Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment No. 1
January 25, 2023
1. Define tourism policy, tourism planning, and tourism product development, and explain the
relationship among them.
Tourism policy it is a set of rules, regulations, guidelines and directive doings.
Tourism planning is a term that will avoid turbid and messy situation, planning concludes
organized and a good result.
Tourism product development was objefy as bringing a new ideas, creative products,
experiences and services. As we as, the strategies as well as individual decision directly
affecting long-term tourism development and daily activities within a destination are taken.
The relationship of tourism policy, tourism planning and tourism product development, the
tourism policy makes the tourism planning have an directional and good access of plann
alonh with tourism product development it make them have an idea to create a new market,
services and idea of innovative in the primary bases of national, local development plans,
land use plans,natural and cultural assets of the place, environmental policy, cultural
policy,foreign policy and expressed national or local needs.
2. What are the different levels, time frames, scopes, and spatial, units in tourism planning, and
To be uploaded at the google classroom on Monday, 30 January 2023, 9:00 AM
There are (5) five differents of levels and it is
5. What are the prerequisites for effective tourism plans and product development?
The following prerequisites of effective tourism plans and product development are just from
secondary resources that I mix with own definition of idea;