3 Getting Started With BigDL

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Module 3

Learning Objectives
You will be able to:

▪ Understand BigDL runtime model

▪ Explore options of running BigDL in local mode and distributed mode
▪ Use BigDL utilities
▪ Set up and run BigDL

BigDL on Apache Spark*

 BigDL utilizes Apache Spark* runtime

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BigDL on Apache Spark*

 BigDL runs as
standard Apache
Spark* jobs
- No changes to
Apache Spark*
 Each iteration of
training runs as an
Apache Spark* job
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Running BigDL

Native Docker* Cloud

Pre-Reqs Linux*/Mac* Linux / Mac / cloud
Windows* Pro platforms
Recommended Developers Users Users
Ease of use Easy / Medium Easy Easy / Medium

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Running BigDL: Natively

- JDK 8,
- Apache Spark* v1.6 and v2.x (2.2 or 2.3 and above recommended)
- BigDLa

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Apache Spark* Run Modes

- Local Mode : used to develop applications locally / laptop

- Distributed mode : run the application in production mode

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Apache Spark* Run Mode: Local

Used for developing programs

on your laptop
Work with small subset of data
that will fit in the laptop

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Apache Spark* Run Mode: Distributed

Once the code is ready

we can deploy the code
to cluster

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Running BigDL Natively on Apache Spark*

# 3.1: running Spark Shell with BigDL

# install bigDL
export BIGDL_HOME="/path/to/bigDL"

# install Spark
export SPARK_HOME="/path/to/spark"

# option 1 : start Shell in local mode

${BIGDL_HOME}/bin/spark-shell-with-bigdl.sh --master

# option 2 : start Shell in distributed mode

${BIGDL_HOME}/bin/spark-shell-with-bigdl.sh --master
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

BigDL and Jupyter*

Jupyter* notebook allows quick development of applications

Jupyter* supports Apache Spark* as a kernel
We add BigDL libraries before launching Jupyter*

Apache Spark*
Jupyter* Kernel + BigDL

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Running Jupyter* With BigDL

# 3.1: running Jupyter with BigDL

# install bigDL
export BIGDL_HOME="/path/to/bigDL"

# install Spark
export SPARK_HOME="/path/to/spark"

# start Jupyter in local mode

${BIGDL_HOME}/bin/jupyter-with-bigdl.sh --master local[*]

# go to jupyter home in browser

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Running BigDL on Docker*

 This is the recommended approach for users of BigDL

 The Docker* container has all dependencies installed and ready to run
 See lab notes for information on official Docker image for BigDL

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Running BigDL on Docker*
# 3.3 - running BigDL on Docker
## TODO : replace pointers from ElephantScale --> Intel

# Step 1 : download the docker image

docker pull elephantscale/bigdl # TODO

# Step 2 : download bigdl-labs

git clone https://github.com/elephantscale/bigdl-labs # TODO

# Step 3 : run docker

cd bigdl-labs
./run-bigdl-docker.sh elephantscale/bigdl # TODO

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Running BigDL in the Cloud

BigDL can be run on the following cloud platforms

- Amazon Cloud Services (AWS)*
- Google Cloud*
- Microsoft Azure*
- IBM cloud*
- Other (Ali*, KingSoft*)

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

BigDL: 'Hello World' – Python*

# 3.4 : hello world

from bigdl.util.common import *
from pyspark import SparkContext
from bigdl.nn.layer import *
import bigdl.version

# create sparkcontext with bigdl configuration

sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf=create_spark_conf().setMaster("local[*]"))
init_engine() # prepare the bigdl environment
print("BigDL version : " , bigdl.version.__version__) # Get the current BigDL version
linear = Linear(2, 3) # Try to create a Linear layer

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Here are the layers in BigDL - Normalization Layer

- Simple Layer - Dropout Layer
- Convolution Layer - Distance Layer
- Pooling Layer - Embedding Layer
- Recurrent Layer - Merge/Split Layer
- Recursive Layer - Math Layer
- Sparse Layer
- Padding Layer
Layers: Input Layer

Just passes inputs through without change

Not needed with the sequential container
# 3.7 - Input Layer creating: createInput
from bigdl.nn.layer import Input
import numpy as np input:
[[0.34014864 0.77003297]
module = Input() [0.4424559 0.63356693]
input = np.random.rand(3,2) [0.90753477 0.969264 ]]
print("input:\n", input)
output = module.element().forward(input) [[0.34014863 0.77003294]
print ("output:\n", output) [0.4424559 0.6335669 ]
[0.9075348 0.96926403]]
Layers: Echo Layer (Utility)

Good for debugging

Prints activation and gradients in topology

## 3.10 - Echo layer input:

from bigdl.nn.layer import Echo [[0.97711168 0.92684554]
[0.62456399 0.22271812]
import numpy as np
[0.29430283 0.44846653]]

input = np.random.rand(3,2) creating: createEcho

print("input:\n", input)
echo = Echo() [[0.9771117 0.92684555]
[0.624564 0.22271812]
output = echo.forward(input)
[0.29430282 0.44846654]]
print("output:\n", output)
Layers: Linear

Provides a linear transformation to the data

- Fully Connected
y = Wx + b
This is also used for hidden layers
- same as `layers.Dense` in Keras*
Linear layer + Activation Function can do nonlinear transformation

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Layers: Linear

from bigdl.nn.layer import Linear

import numpy as np

model = Sequential()
# Hidden layer with ReLu
# Output layer
Layers: Linear
Hidden Layers

