January 2014
January 2014
January 2014
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Feeding Your Reptile Is Our Passion! ™
January 2014 | REPTILES 5
Look no further than the map BLOOD
turtle for an amazing pet, but be prepared ON THE COVER PYTHON
to go the extra mile. BARBOUR’S MAP TURTLE
By Paul Vander Schouw (Graptemys barbouri)
>By Shutterstock/Fivespots
It takes a determined person to keep a
monitor—are you that person?
By Phil Purser
The newest
products for
caging and
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Online Poll
What did you buy at the last
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Rain Forest
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January 2014 | REPTILES 15
Salmonellosis, the disease caused by zero to as high as 80 percent in some
the Salmonella bacterium, is perhaps populations. Interestingly, wild animals
the most infamous zoonosis (a disease are less frequent carriers of Salmonella
transmissible between animals and than captive animals. Why? Because,
people) associated with reptiles. The the shedding of Salmonella bacteria is
Salmonella epidemic started with the promoted by stress—more common in
red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta captive animals than wild ones.
elegans), the reptile that received the Salmonellosis is not a disease to
majority of the negative publicity. At that be taken lightly. Once infected with
by douglas mader, time, the slider was the most common Salmonella, the symptoms of diarrhea,
m.s., d.v.m., dabvp reptile kept as a pet in the United States. fever and abdominal cramps usually start
These turtles that were so popular in the within 12 to 72 hours of infection and can
Reptile case histories, medical pet trade that they were actually raised last from four to seven days. The Center
news and health advice in human sewage ponds —hence the for Disease Control (CDC) estimates
pet turtles. In 1975, the Food and Drug Young, old and immunocompromised
ertain topics seem to make Administration passed a law stating that individuals are the most susceptible to .
the rounds every few years. it was illegal to sell viable turtle eggs or However, that said, it is also not that easy
Artificial lighting, inclusion live turtles with a carapace or shell length to contract Salmonella if you practice
body disease, nutritional-metabolic of less than 4 inches in the U.S. This size simple hygiene when working with your
bone disease and antibiotics are just a was picked simply because it was felt herps. I have been working with iguanas
few. It seems that lately I’ve had several that anything larger than 4 inches could (and all other species of reptiles) for more
questions about Salmonella infection not be placed in a child’s mouth. than 35 years and have never once fallen
in reptiles. I checked my archives, and In people, Salmonella is transmitted ill to Salmonella.
it has been more than five years since I by fecal-oral contamination. That means To put this whole problem in
discussed it. So, here we go again—it is an infection occurs when a person places perspective, people are at a greater risk of
important topic and worth reviewing for objects or food in their mouth after contracting salmonellosis from uncooked
the old timers, and especially important handling Salmonella-contaminated chicken than they are reptile pets.
for those new to working with herps. material without utilizing proper hygiene. Never eat or drink when working with
Interestingly, pet stores still sell the little or handling reptiles. Never clean herp
turtles under the guise of “research, supplies (water and food bowls) or cages
teaching and display,” all caveats that in areas where human food is consumed
exempt them from the USDA regulations. or prepared. Always wash your hands
There are over 2,000 serotypes of when finished with your reptile chores.
Salmonella. All of these serotypes are If you think you may have contracted
potential threats to humans. Reptiles Salmonella, from your herps or otherwise,
douglas mader, DVM
are known to carry only about 200 of contact your physician immediately.
these. Salmonella bacteria are found The CDC have published a position
in many different animal species, not statement that “most, if not all, reptiles
just reptiles. Birds (eg. chickens and carry Salmonella.”That said, there are no
seagulls) fish, insects (eg. cockroaches reptiles that are less likely than others to be
and other bugs,) and hermit crabs - not potential carriers. An animal can be tested
The original Salmonella health scare to mention mammals, such as dogs, cats, for Salmonella, but be careful, as there are
started with the sales of baby red-eared
slider turtles back in the early 1970s. These ferrets, rats, mice, etc.—can all potentially potential false negatives. It is better to just
turtles were raised in human sewage carry Salmonalla. Humans can also assume that any reptile you have may be a
ponds and then sold in the pet trade. carry Salmonella and not show signs of carrier and use proper hygiene practices.
hey are perhaps one of the most specialized species bears a unique facial pattern. The keeled carapace allows
groups of turtles in North America. Their body map turtles to maintain stability in the flowing rivers where they
form is unique: a keeled, serrated carapace, and prefer to live, and their long, strong legs with broadly webbed feet
large, broad forelimbs and paddle-like rear feet. provide the power to swim against all but the swiftest currents.
Map and sawback turtles of the genus Graptemys There are 14 currently recognized species of map turtle
are distinctive and highly evolved, and because of their very native to North America, five of which are considered broad-
specialized adaptations, they have specific requirements in both headed species because of the massively enlarged heads
their natural environments and captive habitats. that females develop as they age, and four others that are
Map turtle coloration varies among species, subspecies, and commonly referred to as sawbacks due to the prominent
sometimes even localities. In general, they tend to be tan or light keels and strongly serrated marginals on the carapace. At the
brown. Sometimes they’re green or orange, even gray or almost time of writing, one map species and one sawback species
black. Some have blotches, others have speckles or reticulations. are each considered to have a single subspecies, bringing the
There are stripes on the head, neck, limbs and tail, and each total number of Graptemys species and subspecies to 16.
Gregarious baskers across the genus, map turtles such as these Texas maps (Graptemys
versa) will crowd a favored basking log, seeking to soak up the warming rays of the sun.
The Sawbacks
Like the broad-headed map species,
the sawbacks are exclusive to specific
rivers along the northern coast of the
Gulf of Mexico, in Alabama, Mississippi
and Louisiana. Moreover, because only
females make forays onto land, and then
only for the purpose of nesting, these
turtles do not naturally occur outside
the flood zones of their respective clay-
bottomed rivers. The twists and turns of
these rivers result in the sandbanks and
beaches that the female sawbacks use
for nesting. It is interesting to note that
each species occurs in nearly exactly the
same river system as one of the broad-
headed map species.
Sawback hatchlings are rather flat,
although the prominent saw-toothed
keel for which they are named is present
from hatching. The marginals are flared
and strongly serrated. Sawbacks also
exhibit sexual dimorphism, though not
to the extreme degree of the broad-
headed maps. Females’ shells deepen
and the keel becomes reduced as the
turtles grow, to the extent that adults
lose nearly all evidence of the keel in
advanced age. Females grow to around
9 inches. Males generally maintain their
juvenile appearance throughout their
lives, although their elongated fore-
claws (used for courtship) and longer,
thicker tails denote sexual maturity.
Typically smaller than the females, males
normally grow to only about 5 inches.
Both sexes and all age groups show
a preference for the water’s periphery,
rarely straying far from tree-fall snags
that do not contact the shoreline.
Below the surface, sawbacks hunt and
feed on aquatic insects, fish, and small
crustaceans and mollusks in and around
the snags. At night, the turtles perch
January 2014 | REPTILES 21
common name suggests, the vertebral
Common map turtle keel is comprised of black, rounded,
(Graptemys geographica)
knob-like protuberances. The northern
black-knob (G. n. nigrinoda) has narrow
cream to yellow rings on an olive
carapace. The skin is gray with cream
and yellow stripes. The plastron is pink
to orange, with no pattern aside from
dark scute seams. The Delta sawback
(G. n. delticola) has thicker yellow rings
on the dark-olive carapace scutes. The
skin is dark gray to black, with thin
cream stripes. The plastron of the Delta
sawback is heavily patterned with black.
