NGM Detect User Guide
NGM Detect User Guide
NGM Detect User Guide
For Research, Forensic, or Paternity Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
SWGDAM guideline 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Sensitivity observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
SWGDAM guideline 3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Degraded DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Effect of inhibitors: hematin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Effect of inhibitors: humic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Mixture studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
SWGDAM guideline 3.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Mixture study overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Mixture study observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Resolution of genotypes in mixed samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Limit of detection of the minor component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Population data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
SWGDAM guideline 3.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Population data overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Loci in the kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Population samples used in these studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Concordance studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Probability of Identity definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Probability of identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Probability of paternity exclusion observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
■ Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
■ Contents and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
■ Required materials not supplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
■ Instruments and software compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
■ Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read and understand the information in the
“Safety” appendix in this document.
Product description
Kit overview The Applied Biosystems™ NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit is a 6-dye, short
tandem repeat (STR) multiplex assay for the amplification of specific loci in human
genomic DNA.
The kit amplifies:
• 16 autosomal STR loci:
– The 12 loci in the extended European Standard Set (ESS): FGA, TH01, vWA,
D3S1358, D8S1179, D18S51, D21S11, D12S391, D1S1656, D2S441, D10S1248,
and D22S1045
– 3 additional loci that are not in the ESS, but that are present in the
AmpFℓSTR™ SGM Plus™ PCR Amplification Kit: D16S539, D2S1338, and
– SE33, a highly polymorphic locus
• Two internal quality control markers (IQCS and IQCL)
• 1 insertion/deletion polymorphic marker on the Y chromosome (Y indel)
• Amelogenin (sex determining marker)
Internal quality The NGM Detect™ kit is an Applied Biosystems™ STR kit that includes an internal
control system for quality control (IQC) system for PCR. The IQC system has two synthetic targets, one
low molecular weight and one high molecular weight, that are amplified with the
sample. The behavior of the IQC target peaks can be used to evaluate the success of
the PCR reaction and give an indication of sample quality.
Validated DNA The kit is validated for use with 500 pg DNA (15-µL input volume) for 30 cycles.
input amounts and
PCR cycles
About the primers The NGM Detect™ kit primers are manufactured using the same synthesis and
purification improvements as the primers in the GlobalFiler™ kit, Identifiler™ Plus kit,
and NGM SElect™ kit. These improvements enhance the assay signal-to-noise ratio
and simplify the interpretation of results.
The primers that are used in the NGM Detect™ kit are unique when compared with
primers for corresponding STR loci in the GlobalFiler™, Identifiler™ Plus, and NGM
SElect™ kits except for one D12 primer and one TH01 primer that are shared with the
GlobalFiler™ and NGM SElect™ kits.
VIC™ Green
TED™ Yellow
TAZ™ Red
SID™ Purple
SE33 6q14 4.2, 6.3, 8, 9, 11–20, 20.2, 21, 21.2, 22.2, 23.2, 17, 25.2
24.2, 25.2, 26.2, 27.2, 28.2, 29.2, 30.2, 31.2,
32.2,33.2, 34.2, 35, 35.2, 36–39, 42
IQCL N/A 1, 2 2
D18S51 18q21.33 7, 9, 10, 10.2, 11–13, 13.2, 14, 14.2, 15–27 12, 15
FGA 4q28 13–30, 30.2, 31.2, 32.2, 33.2, 42.2, 43.2, 44.2, 45.2, 24, 26
46.2, 47.2, 48.2, 50.2, 51.2
D21S11 21q11.2– q21 24, 24.2, 25–28, 28.2, 29, 29.2, 30, 30.2, 31, 31.2, 28, 31
32, 32.2, 33, 33.2, 34, 34.2, 35, 35.2, 36–38
D1S1656 1q42.2 9–14, 14.3, 15, 15.3, 16, 16.3, 17, 17.3, 18, 18.3, 13, 16
19.3, 20.3
D19S433 19q12 6–12, 12.2, 13, 13.2, 14, 14.2, 15, 15.2, 16, 16.2, 14, 15
17, 17.2, 18.2, 19.2
Standards and For the NGM Detect™ kit, the panel of standards needed for PCR amplification, PCR
controls that are product sizing, and genotyping are:
required • DNA Control 007—A positive control for evaluating the efficiency of the
amplification step and STR genotyping using the NGM Detect™ Allelic Ladder.
DNA Control 007 is present in the kit. See “DNA Control 007“ on page 13.
• GeneScan™–600 LIZ™ Size Standard v2.0—Used for obtaining sizing results.
This standard, which has been evaluated as an internal size standard, yields
precise sizing results for PCR products. Order the GeneScan™–600 LIZ™ Size
Standard v2.0 (Cat. No. 4408399) separately.
• NGM Detect™ Allelic Ladder—Developed for accurate characterization of the
alleles amplified by the kit. The Allelic Ladder is present in the kit and allows
automatic genotyping of most of the reported alleles for the loci in the kit. See
“Allelic ladder profile“ on page 11.
Allelic ladder The allelic ladder profile appears on the next page.
Chapter 1 Product information
Product description 1
™ ™
Figure 2 DNA Control 007 (500 pg) amplified with the NGM Detect kit and analyzed on an Applied Biosystems
3500xL Genetic Analyzer (Y‑axis scale 0 to 8,000 RFU).
The NGM Detect™ kit (Cat. No. A31832) contains sufficient quantities of the following
reagents to perform 200 amplifications with a 25 µL total reaction volume.
IMPORTANT! The fluorescent dyes attached to the primers are light-sensitive. Protect
the primer set, amplified DNA, allelic ladder, and size standard from light when not
in use.
Table 2 NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit (Cat. No. A31832; 200 reactions)
NGM Detect™ Master Mix Contains enzyme, salts, 2 × 0.75 mL −25°C to −15°C on receipt.
dNTPs, bovine serum
2°C to 8°C after first use, for up to
albumin, enzyme, and 0.05%
6 months or up to the expiration
sodium azide in buffer and
date stated on the kit (whichever
comes first).
NGM Detect™ Primer Set Contains forward and 2 × 0.25 mL −25°C to −15°C on receipt.
reverse primers to amplify
2°C to 8°C after first use, for up to
DNA targets.
6 months or up to the expiration
date stated on the kit (whichever
comes first).
Store protected from light.
NGM Detect™ Allelic Contains amplified alleles. 1 × 0.05 mL −25°C to −15°C on receipt.
See “Allelic ladder 2°C to 8°C after first use, up to the
profile“ on page 11 for expiration date stated on the kit.
Store protected from light.
DNA Control 007 Contains 0.1 ng/µL human 1 × 0.3 mL −25°C to −15°C on receipt.
male genomic DNA from cell
2°C to 8°C after first use, up to the
line in 0.05% sodium azide
expiration date stated on the kit.
and buffer[1]
See “DNA Control 007“ on
page 13 for information.
[1] DNA Control 007 is included at a concentration that is appropriate for use as an amplification control (that is, to provide confirmation of the
capability of the kit reagents to generate a profile of expected genotype). It is not designed for use as a DNA quantification control. If you quantify
aliquots of DNA Control 007, the concentration may differ from the labeled concentration.
Validated models
IMPORTANT! The NGM Detect™ kit is NOT validated for use with:
· ProFlex™ 2 × Flat PCR System (Cat. No. 4484078)
· ProFlex™ 2 × 384‑well PCR System (Cat. No. 4484077)
· Veriti™ 96‑Well Fast Thermal Cycler (Cat. No. 4375305)
· GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700 with the aluminium 96-well block (Cat. No. 4314879)
Extract DNA, see:
Quantify DNA
“DNA quantification“ on page 17
Perform PCR
“Prepare the amplification kit reactions“ on page 19
Perform electrophoresis
“Set up the 3500/3500xL instruments for electrophoresis (before first use of the kit)“ on page 24 or
“Set up the 3130/3130xl instruments for electrophoresis (before first use of the kit)“ on page 28
“Prepare samples for electrophoresis (3500 Series and 3130 Series instruments)“ on page 27
Analyze data
“Set up the GeneMapper ID‑X Software for analysis (before first use of the kit)“ on page 35
“Analyze and edit sample files with GeneMapper ID-X Software“ on page 50
Chapter 5, “Assess the PCR reaction with the Internal Quality Control System“
■ DNA quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
■ Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
■ Prepare the amplification kit reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
■ Perform PCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
■ Direct amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
DNA quantification
Importance of DNA quantification can be used to determine:
• If the sample contains sufficient human DNA and/or human male DNA to
before STR proceed with short tandem repeat (STR) analysis.
analysis • The amount of sample to use in STR analysis applications.
• The relative quantities of human male and female DNA in a sample (using the
Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kit). This guides selection of the applicable
STR chemistry.
• The DNA quality, with respect to the inhibition level and the DNA degradation
level. This metric is useful for determining the likelihood of recovery of STR loci
with larger amplicon sizes.
• If the sample contains highly degraded DNA. Such samples may require an
alternative approach to STR analysis by capillary electrophoresis. Precision ID
NGS System and Panels are optimized for degraded samples. The Precision ID
Identity Panel provides discrimination of individuals similar to STR genotype
match probabilities. Also, the Precision ID Ancestry Panel infers biogeographical
ancestry for investigative leads.
• If PCR inhibitors are present in a sample. Such that samples may require
additional purification before proceeding to STR analysis.
Effect of DNA If too much DNA is added to the PCR reaction, the increased amount of PCR product
quantity on results that is generated can result in:
• Fluorescence intensity that exceeds the linear dynamic range for detection by the
capillary electrophoresis instrument ("off-scale" data).
Quantifiler™ HP DNA • Total human DNA • Uses 5′ nuclease assays with multiple-copy target
Quantification Kit (Cat. No. (two targets—one loci, for improved detection sensitivity:[1]
4482911) small amplicon and – The human-specific target loci are multiple
one larger amplicon) copy, and dispersed on various autosomal
For more information, see
• Degraded DNA chromosomes.
Quantifiler™ HP and
Quantifiler™ Trio DNA – The primary quantification targets have
Quantification Kits User relatively short amplicons (75 to 80 bases), to
Guide (Pub. No. 4485354) improve the detection of degraded DNA
Quantifiler™ Trio DNA • Total human DNA
• Uses features that maximize consistency of
Quantification Kit (Cat. No. (two targets—one
4482910) small amplicon and
one larger amplicon) – Genomic targets have conserved primer- and
For more information, see probe-binding sites.
Quantifiler™ HP and • Human male DNA
– Minimal copy number variation between
Quantifiler™ Trio DNA • Degraded DNA different individuals and population groups.
Quantification Kits User
Guide (Pub. No. 4485354) • Contains a Large Autosomal target with a longer
amplicon (>200 bases) to help determine if a DNA
sample is degraded.
• Contains an Internal PCR control (IPC) 5′ nuclease
assay which amplifies an integrated synthetic DNA
sequence. The performance of this assay can be
used to assess whether real-time PCR of the sample
has been impacted by inhibition.
[1] The detection sensitivity of the Quantifiler™ HP Kit and the Quantifiler™ Trio Kit is improved over the Quantifiler™ Duo Kit.
1. Mix together:
• 10 mL of 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0
• 0.2 mL of 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0
• 990 mL glass-distilled or deionized water
Note: Adjust the volumes accordingly for specific needs.
IMPORTANT! Thawing is required only during first use of the kit. After first use,
reagents are stored at 2°C to 8°C and do not require subsequent thawing. Do not
refreeze the reagents.
IMPORTANT! Use adhesive film for plate sealing to provide a consistent seal across
all wells and prevent evaporation. Caps may not provide a consistent seal across all
plate wells.
1. Vortex the Master Mix and Primer Set for 3 seconds. Before opening the tubes,
remove droplets from the caps by centrifuging the tubes briefly.
Note: Include volume for additional reactions to provide excess volume for the
loss that occurs during reagent transfers.
6. Prepare samples as shown in the following table, then add them to the
appropriate well or tube (final reaction volume is 25 µL).
Sample Add
Negative control 15 μL of low‑TE buffer
Test sample 15 μL of DNA[1]
Positive control Combine, then add to the reaction well or tube:
• 5 μL DNA Control 007 (0.1 ng/μL)
• 10 μL of low‑TE buffer
7. Seal the MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with MicroAmp™ Clear
Adhesive Film or MicroAmp™ Optical Adhesive Film.
Perform PCR
IMPORTANT! This kit is validated for use with the thermal cyclers listed in
“Instruments and software compatibility“ on page 15.
2. Load the plate into the thermal cycler, close the heated cover, then start the run.
IMPORTANT! If you are using a GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700 and adhesive clear
film instead of caps to seal the plate wells, place a MicroAmp™ Optical Film
Compression Pad (Cat. No. 4312639) on top of the plate to prevent evaporation
during thermal cycling. The Veriti™ Thermal Cycler and the ProFlex™ PCR
System do not require a compression pad.
Direct amplification
FTA™ cards and non-chemically treated bloodstain cards are useful for the collection,
storage, and processing of biological samples. A small punch disc of the card
containing the sample can be placed directly into an amplification tube or 96-well
plate, washed, then amplified, without transferring the disc.
Our studies indicate that a 1.2-mm bloodstained disc contains approximately 5 ng–
20 ng of DNA. Because of the high quantity of DNA, a lower cycle number is required
to produce on-scale data. In our testing, an appropriate cycle number for this high
quantity DNA was 26 cycles. We recommend that each laboratory determine the
optimum cycle number which is based on internal validation studies.
Note: This kit is not fully validated for use with direct amplification. Perform your
own validation for this purpose or use the NGM SElect™ Express kit for direct
amplification of database samples.
In the example that is shown in Figure 3, a 1.2-mm disc of a bloodstained FTA™ card
was purified using one wash with FTA™ Purification Reagent and one wash with 1X
low TE buffer, followed by a short drying step. The sample was then amplified
directly in the well of a standard 96-well amplification MicroAmp™ plate for 26 cycles.
d Arrows
w to use in this SVG.
th, as needed.
e, and unused
G elements
e repository.
Number of One
Number of samples per allelic
Instrument allelic ladders injection
to run equals
It is critical to genotype using an allelic ladder run under the same conditions as the
samples. Size values obtained for the same sample can differ between instrument
platforms, because of different polymer matrices and electrophoretic conditions.
IMPORTANT! The fluorescent dyes attached to the primers are light-sensitive. Protect
the primer set, amplified DNA, allelic ladder, and size standard from light when not
in use.
