FRM Exam Questions
FRM Exam Questions
FRM Exam Questions
1. Risk is the probability of the occurrence of an unfavorable event that will have a
negative effect on the performance.
- Occurrence PROBABILITY of loss. Exposure to an unfavorable event:
- May occur with probability. (p)
- May not occur with probability (1-p)
- Event EFFECT
2. 2 different sources of liquidity risk
The primary sources of liquidity, which are either cash or other resources that can be converted into
cash very easily; and Liabilities
The secondary sources of liquidity, which usually can’t be converted into cash as easily and fast as
the primary sources and may imply asset sales or other actions that would affect a company’s
operations. Assets
Market risk is the possibility that an individual or other entity will experience losses due to factors that
affect the overall performance of investments in the financial markets. Market risk may arise due to
changes to interest rates, exchange rates, geopolitical events, or recessions.
The Governing Council decided to raise the three key ECB interest rates by 75 basis points. The
Governing Council took its decision, and expects to raise interest rates further, to ensure the
timely return of inflation to the ECB’s 2% medium-term inflation target.
8. SOL
9. SOL
10. Positive if: ROA> INTEREST debt funding (= interest/ average liabilities)
Negative if: ROA< interest debt funding (= Interest/average liabilities)
11. SOL
12. Future contract- exchange traded (regulated) public market
- Contract can be traded
- Central Clearing CCP- Margin requirements – No counterparty risk
- Standardized contract/ Higher costs
13. Unsystematic risk is a risk specific to a company or industry, while systematic risk is the
risk tied to the broader market.
14. A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a
situation and has potentially severe consequences.
15. There are four primary sources of risk that affect the overall market: interest rate risk,
equity price risk, foreign exchange risk and commodity risk. /////
- Bought assets = long position- loss if price decrease
- Sold assets= short position- loss if price increase
16. SOL
17. A forward contract is a private and customizable agreement that settles at the
end of the agreement and is traded over the counter. A futures contract has
standardized terms and is traded on an exchange, where prices are settled on a
daily basis until the end of the contract.
18. Margin requirement is determined by volatility
- Volatility= price fluctuations in the past
- Higher volatility leads to higher margin requirement