The ringed sawback turtle (G.
oculifera), with a range matching that
of G. pearlensis, occurs in the Pearl
and Bogue Chitto rivers in Louisiana
and Mississippi. This species vaguely
resembles the Delta sawback, except
that the bright orange rings of G.
oculifera are much bolder and brighter
Some Barbour’s map turtles than those of G. n. delticola. The seam-
are rather plain, but this young
adult female’s carapace is following plastral pattern, too, is more
adorned with very attractive similar to that of G. flavimaculata.
orange crescents.
The Remaining Graptemys
The remaining species of map turtles
are considered neither broad-headed
nor sawbacked. Some literature refers to
them as narrow-headed, though this is a
bit of a misnomer because older females
of some of these species certainly
develop grossly enlarged heads.
Hatchlings of these maps all possess
keels to some extent, though they
are not nearly as pronounced as the
species to the next.
The Northern map turtle (G.
geographica) has a broad range, FAcebook.coM/lllreptile
extending from southern Quebec,
This tank housing Pearl River map
turtles at the Tennessee Aquarium is
simple and elegant. It provides the
turtles with all of their basic needs, yet
is visually appealing.
in hatchlings. Carapace color is tan and the eye has a prominent dark bar
or brown, and some individuals have passing horizontally through the iris.
a fine network of orange or yellow Older females do not develop enlarged
irregular lines. The skin is brown, gray heads. The Mississippi map turtle (G.
or black, usually with yellow stripes, p. kohnii) possesses a crescent-shaped
although some specimens exhibit stripe along the posterior rim of the eye,
Caught in a typical pose basking on a log, striking gold striping. The head pattern and pure specimens have an unmarked
map turtles like this adult female Grap- is not consistent or distinct enough to iris. Females of this subspecies
temys sabinensis are wary and ready to be useful for identification purposes. occasionally develop enlarged heads.
drop back into the water at the slightest
hint of a threat. Though the pattern on the yellow The Ouachita map turtle (G.
plastron is not always limited to dark ouachitensis) ranges across the Ouachita
scute seams, most individuals are River Basin, and can be found primarily
relatively patternless. Adult males in associated flowing waterways and
may reach up to around 7 inches, and tributaries. This species is somewhat
females about 10 inches. Very large similar to, and frequently confused with,
with a black dorsal stripe and usually a vertebral keel and centers of the costal
black blotch or smudge on each costal scutes are usually darker than the base
scute. The plastron is cream or yellow coloration. Like G. pseudogeographica,
with dark scute seams and an extensive skin coloration is brown or black with
seam-following geometric pattern. Skin cream or yellow stripes. The head
coloration is brown or black with cream pattern is highly variable, as well; some
The bulbous vertebral keel projections or yellow stripes. Males can reach 8 localities have a square or rectangular
that give the black-knobbed sawback are inches and develop elongated fore- blotch behind the eye, while others
clearly evident in this juvenile turtle. claws, while females can sometimes have a complete facial mask reminiscent
24 REPTILES | January 2014 | ReptilesMagazine.com
paul vander schouw
Manic Panic Line
lood pythons are these snakes a boost in terms of Manic Panic Line
among the most unique appearances. Stunning good
attractive snakes in looks combined with straightforward palm plantations. They are sedentary
herpetoculture today. husbandry makes the blood python ambush predators, and their muscular
In fact, we think a go-to animal for keepers seeking a build easily allows for a wait-and-
they’re the most attractive, hands- true living gem. spring approach to capturing prey.
down. Few serpents compete with the Wild blood pythons range from Hatchling blood pythons are typically
natural beauty of a vibrant, crimson southwest Thailand through Malaysia between 10 and 12 inches long. Older
red blood python boldly marked in to eastern Sumatra and some adults may measure 6 feet in length
gold, black and white. There are also surrounding islands. In their natural and weigh more than 25 pounds. Most
several color mutations of Python environment, blood pythons prefer to of the mature blood pythons in our
brongersmai available now that give hide beneath leaf litter in forests and collection are approximately 4 1/2 to 5
28 REPTILES | January 2014 | ReptilesMagazine.com
feet long, and weigh between 12 taking the T-Negative
and 16 pounds. opportunity to do so.
Many newer keepers
Reality Check find it helpful to see the
Blood pythons have routines in a seasoned keeper’s
gained a somewhat snake room. It is also beneficial
unfair reputation to spend time around these
• Made by snake
handlers for snake handlers.
Standard Tong
Captive Environment
Blood pythons thrive in simple,
straightforward setups. The more time
you must spend adjusting your blood
python’s enclosure, the less time you’ll
spend actually enjoying your snake.
Whether you are housing a juvenile or
an adult, the cage should make it easy
to establish correct temperatures and
provide proper ventilation, as well as
ambient light (blood pythons do not
Golden Eye
Hypo REN
3 ST
/ 70W
/ 50W
1.800.554.2436 (CA)
#1 in Natural
Terrariums !
Pale Gray natural particle bedding or the ease of
maintenance of sheet-style substrates,
there are a few key points to consider
when selecting the right bedding
for your blood python setup.
Newspaper (plain or
printed), kraft paper
and paper towels are
examples of sheet-
style substrates.
They are available
in rolls or sheets
and can be
cut, folded
paper substrates must be changed dusty and the oils can be irritating to
completely. Paper substrate isn’t as snakes. Cedar shavings are toxic and
absorbent as some of the natural will cause neurological damage and S T- FREE T
even death-never use cedar! Astroturf is
particle beddings, so take care to check
and change it as needed. not absorbent, can be difficult to clean EXTR ES ODOU T
Natural particle beddings include thoroughly, and often has sharp or rough
cypress mulch, shredded aspen, ground edges. Sand is heavy, dusty and may
coco husk, and Sani-Chips. Particle cause impaction if ingested repeatedly. HIGH
beddings can create a more natural Avoiding these items is easy, given the
appearance in your snake’s enclosure. better options that are available.
They usually resist mold and hold up Blood pythons will make use of a
to misting or spraying better than hide when offered; as mentioned, they’ll
paper substrates. When layered deeply, even hide under paper substrate. Some
particle substrates also double as a hide, keepers prefer a more natural look to
as many blood pythons will burrow hides and use large cork-bark slabs
when given the chance. This may be or vining potted plants. We feel the
impractical for large bloods, but works simplest way to provide a hide is to offer
well for smaller specimens. several layers of newspaper, either flat
Another benefit of particle bedding or slightly crumpled, under which your
is that it can be spot-cleaned. Rather snake may hide. Paper is readily available
than change all of the substrate when and easily replaced when soiled.
a snake defecates or passes urates, the
soiled bedding can be removed and Heating Bloods
replaced with fresh substrate. Following We find that the “magic number”
this method, we recommend that you for keeping blood pythons is 80 to
change substrate completely every 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and our snake
90 to 120 days, or sooner if needed. rooms are calibrated to maintain this
Spot-cleaning is efficient for the range as the ambient temperature. Most
keeper with multiple blood pythons, of our snakes do not have basking spots;
but one must ensure that each snake’s those that do are provided radiant (side)
enclosure still smells clean, and is free of heat tape set at 86 to 87 degrees. To For more information on these
or other Exo Terra products
overwhelming ammonia or musty odors. that end, we only provide supplemental please call 1.800.724.2436 (US)
1.800.554.2436 (CA)
There are also a few substrates to heat to adult snakes as needed, because
avoid. Orchid bark is made of large hatchling and juvenile tubs are too small #1 in Natural
wood particles that may cause damage to allow a proper thermal gradient. Terrariums !
if ingested. Pine shavings are very Because it may be impractical to
the blood cell
Raspberry Line
One of the oldest myths about tub/rack setup we use. Again, here we in that area.
blood pythons is that they need very stress that caging made for reptile use Cages should never be dripping wet
high humidity. For years keepers have can really make your job as a keeper or have heavy condensation forming
struggled, spraying enclosures and that much easier. Open water bowls on the sides. If this happens, try a
lugging around oversized water bowls. in plastic enclosures usually provide smaller water bowl or more ventilation.
