 CO3 PS03
4 Factorial experiments: Factorial experiment with factors at two PS01
level, concept of confounding: partial and total confounding, PS02
Yates procedure for analysis of these experiments. 15 33.33 1, 2, 3,4 CO4 PS03

Reference Books
1. Design and Analysis of experiments (1979) by Das and Giri Wiley eastern Ltd.
2. Design of Experiments by Oscar Kempthorn
3. Design of Experiments by D. C. Montgomery
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Core Course Credits 03
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 various types of index numbers and their applications
CO2 concepts and objectives of time series
CO3 skill for analyzing time series data using by various descriptive techniques
C04 concept of Auto correlation and will study various probability models for time series data

CO5 the knowledge of probability models fitted to the given time series data

CO6 the concept of forecasting and its various methods

Unit Index numbers: problems in construction of Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. index numbers, errors in index numbers, chain Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
1 index number cost of living index number, (Emp)/ National l Environment
10 15 3,4,5 C01 Entrepreneursh (N)/ and
index number of wholesale price. 01,02, ip (Ent)/ Skill Regional(R)/ Sustainability
l 04 Development Global (G) (ES), Human
(SD) development Values (HV)
Ent, SD al needs and
R, G Professional
Ethics (PE)

2 Introduction to time series, objectives of time 10 25 2,3,4, C02 01,02, Ent, SD L, N, G HV, PE
series analysis, various approaches to time 5 04
series analysis. Descriptive techniques: Types
of variations (trend, seasonal effect, cyclic
changes, irregular changes), analyzing series
which contain a trend, measuring a seasonal

3 Autocorrelation: The correlogram and its 01,04, Emp, SD N, G PE

12 25 2,3,4, 08
Probability models for time series: A purely
random process MA, AR, processes.

Fitting a suitable model to the given time 04,08, Emp, SD N, R,G PE

series: Fitting an autoregressive process, 09
4 Fitting a moving average process, Residual
35 2,3,4,
Forecasting: Extrapolation of trend curves, 5,6
exponential smoothing.

1 Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. 2 (2005) by

A.M.Goon, M.K.Gupta and B. Dasgupta –
The world press Pvt. Ltd.
2. Chatfield, C.(1975) : The analysis of Time
Series: Theory and Practice
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year III Core Course Credits 03
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
After going through this course, the students will acquire
CO1 knowledge of the need of Statistical information, type of data, concept of sampling and complete enumeration and various definitions.
CO2 knowledge of sampling and non sampling error,,unbiased estimators,simple random sampling with and without replacement,
CO3 knowledge of estimation of population mean, population total, proportion, variance of these estimators, their confidence interval , determination of sample size.
CO4 knowledge of need for stratification and its principle, estimation of population mean, its variance, allocation of sample size by proportional and optimum
CO5 knowledge of Comparison of unstratified random sampling with stratified random sampling using different allocations namely Proportional and Neyman
CO6 knowledge of the linear and non linear systematic sampling, comparision with simple random sampling
C07 knowledge of Study cluster sampling and its application to real data, knowledge of concept of two stage sampling

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
Unit- 15 35 SD G PE
1 Need for Statistical Information, type of data, 1, 2, CO1
complete enumeration, survey; need for 3, 4
sampling errors, cost aspect, non-aspect,
sampling and complete enumeration. CO3
Concepts, Definitions and Notations : Units
and population, parameters, sampling units,
sampling frames, random samples, unbiased
estimator, measures of error, stages of
randomization, efficiency, confidence intervals
and cost functions. Simple random sampling
with and without replacement: estimation of
population mean, population total, proportion,
variance of these estimators, their estimates
confidence interval. Sample selection and
sample size: procedures of selection,
Determination of sample size.

Unit- Stratified sampling: Need for stratification and its 12 25 2, 3, 4 CO4 SD G PE

2 principle, Design of stratification variables, CO5
estimation of population mean, its variance and
estimates of this variance in case of stratified
SRSWOR & SRSWR gain due to stratification, its
estimates, allocation of sample sizes of strata,
estimation of proportion, its variance and its

Unit- Systematic sampling: Sampling procedure : Linear 18 40 2, 3, 4 CO6 SD G PE

3 and circular systematic sampling, sampling CO7
variance of estimator of population mean, its
estimator, comparison with SRS.
Cluster sampling : Need, sampling with equal
cluster. Estimation of population mean, its
variance, estimation of the variance, efficiency of
cluster sampling as compared to SRS
determination of optimum cluster size for given
cost, estimation of proportion, its variance and
estimate of this variance. Idea of two stage

Books Recommended
1. Sampling Theory and methods (1977) by M.N.Murthy – Statistical Publishing Society.

