Lea 6 Datasheet (Gps.g6 HW 09004)

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u-blox 6 GPS Modules

Data Sheet

Technical data sheet describing the cost effective, high-performance u-blox 6 based LEA-6 series of GPS modules, that bring the high performance of the u-blox 6 position engine to the industry standard LEA form factor. These versatile, stand-alone receivers combine an extensive array of features with flexible connectivity options. Their ease of integration results in fast times-to-market for a wide range of automotive, consumer and industrial applications with strict size and cost requirements.

17.0 x 22.4 x 2.4mm


locate, communicate, accelerate


LEA-6 - Data Sheet

Document Information Title Subtitle Document type Document number Document status Document status information Objective This document contains target values. Revised and supplementary data will be published Specification later. Advance This document contains data based on early testing. Revised and supplementary data will Information be published later. Preliminary This document contains data from product verification. Revised and supplementary data may be published later. This document contains the final product specification. This document applies to the following products: Name LEA-6H LEA-6S LEA-6A LEA-6R LEA-6T Type number LEA-6H-0-001 LEA-6S-0-000 LEA-6A-0-000 LEA-6R-0-000 LEA-6T-0-000 LEA-6T-1-000 ROM/FLASH version FW7.01 ROM6.02 ROM6.02 FW DR 1.0 ROM6.02 FW7.03 PCN reference N/A N/A N/A N/A LEA-6 u-blox 6 GPS Modules Data Sheet GPS.G6-HW-09004-E

This document and the use of any information contained therein, is subject to the acceptance of the u-blox terms and conditions. They can be downloaded from www.u-blox.com. u-blox makes no warranties based on the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2011, u-blox AG. u-blox is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries. ARM is the registered trademark of ARM Limited in the EU and other countries.


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Contents.............................................................................................................................. 3 1 Functional description.................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Product features ................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 GPS performance ................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Block diagram....................................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Assisted GPS (A-GPS) ............................................................................................................................ 7 1.6 Oscillators ............................................................................................................................................. 7 1.7 GALILEO ............................................................................................................................................... 7 1.8 Protocols and interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 8 1.8.1 UART............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.8.2 USB ............................................................................................................................................... 8 1.8.3 SPI (LEA-6R) ................................................................................................................................... 8 1.8.4 Display Data Channel (DDC) .......................................................................................................... 8 1.9 Antenna ............................................................................................................................................... 9 1.10 Power Management ......................................................................................................................... 9 1.10.1 Maximum Performance Mode ....................................................................................................... 9 1.10.2 Eco Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1.10.3 Power Save Mode ......................................................................................................................... 9 1.11 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.11.1 Boot-time configuration (LEA-6A, LEA-6S) ..................................................................................... 9 1.11.2 Configuration (LEA-6H, LEA-6R, LEA-6T) ..................................................................................... 10 1.12 Design-in ........................................................................................................................................ 10 1.13 Dead Reckoning (LEA-6R)................................................................................................................ 11 1.13.1 Supported peripheral components (LEA-6R) ................................................................................ 11 1.14 Precision Timing & Raw Data (LEA-6T) ............................................................................................. 12 1.14.1 Time mode .................................................................................................................................. 12 1.14.2 Timepulse and frequency reference ............................................................................................. 12 1.14.3 Time mark ................................................................................................................................... 12 1.14.4 Raw data ..................................................................................................................................... 12

2 3

Pin Definition .............................................................................................................. 13

2.1 Pin assignment ................................................................................................................................... 13

Electrical specifications .............................................................................................. 15

3.1 3.2 3.3 Absolute maximum ratings ................................................................................................................. 15 Operating conditions .......................................................................................................................... 16 Indicative power requirements ............................................................................................................ 17

Mechanical specifications .......................................................................................... 18


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Qualification and certification ................................................................................... 19

5.1 5.2 Reliability tests .................................................................................................................................... 19 Approvals ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Product handling & soldering .................................................................................... 20

6.1 Packaging ........................................................................................................................................... 20 6.1.1 Reels ........................................................................................................................................... 20 6.1.2 Tapes .......................................................................................................................................... 20 6.2 Shipment, storage and handling ......................................................................................................... 21 6.2.1 Moisture Sensitivity Levels ........................................................................................................... 21 6.2.2 Shipment..................................................................................................................................... 21 6.2.3 Storage and floor life................................................................................................................... 23 6.2.4 Drying ......................................................................................................................................... 23 6.2.5 Reflow soldering ......................................................................................................................... 23 6.2.6 ESD handling precautions ............................................................................................................ 24