Genetic Operating Data Collection Additional Instrument protocols, run modules, and
Analyzer System Software software conditions
3500 Windows™ 3500 Data HID Updater 3500 Set up the following conditions:
Vista Collection DC v2 • Run module: HID36_POP4 (HID36_POP4xl for
Software v1 (Cat. No. 4480670) 3500xL)
• Injection conditions[1]: 1.2 kV/11 sec (20 sec
for 3500xL)
• Run conditions: 13 kV/1500 sec (13 kV/1500
sec for 3500xL)
• Dye Set J6-T
3500 Windows™ 7 3500 Data HID Updater 3500 Same as 3500 Data Collection Software v1 listed
Collection DC v2 above
Software v2 (Cat. No. 4480670)
3500 Windows™ 7 3500 Data None Same as 3500 Data Collection Software v1 listed
Collection above
Software v3
[1] Our studies indicate that the injection conditions that are documented generate profiles from 0.5 ng of input DNA with heterozygous peak height
averages between 4,000– 10,000 RFU (3500 or 3500xL) with no instances of allelic dropout and minimal occurrence of off-scale allele peaks.
However, individual CE instrument signal intensities can vary, therefore changes to injection parameters may need to be explored and validated
to deliver the best results on your specific system. Large deviations from the recommended injection parameters could affect the performance
of the size standard and/or allelic ladder, therefore validation is recommended.
Create a 3500 QC The NGM Detect™ kit has been validated with data that was analyzed using the Local
protocol Southern method (60–460 base pairs).
c. Click Save.
Perform spectral Perform a spectral calibration using the DS-37 Matrix Standard Kit (Dye set J6-T, 6-
calibration dye) (J6-T Dye Set) (Cat. No. A31234).
Note: Since J6-T is a new dye set, create a new dye set in the Data Collection Software
before running a spectral calibration. For instructions on creating a new dye set, see
the "Create a New Dye Set" section of the 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer with 3500 Series
Data Collection Software v2 User Guide (Cat. No. 4476988). Use the J6 template to set up
the J6-T dye set.
The following figure is an example of a passing 6-dye spectral calibration.
Note: Include volume for additional samples to provide excess volume for the
loss that occurs during reagent transfers.
4. Seal the reaction plate with appropriate septa, then briefly vortex and centrifuge
the plate to ensure that the contents of each well are mixed and collected at the
7. Place the sample tray on the autosampler, then start the electrophoresis run.
Genetic Operating
Collection Additional software Run modules and conditions
Analyzer System
[1] We conducted validation studies using the 3130xl, 3500, and 3500xL configurations.
[2] Our studies indicate that the injection conditions that are documented generate profiles from 0.5 ng of input DNA with heterozygous peak height
averages between 2,000– 4,000 RFU (3130 or 3130xl) with no instances of allelic dropout and minimal occurrence of off-scale allele peaks.
However, individual CE instrument signal intensities can vary, therefore changes to injection parameters may need to be explored and validated
to deliver the best results on your specific system. Large deviations from the recommended injection parameters could affect the performance
of the size standard and/or allelic ladder, therefore validation is recommended.
Obtain and 1. Confirm that you are running Data Collection Software v4 (Help4About).
activate 6-dye
license 2. Obtain a 3130 DC v4 6-Dye Module v1 License key. Contact your local Human
Identification representative for information.
5. Request the software license file by performing steps 1a, 1b, and 1c as listed on
the activation screen. The license file will be emailed to you.
7. Make a copy of the software license file and keep it in a safe location.
8. Copy the software license file to the desktop of the Data Collection Software v4
9. If the Software Activation dialog box has closed, select Tools4License Manager.
line-length, as needed.
10. Click Browse, then navigate to the software license file saved on your computer.
s rectangle, and unused
other SVG elements
SVG to the repository. 11. Click Install and Validate License.
A message is displayed when the license is installed and validated.
Note: Include volume for additional samples to provide excess volume for the
loss that occurs during reagent transfers.
4. Seal the reaction plate with appropriate septa, then briefly vortex and centrifuge
the plate to ensure that the contents of each well are mixed and collected at the
7. Place the sample tray on the autosampler, then start the electrophoresis run.
Set up the GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software for analysis (before first use
of the kit)
Workflow: Set up Before you use GeneMapper™ ID-X Software to analyze data for the first time, you
GeneMapper™ must do the following:
ID‑X Software “Check panel, bin, and stutter file versions on your computer“ on page 35
“(If needed) Download newer versions of panel, bin, and stutter files“ on page 35
Check panel, bin, 1. Start the GeneMapper™ ID-X Software , then log in with the appropriate user
and stutter file name and password.
versions on your 2. Select Tools4Panel Manager.
3. Check the version of files that are currently available in the Panel Manager:
a. Select Panel Manager in the navigation pane.
b. Expand the Panel Manager folder and any subfolders to identify the
analysis file version that is already installed for your kit choice.
4. Check the version of files available for import into the Panel Manager:
a. Select Panel Manager, then select File4Import Panels to open the Import
Panels dialog box.
b. Navigate to, then open the Panels folder, then check the version of panel,
bin, and stutter files installed.
5. Check for newer versions of the files as described in the next procedure.
b. Navigate to, then open the NGM Detect Analysis Files folder that you
unzipped in the previous procedure.
line-length, as needed.
1 1
c. Navigate to, then open the NGM Detect Analysis Files folder.
1 1
1 1
6. (Optional) View the imported panels and bins in the navigation pane: Double-
click the NGM_Detect_Panel folder.
The panel information is displayed in the right pane and the markers are
displayed below it.
ts and Arrows
or arrow to use in this SVG.
ne-length, as needed.
c. Navigate to, then open the NGM Detect Analysis Files folder.
c. Double-click a marker to display the Stutter Ratio & Distance view for the
marker in the right pane.
9. Click Apply, then click OK to add the panel, bin set, and marker stutter to the
mmon Callouts and Arrows GeneMapper™ ID-X Software database.
Copy-paste a callout or arrow to use in this SVG. IMPORTANT! If you close the Panel Manager without clicking Apply, the
Note: If you need more advanced callouts or arrows
panels, bin sets, and marker stutter are not imported into the GeneMapper™ ID-X
se the TechComm_Inkscape_Callout&Arrow_Libary. Software database.
Chapter 4 Analyze data with GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software
4 Create an analysis method
2. Click the Analysis Methods tab, then click New to open the Analysis Method
1 1 Editor with the General tab selected.
3. Enter the settings shown in the figures on the following pages.
Note: The Analysis Method Editor closes when you save your settings. To
complete this step quickly, do not save the analysis method until you finish
entering settings in all of the tabs.
1 1
ts and Arrows
or arrow to use in this SVG.
ne-length, as needed.
1 1
3. If using GeneMapper™ ID-X Software v1.0.1 or later, enter values for the 4
Marker Repeat Types.
Peak Detection Enter the appropriate settings. The software uses these parameters to
IMPORTANT! Perform appropriate internal specify the minimum peak height, in order to
validation studies to determine the limit the number of detected peaks.
appropriate peak amplitude thresholds for Although GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software
interpretation of data. displays peaks that fall below the specified
amplitude in electropherograms, the
software does not label or determine the
genotype of these peaks.
Note: The read region for the NGM Detect™ kit is 64 to 458 bp.
IMPORTANT! The values that are shown are the software defaults and are the values
we used during developmental validation. Perform appropriate internal validation
studies to determine the appropriate values to use.
1 1
Note: Set the ACC GQ Weighting according to the values you determine during
internal validation studies of the ACC PQV. For example, set the ACC GQ Weighting
to 0.3 or higher to flag samples in which the Amelogenin result is anything other than
X, X or X, Y, or does not agree with the results for the Y indel marker.
About the The GS600_LIZ_(60– 460) size standard definition that is provided with GeneMapper™
GS600_LIZ_ (60– ID-X Software and used with the Local Southern size calling method contains the
following peaks: 60, 80, 100, 114, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 214, 220, 240, 250, 260, 280,
460) size standard
300, 314, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 414, 420, 440, and 460.
definition file
This size standard definition has been validated for use with this kit on the genetic
analyzers listed in “Instruments and software compatibility“ on page 15. If you need
to create your own size standard definition, see “Create a size standard definition
file“ on page 48.
Create a size 1. Select Tools4GeneMapper ID-X Manager to open the GeneMapper ID-X
standard Manager.
definition file 2. Click the Size Standards tab, then click New.
1 1
b. In the Security Group field, select the Security Group appropriate for your
software configuration.
c. In the Size Standard Dye field, select Orange.
d. In the Size Standard Table, enter the peak sizes that correspond to your size
3. Click Analyze, enter a name for the project (in the Save Project dialog box), then
click OK to start analysis.
• The status bar displays the progress of analysis as a completion bar.
• The table displays the row of the sample currently being analyzed in green
(or red if analysis failed for the sample).
• The Analysis Summary tab is displayed, and the Genotypes tab is available
when the analysis is complete.
line-length, as needed.
1 1
Chapter 4 Analyze data with GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software
Examine or edit a project 4
Balanced profile
. Delete this text, this rectangle, and unused
callouts, arrows, or other SVG elements
In this example of a balanced profile, the IQC peaks and the DNA profile peaks are
before adding this SVG to the repository. balanced. This indicates that PCR has occurred optimally.
1 1
Figure 6 Combined dyes electropherogram showing IQCS and IQCL peaks with 0.5 ng DNA
(scaled to 9,000 RFU). The IQCS peak is highlighted by the red box and the IQCL peak is
highlighted by the green box.
Ski slope profile Figure 7 shows a significantly lower IQCL peak height relative to the IQCS peak
with decreased height. This indicates that the PCR reaction has been compromised by inhibition. If
high levels of PCR inhibition occur, lower IQCL peaks exhibiting some shouldering
IQCL peak height
due to incomplete +A nucleotide addition may be observed. Figure 8 shows the
complete absence of an IQCL peak, indicating a high level of inhibition.
Figure 7 Combined dyes electropherogram for the NGM Detect™ kit in the presence of 140 ng/µL humic acid. The
IQCS peak is highlighted by the red box and the IQCL peak is highlighted by the green box. The arrow indicates the ski
slope peak pattern observed in the DNA profile.
Figure 8 Combined dyes electropherogram for the NGM Detect™ kit in the presence of 250 ng/µL humic acid. The
IQCS peak is highlighted by the red box and the IQCL peak is absent. The arrow indicates the ski slope peak pattern
observed in the DNA profile.
Ski slope profile The presence of both the IQCS and IQCL with balanced relative peak heights
with balanced IQC indicates that PCR has occurred optimally.
Figure 9 Combined dyes electropherogram from degraded DNA. The IQCS peak is highlighted by the red box and the
IQCL peak is highlighted by the green box. The ski slope nature of the DNA profile is highlighted by the arrow.
No sample peaks Although there are no DNA profile peaks in the following figure, the presence of both
with balanced IQC the IQCS and IQCL peaks with balanced relative peak heights indicates that PCR has
occurred optimally.
Figure 10 Combined dyes electropherogram showing IQCS and IQCL peaks with 0 ng DNA (scaled to 2,000 RFU). The
IQCS peak is highlighted by the red box and the IQCL peak is highlighted by the green box.
■ Importance of validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
■ Experiment conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
■ Laboratory requirements for internal validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
■ Developmental validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
■ Accuracy, precision, and reproducibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
■ Extra peaks in the electropherogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
■ Characterization of loci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
■ Species specificity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
■ Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
■ Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
■ Mixture studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
■ Population data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Importance of validation
Validation of a DNA typing procedure for human identification applications is an
evaluation of the efficiency, reliability, and performance characteristics of the
procedure. By challenging the procedure with samples that are commonly
encountered in forensic and parentage laboratories, the validation process uncovers
attributes and limitations that are critical for sound data interpretation (Sparkes,
Kimpton, Watson, 1996; Sparkes, Kimpton, Gilbard, 1996; Wallin, 1998).
Experiment conditions
We conducted developmental validation experiments according to the updated and
revised guidelines from the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods
(SWGDAM, December 2016). Based on these guidelines, we conducted experiments
that comply with guidelines 2.0 and 3.0 and its associated subsections. This DNA
methodology is not novel. (Moretti et al., 2001; Frank et al., 2001; Wallin et al., 2002; and
Holt et al., 2000).
We used conditions that produced optimum PCR product yield and that met
reproducible performance standards. It is our opinion that while these experiments
are not exhaustive, they are appropriate for a manufacturer of STR kits intended for
forensic and/or parentage testing use.
Developmental validation
Except where noted, all developmental validation studies were performed using the
GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700 96-Well thermal cycler or the ProFlex™ PCR System
according to the protocol described in the Perform PCR chapter.
Unless otherwise indicated, the data in this chapter are from the re-validation of the
NGM Detect™ kit after redesigning the IQCL and TH01 markers. The performance of
the updated kit formulation assay is fully comparable to that of the original kit. See
the Technical Note: Updated NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit: Validation and
Comparative Study for studies directly related to soil specificity and a direct
comparison of the NGM Detect™ kit original formulation to the updated formulation.
SWGDAM “The reaction conditions needed to provide the required degree of specificity and
guideline 3.9.2 robustness should be determined. These include, but are not limited to, thermal
cycling parameters, the concentration of primers, magnesium chloride, DNA
polymerase, and other critical reagents.” (SWGDAM, December 2016)
SWGDAM “Criteria for detection of amplified product should be determined based on the
guideline 3.9.6 platform and/or method. ” (SWGDAM, December 2016)
PCR components We examined the concentration of each component of the kit. The concentration of
each component was in the range where data indicated that the amplification met the
required performance criteria for specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility. For
example, 0.5 ng of DNA Control 007 was amplified in the presence of varying
concentrations of magnesium chloride, and the results were analyzed on an Applied
Biosystems™ 3500xL Genetic Analyzer (Figure 11). The performance of the multiplex
is most robust within ±20% of the optimal magnesium chloride concentration.
y. -20%
Figure 11 DNA Control 007 (0.5 ng) amplified with the NGM Detect kit in the presence of
varying concentrations of magnesium chloride and analyzed on a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer
(Y‑axis scale 0 to 12,000 RFU).
Thermal cycling Thermal cycling parameters were optimized using a Design of Experiments (DOE)
temperatures approach that seeks to identify the combination of temperatures and hold times that
produce the best assay performance. Optimal assay performance was determined
through evaluation of several factors, including; evaluation of assay sensitivity, peak-
height balance, and resistance to PCR inhibitors.
For example, annealing/extension temperatures of 57, 58, 59, 60, and 61°C were tested
using a GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700 (Figure 12). The PCR products were analyzed
using a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer.
Of the tested annealing temperatures, 57°C to 61°C produced robust profiles. The
optimal combination of specificity, sensitivity, and resistance to PCR inhibition was
observed at 59°C. Thermal cycler temperature is critical to assay performance;
therefore routine, regularly scheduled thermal cycler calibration is recommended.
nd Arrows
ow to use in this SVG.
vanced callouts or arrows
PCR cycle number Reactions were amplified for 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 cycles on the GeneAmp™ PCR
System 9700 using 0.5 ng of DNA Control 007. As expected, the amount of PCR
product increased with the number of cycles. A full profile was generated for all
numbers of thermal cycles (28–32) and off-scale data were collected for several allele
peaks at 32 cycles (Figure 13).
