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Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

Pasacao Campus
Sta. Rosa Del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
S.Y. 2017-2018

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Grade 10 (Statistics and Probability)
“Dependent and Independent Events”
October 23, 2017

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of combinatory
and probability.


The learners are able to use precise counting technique and probability in
formulating conclusions and making decisions.


The learners are able to find the probability of dependent and independent

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. differentiate dependent from independent events,
b. compute the probability of dependent and independent events; and
c. cite a significant application of computing the probability of dependent and
independent events in real life.

a. Topic: Dependent and Independent Events
b. Reference: Learner’s Module – Mathematics Grade 10 first edition 2015
(pdf), www.tutorVista.com
c. Pre-requisite concept: Mutually and non-mutually exclusive events
d. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Manipulative Materials
e. Skills to Develop: Knowing and Understanding, computing and solving,
applying and connecting.
f. Values Integration: Accuracy, objectivity, and perseverance.
g. Methodology: Deductive method
h. Concepts:

The study of probability mostly deals with combining different events and
studying these events alongside with each other. How these different events
relate to each other determines the methods and rules to follow when we’re
studying their probabilities.
Events can be divided into two major categories, dependent and
independent events.

Independent Events – the probability that one event occurs in no way

affects the probability of the other events occurring.

Dependent Events – the probability of one event occurring influences the

likelihood of the other event.
Time Instructional
Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Frame Materials
3mins A. Preliminary

1. Greetings Good afternoon Good afternoon

class! ma’am!

2. Prayer Please stand and let (the students will pray)

us pray.

3. Securing the Before you take your (students will arrange

cleanliness seat, please arrange their chairs and will
and your chairs properly pick-up all the pieces
orderliness and pick-up all the of paper)
of the pieces of paper
classroom under your chair.

4. Checking Class beadle, kindly (class beadle will

the checks the check the attendance
attendance attendance of your of the class)

5. assignments Last meeting, I gave (the students will pass

you an assignment. their assignments)
Pass it forward and I
will be the one who
will check that later.
Last meeting, we
tackled about,
mutually and non-
mutually exclusive

Ma’am! Two events

So, who can recall are said to be mutually
what mutually exclusive if they
exclusive event is? cannot occur at the
same time.

That’s right!

We said that the two

events are mutually
exclusive if they
cannot occur at the
same time. Or we
can also said that
this events are
disjoint which means
that the probability of
them both occurring
at the same time is 0.

Say for example,

Neric will going
forward and

The first thing he can

do is to move forward
first or to move

He can’t do both at Ma’am! Non-mutually

the same time. exclusive events are
events that can both
How about the non- be true at the same
mutually exclusive time.


exclusive events are
events that can both
be true at the same
time. Or we can say
that it is the opposite
of mutually exclusive

For example, Neric

will move forward
while laughing.
Moving forward and
laughing happened
at the same time. So,
that’s a non-mutually
exclusive event
because both events
can be true.

Good job class!

It seems that you are
now ready for our
next lesson.
7mins Motivation But, before that let’s
have first a game.

Our game is called,

“Tails Never Fails”
On this game, your
luck and honesty will Peso coins
be test.
So to guide you in
playing this game,
here are the following

1. All participants 1. All participants will
will form one big form one big
circle. circle.
2. Each participant 2. Each participant
will get one peso will get one peso
coin and sit like coin and sit like
Indian style on Indian style on the
the floor. floor.
3. On a count of 3. On a count of
three, all three, all
participants will participants will
flip their coin in a flip their coin in a
moderate level. moderate level.
4. A participant/s 4. A participant/s that
that landed their landed their coin
coin head will be head will be
eliminated and eliminated and
those who those who landed
landed tail will tail will remain on
remain on the the game.
game. 5. The process of the
5. The process of game will continue
the game will until there’s only
continue until five or less
there’s only five participants
or less remain.
participants 6. Those who remain
remain. on the game will
6. Those who be the winner and
remain on the will gain a prize.
game will be the
winner and will
gain a prize.
Yes ma’am!
Are you ready class?
( the students will play
Let the game begin! the game )

(students will answer)

How did you find our
game class?
It’s 50/50 ma’am
What do you think is because there’s only
the chance that the two possible
coin will landed tail? outcomes. Head or tail
Very good!
10 B. Lesson In connection with
mins. Proper that, our topic for
today is about;