7 8

Default settings .......................................................................................................... 25 Labeling and ordering information........................................................................... 26

8.1 8.2 8.3 Product labeling.................................................................................................................................. 26 Explanation of codes .......................................................................................................................... 26 Ordering information .......................................................................................................................... 27

Related documents .......................................................................................................... 27 Revision history ................................................................................................................ 27 Contact .............................................................................................................................. 28


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1 Functional description
1.1 Overview
The LEA-6 module series is a family of stand-alone GPS receivers featuring the high performance u-blox 6 positioning engine. These versatile receivers feature an extensive and flexible range of functionality, connectivity and cost savings options. LEA-6 modules maintain the industry standard 17.0 x 22.4mm form factor of the LEA-5 series and have been designed to allow simple migration. Their ease of integration results in reduced costs and short time to market for a wide range of automotive, consumer and industrial applications. The 50-channel u-blox 6 positioning engine boasts a Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) of under 1 second. The dedicated acquisition engine, with over 2 million correlators, is capable of massive parallel time/frequency space searches, enabling it to find satellites instantly. Innovative design and technology suppresses interference sources and mitigates multipath effects, giving LEA-6 GPS receivers excellent navigation performance even in the most challenging environments. LEA-6 allows simple integration with u-blox' wireless LEON and LISA modules.

1.2 Product features

Table 1: Features of the LEA-6 Series

All LEA-6 modules are based on GPS chips qualified according to AEC-Q100. See Chapter 5.1 for further information.


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1.3 GPS performance

Parameter Receiver type Specification 50 Channels GPS L1 frequency, C/A Code 1 GALILEO Open Service capable SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS


LEA-6S/ LEA-6T-0



Cold Start (Autonomous) Warm Start (Autonomous) Hot Start (Autonomous) 5 Aided Starts Sensitivity

29 s 29 s 1s 1s
LEA-6S/ LEA-6T-0

32 s 32 s 1s 3s

26 s 26 s 1s 1s

Tracking & Navigation Reacquisition Cold Start (Autonomous) Max. Navigation update rate Horizontal position accuracy

-160 dBm -160 dBm -147 dBm

LEA-6A/ LEA-6S/ LEA-6T-0

-160 dBm -160 dBm -146 dBm


-162 dBm -160 dBm -148 dBm


5 Hz Autonomous SBAS 2.5 m 2.0 m


2 Hz

1 Hz

Configurable Timepulse frequency range Accuracy for Timepulse signal for LEA-6T


0.25 Hz to 1 kHz RMS 99% 9 Compensated 30 ns <60 ns 15 ns 0.1 m/s Dynamics 10 Altitude 10 Velocity 0.5 degrees 4g 50,000 m 500 m/s

0.25 Hz to 10 MHz

Velocity accuracy Heading accuracy Operational Limits

Table 2: LEA-6 GPS performance

1 2 3

Via FW update on LEA-6H All satellites at -130 dBm With FW7.01 4 With FW7.03 5 Dependant on aiding data connection speed and latency 6 Demonstrated with a good active antenna 7 CEP, 50%, 24 hours static, -130 dBm, SEP: < 3.5 m 8 Under good GPS signal conditions 9 Quantization error information can be used to compensate the granularity related error of the timepulse signal 10 Assuming Airborne < 4g platform


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1.4 Block diagram

Figure 1 Block diagram (For available options refer to the product features table in section 1.2.)

1.5 Assisted GPS (A-GPS)

Supply of aiding information like ephemeris, almanac, approximate previous position and time, satellite status and an optional time synchronization signal will reduce time to first fix significantly and improve the acquisition sensitivity. All LEA-6 modules support the u-blox AssistNow Online and AssistNow Offline A-GPS services11 and are OMA SUPL compliant.

1.6 Oscillators
LEA-6 GPS modules are available in Crystal and TCXO versions. The TCXO allows accelerated weak signal acquisition, enabling faster start and reacquisition times.

When GALILEO-L1 signals become available, LEA-6H receivers will be capable of receiving and processing them via a firmware upgrade. The ability to receive and track GALILEO satellite signals will result in higher coverage, improved reliability and better accuracy.


Requires external memory on the Host for ROM based Modules


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1.8 Protocols and interfaces


Type Input/output, ASCII, 0183, 2.3 (compatible to 3.0) Input/output, binary, u-blox proprietary Input, 2.3

Table 3: Available protocols

Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2].

Both protocols are available on UART, USB and DDC. For specification of the various protocols see the u-blox 6 LEA-6 modules support a number of peripheral interfaces for serial communication. The embedded firmware uses these interfaces according to their respective protocol specifications. For specific applications, the firmware also supports the connection of external memories.

