Agenda Item 1.8VE
Agenda Item 1.8VE
Agenda Item 1.8VE
(WP 5B* / WP 4A, WP 4B)
Note: See relevant text in CPM23-1 meeting report (Annex 4 to BR Administrative
Circular CA/251) on how to facilitate the work related to satellite.
2/1.8/1 Executive summary
Under WRC-23 agenda item 1.8, two methods have been identified (see sections 2/1.8/4 and
– Method A proposes suppression of RR No. 5.484B, Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-
19) and Resolution 171 (WRC-19).
– Method B proposes possible revision of RR No. 5.484B, revision of Resolution
155 (Rev.WRC-19) and suppression of Resolution 171 (WRC-19).
In addition to the above, several important issues were raised and addressed in section 2/1.8/3.
2/1.8/2 Background
Unmanned aircraft (UA) are aircraft that are piloted remotely through the established
communication link.
Report ITU-R M.2171 identified the spectrum requirements for UA command and non-
payload communication (CNPC) that would be needed to support flight through non-
segregated airspace.
In ICAO, the UA is referred to Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA).
In ICAO, UACS is referred to as Remote Pilot Station (RPS) with the Ground Earth
Station (GES).
a geosynchronous satellite which remains approximately fixed relative to the Earth (RR No.
Figure 2/1.8/2-1 shows the UAS CNPC structure with its links, earth stations and space
station. The UACS earth station allows the remote pilot to communicate with the UA earth
station on-board the unmanned aircraft through transponders of a regular geostationary FSS
space station. Links 1 and 2 signify the links for signals from the transmitting UACS earth
station to the receiving UA earth station and Links 3 and 4 are the links for the signals from
the transmitting UA earth station to the receiving UACS earth station.
FIGURE 2/1.8/2-1
Elements of unmanned aircraft system architecture using the fixed-satellite service
TABLE 2/1.8/3.3.2-1
Overview of primary allocations in the frequency bands subject to WRC-23 agenda item 1.8
Globall Globall Regio Regio Region Globall Globall Globall Globall Globall Globall
y y n2 n3 s1&3 y y y y y y
- - - - - - - Vii Viii Vii Viii
BSS - - - - Viv - - - - - -
FS V V V v
V V vi
- vii
V viii
- x
- x
- -
MS i
V V - V V vi
- V viii
- x
- x
- -
- - - - - Vix - - - - -
Except aeronautical mobile.
Only Region 2, with special conditions outlined in RR Nos. 5.525, 5.526, 5.527, 5.528 and 5.529.
Special conditions outlined in RR Nos. 5.525, 5.526, 5.527 and 5.528.
Only for Region 3.
Only 11.7-12.1 GHz (secondary in USA in accordance with RR No. 5.486). 12.1-12.2 GHz
primary in Peru (RR No. 5.489).
Country footnotes RR No. 5.494 and No. 5.496 with primary allocations to the FS and MS for
named Region 1 countries.
Country footnote RR No. 5.505 with primary allocation to the FS in 14-14.3 GHz for named
Region 1 and 3 countries. Country footnote RR No. 5.508 with primary allocation to the FS in 14.25-14.3 GHz
for named Region 1 countries.
For 14.3-14.4 GHz, only Regions 1 and 3.
In accordance with RR No. 5.504, The use of the frequency band 14-14.3 GHz by the
radionavigation service shall be such as to provide sufficient protection to space stations of the fixed-satellite
Country footnote RR No. 5.524 with primary allocation to the FS and MS in 19.7-21.2 GHz for
named Region 1, 2 and 3 countries. This additional use shall not impose any limitation on the power flux-
density of space stations in the fixed-satellite service.
2/1.8/4.1 Method A
Method A proposes to suppress RR No. 5.484B together with Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19)
as well as Resolution 171 (WRC-19).
Reasons: Resolution 171 (WRC-19) is requiring a review and possible revision of
Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) since this in its current state does not enable operation of UA
earth stations. This agenda item stems from agenda item 1.3 of WRC-12 and agenda item 1.5
of WRC-15 and consideration of the matter of WRC-19 which resulted in Resolution 171
(WRC-19). After more than ten years of extensive studies, there are still key problems that
have not been resolved, in particular the contradiction between the safety nature of the
operation of UAS and the non-safety status of the fixed-satellite service. With no satisfactory
solution identified for the operation of UA earth stations, it therefore would be necessary to
suppress RR No. 5.484B together with Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) as well as Resolution
171 (WRC-19).
