Introduction To Nutrition
Introduction To Nutrition
Introduction To Nutrition
Nutrients are substances required by the body to perform its basic functions. Most nutrients
must be obtained from our diet, since the human body does not synthesize or produce them.
Nutrients have one or more of three basic functions: they provide energy, contribute to body
structure, and/or regulate chemical processes in the body. These basic functions allow us to
detect and respond to environmental surroundings, move, excrete wastes, respire (breathe),
grow, and reproduce.
There are six classes of nutrients required for the body to function and maintain overall
health. These are: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals. Nutritious
foods provide nutrients for the body. Foods may also contain a variety of non-nutrients. Some
non-nutrients such as as antioxidants (found in many plant foods) are beneficial to the body,
whereas others such as natural toxins (common in some plant foods) or additives (like certain
dyes and preservatives found in processed foods) are potentially harmful.
Nutrients that are needed in large amounts are called macronutrients. There are three classes
of macronutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins . Macronutrients are carbon-based
compounds that can be metabolically processed into cellular energy through changes in their
chemical bonds. The chemical energy is converted into cellular energy known as ATP, that is
utilized by the body to perform work and conduct basic functions.
The amount of energy a person consumes daily comes primarily from the 3 macronutrients.
Food energy is measured in kilocalories. For ease of use, food labels state the amount of
energy in food in “calories,” meaning that each calorie is actually multiplied by one thousand
to equal a kilocalorie. (Note: Using scientific terminology, “Calorie” (with a capital “C”) is
equivalent to a kilocalorie. Therefore: 1 kilocalorie = 1 Calorie - 1000 calories
Water is also a macronutrient in the sense that the body needs it in large amounts, but unlike
the other macronutrients, it does not contain carbon or yield energy.
Note: Consuming alcohol also contributes energy (calories) to the diet at 7 kilocalories/gram,
so it must be counted in daily energy consumption. However, alcohol is not considered a
"nutrient" because it does not contribute to essential body functions and actually contains
substances that must broken down and excreted from the body to prevent toxic effects.
Carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that provide energy
to the body. The major food sources of carbohydrates are milk, grains, fruits, and starchy
vegetables, like potatoes. Non-starchy vegetables also contain carbohydrates, but in lesser
quantities. Carbohydrates are broadly classified into two forms based on their chemical
structure: simple carbohydrates (often called simple sugars) and complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates consist of one or two basic sugar units linked together. Their scientific
names are "monosaccharides" (1 sugar unit) and disaccharides (2 sugar units). They are
broken down and absorbed very quickly in the digestive tract and provide a fast burst of
energy to the body. Examples of simple sugars include the disaccharide sucrose, the type of
sugar you would have in a bowl on the breakfast table, and the monosaccharide glucose, the
most common type of fuel for most organisms including humans. Glucose is the primary
sugar that circulates in blood to provide energy to cells. The terms "blood sugar" and "blood
glucose" can be substituted for each other.
Complex carbohydrates are long chains of sugars units that can link in a straight chair or a
branched chain. During digestion, the body breaks down digestible complex carbohydrates
into simple sugars, mostly glucose. Glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream and
transported to all our cells where it is stored, used to make energy, or used to build
macromolecules. Fiber is also a complex carbohydrate, but it cannot be broken down by
digestive enzymes in the human intestine. As a result, it passes through the digestive tract
undigested unless the bacteria that inhabit the colon or large intestine break it down.
One gram of digestible carbohydrates yields 4 kilocalories of energy for the cells in the body
to perform work. In addition to providing energy and serving as building blocks for bigger
macromolecules, carbohydrates are essential for proper functioning of the nervous system,
heart, and kidneys. As mentioned, glucose can be stored in the body for future use. In
humans, the storage molecule of carbohydrates is called glycogen, and in plants, it is known
as starch. Glycogen and starch are complex carbohydrates.
Lipids are also a family of molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but unlike
carbohydrates, they are insoluble in water. Lipids are found predominantly in butter, oils,
meats, dairy products, nuts, and seeds, and in many processed foods. The three main types
of lipids are triglycerides (triacylglycerols), phospholipids, and sterols. The main job of
triacylglycerols is to provide or store energy. Lipids provide more energy per gram than
carbohydrates (9 kilocalories per gram of lipids versus 4 kilocalories per gram of
carbohydrates). In addition to energy storage, lipids serve as a major component of cell
membranes, surround and protect organs (in fat-storing tissues), provide insulation to aid in
temperature regulation. Phospholipds and sterols have a somewhat different chemical
structure and are used to regulate many other functions in the body.
