Research Project Rough Draft
Research Project Rough Draft
Research Project Rough Draft
Follow for Follow: An Examination of College Students, Their Social Media Use, and How
Diana Stubblefield
Kim Vickers
Mary Cashin
Augusta University
Dr. Mudambi
May 8, 2019
Follow for Follow
Follow for Follow: An Examination of College Students, Their Social Media Use, and How
Social media plays a huge role in today’s society, especially for young adults. Many
college students begin on social media as teenagers and carry it through to their adult lives.
Social media has many uses for students such as communication, entertainment, and information
sharing, to name a few. The Uses and Gratifications Theory proposes that people choose the
media they consume to satisfy certain needs. This is especially true for social media. There are
many different social media platforms including, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat,
but for our purposes we will look specifically at Instagram. Instagram is a social media platform
that focuses on photographs and their captions and is currently the most widely used platform by
college students. People also use hashtags in their captions to help draw other users to their page.
Instagram is used by college students as a personal photo album, but also to market themselves
and their content to followers, potential employers, and their peers. Instagram is used by artists
and writers as a portfolio and by other users as a resume. With the increase in employers seeking
out potential employees on social media, student users have become more careful with what they
post. It is our belief that the importance of social media in our society influences how people,
especially college students, present themselves to others. The vast majority of the population
uses social media and in today’s court of public opinion, while most followers are supportive,
many are harsh in their opinions and comments on photos. This in turn, affects how students post
photos of themselves and how critical they are of those photos. Throughout our research process,
we found these common themes: importance of maintaining an image, posting process, and how
likes and comments affect the content that students choose to post. The amount of maintenance
that goes into the posting process is greater than we previously assumed for our research. Within
Follow for Follow
the interviewing process we found that Instagram, as a social media platform isn’t typically used
in the same way as other popular platforms. The most notable concept found in our research is
that college students care less about their physical appearance and tend to care more about the
appearance of their profiles in order to properly market themselves in a more professional way.
In order to come to this conclusion, we first found the Uses and Gratifications Theory to be
Literature Review
This review will be focusing specifically on how the Uses and Gratifications Theory
affects college students that participate in social media. Although research has been done looking
at the theory of uses and gratifications in terms of social media with college students and young
adults, research has not been completed across all social media platforms. This review is taking a
look at the basic theory itself in terms of the initial research of uses and gratifications as well as
looking at how the theory plays into people’s use of social media, most specifically how college
The basic concept of the Uses and Gratifications Theory is how people consume social
media, what type of social media they consume, and what satisfaction they receive from that use
(Pribeanu & Balog, 2017). Uses and Gratifications Theory proposes that people are “active
participants in the communication process” (Ungvarsky, 2017, p. 1) and have full control over
what media they choose to consume and why they choose to consume it. Throughout the history
of media theory, uses and gratifications is notable for its shift from the idea that media messages
have the same effect on everyone in a large audience and instead focuses on the individual
Follow for Follow
choices made to fulfill individual needs (Griffin, Ledbetter, & Sparks, 2015, p. 355). For
example, social media users use the “follow” tool to build feeds with their specific interests.
According to the theory, audiences are strong and tend to play a significant role in deciding how
media influence will be presented (Griffin et al., 2015, p. 354). After developing the theory in
1974, Elihu Katz started asking, “What do people do with their media,” rather than “what does
According to Quinn (2016), “The term ‘uses and gratifications’ refers to the uses that
audiences have for employing media and the gratifications sought from media use” (p. 62). Katz
and Blumler (1974) propose the idea that because media users have control over the media they
consume, they are able to then take advantage of the media itself. Ungvarsky (2017) describes
this as the media not controlling the consumer, but the consumer controlling the media (p. 3). In
contrast the media has to compete for attention and is also unable to take advantage of them
(Ungvarsky, 2017). Katz suggests that consumers choose the media platform that best suits them
and that the media itself has no control over that choice (Ungvarsky, 2017). Ungvarsky (2017)
further explains this by stating, “The uses and gratifications theory was expanded to state that
people use a specific medium because it gratifies one of several needs that the individuals have,
and that these needs are driven by the users, not the medium” (p. 3).
