Information Technology SBA 2022-23
Information Technology SBA 2022-23
Information Technology SBA 2022-23
The novel coronavirus has severely impacted Grenada and its dependencies. From March 2020 to
June 2022 a total of 18,786 persons tested positive for the virus. As a Data Analyst, the Ministry
of Health has hired you to provide up to date data, through the use of productivity tools such as
spreadsheet, database, web design, word processing as well as program solving and program
implementation features for new confirmed cases in the communities, the covid-19 variants present
on island and the different types of vaccinations that have been available. These vaccines include,
The Ministry of Health has asked you to design a Spreadsheet that will be used to analyze the
statistical data on the number of Covid-19 infections as well as the number of vaccinated and
unvaccinated persons among them for the period 2020-2022 based on parish.
Task A:
1. Create and populate the spreadsheet with information based on the sample worksheet
Parish Percentage No. Of Percentage Cases Cases
Of Cases Covid Vaccinated Unvaccinated
(%) Cases Vaccinated (%)
100% 18,786
a) Insert the parishes (all including Carriacou) and percentage of cases as well as the
b. Calculate the number of vaccinated persons among the cases in each parish.
d. Calculate the total number of covid cases that were vaccinated and unvaccinated.
e. Sort the table to rank the parish with the most unvaccinated residents to the parish
Task B:
Data was collected from a group of persons, who traveled on various flights that landed in Grenada,
within the first quarter of the year in 2022. A covid-19 test was done on arrival at the airport, at
the cost of $150. Everyone who tested positive had to be quarantined in a government facility until
they got a negative test result. The cost of accommodation was $250 per day. Persons with positive
First Last Region of Vaccine Test Days in Total Total
DOB Parish Status Accommodati
Name Name Origin Name Result Quarantine Cost
on Cost
John Doe 12/3/2018 St. Europe Vaccinated Pfizer Positive 6 $1500 $1650
Mary White 3/5/2001 St. Patrick North Unvaccinated None Negative 0 $0 $150
to determine status.
b) Region of origin can be any of the following: South America, North America,
3. Calculate the total cost of accommodation per person and the total cost overall.
5. Use an advanced filter to show only the person(s) testing negative for Covid-19 and were
6. Create a pie chart to show the number of persons testing negative, using the advanced filter.
7. Create an appropriate chart to show the total cost paid by individuals arriving from each
Task C:
The Ministry of Health has requested you provide a summary table, reflecting the number of
positive Covid-19 cases, that came into Grenada from North America and Europe.
1. Using the data from the Covid Travel worksheet, complete the table above.
3. Create a pivot table in a new worksheet, comparing the regions of the positive cases that
The Ministry of Health desires to have the collected information of all persons, coming in on flights
to Grenada, in a database. As the Data Analyst, you have been asked to create a database system
with four (4) tables to capture the relevant data. The data in the spreadsheet section of the SBA
should be incorporated into the database. The following are the names and descriptions of the
1. The Passenger table should include PassengerID, First Name, Last Name, DOB, Village,
Parish, Country, Phone Number, Covid Results, VaccineID and FlightNum.
o Country represents the country of arrival. At least one country must be selected
from each region in the spreadsheet.
2. The Flights table should include FightNum, Airline, Date landed and Arrival Time.
o FlightNum must include the first two letters of the Airline name and a random
two-digit number.
4. The Quarantine table should include QuarantineID, PassengerID, Quarantine Days and
Accommodation Cost.
o QuarantineID should be an autonumber, generated for each passenger who had to
o Only passengers testing positive for Covid should be included in this table.
1. Create a simple query to show the First Name, Last Name, Address, Country of all persons
who had positive covid test results. Save this query as Positivecases.
2. Create a simple query to show the First Name, Last Name, Country, FlightNum & Vaccine
Name of all persons in the parish of St. David, who arrived in Grenada between January 1,
2022 and February 15, 2022. Sort this query by Last Name in ascending order. Save this
query as StDavid.
3. Create a query that counts the total number of persons receiving the different vaccines.
Save as Totalvac.
4. Create a query that calculates the actual date the passengers, who tested positive, should
be released from quarantine, based on the date of arrival and the number of days spent in
Using the Covid Travel worksheet from the Covid Data2 <Student Name> workbook, create a
form to display the type of vaccines taken by the vaccinated passengers, who arrived in Grenada.
Generate a report to show a summary of persons who quarantined upon arrival to Grenada and the
vaccines they opted for. The report should list First Name, Last Name, Address, Country, Covid
Results, Vaccine Name, FlightNum, Quarantine Days and Accommodation Cost. Group by
Vaccine Name and sort by Last Name in descending order. The report should also display the total
number of days spent in quarantine, the total accommodation cost and the grand total of both
quarantine days and accommodation costs. The report should have the title:
Save as SummaryReport.
Word Processing
There have been a number of new covid-19 cases in Grenada. In an effort to limit community
spread, the Ministry of Health needs your help to inform the residents of the need to get tested if
Task A
1. Design a letter, using the appropriate mail merge features to inform residents who have
traveled into the country recently that they may have been exposed to Covid-19 on their
flight and that they should get tested if they begin to experience any symptoms. The letter
must include:
a. Passengers’ First Name, Last Name, Village, Parish and Flight Number.
c. Font style Times New Roman
Task B
1. Create an informative brochure called; All You Need to Know about Covid-19, informing
the general public of covid-19 signs and symptoms; where to get tested and receive
e. Be fully justified
Task C
1. Prepare a report on the number of vaccinated persons, who arrived in Grenada, during the
c. The pie chart from the spreadsheet, showing the percentage of unvaccinated and
e. Font size of 12
f. Line spacing of 2
Web Design
The Ministry of Health has asked you to create a four-page website that will inform the general
public of the protocols for entering Grenada; guidelines/steps to follow when in quarantine and
isolation and tips on personal care for persons who contracted Covid-19.
Instruction: You are to publish the website and create a word processor document to add the link
for the website. Save the document as Covid Website <Student Name>.
Create an algorithm using pseudocode or flowchart to accept the names of our seven parishes
(Carriacou included), number of vaccinated persons, number of unvaccinated persons and positive
cases. The algorithm should calculate and display the total number of vaccinated persons, total
Additionally, you are required to calculate and display the parish with the highest number of
Trace Table:
You are required to design a trace table, to accept test data and trace the algorithm above. Save
You are required to write a program that would implement the algorithm above, using a suitable
programming language. Create a word processor document with the program code and screenshots
of the program runs and results. Save the word document as Programcovid19 <Student Name>.