We recommend using 30 cycles to optimize signal peak height and minimize artifact
or other undesirable peaks.
Figure 13 Representative NGM Detect kit profiles obtained from amplification of 0.5 ng
of DNA Control 007 using 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 cycles, analyzed on a 3500xL Genetic
Analyzer (Y-axis scale 0 to 30,000 RFU).
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect kit.
CE injection time The effect of injection times on heterozygous peak heights observed for NGM Detect™
assays was studied on three capillary electrophoresis instruments; the 3500 (8-
capillary), 3500xL (24-capillary), and 3130xl (16-capillary). As shown in Figure 14
through Figure 16, increasing or decreasing injection times affected profile peak
heights in an approximately linear manner. All genomic DNA samples were amplified
for 30 cycles.
Our developmental validation studies indicate that the injection conditions that are
recorded in Chapter 3 generate profiles from 0.5 ng of input DNA with heterozygous
peak height averages between 4,000–10,000 RFU (3500 or 3500xL) or 2,000–4,000 RFU
(3130 or 3130xl). This is with no instances of allelic dropout and minimal occurrence
of off-scale allele peaks. However, individual CE instrument signal intensities can
vary, therefore laboratories are encouraged to optimize injection times. Optimized
injection times provide the most efficacious level of assay sensitivity, minimize the
occurrence of off-scale peaks or undesirable artifacts, and do not adversely impact the
performance of the size standard and allelic ladder.
Figure 14 Box plots show the effect of varying injection times (X-axis) on peak
heterozygous heights (Y-axis) observed for NGM Detect assays with 0.5 ng of human male
007 genomic DNA input on a 3500 Genetic Analyzer.
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect kit.
Figure 15 Box plots show the effect of varying injection times (X-axis) on heterozygous
peak heights (Y-axis) observed for NGM Detect assays with 0.5 ng of human male 007
genomic DNA input on a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer.
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect kit.
Figure 16 Box plots show the effect of varying injection times (X-axis) on heterozygous
peak heights (Y-axis) observed for NGM Detect assays with 0.5 ng of human male 007
genomic DNA input on a 3130xl Genetic Analyzer.
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect kit.
nd Arrows
w to use in this SVG. Figure 17 Allele size vs. Allelic Ladder sizing for 81 samples analyzed on a 3130 xl Genetic
Analyzer. Size and ladder sizing for the NGM Detect kit were calculated using the
anced callouts or arrows ™ ™
GeneScan –600 LIZ Size Standard v2.0.
Note: Except for the TH01 marker data, the data in this figure are from the original formulation
th, as needed. of the NGM Detect kit.
6 Chapter 6 Experiments and results
Accuracy, precision, and reproducibility
n this SVG.
louts or arrows
Figure 18 Allele size vs. Allelic Ladder sizing for 81 samples analyzed on a 3500 Genetic
eded. Analyzer. Size and ladder sizing for the NGM Detect kit were calculated using the
™ ™
GeneScan –600 LIZ Size Standard v2.0.
nused Note: Except for the TH01 marker data, the data in this figure are from the original formulation
nts of the NGM Detect kit.
in this SVG.
allouts or arrows Figure 19 Allele size vs. Allelic Ladder sizing for 81 samples analyzed on a 3500xL Genetic
ut&Arrow_Libary. ™
Analyzer. Size and ladder sizing for the NGM Detect kit were calculated using the
™ ™
GeneScan –600 LIZ Size Standard v2.0.
Note: Except for the TH01 marker data, the data in this figure are from the original formulation
of the NGM Detect kit.
1 NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit User Guide
Chapter 6 Experiments and results
Accuracy, precision, and reproducibility 6
Precision and size Sizing precision enables the determination of accurate and reliable genotypes. The
window recommended method for genotyping is to use a ±0.5-nt “window” around the size
obtained for each allele in the allelic ladder. A ±0.5-nt window allows for the detection
and correct assignment of alleles. Any sample allele that sizes outside the specified
window could be either:
• An “off-ladder” allele, that is, an allele of a size that is not represented in the
allelic ladder.
• An allele that does correspond to an allele in the allelic ladder, but whose size is
just outside a window because of measurement error.
The measurement error inherent in any sizing method can be defined by the degree of
precision in sizing an allele multiple times. Precision is measured by calculating the
standard deviation in the size values obtained for an allele that is run in several
injections on a capillary instrument.
Precision and size Table 4 lists typical precision results obtained from multiple runs of the NGM Detect™
window Allelic Ladder using the GeneScan™–600 LIZ™ Size Standard v2.0. The results were
obtained within a set of injections on a single capillary array. The number of repeated
injections for each genetic analyzer platform is shown in the following table:
The mean sizes and the standard deviation for the allele sizing were calculated for all
the alleles in each run (Table 4). The mean range and the standard deviation range
show the lowest and highest values obtained across multiple runs.
Sample alleles can occasionally size outside of the ±0.5-nt window for a respective
Allelic Ladder allele because of measurement error. The frequency of such an
occurrence is lowest in detection systems with the smallest standard deviations in
sizing. The figures in “Accuracy observation“ on page 63 illustrate the tight clustering
of allele sizes obtained on the Applied Biosystems™ genetic analyzers, where the
standard deviation in sizing is typically less than 0.15 nt. The instance of a sample
allele sizing outside the ±0.5-nt window because of measurement error is relatively
rare when the standard deviation in sizing is approximately 0.15 nt or less (Smith,
For sample alleles that do not size within a ±0.5-nt window, the PCR product must be
rerun to distinguish between a true off–ladder allele versus measurement error of a
sample allele that corresponds to an allele in the Allelic Ladder. Repeat analysis, when
necessary, provides an added level of confidence in the final allele assignment.
GeneMapper™ ID-X Software automatically flags sample alleles that do not size
within the prescribed window around an allelic ladder allele by labeling the allele as
OL (off-ladder).
Maximum sizing precision is obtained within the same set of capillary injections.
Cross–platform sizing differences occur due to several factors including type and
concentration of polymer, run temperature, and electrophoresis conditions. Variations
in sizing can also occur between runs on the same instrument and between runs on
different instruments of the same platform type because of these factors.
For more information on precision and genotyping, see (Lazaruk et al., 1998;
Mansfield et al., 1998).
Note: The IQCS and IQCL markers were omitted from this study because they are
not used for genotyping.
Table 4 Precision results of multiple runs of the NGM Detect™ Allelic Ladder
Note: Except for the TH01 marker data, the data in this table are from the original
formulation of the NGM Detect™ kit.
11 90.76– 90.87 0.023– 0.034 91.05– 91.13 0.003– 0.040 90.96– 91.03 0.028– 0.035
12 94.90– 95.00 0.021– 0.031 95.17– 95.24 0.021– 0.041 95.10– 95.16 0.024– 0.034
13 99.01– 99.13 0.023– 0.035 99.31– 99.38 0.001– 0.041 99.22– 99.28 0.027– 0.034
14 103.16– 103.28 0.020– 0.036 103.45– 103.52 0.028– 0.044 103.38– 103.44 0.031– 0.038
15 107.09– 107.19 0.025– 0.037 107.31– 107.38 0.015– 0.058 107.23– 107.28 0.028– 0.037
16 111.29– 111.38 0.028– 0.033 111.55– 111.60 0.005– 0.043 111.45– 111.50 0.025– 0.041
17 115.34– 115.43 0.022– 0.035 115.56– 115.62 0.001– 0.032 115.49– 115.52 0.011– 0.031
18 119.29– 119.36 0.012– 0.033 119.52– 119.57 0.024– 0.042 119.43– 119.47 0.015– 0.040
19 123.27– 123.36 0.020– 0.034 123.50– 123.56 0.004– 0.041 123.42– 123.47 0.034– 0.036
20 127.26– 127.35 0.026– 0.041 127.51– 127.57 0.019– 0.054 127.41– 127.46 0.028– 0.042
21 131.28– 131.39 0.024– 0.039 131.53– 131.62 0.017– 0.051 131.46– 131.51 0.029– 0.039
22 135.34– 135.44 0.023– 0.038 135.56– 135.63 0.011– 0.046 135.50– 135.53 0.027– 0.035
23 139.39– 139.49 0.020– 0.040 139.62– 139.69 0.001– 0.048 139.54– 139.59 0.002– 0.033
24 143.51– 143.61 0.020– 0.040 143.77– 143.82 0.008– 0.043 143.68– 143.74 0.026– 0.042
25 147.63– 147.74 0.017– 0.031 147.89– 147.94 0.016– 0.048 147.79– 147.85 0.024– 0.043
26 151.76– 151.85 0.023– 0.029 152.02– 152.06 0.018– 0.041 151.92– 151.97 0.030– 0.036
27 155.91– 156.01 0.018– 0.031 156.15– 156.20 0.028– 0.043 156.07– 156.11 0.026– 0.040
28 160.45– 160.49 0.008– 0.033 160.51– 160.57 0.007– 0.042 160.45– 160.47 0.037– 0.040
4.2 188.38– 188.44 0.024– 0.037 188.22– 188.26 0.018– 0.044 188.17– 188.18 0.034– 0.036
6.3 197.70– 197.76 0.022– 0.038 197.54– 197.6 0.005– 0.045 197.49– 197.50 0.027– 0.038
8 202.76– 202.80 0.022– 0.032 202.58– 202.63 0.011– 0.043 202.53– 202.55 0.022– 0.033
9 206.78– 206.85 0.023– 0.040 206.60– 206.65 0.017– 0.044 206.56– 206.56 0.030– 0.036
11 214.87– 214.92 0.031– 0.036 214.65– 214.69 0.035– 0.051 214.59– 214.62 0.029– 0.038
12 219.05– 219.12 0.021– 0.037 218.83– 218.88 0.033– 0.053 218.78– 218.80 0.035– 0.042
13 223.16– 223.20 0.032– 0.047 222.92– 222.97 0.021– 0.050 222.88– 222.90 0.033– 0.043
14 227.22– 227.29 0.032– 0.046 227.01– 227.06 0.011– 0.054 226.96– 226.98 0.033– 0.049
15 231.26– 231.34 0.028– 0.047 231.06– 231.09 0.018– 0.070 231.01– 231.03 0.037– 0.045
16 235.40– 235.46 0.024– 0.041 235.16– 235.22 0.013– 0.053 235.14– 235.14 0.039– 0.044
17 239.50– 239.56 0.029– 0.045 239.27– 239.32 0.031– 0.048 239.23– 239.24 0.039– 0.045
18 243.65– 243.71 0.020– 0.031 243.38– 243.43 0.004– 0.044 243.35– 243.36 0.027– 0.042
19 247.78– 247.84 0.030– 0.037 247.47– 247.54 0.009– 0.049 247.47– 247.48 0.026– 0.035
20 251.90– 251.95 0.026– 0.036 251.58– 251.65 0.009– 0.049 251.57– 251.59 0.033– 0.037
20.2 253.86– 253.92 0.021– 0.041 253.56– 253.63 0.025– 0.045 253.55– 253.56 0.028– 0.036
21 255.86– 255.93 0.028– 0.038 255.57– 255.63 0.015– 0.048 255.55– 255.57 0.028– 0.040
21.2 257.83– 257.90 0.026– 0.042 257.55– 257.60 0.031– 0.043 257.52– 257.54 0.021– 0.030
22.2 261.81– 261.88 0.019– 0.043 261.53– 261.58 0.005– 0.052 261.51– 261.53 0.030– 0.039
23.2 265.91– 265.98 0.025– 0.047 265.62– 265.68 0.027– 0.055 265.60– 265.62 0.030– 0.036
24.2 269.97– 270.02 0.026– 0.041 269.66– 269.72 0.025– 0.055 269.64– 269.66 0.035– 0.041
25.2 273.95– 274.00 0.025– 0.036 273.65– 273.69 0.034– 0.053 273.62– 273.64 0.031– 0.045
26.2 278.10– 278.16 0.029– 0.043 277.8– 277.84 0.007– 0.058 277.78– 277.80 0.033– 0.038