Fortunately, the key to proper humidity adequate humidity. When a blood Conversely, if your python’s water
isn’t that difficult. Our bloods are kept python sits beneath layers of paper in evaporates quickly and the air inside
at humidity levels of 60 to 70 percent, its cage, the moisture from the snake’s the cage feels excessively dry, it may
which is easily regulated with the plastic respiration creates additional humidity be necessary to partially cover the
34 REPTILES | January 2014 | ReptilesMagazine.com
Desert Terrarium
T-Positive Ivory
courtesy nick bottini
cage vents, or mist the enclosure from of too dry than too wet when making
time to time. It is important to note adjustments to humidity.
that humidity that is chronically low The only time we raise humidity
(less than 40 percent) or high (75-plus beyond the 60- to 70-percent range is For more information on these or
other Exo Terra products
percent) can contribute to respiratory when our snakes go into shed, when please call 1.800.724.2436 (US)
1.800.554.2436 (CA)
irritation and eventually illness, a we mist them daily. We don’t simulate
condition that can be very difficult for a heavy rain and we don’t drench the #1 in Natural
blood pythons to overcome. With this cages. We continue gentle misting Terrariums !
in mind, it is better to err on the side until the snake sheds, and then allow
Pink Bangka dead prey, and feeding tongs make this
easy. Because these snakes rely on their
labial pits to detect heat, it is important
to ensure that frozen/thawed rats are
sufficiently warmed. Use a heating pad
or hair dryer on them prior to offering
to your snake, and check the surface
temperature of warmed prey items using
an infrared temp gun. In our experience,
105 degrees seems to be the ideal
temperature to trigger a feeding response
when feeding frozen/thawed rats.
Never leave live rodents unattended
with any snake for an extended period of
time. A frightened or hungry rodent can
seriously harm or kill a blood python.
Handling Hints
If your new blood python is shy or
PE Stripe defensive at first, keep initial handling
sessions short, and lengthen them by
humidity levels to fall back into the first meals, they transition to rats easily a few minutes each time. Never grab
60-percent range. Incomplete or “stuck” within a few feedings. Rats are the ideal a blood python behind the head or
sheds indicate low humidity and are prey for even the very largest blood force handling in any way. Make sure
easily remedied by soaking the snake in pythons—our biggest bloods eat retired that you support your snake’s bulk
shallow, warm water (80 degrees) for a breeder rats, for example. These snakes using both hands, and rest the snake
few hours. When soaking, water should have slow metabolisms and don’t need on your forearms if necessary-bloods
be no deeper than halfway up the snake’s giant prey, despite their bulk and girth. do not like to be dangled or slung
sides. Never make your blood python It is easy to make blood pythons fat, about carelessly.
have to swim in excessively deep water. so take care to ensure that your snake Keep in mind that blood pythons are
is not overfed. While they are robust vocal snakes; short huffs and puffs and
Don’t Overfeed snakes, blood pythons should not quiet hisses are normal, and should be
While hatchling blood pythons resemble an overinflated inner tube. anticipated when handling. Strive to
usually prefer hopper mice for their Blood pythons can be taught to eat end each handling session on a positive
36 REPTILES | January 2014 | ReptilesMagazine.com
the blood cell
note, with the snake sitting calmly morphs, blood pythons are sure
and quietly. This gradual approach to to please the serious hobbyist and
handling should reward you in time advancing keeper alike. REPTILES
with a quiet, tractable snake.
The authors would like to thank Nick
Blood pythons are rewarding Bottini and Chris McAra for the photos of
snakes to keep. They are beautiful, their beautiful snakes used in this article.
alert, inquisitive animals that are Visit Nick at cold-bloodedearth.com and
easily maintained by following the Chris at giantkeeper.blogspot.com.
husbandry guidelines outlined in this
article. Whether you prefer the blazing Ryan anD KARA NORRIS have been active herpetoculturists for
nearly two decades. They have spent more than 10 years focused on
reds of a trophy normal red or the the selective breeding of blood and short-tailed pythons. Visit them
unique colors and patterns of popular online at BloodPythons.com and Facebook.com/The.Blood.Cell.
A Monitor
It takes a f all the families long-lived reptiles (anywhere from 5 to
of lizards that nearly 25 years, depending on species)
determined a new keeper
could casually
require. I’ve personally kept a number of
monitor species throughout t the years,
person to keep and successfully
maintain without much preparation or
and I find these animals to be among
the most intelligent and cunning of all
a monitor— pre-planning, the family Varanidae, the lizard species.
Rebecca Anne/Shutterstock
and 3 feet in depth, or a similarly sized, place your lizard during the day. Make
all-glass terrarium fitted with a secure, sure it has a shady retreat, so that the
heavy-gauge screen lid. monitor may escape the heat of the sun
Furnish the enclosure with several if necessary. Never leave your monitor in
stable climbing branches (affixed to the direct sun without a shady retreat, as
the enclosure walls by screws or bolted any species of reptile can overheat and
into a stable wooden base) and plenty expire under such conditions.
of living or artificial plants and vines to Although they are very manageable
simulate the jungle canopy. Flooring in size, black tree monitors can be
is of minimal concern, as black tree nervous. While most high-strung or
monitors rarely descend to the ground. threatened monitors will hiss, puff their
If you have constructed a large, natural throats and lash with their tails, the
vivarium, then flooring may consist of black tree monitor almost always tries
soil, leaf-litter and/or similar materials to to flee by rapidly ascending higher into
accommodate your pet. the canopy. Cornered or rudely handled
As is true with all monitor species, the specimens may also release their cloacal
more room you can provide your pet, contents on their handlers. Although
the better. Large, screen-walled habitats gentle and regular handling can help to
with wooden framing and screen roofs partially tame these lizards, black tree
(to accommodate overhead lighting monitors make better observational
Have you bookmarked apparatus) are the most cost-effective pets than “petting” pets. Then again, few
ReptileChannel.com yet? way to house a black tree monitor, but
properly maintaining temperature and
monitor species are renowned for being
comfortable with frequent handling.
relative humidity in a screen-walled Feeding pre-killed rodents and
enclosure can be difficult. Lighting chicks may help to decrease a monitor’s
should consist of at least eight hours wildness and nervousness in captivity.