Uses and gratifications can be understood in socio-cognitive terms (LaRose & Eastin,
2004). Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory acts as a model for observing the “empirical
relationship between media gratifications and media usage” (LaRose & Eastin, 2004, p. 360). In
studies of uses and gratifications, audiences are seen as extremely active, deciding what media
they want to use and the effect that they want it to have on themselves and others (Griffin et al.,
2015, p. 354). Social media provides its users with many uses and gratifications. These uses
Follow for Follow
and/or gratifications will vary from individual to individual. When it comes to looking at the
specific uses and gratifications within social media it is important to first look at what social
media is and what motives users can have when utilizing it.
Social media has grown as a communication platform over time as technology has
advanced. With the growth of the Internet, platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and
Facebook, along with many others, have become prominent parts of our society today. Carr,
Hayes, and Whon (2016) define social media as “internet-based, disentrained and persistent
deriving value primarily from user-generated content” (p. 172). While each of these platforms is
meant for socializing, they serve different purposes for their users. Facebook is used as a method
of updating family members or friends with the status of the user’s everyday life with text posts
and pictures. Twitter is a more casual platform where people are more open to sharing things that
they might not post on Facebook. Twitter is used as a means to share jokes, political opinions,
and current events. Snapchat is a more personal interaction between close friends only. Users can
send pictures or text to their close friends. Instagram is a curated social media platform where
users can share photos, videos, texts, and stories that highlight the best parts of their lives.
Instagram has the ability to show the most unrealistic versions of people’s lives. Instagram is the
one platform out of all four where people actively try to portray and maintain a specific image.
This is why we chose to look at Instagram and research why and how it serves college students
According to Rathnayake and Winter (2018), because social media is different from other
media, the uses and gratifications are likely to be different. Existing literature states that there are
Follow for Follow
many “studies that examine different types of uses and gratifications perceived by users”
(Rathnayake & Winter, 2018, p. 372). In previous studies, Uses and Gratification Theory, in
reference to social media, shows that uses are broken up into many motives and categories that
escapism, passing time, convenience, and education” (Pribeanu & Balog, 2017, p. 85).
classification scheme that attempts to sort a large number of specific instances into a more
manageable set of categories” (Griffin et al., 2015, p. 357). According to Hayes et al. (2016),
social media users utilize tools such as favorites, likes, shares, and upvotes (p. 172). These tools
are called Paralinguistic Digital Affordances or PDAs and give users the ability to easily
communicate with other users and provide a sense of gratification for their posts (Hayes et al.,
2016, p. 172). According to LaRose & Eastin, Flanagin and Metzger (2001) found that as the
internet becomes a more prevalent media outlet, the gratifications have also been growing at a
very fast pace (2004). Other forms of gratifications include problem solving, persuading others,
relationship maintenance, status seeking, and personal insight (LaRose & Eastin, 2004, p. 359).
dependent on the context of the social network site in which the message is observed” (p. 173).
Social media users can add their own meanings to the likes, shares or favorites they may receive
for their posts. This suggests that users give social media sites different weights that determine
value and the amount of gratification it is able to provide them with (Hayes et al., 2016, p. 173).
Social media users recognize the posting of personal information as a way to reach the social
capital advantages social media has to offer (Quinn, 2016, pp. 62-3).
Follow for Follow
According to LaRose and Eastin (2004), behavioral expectations can be found through
learning, observations, and self-discovery (p. 36). According to Bandura (1986), there are six
basic types of incentives for human behavior: novel sensory, social, status, monetary, enjoyable
activity, and self-reactive incentives (LaRose & Eastin, 2004). LaRose & Eastin (2004) analyzed
these incentives in conjunction with internet gratifications and revealed that conventional uses
and gratifications research underemphasized status and monetary incentives that had significant
positive correlations with internet usage (p. 360). When the needs of consumers become
understood, the different reasons for how users consume media make sense (Griffin et al., 2015,
p.354). Social media lends itself as a hub of information and communication. There are many
reasons how and why college students choose to use their social media.
consumption behaviors (Diddi & LaRose, 2006). According to Quinn (2016), “Individuals use
social media for a variety of purposes; to pass time, maintain relationships, meet new people,
keep up with current trends, and gather social information” (p. 61). Research suggested that
young males don’t gain gratification from intimate social media platforms (like Snapchat) if they
lack relationships with popular social groups, and therefore use other forms of social media to
seek information that will gain them entry into certain popular social groups online (Punyanunt-
Carter, De La Cruz, & Wrench, 2017). Younger generations are needing real time information
and instant answers now more than ever (Arslan, 2018). For educational purposes, it is important
to understand why students use the social media they choose to use and the importance of that
use (Pribeanu & Balog, 2017). Social media is a way for college students to keep in touch with
their friends, but also serves as a platform in the teaching and learning process (Arslan, 2018).