27.2 282.16– 282.22 0.027– 0.047 281.84– 281.89 0.005– 0.058 281.81– 281.84 0.026– 0.050
28.2 286.14– 286.21 0.022– 0.045 285.83– 285.86 0.023– 0.054 285.80– 285.82 0.027– 0.038
29.2 290.15– 290.22 0.028– 0.046 289.85– 289.89 0.016– 0.052 289.82– 289.83 0.031– 0.036
30.2 294.20– 294.24 0.028– 0.039 293.87– 293.92 0.029– 0.066 293.85– 293.85 0.037– 0.045
31.2 298.16– 298.24 0.028– 0.045 297.84– 297.92 0.001– 0.050 297.82– 297.83 0.032– 0.043
32.2 302.17– 302.23 0.027– 0.041 301.83– 301.90 0.004– 0.051 301.81– 301.83 0.042– 0.045
33.2 306.14– 306.20 0.025– 0.050 305.81– 305.86 0.007– 0.043 305.76– 305.80 0.030– 0.033
34.2 310.16– 310.22 0.033– 0.045 309.81– 309.88 0.007– 0.048 309.78– 309.80 0.034– 0.043
35 312.20– 312.27 0.025– 0.050 311.84– 311.89 0.005– 0.047 311.82– 311.83 0.034– 0.036
35.2 314.24– 314.30 0.027– 0.041 313.87– 313.94 0.001– 0.050 313.83– 313.87 0.037– 0.048
36 316.37– 316.43 0.024– 0.042 316– 316.04 0.010– 0.038 315.97– 315.99 0.024– 0.048
37 320.60– 320.66 0.032– 0.048 320.21– 320.27 0.035– 0.053 320.19– 320.23 0.037– 0.048
38 324.76– 324.83 0.035– 0.054 324.35– 324.41 0.009– 0.064 324.35– 324.38 0.042– 0.048
39 328.85– 328.92 0.027– 0.047 328.45– 328.51 0.029– 0.055 328.45– 328.48 0.029– 0.039
42 341.00– 341.06 0.031– 0.048 340.58– 340.65 0.001– 0.064 340.57– 340.59 0.037– 0.044
5 72.32– 72.38 0.032– 0.041 72.00– 72.05 0.009– 0.051 71.93– 71.98 0.024– 0.031
8 84.95– 84.99 0.024– 0.040 84.64– 84.70 0.008– 0.044 84.58– 84.61 0.027– 0.040
9 89.15– 89.18 0.020– 0.034 88.84– 88.9 0.004– 0.045 88.78– 88.82 0.027– 0.041
10 93.30– 93.33 0.022– 0.036 92.99– 93.05 0.004– 0.040 92.94– 92.97 0.028– 0.040
11 97.45– 97.49 0.020– 0.039 97.15– 97.22 0.007– 0.045 97.11– 97.14 0.025– 0.035
12 101.63– 101.67 0.026– 0.033 101.33– 101.39 0.030– 0.046 101.28– 101.33 0.034– 0.039
13 105.83– 105.86 0.021– 0.043 105.53– 105.59 0.009– 0.047 105.47– 105.52 0.038– 0.039
14 109.97– 110.01 0.027– 0.042 109.66– 109.74 0.032– 0.048 109.63– 109.67 0.030– 0.043
15 114.08– 114.11 0.024– 0.036 113.77– 113.85 0.028– 0.051 113.72– 113.78 0.027– 0.038
7 127.11– 127.18 0.030– 0.038 127.52– 127.58 0.014– 0.046 127.44– 127.47 0.028– 0.042
9 134.69– 134.79 0.022– 0.047 135.21– 135.27 0.010– 0.051 135.12– 135.17 0.028– 0.045
10 138.52– 138.63 0.025– 0.051 139.07– 139.15 0.001– 0.041 139.00– 139.06 0.037– 0.042
10.2 140.66– 140.77 0.028– 0.054 141.21– 141.30 0.001– 0.042 141.15– 141.21 0.035– 0.043
11 142.41– 142.53 0.023– 0.047 143.00– 143.10 0.008– 0.052 142.93– 142.99 0.020– 0.038
12 146.33– 146.45 0.023– 0.050 146.95– 147.03 0.020– 0.044 146.88– 146.95 0.029– 0.038
13 150.27– 150.39 0.027– 0.042 150.90– 151.01 0.024– 0.045 150.83– 150.91 0.031– 0.038
13.2 152.41– 152.53 0.027– 0.050 153.05– 153.16 0.013– 0.046 153.00– 153.07 0.033– 0.044
14 154.21– 154.33 0.030– 0.048 154.86– 154.96 0.024– 0.046 154.80– 154.87 0.032– 0.036
14.2 156.35– 156.48 0.021– 0.040 157.02– 157.14 0.004– 0.047 156.96– 157.03 0.035– 0.043
15 158.15– 158.27 0.032– 0.051 158.83– 158.94 0.001– 0.043 158.76– 158.83 0.040– 0.045
16 162.05– 162.18 0.027– 0.049 162.76– 162.86 0.004– 0.043 162.69– 162.77 0.030– 0.037
17 165.92– 166.07 0.027– 0.054 166.64– 166.77 0.003– 0.039 166.58– 166.66 0.029– 0.046
18 169.80– 169.93 0.034– 0.049 170.54– 170.66 0.016– 0.044 170.49– 170.57 0.030– 0.039
19 173.66– 173.81 0.031– 0.049 174.44– 174.55 0.004– 0.044 174.39– 174.47 0.029– 0.045
20 177.54– 177.69 0.035– 0.051 178.34– 178.48 0.003– 0.047 178.28– 178.36 0.032– 0.040
21 181.47– 181.63 0.039– 0.049 182.30– 182.45 0.006– 0.044 182.26– 182.35 0.035– 0.044
22 185.33– 185.52 0.035– 0.047 186.21– 186.37 0.013– 0.042 186.17– 186.26 0.033– 0.046
23 189.25– 189.44 0.030– 0.067 190.17– 190.32 0.022– 0.046 190.12– 190.22 0.032– 0.042
24 193.19– 193.37 0.032– 0.054 194.13– 194.26 0.021– 0.050 194.07– 194.17 0.029– 0.055
25 197.14– 197.32 0.030– 0.064 198.11– 198.25 0.005– 0.048 198.05– 198.15 0.033– 0.047
26 200.98– 201.15 0.038– 0.065 201.92– 202.07 0.024– 0.048 201.88– 201.98 0.034– 0.043
27 204.81– 204.98 0.035– 0.067 205.76– 205.91 0.020– 0.040 205.72– 205.83 0.038– 0.046
4 222.50– 222.65 0.035– 0.073 223.26– 223.39 0.004– 0.049 223.19– 223.31 0.035– 0.041
5 226.48– 226.64 0.029– 0.076 227.24– 227.39 0.011– 0.060 227.19– 227.32 0.031– 0.040
6 230.47– 230.65 0.034– 0.057 231.25– 231.39 0.029– 0.049 231.19– 231.31 0.027– 0.044
7 234.46– 234.65 0.028– 0.059 235.27– 235.39 0.008– 0.048 235.18– 235.31 0.033– 0.041
8 238.47– 238.65 0.033– 0.068 239.25– 239.40 0.005– 0.050 239.19– 239.32 0.029– 0.043
9 242.55– 242.71 0.028– 0.065 243.34– 243.47 0.027– 0.053 243.26– 243.38 0.025– 0.040
9.3 245.61– 245.78 0.035– 0.058 246.38– 246.51 0.005– 0.049 246.31– 246.43 0.034– 0.047
10 246.63– 246.81 0.033– 0.074 247.40– 247.54 0.024– 0.050 247.33– 247.45 0.031– 0.041
11 250.70– 250.86 0.036– 0.066 251.43– 251.54 0.003– 0.046 251.36– 251.47 0.034– 0.043
12 254.62– 254.79 0.031– 0.069 255.36– 255.48 0.016– 0.046 255.29– 255.40 0.030– 0.044
13 258.53– 258.71 0.036– 0.063 259.28– 259.39 0.003– 0.045 259.19– 259.31 0.033– 0.040
13.3 261.46– 261.65 0.042– 0.065 262.21– 262.34 0.005– 0.038 262.15– 262.27 0.027– 0.042
14 281.70– 281.76 0.022– 0.037 281.71– 281.75 0.039– 0.054 281.68– 281.70 0.033– 0.041
15 285.72– 285.76 0.026– 0.033 285.73– 285.75 0.010– 0.048 285.69– 285.71 0.030– 0.043
16 289.68– 289.72 0.023– 0.040 289.68– 289.71 0.001– 0.049 289.65– 289.67 0.030– 0.038
17 293.71– 293.77 0.018– 0.037 293.71– 293.76 0.001– 0.046 293.68– 293.69 0.027– 0.041
18 297.70– 297.75 0.026– 0.040 297.7– 297.74 0.001– 0.050 297.67– 297.69 0.036– 0.040
19 301.69– 301.74 0.020– 0.042 301.70– 301.75 0.024– 0.048 301.65– 301.67 0.032– 0.040
19.3 304.64– 304.68 0.021– 0.033 304.62– 304.67 0.011– 0.047 304.58– 304.61 0.031– 0.037
20 305.62– 305.66 0.025– 0.037 305.61– 305.65 0.007– 0.048 305.56– 305.59 0.030– 0.039
21 309.65– 309.70 0.022– 0.043 309.65– 309.71 0.012– 0.054 309.60– 309.64 0.036– 0.044
22 313.76– 313.81 0.028– 0.041 313.77– 313.79 0.031– 0.050 313.71– 313.74 0.034– 0.040
23 318.00– 318.04 0.022– 0.037 317.97– 318.00 0.032– 0.051 317.92– 317.96 0.026– 0.039
24 322.19– 322.22 0.026– 0.046 322.13– 322.18 0.004– 0.056 322.11– 322.13 0.016– 0.047
25 326.3– 326.33 0.022– 0.041 326.24– 326.28 0.011– 0.070 326.21– 326.23 0.034– 0.052
26 330.39– 330.42 0.027– 0.033 330.34– 330.38 0.029– 0.067 330.31– 330.34 0.037– 0.048
27 334.42– 334.46 0.025– 0.039 334.38– 334.40 0.016– 0.060 334.34– 334.38 0.027– 0.042
9 112.46– 112.49 0.019– 0.047 112.54– 112.59 0.038– 0.046 112.50– 112.53 0.017– 0.035
10 116.39– 116.42 0.021– 0.027 116.47– 116.51 0.001– 0.036 116.43– 116.45 0.024– 0.032
11 120.26– 120.29 0.018– 0.035 120.33– 120.37 0.028– 0.044 120.29– 120.30 0.022– 0.037
12 124.05– 124.08 0.023– 0.034 124.11– 124.15 0.007– 0.049 124.08– 124.09 0.023– 0.044
13 128.11– 128.15 0.024– 0.038 128.17– 128.22 0.025– 0.049 128.14– 128.15 0.031– 0.037
14 132.04– 132.09 0.016– 0.035 132.12– 132.16 0.026– 0.050 132.09– 132.10 0.029– 0.038
15 135.93– 135.96 0.024– 0.034 136.01– 136.04 0.006– 0.037 135.98– 135.98 0.030– 0.035
16 140.07– 140.11 0.017– 0.035 140.16– 140.20 0.001– 0.046 140.13– 140.13 0.039– 0.043
17 144.27– 144.29 0.020– 0.036 144.33– 144.37 0.034– 0.052 144.31– 144.32 0.027– 0.037
18 148.33– 148.36 0.017– 0.031 148.4– 148.44 0.029– 0.049 148.38– 148.38 0.028– 0.033
19 152.35– 152.37 0.019– 0.030 152.40– 152.45 0.027– 0.045 152.38– 152.39 0.032– 0.039
20 156.66– 156.70 0.023– 0.037 156.70– 156.76 0.008– 0.038 156.69– 156.71 0.020– 0.037
13 165.50– 165.58 0.029– 0.039 165.95– 166.04 0.015– 0.047 165.93– 165.97 0.023– 0.040
14 169.35– 169.45 0.030– 0.036 169.84– 169.91 0.003– 0.043 169.81– 169.86 0.030– 0.035
15 173.21– 173.31 0.031– 0.039 173.72– 173.83 0.009– 0.043 173.70– 173.74 0.028– 0.038
16 177.06– 177.17 0.032– 0.041 177.59– 177.71 0.004– 0.047 177.58– 177.63 0.031– 0.041
17 180.94– 181.05 0.026– 0.042 181.51– 181.61 0.005– 0.047 181.48– 181.55 0.027– 0.047
18 184.85– 184.97 0.032– 0.045 185.45– 185.56 0.013– 0.051 185.43– 185.50 0.030– 0.039
19 188.76– 188.89 0.024– 0.040 189.38– 189.51 0.021– 0.039 189.38– 189.45 0.031– 0.042
20 192.67– 192.80 0.032– 0.042 193.34– 193.44 0.010– 0.049 193.31– 193.39 0.028– 0.049
21 196.56– 196.70 0.030– 0.050 197.23– 197.38 0.004– 0.046 197.24– 197.32 0.035– 0.043
22 200.46– 200.59 0.034– 0.054 201.15– 201.27 0.027– 0.054 201.13– 201.22 0.026– 0.043
23 204.28– 204.39 0.033– 0.049 204.97– 205.11 0.020– 0.044 204.96– 205.05 0.031– 0.050
24 208.09– 208.22 0.037– 0.048 208.83– 208.93 0.011– 0.056 208.81– 208.89 0.035– 0.048
25 211.94– 212.05 0.027– 0.048 212.67– 212.82 0.004– 0.048 212.67– 212.74 0.039– 0.050
26 215.83– 215.95 0.029– 0.061 216.58– 216.74 0.023– 0.041 216.59– 216.69 0.037– 0.043
27 219.83– 219.97 0.034– 0.059 220.62– 220.79 0.001– 0.050 220.64– 220.73 0.036– 0.050
28 223.71– 223.86 0.035– 0.058 224.55– 224.68 0.011– 0.053 224.54– 224.64 0.037– 0.040
29 227.55– 227.70 0.034– 0.063 228.41– 228.58 0.016– 0.061 228.43– 228.53 0.030– 0.056
30 231.34– 231.50 0.034– 0.056 232.23– 232.40 0.015– 0.057 232.25– 232.36 0.035– 0.056
30.2 233.71– 233.86 0.030– 0.054 234.60– 234.76 0.014– 0.050 234.62– 234.73 0.039– 0.052
31.2 237.59– 237.74 0.029– 0.062 238.50– 238.68 0.003– 0.050 238.52– 238.64 0.040– 0.051
32.2 241.50– 241.66 0.038– 0.053 242.46– 242.62 0.034– 0.050 242.47– 242.59 0.038– 0.047
33.2 245.48– 245.64 0.035– 0.049 246.43– 246.61 0.022– 0.053 246.47– 246.56 0.041– 0.052
42.2 280.49– 280.68 0.034– 0.067 281.59– 281.80 0.001– 0.048 281.61– 281.75 0.038– 0.052
43.2 284.32– 284.52 0.041– 0.073 285.46– 285.67 0.016– 0.047 285.47– 285.62 0.032– 0.052
44.2 288.33– 288.51 0.041– 0.070 289.46– 289.66 0.016– 0.053 289.48– 289.62 0.033– 0.055
45.2 292.23– 292.41 0.040– 0.070 293.35– 293.57 0.001– 0.055 293.38– 293.52 0.033– 0.048
46.2 295.73– 295.93 0.037– 0.065 296.95– 297.17 0.004– 0.051 296.98– 297.12 0.038– 0.059
47.2 299.50– 299.7 0.037– 0.073 300.72– 300.95 0.007– 0.059 300.76– 300.90 0.036– 0.065
48.2 303.40– 303.60 0.034– 0.075 304.64– 304.87 0.018– 0.053 304.67– 304.82 0.040– 0.055
50.2 311.14– 311.37 0.048– 0.081 312.47– 312.69 0.007– 0.063 312.46– 312.64 0.043– 0.057
51.2 314.87– 315.12 0.052– 0.083 316.30– 316.56 0.021– 0.066 316.34– 316.51 0.039– 0.055
1 90.97– 91.00 0.021– 0.031 91.04– 91.10 0.028– 0.044 90.97– 90.98 0.030– 0.033
2 96.09– 96.12 0.022– 0.033 96.18– 96.22 0.001– 0.035 96.10– 96.11 0.022– 0.035
X 108.18– 108.22 0.024– 0.039 108.08– 108.16 0.007– 0.046 108.05– 108.09 0.030– 0.035
Y 113.96– 114.01 0.001– 0.035 113.94– 113.99 0.028– 0.042 113.91– 113.94 0.025– 0.035
11 125.73– 125.77 0.017– 0.040 125.79– 125.85 0.015– 0.046 125.74– 125.78 0.024– 0.038
12 129.63– 129.66 0.021– 0.036 129.72– 129.76 0.026– 0.046 129.67– 129.69 0.026– 0.036
13 133.62– 133.65 0.023– 0.039 133.74– 133.75 0.017– 0.050 133.67– 133.70 0.031– 0.036
14 137.82– 137.86 0.021– 0.035 137.96– 137.99 0.004– 0.045 137.92– 137.93 0.025– 0.040