1. Presentation
of the lesson “Dependent and
Independent Events”
2. Presentation
of the For today’s lesson,
objectives here are the following
objectives to be
At the end of the Visual aids
At the end of the lesson, the learners
lesson, the learners are expected to:
are expected to:
a. Differentiate
a. differentiate dependent from
dependent from independent
independent events,
events, b. compute the
b. compute the probability of
probability of dependent and
dependent and independent
independent events; and
events; and c. cite a significant
c. cite a significant application of
application of computing the
computing the probability of
probability of dependent and
dependent and independent
independent events in real life.
events in real
Visual aids

To attain our
objectives, let’s
discuss first the
independent events. Independent events
are two events that do
Who has an idea not affect each other.
about independent

If two or more events
have no effect on the
occurrence of other, Visual aids
it is an independent

Going back to the Yes ma’am!

game we conducted
earlier, all of you (the students who only
flipped a coin right? flipped their coin twice
will raise their hand)
Among of you, who
only flipped their coin
Yes ma’am

So, on your first

attempt in flipping a
coin, you got tail No ma’am. Because
right? when you flipped a
coin, the possible
When you flipped result can either be
your coin on the head or tail.
second time, does
the result affect by
the outcome on the

That’s right!
Flipping a coin twice
does not affect the
outcome on both
events. And that is
an example of
Independent events.
Coin and
In computing the
probability of
independent events,
just multiply the
probability of first
event to the
probability of second.

P(A & B)=P(A)*P(B)

Another example of
independent event is
flipping a coin and
rolling a dice.

A coin is flipped and

a 6-sided dice is
rolled. Find the
probability of landing
on the head side of
the coin and rolling a
3 on the dice

P(head)=1/2 (the students will

P(Three)=1/6 answer)

P(H & T)=P(H)*P(T)

=1/2 x 1/6
(the teacher will give
another example) Dependent event are
when the occurrence
Let us now discuss of one event has an
the dependent effect on the other.
Who has an idea
about dependent

Very well said!

We can say that
events are
dependent if the
result of one event
affects another
event’s probability.
Only 15 students
On the game we remained.
conducted, the first
round of our game
consists of 20

On the second
round, how many
students remained?

So, 15 students Yes ma’am!

remained on the
game and 5 got

And on the third

round, only five
students remained
on the game and
declared to be the
winners right?

The events
happened on the
rounds of the game
are an example of
dependent events
because every round
affects the probability
that John will
become one of the
five students who Deck of
remained on the cards

In computing the
probability of
dependent events,
multiply the
probability of first
event to the
probability of second
event after the first
event happened.


For example,

A box contains 14
res balls, 12 blue
balls and 9 yellow
balls. Two balls are
drawn one after the (the students will
other without putting answer)
back the 1st ball.
What is the
probability that the 1st
ball is red and the 2nd
is blue? None ma’am!

= 12/85

(the teacher will give

another example for
the probability of
dependent event)

Do you have any

question about
dependent and
independent events?

It seems that you
really understand the
concept of
dependent and
independent events.
10 Activity
mins. a. pre-activity For your activity,
I will divide you into
three groups. (the student will do the
You will count 1 – 3. task)

Those who had the

same number belong
to the same group.
b. activity Each group will be
proper Activity
given an activity sheet

Activity sheet contain

tasks to be done by
the group.
( see attached paper)

Each group will be

graded according to Rubric
the rubric.

(see attached paper)

Each group will be

given 7 mins. To
finish the task.
Yes ma’am!
Are you ready class?
( the students will do
the activity)
Okay, your time start Marker
c. post activity now! (each representative Manila
will present their paper
So now, each output) Manipulativ
representative on e materials
each group will now
present their output.

Bravo class!
You all did an

(students will clap

All group performed their hands)
well in the activity.
Give yourself a round
of applause! We base from the
definition of
In your activity, how dependent and
did you determine independent events
whether the given ma’am.
scenario is
dependent or
independent events?

Good job!
Base from the
definition of
dependent and
independent events,
you can easily
determine whether
an event is
dependent or Ma’am, we just follow
independent. the formula for
computing the
How about in probability of
computing the dependent and
probability of independent events.
dependent and Just multiple the event
independent events? of first and second for

And for dependent

events, multiply the
events of the first to
the event of the
second after the first
event occur.