1.8.1 UART
LEA-6 modules include one configurable UART interface for serial communication (for information about configuration see section 1.10).

1.8.2 USB
LEA-6 modules provide a USB version 2.0 FS (Full Speed, 12Mbit/s) interface as an alternative to the UART. The pull-up resistor on USB_DP is integrated to signal a full-speed device to the host. The VDDUSB pin supplies the USB interface. u-blox provides a Microsoft certified USB driver for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
Operating System Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Support level Certified Certified Certified

Table 4: Operating systems supported by USB driver

1.8.3 SPI (LEA-6R)

LEA-6R includes a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for connecting external sensors. The interface can be operated in SPI master mode only. Two chip select signals are available to select external slaves. LEA-6R default SPI clock is 870 kHz. As LEA-4R default value is 460 kHz, migrating from LEA-4R to LEA-6R will require a bandwidth verification of the SPI circuits.

1.8.4 Display Data Channel (DDC)

The I2C compatible DDC interface can be used either to access external devices with a serial interface or to interface with a host CPU. It is capable of master and slave operation. DDC is not available with LEA-6R. The DDC interface is I2C Standard Mode compliant. For timing parameters consult the I2C standard. The DDC Interface is compatible with LEON DDC from version LEON-G100-05S/ LEON-G200-05S and above The maximum bandwidth is 100kbit/s. External serial EEPROM LEA-6A and LEA-6S modules allow an optional external serial EEPROM to be connected to the DDC interface. This can be used to store Configurations permanently. For more information see the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1].

Only on LEA-6H-0 with FW7.01


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1.9 Antenna
LEA-6 modules are designed for use with passive and active antennas. An antenna supervisor is available with all LEA-6 Modules. In the default operation mode the antenna supervisor is activated and enables the receiver to detect short circuits at the active antenna by checking the bias voltage level and can shut down the voltage bias immediately. A series resistor is needed in front of the V_ANT input. UBX and NMEA messages are provided to report the condition of the antenna supply. Open circuit detection can also be supported with an additional external circuit. For details, please refer to the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1].
Parameter Antenna Type Active Antenna Recommendations Table 5: Antenna specifications Minimum gain Maximum gain Maximum noise figure Specification Passive and active antenna 15 dB (to compensate signal loss in RF cable) 50 dB 1.5 dB

1.9.1 Power Management

u-blox receivers support different power modes. These modes represent strategies of how to control the acquisition and tracking engines in order to achieve either the best possible performance or good performance with reduced power consumption. For more information about power management strategies, see the u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2].

1.9.2 Maximum Performance Mode

During a Cold start, a receiver in Maximum Performance Mode continuously deploys the acquisition engine to search for all satellites. Once the receiver has a position fix (or if pre-positioning information is available), the acquisition engine continues to be used to search for all visible satellites that are not being tracked.

1.9.3 Eco Mode

During a Cold start, a receiver in Eco Mode works exactly as in Maximum Performance Mode. Once a position can be calculated and a sufficient number of satellites are being tracked, the acquisition engine is powered off resulting in significant power savings. The tracking engine continuously tracks acquired satellites and acquires other available or emerging satellites. Note that even if the acquisition engine is powered off, satellites continue to be acquired.

1.9.4 Power Save Mode

Power Save Mode (PSM) allows a reduction in system power consumption by selectively switching parts of the receiver on and off. Power Save mode is not available with LEA-6R.

1.10 Configuration
1.10.1 Boot-time configuration (LEA-6A, LEA-6S)
LEA-6A and LEA-6S modules provide CFG_COM1 for boot-time configuration. This pin becomes effective immediately after start-up. Once the module has started, the configuration settings can be modified with UBX configuration messages. The modified settings remain effective until power-down or reset. If these settings have been stored in battery-backup RAM, then the modified configuration will be retained, as long as the backup battery supply is not interrupted. UART settings can be can be configured as seen in Table 6 with the CFG_COM1 pin. Default settings in bold.


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CFG_COM1 1 0

Protocol NMEA NMEA


UARTBaud rate 9600 4800

Table 6: Supported CFG_COM1 settings (LEA-6A, LEA-6S)

1.10.2 Configuration (LEA-6H, LEA-6R, LEA-6T)

With the LEA-6H, LEA-6R LEA-6T-0 and LEA-6T-1, configuration settings modified with UBX configuration messages can be saved permanently. In this case the modified settings remain effective even after power-down and dont require backup battery supply. Saving full configurations might take several seconds to store on LEA-6T-0. Do not power down the Module before receiving the acknowledge. For more information, see the u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2].

