Gen Math Mod 4

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Chapter 3

SHS- General Mathematics

Logarithmic Functions


In this section we’ll take a look at a function that is related to the exponential functions. How
exponential functions related to logarithmic functions. Logarithms are one of the functions
that students fear the most. The main reason for this seems to be that they simply have never
really had to work with them. Once they start working with them, students come to realize
that they aren’t as bad as they first thought.
One of the properties of the exponential function ( ) is that it is a one-to-one
function. This means that it has an inverse function whose graph can be obtainedby reflecting
the graph of through the line

Some of the most common applications in real-life of logarithms are the Richter scale by
Charles Richter in 1935, Sound intensity, and pH level.

In 1935, Charles Richter proposed a logarithmic scale

1. Earthquake Magnitude on a Richter scale used to measure the intensity of an earthquake.

It defined the magnitude of an earthquake as a function of its amplitude on a standard
seismograph. The following formula produces the same results, but is based on the energy
released by an earthquake.

The magnitude R of an earthquake is given by


where; E (in joules) is the energy released by the earthquake (the quantity 104.40 joules is the
energy released by a very small reference earthquake).

2. Sound Intensity, In acoustics, the decibel (dB) level of a sound is

where; I is the sound intensity in watts/m2 (the quantity watts/ is least audible
sound a human can hear).

3. Acidity and the pH scale

The pH level of a water-based solution is defined as

pH = – log[ ],
where [ ] ; is the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per liter.
Solutions with a pH of
a. 7 are defined neutral;
b. pH < 7 are acidic, and
c. pH > 7 are basic

Learning Outcomes
After working with the module, you will be able to:

1. To determine the relations between exponential functions and logarithmic functions.

2.Solve logarithmic function and equations.
2.To graph logarithmic functions
3. Solve problems involving logarithmic functions.
Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


One of the properties of the exponential function ( ) is that it is a one-to-one

Is it possible that the inverse of exponential function is the logarithmic function?

Let us solve for the inverse function of exponential function.

(1) ; interchange the variable x and y.

(2) ; find in the form of function y=f(x).
(3) og( )
(4) og
(5) og

Therefore the inverse function of the exponential function is the logarithmic

functions .

This means that it has an inverse function whose graph can be obtainedby reflecting the graph
of through the line . This is illustrated in the following figures for the case where
and also where .

1. In both the logarithmic and exponential forms, b is the base. In the exponential form, x is an
exponent; this implies that the logarithm is actually an exponent. Hence, logarithmic and
exponential functions are inverses.
2. In the logarithmic form og , x cannot be negative.
3. The value of og , can be negative
Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

Definition. Property of Exponential Equation

For any constant 𝑏 , 𝑏 ≠ , the equation
𝒚 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝒙
defines a logarithmic function with base b and domain all 𝑥 .

(𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝒙 is equivalent to 𝒙 𝒃𝒚 )

Example: A. Write each exponential equation in logarithmic form.

Exponential Function Logarithmic Functions

a. =x

Example: B. Write each logarithmic equation in exponential form.

Exponential Function Logarithmic Functions






1 Evaluate each and find for x.

a. og b. og c. og

d. og e. og f. og

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


Because logarithms are exponents, they have the properties that can be verified using
properties of exponents.

Location of Base and Exponent in Exponential and Logarithmic Forms

Exponent Exponent

Logarithmic Form: 𝑥 og 𝑏 𝑦 Exponential Form: 𝑏 𝑥 𝑦


Exponential Function Logarithmic Function

( ) ( ) og
≠ ≠
Domain: All real numbers, Domain: All positive real numbers, (0, )
Range: All positive real numbers, (0, ) Range: All real numbers,
Horizontal asymptote is x-axis: Vertical asymptote is y-axis:
( ) ( og )
y-intercept: 1 x-intercept: 1
No x-intercept No y-intercept

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

Properties of Logarithms 𝒚 𝒇(𝒙) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝒙 for 𝒃 𝟏 and 𝒃 ≠ 𝟏

𝟏. The domain consists of all positive number x.

2. The range consists of all real numbers y.
3. The function increases (the curve is rising) for 𝑏 , and it decreases(the curveis falling) for
4.The curve is concave down for 𝑏 , and it concave up for 𝑏
5. It is a one-to-one function; if og 𝑏 𝑥 = og 𝑏 𝑥 , then 𝑥 𝑥 .
6. The point (1,0) is on the graph. There is no y-intercept.
7. the y-axis is a vertical asymptote to the curve in the downward direction for 𝒃 and in
the upward direction 𝑏
8. og 𝑏 𝑏 𝑥 =x and 𝑏 𝑏𝑥 =x.

