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Human Resource Management System(HRMS)-

The Effects and Organizational Performance

Er.Gajendra Singh1, Er.Arpit Bakshi2
Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering ,
Vedant College of Engineering and TechnologyRajasthan Technical University

A Human Resource Management System (HRMS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection
between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and
in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the
programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise
resource planning software. The main objective of this paper is to reduce the effort of Administrator to keep the
daily events such as attendance, projects, works, appointments, etc. This paper deals with the process of
identifying the employees, recording their attendance hourly and calculating their effective payable hours or
days. This paper should maintain the records of each and every employee and their time spend in to company,
which can be used for performance appraisal. Based on that transfer, removal, promotion can be done. To make
a human resource department more effective and efficient new technologies are now being introduced on a
regular basis so make things much simpler and more modernized. Human Resources Management System this
integrated system is designed to help provide information used in HR decision making such as administration,
payroll, recruiting, training, and performance analysis.
Keywords : Administrator,Applicant,.Net Frame Work Human Resource, Employee.

Human Resource Management provide the optimal ways and proposed the suitable solution towards the needs
of organization to manage the “Human Workforce Optimally” and mapped the particular skill set in proper field
such as in “Production Field” (such as provide skilled and sufficient human resources developing a product
according to market need and market competencies wit in require time limit and quality), “Project Field”
(provide skilled and sufficient human resources whose skill sets and competencies are mapping towards client
requirement and project technical and others needs), “Service and Operational Field” (provide skilled and
sufficient human resources whose skill sets and competencies are mapping towards finding out a solution space
and resolve that within time frame for client or customer or for self business need) , “Sales Field”(Such as
Promotional Product Branding and finding out the market opportunities and customer interaction and sales
dealing)or any other areas inside (such as arrange or maintain required infrastructure for Organizational
Operation; “RESOURSE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT Team or RFM team are the best example in this
case) or outside the organization(Such as interact with client or customer and finding out and crystallize their

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interaction; Consultants are the best example of outside entities whose skill and operation can be mapped and
managed by Human Resource Department) .

Fig1:- Human Resouce Management System


2.1 Organization Management:
HRMS can able to structured the organization such as Company, Location, Department, Designations,
Employee Group and Organization Change such as Resignation, Termination, Transfer, Promotion etc.

Fig2:- Organization Management

2.2 Security Management:

HRMS also provides the security for user by using “Roles management”, “Users Management”, “Menu
Authentication and Authorization” etc. The “Role Management” designed some user or group as Administrator
with the full control of module and others will be the “End User” might be with some add-ins facilities. It also
provide the provision to add or delete the “User/Group.

Fig3:- Security Management

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2.3 Time Management and Absent Management :
HRMS also provides integrated “Attendance Machine Module”, “Manual Attendance Facilities”, “Overtime
Application and approval”, “Shifts Management on duty application and Approval” ,”Leave types”, “leave
application and approval”, “Manual approval, “Yearly and monthly processing of leave”, “Leave rules” etc.

Fig4:- Organization Management


HRMS used to store all information of an employee such as employee master, academic information,
organization information, past experiences, employee leave information, JD's, Training information, pay
structure information(on demand), passport details(on demand), nominee details(on demand), Complete Bank
Details, Details to Configure “Reporting Tool”.

Fig5:- Employee Information Page


HRMS payroll management can configure up to N number of elements, single pay structure assignment to
multiple persons, formula based pay structure designing(dependent and independent element wise), Bonus,
Gratuity, Super annotation, pay structure revision depending on Performance management system, pay arrears,
loans and advances, reimbursement elements, full and final settlement, pay adjustment, employee message, all
the statutory reports, Reports according to factory laws, GLWF, ESIC, Provident Fund Configuration, Taxes
configuration, TDS--Form 16, overtime payment, leave encashment, pay run and authorization. Change pay
process, pay check list, post earning.

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Fig7:- Payroll Management

Candidate information form at entry level, advanced level, whole recruitment cycle--MPR (Man Power Request)
Or Staff Requisition, Man Power planning according to estimated budget, Man approval at different levels,
recruitment expenses, consultant interface(on demand).

Fig8:- Recruiment or Staffing System

5.1 Performance Management and Man Power Development Or Training:

Depending on performance of an employee the changed that will be happened in employees’ profile will be
reflected across the system even in different module such as “Employee Detail”, “Payroll Management”,
”Insurance Management” etc. The performance management can de different type such as:
1] 360 degree: The evolution based on comments of “Supervisor”, ”Client”, “Group” and some time external
2] 180 degree: The evolution based on comments of “Supervisor” and Client.
The “Training Management” module contains the following step which use to execute as work flow:
1] Training budget
2] Training Application and approval
3] Training programs
4] Training evaluation
5] Training Attendance.

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5.2 Employee Self Services and Manager Self Services and Organization Climate Survey:
In Employee Self Service employee can put all the services which the employee can make use. By using
“Employee Self Service” employee can manage the followings:
1] HR Help Desk
2] Employee Document
3] Job Information.
Managerial Self Service employee can put all the services which the manager can use for employee. By using
“Managerial Self Service” employee can manage the followings:
1] Career Planning
2] Reportees Information
3] Separation
5.3 Employee Help Desk/Suggestions and Opinion Polls:
Through this module employee can escalate any issue or queries to “Human Resource” department.

Fig 9:-Login form

Fig10:-Applicant form

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Fig11:-Employee Details

Fig12:-Employee Exprince Details

through any “Portal Collaboration” software such as “SharePoint”, “File Net” etc. the HRMS software such as
“PeopleSoft”, SAP HRMS or the modules can be integrated with the Portals.A general “Human Resource
Management” contains the following modules.

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Fig13:- Table of Employee


Fig14:- Table of Education


Fig15:- Table of Qualification


Fig16:- Table of Education

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Fig17:- Table of Company


Fig18:- Table of Login

The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is
deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these
needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance
issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also
include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel
policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because
they can't yet afford part- or full-time help. However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are
aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form of
employee manuals, which all employees have.

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