Follow for Follow
In using the more intimate social media platform Snapchat, young users are less
concerned with sharing content that presents themselves in a more composed way, but are more
concerned with sharing themselves in a more personal and genuine way to other users
(Punyanunt-Carter et al., 2017). This is due to the fact that the content shared is not permanent,
and much more private than other social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook, and
therefore, with a smaller audience viewing one’s posts or messages, people feel more inclined
and less judged to share vulnerable content (Punyanut-Carter et al., 2017). The study found that
people with high levels of communication apprehension used Snapchat more than people with
low levels and were able to meet companionship and social interaction needs through pictures
and content shared (Punyanunt-Carter et al., 2017). This research conveyed the idea that people
who are wary of face-to-face social interaction use social media to subdue social fear, and in
Pribeanu & Balog (2017) explains that different researchers have found many reasons
that students use the internet and social media, such as information seeking, interpersonal utility,
pass time, convenience, and entertainment ( p. 85), while Quinn (2016) found companionship,
voyeur, communications, professional use, and escape (p. 81). Wang, Tchernev, and Solloway
(2012) mention solitude as a factor of the social environment that has an effect on social media
needs and uses, along with “perceived interpersonal support” of the individual who uses social
media (p. 1831). A study conducted by Papacharissi and Rubin (2000) concludes that people use
the internet as an alternative to other channels that they are no longer satisfied with, i.e. instead
of interpersonal communication (Pribeanu & Balog, 2017, p. 85). Wang et al. (2012) found that
with interpersonal support, one gains a sense of “tangible aid, self-esteem, and feelings of
belonging and attainment,”(p. 1832). In short, when one uses social media and receives support
Follow for Follow
on their posts from peers, they gain self-esteem. Therefore, they will be inclined to post more on
social media and cater their posts to their peers to gain the gratification they seek.
Pribeanu and Balog’s (2017) model for research focused on previous studies and work
based on three identified gratifications: extending social relations, information and collaboration,
and maintaining social relations and based on those gratifications, reasons for continued
intention to use Facebook and that each of these gratifications has a positive influence on
continued use. Their study showed that all three gratifications are important to university
students, but some more than others. The most important is extending social relations. They are
more interested in learning more about the people around them and finding new relationships.
Results from the Wang et al. (2012) study with college students, their social media, and
other media usage and gratifications showed that the more solitude a student experienced, the
more that student used social media to satisfy their social, emotional, cognitive, and habitual
needs. The data from the results showed a steady trend in the relation of social media usage,
which was driven by a necessity to satisfy the four needs, as the participants experienced more or
less solitude. The study conveyed the idea that when interpersonal support was low, the social
media used to satisfy social needs increased significantly. In terms of gratification, social media
Research done on college aged students showed that a PDA [paralingual digital
affordance] on each platform has different meaning when it comes to gratification (Hayes et al.,
2016, p. 177). According to Hayes et al., college students “...paradoxically reported engaging in
such habitual PDA behaviors without consideration of the content, but subsequently ascribing
meaning to the PDA they received that may well have been habitually clicked by a friend” (p.
183). Hayes et al. (2016) states that some students “questioned the value of a post,” and some
Follow for Follow
will even delete posts because of unsatisfactory results (p. 177). Wang et al. (2012) conveyed
that social media use can change one’s motivations in terms of media choices and usage, which
can simultaneously influence one’s future social media choices and use (p.1830). This is referred
to as “reciprocal causality, or mutual influence,” in which motivation and media use are mutually
influential to one another (Wang et al., 2012, p.1830). This differs from the typical perspective of
media use behaviors to their effects on “emotion, cognition, or behavior” (Wang et al., 2012, p.