15 141.72– 141.75 0.024– 0.036 141.87– 141.90 0.005– 0.045 141.81– 141.83 0.025– 0.030
16 145.81– 145.83 0.022– 0.035 145.96– 146.01 0.026– 0.043 145.92– 145.93 0.027– 0.036
17 149.88– 149.92 0.024– 0.035 150.05– 150.10 0.028– 0.042 150.02– 150.03 0.034– 0.040
18 153.94– 153.97 0.027– 0.035 154.12– 154.16 0.021– 0.046 154.07– 154.08 0.028– 0.040
19 158.03– 158.07 0.023– 0.040 158.23– 158.27 0.004– 0.046 158.18– 158.20 0.031– 0.038
20 162.08– 162.13 0.022– 0.048 162.29– 162.32 0.024– 0.045 162.24– 162.27 0.023– 0.037
21 166.07– 166.11 0.024– 0.033 166.26– 166.33 0.026– 0.045 166.24– 166.25 0.022– 0.038
22 170.08– 170.11 0.016– 0.036 170.29– 170.34 0.020– 0.041 170.25– 170.27 0.032– 0.035
23 173.97– 174.03 0.020– 0.032 174.20– 174.26 0.010– 0.047 174.17– 174.18 0.031– 0.039
24 178.37– 178.42 0.029– 0.037 178.59– 178.64 0.003– 0.046 178.56– 178.57 0.029– 0.038
24 197.75– 197.85 0.024– 0.039 198.20– 198.26 0.032– 0.046 198.16– 198.20 0.034– 0.045
24.2 199.77– 199.87 0.033– 0.040 200.23– 200.30 0.001– 0.046 200.19– 200.24 0.023– 0.042
25 201.76– 201.85 0.023– 0.045 202.20– 202.25 0.031– 0.043 202.16– 202.2 0.027– 0.035
26 205.74– 205.81 0.020– 0.046 206.16– 206.22 0.024– 0.050 206.12– 206.16 0.031– 0.044
27 209.74– 209.81 0.025– 0.043 210.16– 210.23 0.031– 0.047 210.12– 210.17 0.037– 0.046
28 213.69– 213.75 0.025– 0.037 214.11– 214.16 0.031– 0.048 214.08– 214.11 0.025– 0.042
28.2 215.69– 215.75 0.029– 0.044 216.11– 216.19 0.025– 0.046 216.09– 216.13 0.028– 0.040
29 217.69– 217.77 0.024– 0.032 218.13– 218.22 0.025– 0.045 218.13– 218.16 0.029– 0.042
29.2 219.81– 219.88 0.027– 0.045 220.23– 220.31 0.001– 0.049 220.22– 220.26 0.030– 0.041
30 221.77– 221.86 0.024– 0.037 222.23– 222.3 0.005– 0.043 222.21– 222.25 0.032– 0.047
30.2 223.77– 223.84 0.027– 0.045 224.20– 224.29 0.008– 0.056 224.20– 224.24 0.034– 0.045
31 225.78– 225.86 0.027– 0.049 226.26– 226.32 0.021– 0.059 226.24– 226.28 0.038– 0.043
31.2 227.76– 227.85 0.030– 0.041 228.23– 228.32 0.011– 0.054 228.21– 228.28 0.037– 0.039
32 229.78– 229.86 0.033– 0.047 230.28– 230.35 0.022– 0.056 230.26– 230.31 0.038– 0.043
32.2 231.76– 231.86 0.030– 0.049 232.27– 232.34 0.019– 0.055 232.25– 232.29 0.027– 0.042
33 233.79– 233.89 0.027– 0.043 234.28– 234.38 0.009– 0.048 234.28– 234.33 0.036– 0.038
33.2 235.74– 235.83 0.031– 0.043 236.27– 236.33 0.011– 0.046 236.23– 236.29 0.037– 0.040
34 237.87– 237.98 0.023– 0.040 238.38– 238.47 0.007– 0.048 238.38– 238.42 0.017– 0.043
34.2 239.80– 239.89 0.036– 0.041 240.33– 240.40 0.001– 0.048 240.30– 240.37 0.033– 0.044
35 241.92– 242.02 0.029– 0.044 242.46– 242.54 0.030– 0.052 242.43– 242.49 0.036– 0.041
35.2 243.92– 244.00 0.029– 0.038 244.43– 244.51 0.024– 0.053 244.41– 244.47 0.028– 0.041
36 245.94– 246.05 0.025– 0.037 246.46– 246.55 0.004– 0.048 246.46– 246.49 0.033– 0.040
37 250.09– 250.18 0.032– 0.039 250.59– 250.67 0.001– 0.046 250.58– 250.63 0.028– 0.040
38 253.95– 254.05 0.024– 0.044 254.46– 254.53 0.018– 0.048 254.45– 254.51 0.028– 0.043
9 267.24– 267.33 0.029– 0.037 267.69– 267.75 0.019– 0.049 267.64– 267.68 0.035– 0.040
10 271.29– 271.37 0.027– 0.034 271.71– 271.79 0.021– 0.047 271.67– 271.72 0.035– 0.037
11 275.31– 275.40 0.026– 0.041 275.76– 275.82 0.010– 0.048 275.70– 275.76 0.031– 0.040
12 279.35– 279.42 0.021– 0.039 279.76– 279.83 0.001– 0.049 279.71– 279.76 0.035– 0.046
13 283.38– 283.45 0.017– 0.043 283.80– 283.86 0.001– 0.051 283.73– 283.79 0.031– 0.039
14 287.35– 287.40 0.022– 0.035 287.75– 287.82 0.005– 0.037 287.70– 287.74 0.030– 0.041
14.3 290.42– 290.48 0.027– 0.040 290.80– 290.86 0.013– 0.055 290.75– 290.81 0.038– 0.047
15 291.31– 291.37 0.018– 0.037 291.72– 291.79 0.005– 0.050 291.67– 291.72 0.031– 0.040
15.3 294.41– 294.45 0.025– 0.037 294.80– 294.85 0.010– 0.050 294.74– 294.78 0.035– 0.047
16 295.31– 295.38 0.020– 0.038 295.75– 295.80 0.008– 0.048 295.66– 295.72 0.033– 0.039
16.3 298.41– 298.45 0.029– 0.036 298.78– 298.84 0.031– 0.049 298.71– 298.76 0.038– 0.045
17 299.24– 299.29 0.022– 0.043 299.64– 299.72 0.001– 0.052 299.56– 299.61 0.018– 0.044
17.3 302.34– 302.39 0.028– 0.040 302.71– 302.77 0.023– 0.052 302.64– 302.69 0.023– 0.042
18 303.19– 303.24 0.021– 0.037 303.62– 303.65 0.007– 0.047 303.53– 303.58 0.030– 0.036
18.3 306.24– 306.32 0.024– 0.040 306.66– 306.70 0.018– 0.048 306.57– 306.64 0.026– 0.048
19.3 310.25– 310.32 0.026– 0.044 310.65– 310.70 0.007– 0.057 310.57– 310.63 0.029– 0.036
20.3 314.22– 314.30 0.008– 0.041 314.65– 314.71 0.001– 0.048 314.56– 314.62 0.018– 0.045
8 334.96– 335.09 0.033– 0.047 335.78– 335.91 0.031– 0.050 335.70– 335.84 0.027– 0.045
9 338.84– 338.99 0.035– 0.049 339.68– 339.78 0.031– 0.053 339.57– 339.71 0.018– 0.053
10 342.87– 343.01 0.029– 0.049 343.71– 343.87 0.032– 0.054 343.64– 343.78 0.035– 0.047
11 346.91– 347.05 0.035– 0.046 347.80– 347.91 0.016– 0.056 347.68– 347.82 0.030– 0.049
11.3 349.92– 350.06 0.032– 0.061 350.83– 350.96 0.016– 0.049 350.72– 350.87 0.026– 0.054
12 351.00– 351.15 0.026– 0.054 351.91– 352.03 0.021– 0.055 351.80– 351.94 0.035– 0.053
13 354.97– 355.12 0.032– 0.051 355.88– 356.01 0.010– 0.050 355.78– 355.94 0.027– 0.047
14 358.95– 359.10 0.036– 0.056 359.88– 360 0.001– 0.053 359.78– 359.90 0.037– 0.048
15 362.94– 363.09 0.040– 0.058 363.86– 363.99 0.010– 0.051 363.77– 363.92 0.040– 0.044
16 366.93– 367.07 0.037– 0.049 367.83– 367.97 0.024– 0.051 367.77– 367.91 0.033– 0.039
17 370.94– 371.08 0.030– 0.051 371.86– 372.01 0.035– 0.049 371.79– 371.94 0.032– 0.043
5 95.58– 95.63 0.025– 0.030 95.79– 95.84 0.027– 0.045 95.73– 95.76 0.025– 0.035
6 99.66– 99.71 0.016– 0.032 99.88– 99.92 0.001– 0.042 99.83– 99.84 0.016– 0.034
7 103.81– 103.86 0.023– 0.033 104.04– 104.09 0.010– 0.047 103.98– 104.01 0.028– 0.036
8 107.91– 107.96 0.023– 0.037 108.15– 108.19 0.007– 0.044 108.09– 108.10 0.033– 0.042
9 111.97– 112.02 0.017– 0.034 112.21– 112.26 0.007– 0.045 112.17– 112.18 0.025– 0.035
10 115.96– 116.00 0.017– 0.033 116.19– 116.24 0.001– 0.039 116.15– 116.16 0.019– 0.026
11 119.87– 119.91 0.024– 0.031 120.12– 120.16 0.001– 0.051 120.07– 120.08 0.014– 0.024
12 123.91– 123.96 0.027– 0.033 124.17– 124.22 0.007– 0.052 124.13– 124.15 0.026– 0.040
13 127.72– 127.79 0.022– 0.038 128.01– 128.06 0.021– 0.043 127.96– 127.98 0.030– 0.041
14 131.64– 131.70 0.021– 0.038 131.94– 132.00 0.019– 0.050 131.91– 131.93 0.031– 0.041
15 135.62– 135.69 0.024– 0.040 135.95– 136.00 0.033– 0.046 135.90– 135.93 0.023– 0.036
16 139.62– 139.69 0.031– 0.037 139.95– 140.01 0.001– 0.041 139.92– 139.94 0.023– 0.038
17 143.71– 143.78 0.018– 0.043 144.08– 144.14 0.010– 0.044 144.04– 144.08 0.029– 0.040
18 147.81– 147.88 0.028– 0.039 148.19– 148.24 0.020– 0.042 148.14– 148.18 0.033– 0.039
19 151.93– 152.01 0.024– 0.038 152.31– 152.37 0.018– 0.048 152.27– 152.30 0.031– 0.042
6 172.80– 172.89 0.025– 0.039 173.29– 173.39 0.013– 0.043 173.28– 173.33 0.028– 0.034
7 176.77– 176.85 0.030– 0.038 177.25– 177.35 0.003– 0.047 177.25– 177.30 0.035– 0.042
8 180.72– 180.82 0.028– 0.042 181.25– 181.35 0.004– 0.047 181.25– 181.30 0.023– 0.040
9 184.79– 184.92 0.019– 0.043 185.37– 185.47 0.013– 0.045 185.37– 185.44 0.031– 0.040
10 188.80– 188.92 0.028– 0.043 189.42– 189.51 0.021– 0.042 189.40– 189.47 0.035– 0.042
11 192.70– 192.81 0.023– 0.047 193.33– 193.42 0.010– 0.053 193.31– 193.39 0.028– 0.045
12 196.67– 196.79 0.033– 0.044 197.32– 197.44 0.007– 0.045 197.32– 197.40 0.029– 0.046
12.2 198.81– 198.94 0.025– 0.046 199.44– 199.56 0.001– 0.046 199.46– 199.53 0.038– 0.048
13 200.64– 200.75 0.035– 0.043 201.28– 201.40 0.005– 0.043 201.28– 201.36 0.028– 0.048
13.2 202.61– 202.71 0.030– 0.045 203.26– 203.36 0.010– 0.045 203.26– 203.33 0.027– 0.043
14 204.53– 204.64 0.033– 0.045 205.19– 205.29 0.016– 0.052 205.19– 205.26 0.037– 0.040
14.2 206.51– 206.62 0.023– 0.047 207.17– 207.27 0.019– 0.052 207.16– 207.23 0.029– 0.043
15 208.44– 208.54 0.031– 0.048 209.11– 209.21 0.008– 0.050 209.10– 209.18 0.028– 0.046
15.2 210.41– 210.50 0.029– 0.050 211.08– 211.19 0.009– 0.050 211.09– 211.16 0.020– 0.044
16 212.36– 212.45 0.027– 0.051 213.03– 213.13 0.003– 0.048 213.03– 213.11 0.037– 0.039
16.2 214.34– 214.43 0.032– 0.047 215.03– 215.14 0.031– 0.048 215.03– 215.11 0.032– 0.045
17 216.42– 216.52 0.033– 0.048 217.12– 217.25 0.023– 0.046 217.15– 217.23 0.029– 0.044
17.2 218.34– 218.44 0.027– 0.049 219.05– 219.19 0.003– 0.062 219.07– 219.15 0.035– 0.048
18.2 222.38– 222.48 0.031– 0.044 223.12– 223.25 0.017– 0.054 223.14– 223.22 0.036– 0.055
19.2 226.31– 226.42 0.036– 0.057 227.06– 227.22 0.015– 0.061 227.11– 227.19 0.034– 0.052
7 245.00– 245.10 0.024– 0.044 245.61– 245.70 0.003– 0.051 245.59– 245.66 0.031– 0.041
8 248.05– 248.14 0.026– 0.041 248.65– 248.74 0.007– 0.053 248.63– 248.69 0.039– 0.045
9 251.04– 251.15 0.025– 0.042 251.63– 251.71 0.035– 0.046 251.61– 251.67 0.022– 0.034
10 253.99– 254.08 0.021– 0.035 254.56– 254.66 0.014– 0.044 254.55– 254.61 0.032– 0.040
11 256.91– 257.00 0.031– 0.047 257.50– 257.58 0.001– 0.043 257.47– 257.53 0.030– 0.035
12 259.81– 259.90 0.034– 0.046 260.43– 260.52 0.031– 0.050 260.40– 260.47 0.039– 0.044
13 262.79– 262.89 0.031– 0.057 263.39– 263.51 0.026– 0.046 263.38– 263.45 0.031– 0.039
14 265.76– 265.87 0.031– 0.059 266.41– 266.49 0.013– 0.040 266.36– 266.44 0.030– 0.049
15 268.74– 268.85 0.032– 0.044 269.36– 269.47 0.020– 0.059 269.35– 269.42 0.027– 0.034
16 271.74– 271.85 0.029– 0.040 272.36– 272.46 0.030– 0.046 272.33– 272.41 0.032– 0.037
17 274.73– 274.83 0.028– 0.048 275.35– 275.45 0.012– 0.056 275.33– 275.40 0.033– 0.042
18 277.73– 277.83 0.026– 0.043 278.36– 278.47 0.030– 0.050 278.33– 278.41 0.034– 0.043
19 280.71– 280.81 0.015– 0.049 281.34– 281.45 0.029– 0.049 281.31– 281.39 0.033– 0.042
20 283.70– 283.78 0.027– 0.037 284.32– 284.42 0.001– 0.048 284.28– 284.37 0.026– 0.048
8 303.34– 303.37 0.021– 0.039 303.46– 303.49 0.012– 0.049 303.42– 303.45 0.031– 0.040
9 307.25– 307.29 0.021– 0.036 307.39– 307.43 0.010– 0.049 307.33– 307.37 0.031– 0.042
10 311.24– 311.27 0.027– 0.039 311.37– 311.40 0.005– 0.046 311.30– 311.35 0.030– 0.045
11 315.30– 315.33 0.024– 0.042 315.42– 315.46 0.024– 0.050 315.38– 315.41 0.034– 0.048
12 319.51– 319.53 0.022– 0.040 319.60– 319.64 0.035– 0.053 319.58– 319.6 0.019– 0.044
13 323.62– 323.63 0.021– 0.042 323.67– 323.72 0.007– 0.064 323.65– 323.69 0.030– 0.045
14 327.67– 327.68 0.028– 0.039 327.73– 327.76 0.016– 0.053 327.70– 327.73 0.033– 0.042
15 331.70– 331.71 0.024– 0.037 331.74– 331.80 0.023– 0.048 331.72– 331.76 0.030– 0.043
16 335.70– 335.72 0.022– 0.039 335.76– 335.79 0.012– 0.049 335.74– 335.76 0.030– 0.046
17 339.68– 339.69 0.019– 0.032 339.73– 339.78 0.041– 0.053 339.71– 339.73 0.031– 0.038
18 343.71– 343.74 0.023– 0.038 343.76– 343.8 0.011– 0.048 343.74– 343.77 0.030– 0.036
19 347.76– 347.78 0.012– 0.035 347.80– 347.85 0.014– 0.049 347.78– 347.81 0.032– 0.038
Stutter observations
Plus-stutter was regularly observed and was more significant in trinucleotide repeat-
containing loci (Figure 25 on page 83).