daily of full-spectrum ultraviolet lighting. In addition to such prey, the black tree
Many hobbyists build movable habitats monitor may be fed crickets, mealworms
and wheel them outside on sunny days and virtually any other type of cultivated
so that the monitor may benefit from insect. Processed foods manufactured
natural sunlight. Another option is to specifically for monitors can also
Tenebrio Obscurus
Very Mini Size! have a separate, smaller habitat outside comprise a viable part of your black tree
that is very securely built, where you can monitor’s diet. Feed your pet daily, and
40 REPTILES | January 2014 | ReptilesMagazine.com
supplement every other day’s meals $250, should be immediately inspected
with calcium dust or liquid. by a herp veterinarian and treated for
Maintain daily ambient temperatures internal parasites.
in the mid-80s Fahrenheit, with a With care and the proper husbandry,
basking spot reaching into the high the black tree monitor makes a unique
90s to low 100s. Nightly ambient and visually spectacular pet. While it is
temperature drops of 10 degrees or so not the most handle-friendly of lizards, it
in are acceptable. Maintain a relative is wonderful to observe and maintain in
humidity of 60 percent or higher at all its arboreal habitat.
times. Offer your black tree monitor
water by securing one or more small, Savannah Monitor
shallow dishes amid the climbing The next species on the docket is the
branches. Misting the habitat with a very popular, ground-going savannah
spray bottle multiple times daily is also monitor (V. exanthematicus). Native to
highly recommended. I also recommend the warm forests and grasslands of
placing a large, shallow pan of water tropical Africa, this lizard is a devout
on the floor of the enclosure, because carnivore. Its wild diet is comprised of
even though they may not descend primarily insects, small rodents, the eggs
often, black tree monitors will emerge and chicks of ground-nesting birds,
from the canopy to swim in pools and and virtually all other vertebrates small
streams. Like most monitors, V. beccarii enough to fit in the monitor’s mouth.
has a tendency to defecate in its water Rotting carrion has also been shown to
dish, so diligence in maintaining clean comprise a notable percentage of the
water supplies is paramount. Make sure wild savannah monitor’s diet.
to leave a branch or other haul-out This stocky lizard grows to 48 to 55
in the large water dish, so that your inches in length and may weigh more
monitor may easily climb out. than 30 pounds. It is substantially larger
Sadly, the black tree monitor has a than its black tree cousin discussed
shorter lifespan than most monitors. A previously. As is true with most monitor
healthy specimen may live for as few as species, male savannahs are the larger of
5 years, or in rarer cases, as many as 10. the two sexes.
Virtually all specimens available in the pet It is easy to see why the savannah
trade are imported from the wild, as this monitor has been a mainstay in the pet
species is very seldom bred in captivity. reptile industry for so long. Wearing
As such, newly acquired specimens, a basal coat of tan to sandy-tawny
which may cost anywhere from $200 to coloration that is freckled with cream to
zig leszczynski
Nile Monitor
The beautiful, but temperamental,
Nile monitor (V. niloticus) boasts the
zig leszczynski
title of the largest lizard in Africa. It
may grow to as long as 8 feet and may
weigh nearly 100 pounds. When sold as
a 10-inch long juvenile that weighs only
a few ounces, however, this animal can
special pair of gloves (made specifically available in bait shops (even large be very deceptive in the pet shop, and
for handling large reptiles or birds department stores often sell cups of many hobbyists have purchased a Nile
of prey) may be necessary to avoid night crawlers in their sporting goods monitor without knowing what they are
experiencing an unwitting injury from departments), these protein-rich getting themselves into.
your pet’s talons. After handling any invertebrates will make a great addition In appearance, the Nile monitor is
pet reptile, make sure you wash your to your savannah’s diet. very attractive. Its base coloration is slate
hands with antibacterial soap to avoid to gray to bluish, with bands comprised
any possible contamination. Like all White-Throated Monitor of yellow to whitish ocelli, spots and
animals, including humans, monitors A close cousin of the savannah freckles. These bands cover the dorsum
can carry bacteria on their skin. In the monitor is the white-throated monitor along the back and completely encircle
case of monitors, bacteria can hide in the (V. albigularis). This animal, which occurs the tail. The head is similarly dark with
interstitial spaces between their scales, as in a number of subspecies, grows to lighter speckling and is honed to a very
well, especially if the reptile is housed in considerably longer lengths (adult males sharp snout.
unsanitary conditions by a lax or careless may reach 6 feet) and wears a much While it has received something of
keeper. Such unsanitary conditions, more striking coat of colors. Juvenile an undue reputation as a truly evil lizard
coupled with unsafe handling practices, coloration between the white-throated of terrible disposition, the Nile monitor,
can lead to bacterial infection for both and the savannah monitor is hard to if properly housed and cared for, can
the keeper and the kept. distinguish, but as specimens mature, be much more enjoyable than urban
Feeding is another great aspect of the savannah will retain its tawny, earthy legend would have you believe. Housed
keeping the savannah monitor; these coloration, while the base color of the in adequately sized terraria as juveniles,
hardy reptiles are eating machines! white-throat will darken to a slate-gray these lizards, like the savannah and
Virtually everything that moves is on the hue. The lighter spots and bands on this white-throated monitors, will require
menu, so you will have to be diligent in animal, however, are much brighter and their own room or pen as adults.
ensuring that your pet doesn’t eat too more striking than similar markings on Juveniles require daily feedings
much. Obesity, and the complications the savannah monitor, and some white- of insects, as they have a very high
and disorders that accompany it, are throated monitors may take on a light, metabolic rate and need to consume
the leading causes of death among alabaster shade over the entire body. large amounts of food to grow properly.
savannah monitors. Diets that are too The morphology of the head is slightly Provide plenty of arboreal retreats to
fatty or too rich in meat proteins are different from the savannah’s, as well; the juveniles, as they are devout climbers.
dangerous for the long-term well-being sharp snout of the savannah monitor When small, these lizards may be housed
of your savannah monitor. is replaced by a bulbous snout in the exactly as described for the black tree
Feed your pet a varied diet of white-throated monitor. monitor. Larger adults, however, seldom
insects: crickets, mealworms, wax Hailing from the southern half of leave the ground, and larger basking
worms, grasshoppers and roaches Africa, the white-throated monitor spots and larger pools of water become
(farm-cultivated insects and those is usually gentle, but patience and necessary, as this riverine species likes to
sold through your pet shop or online). diligence is still required when trying to soak and swim. Basking hotspots should
Savannah monitors also love eating get them to tame down and adjust to reach 110 degrees, while cooler retreats
night crawlers (earthworms). Cheaply the human touch. are absolutely necessary, as well. After
44 REPTILES | January 2014 | ReptilesMagazine.com
your Nile monitor reaches 30 inches, but more if it is exceptionally striking.
provide it with amply sized environs (as Even though I believe its nasty
well as lighting, water, etc.) as described reputation may not be entirely deserved,
for the savannah monitor. the Nile monitor is still a very large
Nile monitors are aggressive if species that may exhibit an occasional
improperly conditioned to human temperamental outburst. This species
touch. Specimens that are not often should definitely be kept only by the
handled will puff their throats, give expert hobbyist.