1830). Hayes et al. (2016) show that college students felt happy when they posted and received
likes and unhappy when they posted and did not receive likes (p. 179). Quinn (2016) found that
college aged social media users are mindlessly taking in content, but are more thought out when
it comes to posting their own content (p. 81). Hayes et al. (2016) writes, “Participants also noted
that they utilized PDAs [paralingual digital affordances] as a form of social support. This social
support also had an aspect of social grooming, as participants would respond to others’ content
through PDAs because they felt obliged to do so as a part of relationship maintenance” (p. 179).
In conclusion, social media is a huge part of the modern college student’s life. Many
studies have shown that college students use a variety of social media sites for many different
reasons, including education, creating new social relationships, maintaining old and current
social relationships, information seeking, and passing time. However, there is a gap in the
research. Much of the research conducted asks what students get out of using social media, but it
doesn’t reflect much on the students’ use of social media to influence how they present
themselves. Also, much of the research was focused on social media as a whole and not any
specific platform. In today’s society, social media plays a massive role in the daily lives of
young adults, especially college students, and it is our belief that it affects how they present
themselves to their followers. Instagram is arguably the most popular and widely used social
Follow for Follow
media platform used by college students today and most previous research focused on older
In order to address the gap left in previous research, the following research question is
RQ1: How does college students’ use of social media, specifically Instagram, present a
particular image?
The target population for this study consists of college students in the United States that
use Instagram. The sampling frame is Augusta University college students between the ages of
18-23 that use Instagram. We used convenience sampling and, in at least one case, snowball
sampling. Compared to other sampling methods, convenience sampling was the best option
because we had immediate access to traditional college aged students on campus at Augusta
University. To recruit we simply asked students that we knew if they would participate in the
study. A challenge that came up for each of us was being able to get four people to participate in
the interviews. Snowball sampling helped address this problem. According to Davis and Lachlan
(2017), snowball sampling “asks study participants to make referrals to other potential
In-depth interviews were used as the method of data collection. The in-depth interviews
allowed for participants to go into detail about their use of Instagram and the image they present
to their followers. In-depth interviews will also give us the opportunity “to understand his or her
history and version of the story and the ways that he or she makes sense of his or her actions in
the context of his or her cultural narratives” (Davis & Lachlan, 2017, p. 319). For this research
project it was imperative that we spoke to the participants in a comfortable setting without the
Follow for Follow
added pressure of feeling overwhelmed or being influenced by others which most likely would
participant was given a consent form to sign. The consent form can be seen below in Appendix
A. We interviewed 4 males and 12 females. In some cases, our participants had more than one
Instagram account. Each interview was conducted separately in quiet areas to protect participant
confidentiality. All interviews averaged 45 minutes. Each interviewee was given a pseudonym to
protect identity. Information about the participants can be found in Appendix B. Some
challenges faced when it came to interviewing were participants that still felt nervous to answer
questions truthfully. To address this we had to reassure them that the interview was casual like a
conversation and that we would do everything we could to keep the interview confidential.
Data was analyzed through transcription of interviews. Each interview was captured
using a voice recorder app then transcribed by each interviewer. Transcriptions were scanned for
similarities across all interviews. Recurring themes throughout interviews and research of prior
After completing our interviews three main themes emerged. We discovered that
maintaining image, the posting process, and how likes and comments affected each participant
were factors in the image they chose to present on Instagram. We expected to learn more about
how Instagram affected self perception, body image in particular, and were surprised by the
actual outcome.