Peak heights were measured for amplified samples at the loci that are used in the kit.
All data were generated on the 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. Some conclusions from
these measurements and observations are:
• For each locus, the stutter percentage generally increases with allele length.
• Each allele within a locus displays a relatively consistent average stutter
• Peaks in the stutter position that are above the stutter filter percentage specified
in the software are not filtered.
• The measurement of stutter percentage for allele peaks that are off-scale may be
unusually high due to artificial truncation of the main allele peak.
• Stutter can be elevated when minus stutter and plus stutter overlap. This is
typically observed when a given allele flanks another allele that is 2 repeat units
away (as seen with the FGA locus in control 007 DNA).
• The magnitude and/or variability of stutter may increase with low DNA input
Figure 20 through Figure 24 show the stutter observed in the population study that
are one repeat unit away from the alleles recorded. All data were generated on the
3500xL Genetic Analyzer.
The stutter filter settings that are derived from this data are listed in “Stutter
percentage filter settings provided with GeneMapper™ ID-X Software“ on page 83.
Figure 20 Stutter percentages for D1S1656, D2S441, D2S1338, and D3S1358 loci
(Blue=FAM™ dye, black=TED™ dye, red=TAZ™ dye)
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Figure 22 Stutter percentages for D18S51, D19S433, and D21S11 loci (Green=VIC™ dye,
red=TAZ™ dye, purple=SID™ dye)
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect™ kit.
d Arrows
to use in this SVG.
h, as needed.
, and unused Figure 23 Stutter percentages for D22S1045, TH01, and FGA loci (Purple=SID™ dye,
elements Green=VIC™ dye, black=TED™ dye)
Note: Except for the TH01 marker data, the data in this figure are from the original formulation
of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Figure 24 Stutter percentages for SE33 and vWA loci (Blue=FAM™ dye, red=TAZ™ dye)
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Figure 25 NGM Detect™ kit electropherogram showing minus and plus stutter associated
with the D22S1045 STR locus. Data produced on a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer.
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect™ kit.
STR loci such as D1S1656 and SE33 (Figure 26) contain more complex nucleotide
sequences including regions of dinucleotide repeats which can yield additional stutter
peaks. If these stutter peaks exceed the peak amplitude threshold (typically 175 RFU),
they may be detected as additional alleles in the profile. The stutter file that is
provided with the GeneMapper™ ID-X Software for analysis of NGM Detect™ kit data
contains a minus 2−nt stutter filter for SE33 and D1S1656, as well as filters for
commonly observed plus stutter, to prevent these peaks from being called in normal
Figure 26 Example of a –2-nt reproducible stutter artifact at the SE33 locus. Data
produced on a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer.
Note: The data in this figure are from the original formulation of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Analysis showed that observed stutter data points were not normally distributed. As
such, at each locus a best-fit, non-parametric statistical model was applied to the data
and a threshold filter level that emulated historical stutter filter levels (approximately
99.7%) was derived.
IMPORTANT! The values that are shown in the table are the values that were
determined during developmental validation studies using specific data sets. To
determine the appropriate values to use for your applications, always perform
internal validation studies.
Table 5 Minus stutter percentage filter settings provided with the GeneMapper™ ID‑X
Note: The data in this table are from the original validation study of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Based on the validation study with the updated kit formulation, no changes to the stutter
filter values were required.
D2S1338 17.61
SE33 18.63
D16S539 11.97
D18S51 16.15
TH01 7.66
D12S391 18.99
D3S1358 15.42
FGA 14.70
vWA 12.51
D21S11 16.88
D1S1656 16.68
D2S441 9.55
D8S1179 13.80
D19S433 13.57
D22S1045 19.02
D10S1248 14.32
[1] These percentages are used as stutter filters in NGM_Detect_Stutter.txt
Table 6 Plus stutter percentage filter settings provided with the GeneMapper™ ID‑X
Note: The data in this table are from the original validation study of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Based on the validation study with the updated kit formulation, no changes to the stutter
filter values were required.
D2S1338 11.55
SE33 9.80
D16S539 4.68
D18S51 8.19
TH01 6.14
D12S391 7.76
D3S1358 4.36
FGA 9.16
vWA 7.59
D21S11 9.14
D1S1656 5.47
D2S441 4.92
D8S1179 5.39
D19S433 6.91
D22S1045 8.22
D10S1248 2.60
[1] These percentages are used as stutter filters in NGM_Detect_Stutter.txt
3′ A observations
The efficiency of +A addition is related to the particular sequence of the DNA at the 3´
end of the PCR product.
The NGM Detect™ kit includes two main design features that promote maximum +A
• The primer sequences have been optimized to encourage +A addition.
• The PCR chemistry allows complete +A addition with a short final incubation at
60°C for 5 minutes.
This final extension step gives the DNA polymerase additional time to complete +A
addition to all double-stranded PCR products. Figure 27 shows examples of
incomplete and normal +A addition. Final extension incubation for longer than the
recommended time can result in double +A addition, in which two nontemplate
adenosine residues are added to the PCR product. Double +A addition can cause
"shoulders" on the right side of main allele peaks.
0 minutes final extension
d Arrows
to use in this SVG.
h, as needed.
, and unused Figure 27 Omitting the final extension step results in shoulders on main allele peaks due
G elements to incomplete +A nucleotide addition. Examples shown are the smaller amplicons of VIC™
and SID™ dye channel data from a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer using the NGM Detect™ kit.
If the amount of input DNA is greater than recommended concentration,
1 "shouldering" of allele peaks can be observed. Amplification of excess input DNA can
also result in off-scale data and lowered IQCL peak heights. In this situation, the IQCL
1 may also exhibit some shouldering due to incomplete +A nucleotide addition.
Characterization of loci
SWGDAM “The basic characteristics of a genetic marker should be determined and
guideline 3.1 documented.” (SWGDAM, December 2016)
Loci in this kit This section describes basic characteristics of the 16 autosomal STR loci, Y indel locus,
and sex-determining marker (Amelogenin), that are amplified with the NGM Detect™
kit. Most of these loci have been extensively characterized by other laboratories.
Nature of The primers for the Amelogenin locus flank a 6-nucleotide deletion in intron 1 of the
polymorphisms X homolog. Amplification generates 108-nt and 114-nt products from the X and Y
chromosomes, respectively. The primers for the Y indel flank a region in the q arm of
the Y chromosome (Yq11.221). Depending on the haplotype of the sample, the
amplification generates either a 91-nt or a 96-nt product. (Sizes are the actual
nucleotide size according to sequencing results, including 3´ A nucleotide addition,
and size may not correspond exactly to allele mobility observed on capillary
electrophoresis platforms.) Except for D22S1045, a trinucleotide STR, the remaining
loci are tetranucleotide short tandem repeat (STR) loci. The length differences among
alleles of a particular locus are caused by differences in the number of repeat units.
We have sequenced all the alleles in the NGM Detect™ kit Allelic Ladder, including
microvariants. In addition, other groups in the scientific community have sequenced
alleles at some of these loci (Nakahori et al., 1991; Puers et al., 1993; Möller et al., 1994;
Barber et al., 1995; Möller and Brinkmann, 1995; Barber et al., 1996; Barber and Parkin,
1996; Brinkmann et al., 1998; Momhinweg et al., 1998; Watson et al., 1998). Among the
various sources of sequence data on the loci, there is consensus on the repeat patterns
and structure of the STRs.
Inheritance The Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) has collected DNA from
families of Utah Mormon, French Venezuelan, and Amish descent. These DNA sets
have been extensively studied all over the world and are routinely used to
characterize the mode of inheritance of various DNA loci. Each family set contains
three generations, generally including four grandparents, two parents, and several
offspring. Consequently, the CEPH family DNA sets are ideal for studying inheritance
patterns (Begovich et al., 1992).
Mapping The NGM Detect™ kit loci have been mapped, and the chromosomal locations have
been published (Nakahori et al., 1991; Edwards et al., 1992; Kimpton et al., 1992; Mills
et al., 1992; Sharma and Litt, 1992; Li et al., 1993; Straub et al., 1993; Barber and Parkin,
1996; and Lareu, et al., 1996).
Genetic linkage Two sets of STR loci in the NGM Detect™ kit are located on the same chromosomes.
vWA and D12S391 are located approximately 6.3 million bp apart on the p arm of
chromosome 12; D2S1338 and D2S441 are located approximately 150 million bp apart
on opposite arms of chromosome 2. Linkage disequilibrium analysis was conducted
on the genotype results from 1,034 individuals of three ethnic groups (350 African
American, 349 Caucasian, and 335 Hispanic). STR locus genotype results from the
population study were analyzed using the Linkage Disequilibrium module of
GenePop software version 4.0.10 (Raymond and Rousset, 1995; Rousset, 2008). See
Table 7 for results.
The relatively high probability values indicate that there is no statistically significant
linkage disequilibrium found between the pairs of loci that are located on the same
An independent analysis of data from the same collection of population samples
(Budowle, et al., 2010) also concluded that the 15 STR loci that are shared between the
NGM™ and NGM SElect™ kits were independent at the population level (note that the
SE33 locus was not part of this analysis). Therefore, to calculate the rarity of a profile
for comparison to single-source and mixture samples, the frequencies of all loci
including vWA and D12S391 could be multiplied. However, the analysis of the CEPH
pedigree families demonstrated a degree of linkage between vWA and D12S391 that
does not support the assumption of independence for kinship analysis.
Chromosome African-
Chromosome Nuclear Caucasian Hispanic
Locus American
map position[1] Coordinates[1] (n = 350) (n = 293)
(million bp) (n = 350)
D2S441 2p14 68
0.11 0.32 0.19
D2S1338 2q35 218
[1] STR locus mapping data was obtained from the NCBI Map Viewer
mapview/map_search.cgi?taxid=9606 or the UCSC Genome Browser ( GenePop LD
analysis probability results (p values) greater than 0.05 were considered to indicate that linkage
disequilibrium between the loci within the population tested was not statistically significant.
Species specificity
SWGDAM “The ability to detect genetic information from non-targeted species (e.g., detection of
Guideline 3.2 microbial DNA in a human assay) should be determined. The detection of genetic
information from non-targeted species does not necessarily invalidate the use of the
assay, but may help define the limits of the assay.” (SWGDAM, December 2016)
Nonhuman The NGM Detect™ kit provides the required specificity for detecting human alleles.
studies Species specificity testing was performed to ensure that there is no cross-reactivity
with nonhuman DNA that may be present in forensic casework samples.
The following species were tested (in the specified amounts) using standard PCR and
capillary electrophoresis conditions for the NGM Detect™ kit kit:
• Primates: gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, and cynomolgous (macaque) (0.5 ng
• Non-primates: mouse, dog, sheep, pig, rabbit, cat, horse, hamster, rat, chicken,
and cow (5.0 ng each)
• Microorganisms: Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, Bacillus subtilis, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (pooled genomic DNAs,
with approximately 50,000 copies of DNA from each species, per reaction)
Results were evaluated for the presence of any amplified peaks that would indicate
cross reactivity of the NGM Detect™ kit with any of these non-human species.
Figure 29 shows select electropherogram results from the species specificity tests. The
chimpanzee, gorilla (data not shown), orangutan (data not shown), and macaque
(data not shown) DNA samples produced partial profiles in the 70–400 nucleotide
o use in this SVG.
ed callouts or arrows
as needed.
and unused
1 Pig
in this SVG.
llouts or arrows
Chapter 6 Experiments and results
Species specificity 6
Arrows Chicken
as needed.
Bacterial pool
and unused
SWGDAM “The ability to obtain reliable results from a range of DNA quantities, to include the
guideline 3.3 upper and lower limits of the assay, should be evaluated.” (SWGDAM, December
Sensitivity The recommended amount of input DNA for the NGM Detect™ kit is 0.5 ng for
observation 30 cycles of amplification based on real-time PCR quantification, such as with the
Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kit or the Quantifiler™ HP DNA Quantification
Kit. To determine the optimum input DNA, perform studies according to the
quantification kit that you use.
If the sample contains degraded or inhibited DNA, amplification of a higher amount
of DNA may be beneficial. In Figure 30, DNA Control 007 was serially diluted from
0.5–0.008 ng. Full profiles (35 PCR products) were consistently obtained at 0.125 ng,
but occasional partial profiles resulted at lower concentrations.
500 pg
250 pg
125 pg
se in this SVG.
callouts or arrows 63 pg
32 pg
16 pg
line-length, as needed. Figure 30 Electropherograms for amplifications using 500, 250, 125, 63, 32, 16, and 8 pg
of DNA Control 007. Electrophoresis was performed on a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. Note
SVG. that as the DNA input is serially diluted by 2-fold, the Y-axis scale is also adjusted, as
rectangle, and unused
other SVG elements needed, to accommodate lower peak heights.
or arrows
VG to the repository.