5mins Generalization Base from the An event is said to be
definition and independent, if the
examples of probability of one
dependent and event happening isn’t
independent events, influenced by the
how can you outcome of the other.
differentiate the two? While if it is
dependent, the
probability of one
event influence by the

That’s right!
Independent events
are the opposite of
dependent events.

So, what is the basis Ma’am, if the given

for determining problem has an
whether events are statement of
dependent or “replaced” then it is
independent? independent, but if it
has “did not replaced”
then it is dependent.

Very good!
The word “replaced”
and “did not replaced
can be the hint to
determine the
dependent and
independent events.
5mins Application So, how would you For example ma’am,
use the concept of you join a raffle draw.
probability of We can know our
dependent and chances of winning on
independent events the raffle draw by
in real life? applying the concept
of dependent events.

That’s right!
We can determine
the probability of
winning the raffle
draw by applying the
concept of our topic
this day.

So who can solve

this problem?
(students will answer)
A random sample of
parts coming off a
machine is done by
an inspector. He
found that 5 out of
100 parts are bad on
average. If he were
to do a new sample,
what is the
probability that he
picks a bad part and
then, picks another
bad part if he doesn’t
replace the first?

= 1/495

Excellent class!

It seems that you

really understand our
topic this afternoon.

A. Determine if events A and B are independent or independent.
2 1 2 2 1
1. P(A)= P(B)= P(A and B)= 3. P(A)= P(B)= P(A and B)=
5 5 25 5 4
9 1 27 3 3
2. P(A)= P(B)= P(A and B)= 4. P(A)= P(B)= P(A and B)=
20 2 50 4 10
B. Find the probability
1. A bag of jelly beans contains 10 red, 6 green, 7 yellow, and 5 orange jelly
beans. What is the probability of randomly choosing a red jelly bean,
replacing it, randomly choosing another red jelly bean, replacing it, and
then randomly choosing an orange jelly bean?
2. Rene and Cris went to a grocery store to buy drinks. They chose from 10
different brands of juice drinks, 6 different brands of carbonated drinks,
and 3 different brands of mineral water. What is the probability that Rene
and Cris both chose juice drinks, if Rene randomly chose first and liked
the first brand he picked up?
A. Find the missing probability.
2 1
1. P(A)= P(B)= P(A|B)=?
5 10
3 6
2. P(A)= P(B)= P(A|B)=?
5 25
3 3
3. P(A)= P(B)= P(A|B)=?
5 10
B. Study about conditional probability:
 Conditional probability of independent event.
 Conditional probability of dependent event.

Learner’s Module – Mathematics Grade 10 first edition 2015 (page 346 –

Prepared by

Mark Ford P. Marquez


Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

Pasacao Campus

Activity Sheet
Title: Dependent and Independent Events
Introduction: The study of probability mostly deals with combining different events and
studying these events alongside with each other. How these different events relate to
each other determines the methods and rules to follow when we’re studying their
The students could be able to:
1. Determine the independent and dependent events
2. Compute the probability of dependent events
3. Compute the probability of independent events

Formulas: Materials:

Independent Events:
P(A&B) = P(A)*P(B) Marker Manila paper

Dependent Events: Box chocolates

P(A&B) = P(A)*P(B/A)

Answer the following questions below:

 Determine whether the scenario involves independent or dependent events.

1. You flip a coin and then roll a fair six-sided die. The coin lands heads-up and
the die show a one.
2. A bag contains eight red marbles and four blue marbles. You randomly pick a
marble and then pick a second marble without returning the marbles to the
bag. The first marble is red and the second marble is blue.
3. A cooler contains ten bottles of sports drink: four lemons - lime flavored, three
orange flavored, and three fruit - punch flavored. Three times, you randomly
grab a bottle, return the bottle to the cooler, and then mix up the bottles. The
first time, you get a lemon-lime drink. The second and third times, you get

 Find the probability.

1. Your box contains different types of chocolates (flattops, curly tops and happy
dreams). One chocolate is removed from the box and then replaced. Another
chocolate is drawn from the box. What is the probability that the first
chocolate is flattops and the second chocolate is happy dreams?

2. Your box contains different types of chocolates (flattops, curly tops and happy
dreams). One chocolate is removed from the box and it is not replaced.
Another chocolate is drawn from the box. What is the probability that the first
chocolate is flattops and the second chocolate is happy dreams?

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