Maintaining Image
Follow for Follow
Throughout our interviewing process, the data collected indicated that as students age
their appearance becomes less of a priority, but the way they market themselves became more
important. Any art and content they post is perfectly curated. Most participants stated that it is
important for them to maintain a certain aesthetic throughout their profile. They post pictures
that they like, but they edit the photos to have a cohesive theme. One participant, Nicole, 20, has
two Instagram accounts, one for her blog and one personal account. When it comes to the
difference in aesthetics of both accounts she stated, “On my blog account I post more I guess
cohesive images. I think about location, what the background looks like, and I’m more aware of
what the photo looks like versus my personal account which is more of my friends and personal
life.” This evidence indicates that the participant, Nicole, runs her blog account as a professional
business and it is important for her to present herself as such through her posts. Nicole also
mentioned in her interview that her personal account is private so only people she allows to
follow her can as opposed to her blog account which is public and anyone has access to viewing
Another participant, Sarah, 21, revealed that she typically will post pictures that she
genuinely likes instead of what will get her the most likes from her followers, but still focuses on
the aesthetic of her feed. In her interview she stated, “I guess sometimes I try to think about just
posting something because I like the photo, but I think oftentimes it turns into is it gonna look
good with everything else that I have on my page? I think like in the back of our mind, a lot of us
do that.” The data collected from Sarah shows, again, that it is important for the participants to
project a specific image of themselves onto this social media platform. This focus on the overall
aesthetic of one’s profile is the one aspect of Sarah’s use of Instagram that has stayed constant
Follow for Follow
since she started her profile, as she focuses less on the engagement, but still finds it important to
In regards to our research question, we found that maintaining a well put together image
is important to participants. Having a theme and specific aesthetic is one of the top priorities of
everyone we spoke to. As participants went through different stages of the growth and maturity
process, they seemed to lose the sense of caring about what their followers think about them and
the photos they post. While many of them stressed that what others think doesn’t factor into what
they post, the import that they place on image as well as their posting process, suggests
Posting Process
In interviews, participants said that how they brand themselves is more important to them
than their body image; however, when it came to discussing the process in which they post
detailed processes. This indicated that whether or not they are conscious of it, there may be some
part of them that cares about how they look. The process for all interviewees is to take multiple
pictures, find acceptable photos, edit those photos, in some instances send options to friends,
think of captions, and then post. The amount of time participants spend on each post varies from
30 minutes to a week, proving that they put more thought and effort into their process than they
initially believed.
Rachel, 21, said that sometimes she finds herself spending a lot of time crafting posts,
using filters, and coming up with clever captions for each photo. She said that there is an
unwritten rule on Instagram that you shouldn’t post too much which causes her to put more
thought and care into the pictures that she does post. Lilli, 23, manages two Instagram accounts,
Follow for Follow
one personal and one for her Cosplay. She said that she puts much less time and thought into her
personal account because it is just for her, her friends, and her family. She puts a lot more energy
into the upkeep of her Cosplay account because it is open to strangers and therefore more
criticism. She expressed that she wants to be sure the photos are as perfect as they can be. Lilli
stated, “It usually takes me anywhere from 5-30 minutes to post a picture. For my Cosplay
account I research the character that I am and find a quote for that, give credit to the
photographer or any friends that are in the picture with me, and then I have to list all of the
hashtags that I need to get more people to look at my picture, so it usually takes longer.”
For Sarah, 21, the time it takes to post a picture depends on the photo and what she’s
trying to say in the post. For more serious and personal posts it takes her longer to think of
captions and make sure the post fits with her aesthetic. For more casual posts of family or friends
it takes around 20 minutes to think of a caption and decide on a photo. “Generally when I’m
posting a picture, there’s a lot of, I guess like thinking that goes on of: Who would like the
picture? Is my caption going to fit with the picture? What do I need to say with this picture?”
A common attitude among the interviewees was a feeling that getting a lot of likes
doesn’t make someone feel worse about themselves, but has little to no effect on them. Although
it didn’t apply to them, some of the students noted that they had friends who would post at
specific times of day because they were told certain times produced more traffic on the platform
and would get them more likes. As far as comments are concerned the students enjoyed getting
comments on their posts as a way to connect with others, as well as having something to look
back on. For students who had instagram feeds based more on art such as the graphic design
Follow for Follow
student, Justin, 18, likes on a picture can help him understand which pieces of his work are more
One participant, Lily, 20, explained how her perception of likes and comments changed
from high school to college. She was able to recognize the importance of likes and comments in
high-school culture that caused people to compare themselves to their classmates based on the
amount of likes and comments they got. Now in college, Lily has revealed that the importance of
likes and comments has changed, “In college I don’t care at all, but there’s still like a part of me
that cares, but not enough to do anything about it because I know it’s like: Am I posting this for
Chris, 22, thinks that getting likes on Instagram affects self esteem. He believes that
seeing people like or not like your picture changes the way you feel about yourself in that
moment. Chris stated, “People like those little hearts, you know? It makes you feel good about
yourself whenever you post a picture and you get 40 or 50 little hearts. You sit there and you
think Wow! People actually do care about what I post. People care about what's going on in my
life. Then when you get less little hearts on a photo, you're like ok. People didn't care as much.”