1 1
and Arrows SWGDAM1 “The ability to obtain results from DNA recovered from biological samples deposited
guideline 3.4 on various substrates and subjected to various environmental and chemical insults
row to use in this SVG. should be evaluated. In most instances, assessment of the effects of these factors on
dvanced callouts or arrows
new forensic DNA procedures is not required. However, if substrates and/or
ape_Callout&Arrow_Libary. environmental and/or chemical insults could potentially affect the analytical process,
then the process should be evaluated to determine the effects of such factors.”
1 (SWGDAM, December 2016)
ngth, as needed.
Degraded DNA As the average size of degraded DNA approaches the size of the target sequence, the
amount of PCR product that is generated is reduced, because of the reduced number
of intact templates in the size range required for amplification. Degraded DNA was
prepared to examine the potential for differential amplification of loci. Approximately
10 µg of high molecular weight DNA was sonicated and subjected to digestion with
0.25 U/µL of DNase I for various lengths of time (from ~5–10 minutes) to produce a
range (low, medium, and high) of degradation levels (Bender et al., 2004). The DNA
was examined by agarose gel analysis to determine the average size of the DNA
fragments at each time point. Amplification of 0.5 ng of degraded DNA using the
NGM Detect™ kit was performed. As the DNA became progressively degraded, the
loci failed to amplify robustly in order of decreasing size. Preferential amplification
was not observed.
d Arrows
to use in this SVG.
h, as needed.
Figure 31 Amplification of a single donor DNA sample sonicated and incubated with
, and unused
0.25 U/µL of DNase I for various lengths of time (from ~5–10 minutes).
G elements
Effect of Heme compounds have been identified as PCR inhibitors in DNA samples that are
inhibitors: extracted from bloodstains (DeFranchis et al., 1988; Alkane et al., 1994). It is believed
that the inhibitor is co-extracted and co-purified with the DNA and then interferes
with PCR by inhibiting polymerase activity. To examine the effects of hematin on the
performance of the NGM Detect™ kit, 0.5 ng of DNA Control 007 was amplified in the
presence of increasing concentrations of hematin for 30 cycles of amplification
(Figure 32). The final concentrations of hematin that is used in the reaction were 0,
450, 575, and 700 µM (Table 9).
nd Arrows
ow to use in this SVG. NGM SElect kit
575 uM Hematin
vanced callouts or arrows
™ ™
ngth, as needed. Figure 32 Electropherograms for the NGM Detect kit and the NGM SElect kit show the
improved performance of the NGM Detect kit in the presence of hematin compared with
previous AmpFℓSTR kits. The same set of inhibited samples was analyzed with the
gle, and unused ™ ™
VG elements
NGM Detect kit and the NGM SElect kit for 30 cycles of amplification.
the repository.
Table 9 NGM Detect™ kit performance in simulated hematin inhibition (N = 5).
450 µM 35 35, 35
700 µM 0 0, 0
[1] Only those peaks ≥175 RFU were counted. A complete profile with DNA Control 007 yields 35 peaks using the
NGM Detect™ kit.
Effect of Traces of humic acid may inhibit the PCR amplification of DNA evidence that is
inhibitors: humic collected from soil. Amplification of 0.5 ng of DNA Control 007 in the presence of
increasing amounts of humic acid was performed using the NGM Detect™ kit for
30 cycles of amplification (Figure 33). The final concentrations of humic acid tested in
the reactions were 0, 140, 250 and 400 ng/µL (Table 10).
to use in this SVG. NGM SElect kit
250 ng/uL Humic acid
nced callouts or arrows
™ ™
, as needed. Figure 33 Electropherograms for the NGM Detect kit and the NGM SElect kit show the
improved performance of the NGM Detect kit in the presence of humic acid compared
and unused with previous AmpFℓSTR kits. The same set of inhibited samples was analyzed with the
™ ™
elements NGM Detect kit and the NGM SElect kit for 30 cycles of amplification.
Table 10 NGM Detect™ kit performance in simulated humic inhibition (N = 5).
1 Minimum,
Humic acid concentration Number of alleles detected[1]
0 ng/µL 35 35, 35
400 ng/µL 1 1, 1
[1] Only those peaks ≥175 RFU were counted. A complete profile with DNA Control 007 yields 35 peaks using the
NGM Detect™ kit.
Mixture studies
SWGDAM “The ability to obtain reliable results from mixed source samples should be
guideline 3.8 determined.” (SWGDAM, December 2016)
Mixture study Evidence samples may contain DNA from more than one individual. The possibility
overview of multiple contributors should be considered when interpreting the results. Perform
studies to determine a minimum peak height threshold to avoid typing when
stochastic effects are likely to interfere with accurate interpretation of mixtures.
Evidence samples that contain body fluids and/or tissues originating from more than
one individual are an important category of forensic casework.
It is essential to ensure that the DNA typing system is able to detect DNA mixtures.
Typically, mixed samples can be distinguished from single-source samples by:
• The presence of more than two alleles at one or more loci
• The presence of a peak at a stutter position that is significantly greater in
percentage than typically observed in a single-source sample
• Significantly imbalanced alleles for a heterozygous genotype
The peak height ratio is defined as the height of the lower peak (in RFU) divided by
the height of the higher peak (in RFU), expressed as a percentage.
If an unusually low peak height ratio is observed for one locus, and there are no other
indications that the sample is a mixture, reamplify and reanalyze the sample to
determine if the imbalance is reproducible. Possible causes of imbalance at a locus are:
• Degraded DNA
• Presence of inhibitors
• Extremely low amounts of input DNA
• A mutation in one of the primer binding sites
• Presence of an allele containing a rare sequence that does not amplify as
efficiently as the other allele
Mixture study Median, minimum, and maximum peak height ratios observed for alleles in the
observation NGM Detect™ kit loci in unmixed human population database samples (N=60) are
shown in Figure 34. The donor samples that were used are listed in “Population
samples used in these studies“ on page 102.
Figure 34 Heterozygote ratios for 0.5 ng of input DNA. The distribution of intra-locus peak
use in this SVG.
height ratio is expressed as a percentage, by locus (low peak height allele divided by high
ed callouts or arrows peak height allele). Boxes show the middle 50% or interquartile range (IQR). Box halves
allout&Arrow_Libary. below and above median show the second and third quartile, respectively. "Whiskers"
indicate 1.5 IQR from the upper and lower margins of the IQR. Black dots are outlier data
points more than 1.5 IQR from the median (N=60).
as needed.
nd unused
Resolution of A sample containing DNA from two sources can comprise (at a single locus) any of
ements genotypes in the seven genotype combinations (see below).
pository. mixed samples • Heterozygote + heterozygote, no overlapping alleles (four peaks)
• Heterozygote + heterozygote, one overlapping allele (three peaks)
1 • Heterozygote + heterozygote, two overlapping alleles (two peaks)
1 • Heterozygote + homozygote, no overlapping alleles (three peaks)
• Heterozygote + homozygote, overlapping allele (two peaks)
• Homozygote + homozygote, no overlapping alleles (two peaks)
• Homozygote + homozygote, overlapping allele (one peak)
Specific genotype combinations and input DNA ratios of the samples contained in a
mixture determine whether or not it is possible to resolve the genotypes of the major
and minor components at a single locus.
The ability to obtain and compare quantitative values for the different allele peak
heights on Applied Biosystems™ instruments provides additional valuable data to aid
in resolving mixed genotypes.
Ultimately, the likelihood that any sample is a mixture must be determined by the
analyst in the context of each particular case, including the information provided from
known reference samples.
Note: Peak detection is a complex process that involves the STR chemistry, capillary
electrophoresis conditions, and the data analysis software. Contact HID Support for a
Technical Note with additional information on detecting peaks in electropherograms.
Limit of detection Mixtures of two DNA samples were examined at various ratios (0:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:7, 1:15,
of the minor 1:30, 30:1, 15:1, 7:1, 3:1 and 1:0 M:F ratios). The total amount of genomic input DNA
mixed at each ratio was 0.5 ng. The samples were amplified in a GeneAmp™ PCR
System 9700, then electrophoresed and detected using a 3500xL Genetic Analyzer.
The results of the mixed DNA samples are shown in Figure 35. The male 007 and
female 9947a were mixed according to the ratios indicated. The minor component
allele calls at non-overlapping loci are highlighted. Detection of full profiles for the
minor contributor was possible at ratios of 7:1 (0.438 ng of 007 and 0.063 ng of 9947a)
and 1:7 (0.063 ng of 007 and 0.438 ng of 9947a, with 2/3 replicates giving full profiles
of the 007 minor contributor). 15:1, 30:1, 1:30, and 1:15 ratios resulted in partial
profiles for the minor component. The genotypes of these samples are shown in
Table 11.
Table 12 shows mixture sample compositions and STR allele counts from
NGM Detect™ assays.
IQCS — — — —
D2S1338 20 23 19 23
IQCL — — — —
D16S539 9 10 11 12
D18S51 12 15 15 19
D12S391 18 19 18 20
D3S1358 15 16 14 15
FGA 24 26 23 24
Y indel 2 — — —
Amelogenin X Y X —
vWA 14 16 17 18
D21S11 28 31 30 —
D1S1656 13 16 18.3 —
D2S441 14 15 10 14
D8S1179 12 13 13 —
D19S433 14 15 14 15
D22S1045 11 16 11 14
D10S1248 12 15 13 15
Table 12 Mixture sample compositions and STR allele counts from NGM Detect™
Note: The data in this table are from the original validation study of the NGM Detect™ kit.
Female Female
Male 007 Total DNA Male 007
9947a 9947a
Female Female
Male 007 Total DNA Male 007
9947a 9947a
Population data
SWGDAM “The distribution of genetic markers in populations should be determined in relevant
guideline 3.7 population groups.” (SWGDAM, December 2016)
Population data To interpret the significance of a match between genetically typed samples, you must
overview know the population distribution of alleles at each locus in question. If the genotype
of the relevant evidence sample is:
• Different from the genotype of the reference sample for a suspect, then the
suspect is excluded as the donor of the biological evidence that was tested. An
exclusion is independent of the frequency of the two genotypes in the population.
• The same as the genotype of the reference sample for a suspect, then the suspect
is included as a possible source of the evidence sample.
The probability that another, unrelated individual would also match the evidence
sample is estimated by the frequency of that genotype in the relevant populations.
Loci in the kit The NGM Detect™ kit contains loci for which extensive population data are available.
For additional information on the loci shared between many of the AmpFℓSTR™ kits,
see the population data and additional studies section of the AmpFℓSTR™ NGM
SElect™ PCR Amplification Kit Kit User Guide (Pub. No. 4458841) and the AmpFℓSTR™
Identifiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit User Guide (Pub. No. 4440211).
Population Note: The data in this section are from the original validation study of the
samples used in NGM Detect™ kit.
these studies The NGM Detect™ kit has high genotypic concordance (>99.5%) to the NGM SElect™
kit and by extension to the GlobalFiler™ kit. (All STR markers in the NGM SElect™ kit
are included in the GlobalFiler™ kit with both the GlobalFiler™ and NGM SElect™ kits
sharing the same primers for common loci.) Therefore, the existing population data
from the GlobalFiler™ kit was used, as applicable, to generate the population data that
is provided in this section. Whole blood samples, provided by the Interstate Blood
Bank (Memphis, Tennessee) and Boca Biolistics (Coconut Creek, Florida), were
collected in the United States (with no geographical preference) from randomly
selected individuals of known ethnicities. Ethnicities of sample donors were:
• African-American—330 samples
• Asian—153 samples
• Caucasian—343 samples
• Hispanic—368 samples
DNA was extracted using a 6100 Nucleic Acid Prep Station.
In addition to the alleles that we observed and recorded in our databases, other alleles
have been published or reported to us by other laboratories (see the STRBase at
Concordance In the validation study of the original NGM Detect™ kit formulation, a concordance
studies population study with 1,165 in-house samples identified two samples that were
discordant because of allele dropout or severe allele imbalance in the NGM Detect™
assay. The samples were characterized and degenerate oligos were added to the SE33
(2 oligos) and D8S1179 (1 oligo) markers in the final stages of development. The
resulting concordance between the NGM SElect™ kit and the NGM Detect™ kit was
greater than 99.5%.
In the validation study of the updated NGM Detect™ kit formulation, we used the
new primer set with 1,092 individuals from the same donor population. We observed
100% concordance between the new primer set and the original primer set at the TH01
Probability of The PI value is the probability that two individuals selected at random will have an
Identity definition identical genotype (Sensabaugh, 1982).
Probability of Table 13 shows the Autosomal STR allele frequencies at NGM Detect™ kit loci by
identity population group.
Table 14 shows the Y-specific allele frequencies by population group for NGM Detect™
kit Y indel locus. The Y-specific allele frequencies were not included in the probability
of identity calculation.
Table 15 shows the Probability of identity (PI) values of the NGM Detect™ kit loci
individually and combined.