Proteins are macromolecules composed of chains of basic subunits called amino acids. Amino
acids are composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Food sources of proteins
include meats, dairy products, seafood, and a variety of different plant-based foods, most
notably soy. The word protein comes from a Greek word meaning “of primary importance,”
which is an apt description of these macronutrients; they are also known colloquially as the
“workhorses” of life. Proteins provide the basic structure to bones, muscles and skin, enzymes
and hormones and play a role in conducting most of the chemical reactions that take place in
the body. Scientists estimate that greater than one-hundred thousand different proteins exist
within the human body. The genetic codes in DNA are basically protein recipes that determine
the order in which 20 different amino acids are bound together to make thousands of specific
proteins. Because amino acids contain carbon, they can be used by the body for energy and
supply 4 kilocalories of energy per gram; however providing energy is not protein’s most
important function.
There is one other nutrient that we must have in large quantities: water. Water does not
contain carbon, but is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom per molecule
of water. More than 60 percent of your total body weight is water. Without water, nothing
could be transported in or out of the body, chemical reactions would not occur, organs would
not be cushioned, and body temperature would widely fluctuate. On average, an adult
consumes just over two liters of water per day from both eating foods and drinking liquids.
Since water is so critical for life’s basic processes, total water intake and output is supremely
Necessary for tissue and organ formation, cellular repair and hormone
Protein and enzyme production. Provide energy, but not a primary function (4
Regulate body processes, are necessary for proper cellular function, and
comprise body tissue.
Micronutrients are also essential for carrying out bodily functions, but they are required by
the body in lesser amounts. Micronutrients include all the essential minerals and vitamins.
There are sixteen essential minerals and thirteen essential vitamins (See Table and
Table for a complete list and their major functions).
In contrast to carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, micronutrients are not sources of energy
(calories) for the body. Instead they play a role as cofactors or components of enzymes (i.e.,
coenzymes) that facilitate chemical reactions in the body. They are involved in all aspects of
body functions from producing energy, to digesting nutrients, to building macromolecules.
Micronutrients play many essential roles in the body.
Minerals are solid inorganic substances that form crystals and are classified depending on
how much of them we need. Trace minerals, such as molybdenum, selenium, zinc, iron, and
iodine, are only required in a few milligrams or less. Macrominerals, such as calcium,
magnesium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus , are required in hundreds of milligrams.
Many minerals are critical for enzyme function, while others are used to maintain fluid
balance, build bone tissue, synthesize hormones, transmit nerve impulses, contract and relax
muscles, and protect against harmful free radicals in the body that can cause health
problems such as cancer.
Selenium Antioxidant
Manganese Coenzyme
Molybdenum Coenzyme
Table Vitamins and Their Major Functions.
Pantothenic acid
Coenzyme, energy metabolism assistance
Vitamin deficiencies can cause severe health problems and even death. For example, a
deficiency in niacin causes a disease called pellagra, which was common in the early
twentieth century in some parts of America. The common signs and symptoms of pellagra
are known as the “4D’s—diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death.” Until scientists
discovered that better diets relieved the signs and symptoms of pellagra, many people with
the disease ended up hospitalized in insane asylums awaiting death.
Other vitamins were also found to prevent certain disorders and diseases such as scurvy
(vitamin C), night blindness (vitamin A), and rickets (vitamin D).
Introduction to Nutrition
Introduction to nutrition
Why is nutrition important?
BMI and children
Body fat distribution and health risk
Waist circumference and health risks
Associated health conditions
Essential nutrient requirements
Energy balance
Fats and oils
Balanced diet
Healthy eating pyramid
Glycaemic index and glycaemic load
Tips for healthy eating
Introduction to nutrition
Nutrition is defined as the processes by which an animal or plant
takes in and utilises food substances. Essential nutrients include
protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes.
Normally, 85% of daily energy use is from fat and carbohydrates and
15% from protein. In humans, nutrition is mainly achieved through
the process of putting foods into our mouths, chewing and
swallowing it. The required amounts of the essential nutrients differ
by age and the state of the body, for example: physical activity,
diseases present (e.g. prostate cancer, breast cancer or weakened
bones – known as osteoporosis), medications, pregnancy and
High values indicate excessive fat stores and low values indicate insufficient fat stores. Your BMI can
therefore be used as a diagnostic tool for both over-nutrition and under-nutrition. If your BMI is between
25.0 and 29.9 you are classisfied as overweight. If it is above 30.0, you are classified as obese. The
healthy BMI range is 18.5–24.9. However, the BMI is best used together with waist circumference.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator
Enter your height and weight below to find out your BMI.
Weight (kg):
Height (m):
Body builders;
Some high performance athletes;
Pregnant women.
BMI calculations will underestimate the amount of body fat for:
The elderly;
People with a physical disability who are unable to walk and may have muscle wasting.