1.11 Design-in
In order to obtain the necessary information to conduct a proper design-in, u-blox strongly recommends consulting the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1].


Every 5 fix.



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1.12 Dead Reckoning (LEA-6R)

LEA-6R receivers supplement the GPS information with an incoming signal from a gyroscope (turn rate sensor) and odometer pulses to do dead reckoning navigation through periods of poor GPS reception. Depending on the quality of the available GPS signals, the LEA-6R uses an algorithm specially developed by u-blox in order to compute the next positions accurately by using an automatically weighted average of the GPS and sensor inputs. This provides precise navigation in locations with no or impaired GPS reception, for example in tunnels, indoor car parks and deep urban canyons. The LEA-6R is a low power dead reckoning GPS receiver module. It is the ideal solution for high-volume applications requiring a cost-effective and tightly integrated product that provides a continuous and reliable position fix 100% of the time. The LEA-6R includes an LNA to improve the Noise figure of the receiver and the ESD robustness of the RF Input.

1.12.1 Supported peripheral components (LEA-6R)

The LEA-6R supports the following peripheral components:
A/D converters with SPI interface Linear Technology, LTC1860, 12-bit A/D converter Table 7: Supported peripheral components digital temperature sensors with SPI interface National Semiconductors, LM70, precision: 10 bits plus sign

Gyroscopes should at least meet the requirements listed below:

Parameter Supply Voltage Zero Point Sensitivity Dynamic Range Linearity Recommended operating temperature range Table 8: Required Specifications for Gyroscopes Specification 5.0 V 0.25 V 2.5 V 0.4 V 25 mV//s 5 mV//s 60/s to 125/s 0.5% (Full scale) -40 to +85C

Gyroscopes with a sensitivity of lower than 20 mV//s may work but the performance will be degraded. For this reason u-blox does not recommend using gyroscopes with a lower sensitivity. For implementation details as well as a list of supported gyroscopes that u-blox is currently aware of, or for more information about Dead Reckoning and other special features of the LEA-6R refer to the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1] and the u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2].


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1.13 Precision Timing & Raw Data (LEA-6T)

Timing and Raw data features are available in two Module versions, the LEA-6T-0 and the LEA-6T-1. Both are pin-compatible Modules. The LEA-6T-1 offers an internal Flash memory so as to enable an update to future firmware versions.

1.13.1 Time mode

LEA-6T provides a special Time Mode to provide higher timing accuracy. The LEA-6T is designed for use with stationary antenna setups. The Time Mode features three different settings described in Table 9: Disabled, Survey-In and Fixed Mode. For optimal performance entering the position of the antenna (when known) is recommended as potential source of errors will be reduced
Time Mode Settings Disabled Survey-In Description Standard PVT operation The GPS receiver computes the average position over an extended time period until a predefined maximum standard deviation has been reached. Afterwards the receiver will be automatically set to Fixed Mode and the timing features will be activated. In this mode, a fixed 3D position and known standard deviation is assumed and the timing features are activated. Fixed Mode can either be activated directly by feeding pre-defined position coordinates (ECEF - Earth Center Earth Fixed format) or by performing a Survey-In. In Fixed mode, the timing errors in the TIMEPULSE signal which otherwise result from positioning errors are eliminated. Single-satellite operation is supported. For details, please refer to the u-blox 6 Receiver

Fixed Mode

Description including Protocol Specification [2].

Table 9: Time mode settings

1.13.2 Timepulse and frequency reference

LEA-6T not only features the new u-blox 6 engine with its extra acquisition sensitivity, it also comes with a 2nd time pulse output, which can be configured from 0.25 Hz up to 10 MHz. One time pulse can be used for time synchronization (i.e. 1 pulse per second), while the 2nd time pulse can be used with LEA-6T as a reference frequency in the MHz range. This brings cost savings for LEA-6T customers since it is no longer necessary to generate an additional reference frequency with their circuitry.

1.13.3 Time mark

LEA-6T can be used for precise time measurements with sub-microsecond resolution using the external interrupt (EXTINT0). Rising and falling edges of these signals are time-stamped to the GPS or UTC time and counted. The Time Mark functionality can be enabled with the UBX-CFG-TM2 message For details, please refer to the u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2].

1.13.4 Raw data

Raw data output is supported at an update rate of 5 Hz on the LEA-6T-0 and 2 Hz on the LEA-6T-1. The UBXRXM-RAW message includes carrier phase with half-cycle ambiguity resolved, code phase and Doppler measurements, which can be used in external applications that offer precision positioning, real-time kinematics (RTK) and attitude sensing.