2. Theory and methods of survey sampling (2005) by Parimal Mukhopadhyay prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science 2020-21
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Year II Discipline Specific Elective Course Credits 02
STA11611E12 : Fundamentals of Econometrics
Semester II Year of Introduction: 2012 Maximum 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: - Marks
Mode of Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcomes
This course will acquaint the students with
CO1 understanding the nature and basics of Econometrics and GLM
CO2 Understanding OLS method of estimatio and use of Dummy variables
CO3 Seasonal adjustments and GLS, prediction
CO4 Hetroscedastic disturbances and Grouping of observations.
CO5 Multicollinearity its detection and estimation of parameter in its presence
C06 Autocorrelation detection, consequences and remedial measures
C07 Errors in measurement and specification bias.
Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to
No. Hours (%) Level Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
(Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneursh Regional(R)/ and
ip (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Nature of econometrics. The general linear model 01,02, Emp. Ent, SD N, R, G HV, PE
(GLM) and its extensions. Ordinary 04
10 30 1,2,3
least squares (OLS) estimation and prediction. Use of
dummy variables and seasonal adjustment.
1 Use of dummy variables and seasonal adjustment. 02,04, Emp, Ent.SD N, R, G HV, PE
Generalized least squares (GLS) estimation and 06
prediction. 04 10 1,2,3


1 Heteroscedastic disturbances. Pure and mixed 01,03, Emp, SD N, R, G PE

estimation. Grouping of observations and of equations. 06
1,2, 3, CO4
06 10

2 Multicollinearity, Estimation in presence of 01,04, Emp, Ent. SD N, R, G PE

multicollinearity, consequences of multicollinearity, 06,08
detection of multicollinearity, remedial measures. CO5
Autocorrelation, consequences of autocorrelation, C06
2 1, 2,
detection of autocorrelation, remedial measures. 50
3,4. C07
Errors in measurement, specification bias

Reference Books
1. Basic Econometrics: Damodar Gujarati,Dawn C.Porter and Sangeeta Gunasekar.Mc Graw Hill Education,5th edition
2. Goldberger,A.S., Topics in Econometrics,Mcmilan,New York,1968
3. Maddala.G.S. Introduction to Econometrics,3rd Edition,John Wiley & Sons,New York2001
4 Draper,N.R. and H.Smith,Applied Regression Analysis 3rd Edition,John Wiley & Sons,New York 1998.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Science 2019-20
Department of Statistics

B.Sc. in Statistics: Regular Programme

Discipline Specific Elective Course Credits /
Year III Hours per 02
STA1612E11 - Analysis of Categorical Data week

Year of Introduction: 2019 Maximum

Semester II Marks / 50
Year of Syllabus Revision: Grade

Mode of

Course Outcome (CO) STA1612E11

After studying this course students will be exposed to
CO1 basic understanding of Categorical data, need and use of categorical data, in general

CO2 identify and apply appropriate probability distributions associated with specific kind of categorical data

CO3 inferential problems associated with categorical data

CO4 the use of Binomial, Poisson and multinomial distributions in analysis of categorical data

CO5 two-way contingency tables, measuring association and carrying out tests of significance based on contingency tables

CO6 use of Bayesian inference of two-way contingency tables

CO7 the idea of multi-way contingency tables

CO8 the idea of Generalized linear models

CO9 simple logistic regression – model fitting, estimation and inference of model parameters
CO10 multiple logistic regression

CO11 applications of logistic regression

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Leve Employability Local (L)/ Gender (G),
l (Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneurshi Regional(R)/ and
p (Ent)/ Skill Global (G) Sustainability
Development development (ES), Human
(SD) al needs Values (HV)
Ethics (PE)
1 Categorical data – binary, nominal, ordinal; probability
distributions for categorical data, inference problems for 1, 2, Emp, SD L, N, R, G PE
categorical data. 3, 4,
Statistical inference for binomial parameters – uses of Wald
statistic and score statistic, exact small sample inference;
statistical inference for multinomial parameters, Pearson’s
Chi-Square test, Likelihood ratio Chi-square test, Bayesian
inference for binomial/ multinomial parameters – choice of
prior distributions CO1,
1, 2, CO2,
Contingency tables and their probability structure – Poisson 15 50 3, 4, CO3,
and multinomial sampling, comparing proportions, 5 CO4,
conditional association in stratified 2  2 tables, measuring CO5
associations in r  c tables – odds rations, association factors,
summary measures.

Inference for two-way contingency tables: Estimation of Odds

ratio, differences of proportions, relative risk, delta method
for deriving standard errors, test of independence, comparison
of proportions in 2  2 tables, following up Chi-square tests,
Fisher’s exact test for 2  2 tables, conditional likelihood
based estimation, conditional vs unconditional tests.
Two-way tables with ordered classifications – tests for linear
trend/ monotone trend alternatives.

2 Bayesian inference for two-way contingency tables -

comparison of proportions in 2  2 tables, estimation of 1, 2,
association parameters, test of independence 3, 4, Emp, SD L, N, R, G PE
Extension of methods for multi-way tables (Only ideas)

Brief introduction to Generalized Linear Models (GLM),

Logistic regression modelling – model interpretation, fitting
simple logistic regression model using maximum likelihood
estimation, properties of the estimators.
Inference for logistic regression: Wald test for testing CO7,
2, 3,
significance of model parameter, testing goodness of fit for CO8,
15 50 4, 5,
the model CO9,
Logistic regression model with categorical predictor, linear CO11
logit model.

Multiple logistic regression – model fitting, models for multi-

way contingency models, model comparison

Applying logistic regression models in practice – model

selection, regression diagnostics, measuring predictive power
of model

Reference Books
1. Alan Agresti (2013): Categorical Data Analysis, 3e, Wiley

2. Simonoff (2003): Analyzing Categorical Data, Springer

3. Bilder and Loughin (2014): Analysis of Categorical Data with R, CRC Press

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