2/1.8/4.2 Method B
Method B intends to revise Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) in accordance with Resolution
171 (WRC-19) and consequently suppress Resolution 171 (WRC-19). In addition, this
method contains the revision of RR No. 5.484B as an option.
Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) is revised in view of the principles listed in section 2/1.8/3.2
above. In particular it is intended to:
• clearly separate between the responsibilities of ICAO and ITU;
• consider how to ensure the safety of flight while recognizing the issue of RR No.
• remove ambiguities contained in Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19);
• clarify that UAS CNPC is an operation under the primary FSS while avoiding
adverse effects to terrestrial stations;
• maintain the existing procedure for the FSS network coordination as well as for
bilateral coordination agreements;
• provide a process to treat cases of interference caused by UA earth station.
As an option, RR No. 5.484B would be updated to improve the clarity to the services and
systems to which the footnote applies.
Reasons: After considering the progress obtained by the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) in the process of establishing and preparing Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPs) for the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems, the
studies to protect the terrestrial services from harmful interference, revisions to Resolution
155 (Rev.WRC-19) are proposed to satisfy this agenda item. The intention being that
compliance with the Resolution would ensure that all required ITU-R technical, operational,
and regulatory conditions are met, and would not adversely affect existing and future FSS
networks or terrestrial services.
Under this method, different options for revising Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) are
Frequency allocations
Frequency allocations
Method B Option 1
5.484B Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-1523)* shall apply. (WRC-1523)
Method B Option 2
5.484B The operation of earth stations on board unmanned aircraft communicating with
geostationary fixed-satellite service (FSS) space stations within the frequency bands 10.95-
11.2 GHz (space-to-Earth), 11.45-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth), 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth)
in Region 2, 12.2-12.5 GHz (space-to-Earth) in Region 3, 12.5-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth) in
Regions 1 and 3 and 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth), and in the frequency bands 14-
14.47 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 29.5-30.0 GHz (Earth-to-space) are an application of the
FSS, are limited to internationally standardized aeronautical systems, and Resolution 155
(Rev.WRC-1523)* shall apply. (WRC-1523)
Note by the Secretariat: This Resolution was revised by WRC-19.
Note by the Secretariat: This Resolution was revised by WRC-19.
May also be used consistent with international standards and practices approved by the
responsible civil aviation authority.TBD
May also be used consistent with international standards and practices approved by the
responsible civil aviation authority.
2 that frequency assignments used by UAS CNPC links operating in the frequency
bands specified in resolves 1 above are an application of the primary frequency allocations to
the FSS;
3 that frequency assignments to UA CNPC earth stations subject to this Resolution
shall be notified under No. 11.2 by the notifying administration of the FSS satellite network
with which these earth stations communicate;
4 that for the implementation of resolves 3 above, the notifying administration for
the GSO FSS system with which the UAS CNPC earth station communicates shall send to the
Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) the relevant Appendix 4 notification information related to
the characteristics of the UAS CNPC earth station identified as class of station “UG”;
5 that, for the implementation of resolves 4 above, the notifying administration of
the GSO FSS network with which the UA CNPC earth station communicates shall also be
responsible to observe, and comply with all relevant regulatory and administrative provisions
applicable to the operation of the above-mentioned UA CNPC earth station as included in this
Resolution and those contained in the Radio Regulations, the implementation of No. 4.10 is
addressed in resolves xx below;
6 that the notifying administration of the GSO FSS network with which the UA
CNPC earth station communicates shall ensure that UA CNPC earth stations operate only in
the territory under the jurisdiction of any administration(s)/country(ies) from which an
explicit authorization has been obtained under Article 18, taking into account recognizing
further c) and d) above;
7 that the notifying administration of the GSO FSS satellite network with which the
UA CNPC earth stations communicate shall ensure that they have the capability to limit
operations of such earth stations to the territory or territories of administrations having
authorized those earth stations;
8 that the authorization to an UAS CNPC earth station to operate in the territory