a hissing exhalation of breath, lash
violently with their tails and, if further Do Your Research First
aggravated, will empty their cloacal If you’ve been thinking about
contents and bite repeatedly, often keeping a pet monitor lizard of any kind,
twisting and turning their heads to I salute your efforts, and I encourage
inflict deep, tearing wounds. Proper, you to read all you can on the animals
regular handling from the time the before taking the plunge. Make sure you
lizard is very young, coupled with a are able to meet the commitment that a
diet of exclusively pre-killed prey (to monitor of any type requires, including
dampen this species’ so-called “killer time, money, space, effort and quality
instinct”) can make all the difference in of life. Remember, it’s not enough that
the world in calming and conditioning your pet survives under your care—it
an otherwise hostile Nile monitor. must thrive. Know your chosen monitor
A subspecies of the Nile monitor is inside and out before you buy. The time
the ornate Nile monitor (V. n. ornatus). and money you’ll save, the amount of
Wearing a more extreme coat of freckles effort you’ll expend, and the time and
and ocelli than the nominate species, this quality of years you’ll share with your
ornate cousin is more mild mannered, reptilian pet will be as long and as
substantively more handsome and enriching as is possible with these, the
comes with an accordingly higher price largest and most intelligent lizards in
tag. At the time of this writing, an adult the world.
ornate Nile monitor retails for somewhere
Phil Purser, Ph.D., lives in Tampa, Florida, where he is a professor
in the neighborhood of $350 dollars, at Hillsborough Community College. An avid angler and naturalist,
while a juvenile might fetch half this Phil’s areas of reptile expertise include rosy boas, geckos, and all
manner of colubrid snake species. Phil’s greatest reptilian passion,
much if it is not particularly handsome, however, are the rattlesnakes.
Additional Reading
The following are books on monitors that I recommend to anyone
interested in housing these intelligent and gorgeous reptiles.
Giant Lizards: The Definitive Guide to the Natural History, Care, and
Breeding of Monitors, Iguanas, and Other Large Lizards, by Dr. Rob-
ert Sprackland (2009, TFH Publications)
Varanoid Lizards of the World, edited by Erick Pianka and Dennis King
(2004, Indiana University Press)
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Deluxe ReptoHabitats
The revolutionary Deluxe ReptoHabitat
from Tetrafauna makes keeping a reptile or
amphibian easier than ever. The one-of-a-kind
design features lockable sliding doors for easy
access, a locking screen hood for one-handed
operation, and a built-in bottom drain that
greatly simplifies water changes and reduces
disruption to the environment. Newest sizes
include two 24-inch-high arboreal habitats
for tree climbers (20x18 inches and 30x18
inches), and a new Deluxe ReptoHabitat for
multiple animals or larger reptiles, measuring
Repti Tree Terrarium Decor 48x18 inches. All three habitats feature a rear
Zoo Med’s New Repti Tree is made of natural Mopani wood and provides areas for reptiles and bulkhead for use with canister filters and
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available and is perfectly suited for use in terrariums. The multicolored wood adds beauty and call 800-526-0650; or visit tetrafauna.com.
interest in the terrarium while the textures and climbing structure provides enrichment for pets.
The Repti Tree can be used with plants to create a natural look or under a heat lamp to provide
an arboreal basking site. Repti Tree is available two different sizes: 12 inch and 20 inch. For more
information, call 888-496-6633 or visit zoomed.com.
Slippery Feet
Slippery Feet creates a long-lasting, non-toxic,
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containers. Use Low-Water Level Filter
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petroleum-based little as 11⁄4 inches of water and fits seamlessly AKA Reptiles has a new tarantula cage offered
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Feet works great bio housing. Offers dual-sided water inlets, a ured for arboreal species. They are made to or-
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ant infestations, as well. Apply Slippery Feet carbon sponge cleanses harmful substances Enclosures use magnetic latches for a clean
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STinternational.com; or visit
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maximum viewing. For more information, email polyurethane and are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning and sterilization. Available at herp stores, pet
mpeitz@npi-ks.com; or visit npicages.com. stores, major pet chains and online. For more information, visit naturezonepet.com.
Nov. 10, Cheswick, PA: Pittsburgh Reptile Show and Sale, Dec. 7, Bowling Green, KY: Kentucky Reptile Expo
Christmas, Knicely Conference Center. Info: 606-547-6643;
The Harmar House, 1321 Freeport Rd. Info: 724-516-0441;
Pghreptileshow@gmail.com; PghReptileShow.com
To list a show, please mail your information to
Nov. 9-10, Jacksonville, FL: Repticon Jacksonville,
UNF University Center, 12000 Alumni Dr. Info: Billy Healy,
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Dec. 7-8, Orlando, FL: Repticon Orlando, Central Florida
Faigrounds, 4603 W. Colonial Dr. Info: Billy Healy, 863-268-
4273; info@repticon.com; repticon.com
Reptile Events, REPTILES, 3 Burroughs, Irvine, Dec. 7-8, Lubbock, TX: Repticon Lubbock, Knights of
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CA 92618. Phone calls, faxes and e-mails
Bingemans Park, 425 Bingemans Centre Dr. Info: Grant Grossman, info@repticon.com; repticon.com
won’t be accepted. Listings must include 905-279-5550; reptileexpo@rogers.com; reptileexpo.ca
show dates, name and street address of show Dec. 8, Mason, OH: Cin City Reptile Show, Kings Island
venue, and contact phone number. Inclusion Nov. 10, Toronto, Ontario, CA: Toronto Reptile Expo, Downtown Resort and Conference Center, 5691 Kings Island Dr.
in this column is based on a first-come, Park, 35 Carl Hall Rd. Info: Grant Grossman, 905-279-5550; Info: 513-910-0900; cincityreptileshow@yahoo.com;
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Nov. 16, Birmingham, AL: Dixie Reptile Show, BJCC, 2100
Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. Info: Terry Heuring, 256-776- Dec. 14, Birmingham, AL: Dixie Reptile Show, BJCC, 2100
Nov. 2, Lexington, KY: Kentucky Reptile Expo, Lexington 2125; dixiereptiles@hotmail.com Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. Info: Terry Heuring, 256-776-
Convention Center, Heritage Ball Room. Info: 606-547-6643; 2125; dixiereptiles@hotmail.com
kentuckyreptileexpo.com Nov. 16, Columbus, OH: All-Ohio Reptile Shows, Moose Lodge
11, 1500 Demorest Rd. Info: 614-457-4433; allohioshows.com Dec. 14-15, Gonzales, LA: Repticon Greater Baton
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reptileexpo.com info@repticon.com; repticon.com
Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County Fairgrounds, 2405 Sugarloaf
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Dec. 14-15, Winston-Salem, NC: Repticon Piedmont Triad
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at Winston-Salem, Dixie Classic Fairgrounds, Bolton Home
repticon.com; repticon.com & Garden Building, Gate 9, 421 W. 27th St. Info: Billy Healy,
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Center, 8245 West Judge Perez Dr. Info: 863-268-4273; Badman, 480-985-3121; phxreptileexpo.com Dec. 20, Columbus, OH: All Ohio Reptile Sale and Show, Moose
info@repticon.com; repticon.com Lodge 11, 1500 Demorest Rd. Info: Robbie Hamper, 614-457-
Nov. 17, Troy, NY: Capital Region Reptile Expo, Hudson
Valley Community College. Info: Jen, 845-616-5838; Mark, 4433; rhgecko@aol.com; allohioreptileshows.webs.com
Nov. 2-3, San Antonio, TX: Texas Reptile Expo, Live Oak
Civic Center, 8101 Pat Booker Hwy. Info: Randal Berry, 501- 845-902-8952; herpnerds.com
Dec. 21, Kalamazoo, MI: Reptile & Exotic Animal
562-7311; info@texasreptiles.com; texasreptileexpos.com Expo, Kalamazoo County Expo Center, 2900 Lake St.