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2 Pin Definition
2.1 Pin assignment
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15

Top View






Figure 2 LEA-6 Pin Assignement

Pin Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Module LEA-6A, LEA-6S, LEA-6H, LEA-6T LEA-6R LEA-6A, LEA-6S, LEA-6H, LEA-6T LEA-6R All All All All All All LEA-6A, LEA-6S LEA-6H LEA-6R LEA-6T All All All All All All All All All All All



Description DDC Data SPI MOSI DDC Clock SPI MISO Serial Port 1 Serial Port 1 Not Connected Supply voltage Ground (digital) Output voltage Configuration Pin Not Connected SPI Chip Select 2 2 Timepulse (1PPS) External Reset Backup voltage supply Do not drive low Ground Ground Ground GPS signal input Ground Output Voltage RF section Antenna Bias voltage Active Antenna Detect

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


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Pin Nr. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Module LEA-6A, LEA-6S, LEA-6H, LEA-6T LEA-6R LEA-6A, LEA-6S, LEA-6H, LEA-6T LEA-6R LEA-6A, LEA-6S, LEA-6H, LEA-6T LEA-6R All All All LEA-6A, LEA-6S, LEA-6H, LEA-6T LEA-6R All



Description Not Connected Direction indication (1 = forward) Not Connected SPI Chip Select 1 Not Connected SPI Clock USB Supply USB Data USB Data External Interrupt Pin Odometer Speedpulses Timepulse (1PPS)

Table 10: Pinout

LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1].

Pins designated Reserved should only be used with caution. For more information about Pinouts see the


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3 Electrical specifications
3.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Parameter Power supply voltage Backup battery voltage USB supply voltage Input pin voltage DC current trough any digital I/O pin (except supplies) VCC_RF output current Input power at RF_IN Antenna bias voltage Antenna bias current Storage temperature Table 11: Absolute maximum ratings Symbol VCC V_BCKP VDDUSB Vin Vin_usb Ipin ICC_RF Prfin V_ANT I_ANT Tstg -40 source impedance = 50 , continuous wave Condition Min -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 Max 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 VDDUSB 10 100 -5 6 100 85 Units V V V V V mA mA dBm V mA C

GPS receivers are Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD) and require special precautions when handling. For more information see section 6.2.6. Stressing the device beyond the Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only. The product is not protected against overvoltage or reversed voltages. If necessary, voltage spikes exceeding the power supply voltage specification, given in table above, must be limited to values within the specified boundaries by using appropriate protection diodes. For more information see the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1].


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3.2 Operating conditions

All specifications are at an ambient temperature of 25C.
Parameter Power supply voltage Supply voltage USB Backup battery voltage Backup battery current Input pin voltage range Digital IO Pin Low level input voltage Digital IO Pin High level input voltage Digital IO Pin Low level output voltage Digital IO Pin High level output voltage USB_DM, USB_DP V_ANT antenna bias voltage Antenna bias voltage drop VCC_RF voltage VCC_RF output current Antenna gain Receiver Chain Noise Figure Symbol VCC VDDUSB V_BCKP I_BCKP Vin Vil Vih Vol Voh VinU V_ANT V_ANT_DROP VCC_RF ICC_RF Gant NFtot Module All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All LEA-6S/ LEA-6A/ LEA-6T/ LEA-6H LEA-6R Operating temperature Table 12: Operating conditions Topr All -40 3.2 1.5 85 VCC -0.4V 2.7 0.1 VCC-0.1 50 50 5.5 0 0 0.7*VCC Min 2.7 3.0 1.4 22 VCC 0.2*VCC VCC 0.4 Typ 3.0 3.3 Max 3.6 3.6 3.6 Units V V V A V V V V V V V V mA dB dB dB C Iol=4mA Ioh=4mA IANT < -50 mA ICC_RF =50mA V_BCKP = 1.8V, VCC = 0V Condition

Compatible with USB with 22 Ohms series resistance

Operation beyond the specified operating conditions can affect device reliability.


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3.3 Indicative power requirements

Table 13 lists examples of the total system supply current for a possible application.
Parameter Peak supply current

Symbol Iccp Icc Acquisition Icc Tracking

(Max Performance mode)

Module All All LEA-6H / LEA-6S / LEA-6T LEA-6A/ LEA-6R LEA-6H / LEA-6S / LEA-6T LEA-6A/ LEA-6R LEA-6S
Update rate: 1 s


Typ 47 40 39 38 37 18 12

Max 67

Units mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA

Condition VCC = 3.6V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V VCC = 3.0V



Average supply 15 current

Icc Tracking
(Eco mode)


17 17 18 17

Icc Tracking
(Power Save Mode)




Table 13: Indicative power requirements

Values in Table 13 are provided for customer information only as an example of typical power requirements. Values are characterized on samples, actual power requirements can vary depending on FW version used, external circuitry, number of SVs tracked, signal strength, type of start as well as time, duration and conditions of test.