The biggest conclusion we were able to draw from our research is that as the user gets
older their use of the social media for personal gratification decreases. We found that as they got
older how they looked physically mattered less and the importance of personal image and how
they presented themselves on social media increased. When we began our research our question
was focused on how Instagram affects the body images of college students, however, our results
led us to change the question to “How does college students’ use of social media, specifically
Instagram, present a particular image?” For many, their Instagram accounts became a way to
Follow for Follow
show off their art and other work rather than themselves. Almost all of the participants stated that
they were not as concerned with what other people think in terms of likes and comments,
however, when they answered questions about the posting process and how they maintain an
This research took a closer look into one specific platform as opposed to previous
research that focused on the general Uses and Gratifications of multiple social media platforms,
not just Instagram. We found that if we chose to focus on multiple platforms as opposed to just
Instagram, the data and findings would be much more complex because the participants used
each platform differently. Although the data from interviews with the limited number of
participants is adequate, future research could focus on interviewing a much larger sample size,
interviewing more college students, and even expanding the parameters to other institutions. This
research raises the question, how does Instagram compare to other social media sites in terms of
the Uses and Gratifications and emphasis on body image? Does Instagram have the most impact
on body image and self-esteem or do other social media platforms like Facebook have more of
an impact?
Follow for Follow
Appendix A
Study Title: Follow for Follow: An Examination of College Students, Their Social Media Use,
and How It Affects Their Perception of Themselves
Student Research Team Members: Kim Vickers, Mary Cashin, Diana Stubblefield, Mary Will
We will ask you to answer each question as truthfully and completely as possibly. Some of the
questions may be uncomfortable to answer, but in order to have an accurate study we need
completely truthful answers.
Study time: Study participation will take approximately one session for 45-60 minutes.
Study location: All study procedures will take place at a location convenient for you.
Follow for Follow
I would like to audio-record this interview to make sure that I remember accurately all the
information you provide. These recordings will only be used by the members involved in this
study. This will not be optional as we need to be as accurate as possible.
I may quote your remarks in the final paper for my Research course and the final research
presentation to be made to the class. A pseudonym will be used to protect your identity, unless
you specifically request that you be identified by your true name.
As with all research, there is a chance that confidentiality of the information we collect from you
could be breached – we will take steps to minimize this risk, as discussed in more detail below in
this form.
How will you protect the information you collect about me, and how will that information
be shared?
Results of this study will be used only for the purposes of the course. If we share the data that we
collect about you for this purpose, we will remove any information that could identify you before
we share it. Individual names and other personally identifiable information will not be used.
Your study data will be handled as confidentially as possible.
To minimize the risks to confidentiality, we will secure consent forms and only discuss results
with research team members and our professor
Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns about this research study?
If you have questions, you are free to ask them now. If you have questions later, you may contact
the researchers at Kim Vickers (619)618-6808,, Diana Stubblefield (803)-
634-7460 or, Mary Will Showman (706)945-9161 or, Mary Cashin (706) 941-2059 or You may also
contact the course instructor Dr. Anjana Mudambi at
I have read this form and the research study has been explained to me. I have been given the
opportunity to ask questions and my questions have been answered. If I have additional
questions, I have been told whom to contact. I agree to participate in the research study described
above and will receive a copy of this consent form.
Participant’s Name (printed)
______________________________________________________ ________________
Participant’s Signature Date
Follow for Follow
Appendix B
5. In what ways do the people you follow influence the content you post?
6. How would you compare your Instagram page to your friends’ pages?
7. Can you explain how important it is for you to have a theme/aesthetic throughout your
(personal) feed?
8. How do likes influence what you post and what you remove from Instagram?
10. What makes a photo that you take worthy enough to be posted on instagram?
11. In what ways has your instagram page changed since you began using it?
12. How do you feel when you look back over posts from your past?
13. Can you explain how you or someone might feel pressure to delete pictures from your
14. Can you think of a time you felt pressured to look a certain way in your pictures?
15. How does Instagram, relating to body image, affect how you see yourself?
Follow for Follow
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