Densely connected hidden layers are also linear

Every layer performs a single linear transformation
Reverse Layer
This flips / reverses input on an axis
Usually used for formatting the data properly

creating: createInput
module = Reverse(dimension=1)
input = np.random.rand(3,2) input:
print("input:\n", input) [[0.34014864 0.77003297]
[0.4424559 0.63356693]
[0.90753477 0.969264 ]]
output =
module.element().forward(input) output:
print ("output:\n", output) [ [0.9075348 0.96926403]
[0.4424559 0.6335669
[0.34014863 0.77003294]
Reverse Layer
Reshape Layer
Reshapes according to new dimensions
Often used for 2-D to 1-D transformation in image recognition
Between convolutional layers and fully connected layers

## 3.10 - Echo layer input:

from bigdl.nn.layer import Reshape [[0.97711168 0.92684554]
[0.62456399 0.22271812]
import numpy as np
[0.29430283 0.44846653]]

input = np.random.rand(3,2) creating: createEcho

print("input:\n", input)
reshape = Reshape(input.shape, (6,1)) [0.9771117 0.92684555 0.624564 0.22271812
0.29430282 0.44846654]
output = echo.forward(input)
print("output:\n", output)
Reshape Layer

The following Activation functions are supported in BigDL:

• SoftMax*
• Tanh
• ReLU
• Leaky ReLU
• And more
Activation Function: SIGMOID*

Comes from logistic regression

Reduces the input values to an output
of 0 to 1 (probability)
SIGMOID* was the oldest / first
Activation function used
Now eclipsed by other Activation
functions that produce better results
Activation: SIGMOID*

## 3.13 - Activation : Sigmoid creating: createSigmoid

from bigdl.nn.layer import Sigmoid
input sigmoid
layer = Sigmoid()
input = np.array([-100, -2,-1,0,1,2,100])
-100 0.000000
output = layer.forward(input) -2 0.119203
-1 0.268941
# pretty print 0 0.500000
import pandas as pd 1 0.731059
print(pd.DataFrame({'input' : input, 'sigmoid' 2 0.880797
100 1.000000
Activation Function: Tanh
Tanh function ranges from -1 to +1
(SIGMOID* function is between 0 and
So Tanh function can better deal with
negative numbers compared to
Activation: Tanh

## 3.14 - Activation : Thanh creating: createTanh

from bigdl.nn.layer import Tanh input tanh
-100 -1.000000
layer = Tanh()
input = np.array([-100, -2,-1,0,1,2,100])
-2 -0.964028
output = layer.forward(input) -1 -0.761594
0 0.000000
# pretty print 1 0.761594
import pandas as pd 2 0.964028
print(pd.DataFrame({'input' : input, 'tanh' : 100 1.000000
Activation Function: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)

ReLU is a very simple and effective

Activation function
If input is above zero, it passes it on
If input goes below zero, it is clipped
at zero
ReLU is the current state of the art,
proven to work in many different
ReLu is also very fast to compute!
Activation: ReLU

## 3.12 - Activation : ReLU creating: createReLU

from bigdl.nn.layer import ReLU
input ReLU
relu = ReLU(ip=False)
input = np.array ([-1,0,1,2])
-1 0.0
output = relu.forward(input) 0 0.0
1 1.0
# pretty print 2 2.0
import pandas as pd
print(pd.DataFrame({'input' : input, 'ReLU' :
Activation: SoftMax*

SoftMax* function is applied to an n-dimensional input Tensor, rescaling so that

the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0, 1)
These are probabilities that add up to 1.0

digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Probability 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1
Activation: SoftMax*

## 3.11 - Activation : SoftMax creating: createSoftMax

from bigdl.nn.layer import SoftMax
import numpy as np input softmax
layer = SoftMax()
10.0 0.333333
input = np.ones(3)*10 10.0 0.333333
grad_output = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) 10.0 0.333333
output = layer.forward(input)

# pretty print
import pandas as pd
print(pd.DataFrame({'input' : input, 'softmax'
IRIS* Dataset

We will use IRIS* – a well-known dataset to illustrate these concepts

Input (4 features) Output Classification (3 classes)

- Petal length - IRIS* setosa

- Petal width - IRIS* virginica
- Sepal length - IRIS* versicolor
- Sepal width

Containers are used to organize Layers

Containers are derived from abstract class `Container`
Container Examples
- Sequential Container
- Functional Container
Sequential Container

Used when all of the layers feed into the next

Example: Feedforward Neural Networks
RNN/LSTM is OK if no recurrence between layers

# 3.5 - Sequential container

from bigdl.nn.layer import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.layer import Linear

val seq = Sequential()

seq.add(Linear(10, 25)) # Add Linear Layer
Sequential Container

Sequential containers can have branches; still must be feedforward

Functional Container

Also known as graph container

Graph container allows any network topology
- Graph of nodes
- Can allow cycles (RNN)

Example: Linear -> SIGMOID* -> SoftMax*

Functional Container

Linear -> SIGMOID* -> SoftMax*

## 3.6 - Functional Container

from bigdl.nn.layer import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.layer import Softmax
from bigdl.nn.layer import Sigmoid
from bigdl.nn.layer import Model

linear = Linear(10,15)()
sigmoid = Sigmoid()(linear)
softmax = Softmax()(sigmoid)
model = Model([linear], [softmax])
Lab 3.1: Getting Started With BigDL

- Getting started with BigDL environment

Run time:
- 15 mins

- Follow lab instructions
Lab 3.2: Testing BigDL Environment

- Testing BigDL environment

Run time:
- 10 mins

- Follow lab instructions
Lab 3.3: Data Loading and Exploration using
Apache Spark*
- Use Apache Spark to load data, clean up and preform preliminary analysys
Run time:
- 30 mins
- Follow lab instructions

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


We learned about:
- How BigDL and Spark* work together
- How to run BigDL in Docker*
- Layers and Containers in BigDL
- How to get started with BigDL

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


- https://bigdl-project.github.io/0.7.0/

- https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL

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