14 15 16

Use this figure to dimension maximum current capability of power supply. Measurement of this parameter with 1 Hz bandwidth. Use this figure to determine required battery capacity. FW 6.02, >8 SVs in view, CNo >40 dBHz, current average of 30 sec after cold start. 17 FW 6.02, with strong signals, all orbits available. For Cold Starts typical 12 min after First Fix. For Hot Starts typical 15 sec after First Fix. 18 With FW7.01


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4 Mechanical specifications

Figure 3: Dimensions

For information regarding the Paste Mask and Footprint see the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1].


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5 Qualification and certification

5.1 Reliability tests
All LEA-6 modules are based on GPS chips qualified according to AEC-Q100. Tests for product family qualifications according to ISO 16750 "Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment, and appropriate standards (see Table 14).
Test Temperature step test Temperature cycling Dry heat I ("desert") Damp heat II ("tropical") High Temp.Operating Life (Life span) Dry heat II Function test at Umin, Unom, Umax Damp heat cyclic Vibration in function Reference ISO16750-4 IEC60068-2-1 IEC60068-2-2 IEC60068-2-14 Na IEC60068-2-2 IEC60068-2-3 IEC60068-2-2 Test Conditions Function tests at stable temperature. The temperature has to decrease in 5K steps from RT to -40C followed by increase to +85C in 5K steps. -40C / +125C, 300 cycles, air to air No function +60C / 5%rH,Toper max, Vccmax, 1000 hours, in function +60C/95%rH, Toper max, Vccmax, 1000 hours, in function 1000hrs @ 85C Ta Toper max, Vccmax +125C, 1000 hours, no function Function test at Umin, Unom, Umax 1 hour / voltage level Test at -40C, RT, +85C +25C...+55C; >90% rH 6 cycles of 24 hours 5-500 Hz; 5g; 2.5 hrs/axis at 40C 2.5 hrs/axis at +85C 3 hrs/axis at RT Total: 24 hours, function supervision 30g/11ms (halfsine), 3 Shocks/axis, no function 1mm/s +/- 0.5mm/s D>2mm 1 Bending cycle Duration on Dmax: 20s +/- 1s Voltage level: 2000V Voltage level: 200V

IEC60068-2-2 ISO16750-4 IEC60068-2-1 IEC60068-2-2 IEC60068-2-30 Db Variation 1 IEC60068-2-6

Mechanical Shock Robustness of terminations of Surface Mounted Devices ESD (HBM) ESD (MM)

IEC60068-2-27 Ea IEC60068-2-21 Ue1

JESD22-A114 AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A115 AEC-Q100-003

Table 14: u-blox qualification requirements

5.2 Approvals
Products marked with this lead-free symbol on the product label comply with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Restriction of Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS). All u-blox 6 GPS modules are RoHS compliant.


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6 Product handling & soldering

6.1 Packaging
LEA-6 modules are delivered as hermetically sealed, reeled tapes in order to enable efficient production, production lot set-up and tear-down.

Figure 4: Reeled u-blox modules

6.1.1 Reels
LEA-6 GPS modules are deliverable in quantities of 250pcs on a reel. The dimensions of the reel are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Dimension of reel for 250 pieces (dimensions unless otherwise specified in mm)

6.1.2 Tapes
The dimensions and orientations of the tapes for LEA-6 modules are specified in Figure 6.


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Figure 6: Dimensions and orientation for LEA-6 modules on tape

6.2 Shipment, storage and handling

LEA 6 modules are designed and packaged to be processed in an automatic assembly line, and are shipped in Tape-and-Reel. LEA 6 modules are Moisture Sensitive Devices (MSD) in accordance to the IPC/JEDEC specification. Appropriate MSD handling instructions and precautions are summarized in Sections 6.2.1 to 6.2.3. Read them carefully to prevent permanent damage due to moisture intake. GPS receivers contain highly sensitive electronic circuitry and are Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD). Handling LEA 6 modules without proper ESD protection may destroy or damage them permanently. See Section 6.2.6 for ESD handling instructions.

6.2.1 Moisture Sensitivity Levels

The Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) relates to the packaging and handling precautions required. LEA 6 modules are rated at MSL level 4. For MSL standard see IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020, which can be downloaded from www.jedec.org.