BMI is not the best measure of weight and health risk. A person’s waist circumference is a
better predictor of health risk than BMI.
For adults who have stopped growing, an increase in BMI is usually caused by an increase in
body fat. But as children grow, their amount of body fat changes and so will their BMI. For
example, BMI usually decreases during the preschool years and then increases into
For this reason, a BMI calculation for a child or an adolescent must be compared against age
and gender percentile charts. These charts should be used only by health professionals such
as your general practitioner, child health nurse, or dietitian.
For men:
Energy balance
Your energy requirement depends on your age, size and activity level. If your energy intake
equals the amount of energy you expend, then you are in energy balance. If your intake
exceeds your expenditure, the excess energy is converted to body fat and you gain weight.
On the other hand, if your intake is less than your expenditure, your body uses up fat stores
and you lose weight. Therefore, for weight to remain stable, the total amount of calories that
are consumed must not exceed the total that is used up through metabolic processes (e.g.
exercising, sweating, breathing). Energy intake must match energy output. The average
energy intake is about 2800 kcal/day for men and 1800 kcal/day for women, although this
varies with body size and activity level.
Carbohydrates can be classified as monosaccharide (e.g. glucose, fructose,
galactose), disaccharide (e.g. sucrose, lactose, maltose) and polysaccharide (e.g. starch,
fibre). Carbohydrates must be reduced to the simplest form of glucose (through digestion)
before your body can make use of them. Carbohydrates should make up at least 55% of your
total energy intake. The brain is a special part of the body that depends primarily on glucose
for its energy and requires about 100 g/day of glucose for fuel. In some situations, the body
can compensate for decreased levels of carbohydrates by using alternative energy pathways
such as burning fatty acids.
Protein is important for the production, maintenance and repair of tissues in the body. When
energy intake is insufficient, protein intake must be raised. This is because ingested proteins
are preferentially directed towards glucose (sugar) synthesis and oxidation. The tissues and
organs in the body are made up of protein and protein compounds. Enzymes (biological
catalysts), antibodies and hormones also consist of protein. The building blocks of protein are
called amino acids. The body can make all of the 20 amino acids except eight, which are
termed essential amino acids. These are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Histidine is essential only for infants. The
number and nature of amino acids present in a particular protein determines that protein’s
For adults, the recommended dietary allowance of protein is about 0.75 g/kg body weight per
day. Animal products tend to have the highest amount of proteins, followed by legumes
(beans), cereals (rice, wheat, corn) and roots. Animal protein (from meat, eggs, fish, milk)
contains all the essential amino acids and is normally referred to as ‘complete’ or ‘high
biological value’ protein. Protein derived from plants lack one or two essential amino acids.
However, a good combination of plant-based protein can be of equal value to animal protein.
For example, legumes lack methionine but have adequate amounts of lysine. Cereals, on the
other hand, lack lysine but have a lot of methionine. Therefore, a mixture of rice and beans will
supply all the essential amino acids.
Excess protein cannot be stored in the body, so we need to consume protein daily.
Consuming too much protein is not recommended because it promotes increased calcium
excretion through urine, which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. Additionally, too
much protein intake may lead to a greater concentration of the amino acid homocysteine in
the blood, and the subsequent conversion to thiolactone. Thiolactone is associated with
increased levels of atherosclerosis and endothelial damage.
Vitamins constitute a group of nutrients that are needed in small quantities. Like amino and
fatty acids, most vitamins cannot be made in the body and must be obtained from dietary
sources. Only vitamin D can be manufactured by the body. Essential vitamins are grouped
into two families: water soluble and fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins can dissolve in water
(thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, folic acid). These cannot be stored by the body and
need to be consumed every day. Fat soluble vitamins can dissolve in a fat medium (vitamins
A, D, E, K). These are taken into our bodies when we consume fat-containing foods. Vitamins
are needed for various reasons, including the formation of hormones and blood cells. They
generally act as coenzymes. An inadequate supply of vitamins in our diet leads to the
development of diseases.
Vitamin A: Derived from carotene, vitamin A affects vision, reproduction, and the formation and
maintenance of skin, mucous membranes, bones and teeth. Deficiency results in night blindness
(difficulty in adapting to darkness). The body obtains vitamin A from either carotene (vitamin A
precursor) or by absorbing ready-made vitamin A from plant-eating organisms. Carotene is found in
dark green leafy vegetables and yellow-orange fruit/vegetables. Pre formed vitamin A is found in milk,
butter, cheese, egg yolk, liver, and fish-liver oil.
Vitamin B complex: The vitamin B complex is a mixture of eight essential vitamins necessary to
enhance immune and nervous system function, and promote cell growth and division. Pregnant or
lactating women, alcoholics and the elderly are more likely to suffer from vitamin B deficiency.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine): Thiamine, or vitamin B1, acts as a catalyst in carbohydrate metabolism.