Nov. 23-24, El Paso, TX: Repticon El Paso, El Maida Shrine,
Info: 269-779-9851; info@kalamazooreptileshow.com;
Nov. 2-3, 2013 San Diego, CA: Reptile Super Show, San 6331 Alabama Str., Info: Billy Healy, 863-268-4273; info@
Diego Concourse/ Civic Center, 202 C St. Info: Ramy, repticon.com; repticon.com
619-281-PETS (7387); ReptileSuperShow@gmail.com; Dec. 21, Harve de Grace, MD: All Maryland Reptile Show
ReptileSuperShow.com Nov. 23-24, Costa Mesa, CA: Repticon Los Angeles, Orange Community Center; 100 Largaret Lane; Info: 717-432-5807;
County Fair Grounds and Event Center, 88 Fair St. Info: Billy mdreptilefarm.com
Nov. 3, Mason, OH: Cin City Reptile Show, Kings Island
Healy, 863-268-4273; repticon.com
Resort and Conference Center, 5691 Kings Island Dr. Dec. 22, Cheswick, PA: Pittsburgh Reptile Show and Sale,
Info: 513-910-0900; cincityreptileshow@yahoo.com; The Harmar House, 1321 Freeport Rd. Info: 724-516-0441;
Nov. 23-24, Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Repticon Ft. Lauderdale,
cincityreptileshow.com Pghreptileshow@gmail.com; PghReptileShow.com
War Memorial Auditorium, 800 NE 8th St. Info: Billy Healy,
Nov. 9, Taylor, MI: Michigan Reptile Show, 22525 Ecorse 863-268-4273; info@repticon.com; repticon.com
Dec. 29, St. Louis, MO: St. Louis Reptile Show, Holiday
Rd. Info: Mike, 248-629-4304; michiganreptileshow.com Inn Southwest, Viking Conference Center, 10709 Watson
Nov. 23-24, Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Reptile Show, North
Road. Info: Patrick 913-400-2876; info@stlreptileshow.com;
Nov. 9, Harve de Grace, MD: All Maryland Reptile Show Carolina State Fairgrounds, Scott Building, 1025 Blue Ridge
Community Center; 100 Largaret Lane; Info: 717-432-5807; Rd. Info: Billy Healy, 863-268-4273; repticon.com
Nov. 24, Pointe Claire, Quebec, CA: Montreal Reptile Expo,
January 2014
Nov. 9, Oaks, PA: East Coast Reptiles Super Expo, Greater Holiday Inn Pointe Claire, Quebec, 6700 Trans Canada Hwy.
Philadelphia Expo Center, 1601 Egypt Rd. Info: Marty Peidl, Info: Grant Grossman, 905-279-5550; reptileexpo@rogers.
610-529-3614; eastcoastreptilesuperexpos.com com; Reptileexpo.ca
Nov. 9, Denver, CO: Rocky Mountain Reptile Expo, Jan. 4-5, Pomona, CA: Reptile Super Show, Pomona Fairplex,
National Western Complex,4655 Humbolt St. Info: Lynn Los Angeles County Fairgrounds 1101 W. McKinley Ave. Info:
Kubic, 720-685-9557; lynn@rockymountainreptileexpo.
com; rockymountainreptileexpo.com December Ramy, 619-281-PETS (7387); ReptileSuperShow@gmail.com;
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an expo!
of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: 9,805. H. Total: Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months: 35,139. No. Copies of
Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: 35,575. I. Percent Paid. Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months: 98.56%. No. Copies
of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: 96.60%. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. Russ Case, Editor.
Index March
Holiday Inn, 8439 NE Columbia Blvd. Info: Joel Ebarb, 503-
412-8181; NWReptileExpos.com
March 23, Melville, NY: Long Island Reptile Show, Hun-
Central Aquatics...................... 43, 45, 47 tington Hilton, 598 Broad Hollow Rd. (Rte. 110). Info: Bruce
Lowder, 845-526-4845 reptileexpo.com
Dubi Deli.............................................. 57
Feb. 9, White Plains, NY: Reptile Expo, 198 Central Ave.
Exo Terra.......................... C4, 31, 33, 35 Info: Bruce Lowder, 845-526-4845; reptileexpo.com
MiceDirect.com................................... 42
MidwestTongs.com............................. 29
Natural Chemistry............................... 40
Northwest Zoological.......................... 59
1101 W. McKinley Ave. Pomona, Ca. 91768
coming up
next month
NEXT SHOWS: JANUARY 4-5, 2014 Los Angeles, Ca.
JULY 12-13, 2014 San Diego, Ca.
OVER 700
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ARROW FROGS — EcoFauna’s tremendous variety KAMMERFLAGE KREATIONS — Over three RALPH DAVIS REPTILES — “The King of Ball
of mature, captive-bred species ships-anywhere in the decades of reptile experience. Specialzing in beautiful Pythons.” Many double het and co-dom designers
U.S. Visit buypoisonfrogs.com for more info and to captive bred Panther Chameleons. 951-738-8388; available! The greatest ball python collection on the
view our animals. www.chameleonsonly.com planet! 410-984-5194; ralph@ralphdavisreptiles.com;
POISON DART FROGS! Complete one-stop shopping GECKOS www.ralphdavisreptiles.com; YouTube: youtube.com/
for all your needs. Seventeen years experience. Exten- ralphdavis
sive website with free care sheets, online videos, travel REPTILES FOREVER GECKOS — Premium captive-
photos from their natural habitat. www.dartfrog.com bred geckos raised with TLC. Nationwide shipping all TURTLES AND TORTOISES
year long. 651-335-9418; www.reptilesforever.com
ALBINO TURTLES WANTED — Turtle breeder is
BEARDED DRAGONS LEOPARD GECKOS, CRESTED GECKOS and fat-tail interested in obtaining albino specimen(s) of U.S.
FIRE AND ICE DRAGONS — Award-winning citrus geckos. We provide the highest level of quality, health turtles for potential breeding projects. Also albino
bearded dragons, high colors, designer morphs. Voted and beauty. Call Garrick at 715-845-5545; or see our
amphibians. Please call Clive Longden, 850-385-
Best of the Best. Call 717-359-8669; or visit www. huge selection of color and pattern morphs at www.
fireandicedragons.com and see why. crestedgecko.com
website for awesome bearded dragons and great gecko store, high-quality morphs at great prices. Also interested in two-headed turtles and tortoises.
prices for overnight delivery! sales@baskndragons. one-hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. Top dollar paid. Call Duane Swaniec, 727-847-5955;
com; www.baskndragons.com Visit our gecko store in Colorado. 720-217-1472; email at dswaniec@verizon.net
WWW.INLANDBEARDEDDRAGONS.COM has beau- www.designergeckos.com ALLIGATOR SNAPPERS hatchlings through 130
tiful, quality-dragons at reasonable prices. High color LIZARDS pounds. Full selection of domestic hatchlings. Quality
red, orange, yellow, and hypos available. Check out exotics. Call John at 417-736-9114, day or night;
our website for more information. GILA MONSTERS BY PROFESSIONAL BREEDERS™
macrojon@ipa.net; www.turtleman.com
— The choice for extreme-quality Utah banded
BOAS AND PYTHONS Gila monsters and central Arizona reticulated Gila TURTLES AND TORTOISES INC. — The foremost
BOA BASEMENT — Where quality still matters. monsters. Selectively bred over multiple generations selection of turtles and tortoises available in the world,
Captive-produced boas, pythons and colubrids. for high-percentage salmon-pink, chalk-white or plus a wide selection of crocodilians. Top quality at
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net; pics and prices at www.boabasement.com International orders welcome with CITES permits 534-3004; or sales@turtlesandtortoises.com; check
available. Steve Osborne, phone/fax: 800-487-9658;
RALPH DAVIS REPTILES — “The King of Ball out our website at www.turtlesandtortoises.com
406-862-9220; probreeders@yahoo.com; www.