Table 13 Autosomal allele frequencies by population group for NGM Detect™ kit STR
loci. (*=Alleles not detected or not detected in significant quantities)
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
10 * * * *
11 * * * *
12 * * * *
13 0.15* * 0.15* *
14 * * 0.15* *
15 0.30* * 0.15* *
28 * 0.98* * 0.14*
29 * 0.33* * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
3.2 * * * *
4.2 * * * *
5 * * * *
6 * * * *
6.3 * * 0.15* *
7 * * * *
8 * * * *
8.2 * * * *
9 * * * *
9.2 * * * *
10 * * * *
10.2 * * * *
11 * * * *
12.1 * * 0.15* *
14.3 * * 0.15* *
15.3 * * * *
16.3 * * * 0.14*
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
17.2 0.15* * * *
17.3 * * 0.15* *
19.3 * * 0.29* *
21.1 * * * *
23 0.30* * * *
23.3 * * * 0.14*
25 * * * *
26 0.15* * * 0.27*
27 * * * *
28 * * * *
29 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
30 * * * *
31 * * * 0.14*
32 * * 0.44* *
33 * * 0.29* 0.41*
34 * * 0.29* 0.41*
35 * * 0.15* *
35.2 * 0.33* * *
36 * * 0.15* *
36.2 * * * *
37 * * * 0.14*
37.2 * * * *
38 * * * *
38.2 * * * *
39 * * * *
39.2 * * * *
40 * * * *
41 * * * *
42 * * * *
43 * * * *
4 * * * *
5 * * * *
6 * * * 0.14*
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
7 * * * *
8.3 * * * *
9.3 * * * *
11.3 * * * *
12.1 * * * *
12.2 * * * *
13.3 * * * *
15 * * 0.15* 0.27*
16 * * * *
6 * * * *
7 * * * *
9 * * * 0.14*
9.2 * * * *
10.2 0.15* * * *
11.2 * * * *
12.2 * * * *
12.3 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
13.1 * * * *
13.2 0.30* * * *
13.3 * * * *
15.2 * * * 0.14*
15.3 * * * *
16.1 * * * *
16.2 * * * *
17.2 * * * *
17.3 * * * *
18.1 * * * *
18.2 * * * *
19.2 * * * *
20.2 0.15* * * *
21.2 * * * *
22.2 * * * *
23.2 * * * *
24 * 0.65* * 0.27*
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
25 * * * 0.14*
26 * 0.33* * *
27 * * * *
28 * * * *
3 * * * *
4 * * * *
5 0.45* * 0.15* *
5.3 * * * *
6.3 * * * *
7.3 * * * *
8.3 * * * *
10.3 * * * *
11 * * * *
12 * * * *
13 * * * *
13.3 * * * *
14.3 * * * *
13 * * * 0.14*
14 * * * 0.14*
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
18.1 * * * *
19.1 0.61* * * *
20.1 * * * *
20.3 * * 0.15* *
24.3 * * * *
26 * * 0.29* 0.27*
27 * * 0.15* 0.14*
8 * * * *
9 0.30* * * 0.14*
10 * * * *
11 * * 0.29* *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
15.2 0.30* * * *
16.2 * * * *
17.1 * * * *
17.2 * * * *
18.2 * * * *
20 * * * *
20.1 * * * *
21 * * * *
12.2 * * * *
13 * * * *
14 * * * *
15 * * * *
16 * 0.33* 0.15* *
16.1 0.30* * * *
16.2 * * * *
17 * 0.33* 0.15* *
17.2 * * * *
18.2 0.61* * * *
19.2 0.45* * * *
19.3 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
20.1 * * * *
20.3 * * * *
21.3 * * * *
22.1 * * * *
22.3 * * * *
23.1 * * * *
23.3 0.30* * * *
24.1 * * * *
24.2 * 0.33* * *
24.3 * * * *
25.1 * * * *
25.2 * * * *
25.3 * * * *
26.1 * * * *
26.2 * * * *
27.2 * * * *
28.2 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
29 * * * 0.41*
29.2 * * * *
30 0.15* * * 0.14*
30.2 0.15* * * *
31 * * * *
31.2 * * * *
32 * * * *
32.2 * * * *
33.2 * * * *
34.2 0.15* * * *
41.2 * * * *
42.2 * * * *
43.2 * * * *
44.2 * * * *
45.2 * * * *
46.2 * * * *
47.2 * * * *
48.2 * * * *
49.2 * * * *
50.2 * * * *
51.2 * * * *
52.2 * * * *
10 * * * *
11 0.45* * * 0.14*
12 * * * 0.27*
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
15.2 * * * *
18.2 * * * *
21 0.61* * * *
22 * * * *
23 0.15* * * *
24 * * * *
25 * * * *
23 * * * *
23.2 * * * *
24 * * * *
24.2 * * * 0.27*
24.3 * * * *
25 * * * *
25.2 * * * *
25.3 * * * *
26.2 * * * *
27.1 * * * *
27.2 * * * *
28.1 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
28.3 * * * *
29.1 * * * *
29.2 * * 0.15* *
30.1 * * * *
30.3 * * * *
31.1 * * * *
31.3 * 0.33* * *
32.1 * * * *
32.3 * * * *
33.1 * * * *
33.3 * * * *
34 0.15* * * *
34.1 * * * *
35 3.64 * * 0.27*
35.1 * * * *
35.2 * * * *
36 0.76 * * 0.14*
36.1 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
36.2 * * * *
37 * * * *
37.2 * * * *
38 * * * 0.14*
38.2 * * * *
39 * * * *
8 * * * *
9 0.15* * * 0.14*
13.3 * * * *
17.1 * * 0.29* *
19 0.15* * * *
20 * 0.33* * *
20.3 0.15* * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
21 * * * *
21.3 * * * *
7 * * * *
8 0.15* * * *
9 * * 0.58* 0.14*
9.1 * 2.94 * *
13.3 * * * *
14.3 * * * *
16 * * 0.44* 0.41*
17 * * * *
18 * * * *
4 * * * *
5 * * * *
6 * * * *
7 * * * *
10.2 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
12.3 * * * *
13.3 * * * *
15.3 * * * *
18 * * * *
19 * * * *
20 * * * *
5 * * * *
5.2 * * * *
6 * * * *
6.2 * * * *
7 * * * *
8 * * * *
9 0.30* 0.33* * *
9.2 * * * *
10.2 0.15* * * *
11 9.85 * * 1.63
12.1 * * 0.15* *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
13.1 * * * *
14.3 * * * *
17 * * 0.29* 0.54*
18 * * 0.15* *
18.2 * * * *
19 * * * *
19.2 * * * *
20.2 * * * *
6 * * * *
7 * * * *
8 0.61* * * *
9 * * * *
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Allele American Asian (n=153)
(n=343) (n=368)
19 * * * *
20 * * * 0.14*
21 * * * *
7 0.15* * * *
8 * * * 0.14*
9 0.15* * * 0.14*
10 * 0.33* * 0.14*
18 0.30* * 0.29* *
19 * * * *
20 * * * *
Table 14 Y-specific frequencies by population group for the NGM Detect™ kit Y indel
locus. (*=Alleles not detected or not detected in significant quantities)
African American U.S. Hispanic
Allele Asian (n = 65) Caucasian
(n = 246) (n = 182)
(n = 233)
Y indel
Table 15 Probability of identity (PI) values for the NGM Detect™ kit STR loci
U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Locus American Asian (n = 153)
(n = 343) (n = 368)
(n = 330)
Probability of Allele frequencies, observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), Match
paternity Probability (MP), and p-value of each locus was calculated using a software program
developed by Ge (Li et al., 2013) and shown in the following table.
observation Departures from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) expectations of each locus were
derived using Arlequin (Excoffier et al., 2010). After Bonferroni correction (Weir, 1990),
(p-value = 0.05/21 = 0.0024), no departures from HWE were observed at any locus.
African American Asian U.S. Caucasian U.S. Hispanic
Population data
Chapter 6 Experiments and results
Marker p- p- p- p-
Ho He MP Ho He MP Ho He MP Ho He MP
value value value value
D3S1358 0.772 0.762 0.094 0.902 0.686 0.682 0.151 0.012 0.753 0.786 0.079 0.698 0.698 0.758 0.098 0.291
vWA 0.752 0.798 0.068 0.116 0.829 0.784 0.08 0.309 0.841 0.807 0.064 0.621 0.842 0.782 0.08 0.463
D16S539 0.772 0.797 0.071 0.026 0.8 0.764 0.092 0.457 0.801 0.749 0.103 0.047 0.77 0.774 0.084 0.835
D8S1179 0.782 0.793 0.068 0.662 0.814 0.828 0.052 0.795 0.793 0.797 0.065 0.122 0.755 0.802 0.064 0.518
D21S11 0.861 0.849 0.039 0.553 0.8 0.791 0.069 0.667 0.873 0.837 0.046 0.385 0.827 0.839 0.044 0.315
D18S51 0.931 0.868 0.031 0.324 0.829 0.853 0.038 0.572 0.873 0.872 0.03 0.962 0.849 0.87 0.031 0.945
D2S441 0.772 0.756 0.099 0.421 0.714 0.746 0.101 0.238 0.757 0.766 0.09 0.077 0.791 0.763 0.094 0.611
D19S433 0.812 0.825 0.051 0.663 0.714 0.802 0.064 0.13 0.785 0.774 0.083 0.859 0.82 0.834 0.046 0.446
TH01 0.762 0.747 0.102 0.418 0.614 0.656 0.171 0.381 0.753 0.783 0.081 0.326 0.77 0.767 0.091 0.845
FGA 0.782 0.866 0.033 0.082 0.9 0.841 0.044 0.24 0.829 0.857 0.037 0.337 0.842 0.882 0.025 0.127
D22S1045 0.842 0.822 0.055 0.062 0.743 0.742 0.112 0.966 0.705 0.714 0.131 0.026 0.698 0.672 0.162 0.064
NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit User Guide
SE33 0.96 0.929 0.009 0.776 0.943 0.936 0.008 0.526 0.968 0.947 0.005 0.532 0.921 0.941 0.007 0.597
D10S1248 0.792 0.789 0.075 0.823 0.757 0.764 0.091 0.928 0.785 0.769 0.09 0.63 0.691 0.724 0.124 0.336
D1S1656 0.921 0.863 0.033 0.351 0.757 0.818 0.056 0.043 0.912 0.899 0.019 0.55 0.871 0.896 0.02 0.048
D12S391 0.861 0.864 0.032 0.19 0.771 0.808 0.063 0.65 0.904 0.896 0.02 0.45 0.842 0.874 0.028 0.071
D2S1338 0.911 0.894 0.02 0.763 0.871 0.872 0.03 0.356 0.88 0.878 0.027 0.23 0.906 0.877 0.027 0.929
Chapter 6 Experiments and results
Population data 6
The following table shows the Probability of paternity exclusion (PE) values of the NGM Detect™ kit STR loci
individually and combined.
The PE value is the probability, averaged over all possible mother-child pairs, that a random alleged father will
be excluded from paternity after DNA typing using the NGM Detect™ kit STR loci (Chakraborty, Stivers, and
Zhong, 1996).
Table 17 Probability of paternity exclusion values for the NGM Detect™ kit STR loci
Item Source
Item Source
Item Source
96-well retainer & base set (Standard) 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzers 4410228
8-Tube retainer & base set (Standard) for 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzers 4410231
Item Source
Item Source
Item Source
Item Source
Laboratory supplies
Item Source
Various procedures
Pipettors MLS
Vortex MLS
[1] Major laboratory supplier
• Calculator
• Gloves, disposable
• Marker pen, permanent
• Microcentrifuge
• Microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5-mL, or 2.0-mL, or other appropriate nuclease-free tube
(for master mix preparation)
• Microcentrifuge tube rack
• Pipette tips, sterile, disposable hydrophobic filter-plugged
• Pipettors
Use only the validated thermal cyclers listed in “Instruments and software
compatibility“ on page 15.
Chemical safety
ensure laboratory personnel read and practice the general safety guidelines for
chemical usage, storage, and waste provided below. Consult the relevant SDS
for specific precautions and instructions:
· Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provided by the
chemical manufacturer before you store, handle, or work with any chemicals
or hazardous materials. To obtain SDSs, see the “Documentation and
Support” section in this document.
· Minimize contact with chemicals. Wear appropriate personal protective
equipment when handling chemicals (for example, safety glasses, gloves, or
protective clothing).
· Minimize the inhalation of chemicals. Do not leave chemical containers open.
Use only with adequate ventilation (for example, fume hood).
· Check regularly for chemical leaks or spills. If a leak or spill occurs, follow
the manufacturer's cleanup procedures as recommended in the SDS.
· Handle chemical wastes in a fume hood.
· Ensure use of primary and secondary waste containers. (A primary waste
container holds the immediate waste. A secondary container contains spills
or leaks from the primary container. Both containers must be compatible
with the waste material and meet federal, state, and local requirements for
container storage.)
· After emptying a waste container, seal it with the cap provided.
· Characterize (by analysis if necessary) the waste generated by the particular
applications, reagents, and substrates used in your laboratory.
· Ensure that the waste is stored, transferred, transported, and disposed of
according to all local, state/provincial, and/or national regulations.
· IMPORTANT! Radioactive or biohazardous materials may require special
handling, and disposal limitations may apply.
Related documentation
Document title Pub. No.
STR kits
NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit – PCR Amplification and CE Quick Reference 100044088
NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit – PCR Setup Quick Reference 100044087
Technical Note: Updated NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit: Validation and Comparative Study —
Note: Go to to
open the Technical Note.
Quantification kits
Quantifiler™ HP and Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kits User Guide 4485355
Thermal cyclers
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer with 3500 Series Data Collection Software v1 User Guide 4401661
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer with 3500 Series Data Collection Software v2 User Guide 4476988
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer with 3500 Series Data Collection Software 3.1 User Guide 100031809
3500 Series Data Collection Software v3 User Bulletin: New Features and HID Validation MAN0010812
3500 Series Data Collection Software v3.1 User Bulletin: New Features and HID Validation MAN0014110
3130/3130xl Genetic Analyzers Using Data Collection Software v3.0 User Bulletin 4363787
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.0 Getting Started Guide— Basic Features 4375574
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.1 Getting Started Guide— Mixture Analysis Tool 4396773
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.2 Verification Experiments and Installation Procedures User 4462639
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.2 Quick Reference— Mixture Analysis Tool 4426482
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.3 Verification Experiments and Installation Procedures User 4470483
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.4 New Features and Installation Procedures User Bulletin 4477684
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.5 New Features and Verification User Bulletin 100031708
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.5 Getting Started Guide— Basic Features 100031701
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.5 Getting Started Guide— Mixture Analysis Tool 100031704
GeneMapper™ ID‑X Software v1.5 Quick Reference— Mixture Analysis Tool 100031705
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+A 85 references 24, 28
+A nucleotide addition 85 run module 24, 28
setup of the 3130 instrument 28
setup of the 3130xl instrument 28
3' A 85, 86 setup of the 3500 and 3500xL instruments 24
3130 instrument 28 extra peaks 77
3500 instrument 24
license activation 28 G
spectral calibration 26, 30 GeneScan 600 LIZ Size Standard v2.0 48
600 LIZ Size Standard v2.0 48 GeneScan size standard, about 11
accuracy and reproducibility 63 import panels, bins, and marker stutter 36
alleles, off-ladder 65 instrument and software compatibility 15
allelic ladder, requirements for electrophoresis 23
artifacts 87
limited product warranty 138
B LIZ size standard
bins, import 36 about 11
biohazard safety 135 peak sizes 48
volume per reaction 27, 30
LIZ Size Standard v2.0 48
characterization of loci, validation 88
control DNA M
007 11 marker stutter, import 36
profile 13 materials not supplied 127
developmental validation 57 panels
direct amplification 22 check version 35
DNA control profile 13 import 36
documentation, related 136 PCR
DS-37 matrix standard 26, 30 conditions 21
dye set for 6-dye samples 26, 30 perform 21
setup 131
work areas 131
data collection software 24, 28 Q
prepare samples 27, 30 quantification, DNA 17
required materials 127 terms and conditions 138
run module for electrophoresis thermal cyclers
3130 instrument 28 for use with kit 15
3130xl instrument 28 programming 21
3500 and 3500xL instruments 24 troubleshooting 124
safety, biohazard 135 validation, importance 56
sensitivity 92
size standard 48
spectral calibration 26, 30 W
stutter, peaks 83 warranty 138
stutter file, import 36 work area, PCR setup 131
2 January 2019