Thiamine deficiency causes beriberi, a vitamin deficiency disorder characterised by muscular weakness,
swelling of the heart and leg cramps. In severe cases, beriberi may lead to heart failure and death. The
richest dietary sources of thiamine are organ meats (liver, heart, and kidney), brewer’s yeast, lean
meats, eggs, leafy green vegetables, whole or enriched cereals, wheat germ, berries, nuts, and legumes.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, acts as a coenzyme in the metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats, and respiratory proteins. The best sources of riboflavin are liver, milk, meat, dark
green vegetables, whole grain and enriched cereals, pasta, bread and mushrooms.
Vitamin B6 (pyroxidine): Pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is necessary for the absorption and metabolism
of amino acids. It also plays a role in the body’s use of fats and in the formation of red blood cells. The
best sources of pyridoxine are whole grains, cereals, bread, liver, avocados, spinach, green beans and
Folic acid (vitamin B9 or folacin): Folic acid is a coenzyme needed for forming body protein
and haemoglobin. Folic acid deficiency is associated with neural tube defects. Dietary sources are organ
meats, leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains and brewer’s yeast. Folic acid is lost in foods
stored at room temperature and during cooking.
Minerals are essential, acting as cofactors of enzymes (i.e. enzymes would not exist or
function without minerals). Some of the minerals necessary for health are:
Calcium: Calcium is a very important mineral in the diet, especially for women at menopause. The
major function of calcium is to build and help maintain strong bones. It can stop the onset
of osteoporosis and reduce bone loss and fragility. It is involved in blood clotting. Calcium deficiency
can develop when there is a lack of vitamin D.
Iron: Iron in food exists as haem and non-haem iron. Haem iron, found in red meat, is relatively well
(20–30%) absorbed. Non-haem iron, found mostly in cereals, pulses, certain vegetables (e.g. spinach)
and eggs, is generally less well absorbed. Non-haem iron absorption depends on other factors in the
diet. For example, vitamin C and animal protein enhance non-haem iron absorption, while tea, coffee
and phytates inhibit it.
Zinc: Zinc represents only 0.003% of the human body, but is essential for synthesising
protein, DNA and RNA. It is required for growth in all stages of life. Sources include meats, oysters
and other seafood, milk, and egg yolk.
Calcium Intake Calculator
How much calcium do you consume?
Is this for a male, female or infant?
Male Female Infant
What is your age in years?
This calculator includes a small number of foods that are rich calcium sources, or that are commonly
eaten. While the calculator may give an estimate of your calcium intake, it should not be relied upon for
an accurate assessment of dietary calcium intake. For a comprehensive dietary assessment, see an
Accredited Practising Dietitian. This information will be collected for educational purposes, however it
will remain anonymous.
For adults, 1–1.5 mL water per kcal of energy expenditure is usually sufficient to allow for
normal changes in physical activity, sweating, and dietary solute load. Water losses consist of
50–100 mL/day through faeces (stools), 500–1000 mL/day by evaporation, and approximately
1000 mL/day through urine. If external losses increase, we must increase the amount of water
we ingest. In special circumstances such as diarrhoea and vomiting, water requirements
further increase.
Balanced diet
It is critical that nutrients in our body are available in sufficient amounts and in the right
proportions. This can be achieved by eating a balanced diet. We must eat a variety of foods,
since different foods contain different nutrients in varying amounts. In stressing the importance
of variety in our diet, Nutrition Australia encourages all Australians to ensure that their daily
diet includes 30 individual foods. This may appear impossible at first thought, but in reality can
easily be attained by eating typical diets based on carefully selected foods. Food selection
based on the ‘Healthy Eating Pyramid’ can assist you in planning your meals for a balanced
and healthy diet.
A healthy diet consists mainly of plant foods (e.g. fruits and vegetables, potatoes, cereals,
etc.) and moderate amounts of animal products (e.g. milk, fish, lean red meat and poultry).
Fats and oils should normally provide less than 30% of our energy, and less than 10% of this
should be saturated fat. Lean red meat, poultry and fish, eggs and dairy foods are rich sources
of animal protein. Dairy foods, apart from supplying quality protein, are good sources of
calcium. Good vegetable sources of protein include legumes (e.g. peanuts, lentils, kidney
beans), soya products (e.g. tofu), grains, nuts and seeds.
By incorporating low GI foods into your diet, you will bring down the average GI of your meal,
have a lower, slower blood sugar response to the meal and feel ‘full’ for longer. By consuming
low GI foods, you are more likely to be satisfied and feel full for longer periods of time. This
helps you to maintain a healthy weight and avoid diseases such as heart disease, diabetes
and some cancers.