for 𝒃 𝟏 and 𝒃 ≠ 𝟏
1. og 𝑏 because 𝑏 2. og 𝑏 𝑏 because 𝑏 𝑏 𝑏
3. og 𝑏 𝑏 𝑥 𝑥 and 𝑏 𝑏𝑥 𝑥 (Inverse Properties) 4. If og 𝑏 𝑥 og 𝑏 𝑦, then x=y (one-
to-one property)
5. og 𝑎 𝑐 6. og 𝑎 𝑏
𝑏𝑎 𝑏𝑎


2 Evaluate the logarithmic equation.

a. og c. og

b. og d.


a. ; Because , we conclude that

b. ; Because , we conclude that
c. ; Because , we conclude that
d. ; Because , we conclude that

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

Graphs of Logarithmic Functions

To sketch the graph of og , you can use the fact that the graphs of inverse
functions are reflections of each other along the line y=x.
Coverting a logarithmic function to exponential form can be helpful when graphing.

1. Set up the table of coordinates for ( ) . reverse these coordinates to get the
for the inverse function ( ) og .

x -2 -1 0 1 2 x
1 3 9
( )
1 3 9 ( ) og -2 -1 0 1 2

Reverse coordinates

2. Plot the ordered pairs in both tables. Connect each set with a smooth curve. What do you

𝒇(𝒙) 𝟑𝒙

𝒈(𝒙) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 𝒙

𝒚 𝒙

 The graph shows the relationship between the graph of the exponential functions and
the inverse, the logarithmic functions which reflects at y=x.

Characteristics of the Graphs of Logarithmic Functions

 The x-intercept is 1. There is no y-intercept.

 The y-axis is a vertical asyptote.
 If 𝑏 , the function is increasing. If 𝑏 , the function is decreasing.
 The graph is smooth and continuous. It has no sharp corners or gaps.

The graphs of logarithmic functions can be translated vertically or horizontally, reflected , stretched, or

TRY IT YOURSELF. Graph the following logarithmic functions in the same x-y plane.

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

3 A. ( ) og and ( ) og


1 3 9
( ) og 0 1 2
( ) og 0 1 2 3 4


𝐠(𝐱) 𝟑 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 𝒙

𝐟(𝐱) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 𝒙

 The graph of ( ) , is the graph of ( ) moved 3 units up.

B. ( ) og and ( ) og .


1 3 9
( ) og 0 1 2
( ) og 2 1 0 -1 -2


Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

𝐟(𝐱) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 𝒙

𝐡(𝐱) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 𝒙

 The graph of ( ) , is the reflectionof the graph of ( ) along

the x-axis.

3 C. ( ) og , and ( ) og ( ), .


1 3 9
( ) og 0 1 2

-1 -3 -9
( ) og ( ) -2 -1 0 1 2

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


𝐠(𝐱) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 ( 𝒙) 𝐟(𝐱) 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 𝒙

 The graph of ( ) ( ), is the reflectionof the graph of ( )

along the y-axis.

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

Review: The Definition

Transformation – the process of moving a figure from the starting position to some ending
position without changing its size or shape.
Reflection – a transformation that produces a new figure, which is a mirror image of the
original figure.
Translation – a shift or movement in a figure’s ocation without changing its shape
Glide Reflection – a combination of a reflection and a translation (glide).

Transformation Involving Logarithmic Functions

Transformation Equation Description

A. Vertical translation ( ) og Shifts the graph of ( ) og ,
-c units upward, if c>0.
-c units downward, if

B. Reflection ( ) og -Reflects the graph of ( ) og

about the x-axis.
( ) og ( ) - Reflects the graph of ( ) og
about the y-axis.

C. Horizontal translation ( ) og ( ) Shifts the graph of ( ) og ,

-c units to the left, if c>0.
-c units to the right, if

D. Vertical stretching or ( ) og Multiplying the y-coordinates of

shrinking. ( ) og by c
-Stretches the graph of ( ) og if
-shrinks the graph of ( ) og if


The following properties can be used to rewrite logarithms of products, quotients, and powers.

If M and N are positive and k be any real number, 𝑏 , 𝑏 ≠ , then
Law 1. Logarithm of a Product: 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑴𝑵 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑴 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑵
Law 2. Logarithm of a Quotient: 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑵 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑴 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑵
Law 3. Logarithm of a Power: 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 (𝑴 ) 𝒌 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑴


𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝑴 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑵
𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑵 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝑴 𝑵 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝑴 𝑴 𝟏
𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝑵 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝑴

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

Derivations of Laws of Logarithms by using appropriate rules of exponents.

Let: r= and s=

Law 1. Logarithm of a Product: The logarithm of a product is equal to the sum of the logarithms
of its factors.