Pythons.” Many double het and co-dom designers probreeders.com WANTED: ALL SPECIES OF TORTOISES. Top prices
available! The greatest ball python collection on the paid. Call Duane Swaniec at 727-847-5955; or email
planet! 410-984-5194; ralph@ralphdavisreptiles.com; GILA MONSTERS — Outrageous quality, captive-
bred banded and reticulate Gila monsters. Visit www. me at dswaniec@verizon.net
www.ralphdavisreptiles.com; YouTube: youtube.com/
ralphdavis docseward.com and receive a free copy of the book
Animal Network’s
Gila Monster Propagation. Mark Seward, 719-495-
BALL PYTHONS — Lots of morphs and combos: 7325; www.docseward.com (See display advertise-
bananas, clowns, bees, blasts, pieds, caramels, hypos
Gold Standard
ment in Gallery of Breeds.)
and dozens of others! Call Garrick DeMeyer at 715-
845-5545; or visit www.royalconstrictordesigns.com MULTIPLE SPECIES BREEDERS
(See display advertisement in Gallery of Breeds.)
of snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises, frogs, toads,
Quality Content
Passionate breeder specializing in high-end, selec- newts, salamanders, tarantulas, scorpions and
tively bred Brazilian rainbow boas and boa constric- feeders, all delivered right to your doorstep! Visit our
tors. 408-224-0414; rainbowsrus@sbcglobal.net website today!
DAN’S BOAS — You’re one stop shop for fine, A+ SERPENTS — Specializing in top-quality
captive bred Boas, Reptiles and Rainbow Boas. 386- mutations of ball pythons, western hognose, Kenyan
517-3763; lorenzoceleste5@gmail.com sand boas and Sonoran gopher snakes. We also carry
the full line of Herpstat Thermostats and Flex Watt
Heat Tape! All major credit cards accepted. 978-697-
1008; www.aplusserpents.com
complete list of show dates, times and directions. For satisfaction-guaranteed. VISA, MC, AmEx, Discover,
BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS more information or to place an order, please call 812- money-orders, checks and PayPal accepted. 812-867-
HUGE BOOK SALE! www.eaglemountainpublishing. 867-7598. 7598; fax: 812-867-6058; info@rodentpro.com
WWW.RODENTPRO.COM OFFERS FREE RABBITS — Available for sale at wholesale prices.
EDUCATION DELIVERY to The All-Cleveland Reptile Show in Please visit our website at www.rodentpro.com for
Cleveland, OH. Please visit www.rodentpro.com/ huge savings! Secure online ordering available. Small
FLORIDA TEACHING ZOO — Real professional
events.asp for a complete list of show dates, times and and large-orders welcome. One-hundred percent
lectures. Hands-on primates, big cats, crocs, zoo
directions. For more information or to place an order, customer satisfaction guaranteed. VISA, MC,
animals, one-year program. drwilsonvet@gmail.com;
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accepted. 812-867-7598; fax: 812-867-6058; info@
EXPOS DELIVERY to The Kansas City Reptile Show in
TEXAS REPTILE EXPOS — San Antonio. (Venomous Overland Park, KS. Please visit www.rodentpro.com/ RATS — Available for sale at wholesale prices. Please
allowed) November 2-3. Going back to: Live Oak Civic events.asp for a complete list of show dates, times and visit our website at www.rodentpro.com for huge
Center, 8101 Pat Booker Rd. at Hwy 1604, San directions. For more information or to place an order, savings! Secure online ordering-available. Small and
Antonio, TX 78233. texasreptileexpos.com please call 812-867-7598. large orders welcome. One-hundred percent customer
satisfaction guaranteed. VISA, MC, AmEx, Discover,
checks, money-orders, and PayPal accepted. 812-
per year, Spring and Fall. The only reptile expos in DELIVERY to The St. Louis Reptile Show in St. Louis, 867-7598; fax: 812-867-6058; info@rodentpro.com
Massachusetts. Herpline, 617-789-5800; visit: www. MO. Please visit www.rodentpro.com/events.asp for a
massreptileexpo.com for more details or to become a complete list of show dates, times and directions. For UNCLE JIM’S WORM FARM — Live red worms and
vendor. more information or to place an order, please call 812- mealworms. Give your pet a healthy treat. 800-373-
867-7598. 0555; www.unclejim.com
THUMB REPTILE SHOWS — All legal exotics wel-
come. Venomous welcome. Lapeer, MI; 810-417- ORGANIC, FRESH, EDIBLE CACTUS — California-
1143; show dates on www.thumbreptile.com
FOOD grown, nearly spineless, great for tortoises! Certified
AMERICAN RODENT — Free shipping! See organic by California Certified Organic-Farmers
WWW.RODENTPRO.COM OFFERS FREE DELIVERY (CCOF). Serving USA/Canada. www.rivenrock.com
website for details. We sell frozen mice, rats and
to the Minnesota Reptile Show in St. Paul, MN. Please
chicks of all sizes. Small and large quantities avail-
visit www.rodentpro.com/events.asp for a complete
able. We can supply your needs year-round while THE GOURMET RODENT — Rats and mice. Pinkies,
list of show dates, times and directions. For more
maintaining the high quality you expect. Monthly fuzzies and adults. Quantity discounts. For
information or to place an order, please call 812-867-
specials and discounts available. We can also be found information, send SASE: P.O. Box 430, Newberry, FL
monthly at the Midwest Reptile Show in Indianapolis, 32669-0430; 352-472-9189; www.gourmetrodent.com
ALL CLEVELAND REPTILE SALE AND SWAP dates Indiana. MC, VISA, Discover and PayPal accepted.
2013: Nov. 16 and Dec. 14, 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. $4 MEALWORMS BY THE POUND — Live meal-
Call us at 317-899-1599; M-F, 7-4 p.m. EST; www.
admission. UAW Hall, 17250 Hummel Rd., Brookpark, worms, dried mealworms, canned mealworms,
OH 44142; for info, call 614-492-8415; reptile4me@ superworms, crickets, waxworms. Excellent customer
CHICKENS — Available for sale at wholesale prices. service, order today! Call 888-400-9018; www.
Please visit our website at www.rodentpro.com for mealwormsbythepound.com
LONE STAR REPTILE EXPOS, ARLINGTON, TX — huge savings! Secure online ordering available. Small
December 14-15, 2013. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Knights A BIGGERS & CALLAHAM COMPANY — Why do so
and large orders welcome. One-hundred percent
of Columbus Hall, 2625 S. Cooper St., Arlington, TX many continue to switch to MiceDirect? We’re real
customer satisfaction-guaranteed. VISA, MC, AmEx,
76015. 214-769-3039; check our website at www. rodent pros delivering real rodent savings! Always the
Discover, money-orders, checks and PayPal accepted.
lonestarreptileexpos.com best price on mice and rats. Farm-raised rodents and
812-867-7598; fax: 812-867-6058; info@rodentpro.
excellent nutrition equal excellent rodents. One-
hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. VISA, MC,
DELIVERY to The All-Ohio Reptile Show in Columbus, GUINEA PIGS — Available for sale at wholesale AmEx, Discover, PayPal. 888-747-0736; visit us at
OH. Please visit www.rodentpro.com/events.asp for a prices. Please visit our website at www.rodentpro.com www.micedirect.com
for huge savings! Secure online ordering available. DUBIA ROACHES FOR SALE — Five percent off
Small and large orders welcome. One-hundred percent
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customer satisfaction-guaranteed. VISA, MC, AmEx, lizards, amphibians, fish, tarantulas. No smell. Don’t
Discover, checks, money orders, PayPal accepted. climb. info@abdragons.com; www.abdragons.com
812-867-7598; fax: 812-867-6058; info@rodentpro.
