This revision to the Temporary Guidance Leaflet No. 2 supersedes the previous version published by the
JAA in July 1996, and contains:
AMJ 20X2 - JAA Guidance Material on Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for the
use of Navigation Systems in European airspace designated for Basic RNAV Operations. This
Leaflet presents revised guidance material relative to the implementation of Basic RNAV
operations within European designated Airspace, from January 1998. This Leaflet has been co-
ordinated with EUROCONTROL.
JAA Temporary Guidance Leaflet No. 2 was first published in July 1996, containing Advisory Material for
the Airworthiness Approval of Navigation Systems for use in European Airspace designated for Basic
RNAV operations. This material was developed by EUROCAE WG-13 and was commonly referenced as
AMJ 20X2. Initially, the JAA intended to produce AMJ 20X2 as part of a series of interpretative/
explanatory material and acceptable means of compliance relative to aircraft in general, and applicable to
more than one JAR. However, due to difficulties in formalising the AMJ-20-Series concept, this AMJ was
published as Temporary Guidance Material, so as to provide timely information for the impending
implementation date for Basic RNAV operations.
This revision 1 to the Leaflet contains both airworthiness and operational guidance material including
specific guidance on the approval and use of stand-alone GPS equipment for the purposes of conducting
Basic RNAV operations. Due to the projected withdrawal of its ground stations, Omega is no longer
considered as being able to support Basic RNAV operations. The inclusion of AMJ 20X2 in the title has
been retained so as to avoid amendment to the EUROCONTROL Standard and Aeronautical Information
Circulars published by national authorities.
Publication of the text as Temporary Guidance Material does not change the status of the document as
described in its "Purpose" below.
This document provides guidance material for airworthiness approval and operational criteria for
the use of navigation systems in European airspace designated for Basic RNAV operations. The
document establishes an acceptable means, but not the only means, that can be used in the
airworthiness approval process, and provides guidelines for operators where GPS stand-alone equipment
is used as the means for Basic RNAV operations. The document is in accordance with the April 1990
directive issued by the Transport Ministers of ECAC member states and with regard to the Basic RNAV
operations as defined within the EUROCONTROL Standard 003-93 Edition 1 and satisfies the intent of
ICAO Doc. 9613-AN/937 Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP) First Edition - 1994. It is
consistent also with Regional Supplementary Procedures contained within ICAO Doc 7030.
This document provides guidance related to navigation systems intended to be used for Basic
RNAV operations and considers existing airworthiness approval standards as providing acceptable
means of compliance. The content is limited to general certification considerations including navigation
performance, integrity, functional requirements and system limitations.
Compliance with the guidance in this Leaflet does not constitute an operational
approval/authorisation to conduct Basic RNAV operations. Aircraft operators should apply to their
Authority for such an approval/authorisation.
ICAO RNP-4 criteria are outside the scope of this Leaflet, but it is expected that navigation
systems based on position updating from traditional radio aids and approved for Basic RNAV operations
in accordance with this Leaflet will have an RNP-4 capability.
Related requirements
ATC Documents
ICAO Doc. 9613-AN/937 - Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP) First Edition -
TGL No. 3 JAA Interim Guidance Material on Airworthiness Approval and Operational
Criteria for the use of the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS)
AC 20-121 A Airworthiness Approval of LORAN C for use in the U.S. National Airspace
AC 20-130() Airworthiness Approval of Multi-sensor Navigation Systems for use in the U.S.
National Airspace System
AC 20-138 Airworthiness Approval of NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) for use
as a VFR and IFR Supplemental Navigation System
AC 90-45 A Approval of Area Navigation Systems for use in the U S. National Airspace
TSO-C115() Airborne Area Navigation Equipment Using Multi Sensor Inputs
EUROCAE/RTCA documents
ED-39 MOPR for Airborne Area Navigation Systems, based on two DME as sensors
ED-40 MPS for Airborne Computing Equipment for Area Navigation System using two
DME as sensors.
DO-187 MOPS for Airborne Area Navigation Equipment Using Multi Sensor Inputs
Area navigation (RNAV) is a method which permits aircraft navigation along any desired flight
path within the coverage of either station referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of
self-contained aids, or a combination of both methods.
In general terms, RNAV equipment operates by automatically determining aircraft position from one, or a
combination, of the following together with the means to establish and follow a desired path:
4.1.1 Accuracy
The navigation performance of aircraft approved for Basic RNAV operations within European airspace
requires a track keeping accuracy equal to or better than +/- 5 NM for 95% of the flight time. This value
includes signal source error, airborne receiver error, display system error and flight technical error.
This navigation performance assumes the necessary coverage provided by satellite or ground based
navigation aids is available for the intended route to be flown.
Guidance for assessment of the effects associated with the loss of navigation function or erroneous
display of related information is given in AMJ 25-11 paragraph 4 a (3)(viii).
The minimum level of availability and integrity required for Basic RNAV systems for use in designated
European airspace can be met by a single installed system comprising one or more sensors, RNAV
computer, control display unit and navigation display(s) (e.g. ND, HSI or CDI) provided that the system is
monitored by the flight crew and that in the event of a system failure the aircraft retains the capability to
navigate relative to ground based navigation aids (e.g. VOR, DME and NDB).
The following system functions are the minimum required to conduct Basic RNAV operations.
(a) Continuous indication of aircraft position relative to track to be displayed to the pilot flying
on a navigation display situated in his primary field of view
In addition where the minimum flight crew is two pilots, indication of aircraft position
relative to track to be displayed to the pilot not flying on a navigation display situated in his
primary field of view
(e) Appropriate failure indication of the RNAV system, including the sensors.