6.2.2 Shipment
Table 15 summarizes the dry pack requirements for different MSL levels in the IPC/JEDEC specification.
MSL Level 1 2 2a 3 4 Dry Pack Requirement

Optional Required Required Required Required

Table 15: JEDEC specification of dry pack requirements

According to IPC/JEDEC specification J-STD-020, if a device passes MSL level 1, it is classified as not moisture sensitive and does not require dry pack. If a device fails level 1 but passes a higher numerical level, it is classified as moisture sensitive and must be dry packed in accordance with J-STD-033.


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LEA 6 modules are delivered on Tape-and-Reels in a hermetically sealed package (dry bag) to prevent moisture intake and protect against electrostatic discharge. For protection from physical damage, the reels are individually packed in cartons. Carrier materials such as trays, tubes, reels, etc., that are placed in the Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB) can affect the moisture level within the MBB. Therefore, the effect of these materials is compensated by adding additional desiccant in the MBB to ensure the shelf life of the SMD packages. The dry bag provides an IPC/JEDEC compliant MSD label describing the handling requirements to prevent humidity intake. IPC/JEDEC specifications require that MSD sensitive devices be packaged together with a Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) and desiccant to absorb humidity. If no moisture has been absorbed, the three fields in the HIC indicate blue color. Figure 7 shows examples of an MSD label and HIC.



Figure 7: Examples of MSD label and Humidity Indicator Card


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6.2.3 Storage and floor life

The calculated shelf life for dry packed SMD packages is a minimum of 12 months from the bag seal date, when stored in a noncondensing atmospheric environment of <40C/90% RH. Table 16 lists floor life for different MSL levels in the IPC/JDEC specification.
MSL level 1 2 2a 3 4 Floor life (out of bag) at factory ambient 30C/60% RH or as stated

Unlimited at 30C/85% RH 1 year 4 weeks 168 hours 72 hours

Table 16: JEDEC specification of floor life

The parts must be processed and soldered within the time specified for the MSL level. If this time is exceeded, or the humidity indicator card in the sealed package indicates that they have been exposed to moisture, the devices need to be pre-baked before the reflow solder process.

6.2.4 Drying
Both encapsulant and substrate materials absorb moisture. IPC/JEDEC specification J-STD-020 must be observed to prevent cracking and delamination associated with the popcorn effect during reflow soldering. The popcorn effect can be described as miniature explosions of evaporating moisture. Baking before processing is required in the following cases: Humidity indicator card: At least one circular indicator is no longer blue Floor life or environmental requirements after opening the seal have been exceeded, e.g. exposure to excessive seasonal humidity. Refer to Section 4 of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 for recommended baking procedures. Table 4-1 of the specification lists the required bake times and conditions for drying. For example, a module that has exceeded its floor life by >72 hours shall be baked at 125C for 48 hours. (Floor life begins counting at time = 0 after bake). Do not attempt to bake LEA modules while contained in tape and rolled up in reels. For baking, place parts individually onto oven tray. Oxidation Risk: Baking SMD packages may cause oxidation and/or intermetallic growth of the terminations, which if excessive can result in solderability problems during board assembly. The temperature and time for baking SMD packages are therefore limited by solderability considerations. The cumulative bake time at a temperature greater than 90C and up to 125C shall not exceed 96 hours. If the bake temperature is not greater than 90C, there is no limit on bake time. Bake temperatures higher than 125C are not allowed.

6.2.5 Reflow soldering

Integration Manual [1]).
Reflow profiles are to be selected according to u-blox recommendations (see LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware


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6.2.6 ESD handling precautions

LEA-6 modules are Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD). Observe precautions for handling! Failure to observe these precautions can result in severe damage to the GPS receiver!

GPS receivers are Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD) and require special precautions when handling. Particular care must be exercised when handling patch antennas, due to the risk of electrostatic charges. In addition to standard ESD safety practices, the following measures should be taken into account whenever handling the receiver:

Unless there is a galvanic coupling between the local GND (i.e. the work table) and the PCB GND, then the first point of contact when handling the PCB shall always be between the local GND and PCB GND. Before mounting an antenna patch, connect ground of the device When handling the RF pin, do not come into contact with any charged capacitors and be careful when contacting materials that can develop charges (e.g. patch antenna ~10pF, coax cable ~5080pF/m, soldering iron, ) To prevent electrostatic discharge through the RF input, do not touch any exposed antenna area. If there is any risk that such exposed antenna area is touched in non ESD protected work area, implement proper ESD protection measures in the design. When soldering RF connectors and patch antennas to the receivers RF pin, make sure to use an ESD safe soldering iron (tip).
ESD Safe


RF_IN ESD Sensitive!