Friendly Ads com MICEDIRECT — Who sells mice and rats for less? No
one! We breed 135,000 rodents weekly, so no worries
LAYNE LABORATORIES — Live and frozen mice and if we can meet your demands. We’re real rodent pros
rats. The largest breeding facility on the west coast delivering real rodent savings! Farm raised and
When you see now sells direct. We deliver! Small quantities and large
volumes welcome. Located in California. 805-242-
7907; info@laynelabs.com; www.laynelabs.com
excellent nutrition equals excellent rodents! One-
hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. 706-348-
7634; or visit us at www.micedirect.com
this symbol MAXEY RODENT COMPANY, in business since 1991
in California. Mice, rats, live or frozen. Clean, healthy
MULBERRY FARMS — Widest variety of feeders.
Silkworms, Goliath hornworms, butterworms, Phoenix
animals. We ship anywhere. 530-472-3294; cell: 530- worms, waxworms, superworms (several sizes), meal-
it means you can 227-3899; fax: 530-472-1149; rodents@frontiernet.net
MICE — Available for sale at wholesale prices. Please
worms, roaches, crickets, also silkworm food, eggs,
butterflies and more. Go to www.mulberryfarms.com
go to visit our website at www.rodentpro.com for huge
savings! Secure online ordering available. Small and
RAINBOW MEALWORMS — Attention vendors and
users of crickets and/or mealworms. Rainbow Meal-
ReptilesChannel.com/ads large-orders welcome. One-hundred percent customer
satisfaction guaranteed. VISA, MC, AmEx, Discover,
worms has a new policy: We will not be undersold by
our competitors! We have any amount of mealworms,
to find your advertiser on checks, money-orders, and PayPal accepted. 812-
867-7598; fax: 812-867-6058; info@rodentpro.com
thousands or millions available. Contact us; 800-777-
9676; www.rainbowmealworms.net
QUAIL — Available for sale at wholesale prices. Please THE BIG CHEESE RODENT FACTORY —
visit our website at www.rodentpro.com for huge Producing superior-quality frozen mice and rats at the
savings! Secure online ordering available. Small and lowest price. Our rodents are vacuum-sealed to pre-
large orders welcome. One-hundred percent customer
Get Wrapped
The durable construction will withstand the toughest DVM. Dedicated to providing complete veterinary care
tortoise abuse. Call 800-255-0316 or order online for your avian and exotic pets. Equipped with on-site
Up in the Premiere
radiology, ultrasound, endoscopy and surgical care,
DON’T LET YOUR REPTILES CATCH a cold this including state-of-the-art laser. 320 E.Ridgewood
winter. Zoo Med’s Repti Therm UTH heat pads, Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450; 201-447-6000; www.
ceramic heat emitter or infrared spot lamps are avail- ridgewoodvet.com
able at your local pet shop or distributor nearest you.
LIGHTING Publication on
Reptiles and
888-496-6633; zoomed@zoomed.com; www.zoomed.
com FULL-SPECTRUM LIGHTING — Vita-Lite, fixtures,
FLEX WATT HEAT TAPE AND CONNECTORS — free replacement warranty. Save: buy factory direct,
Five percent off using code word “REPTILE.” Made in dealers wanted. 888-900-6830; www.naturallighting.
USA. UL-approved. Recommended heat source for com
your reptiles/amphibians. info@abdragons.com; www. ZOO MED — ReptiSun 5.0 or 10.0 UVB, Iguana Light
abdragons.com 5.0 UVB or PowerSun UV (self-ballasted mercury
vapor lamp). Buy the #1 UVB reptile lamps available.
HERP VETERINARIANS Available at your local pet shop or distributor nearest Reptiles USA is packed full of
ADVANCED HERP MEDICINE AND SURGERY you. 888-496-6633; zoomed@zoomed.com; www. expert articles on
— Scott J. Stahl, DVM, DABVP (avian). Eighteen zoomed.com
breeding, veterinary
years experience with procedures/techniques in
MISCELLANEOUS From the issues and the
herpetological medicine. Phone/fax consultations for editors of
fee. Northern Virginia; 703-281-3750; www.seavs.com WE BUY YOUR BABIES! Bearded-dragons, baby latest news in the
Columbian-R.T.boas, tarantula, iguanas, veiled
DALLAS — Summertree Animal & Bird Clinic. Caring chameleons, leopard and crested geckos, kingsnakes/
for reptiles and other exotic pets for over 30 years. milksnakes, feeder insects. We pay shipping (mini- world. It is your all-
Diagnostic and surgical services; nutrition and mums may apply). Serious inquiries only. 800-996- in-one guide for the
husbandry; preventive care. Drs. Laura Brazelton 1181; www.sunpet.com successful care and keeping of
and Jackie Curfman, 972-387-4168; www.
summertreeclinic.com PET STORES reptiles and amphibians.
DELAWARE — Avian and Exotics Veterinary Center at MILWAUKEE/CHICAGO AREA — Stop in and visit
the central Midwest’s largest display of herps and sup-
Windcrest Animal Hospital is dedicated to providing
plies. We are now in our new store (33,000 square-
state-of-the-art care in avian and exotic animal
feet) across the street from previous location. Hoffer’s
medicine and surgery. 24-hour emergency services
Tropic Life, 7323 N. 76th St., Milwaukee, WI 53223;
and boarding services available. 3705 Lancaster 414-353-6553; fax: 414-353-2584
Pike, Wilmington, DE 19805; 302-998-2995; www. ONLY $7.99
windcrestanimal.com PLANTS/DECOR
REPTILE SPECIALIST — Thomas H. Boyer, DVM, WWW.MANZANITA.COM — Wood perches. X-large
DABVP, reptile and amphibian practice. More than two to small. Sandblasted or natural. Manufacturer-direct
decades focusing on herpetological medicine and pricing. Wholesale available. 888-767-4901
surgery. San Diego, CA; 858-484-3490; www.
SOUTH CAROLINA — Birds and Exotics Animal
Care. Medical surgical facility. Jose Biascoechea,
filled days. $950 includes hotels, meals, ground Available wherever fine books
transportation. Jim Kavney, 305-664-2881; costarica-
DVM, DABVP (Avian) 814 Johnnie Dodds Blvd., Mt. herpingadventures.com are sold.
Pleasant; 843-216-8387; www.birdsandexotics.com
THE CENTER FOR AVIAN and exotic medicine. The To ensure proper nutrition, be sure
only veterinary hospital in NYC caring exclusively
to thoroughly research your reptiles’
for birds and exotic pets. 212-501-8750; www.
avianandexoticvets.com dietary needs!
Ken Foose
Jim Merli
(Arizona elegans)
Size: Up to 36 inches.