In addition to the requirements of paragraph 4.2.1, the following system functions and equipment
characteristics are recommended:
The basis for certification should be stated in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), together with any RNAV
system limitations. The AFM may also provide the appropriate RNAV system operating and abnormal
procedures applicable to the equipment installed, including, where applicable, reference to required
modes and systems configuration necessary to support an RNP capability.
The (Master) Minimum Equipment List MMEL/MEL should identify the minimum equipment necessary to
satisfy the Basic RNAV criteria defined in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2.
Navigation systems which are installed on aircraft in accordance with the advisory material contained
within FAA AC 90-45A, AC 20-130(), AC 20-138 or AC 25-15, are acceptable for Basic RNAV operations.
Where reference is made in the AFM to either the above advisory material or the specific levels of
available navigation performance (RNP), no further compliance statements will be required.
Compliance may be based also on the lateral navigation standards defined in JTSO-2C115, TSO-C115(),
TSO-C129(), ED-27/28, ED-39/40, DO-187/ED-58 or DO-180(). However, qualification of the equipment
to these standards, in itself, is not considered as sufficient for the airworthiness approval.
The following navigation systems, although offering an RNAV capability, have limitations for their use in
Basic RNAV operations. INS
INS without a function for automatic radio updating of aircraft position and approved in accordance with
AC 25-4, when complying with the functional criteria of paragraph 4.2.1, may be used only for a maximum
of 2 hours from the last alignment/position update performed on the ground. Consideration may be given
to specific INS configurations (e.g. triple mix) where either equipment or aircraft manufacturer's data,
justifies extended use from the last on-ground position update.
INS with automatic radio updating of aircraft position, including those systems where manual selection of
radio channels is performed in accordance with flight crew procedures, should be approved in accordance
with AC 90-45A or equivalent material. LORAN C
No JAA advisory material currently exists for operational or airworthiness approval of LORAN C system
within European airspace. Where LORAN C coverage within European Airspace permits use on certain
Basic RNAV routes, AC 20-121A may be adopted as a compliance basis. GPS
The use of GPS to perform Basic RNAV operations is limited to equipment approved to TSO-C129 () and
which include the minimum system functions specified in paragraph 4.2.1. Integrity should be provided by
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) or an equivalent means within a multi-sensor
navigation system. The equipment should be approved in accordance with the JAA TGL No. 3. In
addition, GPS stand-alone equipment should include the following functions:
These two additional functions are required to be implemented in accordance with FAA TSO-C129a
Traditional navigation equipment (e.g. VOR, DME and ADF) will need to be installed and be serviceable,
so as to provide an alternative means of navigation.
Note: Where GPS stand-alone equipment provides the only RNAV capability installed onboard the
aircraft, this equipment, on its own, may be incompatible with a future airspace infrastructure
such as Precision RNAV routes, terminal procedures, and where implementation of an
augmented satellite navigation system will allow, the decommissioning of traditional ground
based radio navigation aids.
GPS stand-alone equipment approved in accordance with the guidance provided in this Leaflet, may be
used for the purposes of conducting Basic RNAV operations, subject to the operational limitations
contained herein. Such equipment should be operated in accordance with procedures acceptable to the
Authority. The flight crew should receive appropriate training for use of the GPS stand-alone equipment
for the normal and abnormal operating procedures detailed in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3.
The procedures for the use of navigational equipment on Basic RNAV routes should include the
(a) During the pre-flight planning phase, given a GPS constellation of 23 satellites or less (22
or less for GPS stand-alone equipment that incorporate pressure altitude aiding), the
availability of GPS integrity (RAIM) should be confirmed for the intended flight (route and
time). This should be obtained from a prediction program either ground-based, or provided
as an equipment function (see Annex 1), or from an alternative method that is acceptable
to the Authority.
Dispatch should not be made in the event of predicted continuous loss of RAIM of more
than 5 minutes for any part of the intended flight.
(b) Where a navigation data base is installed, the data base validity (current AIRAC cycle)
should be checked before the flight;
(c) Traditional navigation equipment (e.g. VOR, DME and ADF) should be selected to
available aids so as to allow immediate cross-checking or reversion in the event of loss of
GPS navigation capability.
The operating procedures should identify the flight crew actions required in the event of the GPS stand-
alone equipment indicating a loss of the integrity monitoring detection (RAIM) function or exceedance of
integrity alarm limit (erroneous position). The operating procedures should include the following:
(a) In the event of loss of the RAIM detection function, the GPS stand-alone equipment may
continue to be used for navigation. The flight crew should attempt to cross-check the aircraft
position, where possible with VOR, DME and NDB information, to confirm an acceptable
level of navigation performance. Otherwise, the flight crew should revert to an alternative
means of navigation.
(b) In the event of exceedance of the alarm limit, the flight crew should revert to an alternative
means of navigation.
Where a GPS Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) Prediction Program is used as a means of compliance with
paragraph 5.2(a) of this document, it should meet the following criteria:
1. The program should provide prediction of availability of the integrity monitoring (RAIM) function of
the GPS equipment, suitable for conducting Basic RNAV operations in designated European
2. The prediction program software should be developed in accordance with at least RTCA DO
178B/EUROCAE 12B, level D guidelines.
3. The program should use either a RAIM algorithm identical to that used in the airborne equipment,
or an algorithm based on assumptions for RAIM prediction that give a more conservative result.
4. The program should calculate RAIM availability based on a satellite mask angle of not less than 5
degrees, except where use of a lower mask angle has been demonstrated to be acceptable to
the Authority.
5. The program should have the capability to manually designate GPS satellites which have been
notified as being out of service for the intended flight.