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7 Default settings
Interface Serial Port 1 Output Settings 9600 Baud, 8 bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit Configured to transmit both NMEA and UBX protocols, but only following NMEA and no UBX messages have been activated at start-up: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, TXT (in addition to the 6 standard NMEA messages the LEA-6T includes ZDA) Configured to transmit both NMEA and UBX protocols, but only following NMEA and no UBX messages have been activated at start-up: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, TXT USB Power Mode: Bus-Powered (in addition to the 6 standard NMEA messages the LEA-6T includes ZDA) 9600 Baud, 8 bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit Automatically accepts following protocols without need of explicit configuration: UBX, NMEA The GPS receiver supports interleaved UBX and NMEA messages. Automatically accepts following protocols without need of explicit configuration: UBX, NMEA The GPS receiver supports interleaved UBX and NMEA messages. USB Power Mode: Bus-Powered 1 pulse per second, synchronized at rising edge, pulse length 100ms Maximum Performance mode, except LEA-6R which is in ECO mode.

USB Output

Serial Port 1 Input

USB Input

TIMEPULSE (1Hz Nav) Power Mode

Table 17: Available Protocols.

Refer to the LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual [1] for information about further settings.


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8 Labeling and ordering information

8.1 Product labeling
The labeling of u-blox 6 GPS modules includes important product information. The location of the product type number is shown in Figure 8.


Product type number

Figure 8: Location of product type number on u-blox 6 module label

8.2 Explanation of codes

3 different product code formats are used. The Product Name is used in documentation such as this data sheet and identifies all u-blox 6 products, independent of packaging and quality grade. The Ordering Code includes options and quality, while the Type Number includes the hardware and firmware versions. Table 18 below details these 3 different formats:
Format Product Name Ordering Code Type Number Structure PPP-GV PPP-GV-T PPP-GV-T-XXX

Table 18: Product Code Formats

The parts of the product code are explained in Table 19.

Code PPP G V T XXX Meaning Product Family Product Generation Variant Option / Quality Grade Product Detail Example LEA 6 = u-blox 6 T = Timing, R = DR, etc. Describes standardized functional element or quality grade such as different RF connector, FLASH size, automotive grade etc. Describes product details or options such as hard- and software revision, cable length, etc.

Table 19: part identification code


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8.3 Ordering information

Ordering No. LEA-6A-0 LEA-6H-0 LEA-6S-0 LEA-6R-0 LEA-6T-0 LEA-6T-1 Table 20: Product Ordering Codes Product ROM-based u-blox 6 GPS Module, 17x22mm, 250 pcs/reel Progr. u-blox 6 GPS Module with TCXO, 17 x 22mm, 250 pcs/reel ROM-based u-blox 6 GPS Module with TCXO, 17x22mm, 250 pcs/reel u-blox 6 GPS Module w. Dead Reckoning, 17 x 22mm, 250 pcs/reel u-blox 6 GPS Module w. Precision Timing, 17 x 22mm, 250 pcs/reel u-blox 6 GPS Module w. Precision Timing and Flash, 17 x 22mm, 250 pcs/reel

Product changes affecting form, fit or function are documented by u-blox. For a list of Product Change Notifications (PCNs) see our website at: http://www.u-blox.com/en/notifications.html

Related documents
[1] LEA-6/NEO-6/MAX-6 Hardware Integration Manual, Docu. GPS.G6-HW-09007 [2] u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification, Docu. No GPS.G6-SW-10018 All these documents are available on our homepage (http://www.u-blox.com). For regular updates to u-blox documentation and to receive product change notifications please register on our homepage.

Revision history
Revision 1 A Date 08/31/2009 09/21/2009 5/02/2010 Name tgri tgri tgri Status / Comments Initial Release update of section 1.3 GPS performance, section 1.4 block diagram, section 3.2 peak supply current Change of status to Advance Information. Update of section 1.9.2, removed reference to Vddio added USB driver certification. Update of section 3.2 table 11: average supply current & TTFF, section 5.1: addition of table 12. Inclusion of LEA-6R. Change of status to Preliminary. Update of section 1.3, 1.9.4, 1.12.2, 3.1, 3.2 and chapter 2 and 4. General clean-up and consistency check. Added information on LEA-6H with FW7.01 in section 1.3, 1.9 and 3.3. Updated Chapter 1.11. Added information on LEA-6T-1 in Table 1, chapters 1.3, 1.14 and 8.3.


4/23/2010 6/24/2010

tgri dhur


12/20/2010 06/06/2011

dhur dhur


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