under the jurisdiction of an administration shall in no way release the notifying administration
of the GSO FSS network with which the UAS CNPC earth station communicates from the
obligation to comply with the provisions included in this Resolution and those contained in
the Radio Regulations;
29 that the notifying administration of the GSO FSS network with which the UA
CNPC earth station communicates shall ensure that earth stations in motion on board UA may
communicate with the space station of a GSO FSS network operating in the frequency bands
listed in resolves 1 above, provided that the class of the UA CNPC earth station in motion on
board UA is matched with the class of the space station and that other conditions of this
Resolution are met (see also instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau 3
3 that the frequency bands specified in resolves 1 shall not be used for the UAS
CNPC links before the adoption of the relevant international aeronautical SARPs consistent
with Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, taking into account
instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau 4;
4 that administrations responsible for an FSS network providing UA CNPC links
shall apply the relevant provisions of Articles 9 (necessary provisions need to be identified or
developed) and 11 for the relevant assignments, including, as appropriate, assignments to the
corresponding space station, specific and typical earth station and earth station in motion on
board UA, including the request for publication in the International Frequency Information
Circular (BR IFIC) of items referred to in resolves 2 and the course of actions identified in
that resolves in order to obtain international rights and recognition as specified in Article 8;
10 that, with respect to other satellite networks in the frequency bands referred to in
resolves 1, the notifying administration of the GSO FSS network with which the UA CNPC
earth station communicates shall ensure that its UA CNPC earth stations comply with the
following conditions:
510.1 that the UA CNPC earth stations of UAS CNPC links shall operate characteristics
shall remain within the notified and recorded technical parameters envelope of characteristics
of the associated satellite network, including specific or typical earth stations of the associated
GSO FSS satellite network(s) as notified and published by the Radiocommunication Bureau
610.2 that the operation of UA CNPC earth stations of UAS CNPC links shall not cause
more interference to and shall not, or claim more protection from, other satellite networks and
systems than specific or that of the typical earth stations of that GSO FSS networkas indicated
in resolves 5 as published by BR;
7 that, in order to apply resolves 6 above, administrations responsible for the FSS
network to be used for UAS CNPC links shall provide the level of interference for the
reference assignments of the network used for CNPC links upon request by an administration
authorizing the use of UAS CNPC links within its territory;
8 that earth stations of UAS CNPC links of a particular FSS network shall not cause
more interference to, or claim more protection from, stations of terrestrial services than
specific or typical earth stations of that FSS network as indicated in resolves 5 that have been
previously coordinated and/or notified under relevant provisions of Articles 9 and 11;
910.3 that the use of assignments of an FSS satellite network for UAS CNPC links shall
not constrain other FSS satellite networks beyond what is already imposed by the typical earth
stations of the associated FSS satellite network during the application of the provisions of
Articles 9 and 11;
10.4 the operation of the UA CNPC earth station shall comply with the coordination
agreements for the frequency assignments of the typical earth station of the associated GSO
FSS network obtained under the relevant provisions of the Radio Regulations, taking into
account resolves 16.6;
10.5 operation of UAS CNPC links shall not adversely affect the existing and future
satellite networks coordination agreements or the regular satellite coordination process;
11 that, with respect to terrestrial services in the frequency bands referred to in
resolves 1, the notifying administration of the GSO FSS network with which the UA CNPC
earth station communicates shall ensure that its UA CNPC earth stations comply with the
following conditions:
1011.1 that the introduction use of UAS CNPC links shall not result in additional
coordination constraints on terrestrial services under Articles 9 and 11;
11.2 unless otherwise agreed between the administrations concerned, receiving UA
CNPC earth stations shall not claim protection from transmitting stations of terrestrial
services operating in conformity with the Radio Regulations, No. 5.43A does not apply and
there is therefore no change of the regulatory status of UA CNPC earth stations with respect
to those of the terrestrial service;
resolves following 11.2
encourages administrations
invites the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference
invites the ITU Radiocommunication Sector
instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau
instructs the Secretary-General
invites the International Civil Aviation Organization