Uzzal Roy
Uzzal Roy
Uzzal Roy
Diploma in International Trade and Economics (China)
Higher Secondary Certificate (Bangladesh)
Here I would like to introduce myself as a self
motivated, dynamic and sincere person; willing be
an encouraging manager, curious to learn,
independent, ready and risk taking or new work can
PERSONAL DETAILS Bachelor make me even proactive.
of International Trade
Name:Uzzal Roy
Nationality: Bangladeshi 1. International Trade: Product sourcing ,
Date of Birth: 14-08-1998 Import: Strategy , plan and execution, LC
Marital Status: Single
policy , LC execution (Commercial Imports
Contact Information and Industrial Imports)
International Trade
Cell No.: +8801701864759 2. Product Planning & Development:
+8801864616838 New product Development : Identify scope
Email: for new product development and guide to
launching the products and follow up to
Current Address: ensure development of a profitable market
Sonachaluni,Birganj,Dinajpur. for the company's product
Permanent Address:
Sonachaluni,Birganj,Dinajpur. 3. Marketing Strategy : Guide and assist in
LINGUISTIC SKILL formulation of Marketing Strategy For
Consumer goods Division
Bengali: Mother tongue
4. Production Planning & Management &
English: Good command on
listening, writing, reading and Sales of BOPP Adhesive Tapes
Chinese: Listening, writing, reading
and speaking. Good command on Diploma in International Trade and Economics
communication. under Tellhow Scholarship from September 2017
to July 2020, Tellhow Animation Vocational
Hindi: Listening College, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China.
Soft & professional skills: Good Secondary School Certificate from January 2013
to May 2014, B,K High School,Birganj, Dinajpur,
Team work: Excellent Bangladesh.
MS Office: Good
EViews: Fair 1.Tellhow Scholarship from September 2017 to
July 2020, Tellhow Animation Vocational College,
Nanchang, Jiangxi, China.
As a International economic & trade
student HISTORY
i have experience in
international marketing plans,,import
& export marketing, business 1.Internship as Marketing Assistant of Tobright,
strategy, & developing original Beijing, Beijing Tellhow da sha Company (北京泰豪
digital content for social media 智 能 工 程 有 限 公 司 )China from November 2019 to
platforms. January 2020.
Work Experience
8 month experience as a translator
.5 months 伟星集团有限公司
company.At present working on
Beijing UPBAN construction
group company ltd