I. Definition of Logarithm

2. MN= * Multiplication Property of Equality

3. MN= Law of Exponent ( )
4. ( ) Multiplication Property of Equality; Properties of
4. Definition of Logarithm
5. Law of Substitution, substitute the equation of r and s.

Law 2. Logarithm of a Quotient: The logarithm of a quotient is equal to the logarithm of the
numerator minus the logarithm of the denominator.

I. Definition of Logarithm

2. = Division Property of Equality

3. = Law of Exponent ( )
4. = Multiplication Property of Equality;
5. =( ) Properties of Logarithm
4. r- s Definition of Logarithm
5. Law of Substitution, substitute the equation of r and s.

Law 3. Logarithm of a Power: The logarithm of a power is equal to the product of theexponent n
and the logarithm of the base x.

( )

I. Definition of Logarithm
2. ( ) Raising both sides of the eqaution to a power s
3. Law of Exponent ( )
4. = Multiplication Property of Equality;
5. ( ) = Definition of Logarithm ; Properties of Logarithm

( ) = Law of Substitution, substitute the equation of r and s.

s( )=

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

TRY IT YOURSELF. Use the laws of logarithm to expand each term.

4 Evaluate each and find for x.

a. og ( ) b. og ( ) c. og d. og √

e. og ( ) f. og √ g. og ( )


a. og ( ) og og Law 1

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

TRY IT YOURSELF. Write each sum or difference as a single logarithm.

a. og og b. og og ( ) c. og ( ) og

d. og ( ) og e. og og ( )


a. og og Law 1
= og ( ) Multiply
= og ( )


6 A. Express each logarithm in terms of og and og .

a. og b. og

B. Evaluate each.

c. og og d. og og

C. If og og og . Express each in terms of a, b, and c only.

e. og f. og

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


The logarithmic function with base 10 is called the common logarithmic function. To simplify the
notation, we shall agree that when the base of logarithm is not written, it is understood to be 10.
That is,

Common Logarithms Natural Logarithms

1. og because 1. n because
2. og because 2. n because
3. og and 3. n and
4. If og og , then x=y 4. If n n , then
5. If og og og 5. n n n
6. If og og og 6. n n n
7. og og 7. n n

Natural logarithms are logarithms to the base e (approximately 2.71828), and are denoted by “ n”. In
other words, lnx is another way of writing .


6 A. Evaluate each.

a. n b. c. n n d. n n
B. Expand each logarithm.

a. n b. n( )

C. Simplify the expresion ito a single logarithm.

a. n( ) n b. n n

D. Write each logarithm in terms of n and .

a. n b. n( )


A. Evaluate each.

a. n , because n
=1 +0 =1

B. Expand each logarithm.

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

a. n change radical form to exponential form
( )
= n n n n
= n( ) n n n
= n( ) n

C. Simplify the expresion ito a single logarithm.

a. n( ) n n n
n( ) n n n n
( )

D. Write each logarithm in terms of n and .

a. n = n( ) n n n
= n n


If og 𝑥 𝑦, then x is called the antilogarithm of y. In symbols,
x= antilogarithm y


7 A. Find x if og
We can find x in two ways by using calculator.

1. Using the inverse of the log function (antilog), we have

Press: 4.32 INV log

2. Using the equivalent exponential equation , we have

Press: 10 4 . 3 2 =

In both cases,
x= antilog 4.32=20892.96
Hence, log 20 892.96 =12.15

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

4 Self Assessment Questions


A. Solve for the inverse function of

B. Without using a calculator determine the exact value of each of the following. Show
your solution,

1. og

2. og

3. og

4. n

5. og

6. n √

7. og

8. og

9. og √

10. og

Write each of the following in terms of simpler logarithms

1. og ( )

2. n( √

3. n

4. og ( )

5. og (( )

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


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Write your answers here.

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions

Chapter 3
SHS- General Mathematics
Logarithmic Functions


As you go along this module, what lesson did you feel the most difficult for you? Try to list them
down and give time to consult your teacher for further discussion.


Baratto Bergman E ementary and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition McGraw Hi Primis ISBN :
& ISBN :

Littell, McDougal. Practice Woorkbook in ALGEBRA 2, 2001. McDougal Littell Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 0-

Aufmann, Barker, Nation. College Algebra and Trigonometry, 7th edition. Brooks/Cole, Cengage
Learning . ISBN-10: 1-4390-4860-6 & ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-4860-3.

Flores, Maricar, Gagani Ray Ferdinand and Ypanto Quennie. Worktext in General Mathematics for
Senior High School. C & E Publishing, 2016.

Oronce, Orlando. General Mathematics. Rex Bookstore, 2016. ISBN 978-971-23-7818-8.

General Mathematics by DEPEd.


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